Expressions Sought in ilsb o n < ® fA r g u s W ilk W k l.h ia CMMktned (ha H iiU W r » H i Ila boro A n r i ' <*»ah 1894 H ilU b o ro Independent eetab. 187J M r K IN N K T A M r K IN N K T . PabUeAere Published Tbureday. Entered as »econd-ehu»» m a tte r in the p n e to ffir* at HillehtM-o. O n t o n w. V E R N E M c K IN N K Y Editoi- O F F IC IA I. N K W S P A P K Il M KR CT^a JJfJ OF E. C. M c K IN N E Y Aaaeeiate E d itor W A S H IN G T O N COVNTÌ S a k w rip lio n R a li» H trirll» ('»«k la Advan«-» Por year t l . MI l i. S. Oulawie O raro n S ia month» »6 F o r d iin Countriee M.KIt 50 S. First A u d ite d P a per Lam est Audited W eek­ ly C irculation in Ore» M E M B E R Oregon 8 tM e E d ito rial Aaaœ iation and N a tio n al Edit«»rial àrdo tion. -------7 7 77 >777 T h . H llU b o a , Aer«. n— - . « . f.a.aN.1 r-en o -ib ih ^fo r error» published tn ite M a m n i, but in r. I j s t fa u lt w ill ra e rin t th a t p a r t an »ed on the p rin cip le o t the Golden Rule. -“ And aa ye would th a t men should do to you. do ye alao to them likewise. -M atth ew T i l l . Quick to Forget The state senate finally perm itted the state industrial recovery act to sleep on the table a fte r passing it the week before adjournm ent and then recalling it from the governor's desk when several sen- ators repented of their votes. This meas- V..ZX..1 i a+wxxrwrthnnocl thn rwwitinn ure would have strengthened the posit» n of the national recovery act and given en- couragem ent to the national adm inistra­ tion, which had asked that it be continued a fte r June 16. Small business for the most p art has been strong for the codes, which they see as their only protection against the en­ croachm ents of big business. The cen tral­ ization of business through m ergers and consolidations before the Roosevelt ad­ m inistration came into office were g rad ­ ually forcing the independent business m an to the wall. W ealth was being con­ centrated more and more. It will be a sorry day for America when such central­ ization elim inates the independent busi ness man, who has been the bulw ark of America since the beginning of the coun- " . . . . , , . ™ Am erica 18 quick to forget. I WO years ago the nation was 011 the brink. Now gains are being m ade and millions forget some of the moves th at have aided in that upw ard m arch. Records of Dun & B radstreet show th at it has been 14 years since the in­ solvency record in business lines in the United States has touched so low a point as it did io for r 1934 W hat a a a difforont nic as it aio v> nat m e re n r pic- ture from 1930, 1931 and 1933. This was unquestionably d u e to s t a b i l i z a t i o n brought about through the m aking Of the “ chiseler” cniseier unDonuIar unpoj uiar through m rougn enactm enactm ent ent Of fair trad e practices and more uniform- ity in hours and wages. Automobile sales increased by 45 per cent in 1934 C om a ...Lz. i' Some of those Who registered oppos- ing votes to the m easure were elected in th e belief th a t running on New Deal plat- form s and in support of the Roosevelt ad- m inistration they would give their vote and approxal to m easures th a t would tie the state in more closely on New Deal legislation. It would be interesting to know how they account for their vote on this p articular bill under the circum ­ stances. Act Now „ „ now . Co-operation in , the , “B etter Hous- ing Cam paign under the plan ; __________ of the fed- ____________ • eral governm ent a. .„-•11 will be a . ___ paying proposi- S - îo J - ü ii- x - S S K Rock Creek to H a v e Program THE GREAT AMERICAN HOME If people are interested in the con­ struction of a new school to replace the present antiquated David Hill building they should m ake an expression one way ------ or the other to m em bers of the school E v e n t M a r c h 2 7 ; F u n e r a l o f board of district seven. The project was Philip Pezoldt Held announced weeks ago with the view of obtaining expressions from local people i ll y Mr». E ran k Peaoldt) and m em bers of the hoard say this ex­ ROCK C H E E K - Rock C r e e k pression will govern th eir actions to a I school will give a program at 8 p. < large - . extent. . . i i i •» i m. March 27. A radio program. I he proposal for a new school b u il d - plays and songs will be pre ing was based on the possibility of ob- sented if plans w ork out, t h e taining a 30 per cent grant from the fed- ¡»’avhers promise a surprise num- eral governm ent. The balance o t t h e luade. aiul „ lunch w“u bt. money could be obtained at a low rate served at popular* prices later of interest and the obligation taken ca re Farmer ReUdmt Dies n is trk t A large group attended the fu- — ----------v g e v e n ¡g j„ ----------- _ — w ------ -, g O O , j f i n a n c i a l " . H ead s Fall in T raffic Court A n d 0CN*T X O ü K W tT T H E G ß o C reiF S OÛ I'Ll. SENO le u RIGHT PACK TO IM E - e r e R c «kjous.—- - w h A T S ivßo< si> uh T h HIM,PN\iUflS Í A-MU71¥RINCH-rwÑ(W. M any Present David Hill structure is 45 years old and in spite of some im provem ents is only good for a few more years at the most. If done now ifS a public works pro­ ject a federal donation could probably be secured and would aid m aterially in put­ ting many people back to work here, a laudable objective in any event, -------------------- 4 ,, N C W " P l ’OSS _ . ... .. r «u » In k**P‘Rg Wlth the *ffort?.of Ar7 A‘>r“ J, , , „ gUS publishers to m aintain the highest Mnu (•n g d o n Honored «n w e e k l v n e w s n a n e r n u b l i s h - Mrs- Helen Congdon was pleas- stan d ard s in weekly n e w .p a p ti pu b li.n antly surprised Sunday eveniiig bv ing. the Argus appears in a new type a group Si neighbors honoring hv'r dress today. It is. We believe, more read- birthday anniversary Present were able and attractive. We hope th at you and Mcsdames it J Getty, will like it. Expressions from readers are La^aSd M ^ E^a u S S S alw ays appreciated, and we would like Robert Moses. Morton Congdon. to know w hat you think of the change. Stanley Congdon und the honor IF/zflf guest. Mr. and Mrs W ilbur C. Beatty and daughter Eleanor and Irene and Mrs Annie Congdon visited Mr and Mrs. Morton Congdon Sunday. Other Editors Say Taxpayers Are Losers Because it failed, by one vote, to secure the necessary m ajority In the state senate, the county school unit bill, one of Governor M artin's own bills, went into the discard and will probably not be heard of a t least until th e legislature again meets, The bill failed to make the grade mainly through th e persistent lobbying of S tate G range M aster Qijj antj G ranger Morton Tompkins, who Initiated a “write or wire your senator and representative" campaign as part of th eir efforts to defeat th is bin. T here are m any taxpayers who own property In counties in which the school un it system has already been adopted who will take issue with Gill and Tompkins on th e soundness of their opposition. and who will question w hether th e best interests of ru ral property owners—farm ers, for Instance—are H a z le t t ^ h o ^ o t e s V n U n ^ w i t h m n w ^ e a ^ w o f e n 1 Ha2le” : ,rho ' ot« llne wlth 8™”*' ld.eaU, whe"- ever his own intelligence perm its him to. favored passage of the bill and urged th a t It be given fair treatm ent. But th e ballot showed th a t thro u g h th e absenc® °f ,S7natJ5r stra>'er; wh° also fa'i0?’ed P*8' , lt g across ' 11 ac d one vote » County Dairymen IV/;.. |_I I If Win rlerd I loners »f As England Plans King’s Jubilee Middle West Area Reports Progress « ’..a ,In u a l t o » (Continued from pnge " i m ____________________ fact that the Babsonchart indicates that trade activity throughout the ntion is currently eight per cent above a year ago, thy following comparisons f o r middle western are very interesting Illinois 4-26 per cent Indiana -j-18 per cent 4-30 per cent Michigan Wisconsin 4-13 per cent Kentucky 4- 8 per cent j w , vj 4-19 per cent q u 1' Virginia Ohio +23 per cent »«■«•orrfin,. According , to "spoilers and spell- b‘nders’ " h o arc ‘currently" filhng the air w ith a lot of oratory and new inaners with im 7, ,.,7... conditions are today worse than they have ever been before To such orators, reformers, andsU tcs- economies effected are certainly not a t the coet of rural education.—Hood River News Pledge is the Price As a protector of public morals and particularly an encourager of good ones, one new spaper in the United States is in a unique position. This partic- u lar one also has arrived at a solution to one of its most vexing problems. As all new spaper men know, in a small town w here every one knows his neighbors, publication — 1- w ith i__ __ of police ........ news when 1 it 4 -i deals local 1 ;_»__i_ intoxication . - . Ï S Î - Æ - Æ x j die west compared w ith a ago. Detroit Employment Retail T rade Automobile Production Bank Debits Electric Pow er Consumption T7s‘,? e Bt1iaIH,n*d^.„^ ?"tracts L ic e n s e s F e b ru a ry license suspension and four lie, revocation*. Upon recom mendation of com- nutting inugixiratra, the serretarv in » u i« i two u..-., o n .) ‘T ' " . * “ ! ” ’»<>«< owned by county dairym en Then* fc ' ,l,ull,b llu-i«- « , i , I were lliigg A- Solis Niiinlicr HI ld <>p *iut, , ¡Christensen A Sons of Hillsboro “ f" '" ' “lld »'« w here the defend route 5. "Number 73," grade Gtiern- ?, ' ' ’»**'* be«*n licensed In sey. 1226, 36.7 <>n«on Honor roll in the three-year-old class include four county dairy- <>stpst l^ rg e men In the list of seven These D E T K o rr - - Heaviest orders In were Mrs T Williams of Forest •'evrrol years and renewal of the Grove. "Blue Bell." purebred Jer- Automobllr Code Indicate steailv s«’y. 1410, «12. Fir Grove dairy, PHWUrUon at a high level for at "Number 7." grade Holstein. 1812. Ul5 /*>ree montlis ,1 Mil, Hagg Sons, l ’utt 2. gr ide in n i "* U*try l>r th " ” • Jersey. 831. 33 3. and S tretch er- tr° '1 N,’W• ‘ ,,ow,, 9,” grade Guernsey. "Bontoots 1010. 545. Fir Grove dairy’s "Num her 18” was one of the four listed .... ..... . in the two-yeur-old class Her rec- KASS . bed. springs, - . « n - ---------.chairs, | m > i table und Ellison phonograph ord was 1824 pounds of milk and sweepar. and other articles f... 53 6 pounds of butterfat sale - O Groos, mile south of Total production of milk for the Aloha 6|1 35 herds tested in February was 338,1X14 pounds and of fat 26,11X1 » Tt '*• “'»v «Nain.., wM.hi jmmi . i li o . III,. -H I. r k lk lr .,. . _____i. Average » ............................ . ..... pounds. production was .1,11. h -zo . J llr -w . i I „,,1^. 8119 pounds of milk and 28 62 north o f N o rth Pialas. »„ pounds of butterfat. Total of 912 cows were enrolled, of which 114 -•• •• in « . ioP ,-e.rA i°i!r‘,h"e‘,? ; PS l, . ? f c S : “ S r T o ' , S3& & .''“ ' « „ . “ S “ . m ' s S S ! ir n r lu r , fell Me «Another - illy >'. How Is this for a professional man Dr Hamilton Weir. eye. ear. nosr* and throat specialist plum ­ ber. carpenter a n d brick layer Sounds fishy doesn't It, but exact­ ly what Dr Weir was when he lived tn the house almost dirortly one-half mile north from Connell station • • • Ilo . r.,m illio n . l « m a Rt. !, I ’. » , i . „ , i i-h o n . A T w .o , m .l mu. I. DAVENPORT. ! ... z h .tr ., • o i l . . . . d « p r o ,., . „ a a . n .h l. P h o n . K A I. I N B R A L KM TA TB to see the present owner of the Writ« place and he found Billy Scheur- Eire and Autom obile lam w aaaa er, as his friends call him. out M ake Loan a end leene Mure« y B«n ‘o assault and battery charges Billy thinks that w ar ia the Argus. March 18, 1920—A lbert A. Mead, Civil pa?^f ÏÎ’ K ,£aî“ Ja2 ,,_ ^di5 uî.at way, the nouncement to the Virgin Marv ' m uhlcn vs F H Sholes, order; I . , L wal! . al ' nt' " slln« ‘«Ik should have been such as to teach us to secretary, and Mrs E. H. Smith, treasurer. but the government s program dis- of » the «• L ««TdolPb I n«>1 z.l Lk coming0 Z S -. « v L u r.r; s nt Lu*ie fYnlrvXBr-f 1/ I rtn ctz.zl “ ,c l‘° w pr . ■ . , I- - , n r i v c r e u 11 Rang g P . m ustered in as follows, with Major L. , lower .n o t hiuher crisis ranch owned by W. Crowell of car supplies at low * t ! l effo rt ¡8 m ade to elim inate the most M Hoyt installing officer: L. A. Long, captain; F Deflate Ituildinz G rand Ronde, reports County Agent Christine Bernards. Joseph G al­ Building C Costs prices. breath, Albert Jark nnd Samuel Of th e codes. As pointed out la t week by J Williams. 1st Lt ; W V Wiley 2nd Lt.: T s Unions have not only boosted S. T. White. Mr, Crowell now has O rnduff th e A rgus, f_zk~, ninety i k z per cent of the c com- reC0Lder ? r - A» BS,rbur' treMU™r;1u the cost of labor in erecting houses between 300 and 400 head. n „ u .„ .i um q G ardner, guard, and G. A. W ehrung, sentinel. but also the cost of labor in mak- plztints are fiom the chiselers. M artin Sendberg lot at First and Main secured ing' the' building s’uppHes. Materi- Births Hanks Gain Burns To Mr. and Mrs Jam es for new opera house. Building will begin as soon als have gone up so fast in price j WASHINGTON—Long strides to­ ns tvea he! perm its, that they cost about as much to- ward the rehabilitation of America’s i s 1 T boy "rnS ° f H i,l"b" ro’ Ml,rrh «¿eMMlYWOOTIUfilOSTARS /U m U nder the new law enabling the coun C B l.-e r yesterday bought 'h e C. Levcrtch 80 day as they did back in 1929 a n d 1 banking structure since the crisis acres northwest of town for $3.5 an acre. ----- • ----- O'Connell To Mr and Mrs S. ty to refund outstanding w arrants con­ 1930 - In bimsting labor costs just in — March, 1933. were reported In J. W Connell has purchased Vilindus, famous when it did. I feel that the gov- ,be monthly bulletin of the Federal I.. O'Connell of Cornelius, March L. 8 Campbell, Prop. siderable money in interest should he Percheron 16. a boy. stallion. ernm ent has done more to retard ™^er\6 board. saved the tax p ay ers of W ashington coun­ Kittson—To Mr. nnd Mrs Frank The C ounty Lewis A Clark club has selected recovery than to promote It. A s' —? al?k . «uspenslons In 1934 were I Towing Phone 1707 Night Call 334 . reported fewer than ln any similar Kittson of Pum pkin Ridge, March I Arr«aw from O. E. Depot ty. In this way large w arrants may --------- ......... _ _ be William G Hare of Hillsboro, now attending law I time goes 'on moro '^ o p l e w... period since 1920. 18. a girl. I h r (Inly Station with ('«wnplrlc + sold at a prem ium because of the gilt- W h a! Ann , rb o r' . ^ ,.ch '. *“ superintend the marry; more families will W"1 un­ Servier Doherty—To Mr. and Mrs. R .1 edged security. W ashington county exhibit at the Lewis A Clark ¡double; more houses will be con- H ats off to the P a s t - Doherty of Banks, March 20 a I demned. The fihortage of home« Coats off to the Future!—Ex. girl ^ " * ¿ 0 ." " » r ,S " ” 5 “ i » '. ■ ? : . , ^ ’7 ' ■ = .!■» 1 « " . " »• .1» Credit Bureaus Glad It Is Over s I dlltT VlSltS CoiintV Cltlbs Our Yesterdays iih z ON OUR STACK 'PURPLEsaCE RIDERS' THE PIONEER TRIO THE «A rizona ~~a' WhUKlERS The Texaco Station