Page Four H IL L S B O R O S c h o lls A id ARG U S, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Thursdnv, M arch 28, 19.46 H o n o r R o ll o f few weeks ago, will have to wear on one hand for about two Try This on Your H o m e s a t R o c k I splints months , IV7* 1 F reil Burns returned from Port Clothesline S c h o o l G iv e n L . r e e k W l f P i l ‘a " '1 1 ' h u i w h e n - h r liuit -pent E v e n t F r id a y _____ G ra n g e P lans C e le b ra tio n R id ge C a rd B e n e fit S a tu rd a y F a m ily H E R E S two weeks Ills mother, who is ii5 years old. returned to her home recently from the hospital, where H as M u m p s ; M rs . Jossy R ecovering fro m she underw ent a serious operu lion. A p p e n d ic itis O p e ra tio n Mr. aiul Mis Walter WUrncr and Ophelia Wisinei of Hillsboro the week-end w ith Mi and Mis I hr Mrs. F. PaaoUt) Hen Leu ROCK CHEEK Houses a n d John Linder 1 im le r of o f the tlu> Liberty I , h . , , t v dis xi» John buildings in the Liberty district Ir.el slM , t .s (1 ,h oi "■ -, which are being wired for electric Island with Mr and Mrs ‘ A lb e r t ity include th e Liberty school. , ... * , m , l „ , ,, i A ‘ ” " John U nder. J Barker, E Zur- ' u,,d l,k ‘ brugg und Huserich , . . . . . . , .. ofMh e . r i n d M,M, J mid ^M .'s^ j'^ i" Th” , ’h" ' ,p!‘ “ " d ‘'ad‘«'*' V , rn 1 "u Ju ! Alds Will meet with Mrs Augusta Schneidci of Shady Brook visited Ih.ffner in Hillsboro April III Mr und Mrs. Curl Sehnubele on ,, , , . Suuvies' Island Friday. Hold Session You cun koine day own Mrs. Jossy In Hospital Culholle ladies m the eastern Mrs. Fred Jossy, who underw ent I“'ctiou of SI Edwurdy parish held (he home you w ant— an operuticn for appendicitis re- “ K>'l log. ther. ut the home of but why delay indefin cently and who is in the Jones Mls N Kies Thursday It was tle- itely, when Savings And hospital in Hillsboro, is improving *'lded to meet every two weeks Loan Shares can bring Earl Jossy. son ot Mr. and Mrs Next meeting will he held ut the Fred Jossy and who is a student of Mrs John Yorkuviteh the dream nearer to at Oregon State college, spent t h e : A pld J* rea liz a tio n ! Investigate week-end here und visited his I —— ------------— at o n c e ! mother. Editor's N ote— Help your h aul rlo ren ce Duncer fo in Portland, correspondent und your community S a fe — R e lia b le w here she has employment. by turning in your news item* Louin Hauer visited his brother. The Argus wants all the ginnl news John Hauer, of near Lents, who is r "'P rt'sP< °n _,., cten »ienls i« In i n d if f e r e n t W»*hlngton county up Portland und Seattle He makes the J. M PERSON. Munaget round trip thi tree tunes a w e e k H e !* *r ” , t u A r*tu-'* «-'aeh w e e k netimes Hus y'.,i*r f,1V nds ------- “re —- says that sometimes .■■■■ w inter uuci h H i — « , - ---------- Savinas A lo a n Bldg.. H ill,boro was difficult driving through snow, | i/° r ,han thre* cent* “ W o m a n In ju r e d illy Mi*« Lorraine Demmin I LAUREL RIDGE — P u p i l s o f SCHOLLo—Mrs Stanley Chin of Laurel Bulge school, w ho have Portland will give an illustrated been neither absent nor tardy d u r­ lecture, usn g picture slides of dil- ing the last month, are Dorothy ie ten t countries, tor tlie Scholls and Raymond Cappoen, John My­ Ladies Aid benefit social Friday ers. Verla Aebischer. Ruth Führer, at the Scnolls grange halL Light Robert Spath. and l.ona Werre. Family Has Mumps refreshm ents w ill oe sold. Mrs. Chin is a noted traveler, having Mumps have confined C F Ny- been on several tours to the Orient. stroni and family to their home ’ Mis. Bose Jackson spent a lew Mr. and Mrs, W arren Baugh of days last week visiting ner daugh­ Portland visited H. P. Strickler ter, Mrs. Rose Y unker oi Forest and Dun W erre and families S un­ day. Grove. Program at Jacktow n Mrs. Harry Wright has returned Little Polly Stretchit" and "See- to her home here after an absence in- Man O il" are two oi several of two months visiting her daugh­ short plays to be given by the ters and friends in Portland. Past Noble G rands' club of S h er­ Jacktow n school A pril 12. Betty Aebischer and G arnet Guild wood Rebekah lodge entertained of Newberg college spent the w eek­ the T ualatin club w ith a luncheon in the I. O. O F. hall in S her­ end at the L. W Guild home. wood Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Brown oi New - : berg visited their daughter, M rs., Mr. and Mrs. W alter F ührer and i family were guests of Mr and Fred Wohlschlegel, and iamily Sun- Mrs. Milton Seely at Wilsonville day. Sunday. Miss Velma Wohlschlegel was a Mrs. Dethridge Hurt week-end visitor at the George Mrs. W. N D ethridge slipped Zigler home at M ountain Top. from the wet boards of her porch A telephone crew is rebuilding a few days ago and injured the lines 27 and 13. It was necessary back of her head quite severely. to install metallic lines in this area Mrs George L. B aker returned because oi the recent installation home Tuesday from a four weeks' oi electric light lines in the vicin­ stay at The Dalles with relatives ity. C lrcus-tlm e Is here, and once and friends. Teacher Change* m ore crow ds are gaping and Mrs. Stearns Hostess Miss Ruby Hodson, who h a s ; gasping at such halr-rulslng acts Mrs S. S Stearns entertained taught the M outain Home school a group of friends at a bridge party as th e one above, showing the ior several years has secured a Tuesday evening. Guests w ere Mrs fam ous A llendas bicycling across position at the Mountainside school Doris Young, Mrs. Woods, t h e the sky 100 feet above the for next year. Misses Nellie and Jessie Angus, ground a t Miami, Fla. Grange Plans Social Scholls Grange w ill sponsor a A S attractiv e-ap p earin g as they are serviceable are these chll- all of Wilsonville, Mrs Edwards ic< e n d r a m w w * tf and Mrs Sheppard of Sherwood. benefit basket social Friday eve­ d re n ’s frocks. P a tte rn No. 468 Is av ailable In sizes 6 to 14 Mrs K atherine Marshal a n d —- ------------------- Mrs M arie F ührer visited Mr ning A pril 5. Mrs. H arry Schmelt- years Size 14 calls for 2% yards of 39-lnch p rinted or checked daughter Putty M arshall ullended and Mrs. Fred Ridder Sr. at Wil- „ zer has charge of the program and cottons, silk, or taffeta, and H yard con trast. the birthday party for Putty's a rehearsal w ill be held at the „ E . c. cousin. Elorence Nelson, at Linn- This model featu res shaped panels fro n t and back with lower hall A pril 4. Three special n u m -, ton Thursduy. side pleats, m aking It very slender looking. at the Sherwood hall Tuesday BEAVERTON Beaverton Bethel bers include musical selections by Mr. and Mrs William Luelhe P attern No. 485 Is available In sizes 2 to 6 years, else 4 re ­ Only seven members were present Congregational church was the the "Buck Heaven Buckaroos," a Lenten Services due to bad w eather. scene of a very pretty bridal show- visited Mrs. Theresa Luelhe on quirin g 1 U yards of 35-lnch fabric and S yard co n trast. G ing­ three-act playlet by the Mountain George Baker made a business er ffiven Miss Genevieve C arter Brooks Hill Friday and Saturday ham. batiste, dotted swlss, or silk should be used In m aking the Home school children, and a skit, trip to Hillsboro Thursday. Saturday afternoon by the Ladies' Mr und Mrs. Luelhe return«» to dress. "Julius Caesar,” by twelve Scholls Bonneville Sunday Birthday C elebrated ot tha’ chureh und the local To secure a PATTERN and STEP-BY -STEP SEWING IN­ young people. Arnold Dancer, small son of Mr 8 P. M. M. and Mrs. John M atthiesen «rBn«e\ 9 ver ,he shower table was and Mr and Mrs. Fred Hansen and STRUCTIONS, fill out the coupon below, being sure to MENTION Fred Dancer, whose were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs suspended a white parasol decor- hands Mrs son of Capitol Hill visited at the THE NAME OF THIS N EW SPA PER. were seriously burned u H ig h School A u d ito riu m Jam es Moore Sunday O ther guests pink Plum blossoms F. Lilligard home Sunday. were Mr and Mrs. Fred M atthie- Mlss \ arU!r was ' love,y K|f>s among which was I 1 C A I A C T FASHION BUREAU, 103 PARK AVENUE. NEW YORK W alter Jaquith visited the par­ Art Young and family of Portland J , ‘" S e m irror presented by a group Subject "GABBATHA'' and Mr. and Mrs. W. G Hesse of u,e ‘/d ie s from the aid and a ental home one day last week. He Enclosed find................ cents. Please send me the p attern s and family The occasion was in combination sandwich toaster grill and his family recently moved from checked below, at 15 cents each: hmonor of Mrs. Moore's birthdav „nd waffle lron hom the grange j a 1 “ I I A I L d Z VI California to Portland, w here he REV P H SCHAUS anniversary. ,,rog5a U m ? included songs by Mrs C I V m n illH a secured a position w ith a floral P a ttern No 466 S i z e ................. of Schefflln M Barnes, readings by Mrs I. .-..w. W. ... T. *. Iiuuiviy? dim soil , company. Mrs. Andrews and son I H «. • rers, a game. "Advice to the 7 Milton of Portland visited George o • .‘J, eyers, — , --------- Social Planned P a tte rn No. 4S5 S i z e ............ L. B aker Sunday. and a duct Mrs E G Mountainside school w ill give a A Capella Chair Program Planned Welib and Mrs H M Bamea. A Name ......................................................... A d d ress............ .. benefit basket social Friday April T , 1 o n n ed m iniature bride and Dink flow er, Unable to W ork for Weeks. 19. . n / r i J i - S : i p " ? r e s s ? City .................................................................... s ta te ................... Birthday Celebrated C O R D I A L W E I. C () M E Sleep Impossible, Indiges­ Mountainside school child r e n I S S 5 J ? * N” > ™ .- ' » o r,. ,h S p " i i „ “ "’, « S S tion. Nervousness, a n d Name of this new spaper .................................................... w ere entertained with a surprise w in De cnarged.____ .w ere in attendance Miss C arter W eakness Made Life Mis­ party at the Ed Holcom home ■¡■ait«.-» u i , . wiH become the bride of Clarence Thursday evening in honor of Hel- - erab le; Now Feels Fine! E ditors Note — Help your local Palm this week and 1 en „ Holcom's , „ birthday. . . . Washington County Federated Wo-1 man of the com m itttee for Easter correspondent and your comm unity will leave imm«ti-i»..iv Charles Reemer has been under m en s clubs March 19 at the home service at the Scholls church April by turning in your news items ceremony fo r S e m . i t w M . Is nothing like Williams the doctor - care the past week of Mrs C. VanKleek at Hiteon. 121. The Argus wants all the good news mak™ their home W ' *° 8. "There L. K. Formula," suys Mr. John H atfields E ntertain Chapman school will give a free Last Benefit Saturday of every community in the Hills- Macy White, secretary secretary of of S’T ' m“n “ l H “' 1,lalld' Mr and Mrs. J. C Hatfield en- program April 26. A cafeteria Visa side of the Scholls Woman s boro area. . p Mrs. Ma‘ ^ ’V f i « White, H n n in c i< in o r v K a ilN O B . tertained Sunday w ith a birthday lunch w ill be sold. club w ill hold the last of a series ---------------------- In Missionary board of the dinner for their grandson. Ray- Convention April 7 oi benefit I 1 o .-._ I ) o l II l G l V C t l churches, p o ¿A ke Tuesday" a, the local locai c church h ^ h s " A a pot f S T ¿ u ST“ <5^1 evening at card the J parties W Saturday R aynard H ilO T K Tuesday national at mond Casey Jr. O ther guests were » _ 4. . . « . luck luncheon p re c e d e d the talk « t° n X Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Casey and home. A grand prize w ill be given a a v t t < UV* luncheon oreceeded the tala dtgesttorr f dM T ot X 5?r Ma.?.d c h u ~ h A ^ril6? M ounUm highest score of the series C hurcV of c S a i S e d X ^ m a ^ o r ^ U * 0“! ^ Z tSh- dda? WU1 dh3Ve Char‘ ^ J ° ■" G° ,te r ° f En,erPnS‘' ,S spending the week w ith his broth­ MOUNTBXrNh' ,HB OM A ^ Mountain ^ r a t l i n ' ^ 1 Farm ington the dinner hour and everyone is er. S. A. Gotter, and family *it^ the St. John's Chris- 1 j Sunday ~guest$ ”at'*the "Rose Jack- Home PuP*ls neither absent nor tian church Friday I iiad an ulcerated stomach and v i Mr X l and “ « ^ Mrs C l a Carl u d e Wohlschleirel A U ^ h o ^ urged to bring a basket dinner. ht'*d A son home w ere’ Mr. and Mrs. Mike tardy , dl!r in g .t.he PaM four weeks The Women's board of the Con- gal* sU)nes- a ,MPr e^ d n tMVrseWJuSZ d ¿ h r, , , X ^ m p l e U ^ K e £ £ Y unker and Mr and Mrs. Mike I w er®, Wil1m a- Ma r-V and Re’da Boul- gregational church met at Salem "A good nlatit's alee» wax immw Jackson of . Gaston, . . and Marie V i1}' orrmri.t ^*rgl‘ f ’o and George Allison Jr.. Iriday. ............ Those from this vicinity at- slble. '"* • P as I could P* a t t ^ da ^ - i ^ w S . g T n " ^ ^ r v, « . . . leJ ,,»«11 * I * was miserable Bush of Hillsboro and Arland Whit- MaJ gaFet £ aldwe11 and Clara P.ep- tending w e r e Mesdamea H. M be. be, for the as medicine medicine I took took dii did for the I S r ^ M r ^ a k e G r a V o ? 0^ I SchoUs for bas^-t° dinner which more of Laurel. enbrink. Those on the honor roll Barnes. W. C. McKee], L. D Shel me little or no good. I began tak ______ „ T u c k .'l- i n d M i ' u j u u auuu. i oegiui fc Sunday guests at th e Julius are Mary and ReIda Boulin, Mur- lenberger. L. W ^ d ang ^ n r5atJatkhee Ghroam to°ff S S r Christensen "'hom e "were Mr” “and garet Caldwell and Norma Paters. Juliette C arter ' i,s i Ui*f Williams 8. L. K. Formula as , Twenty were present for pot Tuesday evening the mem- “ ‘i ? 1 L A ,ew d"s*'8 oi th u ^ “ Portland Herman Johnston Perfect attendance for G roner Mrs John Stitts of Hillsboro Plasterers have been w orking on *ack dln" er a‘ thc home of Mr and bers of the Beaverton Rebekah niedlclne t / ' d my former oi Portland. ‘school for the past six weeks: Take T. B. Test Laurence Burgoyne, Amy Alice the new home at th e Waldron ®iis . Rlchard Joyce Sunday. O ther lodge enjoyed games, music and a ndaery and P“ln : I Unproved un­ affairs of this nature are planned contest after the usual business 111 1 enjoyed good heajth again. A health clinic was held at the S o w a /i Loyal Howard Lydell Mc- farm. session. ‘ I Two years have passed since I Scholls Ladies' Aid will meet for the near future. 37°num î,Sf1ilemSCM1 ,Marc*? and Kune. Henry Hansen. Ernest Suhr-. Beaverton Grange held the first took a coursc °f 'h is medicine, and 37 pupils from Mountainside. Gron- bjer n , , , honor roll was Wallace^ w ith Mrs. Elizabeth Reed A pril 5. , . Mrs / ‘J?13 Reetz an “ 'te n d e d a zer w ent to The Dalles on b u s i-! Mr' ? nd Mrs H arry Schmeltzer ports were given by the members Williams 8. L. K. Form ula acts ness Sunday. motored to Portland Sunday after- of the agricultural and legislative dlrccUy °n the entire system by of the most torrid regions in the world, fresh Scholls U oman s club, was in Rebekah convention at Yamhill charge of arrangements. Dr. Mason Saturday with several members of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Kellogg v is -12 °?n . ,to cal1 on Miss Marie committees The program hour con- d r lv ln K ° u t the poisons In your water is obtained by native divers, who plunge ited the A lbert Reed home in »chmidt. who is recuperating from sisted of a roll call of current body> by building up the blood of Beaverton gave the test w ith the NVwberg lodge ----------------------- m t Ed a uem m ln were Tigard Monday and Mrs. Frances an aPPemlicit>s operation in a Port- events. stream, by toning up the stomach, Miss ------ Margaret Dixon, county -------- health Mr r anQ and Demmin into the sea with goat-skin bags which they fill nuUrSe',.,and Mrs Esscx Marsh of Sunday evening guests at^ h " Hen- Kellogg- w ho has been visiting pd ^ P “ ®1 . . . , -------- ‘H er and kidneys, and by helping from copious fresh water springs at the bottom. the Washington County Public ry Reese home a*! L aurel there, returned home w ith them. Exceedingly high winds Sunday E ditor's N ote- Help your local 10 b n n K 'hem to a normal state health association assisting. M ia .» ,. . ■> ■■ **- N- Bonham Moves morning and Monday morning in- correspondent and your comm unity ■>« you may again have »rood In our community, good wafer service is so Mrs. J. E. Sutherland and Mrs p ?*,dw,’ y „ ,,o ? or R? " , M. N. Bonham, who has been »errupted travel and work in this by turning in your n e w ? items Health Francis Rowell attended a lunch- „ 5 ® aj tendance for 'h e M id-j living w ith his daughter, Mrs. J comm unity Electricity was off for The Argus w ants all the good news common— so taken-for-granted— that we a re eon and board meeting of the y pI r^ ? Fy. 500^ ’' “ u®‘la ,R? th " fi. B artlett, and fam ily has moved a perlod both days. No Christian of every community in the Hills- A healthy normal system Is the prone to overlook its tremendous convenience R ^hbone.^ Arlene^ back to nis form er home in Endeavor was held last Sunday boro area best Insurance against all dU ea^s O'Dell, Dorothy Whisnand, Rena f Scholls evening at Mountain Home c h u r c h ------------------------------------------and ailments. Oo to the Delta and importance. It is only when we compare Wenstrom. Evelyn Lillegard. Ethel -------- . G ‘bbs Dramatic club is sponsor- Subscribe now to the Argus In Drug store today and get your bot- conditions here with those in Bahrein and other Waibel. P earl and Frances Burke. Edltor's Note — Help your local e"® in B ? ? ? 2 rego" 1150 a ycar S‘* months He ot W lilia n ^ S L. K Y orm ula New pupils are Erma Mae and correspondent and your community ?rcbestra' The 85c Three months 50 cents Two I The druggist wlU tell you how good communities faced with similar problems that Elaine Dickson. M r a rH M r- n u n u rn v j 1 by tu rn in g in your news items. M ural*> Portland, to furnish the months 35 cents. tf It Is Adv we appreciate the ability to obtain a supply of Mr and Mrs. Clifford Trask and The Argus wants all the good news muslc' ----- da?5 h d e 2,n sPen ' 'h e w eek-end ; of every comm unity in the Hilis- -------- pure water at the turn of the faucet. with Mrs. wl ” Trask's ”* “ mother, Mrs. j boro area. | Editor's Note — Help your local I Mary Hill, of Stayton. 'correspondent and your community O n R a d io Tubes Teaeher III your news items rh e Argus w ants all the good news Now you Can enjoy i Jacktow n school was shut down r ir u a ie FOIK iv io v e t h a t “ \ ' p w ‘s o t ” n o r ,lh e iirst oi 'h e week. Miss Evelyn ,,f every comm unity in the Hills- Washington Savings and Loan Association Miss Carter Given . Shower Saturday L U T H E R A N T H U R SD A Y S DECfYDT Au A LAd 1 KLuUK 1 HR TRIFR W11 I I AMS lGLl/AITIu 0. L. K rUKMULA... Mt. Hom e School nf e ra‘ < J On the shores of the Persian Gulf PRICES f n r m .? Tk P HeSSe' the te3Cher. *"h torm ance. These are the measles the lowest prices in About 50 from Scholls attended the history of radio, th e district league skating party lo t 11a in a t a ll n o ,.- F n d a >’ evening at the Oaks park Let US install new in Portland. tubes today! i Mrs. Joe F lint underw ent an operation tor appendicitis Monday i n a Portland hospital. Mrs. Dorothy Whisnand enter- |tain ed the Laurel ladies' club of which she is a mem ber March 20. K e it h F-tn-h nf Hiil-Er.-r. Keith Bush of Hillsboro visited i ' P hone21X a^ te J M S‘re'ch er home Friday ___ nnlili! W VWuktlww RADIO SERVICE I M S .3rd Ave. ■■■ ' ■ ■ A colt, which was foaled at the -------------------------------------- I E. G. Heaton farm recently, had a fifth foot growing on the left front leg just above the hock. The an- — a/1 imal is normal otherwise. Mrs Wilma Schmeltzer is ch air­ man of the committee in charge of the Mountain Home church Easter program A pril 21. Mrs. C Earl Stretcher is chair- W STREAR S T R A IG H T W H IS K E Y 8mNTHSQlD OREGON S FAVORITE WHISKEY HOW IN PINTS ANO QUARTS Correct Oil . . Spells Econ­ omy Mileage Oil and gas mean as much to your car as food and w a te r m ea n t o your own physical w e ll-b e in g ! Deal here, and be sure of the finest grade oil . . . the best gas. P i-n » i OREGON-WASHINGTON WATER SERVICE COMPANY to r e m H ill H o m e boro arca FIRDAI F5' M ? el»nar twt— r- v HiIIsboro Argus contains all the T ? i KDAL x » F -iand M C' F news of Hillsboro and the sur- F-trn HiO rh iaml y i»are movlng ' ° rounding communities Read i t ' I n w ee» • and keep informed on w hat is W alter Barnes of California is happening at home tf making an indefinite visit with — -________ “ I his sister, Mrs. G. Loucket. Louise Peters of Monmouth spent the spring vacation with her par- urits huru m ».. r-„ x . ... We Are Fred Haase entertained with a Mrs quiltin(? WednPsday evening. Mrs. M iller and Jean M iller of Scholls. Edward. Orpha and Dan C arter visited Mr. M iller at Glenn- wood Sunday. Mr. M iller is em ­ ployed in the rock crusher there. Editor's Note — Help your local correspondent and your community by turning in your new s items. The Argus wants all the good news of every community in the Hills- ' boro area. W O U LD N T ANY GAS ANO OIL I o •» YOUR MOTOR D O E S N ’T T H IN K S O L A D Y /” B u s c h ’s S e r v i c e G a r a g e Phone 501 tbrn‘ng A. H. BUSCH, Prop. RICHARD E. WILEY, M«nn«rr H ills b o ro , 1 HILLSBORO BUSINESS AND Special Agents for PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY BEAUTY SHOPS D r. R o b ert«’ V e te rin a r y Ask for Dr. Roberts’ Booklet on Herd Infection. G eneral Beauty Work •IH THE GOuE 013 DATS Typew riters For Rent and For Sale. Telephon« X-Roy "The Largest Independent Bank In Washington County” kinda of Beauty Work .... 1 . DR. D. E. WILEY, M D. Wells Building Telaphonea Office 26R2 II ... DR. RALPH DRfeSSER Dentist Raaldene« GARBAGE COLLECTION G arbage Collection D. P. CORRIER1 Rundaya by Appolntmant Telephone 2325 INSURANCE RUBBER STAMPS GEORGE T. McGRATH BUY YOUR Waahlnxlar, County Aganrlaa RUBBER STAMPS IN S U R A N C E SER VIC E Flint National Rank Phono 2211 For Informollon from Ruildlnx Rlllahnrn about Dirorfory FHRI AND CANS Commercial Building Telephnne 1 44 Evenlnx», Rida Physician and Surgeon a aperlalfy Téléphona 1471 W K II/H A PA R TM E N TS Mabel Rrhandal DENTISTS National Rank — Telephone* Orrico S2«l RaoManeo T»|E PERMANENTS -------- - and RIIRCKON and Phyalo-Thorapy Commorritl 13RIX Sanitary Beauty Shop AH AND SURGEON "r** VwP A. O. PITMAN, M. D. P IIIH IC IA N f'ermanenla nnif nil kind* of beauty work. Ila Iron y lllllaboro I'harmary When the average w eight lady of any chorus was a couple of ton, and no lady used lipstick or rouge (un­ less she was one of those stage wom­ en), no woman knew about her hus­ band’s finances beyond her weekly allowance. Today many a wife is the guiding light in her husband’s busi­ ness, and it is she who assures the family of future protection through SAVING. Commercial National Bank T H E DELTA D RU G STORE PHYSICIAN EVE’S BEAUTY SHOP Preparations Laxitonic Cow Tonic •Horse Tonic And Others O re g o n ur HILLSBORO ARGUS Ilo Adroriloon roll The A rtu t— H A I _________________________