H IL L S B O R O Paire Tw» -i "It will be a simple m atter." Mid Vance, "to go over the tabouret for fingerprints and to compare them w ith yours.” “It would be unnecessary, how­ ever." came the calm reply. "You would find my fingerprints on it. I often touch the fu rn itu re and objects in this room." Vance sm iled faintly and.- I thought, admiringly. "In that ease we shan't bother." He moved round the lam p and stood for a moment beside a circu­ lar camphor-wood table just be­ hind the davenport. Iu the center of the table, on a slender leak- wood base, stood a white baluster- type vase about nine inches tall. 1 had noticed Vance stop and glance at this vase when h<_ had first entered the library; but now ARGU S, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Thursday. April I, 1935 Sauvies Island visited Mr and Mrs We s|>eeiuli/e in quality com­ Ch.ult's Bos and family Sunday. mercial printing Argus. tf Mr 'feeder of C entralia has been spending a few days on bis place Dully i*ii|w to Portlund at C idar Mill. H ills b o ro A u to F r r ig h t Mr and Mrs Bay Page*. Mi and Mrs Sam Kunz, and Clarence Kunz Itondixl »tut Insured Carrier of Portland visilmi Mr and Mis Proceeds W e d n e s d a y Show Charles Boy and Mr a n d Mis Serving Heuveriuti. Aloliu, H erd* ■y ville, lllllwhor«», Cornelius and J Glenn C arr Sunday afternoon G o to B aseball T e a m Forest Grove William Kassabaum of Portland S. S. V « n D'na Pickup ami D elivery Servie« at ’ visited Mr. and Mis Charles Boy Package Rate« • IIEl’HANV CEDAH MILL Hill Friday. Hillsboro Phone MJ B ill> farce, 'Let's (let HHeheti,” CopyrtRht by W . H. W rig h t will In* p u so n ted by the Cellar Fust SUU* 'IVrmlnal Portland O ur classified columns may have Mill bnsebill team next Wednes­ Just what you are looking for i W NU S ervir» Ph e s w e r e ment for tl ” . t>aseball team Cake and had »een Coe seated, a revolver in f i x e d o n V a n c e 'S f a c e . and coffee will be sold r X ^ h,^ X ,* - t bi X ihT n J ." E xtrordln-ry!" Vance m urm ur- Dinner guests of M C Larsen nod«. M.rth.rn »nd Vance «« to Co«-« cd after several moments eontem- and faintly .Sunday were Dorothy h»u«e in New York-» 7®». The» ft»» plation of the vase Then he lifted; Boberts. Howard Himes. M i s s Wrede. » friend of C o e «. /h e r e »Uo » ,d s e y c g lethargically "I Say, Mr Repairs, alterations, and home Nellie Larsen and Mrs L. Terrill 2S d ” D J?«SS i; H e S X e y X S r v , ,n the Liang was this bit of lo tte ry on of Portland O ther Sunday guests im provem ents result in health­ dJbr. revealing the death rluunher. Coe I the table early last night? were Mr and Mrs Ralph Hamilton b c l ^ .n a d t ^ i « ^ o w n bat wear» „H o w c o u ld j l> o s s lb ly know ier surroundings, a lightening and Erwin Endorf of Portland J iS T ' |le mused. "R ather S iences give the young people L. Young visited Mr and Mrs. B nam tocr Doremus arrive« a n d **v» pride and satisfaction in the su icid e; then on being asked about car- inferior. I should say it was im- John Hipes of Portlund Sunday tain m ysterious feature« by Vance, b» i Ration Ting yao made under Taol farm home Mrs. Cleve Owens visited her change« h i. mind. He declare« Coe had K u a n g . This piece W O ltid never niece. Mrs. Robert Parks, of P o rt­ h«dh H” i. W fX n d % . “X ¡have deceived a collector as shrewd By JAMES G. KOWKIX. <\ S land Erldav hMil Ix'cr» struck on the head and one o f 3S A r c h e r C o c . • . . Do yOU not of Kaitasa City. Missouri SEBA se\. ing club met ut Mrs his ribs broken. F in ally a sm all wound a g r e e w ith me. Mr. Liang*” Sam W alter's home Wednesday. is faoad. The wound had bled internally. ”M r. Coe knew much uDOUt Member of the Board of I«ectureship of The Mother Church, M o ve to P ortlan d The First Church of Christ Sei«nti«L in Boston, Mas«. L“ Z ;u S S t.*-H rh o lir'X cW .p* Chinese ceramics," the Chinaman Mr and Mrs E Nelson mo’ ed Coa'a wound, show in g Coe w as fu lly answered evasively, w ithout taking to Portlund Saturday. J raoed when he was stabbed. Gamble h i s eyes from Vance. In Union High School Auditorium, 7th Ave. N Lincoln Young spent two days route 2. Mr Sim antel came to C ..L ..-1 L - announce» th at there ia som ething q u eer, y ance shook his head sadly-. "No and E. Lincoln St., Hillaboro, Oregon. Oregon last fall from Wolsey. S. D 3 4 -lT O llS K < D I K .llT S in the front halt. last week w ith his son, Frank A rcher would never have been C HA PTER III--T h ey find a wounded Young of Portland. Newcomers to Washington county I Scotch terrier V ance takm the dug hi been Cosro tht. sUnd. but suddeniy w ithheld Hugh Adams and Ray Neil o f' bekah lodge in conjunction with Henry Seheuerm an near Bloom­ K T ScX « ¡¡toL dT n... .n im port^ ‘he movement of his hand and set ing inserted an advertisem ent in Lincoln lodge will sponsor a social con aectin g link. Gamble aaya Brisbane the vase to One side. ( By Francis S. B arri Coe. Archer'« brother, w ho lived in_ the Leaning over, he pushed the lit­ the classified section of the Argus evening next Wednesday In honor house, le ft for Chicago the previous a fter­ Change in the w eather soon to and his horse was sold the m orn­ of the new members of both lodges. noon. V ance dcclazaa Brisbane could not tle teakwood pedestal out of the Ten mwnban of Ruby Rabtkah triangle of perm it farming was the prediction ing the paper came o u t . Mr have gone to Chicago, a« his favorite way, revealing a tiny _ thin w hite porcelain, about an ° t Mrs. G. C. Chase on route 4. An Seheuerm an was found doing some lodge and their eundidale. Mrs stick is hanging in the hail. Bertha Wekii n, went to Tig.ml early spading. CH A PTER IV — Mi»« Lake declare« inch wide, w hich had been lying earlF garden was planned but cold March 26. where she was initiuted there wa« n o love lo«t between Archer hidden underneath Carefully * ad- w eather checked progress. Tha by the Tigard team. X o £ r^ i X d Bn. '£ X 1* u T S n i c X i justing his monocle he picked up Chase boys are now contenting ?n the low er hail of the Coe home his the bit of porcelain and held it be- them selves with cutting wood Scholls Rebekah club last Wed­ dead body b diecovervd. V ance inter- tween his thum b and forefinger to Henry Jacobson at West Union nesday evening decided to have rogatee th e C hinese cook. Liang, who (he light. was doing a very expert job of one day-tim e social meeting ei.ch X*midnighi nOt re ” *° e ' "Now. this is em inently different,-- re-topping his c ar’ The clearing of month First of such meetings is (By Mr». O. H. Fetereonl --------- he rem arked, studying it closely fence rows recently has added to scheduled far April 21 (C ontinued from last week) "A pparently a particle of genuine the appearance of his farm Mr. BEND — L ittle Ronald E i s n e r Vance, during this interrogation. Sung Ting yao. A vase of this del- Jacobson .ast week took an air- celebrated bis second birthday at N O W O N R IG H T T R A C K had appeared casual; and his m an- ¡cate porcelain would do honor to plane ride over the surrounding the home of his parents. Mr and "I was a locomotive engineer I ner had been deferential But now any collection." country w ith his brother who is a Mrs H L Eisner Present were pulled my train into Los Angeles hi« A ttitu d e '6 H ts ^ v e s hardened Gently he placed the little w hite pilot He reported seeing much his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs R. that day and went to the opening « i d h e leaned forward in his chair' tn a n « le in his pocket, and address- snow left in the hills Mrs. Jacob- M Scott a rd sons W alter and Wil­ meeting of the new City Mission h ™ l e W s r o lw was row the Chinaman, who sat immo- son. recently in the hospital, has liam and daughter-in-law and son Sud^inromnromLsme biIe and unblinking during Vance’s returned to her home and is im- Norman, parents and brothers of to please a friend There I h e . o d Gospel from which I had a l­ Mrs. Eisner. Mr. and Mrs. Fred the “Mr. Liang. ' he said, "at w hat co^ ® en ts. proving. ways turned away I w ent forward, tim e did you first return to this ~ d not M r Coe possess a Sung This has been the worst month Weller and daughters Bonnie June accepted Christ as Saviour und liouse—early last n ig h t?-’ , Ting yao vase. Mr Liang, about of March ir 45 years, according to and Patty. Mr. and Mrs Ed Jo h n ­ Lord and beeame their first con­ There was a clouded, faraway ‘be ^ ze ° t ibis execrable Tao Ku- ’ Ulrich He-zig. who lives n e a r son and daughter Lucille and M ari­ vert; tw enty-five years ago So our look in the Chinam an's eyes. u ,• «. . Mason Hill. Logging o p e ra tio n s . an _ Eisner . , friend, the Rev Britton Ross, out­ "I did not t eturn early last night." 1 believe he did. Liang spoke were going across the road, which I school program was postponed standing pastor of Salem, gave his he answered, in a faulty sing-song in a curiously repressed voice, according to Mr. Herzig will have from last Friday until tomorrow testimony at a recent meeting at voice. " I arrived at midnight." w ithout m odulation or inflection ! its good and bad points. Cutting 'F rid ay ! d ie to several of the the Hinson Memorial church, P ort­ "Yes. you arrived a t midnight— "And when did you last see the t the tim ber gives a good view of children being out of school a land Gamble heard you come in. But I Ting yao vase last?” ■ the valley but also clears all ob- few days w ith *1Ines8 Next spoke another Mission con­ am speaking of your earlier visit “I do not rem ember." I struction to the w ind Mr Herzig Mr. and Mrs Bert Meyer vis- vert. an upstanding Hawaiian, now —some time around eight o’clock. Vance kept his steady eyes on has taken the Argus for over "5 *ted recentiy at the home of Mis on his way back to the Islands let us say." the man. years ~ Meyer s brother, John White, at His father had been town m ar­ , ‘‘You are evidently laboring un- "When. Mr. Liang, did you last Farm in„ ______ Tualatin V iew and brought Mr shal over there and had lost out der a misapprehension," Liang re- see this nineteenth-century imita- as X ™ h e r w h ‘te hom*' with the™ to spend through drink The boy came to turned. ! tion-’" He’ 35 w eather perm its at the J. A. I several days. Vance ignored the retort. the table P Vuylsteke farm on C ornelius route Mr and Mra o j Tollefson and the states, worked us a track-hand "And what did you see in., this nnt 1 Mr VuylMeke is m ilk.ng 17 cow s1 Mr and ° J ™ l ' f“ n and t . . __ i- mr. vuyisiexe is mincing 17 cows I r. u j . , . ,---- 1 on a Montana railw ay, received looked8 half ntO hourge ^ u n y ° a t e £ 5en“ “ ° n hls - i n e . who is"‘staying at «¿e T oile? - r & l ,± . room a t about eight o’clock? “How could I have seen any Seattle There he became despon- thing, when I was not here?" came ' -^ tor a full half-m inute; then ' Several w . , . _ “ “ visited Lorraine’s par- dent and was on hill way to ---- ------ ------------ ■- h*s eyes retu rned to Vance. several acres of low land h a \e ents. Mr and Mrs. VanTessel. and -i, ,,, lh,,,r iir,da..s the calm, unruffled reply. A group of young ¿?-op^e m a ‘ rcher Coe?", “I have never seen it before." been under w ater tw .ee this win- family at Troutdale Sunday Did you see Mr. Arc ¡"ally i S T * J he.« L W.OU1M farm near Mr .n d Mrs AMwt Scott vis- *" persisted Vance "I assure you—" ____, ___ i-,, "And was anyone with him ?-- his monocle to his waistcoat pock- and almost a11 wil1 under -— culti- H .I » , . 1 » Mr S co tf. n « « .„ d --------------------------- “ “ d T was not here.” i et. “And here it sits in a place of va.lion thls ^ ear „ oand, a? ° spent Sevtral! not have that gave them courage "I’erhaps you visited Mr Coe s honor, crying out its souriousness Mrs H L Halvorsen of Hillsboro r'or.r*» ,r t u"« i , ¡j t0 l*ve and he wanted it. He fol- bedroom upstairs.” Vance went on to anyone who enters the room t route 0 added her name to the k ,S r V‘ «ted H.ePP|,er lowed them into the Mission hall with quiet but firm insistence. “And Most interestin'.” ' j man.v Argus readers this week. r 2 ^ ,S P a S t r k °ir * .W? and came back other nights, to then, it may be, you thought it who had plans near to future get 100 S ’ l o r to £ v e disappear T £ P& - from I™ISi y the ‘ou “ " M d" arkham Vance’s a p ^ b e n e n t rhafin« ^ r e l e ? Mrs- baby Halvorsen c lu c k the advisable .h i. vicinity last week !eeS rinaI1y K° forward. "If there Is a in this 1 God let him take the hate out of w ^ T o u t reti^ning a t ih to iS h t " ■ fancies, now spoke. . J ve *" Oregon four years Fred ,, Weller , . Honored . . . my heart," was his cry. On the in- “I was not in this house”—Liang -' "w hat Possible connection can a 4 h ^ '^ a . ^ 'i n e 8 to NebJaska ’ « ’ Fred r Weller celebrated his birth- ...... Siam 8tant m , he e Lora Lord am dld it T his man spoke »rith deliberation—"between vase have with the m urder of , ‘s ' ' as tne exPr ®s?lon °* Mrs day at his home March 27. Present a]so has b(.(.n »rowing He had just half-past two yesterday afternoon, Archer and B risbane Coe ’" ¿?hn B.u rkey ° n Hillsboro route 5 were Mr. and Mrs. H L. Eisner aomt? Jr X holding meetings up and m idnight." There was a finality "That point," answ ered Vance Mr and Mrs Burkey came to Ore- and children M arian and Ronald North and has his eve on an island in both his m anner and his tone. dulcetly. is w hat I am endeavorin gon from Farw «*l- Neb four years and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Johnson and in ,w -,n w h e r e th e W ord i' in h Hawaii w here the Word h has Vance sighed wearily, and. tu rn - to ascertain. Y- see. M arkham Ar- ago Mr Turkey s brother, who daughter Lucille never gone; there he plans to open ing to the hall door, called G am - cher Coe would not have included livcs th ere- is expected to arrive work among his own people „ this Tao Kuang vase in his c o l-! ln O reg°n this spring. The Burkeys Both men agree to it; "God com- Where was Mr. Archer Coe sit- lection. Why is it here" I haven't are doing general farm ing on their mendeth his love tow ard us. in 2H " y ’ er-t,th e groggiest notion 5 n the other 30 a" es but Plan concentrate • By Vivian Hudaon) that while we were yet sinners, “On the davenport, sir." Gamble band- ^ a t little broken piece of ™ *h« J.3*4?"« “f chickens. Their .... .............................. Mr and Mrs. Willis ........... M H iatt Christ died for us." Romans 5:S — told him. “In that corner near the Sung Porcelain is of a beautiful s? ° n be ‘"creas- visited Mr and Mrs Alvin H unger George N. Taylor. Beaverton Paid er-s quality I can im agine Coe w axing ed by 500 baby chicks. Mrs Burkey of O rchardale Wednesday evening Adv floor lam p It was Mr Archer' ( ecstatic over a vase of such w are ” * as born in Washington county, Mrs. W R Hudson visited Mrs ________________ favorite seat "Well?” M arkham retorted ir-1 2!.° . . . . Sophia Smith o f Forest Grove Quality job printing—Argus Vance nodded and rose. 'That w m ^ 1 a'll 'for the oresent ' r ‘.!ably “I still can't see the s i g - _Tb??;„ im!’I°YelPent w eather Wednesday afternoon. A tio n r i t n v n n r H u t le s »¡Il w « i n*ficance. . . . .” ” conditions will be welcomed by j Mr. and ___ ___ ___ Jesse of I Mrs. __ August u 5 “Nor can I." Vance became ser- country people was the opinion o f ' O rchardale visited the L. Jesse G a m b le w e n t nut a n d Vance ious But •• has significance—and ,M rs- L. Robinson near Greens- home Thursday afternoon. walked to the davenDort and look- 3 v*131 significance. It is another bur8. ° n Tigard route 1. Mr. Robin- A lbert ar d W alter Jesse have " th an ks FOfi telling ml ed down at it B e s id e the la m n absurdly irrelevant factor in this son operates a dairy and is milking been working at the Moehnke iog- ! about the and in front of the davenport hideous case Because that little 20 cows at the present time. He i ging camp this past week. Tom | stSEE1)«^> SEEDS PORTLAND SEED COMPANY Seeds from Us! Pay Cash and Save! Buy them a t Imperial Feed & Hillsboro Feed Co. Ph«me 271 W. M *in St. Your laundry done sparkliniily white, with th a t snowy f re s h n e s s only our modern plant can give. Ready to dry and iron . . . the most economical way! — BUY — D ia m o n d Q u a lity BUY YOUR PORTLAND SEEDS from FARMERS- CASH STORE Complete Stock of PORTLAND SEEDS at FAIRWAY MARKET When you buy a pound of candy, you can put it on the scales and prove that it weighs 16 ounces. A quart of milk will pour out two full pints—or a dozen oranges will he exactly 12, when you count them. Grain Co. Miller« of Quality Feeds Phone 01 2nd Ave., South Home Laundry Si Dry Cleaners Telephone 17 IlilMrnro, Ore. In absence of the opportunity to follow every one of these newspapers to their readers’ homes, an organ­ ization was formed 21 years ago which was named Audit Bureau of Circulations (A. B. C.). Newspaper members of the A. B. C. are required to make a strict accounting of every detail of their circulations. Once every twelve months an A. B. C. auditor ana­ lyzes the previous years’ circulation totals. He counts and re-counts—checks and re-checks in his inspection until every phase of circulation activity has been pene­ trated. Figuratively, he follows home every one o f the newspapers. If quantities of the newspaper have been distributed without order or payment—if cut rates have been offered—if premiums have been used to* at­ tract subscribers, full details of these facts are noted in the A. B. C. audit report. In addition to this, the report shows e x a c t ly h o w m u ch circulation, e x a c tly w h e r e it is distributed. An A. B. C. newspaper gives full-measure advertising value because it trivc« full count circulation. HILLSBORO ARGUS One of Only Two W eekly N ew spaper A. B. ( ’. Members of the Rocky Mountains. W e«i