H IL L S B O R O T hursday, M arch 21, 1935 ARG U S, H IL L S B O R O , Page Seven O R E G O N ! Sunday night Following the regu- .study on “Life of C hrist” In out- lur league meeting a reception wan line Bring your note book end Testam ent and enjoy the study. held In the parsonage A hearty welcome to every service. Ten March 3B R I. P u ’ u a rn . p M t g l Epworth League will sponsor a va. silver tea at the church parsonage M arla llaya and Jaaaa Haya, huaband | fleti Column« ( I om * at 10 <>’< lock Wednesday Mnrnlnx. March 30. All are cordially invited. and w lfa, llan k uf Beaverton, a cor- Mrthodiat Eplacopal C hgrrh p..rat Inn, A A. Hchram m, HuperlnlemJ- Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Gourley and C hurch school, 0:45, Miss Kose out of Banka of lha H lata uf O ra- hildren Robert, Alma and Mary A KKAOY MAKKKT WITH I K i . H l I gitala and pur«4,r«<| buck Delbert W right W inner fur Cave, superintendent; divine wor- gun, H haw -Fear Company, a eorpora* sale; also stump p u lin Mi> of Falls City visited friends h e r e ighip „ «mnoB by pastor. Ep- II llun, Anna If. Johnaon, a widow, C. HIO KKMVLTM AT Unger. ft Hilloa south and 2 mlloa weat M P rin k , J W. ( «-Poland Yards, a Boy Scout Contest bunday. w orth League. 6:30; evangelistic of HlllalM.ru. L1TTLK COAT ft-9p corporation ; W J. M cCready Lumbar Mr- a’a».Mrs- C harles St- ers and M.rviccs 7;3() We continue through- ( uiupany, a corporation, Commodore daughter Jane of Iowa Hill visited out this week and over next S un­ Harney, Defendants. I'om/ritY •a F tr«i laser llun . per w»»r«l Mr and Mrs. W T. Sellers Sunday. day in our evangelistic campaign. T o <'. M P rin k , d a fan d au t: (N u service leas than 25r) I . K IH T I I N puro«, •-«I Bla<*k C.M-hlu bai Dinner guests Sunday and . Thomas Isaacs and Mrs. Rhodu In lha Nam « of lha H tala of O ra tio n ; "V , ’ * of . Mr. . lama, 80c eesti. Han Habnow, Gift E, You era hereby commamied and required Kach add 11 tuna I l a s e r I lu a , p e r Mrs. Fred Wolford were Mr. and Rennison are assisting i n these PM bon to appear and anawer lha com plaint filed Mrs. Bert Grindle, Mrs. Neila Hie- * (N o service ¡ ¡ M than H 5 > I W ll a l a y i n g services, Mr. Isaacs leading the for aala or trade for uuamat -- . you - In . . ilia above antltloil court l>-ra.oi ........... _ ... ¡mil teacher of seventh and eighth berlein and Victor Ferris, all of singing and Mrs. Rennison at the chicken«, hatching tv««, or shrub« and mu « w on or before the expiration of Kaadar«. par line I ”® K. J M -A L E A K . A tto rn ay fu r A d m in­ grades; M is 3 Irene Brown of For- McMinnville, and Mr. and Mrs. Eli I A Hendrickaon, lit 1 Hillsboro 1 » (,„ ,r weaka from tha date of tha first (N u aarvtca lass than 93«i) istrator, F ira t N a tional Hank Building, piano. The pastor is doing t h e D A Y old Leghorn pullets or straig ht run publication of thia summons, the date Grove, fifth and sixth; Miss G rindle and A. H. Wolford of preaching each evening. The serv­ Hillsboro, Oregon. 4-3 est Gaunt Word« Hand M»ney rhteka, now hooking for late A p ril of the fira t publication being tha 2lat Ruth Bailey of Buxton, third and Banks, ices have been draw ing good crowds Count Yuur P r o fit* ami May at redueed prices. E x -alla n t day of February, 1931, aiol If you fall N O T K K TO < K E IH T O K H K O F F IN A L B B T T L K M B M T fourth; Miss Moxie Hopkins, first It. I Ik b ea< h Friday. Also batch- to au ap|»«ar and answer said com plaint In tha County Court of tha Htata of ° ™ - in N t O h T . H County and the interest is good. The pub­ f «»urt of ’ ba State o f O ra- Ula< h Kara Kaadlng» N ut par- and second. Miss Sylvia Oasheim ing W hite Kocka, ll«rre«l Iba-ka, W hite for want there«.f, lha p la in tiffs w ill apply g«»n, for W ashington County lic is invited to come to the serv­ gon fo r W ashington County. w it tad. Giant«. We custom hatch heu egg« ami to tha ««»urt for tha le lie f prayed fo r in In i h . M a ile r uf t h . E . t . t * uf EdWSld In M a tte r <»f the Fatate «/f James J. and Miss Phyllis Nelson, who have ices. You will find our services. turkey eggs. Visitor» welcome, iuvsn .II- I hair »aid complaint« to -w it j Gaab should accompany Uto vrdar. taught here the past few years, Hvrwaid. iJecaaaad. Felton, iJecwamd. G rrn u n M. E. Church. Bethany Sunday school and young people’s gala lha Hughes breeding and hatching That p la in tiff» hava a Judgment against Notice Is hereby - given, th at the under • 1» Notice la hereel»y given th at the un- have resigned. groups active and offering help On G erm antown road. Sunday uly appointed t»y the f|^r - |K»iea|. duly appointed A d m in istra trix Mr. and M r. C harles K eeler and h , gund a Ge/ . in C hristian living and a real chal­ O ut a f falm aaa tu all nu In forma» Administratorix n am e! astate, has filed in | tlu a un the elaaalftad page w ill Lillian Steele called at the man servj¿ „ / fir8t' a n d aed, and haa , he B^ #ve entitled court and causa her M ik a m., lenge.—Charles M Reed, minister. ba glvasi uut uutU the papar la Thompson home east O t third Sundays; English service, 11 fin a l account and report as such, and J. B laauad. a rs o n s having , he ro u rt haB t h , iiith day of A p ril, Banks Sunday. a m.. second and fourth Sundays are hereby jg jg , (he hour of ten o'clock A . M. Beaverton Church of Christ /•» fvaa and th eir aueta cl®,ma »g»i«»t • * w « " U te ara New Pupil» Enrolled ,jay Br,,| (he court room of the pullota. Viaitora waboma. l ’ rira» to il >i4i».«r«» attorney k .r .in * tikat u la ln tiffa notified and re p - ” ; maat <-«>mpatilio n , u uality ton«ldarvf Waahingt«»» County. Oregon, in tha follows; Bible school. 9:43 a. m., H IIK M II'P ’H H A I.E H lllaboro, O r t o n._________________ farm . M alm fro m high pedlgraad dams m anner pra»criba«i by law and th at tha 4-8 brought them to the scout cabin and Saturdays from 2 until 4 p. m T. l indar leaver a t A r a n , and no moo .- B. H arris superintendent; Com­ of fin e gsiiaralion braradlng. Il W . D Nutlca ia brraby xiven, th at by v i r t u , -------------------------------------- “ proceed» from »aid aala i»a applied in Ito be judged. D elbert Wright of Sunday's topic, "M atter.’’ • » tanlaai Tha bulk of our ordsrs fro m «»Id tha follow ing order, t o -w it ; m union service followed by preach­ nu Eaaeution. O r .l,r and b e e r . , of N O T IC E T O t K K IllT O R S rm tiu iia ri. Baby chirks, | | ( ) 50 par 100; g a l,, l—uad out ut and under the »eel |„ the County Court of tha H tata of Ore- M ountaindale won first and Billy R a n k » M P C h u rc h 1. Costa and expenses til »aid sale; ing, 11 a. m., Young people's m eet­ PAINTERS—P A r t ItlN Ii | l o in ftoo Io ta , aoaad rhicks I f da- Uf (be C ircu it Court of the Htate of O ra- , „ r W aehinyton County. - Kessler of Banks second. Dale Eb- iianxs n. t. c n n rtn 2. C*wta and disbursements and at~ airad. Paul Dudley. ItU 1, H ravartoii. con. fo r the County of W aehinyton, dated > | n .he M a tte r of the Eatate of C. .M. e rjy won honorable mention. Del- Sunday school every Sunday, ing. 6:30 p. m., preaching, 7.30 p. decorating torncy'a ftma h e re in ; to all of these 1‘hons H ra w rto n 0«|M 5otf the 27th day o f Feb ru ary. 1SS5. In favor S h affer, dereaaad. I b e r t ’0.00 t«»gether w ith interest Company, a corporation, p la in tiff, and dendyned ha» been duly appointed by the a arm . rnc juages w ire vass wil -... T il,™ __ : : eggs and chicks from uur 900 tasted iharaon at tha rate of seven per cent aya:n»t J. C. Snider and Fannie Snidei. ahnve entitled C injrt, aa Ad m lniatrator. s o n and ChrlS Rleben. The stools Ell-SWOrth Tilton, pastor, e v e ry IL HELI' WANTED bans on rangs. Iio ju ira Kosc««« Han­ l»er annum since tha 15th day of H «ra I h i, w ife, l^ a i—r Snider, unm arried, 'Ih e w uh the w ill annexed of the relate o f w-tll rem ain in the cabin for the Sunday evening, 8 oclock. Ladies Whosoever Will nett, lit. 2, B e averlo u ; l^y m i las north . nJ.- i . l M • . M A N w -» i — 1 fo r K s w ln s li rouU . W a halp i Above North Plains) lu n k o f ' lieeverton. a M iaie lu n k ln y C o t- d,veaae.l, and ha> duly qualified aa at their meetings but quite Aid meets first and third Wednes » ltf 4. The overplus, if any there be, to ,.i.|.o rtu » « y fo r >|s hl be applied to the paym eul uf taxes Sunday school, 10 a. m., we don’t y .H , s— < s ta rt—l Vt ( l i ­ Itaw icigh ^,r^ ¡ S ^ “ x ? ’ A.n £ h w í ‘ nu - therefnre. ail p e r - ,n . t a v i « c l a i m , a few of the boys have also made «lay. at 2 p. m. tf l i , , . ( OH»; DO.«. O akland, C a lif » • -I- U . u | m » u »aid land now owing and de­ PIGS believe in the same old routine, tandant o f tha Banks o f tha Htata of ______ »aid e»tau> a re hereby notified stools for home Use. against ___ linquent. M l l ) l l l . S a a « i - . 'n a n fo r l,..u.aw ..rk alni the Lord gives us som ething new The Congregational Church farm th ia a , F i l l i H A L E I pigs, t'» «hiekan», m ilk I Im l " p ia ln tlf fe hava judym ant and da- llra y o n , Iiefendanta, fu r lh a enm o f , „ d required to preeent the »ame, to- Don Moore and E arl McPeak be- ■ rw ‘»f aoml-in valui M r i l a. I « goat V Haa decreelny tl.a that 12(11 30 w w ith ith Inter«»» Intercet inereon there*m ui at inc the r-..c rule i „ yether w l(h ith proper proper to voucher» therefor, o, to . . . . p » 7,( c , s .a o d lo a v la n * M "» ' ” lct««r ” "f V > anM anm rltabake, eo . ■ rae. n m v ver - r toi» . adju.lyiny and dacraelny l i h the . »2*1.1« . lh er w « , ner» rnere.or, second class SCOUtS at the C hurch school, R. E. Wiley, su- each time we meet. He is blessing a.lulle refer M .e lt i, a (|| , j of u l a lu ll f f . ’ m orlyaye 1» prior In of 1« p e r c e n t per annum f on. the l . t „ „ undaralyoed at v , i,o , „ aa. h ’ and a ll of ihe defendant, in and rate of 10 per rent per annum fr -o the , i M month» from the date hereof. Ceived m erit badges for personal KMITIONM O rrXK K D W id th I,.,,.... I. I ............... U , " ; % • ......... id , c , l p r ..,...,,, and •>..< l b . defend- li> day of N o v . l - . n t . am i ,bc iir lh c r l« ,h d a y of M arch. 1*3» h |th car[X.ntrv Banks troOD T- A rthur Dungan, acting minis- day holy w ith us. Regular morning . .............. ....................... C iv il Mervb-a I new llyht w .ly h l dray » .« I M N ................. ha faeauae fore. ••( I I M 1 . I S w ith II I - H l .l lM A N A d m in la lra to r w ith lha t e r new llyht w elyhl dray .a w I t ; N a n U >(i ^ . h i h, n, u f or. v . r form «urn of 1 1 «SISK w ith iate tea t thereon I. N .h a iria y G ovarnm -nt C ivil 8ee»iee worship, 11 a. m. The pastor will anneaed of - the katate of aaid b . e - also had a 100 - per cent ‘er Marmol avanue. 6p . . . . . _ i o| , _ | ( ron, at the rata o f 7 per cent per annum w il tl l ________ — ---------- . . rating . . . for . m a lll.a u a r il. Ie .le r .1 Mervlea Ir a tn - I — — preach the sermon. The prim ary S I II I - M I. N T of N a .le rn (Ire y o li h .r .a a „.„(¡„y claim ing any rig ht, t i l l , or fro m I h . l . t day of Nov., 1»»«, and the E. J. M cA lear. A tto rn e y fo r t h e last month. Mr. and Mrs. Wahl mu Haraa». Ine.. Ho» M l * . 1 inn All Saints Mission Episcopal) departm ent is making Easter plans. Í in la rv la w . 1’axa 5195 due a rriv e «bout Saturday. T e r m , a r- i,itere«t In and to .a id real property, or fu rth e r « l i r a of »26.6« w ith intereat there- A d m in b lra to r. attended the SCOUt banquet at the I 4-5 j Third Sunday in Lent; Church T arry service, 3 p. m. Evangelistic ranaed llill.h o r o Horae M arket, 1 part or parcel thereof except the on a t tha rate of 1« per cent per vn- . • IT A alb Methodist church also. blm k we»l of om deeaer _ 3 . t . t m , „ y r |y h l of redemption, and for «urn fro m the t l t h day of M ay. l» s t. M IIK K IF F 'M M ALE school, 9:43 a. m.; morning prayer service, 8 p. m. The Lord is bless- _ . x . the a - fu x . rth . . , a e „ r ------ . .. f « « - w a ith .h m u hereby Ki¥r w ill »ell »eparmte. J. |^> «quttabla lha pramiaaa. 4N TFJ> A*»»«h top 33 «•*!•« t8* I««, j .»|<7 . heap. Quite a num ber of strangers are p ^ p ^ ’g fellowship, 6:30 p. m. ice is enjoyed by all also special ix »vrved upon you pur- cent per annum fro m the 20th day of ;,-ned out o f and under the xeal Co I K Weliftwr. H t. 5, HUhkbor«». ft This »umm< Lum ber seen on the streets of Banks these P i p iu £ rfetfor Alan wuiio G unn v* 6f Pacific Pacf Noaieswry* r M a rtin ■ • ------- -n d the fu rth e r «uni of " ■ usut to an order mada and entered in February. I t t f j , . _ , , itw v i music, the orchestra is being en- of the C irc u it C o urt of the S tate of O re ­ * ’ 6 ¡ HOltHFLH for F » r t lami- _____ _ ■aia o r trada for row» o r »aliintf llu ild in « the sb.»ve entitled court and cau«e on >be IW .9 0 w ith interest thereon a t the rate gon. will address y o u n g larged. Pastor’s sermon theme ha»s for the County o f W ashington, days as people are m igrating back unjversjty Deianian, G aribaldi Ava. wood Hay ? ,h .lay of l« L rti» ry . 193ft, b y t » o- - i »9 p e r c e n t per annum from De« . I date«l the 12th day of .March. 1935. in for the hoeing season in the straw l t f l ‘ho »«• 2107 people s fellowship on The Jap- not been announced. Mid-week I . HAI I or I HADE- M l« .lit,........ . ru i.ie IL F rank l eter». Judge o T the 1934. and the fu rth e r sum of |J0<> <»U favor of E q u ity Finance Company, a berry patches. anese.’’ service, Tuesday at 8 p. m. Special ligh t harna»»«a. I F A IK black h«*rwa. I 0 M p«»untis. ««»»1 abtoe entitle«! t «>urt. and which order a tto rn e y ’s fee», w ith Interest tlMTeoa nt corp«»ration, p la in tiff« . and a g a i n s t W i l . l , exakanc' m ill Mrs. William Smoke of Portland naw m ilk »ta rllL , w«»rker« A. Claey«. Hlllaboro. K». 3 . pre»rril>«s that this ■ summons shall be 5 per cent per annum fro m Feb.. 2<»th, —::— prayer for the sick and afflicted ummooa ____ I,« r y faoatn« W . M r wif..*"«i" lo r r y b X m and F red. Toelle oí M ountaindale the fu rth e r sum o f I19.IP ¡ . Ä and •ek fo r fo u r auceenniv* 1935. published Trinity L othrran Church Tuesday night. "Come and worship tar. disbursements w ith interest tnd x 0 . 1 « l,rt*,,t I*«, mllaa south J | S T received xhlpm eot horeee f r o m ■ nd live weeks In the H illsboro coats sh«r»h A n n L»rx<>n, hu»b»n,i «nd visited Mrs. Minnie Schulraerich and naira» .m t y ... x I w „ r „ T h r w ; tivaa ,« » Celebration of the Lord's S u p -' w ith us in spirit and in truth."— 6 I Argus, a weekly new «paper printed, pub- th*re«»n at the ra le of ft per cerit per wife, defendants, fo r the sum of 53129.* out F trst eve«*ue. F bo n* -ft* 1 f w -y Sunday. The Melvin E. Jones, pastor welyhl I SUU to lltoo lb- J. W M eter, Hshed am i «im ita te d w ith in W ashington annum fro m the 2oth «lay o f retiru ary. 69 w ith intereat thereon fro m the 12th at the Earl Wilson home Sunday. > K L L or trade your old farm M.r!, »WCnM ai neS, ° f P c R h preparatory service will begin at 1 m ile eael of llill.b o ro , on high- County, Oregon, the date u f the firs t 1935. to me diraeted and delivered, eom- «lay of A p ril. 1934. at the rate o f 1U .enta 1er rebuilt »mplemenl« »t H«.utb tn iiu m , »m and l f.,r fo r the wey '« |.u b ii,» ii,.ii ih .r . t Iran.« th« 21xi .tar in .n iH n « m« to m* k « ’ J* r «,,» |,«r »nnum tbe fu r - v i s u e a a e n s e n o u n u u y . ( 10-30 q jq a m regular service a t Church “ ir J s . w n ? ; . »- n J ■JSnST a. m., Foursquare th nn Tred to « Fust. 74ÔI * E. »2nd .00 • atto rn ey’» fees w ' ith Mr. and Mrs. B. W. A rm entrout 4ptf j l* A llt black horxe«. 3ton pound. « - . I ..I F e i.r u .,y I»36 .n d I h . d . t , ..r i h . f JJS” "" u:'hTy j , h ' ’i v W $ M rJ « d Mri « A rin w tro u t W;50. Sunday school 9;45, a n d F riday. 7:43. the praise and wor- lt.iü a n d In the gon, A J and C la s s ifie d A d v e r tis in g Hl M M O N H C irc u it Court uf th« H lata of O re­ f..r W iialilnuton County. Itlahe am i Eugenie III« he, husband w ife, P la in tiffs , ti. N O T H K TO Í R F D IT O K H Not k » |g haral.y nivan that the under • '« » * ' of lha Estate of M ichael Conaelo.arin. Draraaral, by an .,r .l.r « " '. r - d In lha County t nur» of the '''..b lo u to u County, on t h . 27th day of February, 1935, and that ha ha a duly <|uallfie«l aa auch A d m inistrator. Nuw therefore. all persona having claims against »aid aetata ara haral.y notified and required to present them w ith the proper vourhera to lha underainned Ad- m ln iatrato r at hla reahleiire near Hher- j , Oregon. or at the law office of II. Tongue J r.. In the Comm ercial Th«» 1 Block in the C ity o f Hillsboro, Oregon, w ithin aia months fro m tha data of thia notiee, to -w it: W ith in ala m on tha from Feb ru ary 33. 1936. FK K O L A N G E Il J r., A d m in istra to r of , | 1# E»tate of M ichael Conftelmann, D«*- raaaed Th««. I I . Tongue J r., A ttorney fo r A d m inistrator. 2-f' N O T H F. (» I P IN A L HP.TTLP.M P.NT In th** County C o urt of »ha H lata of Or« «on fo r W ashington County. ,/T b . c u .- i C raw ford be« eased b h; r, llF , h. t lh „ und. under- »¡g,„a|. duly appoint*-.! A .lm l(.l» tr.t..r of h M ____ „ ha _____ ________ ___ alM.va entitled court and cause hie fin a l account and r«-p«,rt aa auch, and tha court haa fl«e«J tha Iftth day of A p ril. 1935, at the hour of tan o’clock A. M of «aid day, and the court r t|onB to Final Account, end fo r ibjertioni th«* fin a l settlem ent of »aid estate. (B y M rs. Frw l W olford I Hated thia Mth day of M arch. 193ft. ] teachers D ate «»f laat publication A p ril IH, 193'».. - BANKS - - - - - - - - — G rade —— - school - H E N H Y H C K A W F b K D . Administrator for next year have been hired as of the batata <.f Charles G. C raw f o n t ' follows: Clye Hopkins, principal - Banks Names Teacher List CHURCHES loyvlny team W ill .a ll reaxonable n u .,h d*.; re * " . , ' r r. 7 > • » '» » .» - i ™ M ^ t ^ d a “t e cs i ^ v m p ' ? l b l e c la s s - J m - , , ^ n e o u n 5 e " >® " t i sh? p se, T 5 e _o ,? h e * e e k _R ! y lake cow. Hob H o lt, % -m ile u , rn . d i r t i t ^ and di- son near M ountaindale Sunday. _ ... ...................... will .... be _ ----------- Monday, . the 1st day of A p ril. 1M 5. |H.r annum , m ­ - on moowf t< E. II. T O N G U E , A ttorney for P la in for communion received ry P. Wilson speaking on the sub­ W llc h Itaael school. * lf ,,f »t lira Fra»t d.».r nf th« to u r» H o u x . in £ comm»i uidlsii m . to m il. sate Miss Josephine Pos of Portland. jrrlday Serm on subject. "A rt Not ject ‘‘O nward.’’ Sunday school, 9:45. t if f. Keaident attorney of the Htate — <■■«« I I I l< I Ilk.B T prie» paid for « Id horx -isl Hillsboro. W a«hington C ounty, Oregon, at . . ’ , dragon I'tM to ffire addreas: Commercial 1*6 N 4th property herein after de- w h o IS attending Pacific, spent tne Thnn Alan Onp o f T h i s M a n ’s Dis- We broke all records in attendance W rits ( ’. K. G raham , 1«5 the hour o f ten o'clock a. m. of said ._ r ik_,, i have . I..t«i upon and p u n » - week-end with Mr. and Mrs. H Thou Also One ol Tlus: Man s u ,s CONTRACTING 3*9 building, Hillsboro, Oregon at reet, Hillsboro d .y » .II a l public auction to I h . h i« *"» ’ , „ t ,J hl (Xecution, O rd er an«J De- ciples?"—John 18, 17. You are also last Sunday and from the enthusi­ I c m -M U L M E R IC H . r ..„ .r» c tn r »nd J U K I rece! ved b ipm rut of F-as tern O re- S H E R IF F ’S S A i.K bidder fo r cash in hand, all of the fol- f Sale, 1 w ill on Monday, the L. Jensen and family. cordially welcomed to attend Len- astic reports it looks as though hulidOT. r - » - l « l 'n « . W irt»», rtce 349 end up. -J. K gon horaes N .d lr . I . h .r«l.y «Ivan, that by v ir t u , of lowtns dran rihral rent property, lyin « . be- .,2n(1 day of A p ril. 1935, a t tbe East « r . IT»»» •» •* ~1">‘» ‘ - ‘ ‘ J»: Wei»»>er. H lllaboro I ’hone 21ft2. 2tf an Executiun, O rd«r and bra ---- — — ------ - _ Mrs. . „ . John , ,, Caldwell _ _ a n d , . Mrs ten service in the high school audi- everyone w ill have to come early al«. •»« •»<« «Ruato in W aahlnytnn bounty. d.«.r Of the Court H u n .« in Hlllaboro. Earl Caldwell were guests of hon- at 8 n m Thursday Rev tc get a seat next Sunday. M orn­ J » rk » -.n I b • _J* 1 I W O R K HdKHF-H Load just arrived. East­ the Oregon, and more p a rtic u la rly described w - h . n , t..n C ounty. O r « o „ . at t h . hour o f a , a t y F r id a y a fte rn o o n a t ’ P 4¿ U I Y M y . KeV^ ern Oregon all-purpose horaes. Frire» ia«ued out of and under the of ten O clock a. m. of said day. sell . -- . C a ld w e ll h o m e ; Arming of Olympia, Wasn., Will ing worship, 11 o’clock. Rev. H ar­ C ircu it C«Mirt of the State run. as follows, t o -w it : SALE—Mlacellaneou. I r«Mssonahle. F*. W . Watch. Hillsboro Commencing at the Southeast cor­ bid- the Mrs. L*€na c a ia w e n n o m e. dey ver address. the at public auction to the highest ry Wilson speaking on "Up Pops i \N E brack d .v « .i» .r t, » »xtr» veluur ner of the Northeast Q u arte r of the .._ — 31st day of Jan uary. 1935. of ,1. , 1er 39 h h l hand, all of the fo * l­ Games were enjoyed. About fifty the Devil." Crusader service, 6:15, N o rth w m t Q u arte r ( N E ’4 of N W ’ ^ I cnxhbm .. 2 o.»h«ua»r n -k .r. I »rm , G OO D work b<«r«e f<>r sale, single or The U nion C entral L ife Ins» um- lowing described real property, lying ladies were present. Old Fashioned Gospel Mission chair, »hrera S a lt ru«». * »m ail run». *.f .Section Tw elve 412» Tow nship all young people invited. Band con­ (l*„il.lr W J. 8rheel. Huber. Phone ’hone pany. a corporation and agi IL »»«•ing and «ituate in W ashington Coun­ Mr. and Mrs. Fred G earheart and Tw o «2> .S*»uth Range T w o (2 ) West J irou bed*, springs and m att B«-« y ertuu . y k. « The home-like place. Come once, cert. 7:30. Evangelistic service, 7:45. ty. Oregon, and mure p a rtic u la rly de- . . - .-I l H f V f Z u m w alt, unm arried, Evelyn sett of the W illam e tte M e rid ia n ; thence 24ft F W aln u t street ; h11. iather “nd -Jo»“ " * Rosencrans wil, come Services Sun- Good music and song service. Rev. ' and Chau». M Dorsett, her hus »ah- sed as follows, to -w it: South Forty-seven degrees th irty m in ­ < k l ll l , visited Albany friends Sunday. day 2 30 and Friday 7:30 p m _ Betty H. Wilson speaking on Beginning at a point on the N o rth ington Cxounly, a m unicipal Ion, I K I . E I ’H O N K .n d lanca i-raI» cral.r . » • n . ut « 147* 30’ i West E ight and th ir ty - line of Lot 141. Hea vert on-Reed ville TW O -.1 1 hrral . v - r J .r .... f ,.-^ '' Joe Morrissey of Cornelius vis- c E c la rk in charge i 26 w "Straw 's Cheaper." A welcome ( ir -h»»-. •»••> “ -■% J N six hundredths <9.33| chains to a of |2& 25 cuets and disburs rith Acreage, as shown by the duly re­ M an n ln « en ft«' and 9« days, high teat. A H 7- T " ' , - , . stake in angle of the County Road ; I here *SaÜ rday^ ,« „ -rau Main street. per corded plat thereof now on _ file in aw aits you here. and T . II . » » n il. fu r fam ily cowa. | !» < •" ■ * thorram at I h , rat« U H » M A L E W r a lr tn Rc-| . - . ,. r -h l',« l - thence south T w e n ty -fo u r degree« Mr. and Mrs. Cltff Thompson _..__ of the County Recorder's office. of c h .d e .lo ck alra. « m cn tL . C u . r n w c* ,L ' . . ^ r “ ? ? m. , r ° m l-rlc w F O B. >«1111 l l < "’ ,1— w w l fo rty -fiv e minutes (2 4 * 45’ ) east Jan uary, 1935. and the fu rl of W aahington County. Oregon ; aaid be­ and children visited at the Elmer C hristian Church „1 S o r t i ITaln», a» Vadl» *P heifer. Salra Depot, I % miles south S e ve n a n d th ir ty h u n d r e d th s (7.3 0i •3U4.73 w ith intereat thereon rate ginning point being 197.207 feet S. I Lyda home at Glenwood Sunday Lord.s church h j 9 45 a o«it First avenue. I*h«>ne 2553. 5 c h a in s . thence south E ig hty-eig ht de­ N l.w F .lr tr a n k . M n rw 61 degrees 93’ E. from the N . W. 1st .n d r . f n « « » u r » . »m i I n««l M»y « F O U R Guernsey bulla, eligible to regis­ o f 1" per cent per annum I grees th irty m inutes < ftft* S o ' i assst M tr a n d Mrs Reid Eldridge of m c H N. M 7 IV ■—T— Iteeverton • ? ! • . 5p rate of 10 per cent per annu <23.12) chains to a stone in the east West line of said lot 452.337 feet to the of Portland visited Mr. and Mrs. 100 per cent attendance. A rapidly M A N U H E fnr •»)». •» p a r lr u c k orad. do- FO R S A L E Guernsey bull. 2 years old. 1st day of Dec.. 1931. and lin e of the Southwest Q u arte r of the the South line of aaid L o t ; thence her 4 lf JCC wenlC?aftM ofChDiUey visited Sr o w i n « 801,001 w ith classes for all livree»! Kay iM lsm an Fh*»ne 21«7 N o rth m st Q u arter i S W ^ of N E % ) double tasted Joe Rauch. 1 m ile west sum o f 12995.11, w ith Intel eon 8. 5F degree« 20’ E. 495.975 feet to A FEW SUGGESTIONS C W. G raft of Dilley visited ages I{ you are nQt going any. o f said Section T w elv e (1 1 1 . thence FkN CK p«w»a for saie W »11 deliver «•f Hiliahor«*. In- , N. F. com er o f said L o t ; thence N. double tested, th ird calf. 5.5 m ilk. ™.OSSo a? , y cially urged to join the "99" class Land Plaster, standard brands, the northeast corner of said South­ ?ent 61 degrees 06' W. 543.6 feet to the L- F. Fu rro w , N o rth First Ave. 5 terest thereon at the rate of 15 ( A lt s ANI» U H * - Cal^ J 11?*;6 P " 0 P rll2lo(f home taught by the pastor Morning w or­ west Q u arter of the Northeast Q uar­ place o f beginning, and containing G U L K N M E V hull. 7 m onttu. . I l y l b l , fo r l - f annum from t h . 2 1 ,t « ¿ ¿ Li U rn h a m B ru tb o ta for Fields s t O rchardale Saturday. s 11 j a. m., h - special music; b te r ( S W 1* of N E l« | of said Section f r 3.70 acres, more or less, in the 1934. and the fu rth e r sum c ship, ser- registration, for sale. C a rt Tracheel. C a ll lull Tw elve ( IS ): thence west T w enty truck. «o**l c«m«Ht»on Ralph Moss of Philomath, Glen „w h a , ,t Means t0 a True Lawn Morcrop for Lawns ere- County of W ashington, and S tate of F t 'K S A L E K«qristered Jersey hull, 2 continuation abstract, w ith in and eighteen hundredths »20.1SI chains turn ne from Jan uary 21, 1935, and ' ,’,d r 2nd. Ava. »I« lius. Kt I around Spray. of th« real property heretnaft bed. Said »ale w ill he made »ubjert to re- j „t Hillsboro. Orexon, this 12th R N A c a rd n a rtv Friday suPe*Tntendent, High school Mar- f ------ * — a» — -------- ------------- o » f »»--------- me xx. is . rax- o n i o x x .x . j . l „ Jam Jam e s s u n e r tn te n d e n t a nd I have leviral upon and purai .aid demption per »tatute Orecon. ,,f M arch. 1935. G U E R N S E Y cowa for sale, gtaal «mss tha es, superintendent, and _ W ash- evening. Miss Lena Taylor and Young People. Gordon Bailey, pres- Carboleum for Chicken Houses Date«l at Hlllaboro. Oregon, this - i t h | j yy C O N N E L L . S h e riff of Krneat Lindegr«m, •j-n illc smith W’ ltrh Execution, U riia r and Decree uf Sale. I I». and Barns. 5p w ill on H onda? the 25ih day or of M arch, "ay day of re February. 1935 o ru a ry . i«.«o inyt.in CuBnl llaxei school houi inyton C ounty. O reyon. Joaeph. Honey. Chris Tolke WOn second. iH o n t T h r e e p r o u z in p s o e ie tie s h v I IIK M T .la — " 1 - d , u , 1 “ 1* ' Ihe Court House llouxe •> * • C O N N E L L . S h e riff of W axhlny- \ , . , ch * B Hr rad-haw . Portland. A tto rn e y . „ and M r , E nn Coffey and a n d “ o r^ o i? h . S ^ i s t i c C ^ ra e v x x x ra c ’ Ceraxrarax G .rth a ld l Ava. 1‘ h o n . 2 11)7- «»»■ T W O rows for sale, one Brown Swiss, 1935. at the Kaat d«*»r of the County, O re- <•>" County. Oreyon. By M Schmidt. Dep- . « •l.in tiff In Hlllaboro. W axhinyton «me Jersey, and 25«> f«wt walnut g r a f t ­ —. crinaren children oi of r Portland w t ana visited _ servicef service. 7.30 7:30 p. d . m. Song Sone service as- ond. 31*1 G uaranty I ____ yon. at the hour o f t e n o'clock -----------— A . — M. uty. . . . . P h ,, ilip , Hamm , — . , ings fo r sale. Adam Bella. (Ire n - NEE 1»«—PLANTS 19 Çass __/rara ~ sisted by b y young choir.,1 Feed, Seeds, Fertilizers. Sprays N O T H K T O V K C M 1TV K S “ T Mrs’ __th .» ™ f o r a VO U D g people's p e o p le eo. i ' i of .a id day. »«II at public auction to the B u lldiny, Portland. O reyon. A ttorney for V O V N G B E R R Y planto, J y « * « -«M. •< « 2 2-6 hiyhe»t til,Id«.' fo r raxh in hand, all of | P la in tiff. In the County Court o f the s ta te of O re- Wilson returned wi Sermon. “Man U nder a Taskmas-1 Guernsey cowa for »ale, f «> u r , . . H k foe sale i — h tra«le for live- F IV E th« fo llow iny described real property, ly Telephone 3061 Quaterna fresh, doublsetestrd Also I mhii o f V* gun, fo r W ashington County. f e w days visit. t e r “ P r o b a b l v a b i in t i s m a l s e r v i c e ' si.wk M a rtin H eerdt. “ ing. being and situate in W ashington E state of W ilhelm Schumacher ltf In the M a tte r derWOOd. V A asn., ana W illam e tte .Meridian, described aa fol­ Ave. Fo rtla n d . helm M u m s fh rr. decease«!, by t h e notified and rexiuired to present The and Mrs. A. J. Friedley Ol & U I I D A/ iim lows : 29. H ilt M ALE Younabrarry plant» REAL ESTATE County 11,y Court of the State of Oregon, same »»me. together tozethor w ith un pr.-peW p r pew» voucher- you, ner, H Hillsboro ills b o r o W w ere e re W week-end e e k - e n d guests g u e s ts of Ol ••• «-»_ . _ raa ra —It a U —rax—S—ax kx— aa .»«»**■> leMkraMl • • fcaaa t a w _ . Beginning at a atone on the west • •are ’ bis season 335 9 th Aye._----------- W a»hinxton County, and • I ha» quali- therefor, a— to • Ihe undersigned * at th e law * B* aaaraaraarara . » » „ __ R - iv Parm lev F o i l H A L E Hull«,ing lot ftoxISo, eorner line «»f said C arp enter C laim set in A ll tienn.n. bavins .-lain ., a z a tn .t office o f Baxley A H a re it . the F irs t Mr and Mrs. Kay F a r m l t . V t E R T IE IE D s e ^ " pata toe*. V U *o ry s~> (te.1 Southwest Hailey and West Maple. the south quarter corner o f said _________ _ trade for estate are hereby notified to present N a tio n al Bank buildinx in H ilb b o ro . Mr. and Mrs. W. G . W d lK V l v is nata, and fa rm m achinery Sewer cunneethma and street improve­ • ra. x ■ » XX _ —(xL-l— — ra.... Zxx.xeraa , k... .1— , ra ra _ TZ* 1 1 1 — V» rktTX A* I Ft section 3 . thence s«»uth 1 degree 35 tin- duly " v e rifie d , ax by l a - re- Oretton. w ith in six month» fro m the date ¡ ( e d a ( t h e Ellis McGraw home in rows o r »«»gs. Andrew * * ~ Egesdahl. Kt 1. ments. Fun nigh used lum ber to alm«wt minutes Ea«l on said Wxwt line 8.20 5p quire.1. to the underxtxned at »02 »paid- hereof. , .. . Vernonia Saturday and Sunday. L au re l - » ctunplelr a five-ristm cottage ln«iuire chains to the center of a d itch; H5NN.S4 H E N barley and spring «»ata for is : WMht' ’M . o7” ihe R epresentative E. L. R ims visited E4. L. Mo«»re. C ham lw r of Commerce. thence down the center of said ditch Phons Hills. •ale. F rank Hchulmerich HA LF* block lan«t, 4»ruem house at C o r­ n«*rth 84 ilegree« 53 minute« East Dated and first published February 28. Last W ill and Testam ent of said 4tf de* here Monday. boro 4RB3. ___ nelius, 900. Huy like rent. 9 "ft chains to an angle In same; 1935. D ate of last publicathm M arch 28. ceased. Bagley A H «re. Attorneys Mrs. B. Brown is visiting rela- m * Broa.. Rendville. f«-r M W 4 acres, 9-rooni house, haMement, plasterexl. thence down the center of said ditch Executor. 1935. _ tives at Independence. filb e rt trees bearing site. ehretrlcity. near Hillsboro. |30O0, |&oo north 72 degree« 43 m inute« East Executrix. AGNGFS8 S C H U M A C H E R . Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Wahl, ac­ 29.12 chains to the ren ter o f C a r- down. P L A N T NOW 2-9 i A lbert T. Kam m er. A ttorney ft-r«sim plastere«! house on Jarkson street. »►enter Creek ; thence down the cen­ I r u i t t r e » , applea. pears, cherries, plums companied by Mrs. Alice Gibson basement, furnace, 12100. |.*»oo down ter t»f said Creek north 9 «legree« 11 prunes paasrb«*, _ apric«Hs. walnuts, f il- of Forest Grove, drove to Salem N O T IC E O F F I N A L A C C O U N T nance costs, protection from minute« East 3.34 chains; thence J. F. McKee to Nicholas Altenhufen berta, aJm«wi landseaping nnd p ru n ­ 1.1».i I m fle a fr o m R III m o m «*nlv signed. as a tlm in is tra trix of the estate Angeles. C a l. and Mrs A. W Bal- 2.81 chains to Ihe northwest corner i n g . tr«w« ur shrub«, and g ra ftin g . W. •> f Î t n1d HÆ * n.n' í ^ n Í T c í m í “ u L a J . ^ n H v , to ^ i S w |Hft per acre W (). G alaw ay. H ills- of a tra ct «»f land owned M arch 1st. In vite y«m to ylalt uur nursery at )...(.* 6p seiger of Vancouver, Wash., were her fin a l ccount in the O x in ty Court Iteedvtlle M. hs Brua. Nurseriea. I ’ hone T R A D E Portland home, some cash, f«»r 190ft hy Hubert A le x a n d e r; thence of the Htate State of of t Oregon, . r ^ o n , fo -h i.r t.« ¡ » ' ¿ ¿ T ^ ' , 7 * guests of Mr. and Mrs W. L. Moore the fo r r • Washington south ft7 «degrees W eat follow ing the ____________tr sm all farm or p a rtly improved land line of fence 34.34 chains to the 59 and 30 Reed ville Home« Sunday- - M .l. Yovngberry pianta, rea l* '. i N V a n d e r b ilt , P o r tla n d . !-6 p Betty Lou and John Rosencrans West line of said C arpenter c la im ; in the forenoon of . . i d day and the ...A - ^ J ra lU x .u n i et price. Y. Halo, H t. 2. P o rtland. Beth­ i at d I ' t fo i s a le o r t r a d e In - thence along "*id West line south 1 accompanied t h e county health any, near Praabyterlan church. 4-7p n< 'i kid court has been ap- part KloeM 29 Furaat Gruve. court room of ___ degr«re 4ft minute« F.ast 9.60 chains .|inn* Used C a r Exchange. MRf Mny W . M a rtin at ux to Frederick J ra" the «.«a tim . . . . . e . ....... _ nurse. Miss ra.ra.ra. M argaret j,»— » - --------- Dixon, and pointe«I x>y by .-»«a,x, said xxraxaa* court as an fh, ' « * w 3 tf rtutd. and «aid w rit. Horw ick- * r*‘ ••* * * '* R H O D O D H M D R O N 8 . cam ellias, daphnes, Said sale w ill be made subject to re­ E F F IE M . D O B I.A N D . A d m in l.t r .t r lx |S x U k r . L o t 6 Block 62 M e tw e r Acre e d U ‘ • lni luded un inspeC- Feed IMPERIAL DAIRY FEEDS. Im perial Dairy Feeds are Mtalmxs, heather, and thouaan«la of «»ther demption as per statute of Oregon. whole grain feeds containing the highest quality grains and con­ : * V II S K VI l \ S | H I V II \ I S !-« NeU„n „ „ to E d w . r d " f the tuberculosis hospital choice ernam ental shrubs. l(e«lging Hillsboro. Oregon, thia 20*.h HtlU horo. O r « o n . route 3. lllllM IK ira .I , ,,I,C 14. « ..I U n «». I»«»- V llhMR t t « t— halfara. Fly«— * * « I ollar, n *th of llu b c r ___ sif ^ ro a Mit. _ F e rtiliz e rs FOR !__ We buy mul »eR uxed can». — Used Car Exchange. 48tf rUKL i HrillCFS Ve/HSil Build Your Castle of Stone To build your own home is usually the hope of many of us and the result of years of saving a n d self denial. W hen t h e happy tim e comes f o r you, look into all kinds of m aterial for building. Consider safety from fire, durability. 1 o w m ainte­ umi 1 Rial Estate Transfers Hillsboro Concrete Brick 8C Tile North of Cannery on P. R. N. Ry. O ffice Phone 1341 0 - ^ « UX. U.^2 MORE DAIRY PROFITS p lan t*, f r u it tree«. filb erts, w alnuts, grapes, berries. Come to the nursery and selart y«»urs. Landscaping. Stout s N u rsery. Hillsboro. Kt. 4 ; Mi-mlle south- eaat «if Orevico, 2 miles north «»f Kee«l- 51tf » lile .S«Tvice stati«*!». 20 HAY AND FRED ______ _________________ ( Dateti at NF.W violin«, howa, caaaa I 'r lc r t l to .« II. Mnin u p .ln ir» r i ANO fu r »nie. very ren»,umide cash . might trade. J. 8. Box 174. I. Phone H illaburu 27F7 n il and old ««•»«»(,r lr a . 39. HOUSES H A Y . baled, fo r »al« ; H ton« v* 3 h ’ • * per to n , 7 ton* mix«»«! tim othy. > !’• F IV E -m o m Fruncí» hay. N o weed», nu waat«. Hlllaboro Chalmwra, C onw llua. Phon« 6 tf 10FX9. LO O S E «a»t hay. t7 ton. W illia m Ihwgn Kt 2, Iteavarton. Ph«n« H lllaboro 3K8. H A L E D No. I clov«r h»»y for »ale. 11» a ton 0. Nvrd lun d, mil«« •••» «< IG hm I v III« and M -m lto north of high­ w ay ««n Tobias rund. T W O house«, r ra r .n t Ihxnxe. c o u rt am i «lay «»f Febru ary, 19.35. 265 J W C O N N E L L . S h e riff of W n .h in g - 4-6 ' ton County. Orexun. By M. Schm idt, Deli­ fu r I'h llil. Ilum m ond. 310 G uaranty Ht- Building, Portland, Oregon, A ttorney for 1-5 2 lf P la in tiff. N O T IC K TO C R K D IT O K S N u ll ,. ., » hereby give,, .Im i the under- been appointed adm iniatra- modern houa«, 2 bl«»eka from i aignmi ha< n a tin e n ernam ». eatnte or of v C n hrtotlne Bernard», lift. P h o n e 2i»PlZ. p ir rix iv or of the I hi estate le«'eaae«I, by an order made and entered one am all and on« large. t ar h c- 1« ‘ ha County Court of the State uf O re- 4 lf U""- f “ r x * " " hJ n,,: ,".’. ‘ '" ',n_, r house, r e n t N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T In the C«»unty Court of the State of O re­ gon fo r W aahington County. m, In the M a tte r of the Last W ill ^ ^ T ’ hi’^ * « t i ,. n St'hliih t h ? " X iT r ; „ ‘ "V m iTh T X r , : m e , : r d " rw " f D , h Sm'i“ '. ¿ " ' “ "’r".1 W " Sn’ " h' dece«»e.l. ha» file«! hl» fin a l M«oiint_ «nd report 'e x ra u in . In i h . C euniy c ì.u r, ** '? in e ‘ lu te , of Oreunn. fu r W x.hln zt.m ' .n d Ih i nnd v ou” 1/ . «no - - .1 . . i d f i n . i ¡¡™ . » hearing xm'l" xetUemen’ before .» id c u rt »1 Stnnxle. 6 xcree Section 25 T 3 N R 3 W . J. W . Connell (S h e r iffI to Com m ercial N .tio n .1 bank, imr, ,.f H e n ry S e w .ll xo t T in R2W D I». C. 40 I N R2W Eli»« stu c k i et al to W a lte r F . Stucki. ’’• r ' “ * Wi,lll"• D L- c « ,fi ' "w »»htn«l«n county lo A ‘ W ..h ,n « l.m county c » n . y to S n n i.,.r Hshlngton io A. a . B. n. sn ier .1 ei »»art Lot 4 tilock ft Forest Grove. , ww? w "" ,1R „ * 21 i •” »<’rw‘ » ^ ’ “ »n x .he „ ' Sidney F t m T n n «x«w. R4W' ’ *“ M ener M F ra n k M iller o f Forest ' , . , , a — .ra e tra n L e - Grove visited at the American L t gion Auxiliary meeting Wednesday Patrick program was pre- tented. M i« H opkin. Named r M is s Ida HopKins will teacn t n e lower grade, of the Manning school and act as principal and Miss Pril- dcnce Monmouth u v u w Hix < « .« of --------- ----------- will have ,hc fOUr “ P”®1 «fades of the M an-, Hi _ t ___ UM M»i4-h thereof in Hillsboro. Oregon. •' « rent, cl«we In, S16 I ___ ____ athnini»- _______ «»« rt _ r»n»m _ .......... duly ________ iiualified __ t< _ •rt «u.h mlmtnlx- Mond(>TATOW4 f '» 5110 ‘ ’* r B r,nl‘ recreational leaders' meeting in bank n o * h x. am ple fund» In bond» to n. before August .31. 1934. are now pay- Seatta Steel et v ir to M urk Fey et Av«« _ra. -ra .U - of County Treaa- mck Boy lte l.m n n . G aribaldi Hillsboro Monday evening. ¡ ^ „ ,Ï“ . r X 7 . Imnk " m I A d n „ n l.,r» ,rlx '.' ' »-» ux. 10 acres Section 19 T I N R lW . l t f Oregon. lnter«*t Phone 2107 Has Logging Job E. e J l. . « M I C c A A K la S a T r (E to Juliu» .............................. f a e lt t Ce. ( r . xec x w u u t to o r r) | W U U IIU rt auch wrarrent. not heretofore called w ill c h r („ eniwn p a rt L „ , , lt|1M.U M , H ill»- Otto Beard, who has been with call for particulars. W ashington Coun FARM MACHINERY n . NO T1C K T O C R R D IT O R S ‘' " C x i i n w ‘ H i,a i’ I IW County Treu»- bu' ' ' . ... .. , a CCC camp at Oakridge for the ly N ational E arm L«»an Association^ S U L K Y plow , Ift-lnch. «nd Chatham f»n- 6 Ru**el* , ,en W _ e __ t UXt “ past T •« months has a 9 tf In the County Court o f the State of O re- J. M Person, »ecretarv. H ilb b o ro n ln z m ill, fo r »» I- T H. Penney. 2 ----- , or (he County of W n.hin gto n. ' U™ L___________________________________ ___ part Block 3. Hlllaboro. 18 monlnS. nas accepted accept M eier A Fran k Co. to M aym e Koontx, position with the Elwood logging m ile, .o n lh e e .t B eeyerlm t. " '’ P D epartm raj,»Tli'g n?y n F r c ™ t 'lS , 'A I , ^ S F 7 T , T ' i f.E , K M a ent tte r of o f Probate. the E e No. , . l . o 4080. f E d w .rd i * ,'< e M of E N O T re L«»( 5 Block 23 M etzger Acre Tract». A M E R IC A N brooder. 1600 exp ertly, rheup. J. W . Connell (S h e riff) to S. E. Hen­ A-1 condition A. G. Font. Htxcey A. K o rm an . Deceaaed. , for W aah ln g ,«« County. The Portland Japanese Epworth Notice I . hereby given th »t the on In « th# M > (lc r (>( (he w )n , nd T „ , „ . derson? part Lot 191 Johnaon Katate Ad­ Ave. A loha; Box 423. «T League visited the Banks le a g u e , dition. Beaverton-Reedvllle. designed h a . been aPP«>" t1> (> 10,1,1 M itchell wxiron wheel«, «lino», In Ih r M n tle r uf Ih« E«t»te of R ,»in » the State of Oregon Section 7 T 8 N R3W County, Departm ent of new, fo r aale cheap «»r trade foe eat- O«lcrm «nn. I,cc«n»«d. A ll peraona having c I a i m « haa f il e t h i. fin a l ae 11«. s u -ln c h xxel. F El«ner. Sher- Nulle« I» hereby given. Ihnl Ihe under- qualified. .» 1 Bonded and Insured Carrier w « nm |. Phone T ig ard (»28. r, fi «igne.1 h«« luen duly uppulnled by the : r , r , " r k “ ,,,«h::“ : ? m . , r ;du!’; rt yr , f ^ T W O -w a y 12-lnch rid ing plow, ‘¡‘»’»bb «bove entitled Co urt. »» A d m lnl«tr«tor i i o THIS 25c TEST FREE . ' - k r a . : ; * « r * - . ^ - n ^ r , - h l . !.« Serving Beaverton. Aloha, Reed harness fur aale. O. H. Bennett, W alker of Ihe e»l»te of »«id deeenxed. «m l hx» i, fall». W han Irrita tio n wake» you ville, Hillsboro, Cornelius and road Phone B«*averton 2951. Btf duly qualified "" ■»<■•>■ thia bladder lax to 1 flush out Im - iths fro fr«»m »»«fftre «P> . u»e th,R w ithin »ix months m the date hereof, u n s i » « « « " « Now therefore. »11 persone having firs t published M arch 14. fo r fin a l an^ ¡here«»f In P«dtlea and excess acids, -■*- Get buchu Foreat Grove in ’it MH^ormn k I'ct ring trart«>r a n d Dated and hlieatlon A p ril claim» ' «gain», »»Id e»l«,e «re hereby 11. 1935. ««W court at (he court room there« r in |eav notified and required to preeenl Ihe »»me D E L IA P O 1 R IE ‘ together w ith proper voucher» therefor, 4-8 1935. at 10 o clock a. ro. o f ■•! to the under.igned » , the l«w office« of eoe P. H u rst, A ttorney Dated and firs t published February 28. el». Bladder Irrita tio n can ranee d ie -| Fee