Two Sections— Full of Now«, fur All uf the Fuinily. W ith Which is Com binai the Hillsboro Independent One of Only Two Weekly Papers West of Rockies NO. 7 UILkSBOKO, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1935 VOLUME 42 S ta te C a p ito l rgus A.B.C. Member— Editor Cites Sane Control N e w s L e tte r Music Festivals to be Conducted County Schools Adoption Ag Plan Urged Trout Fishermen Anxiously Await Season's Opening Shute Bank D epositors i j y w • Federal Housing Drive Launched City Faces / OvCf Local disciples of Izaak Walton Committees to arrange m u s ic House-to-house canvass to pro­ have beer overhauling gear and l.-.tivuls May 3 to 10 St W a.sii mote the federal housing campaign spotting fishing holes for the past mgton county school centers were in Washington county was started few weeks In preparation for the announced this week by O. B in the Beaverton area Monday opening of the trout fishing sea­ Kraus, county school supcrinlcnd- Cabell Appointed New morning with three canvassers son tomorrow morning. As if the | ent Programs ure planned as a working under the direction of opportunity to don old clothes, get part of the National Music Week Member of State Clifford O Mabee of Aloha. Coin­ into the country and feel the observance. N e w Residents o f C o u n ty out T h ir d D iv id e n d to be P aid cident with the county drive came Com m ission on C e le b ra tio n thrill of the first strike of the sea­ Festivals are planned at Hills­ L e g is la tu re E vades R a d ic a l Highway Body the announcement that the Com­ son were not enough to attract boro, Forest Grove, Beaverton, Ti- L im ite d to A rra n g in g H e a r Discussions o f C o m m e rc ia l C la im a n ts mercial National bank and Hills­ P itfa lls D u rin g Session, fishermen away f r o m business 1 gard, Banks, Gaston, North Plains. boro branch of the First National fo r Sponsorship car«s. two local hardware stores Tualatin, J edmore and L a u r e l F a rm P ro b le m s on N e x t T h u rs d a y bank of Portland were now ready S tates C h a p m a n ALEM Henry f Cabell, new I schools. Students from other schools are offering prizes for the largest to accept applications under Title member of the state highway catches reported. I w ill attend the program at the II of the federal housing act. eominlaulon, Is the youngest man Bristol Hardware company is of­ ' nearest center. Appointment of housing campaign ever to be honored by appoint-| fering a reel to the person having Central committee for the events chairmen in the various county merit to that commission. He w illi the largest catch of trout during consists of C. H. Nosier of Hills­ towns was completed this week by not be 40 until next November. the period between April 5 and boro, Miss Merle Davies of Bcuver- T. G. Bronlewe, county chairman. He la a luitive of Oregon, the ton, Mrs Ituth H. Will of North D a iry in g , H o r tic u ltu r e an d noon on April 15. A second prize P ro je c t fo r T e n n is H ave R eceived Omar Fer.dall was named in the S E R A grandson of Henry Falling, prom­ In flu e n c e o f F e d e ra l R e lie f Plains, Mrs Esther Allen of For­ of a steel casting rod for the next C la im a n ts Forest Grove area, Robert Scearce i n e n t Oregon pioneer, and Is said largest catch. Judging w ill be in est Grove and Clyde Hopkins of C o u rt* G ets A p p ro v a i P o u ltry Discussed H e re G ood S h a re o f A ccounts in the Hillsboro territory. Dr. J. R. to be the richest man In the state. I P ro g ra m T o ld a t C h a m b e r accordance with size and weight. Banks. District meetings for or­ Talbert in Beaverton and J. O. Although u republican he was an Something new in the way of ganization v/erc held Tuesday Johnson in the Tigard-Tualatln- active supportvr of Governor M ur-| Bewildering legal tangle con­ Third dividend amounting to 10 Local committees, with chair­ That farmers should adopt a fishing contests Is offered this tin In the ievent campaign Cabell Sane gubernatorial direction and men named first, are: Hillsboro - crop program and stay with i t , year by the Corwin Hardware store per cent on commercial accounts Sherwood district. A community cerning the power of the municipal meeting at Tigard is planned for Fourth of July commission to op­ saw service In the World war und obstruction played an Important —namely, a trout derby. A prize during Ute latter part uf that con-1 part in the failure uf the Oregon C. H Nosier, Oleva Berger, Har­ was the advice given the 53 per- • 1« offered each week and a grand in the Shute Savings bank liquid-1 Monday evening. erate the annual Hillsboro celebra­ filet was an ulde-de-camp to Mujor ; legislature to fall into the radical riett Ford und Helen Schultz. For­ sons who attended t h e second prLe wdl be awarded at the end ation w ill be payable next Thurs­ Both local banks are now licens­ tion confronted the city council day, according to an order signed est Grove — Esther Allen, Emmu meeting of Washington county new­ of the contest on August 1 General Martin. llfalls that trapped both t h e Bryant, Warren Barnes, Darrell comers at the local chamber of | Saturday by R. Frank Peters, clr-| ed to do business as mortgagee un­ here Tuesday night during the reg­ • • • Washington and California assem­ Jones und Elsie MacLeod. Beaver-' commerce Saturday afternoon A n­ Many fishing trips are being j cuit judge. Total of «19.287 56 in der Title I I of the national housing ular monthly meeting of the body. planned for over the week-end. blies This was the opinion ex­ The county court uf Lane coun­ dividend checks w ill be mailed to act, according to announcements The snarl was eventually cleared ton — Merle Davies, Lee Barnum, other discussion of agricultural by President Edward Schulmerich away by the re-appointment of ty, although all democrats, selected pressed by C. C. Chapman, editor Nellie Cochran, Annie Vose and problems is planned for this fall, while a large number of other lo­ claimants on that date. nimrods w ill travel to nearby a republlcutt to succeed Howard o f the Oregon Voter, In discussing Harriett Lees Funds available for the third of the Commercial National and the same commissioners with pow­ Tigard — E. Britt William F. Cyrus, county agent, cal streams tomorrow morning in time dividends amount to «19,221.27, J. I Manager Scearce of the local First ers limited to arranging for some S. Merriam a republican, us state the recent legislative session be­ Nedry, L. A. Gooding, A. A. Bald­ announced. for a few hours of fishing before L. Searcy, deputy superintendent of National bank of Portland branch. organization to operate the event representative from that district fore local chamber of commerce win, C. R. Newth and Frances Post. Returns from the various crops! office hours. i ii i i n b i i I Monday noon. It w ill be interesting to note wheth­ banks in charge of the local liquid­ Applications for funds for new con­ and making recommendations for Bunks- Clyde Hopkins, Gludys Ov­ grown in this area vary from year ) er or not this precedent Is followed Governor Martin's Influence was erton, Wayne Thurman, Mary E. lo year, Cyrus pointed out. T h e 1 ation, stated. In addition, «66.29 struction or for refinancing present council action. by other county courts in filling sane and sound during the latter Kingston und Mae Alvord. Gaston successful farmers are those who ( Report of the commiasion indi­ w ill be paid out in first and second mortgages under the act are now legislative vacancies. part of the recent session and his — Ruy J Haas, Flora Sugaberd, maintain a definite crop schedule cated that plans for conducting the dividends on all approved claims being accepted. • • • Loans under Title I I may be annual Fourth of July event had veto threat prevented the passage Elsie Hulvurson, Ida Hopkins and regardless of price, he said. filed between July 31, 1934, and made for periods up to 20 years, run smoothly until the bugaboo of March 12, 1935 Mux Geldhar, director of t h e uf many foolish bills, Chapinun Ruby Goff Tualatin—Cecil Loose. Dairy Status Cited local bankers state. The plan also finances had halted progress. Paul slate department o f agriculture declared Although confused as to Rutland Watkins, Edna Luttrell, Washington county is the lead­ Fonds Released provides a convenient method of Patterson, city attorney, expressed iC o alia u sd on psss ■- oolumn 1) slnce Its creation In 1U31, has re policy at the start, both the gov­ ing dairy county in point of cow i Three dividends have now been paying taxes and fire insurance. ernor and ne legislature got their the opinion that the council had tired to private life und w ill de­ population and dairy products con­ paid on both commercial and sav­ no legal power to either under­ vote his entire time to his farm feet squarely on the ground and stitute the principal source of ag­ ings account claims since the local write or finance the celebration. und cannery, both located In P-ilk turned In ct editable work. ricultural income in this area. Thu T o ta l o f 2 2 M e m b e rs Pass bank went into liquidation August Confirming Patterson's statement, county. In turning his department Senate Lauded was the declaration of Cyrus in in­ 15, 1933 Depositors have received E. J. McAlear, a member of the Exam s H e re on T h u rs d a y over to the new director, Solon T troducing Henry Hagg. Reedvilie The Oregon senate was never $67,274.25 from the commercial de­ committee, declared that the com­ White of McMinnville, Gehlluir also better organized Hum at the last dairyman who led discussion of partment. or approximately 35 per mission had no legal authority and left a record fur economy und ef­ session. Editor Chapman stated. The the induftry. Total of 22 Boy Scouts, almost cent of their claims, and $50,429 28 that individual members would be ficiency which Is going to be hard upper house justified its existence Climatic conditions in the W ill­ frpm the savings department, or liable for expenses of the celebra­ to equal let alone excel. The by killing many untimely bills amette valley are ideal for dairy­ a third of the membership in this about 55 per cent. tion. secret of Gchlhur's success la to punned by the house of representa­ C o m m e rc ia l N a tio n a l M a k e s ing and individual success depends vicinity, appeared before the Hills­ Total funds released to depositors tie found lurgely In his capacity tives and considerable credit for C oancilm en D ivided upon good management and stock, boro distric. court of honor Thurs­ since the Shute Savings bank clos­ P e titio n s B e in g C irc u la te d fur work .is head uf the depart­ the showing of the assembly be­ liugg told new county settlers. In day night ut the court house to ed on Match 2, 1933. in compliance In crease o f 41 P e r C ent After considerable discussion in pan examinations for 28 merit O v e r C o u n ty T h is W e e k ment of ug- iculture he ulso filled longs to the senate, according to stressing the value of long term an attempt to solve the perplexing with Governor Meier's state bank three subordinate positlous In the Chapman. In addition, he lauded breeding program, Hagg declared badges ano advancements Out­ holiday order amount to approxi­ puzzle, a move to table the ques­ Deposit increase of approximate­ that the future success of the in­ standing among the awards was mately 80 per cent in the savings department resulting In savings In the work und ability of Harry F Restoration of the 1934 wage scale tion was defeated by the vote of ly 41 per cent during the pust year dustry depends upon the develop­ the presentation of a five-year vet­ department and approximately 45 sulurlcs uggreguling more than - Corbett, senate president. Mayor J. H. Garrett. Three of the eran emblem to Scout John West OUU In the four-year period The house, though not well or­ is indicated in the quarterly finan­ ment of cows which w ill produce of Hillsboro troop 216, the second per cent In the commercial de­ on county SERA projects is sought councilmen had favored the mo­ • • • in petitions now being circulated tion and three had opposed, leav­ ganized, was well-intended, honest cial report of the Commercial more than 360 pounds of butterfat such honor to be conferred in this partment. Engineers of the public utilities und conscientious, according to the National bank of Hillsboro re­ per year After closing for the state bank­ throughout Washington co u nty. ing the decision to the mayor. Good markets are available to district. department estimate that the slute speaker. Confusion, resulting from leased this week The statement ing holiday, the Shute bank re­ That the minimum wage paid at Realizing the necessity of prompt Leon Banner of Hillsboro troop shows total deposits of «1,191.286- Washington county dairymen, Hagg can save «0763 a year on Its t. h- the large l umber of inexperienced opened March 15, 1933, on a five present is 40 cents an hour as com­ action to save the annual “Happy phone bill by Installing u seml- members, featured many of the 53 on March 4 of this year as com­ stated. The grade B market is 226 was advanced to the rank of per cent basis. It continued on this pared with 50 cents an hour under Days" event, councilmen then voted pared with «843,922 40 as of March limited but grade C shippers may a star scout by the court. Examin­ status until August 14, 1933, when the old scale was the declaration mechanicul private brunch exchange representative sessions, he stated to authorize the appointment by of Its own ut a cost uf «21.000 Appropriation of two million dol­ 5, 1934. an increase of «347,384.13 avail themselves of the cunden- ations for first class scouts were the First National bank of Portland of petition sponsors. the mayor of another committee Condensed statement of the First sor, cheese factories and creamer­ successfully passed by Walter Her- purchased part of the assets of the Present telephone service of state lars to co-operate with the federal The petitions, directed to t h e to arrange with some organization shey, Clarence Tschabold, J a c k institution and released 10 per cent department:, housed in the cupltol relief program without increasing National bank of Portland, consti­ ies. county rebel committee, contend to operate the celebration. Mayor Crops recommended by Cyrus Bauman and Walter Erdman, all of of the deposits to commercial de­ that the short hour program at Garrett promptly reappointed mem­ group uf buildings costs *12,504 a taxation was made possible through tuting one head office and 18 year. The engineers figure ttiat u heritage of «4,260,000 from the branches, shows total deposits uf to dairymen included turnips, kale,, Helvetia troop 247. positors and 50 per cent in the sav­ the present wage does not per­ bers of the original commission, Candidates for first class merit ings department. oats, red this could be handled at u total Meier administration. Chapman ex­ «53,239.414.86 on March 4 This bank alfalfa, corn, barley, mit a proper standard of living declaring that the council was cost of «636« a year Including budget by the above the various branches, but R. J. that the average price per hundred 'Hillsboro) — Loren B ro n le e w e , banking department took over the county are entitled to the same rangements made by the group. state's Investment Ur its own equip amount and permitted the recent Scearce. manager of the local in­ pounds of butterfat in the county civics, and John West, scholarship. remaining assets and began liq u id -. pay as those in Multnomah or Members of the committee in­ merit. The balance of the ash- ' legislature lo approve old age pen­ stitution, stated this week that de­ f o r . the past 3 years had been Troop 219 «Aloha)—Lloyd Miller, ation. Since that time two divi­ other counties in - the state. That posit gams • during the past year «1.871». cholarship and pathfinding. Troop dends of 10 per cent and one of 15 retail prices are now higher than clude J. J. Wismer. chairman and muted saving would come through sion und relief m^ksiires. representing the city council; Mrs Poultry raisers in this vicinity 247 'Helvetia)—Ralph Hamar, pub­ per cent have been paid from the in 1934 and that all money earned commissions on toll business or­ Distribution of federul funds has have been highly satisfactory. iginating through the state-owned made it impossible fur Oregon to I-oans und discounts listed by the find the c límate conducive to rapid lic health, cooking and personal commercial department, while the by SERA workers is spent i n Harry Morgan, secretary and rep­ resenting the Business & Profes­ switch board. The survey uf t h e remain independent, the 1’urtlund Commercial National bunk show a growth and high production in their health, ana Jim Davidson, animal savings department has paid divi­ county trade channels is cited. sional Women’s club; L. J. Ruah- telephone situation wus made at editor declined. The state must fit decrease' of slightly more than «43.- flocks, L. E. Francis, assistant coun­ husbandry, cooking and automo- dends amounting to 10 per cent, Request is also made that work­ low from the chamber of com­ the Instigation of State Treasurer into the federal relief program or 060 during'the past year, indicating ty agent, declared. He outlined the biling Troop 226 ( Hillsboro)—Rob­ 25 per cent and 20 per cent. ers be allowed to continue their merce, E. J. McAlear for citizens llolmun who has - been agitating run the risk of losing out on some the reluctance of prospective bor­ ration recommended for poultry ert Allison and Don H a m m e r , No stock assessments have been present budget hours in case the at large, and Jake W eil from the for a centralized Installation ever of the funds. The government holds rowers to take loans unless assured in this area and cited control meth- scholarship Sea Scout Ship Rain­ called to date, according to Searcy. 50 cent minimum scale is restored. American Legion. (C ontinued on pace 8. column Z) bow i Hillsboro) — Faurest Ander­ since he has berm In office. the purse strings und Oregon must of u profit. This indication is also Sponsors of the petitions declared • • • Necessity of promoting a Fourth son. camping, and Bill A l l i s o n , stand its ah' re of the expense and borne ou’ by the marked increase that they hold no malice toward of July celebration this year was scholarship. liefinancing of the Medford, Hood take orders !rom President Roose­ revealed in items of cash and the SERA executive office, but stressed by McAlear. who declared Second cltss merit badges were River and Ochoco Irrigation dis­ velt, he said bonds on hand. seek only to prevent a possible that the event had become a home­ awarded as follows; Troop 219 tricts wus completed this week Increase in the numbers on the Cash on hand and due from strike. I f no action is taken as a coming institution He also sug­ i Aloha i—Ed Jannscn. firemanship; when Slute Treasurer Holmun re­ relief rolls and growing dissatis­ banks is listed as «2tt9.526.46 at this result of the petitions, workers gested that the celebration should W illiam Fiost, handicraft; Billy ceived «5bi,101 52 from the Recon­ faction with administration of re­ time as compared with *138.861 22 w ill take the matter over the heads be similar to those conducted in Pulver, firemanship; and Robert struction Finance corporation with lief funds w ill cuuse the expense last yeur. Loans and discounts have of the local committee, they stated. the past with a few corrections to Beattie, first aid to animals. Troop which to take up the old bonds to mount, according to Chupman. dropped Irom «453.988 71 to $461,- Commenting on the petitions, W. give the public everything possi­ (B y W m . F. Cyru». County A g ent) The Indebtedness of the Medford To this burden w ill be added the 040 41. Government bonds, includ­ Six parcels of land owned by the 247 (Helvetia)—Henry Bishop, path­ Prune thrip have been emerging J Mills, county SERA manager, ble for its money. The commission district is being refinanced on ihe new work relief and rural rehabil­ ing home owners' loan and federal city of Hillsboro were eliminated finding and farm mechanics, and declared that a change in the wage plan was endorsed by Ed. L. Moore, basis of 40 cents on the dollur, the itation programs. farm loan bonds have climbed from from the pending Washington coun­ Fred Bauman, f a r m mechanics. rapidly the past few days in the Permitting state police to patrol $107,819.38 to «233.200. municipal ty tax foreclosure Thursday by or­ Troop 226 i Hillsboro)—Bill Corwin Forest Grove section and S. C. scale would have no effect o n chamber of commerce secretary, Hood River district on the basis of «3.010 cents on the dollar and strike pickets was cited by Chap- and other bonds from «221.291 42 der of Circuit Judge R. Frank and Glen Powers, marksmanship. Jones, ertomologist of the Oregon the income of workers as hours are as a means of obtaining sugges­ Next court of honor is scheduled experiment station, has been con­ budgeted in accordance with the tions as to policy. (C ontinued on page t . eoiumn 1) the Ochoco district on the busis and municipal warrants from $43.- Peters. The city purchased the prop­ needs of the various cbenta. The An SERA project for the con­ of 20.20 cents on the dollar The 35787 to «106,74927. Federal re­ erties at the last tax sale to pro­ for April 25 at which time Troop ducting experimental spray work only change would be a readjust­ struction of two tennis courts on refinancing negotiations were car­ serve bank and Federal Deposit tect lien.» and contended that sub­ 85 of Portland w ill give a special in one prune orchard on Davids ment of working hours. demonstraton. A fair sized audi­ (Contlnn«d on pas« 8. column 8) Hill. Cages have been established ried out through the Stale Reclama­ sequent levies should have been I n s u r a n c e corporation s to c k ence attended the court Thursday there to observe the emergence of That the SERA program is not tion commission of which Slat«' amounting to «3200 and «2241 34. cancelled. night. designed to compete with other this insect in order to accurately Engineer St.icklln is secretary. It Answer to the county's complaint respectively, is also listed. Annual solicitation drive w ill be time the application of control employment was Mills’ statement. Is expected that refinancing o f Anothe; item of interest as indi­ seeking to foreclose delinquent tax­ conducted early in June, according sprays. The prest nt wage scale was adopted several other districts w ill be cated In the report is the decrease es for the years 1925 to 1930, In­ to an announcement during the In prune orchards where thrip last December to conform with the clusive. was filed by P. L. Patter­ ■nude possible In the near future. in circulation from >50.000 to $36.- • • • son. Hillsboro city attorney. The executive committee meeting which are numerous, applications of spray going wage in the county, he said. Seven new SERA projects were Problems of 4-H club leadership 950. answer alleged that taxes subse­ followed tiie honor court A lf O. for control should be made im ­ Reorganization of Ihe M ilk Con­ Increase in deposits since that quent to 1924 should have been Johnson of Hillsboro was named mediately Once thrip are inside approved for the county this week. trol board is anticipated ns a move were considered by 38 leaders of to head the drive. Other events last report on December 31, 1934, The largest of these was the *2933 the bud it is practically useless cancelled on the six city-owned of the neai future. Duiry Inter-1 county girls' 4-H clubs, camp cook-1 job for improvements to the Banks Frank Rowell, prominent Scholls tracts In compliance with an order planned include a Boy Scout meet- to attempt control by spraying. i-sts are understood to be very much cry and bachelor sewing groups amount to «31.649.38. ( Continued on page 8. column 1) Under the most favorable condi­ high school athletic field, while farmer, was appointed as one of issued by the county court at the dissatisfied with the present board during an ull-day conference Sat­ tions spraying w ill not prove 100 the next in size was a $2133 pro­ four new members of the state urday ut the Hillsboro Junior high time of sale. • • • per cent effective. In a cool season ject for the Cipole fill. Other pro­ board of agriculture under Solon Circuit court order substantiated Members of the state highway school. Program was under t h e when the buds come out rather jects included searching county T. White of McMinnville by Gov­ the claims of the city of Hillsboro. department - p a rtic u la rly It H direction of Mrs Harry Morgan of I slowly the thrip consequently come records to determine source, de­ ernor Charles H. M artin Tuesday. Certificates of delinquency against Huldock, highway engineer, and | the county school superintendent's out in smaller numbers at any one scription and disposition of coun­ Another possibility for a state ap­ the properties were also ordered J M Devers, attorney for th e , office. Hilhi debaters, Thomas Bronlee- time and spraying is even less ef­ ty-owned property, survey of 1450 pointment in this county is indi­ commission — find much of inter-' Miss Rosalie Ann i t , M of Reed- we and Gordon Bailey for the af­ cancelled and the sheriff instructed (Continued on page 4. column 4) fective. In a season when we get est in u recent opinion of t h e ville, a six-year club n. mber and firmative and Miss Anna Schwanke to cancel the taxes on the tracts cated by the fact that Repressenta- a rapid blossoming control can be Massachusetts supreme court hold- • leader of three groups during the and Miss Rena Hertel, debated for the years 1925 to 1936, inclusive. j tive E la. Roes of Hillsboro is fre- much more effective and the thrip Although several demurrers to I quently mentioned in the press as lng Uiat bill boards are subject to past year, discussed "What 4-H "Federal Aid in Education" before Final teachers' institute of the regulation, even to the point of Club Work Meant to Me," covering the Rotary club Thursday at lunch­ the foreclosure have been filed by current school year w ill be held that are present w ill probably cause in line for a post on the state m ilk the subject Irom the viewpoints of less injuries. private parties and must be heard, suppression, ns constituting an an- . control board. eon. Mri* Elizabeth Abraham, coach, the district attorney's office ex­ at Pacific university Saturday. Ad­ both lenders and members. A re­ Spray materials used w ill depend noyance ai d a menace to those dresses by Dr. G. A. Odgers of Other new members of the state was also present. pects to take judgment against the the university department of edu­ considerably on t h e individual who use tho highways. Repeated sume of demonstration work was Hillsboro Rotnrians put on the Four-H dairy club members and agricultural board as appointed by efforts to secure legislation In this given by Miss Jean Ann Connell program at Vancouver Friday. C. property involved in the suit with­ cation and Rev. Claude Sabin of grower. Lime and sulphur used at . the rate of three gallons to 100 leaders w ill meet at the Connell : the governor include G. A. Brown state covering the subject have of Hillsboro nnd Miss Marjorie T Richardson spoke on stamp col- in a short time. Forest Grove w ill be featured. 1 gallons of water with a pint of Bros, farm at 1:30 p. m. Saturday. ! of Portland, George Fuller wider of been defeu'ed and such Improve-1 Meek of North Plains, both five- lecfing. Rev. Charles Reed sang Musical program at the start of ! nicotine sulphate added showed R. W. Morse, extension dariyman Carlton, and Representative Henry ment in the sign board nuisance year members. institute w ill be under the direc­ and wus accompanied by Charles of the Oregon State college, w ill Semon of Klamath Falls. J. O. Holt as lisa been brought about In Ore-1 Discussions of the various phases Walker. tion of D ein Edith Collais-Evans some promise last year. Five pounds be present and w ill discuss selec­ 1 of Eugene, Fred Cockell of M il­ of the 4-H program were conducted of whale oil soap with one pint of gun has been through the volun­ of Pacific university. Other events J. L. Anderson, club secretary, (C ontinued on page 8, column 4) tion, feeding and care of the dairy waukie and Mac Hoke of Pendle­ tary co-operation of the sign com­ by the following: Cooking, Mrs. hus been«s !ected by the board of planned on the program include Frnnk Connell of Hillsboro; home- calf. Judging practice w ill follow ton are holdovers from the previous panies. motion pictures of Oregon scenes ' board. the discussion. Positive reactions as a result making. Miss Connell; canning. directors to attend the Interna­ • * • by Mrs. Charles Hines of Forest tional convention at Mexico City of the tuberculin skin tests given This is the third meeting in the Governor Martin's hard boiled! Miss Meek; and sewing, Mrs. Ed­ in June. Grove, harmonica band numbers win Bowman of Hillsboro. The Hillsboro students last week were series of four livestock meetings attitude tow ard pardons Is not c a l-, meeting was thrown open for ques­ reported in nine per cent of the by a group of Washington county which are being held for club ciliated to Increase his popularity tions following the discussions in teachers and play day activities by 275 students tested at Hilhi and in members in the county. The meet­ with the residents of the "b I g both boys' rnd girls' program. Of­ Ruth Burlingham of the uni­ five per cent of the 560 tests at Miss Tri-county baseball league to in­ ing is open to any farmers who house” at the end of State street fer of personal assistance w a s grade schools. X -ray pictures are versity. clude eight teams was organised here in Salem. Three times dur­ made by L E. Francis, assistant Dr. Odgers w ill speak at t h e at Aloha last Wednesday night are interested in the problems to Advent of spring has resulted In now being taken and w ill be read be discussed. ing the pust week the governor re­ county agent. considerable new building and re­ by Dr. G. C. Belanger at Salem high school departmental, while with Ernie Clinton of Portland as iterated his determination to be Mrs. M. Seggell, special teacher pair work in this community, ac­ I president and F. E. Cummings of Legal action against dog owners April 20, according to Miss M ar­ very sparing In his exercise of ex- j A pot luck dinner was served at cording to local building material noon under the direction of Mrs. garet Dixon, county health nurse. from the Abernathy school 1 n Aloha a s secretary-treasurer. A ccutlve clemency. Already t h is ! Bowmon. Leaders from till parts who have failed to purchase li­ firms. Additional work is also be­ That a positive test does not Portland, is scheduled for the pri­ policy Is beginning to have Its ef­ of the county attended the session. censes for their pets was started necessarily mean that the child mary a n d intermediate depart­ split season opening April 21 and ing contemplated later In t h e closing July 21 was adopted. Tuesday by the Washington coun­ mental. fect on the prison population which spring. Teams now holding franchises ty dog control board. Five com­ has tuberculosis was again empha­ has grown from a total of 807! Raymond J. Haas of Gaston will sized this week by the health John Gieen has almost completed plaints were filed on the first day in the league are Maplewood. Gas­ Teacher corps of the F o r e s t early in January to more than 830 and the defendants are scheduled nurse. A positive reaction does in­ preside at the meeting for grade ton. Aloha, North Plains, Garden Grove elementary school were re­ remodeling and adding another at the pre.ient time. The prison school principals and coaches. room to his home on South Seventh dicate, however, the necessity of j Home, Glenwood, Banks and eith­ elected Tuesday evening by the to appear in the local justice of population reached its all-time peak er Tigard or Sherwood. Managers school board. Wade Arstell of M il­ avenue. Dr. H. P. Rush of near the peace court within the next a complete physical examination record in March, 1931, but Gov­ and X -ray pictures. few days. are as follows: George Sohler. waukie was elected to replace E. Cornelius is In the midst of con­ ernor Meier’s generous use of the structing a new two-story Dutch Several questionable reactions are Banks; Dec Shadden. North Plains; E. Arant as superintendent. Julius Christensen of Scholls was Prompt a-, lion is being taken to­ pardoning power helped material­ Colonial home. to be rechecked at the court house John Zwiefel. Maplewood; Glen ly In reducing the number to well elected president of the Washing­ ward enfoiclng the law this year Monday, Other teachers Include Esther Steele, Garden Home: Lee Johnson, below the 800 mark before he left ton county convention of I. O. O In an attempt to collect all dog li­ Allen, assistant su p erin ten dent; Glenwood; Walter Schultz, Gas­ F. subordinate lodges in th rir semi­ censes due. Peter Jorgensen of office. Construction of a modern garage ton; Fred McBreen, Aloha, and Christine Ferm, Lottie J. Mead, C o u n ty F a rm e rs ’ U n io n annual meeting at Tigard Thurs­ Hillsboro route 1 and N. J. Skee Rose Halderman, building and service station at the Lee Aria, Tigard. Schedule w ill be Vera E. Poe, C onvenes H e r e S a tu rd a y day night. Purpose of the conven­ of Aloha have been appointed as Officials of counties, cities, school Marie Mays. Merma Wagner, Della southeast corner of Third and Lin­ announced later. tion was Instruction. Washington county unit, Farm­ collectors. Frank Schulmerich of districts and other political sub­ Wilken, Zella Phelps, Mae Cher- coln streets w ill be started in Other officers are: Sanford T. Hillsboro route 5. Harry Robinson divisions an. showing a keen inter­ rington, Eva L. Bartsch, Isabelle ers’ Union, w ill meet in Hillsboro about a week by the Sahnow Rogers. Beaverton, vice-president; of Tigard route 1 and Lambert est In the act of the recent legis­ Curtis Chambers, and Beatrice Simon. One at the Legion hall Saturday at brothers. Local labor w ill be em­ Hillsboro diamond ball league Tigard, secretary, and Ches­ Heesackcr of Forest Grove route 1 lature which extends the facilities other teacher w ill be elected later. 8:30 p. m. Educational committee ployed and the work w ill be under consisting of six teams was or­ w ill meet before the general meet­ of the statu auditing department ter C. Bannister, Hillsboro, treas­ make up the control board. the direction of Al Chase nnd Otto ganized here Friday night during1 ing and members of this commit­ to these subdivisions on an actual urer. a meeting of managers at the local Steinke of Hillsboro. Members irom various lodges of L o c a l R e a lto r R epo rts tee are urptd to come early. cost basis. Not only w ill this serv­ The new one-story building w ill chamber of commerce. The sum­ Funeral services for Abraham R e m o d e lin g S ta rte d the county were present. William ice include auditing but the in­ T h r e e P ro p e rty D e a ls mer season is scheduled to get un­ be 50 by 75 feet and w ill be of Reichen, 86. who died at his home | a t M c A le a r B u ild in g der way May 2. stallation of uniform accounting A. Morand of Portlnnd, grand sec­ hollow tile construction with a con­ at Cedar M ill, w ill be held at 2 Several real estate deals during Scouts to be Guests retary, was present nnd answered systems us well, according to Sec­ Teams In the league are being crete floor. Service station w ill be p. m. today (Thursday) at the Ger­ the past weex were reported by Remodeling of store fronts in many questions relative to the op­ o f Local L e g io n Poet retary of State Snell. the E. J. McAlear building on sponsored by Lester Ireland At com­ installed in front of the build­ man Congregational church at W. G. ide of the Oregon Farms. eration of the order. • • • Boy scouts of Hillsboro troop 228 Next meeting w ill be at Scholls Main street was started this week pany, National Guards, Royal Soda ing while the shop w ill be located Cedar Mill. Interment w ill be In Twenty-five acre tract south of The state whittled another chunk by Mohr Bros., contractors. Win­ Works, Fairway Market, Hillsboro in the back. Work has just been Union cemetery. W. E. Pegg of Forest Grove was sold to the For­ w ill be guests of the local Ameri­ off its bonded debt the first of in September. dows In the Piggly Wiggly store Argus, and Safeway store. Geoige completed tearing down the old Beaverton is in charge of arrange­ est Grove National bank, while H. can Legion post, the sponsoring or­ this month, retiring «506,000 worth ganization, at the regular Legion ments. w ill be removed and folding doors Wick, W illiam Corwin, H. A. Deck house located on the lot. L a u r e l-S rh o ll* U n it o f of soldiers' bonus bonds and «I,- Building permit was recently Is­ installed to permit an open front. and Nyc O. Bristol w ill govern the Mr. Reichen came to this country S. Nolan of Linn county purchased meeting Tuesday evening. Members a home In the same city. E E. 237,500 of stnte highway bonds. In ­ of the troop w ill give demonstra­ sued to John Hulbert for the con­ from Switzerland 44 years ago. His F a rm U n io n M e e t T o n ig h t Alteration of show windows in Ihe league. terest payments on these bond is­ List of players eligible w ill be ap­ struction of a house and garage wife died May 2, 1932. Deceased I Hammond completed a deal with tions of knot-tlelng, first aid and Lnurel-Scholls Farm Union w ill store now occupied by J. B Ihle sues, made at the same time in­ at the corner of Fourth and Edison signaling under the direction et the firm for the purchase of a proved at the next meeting April was the father of Margaret and j and Lyman Howe is also contem­ cluded «549,603.75 on outstanding meet tonight (Thursday). A large plated. streets. Rex Jones, scoutmaster. 12. Abraham Jr. at home. home in Tigard. attendance is desired. II Y A. L. L I N U B I O « by Governor Local M eet Get Checks Fourth July Lauds Oregon Senate Large Crowd Attends Payments Reported "Clean-up Weck” Set S « Record Scout Session Held Deposit Gains Made by Bank Higher SERA Wag es Sought Thrip Control Methods Cited Hillsboro Wins Point Tax Suit 4 -H Leaders Hold Conclave Rowell Named on A g Board Hilhi Debate Team Puts on Program Teachers Plan Final Meeting 4-H Dairy Groups to Meet Saturday Tuberculosis Tests Show Few Reactors Tri-County Baseball League Organized Dog Control Board Starts Legal Action New Building on Increase Locally Grove School Body Re-Elects Teachers J. Christensen I. O. O. F. Leader Sahnow Brothers Plan New Garage Local Diamond Ball League Organized (C ontinued on pHire 8, column 8) Abraham Reichen Services T oday .