Benefit Dance T he Fords Plan Their Sail Diego Exhibit North Plains - Runnings Move from Cornelius I Ain’t Got No (Normal) Body! Y O U N G 'S Funeral H om e 'Thoughtful. Hyiiiputhetlc Service" I'hotie 972 T e a c h e r» R e -h ire d ; N u m b e r o f P a rtie s H e ld P. T . A . P eop le D u rin g W e e k M e e t T u e s d a y N ig h t lllllskora by W r e s t l i ng < tty Mi*« D o r o th y C ook «) CORNELIUS Mi and Mrs A V. F. W. IIAI.1. — »III and Oak NORTH PLAINS -The dance to Running moved to Portland Thurs­ T h u rs d a y , M a rc h 21 be given in the K. of P. hall Satur­ day. They had been Cornelius res­ day evening is for the benefit of Hillsboro's New Promoter Ih n e n ts idents for over 30 years. the baseball team. Everyone is Mrs. Schniale Honored welcome. There will be a good or- j Mrs. Hurold Schniale was hon­ GEO, KITZMILLBB chestra and a good time assured o r e d « m i a party given by the vs. Ito lbs Dee Shadden is manager of the Junior Aid of the Lutheran church BILL HALL baseball team. Thursday afternoon at the home 17» lbs Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Davis of of Mrs. Henry Hoffman. North Bonneville, Wash, visited Mr. and Mrs Jack Barrett and It's not every hoy who tan relatives Sunday. BILL AVERY son Charles of Westimber were make a doctor say “Ah!" but Visitors at the J. H. Davis home | 160 II,s house guests of Mr. and Mrs Ar­ Sunday were Mrs. Maude Millet' Wallace Rossalt, shove, 6-year- JACK STEWART thur Bishop from Friday to Sun­ and granddaughter, Betty Mohler old Glendale, Calif, lad. sue- 148 lbs day and Bill Dietrich of Portland. reeded. Ills Inner sin k s. It A large number of relatives and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Nelson of teems, are nil out nt gear, ns the M MINUTE EVENT friends of Mrs. Lela Woods from Hillsboro spent the week-end with ! Xany ilidlCHle.v. The boy's heart, Tillamook county and Portland at­ JACK KISER Mr. and Mrs Andy Chiistener. Tor tuslanee. is on (lie wrong side, tended her funeral services held vs. I ll lbs. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Stiff and at the M E. church Thursday aft­ ke has only one lung, and Ills In- DEWEY VAN LtXJ children of Reedville visited Mr ernoon. IM lbs •e*(in«a w e in the left idlest euv- and Mrs Roland Hornecker Satur- , The Young People's club of the IU. Admission 40 cents day. St. Alexander church met Tues­ Mr. and Mrs. John Loftis and day evening at the E. Wyffels son Wilmer visited Mr. and Mrs. home The evening was spent i l l Richard Highsmith at Banks Sun­ i match with the Murine Grotto in playing games. day. ., J i the evening Anolher local squad Birthdays Celebrated Miss Case, nutrition expert of defeated the Market Drug 2743 to O S C gave a cooking demon- Here are Henry and Edsel Ford getting their first glimpse of a model of the building that will houie the Ford The birthday anniversaries of , 2658. while still another group of stration at the home of Mrs. Clar- exhibition at the California Pacific International Expo»ltlon at San Diego, Calif. Between them la 0. Aubrey Mrs. J. Vanoundenhaegen and Ver­ Hillsboro bowlers won from Price Davidson, chairman of ths exposition. non and Joe Guos were observed ence Meek March 13 About 25 i A Bosso 2409 to 2378 Sunday at the home of Mrs Mar­ ladies were present. In the after­ Coslett Trucks cinched the sec­ A special feature of the Ford ex­ garet Gnos, with a family din­ noon L. E Francis, assistant coun- DEARBORN, Mich.—Both Henry ful Balboa Park, site of the exposi­ "The first consideration tn select- ond half championship in the Com­ ty agent, gave a talk on home gar- Ford, and Edsel B. Ford, president tion. after the show Is over and the hibit will be a series of dioramas ner. Present were Mr. and Mrs. mercial league last week, while dens and the control of garden o( tbe Ford Motor Co wlu Tlslt the exhibit removed. A huge circular showing, in pictured story, life In A. Gnos and family, Mr. and Mrs. ' lug a commercial fertilizer la to the National Guards are almost J. Vanoundenhaegen a n d family, know what plant foods are requir­ pests tha principal countries on the Pa­ and Mrs. Margaret Gnos and fam­ ed by the crop being grown, what conceded the title for the National Tea Well Attended . , California . Pacific International Ex- building, partially roofed, la fronted cific Ocean. the soil lacks and whut fertilizers league Two more weeks of bowl­ Pythian Sister silver tea at the position this summer. So they told by a tower rising from what appear Inside the main section will b« ily.Mrs. Joseph Cochrane is visit­ will supply the requirements,” de­ ing remain. home of Mrs. J. R. Sandford. O. Aubrey Davidson, chairman of to be two Immense gears, one Inside Results last week were ns fol­ two great corridor». Along one will clared Professor C. V. Ruzek of ing relatives at Redmond. Thursday afternoon was well at the Exposition, who was here to the other. The building, architectur­ Oregon State college, ut a 4-H unit lows: Commercial league—Coslett Mrs. Whiting Hurt tended. Six tables were in play make final arrangements for the ally, is done In the modern motif, be shown the actual manufacture of Mrs. D. C Whiting fell at her farmer's fertilizer meeting at the 1, Fairway 2: Hall's Barber shop 2, Ford parts, including the rolling ol Mrs. Loel Hollenbeck and Mrs. but Its open court. In the center. Is steel and some of the more Interest­ home last Saturday receiving min­ court house Saturdny uflernoon Safeway 1. City League--Ireland» Tom Stigum had high scores at t'ord exhibit at the Exposition according to L. E. Francis, assist­ 3, Pastime 0; C. C. store 3. Lentz Mr. Davidson told the Fords that characteristic of the Spanish and ing foundry operations, such as die­ or injuries. "500." Another silver tea will be 0. American league Royal Soda Mrs. C. N. Miles, who has been ant county agent. given at Mrs. Sandford’s March 29. It la hoped that the exposition will Mexican types of architecture that casting. In the other corridor will be Works 2. Ice Works 1, Home Laun­ visiting here for some time, hus Professor Ruzek stated that the dry to which the public is invited. make a definite contribution toward dominate the exposition. 2. Hillsboro Motors 1 National grouped a number of exhibits show­ returned to her home in Lyle, importance of commercial fertil­ Five-Hundred will be played, be­ National Guards 2, Phar­ The circular main section of the ing the technical development of the Wash. world amity, as the assembly of izers lies in the fuct that by i t s league ginning promptly at 2 o'clock. Birthday Observed use crop yield may be increased, macy 1; Union "76" 1, Bristol 2. more than 30 representatives of building will be 340 feet in diameter. Ford car—tortlon. tensile and other Mrs. Jackson Honored Standings: A birthday dinner was held Sun­ resulting In a reduced cost of un­ A handkerchief shower was giv­ countries whose shores line the Pa­ The tower, resting on a base 221 feet tests of steel; ball-bearing and pis- w N a tl« n a l I.• » » » • - - - L H rt en Mrs. Maria Jackson. Monday cific Ocean is bound to bring about above the Pacific, will rise 198 feet. ton-ring tests and Inspection; meth­ day at the home of Mr. and Mrs ity production. ■ 7M ts There are a few elementary plant N a tio n a l G uartU aftemoon on her birthday anni­ greater understanding and good-will. The outer walls of the building will ods of testing the action of weather B. Ingcbrietson. Present were Mrs U n urn ••?••• ....................... .A9.1 I« 14 Sarah McClaughry, Mr. and Mrs. foods which are most upt to be rhnrmary versary by Friendship Temple, 4ft7 ;. 1 « I t Joseph Suver, and Mr. and Mrs. lacking In the soils, he pointed out Itrlatol The building that is to house the be 40 feet high. The tower will be on upholstery and other features. Sft7 ........ .............. s Pythian Sisters. » Construction of the Ford exhibit B. Ingelbrietson. These are nitrogen, phosphorus and City Ford exhibit is to be a permanent lighted In a manner to make It re­ M PeU 1 F. T. A. to Meet Mrs. Lester Mooberry attended a potash. With exception of some of I»«nta .............. ........ will start Immediately. IB 14 .ftl7 Next regular meeting of the ■•ru fire that will remain in beauti­ splendent In varying colors. county Parent-Teacher association the truck crops It is not profltaole I'aallm « .................... .. IB 14 .ft!7 Parent-Teacher association will be 1ft 1& .ftoo nominating committee meeting at to apply nitrogen fertilisera The Irelanda ............... ............ .. C. C . Rtorw --------------- held Tuesday night instead of in ley of Portland gave a very en ter- 1 graphic hire over which the legts- l U t l c c \Z a r t r 1 f » f T a n r l# » n u 1ft .<«7 Forest Grove Saturday at the home nitrogen content of the soil must taining performance after Pythian lators exercise complete control V t i n u c i r n i i u v n A m arlran — the afternoon. A potluck supper * Pet. L of Mrs. A. Modine. be built up and maintained by a le a W orka . II ftft7 • rj • 11 w ill be held at seven followed by Sisters lodge Friday evening. Tap ranges well above that of other Leslie Brown of Gervais visited crop rotation plan which Includes laundry ..................... IH IS ftft7 V J lV C tl a S l i r D I T S e friends a short business meeting A good and ballet dancing and singing by states of comparable populations here Saturday. He returned » W orks the use of such legumes as clover IS »7 ,4SS 12 children from 5 to 12 years o f ' That was true in 1933 and wiU 1 program has been arranged. ac7 II Ift from an extended trip and alfalfa. Nitrogen produces leaf H illabo m Motor« age were enjoyed. probably be even more so for the I c r r Y —A. . , recently Dancing Class Entertains ■ P et. !. east. and stock growth and its deficiency to m mart* la I Teachers Named >935 session with employe-cost I"; ofS? ^ c^ S ^ cn d sT ple^sanHy* ('<>al«Mta .................... Dancing class of Miss Mary Bur- ft .700 11 Society Meets 1 can be detected by a poor growth M afow ay 1 4 I« .4ft7 Mrs. Ruth WiU and Miss HUa is surprised Miss Marjorie Vander- The Women's Home Missionary poor coloring 433 F a ir w a y 1 » 17 Cornelius have been hired to teach I ° ' er th a t.o f the tart previous ses- 2an5 en at her home Friday eve­ society of the M. E. church met and Phosphorus stimulates spih I pro­ H a ll’s 12 1M .4<>o in the grade school here for th e ; st®" J ’ nfng on her seventeenth birthday March 12 at church. Mrs. W. R. duction and hastens maturity Its coming year. I ?hheia-asT'P2««i,n Her parents presented her with a O -8 M o to r - d r lv a n B r a s h was leader and the topic supply is heavily drawn on by all Mr. and Mrs. Loren T h o m p so n tb e lM S se s sio n c o st the taxpayers radioP {or a birthday gift. I.ater in Cooke was "Religion a n d Friendship." seed producing crops and is the M id d le to n R esid ent Dies C laanar an d h a n d y C laanaz and Mr. and Mrs. Carl C hnstener, compared to $46 990 for (he evening the grOup surprised Mrs. A. J. Olive gave a review one plant food not returned to the o f H e a r t A tta c k F rid a y visited Mr Thompson s mother. the Miss Nellie Haney of Thatcher at of the talk given by Miss Helen soil to any appreciable d e g r e e b y LAUREL RIDGE -J. E Dow died .......................................... Mrs. Mae Alvard, and his grand- ‘ n S ? ‘he home of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Johnson at the mother-daughter the use of barnyard manures Con­ of a heart attack at his home in | mother, Mrs. Thompson, at Scho­ in Forest Grove February sequently, it is both profitable and Middleton Friday morning He was paid its employes a total of $38.- ' Wr‘8h‘- R Q “ M w»s c,ub her met birthday Friday also eve. meeting field Sunday. 25. Mrs. F. O. Shay and Mrs. W. R. necessary to use phosphorus fertil­ a resident of this section for many ?□?, compared to $27,693 for the ning aiter school After the mect- Mrs. Ruth WiU, Mrs W J. Trout- Cooke were hostesses for the aft­ izers and particularly on seed years He is survived by his widow j l n g t b e chiidrcn enjoyed a walnut : man. Miss HUa Cornelius, and Mrs. 1933 session. * * * ernoon. i crops. Services were held at nine o'clock Duane Chamberlain attended the Mrs. M. D. Mann and Mrs. Mat- | In Washington county, the beav­ Sunday morning in the Middleton Although the session has ad- z eii>ert Baker visited Mrs. George tie Smith visited Mr. and Mrs. J. er dam soils are the only ones Friends church Interment was In recreation school in Hillsboro Mon- journed the presiding officers and Lee and daughter Lucile of Port- E M a n n and Barbara Jane i n generally low in potash Applica­ the cemetery at Vernonia ! day evening. Emil Miller returned to his work desk clerks wiU continue on the ■ land Sunday Portland Sunday. They also visited tion of fertilizer nt the rate of „ j 1 at TiUamook Sunday after being job for another month revising the Mr. and Mrs J. C. Hare. 150 pounds per acre will In most house and senate journals. i home since Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Wilkins and cases be sufficient to remedy this , , . 5 Mr. and Mrs. I. P. Brady enter- „ , . . . tained at a dinner party Sunday Byron Mooberry visited Mr. and condition. Only two measures were referred ¡Qr jjr. and Mrs. Warner Cropp Mrs. Albert Bunning in Portlund In the Willamette valley it is to the people by the legislators.; and daugbter Doris, Mr. and Mrs Sunday. necessary to upply lime to many of One of these provides for 'a c h a n g e yiart,n Vanderzanden and little Fern Hill Ladies' club met Thurs­ the soils in order to get satisfac­ (C o n tin u e d fr o m p a g e o ne) in the pnmary election date from son wavne and daughter Marjorie. day with Mrs. H. R. Huson They tory stands of some of the legum-1 lican side while the veteran Stray- May to September. The other in- Una j3rady was out of school a enjoyed a pot luck dinner at noon. incus crops, particularly alfalfa, j er of Baker would unquestionably volves a constitutional amendment few d ¡ast week duc to si(,k. About 25 ladies were present. since these crops arc sensitive to have first chance at the honor which would permit the legislators | ness Mr. and Mrs. Lester Mooberry, an acid condition Lime stone | should the democrats come into to fix their own pay. Reports re teachers at the Hillsboro g r a d e should be purchased on the basis I Miss Betty Hoover of DiUey vis- their own with Goss of Coos. Dick­ ceived here, however, are that school, enjoyed a spring vacation ited Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Vander- of its calcium carbonate content or J son of Multnomah and Wallace of three other legislative measures zanden Friday evening, Monday. They visited state insti­ neutralizing value. Deschutes aU regarded as possi­ may be subjected to the referen- Ba„ c ,ub o|ve> Danfe tutions at Salem. The county agent office is equip- T h e re c o rd o f th e H ills b o ro ble candidates in the event Stray- One of these is the timber Farmers' Union baseball club E R. Woods returned to Blaine 'ed to test soils for aridity and ! er should pass up the opportunity. dum. acquisition bill evened which is meeting gave a dance at Balm Grove Satur- B ra n c h o f T h e F irs t N a tio n a l Sunday after spending some time phosophorus. Farmers interested o lln tu with the opposition of n county of ° day evening. ___ There was a large at- at the Edith Burbank home, due in knowing the fertilizer require- ! B a n k o f P o rtla n d fo r th e past The senate refused to support ficials, another i s t h e me“ ur_e tendance. I to the illness and death of his merits for soils on their farms may the house resolution calling for an closing the Rogue river to commer- y e a r has been one o f g ro w th , bring a sample of soil into the of­ Maxine Reed of Portland was an wife, Mrs Lela Woods. increase in . the per d iem ' cial fishing and the third is the fice and have it tested. . . legislative .. . i overnight guest Saturday of Mr Move to Farm both in deposits and n u m b e r o f 5 2 ? f° r the ,.^ e .nmum, b u t measure making payment of stu- and Mrs Warner Cr and fam. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Scott moved Every prescription we hatched up one of their own which, dent body fees at state institutions y depositors. It is p leasing to k n o w onto a ranch four miles south of in some respects, is even more of higher learning compulsory. . Martin Vanderzanden Is sawing Cornelius recently. fill for you is made open th a t these fig u re s re fle c t an in ­ to the charge of extrava- . . . wood for Mrs Elmer Quick While of Nehalem has been as your physician di­ gance. The senate resolution which Soon be time to buy a new driv- James Hartley of Forest Grove' a Mrs. house guest of Mrs. Henry Behr- ! creasing p ro s p e rity in th is com ­ approvt‘^ Y hoy8* an