Tage Eight H IL L S B O R O Loses Fathe Valentino First Party Success Wife in Films at Hazeldale ARGUS. H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Vances Back a‘ ,Uillcy H,,,ne from South C ouple H o n o re d Ex-Official Dies Program Held at St. Mary’s I lie Huge of Three Itlvers sav Ihul now the telegraph pro., , ,,, sending photos has been perfr Bush returned Friday slow ly recovering. Portland 60 years ago During 5 i bel Tyler, C atherine Anzalone, Supplies C elebrate Birthdays from a six m onths’ visit w ith rela­ years of his residence there he wa 1 llernurdine Smith, Kenneth Wort Dales Changed tives in the mid-west. Aladdin Lampe Nellie Haney was given a birth- active in his profession. ; mun, A thena Cotslfus, K athleen St The SERA Sewing club, w hich Jav party Friday night at her Robert Cham berlain, who under- Tubes Tested Free j Martin, Louise Howara, Minims Long's Radio Mr and Mrs. L. T Woodwan form erly met on __________, Thursday ____ afte uncle's home. Lou Wright, also " v n t a serious operation a week j Oilier num bers on (tie program attended a meeting of the stock noons will meet Tuesdays at 1:30. " 'a lte r Wright and M arjorie Van- a*° “ * *he Emanuel hospital, is j w ere: "Four-Leaf Clover," chorus, holders of the Farm ers' Co-opei J Everybody welcome Mrs. Becker derzanden helped to celebrate as much Improved. MAXTON A LOONKF “Come Buck to Krill," Juck Murphy, ative m arket in Portland Monda; of Reedville is instructor. The 4-H th eir birthdays were all close to- M ,s T H- Leigh and son Harold, ¡Dolores, K athleen St. Marlin; ru s­ night. Producen of Quality club is now in full swing with gether. Present were Ray Cutright. and Miss Nellie Davis of Astorin tic dunce. Mareia Wilder; "London ! * M * arjorie ' ~ “ - . and j . Victor .. . — *- - ■ visit -uitors at the S. Mr and Mrs Sam Coy of H ills-, Brord as president and O rval Haney and - Ruth ■ we®k-cnd SAND and GRAVEL Fred Everest, form er W ashington ‘*«,rry A lr-' Frances Millet. “A 1 boro visited at the W F. H unter j O neta Hesterley, secretary Mrs W. Dee of Strasse!, Norma Ruthford. F e,ters home county recorder, died in P ortland Medley of Airs," string ensemble. Plant located 4 miles north of For­ home one day last week. P Brooks is leader. ’ | K enneth and Ruth Brown and Bet- . Mrs- c M --------- cCarthey ---------------------------------------------- ey of Kelso left C harlalne Meek. Dorolhy Solder est (.liove on Gales Creek Phone Monday Making a screen “ com eback.“ Mrs. H. N Robinson of Forest ' G eraldine Taylor o f Cooper t-v Hoover of Dilley, M arjorie Van- J'lesday for California after a few Lattonne llubel, Mary Urselli, Jean I600H G rove spent Friday afternoon with Jean Acker, above, first and d i­ Mountain, who is a student at St derzanden. M argaret E s l i n g e r , ¿ays' visit with her mother, Mrs Klein, Frances Carlson, Elizabeth Mrs. S. L. C arlyle and Mrs. Mary- vorced wife of th e late R udolph Mary's in the Valley, took part in Ralph and Bob Vanderzanden. Snyder. Mrs M cCarthey has been Kuufman, Hetty Jo Murphy. Beach. V alentino, has sta rte d work in a musical recital given there last Vernon and Lanor Lydu and Mil- !“ “nd is making the trip south Under the auspices of the stu­ Mr. and Mrs R. B Morris of ton Cropp of Kansas City. B ernard t0. regain her health. a Hollywood film production. Friday evening. dent body, a Vocational Guidance P ortland visited at the Ernest W il-! She is also w riting a book in and Evelyn O rtm an and A rthur Mr. and Mrs. L. E K latt wit- Livrrm ores Move eek was held during the week. fert home Saturday .... and Mrs. John uo„n Liverm m verm ore ore Sears oi David Hil1- “ arjorie Place the launching of the new Mr. which h er one-tim e husband, (C o n tin u el from p a s . u n .l . Speakers were; "Vocational Home Division II 4-H cooking club met filmdom's “ g reat lover,“ will have gone to Seattle to m ake th eir ot Banks- W ilbur and Willis and *!‘ihth5,us5‘ tender, the Rhododen- they have previous fire departm ent Economies,' Mary Cullen of the home Evelvn oh F r itc h in the school lunch room Wednes- ; figure prom inently. Evelyn Shearer Shearer. B Bob Fritch and d ruu in Portland Saturday experience R etirem ent age was Oregon Journal; "Nursing," Miss day afternoon. Elva Bradley and Harvey , Riddling of ----- Hillside. . Patri- inua j UimCItrU .... ..... Birthday Observed set at 50 years except thut the agelC ruw e, supci intendent of V isiting' Joy Hoague dem onstrated and Mr. and Mrs Ernest Liverm ore cla and Mable Dougharty. P hilip I f l l i n p a t may be extended to 55 if desired Nurses' association; "T each in g ." I served a luncheon to the class and . itertained at a St P a tr ic k " dm Irene Mulvey. Pearl Wil- S t K U ltO I l by the dc|>artmcnt and the indl- Mrs F R rverm an; "Married Life," their leader, Miss M aria McKinnis. ner party on Sunday honoring son and BiB Stew art of Forest ___ J r « « can satisfactorily pass « Sodullty Moderator; "Secretariate," Mrs. Alice Clow and Miss Bessie Mr M yrtle Liverm ore on her ? rov‘’ W a,ter and B verett Haney, n O t l O r e d O il b l l l l d a V vidual physical exam ination , C Walker of N orthw estern School and F rank of Multnomah and Mrs birthday Guests w ere M rs Frank John and Rosie p “ulsen. Estell. Al- „ , , , ’ Rural equipm ent may respond t o ' of Commerce I ivormnea ---J ma and Lorrttlg* I.D V P U .sl.vrv — * ' * • L (oil Ciameo of Stayton visited Orenco Bought and Sold Senior class presented "Thanks Liverm ore Mr. and Mrs. Francis ma and L orr‘ne Love. Helen Mur ularms from outside of the city at Miss Murlal Cooper was t h e KINTON—Mr and Mrs. Edward friends Saturday evening Awfully" at a special assembly- Livermore. Mrs. Ivy Syverson. Mr phy' Ker,heth Willis, Cecil Tower any time, but requests for other week-end guest of Mr and Mrs Mr. and Mrs Russell Gramm ar last Friday The program was ded­ and Mrs Ves ________ C harlie Bennett, Donna and Bill Sunday a T ' t h e “ ,dinner Baney. _ apparatus must be subm itted to G 1>. Sinks of Portland and children of Portland visited at icated to B W. Barnes and an en­ Mr and Mrs. John Black have M orrow- George and Clifford Rut- Mrs J H Aten The M* “ nd the 1925 Dodge Touring mayor for his approval. An M V. basketball team played the G. A. Robson home Sunday larged photograph of Mr. Barnes left for G ardner to attend the fun- an- Claudie Raymond Farthing observing their Ihmtv eighth S S * other feature o f t h e ordinance on S St _ _ ,_____ ____ Stephen’s court M arch 8 1927 Ford Roadster G roup I. 4-H cooking club, met was presented to the student body eral of Mrs. Spancer. w ho is Mrs Coynes, M aurice LaSalle. Mrs. ding anniversary and r . w ith their leader. Mrs. Ernest Wil Cast of the play included Don Black's mother. M rs . Bledsoe a Paulsen, Mr. and Mrs. W alter some nice gifts' F r i e n d / “ makes it possible for regular putd ' und left their hostesses holding the 1926 Ford Coupe city employes to be members of heavy end of a 23 to 17 score fert, Friday afternoon. Louise Chase. Kathleen McAlear, Evelyn form er resident of Hazeiuale was Wr*8ht- W ilbur W right and Mr tertained a / t h e i r home i the departm ent at no salary. The old superstition of "unlucky Parks and Esther Bella gave a Paslev. Wanda Park. Violet Jensen. also a daughter of Mrs s j m w 1931 Ford Roadster and Mrs Lou Wr‘8ht Th* evening nine h° me thc eve' A uthorization for the p rep ara­ 13" does not hold good at S. M dem onstration of making sandwich Helen Baughman. O radell Priekett. Mr and Mrs. L. S. Kaiser of was sP®nt in P|a >'in8 games. Mrs Mahle . tion of an SERA project for re ­ V.'s since the game played o n 1929 Chevrolet Truck fillings. Portland visited Mr and Mrs W . CeSl1 Tower, W ilbur Wright, Nel- with her aunt Mrs Wh° ls Florence Holcomb. Helen Wick. Floyd Williams, pairing of sidewalks in the busi- Mudellene's floor Murch 13. Both . ¡le Haney and Mabie D augharty of Clackamas. Miss McGee Entertains Hazel Hanna. Betty Havens. F ran­ d d ---- 1— i—, was given by the school« eagerly anticipated t h i s Lawrence and t o Gassner went ' ‘sited NeUie's parents. Mr" and I w ith h e r ’7 a r 5 t A ‘ week end nW ces Lair. Helen Nelson and Emy Miss Lucille McGee entertained and Mrs conncil An ordinance was adopted meeting as the first game h u d M n n n v is u lk aaaasksa * L - ______*_ • I M l* S . !• nnnr Q t p n r 'a 'z U «> . ’ Mr. Just received carload of Fred Haney, near S tr a m i H arry A Richards Lou Headrick. Marion P eter and to Monmouth over the w eek-end „ Friday afternoon w ith a St. Pat last fall requiring owners of busi­ ended in a tie, 18 to 18 Then S. new Willy« automobile«! , Sunday. rick ’s day party for a group of M arie Doern w ere stage and prop­ guests of W ilbur Crocker. M r and Mrs. W alter W right ve” ve'l l i ntheVa^ r "w ^.i, ’i.Kb? ,n ness property to m ake the repairs M V. won out 21 to 17. G arden Club Form ed — , _ ... young children. Present w ere Val­ erty managers and Miss Tennes­ rf>nf th n .«xnrl «a/itH k a e »»»»- * JKI. t U Ct k it ll in - but the grace period lias expired Eight of the girls of H azeldale' sPe n t the w eek-end w ith her par- flucnza. fluenza but is » little im proved The city now plans to do the work erie Stew art, Mary Jan e McEntee, see W eatherred. director. rU M M Y W IL L O W Senate club vv a s entertained school have organized a garden ents- Mr. and Mrs. Place, near Agency and assess costs to property ow n­ T h * »I m p u f ■ w in ter w ar uv«r G race Karns. Nancy Pitman. Eve­ H. E. C. Has Meet A m i I woke fro m my lun«. Inn« nap, club. They call them selves "The Banks- If an SERA project could be lyn Losli, Lorene Scheldt and Rich­ Monday evening by Gene and Dr. G raham -Paige Sedan R E club of Kinton G range met ers. obtained, labor c o .ti would ^¿1 ¡ J Busy Bee " Ruth Miller is p resi­ J. H. Rossman Following tw o - ard Stew art at the hall Thursday afternoon $649 Delivered Here Mrs. J. P. Rogers spent a couple m inute talks by each of the mem­ dent and O neta Hesterley, secre­ Next meeting will be at the hall elim inated tary. bers on famous composers, a short Application of Foster A K leiser' i f f » mm u valentine, a nenhe (ARM TAINTED commission left the m atter to the lUfor« ihiy iuii bi.» xuitrd a n d p a s t T M ra S. H. Smiley, and fam ily at council. The latter group, however. Scappoose. An enjoyable program of the telescope. A fter the m eet­ M lkes ,irstu *?de and hc Thursday a f te m .» ,, Mrs Ethel McCormick w e ^ ’X ’^ ^ U e X * ^ and social was given by the Friend­ ing the members used the telescope m^ S O N H n / ^ A , . recent schot, said he got more thrill out of it Ga» - Oil - A cceisories ly club in the church parlors F ri­ built by Mr Rossman. G R. cabinet m et Monday t o , .- — - — ------------ ___ Madelyn S hattuck (,r.an8e;i_......................... mick's mother. Mrs Llllv M H i,,. annuaI basis and that residents in ia*1 w Inter had surely <«nr day night. _____ I h n v ln im lv l,„ _______________ ■ plan for a pioneer committee. I n - ! was hired to teach the school for Mr Mikulak. who is Oregon U s 1 Iv. Saturday the vicinity of I the proposed site! Car» W ashed and Polished Shower Given , A m i now m y prou y w hite k a lk in , stallation ceremony will be held *he third successive year. nationally famous "Iron Mike," is C harles VanKIeek of Hiteon vis be given a hearing. j S inra you hava Imi Iho way f i n i s h i n g hl«i a r n d o m i / « n o i i r v o n * . __ « il l » o n v ia A shower was given in honor at Shute park Wednesday. Miss Mrs. Ida Wolf arrived last week finishing his academic course at ited relatives here M-?rrh Perm it wus granted for the ren- a ii the ro>i of the oomou *« flora 13. of Miss Darle Huntington of Aloha Grace Lawers has asked for a copy j £rom Orange. Cal., to m ake her Oregon and plans to coach a West- Mr and Mrs ovation of the building on Second W111 follow and hold f u ll «way, and Gail Rood of Molalla at the of the cerem onial used by Hilis- ! b ?m e. a*.¿he B. E. W aldorf home, ern college team after one more attended"thp fun..r,-!l n»*"? G E O R G IA N A R A N H avenue now occupied by Larson's home of her cousins. Mr. and Mrs. boro girls at the m id-w inter con- She is Mrs. W aldorf's mother. season with the Chicago C ardinals in Sherwood M irrh 19 " relatlvc restaurant. //irnyi z m z s s « m Vz\— , y — m v v C T n J T V " 1 E Y C T Z F W N C z N tN nnz4 / « 1 « * - • - - U WXT X V ; t-. . 1 » I- _— __ I : . - I1«X. Frank Warren, in Orenco S atu r­ ference in Forest Grove. G. R C harles Johnson and fam ily vis- He and Mrs. M ikulak are m aking State Capitol News L etter—G iv­ t S! * * k . , , r a v | e r Breeds | ewe « .. _ day night. Miss H untington is the week will extend from A pril 8 to ited at the D. M artin home at th eir home in Eugene. ing the highlights of official ac- I 2nd and Wash. Phone 2641 J J VanKIeek received a letter I I lD e m illf T T p « f c Yamhill Sunday. ________ _____ _ daughter of Dr. W. D. and Mrs. 14. tlvity at Salem Every week In from a firm i n Petalum a. C a l. A u w v r »-U l111 1 » MS the Argus. ,, H untington of Aloha. Over seventy Philo club held a skating party who deal in chickens and eggs in­ relatives and friends w ere -present. at th e Oaks rin k last Monday. forming him that the m arket is A lively program was enjoyed by c a l 8 ior allesU the - heavier breeds of I Fl a "LZ*” I C(»IT t i fi 11F«Ì fP tW It t ’N Ifl all after which the couple were V. F. W. Sponsors Dance »n«) Mrs. W. L. Peters of Scholls was and Rhode Inland rid”" ™ d * k s ! Kr, t'«e r' »£><* A"> presented w ith many Jovely and A macher useful gifts at Their Hall Saturday in n g the past J week. wee»k. his co-operation in securing 50 non 000 I “5?—, 7>ay Pe.,e r . B< »scow Funeral services for Mrs Ellen ms Mrs. Louise Tem plar of Camas Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Havs Russell A n,olne,te Adams, 74, wife of J eggs at an early date school—Mrs. Jam» The V eterans of Foreign Wars ----- Auld. nurse. spent last week w ith her cousin, I are sponsoring a dance for the re- and Delta Hays and M r' and Mrs Eslinger, Jack .¡>dam.s' !"“ *** held at the F rw Mr Mrs S C. Sparks and Mesdames clem George Person, and family. lief fund Saturday. At the hall at Thomas Springer visited at the Methodist church at 2 p. m. today. Mr and Mrs Bert Sparks and son Kelley w and ‘d A. w L. ‘ Brock. i St. Mat — harles - - , .v, wl»!. ... s Yates z - .„ offi- . ... of r. . . . . Mr • Mr. and Mrs. B A. Mitchell Ninth and Oak. Every one welcome C home at - Iowa c Thi.rcH Thursday) with D Rev. Portland . visited and Mrs' I thews- m ' ^ 1 . Mrs Mr'L Hayes Bickford, nurse Springer w ere guests at a St. P atrick's day ciating. Y oungs Funeral H o m e Robert Pomerov Sundav "*•" j Mesdames «csaam es F Fred Engeldlng. r. llel.-n Hill Sunday. dinner party Sunday at the Mrs. i has charge of arrangem ents. In ­ Ivan Haynes and Shclbourn I uhmn n “ nd i r “d,1Caldw " 11 Mrs We specialize in quality com- Rose M urphy home in Portland. ; m ereiai printing.—Argus. tf term ent w ill be in the J. O. O. F Bowen of Sherwood rode over on ' f„r Vir Rn “ n,an wlU act M ,lurse Say you saw it in th e Argus. cemetery. __________ Invited during t h e , Mrs. Adams was born at Chero- the day with Mr and Mrs I .. kee. Iowa, Septem ber 14, 1860. and Aten. ' n ' day and anyone wishing to include i has made her home in this com- Mr. and Mrs A W Mills and children not In school may bring m unity during the past 25 years, son of Tillamook spent the week them to either the Peter Buscow (CHEVROLET and OLDSMOBILE) or David Hill schools She is survived by her widower, end at the Pomeroy home a daughter. Mrs Irene DeHart of -_____ Chiloquin: two sisters, Mrs. Emma Nellie Complaints R. B arker of OelWien, la., and Mrs. SAN FRANCISCO. Murch 22 H annah G. Eddy of Newtown, la.; A total of 3176 com plaints against and a brother, Judson S. Bartlet violators of NRA codes have been filed with NRA directors of the /2s ............ Beans Red & White, fancy cut, 2s. 2 for Beans 19c 27c H IL L S B O R O M O T O R C O . JAMES WHITELAW, P roprietor Green & White, cut. 2 for Pears Red & White, Bartlett, 2 ^ 8 . 2 for (6 for $ 1 .1 4 ) Coffee r MANNING’S. 1-lb. 19c 39c 25c Many other items specially priced for Friday and »Saturday. These prices good March 22 - 23 only. Corner S. 3rd Ave. and K. Washington St. Phone 141 T H E F IR S T C A R L O A D O F Oldsmobiles Ever Received in W ashington County, NOW ON DISPLAY