Thurmlay, March 21, 1935 and fell. She wan taken to the Troutdule vhited Mr und Mrs. Hillsboro DeLuurice lit the guest delaying the incoming local freight Meet at Garden Home McMinnville hospital Cornelius O t t Wednesday a n d ' of her grandparents, Mr. und Mrs about four hours. Elmer Whitmore wus buying po­ Thursday. John McFee, Jills week und will at­ Garden Home recreation study Mr and Mrs. George Wilson Will Locate Here tend the Laurelview school during tatoes for Schwab Suturday in the spr-nt three days last week in group will meet today (Thursday > Mr and Mrs. Peter Shot well und 1 spring vacation In Hillsboro. Hanks country. Tacoma. Wash , visiting Mrs. Wil at 13# p m. at the home of Mrs two children arrived at the horn«* 1 Celebrate Birthday <>n's parents. Mr and Mrs. J. Le- ^ogkraf for the study of Oregon’s Mrs. Stayton Dies Patricia McNuy celebrated h e r Gault. i wi Id flowers. Mr. and Mrs. Avery Wood, Mr of her parents, Mr. and Mr» H E. Joyce Mutch 10 from Ison An­ second birthday anniversary at the Mr and Mis Charles ---------- —-------------■' and Mr*. Earl Etzwiler and Mr. Mr», llavem aa Building New and Mr* E V Hanson attended geles. They expect to locute here Stollers Celebrate; Family home of her uncle. W. H. McNuy, Project Prepared by Miss vi.ited Portland friend Thursday George Zeigler and daughter Sunday when Mr. and Mr». McNuy an(j Friday the funeral of Mix. 11 F. Stayton Coming to the Venetian Moves; Pupil* Enroll House for Chickens entertained with a dinner. Other Burlingham to Fore Has Narrow Escape ut Portland Monduy. Mrs Stayton Vivian und her week-end guest present were Mr and Mrs. B. G. -------- | Frank G. Russell, Star route died Friday. She wus the wife of Nudyne Wohlschlegel of Scholls Sunday and Monday McNuy. Mr and Mrs. F. L. Brown. I» carrier from Forest Grove, nosed Captain Stayton, who owns the visited the Hoy Harrington family Illy Mr., F, I,. illy Mi» IlirU McCormick) ut Middleton Sunduy. Lillie Brown and Billy and Bar-, .yV^ f >lngi.oa _ .Wl11. « e e iv e , y , car over the ..... bridge a, Wcs. March 31 and April 1 old stone place I.AU11KL Kurin Union program bura McNay. CIIKHA1.LM MOUNTAIN M ih attention from delegates from ail i , “ ^ ¿/at Friday while enroute The "Buck Heaven Buckuroos,” Mrs Mary V Heetz and dnugh Laurelview 4-H calf club met at "“ U “ “1*« a\ M,a™ ’ * P ril I to Cochran with the mail Mr. R u t und dance will be given Saturday John Wulkcr w ai hont«** Match teer -HAM, MTCHIt n . M ins Mary of Corvulhs art Mei vin Whitmore, Don and Peanut night ut the community hull. 12 when the women In the Fir upending this week ..I the Ernest the Ray Moore home Friday eve- J9-Muy J, when the National Con- —11 w. s u n h u r t M'aycd music ut O N O U R STOCK William Hanson was on over­ ning The leader. Amos Watkins, Kress of Parents and Teachers holds Gruvtt district orgutilzed w »octal GueiiUi.. hnin« und with Mrs Joe , cl.un.l,.-. of commerce luncheon Walter Wright is confined to his night guest of his daughter, Mrs. club A name will be chunen March Ego Hl Mountain Home l.ynn the four members and two visitors. ‘‘s 39th annual convention. Monduy. home for several days with an at- The Oregon exhibit table will 20 nt the Min A A Soule home Guenther, win. attends O S C . 1., „ MllUrj-.l I run..... of Bonne, Kuby Meyers, Friday. He returned Mrs Willard Hughes and Millicent! 1 contain only two things, one a case* m Tim ber ** Hi II < ;r.. U m ut home for spring vacation v 2 ' “ 2 “ « “y i'*“ ,’ ¡*r P‘" to his home in Florence Sunday Dunsmoor were present. after several weeks spent in this women leniiona In contract biidgt Sunday guests at the J. H. Haase publicity record book prepared by Timber P T A Study club will Program Attract. “ r a"d Mr* A J Brunson. horn«- were Rev. and Mrs E. W Mrs Oliver C. Crowther. Port- met\ Wednesday wUh Mrs ChaHes section. Mr. and Mi» I .enter Moi tfnn of The Mountuln To,, « hoot, under “* d uttwl relutlve» Mrs. Adolf Rutschman a n d Hinrichs and children Myrtle and *an»35, according t o ! Hothstrom, Mr. and Mrs. J H at the Dwight Hulit home near by ’*» executive committee, adop- a few days. Couple Marry THE Grove school Suturduy evening Morton Tompkins of Dayton, chair-| Huase Harold Haase, Glen, Eugene Llnnton March 13. ‘ed as this year's project the pro- Hubert O Henderson, 10, and T I. A. Snider of Carlton was here h X takingpar!I ^ M Mrs ^ X J h o h n n 1 ,,,an J°lnt contro1 Mrs. Ray Vorhees and her moth- motion of summer play activities Tuesday. ...... «art X were , ! , u n „ of o f tho ,he J.oln‘ control board of of and and Huy Ray H Hothstrom and Viola Murgnret Drake, 10, were issued Walker Glenn und I oren Hill lhc o ,t ‘k°n Washington Melon and Bernice and Jimmie Stoller and | er. Mrs. Jones, went to Portland f°r «*>e hundreds ot children, marriage license ut Vancouver, Ruymond< B. T. Hart returned to Timber M e V ." “ and" Kenneth f t ™ * » Marketing agreement This Monday fo r a few days visit with whose energies are set adrift by ' Monday evening after a two weeks’ hostess. Wush, according to Friday’s Port­ friends the closing of the schools in the Portland Mrs Richard Hohlfeld I ? land Journal. Murguret Drukc of Meyers Granville Everest coached ? a" John M cfce has had several spring. The unemployment situa- “l 8 ~ rle“ h“‘d ‘» I 0* Porlland visi,ed 81 lhe Hay Witch Ha/el has u huge mm.i a.xl Mrs G raniille Everest had dUrlng ,he <* h* ’ h<’S h H ^ T r e i . men helping sack potatoes w h ich , “ on makes it increasingly difficult ft lends III the Buck Hea\ en dis for young people to find things to I months , R ... M r?*(. huvina 3fin wat he marketed this week trlct and has attended many social charge of refreshments and Mrs 1 Mrs. Edna Bagley of Portland do out of school hours It is this ‘7*1^® w,'° «><«ed their ‘»“‘»‘A mTg to * b ^ ^ h i^ 2 d to functions here Henderson has been D A Otto entertained the chil- and Mrs. Hattie Williams of Hills­ project In Washington county and nf.ndL. m i . J. making his home In Portland but dren with games The adults play- w111 be penalized by a heavy tax 12 .i, ’ which will not be returned to 1 a n d Dundee His brothers, boro spent March 13 with their in Portland, which is receiving Is recently of near Nome. Alusku ed cards sister, Mrs. W. L. Stevens. nation-wide attention. Mrs Mary Wlllers and son Erl- ‘hem; those who liave not exceed- M“n<* * £ * £ » much Miss Alice McInnis was 111 with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Larsen and Mrs. C. R. Martin, Garden Home, m' mumps last WKSh M M l n o t w it h die of Hillsboro visited the D A ''«1 «heir quota, will get a refund ; * " rk . daughter, Nancy of Portland visit­ second vice-president of the coun­ measles as stated In last week’s und Sam Otto families March 1« ulmoat Immediately. Here's how it f"°Yed a,ter *evtral »eek s of 111- ed his mother, Mrs. A. Naderer. cil. is especially interested in the paper Mr und Mrs Frank Hill and works; Each crate of canteloupes ’ pSh_rl, >rimm.- March 10. project, and has been conducting, family of Witch Hazel were enter will be taxed 25c. but 18c will be Schmidt of West Timber B elld Chicken House Mr and Mrs. W. N. Hathorn of with her committee, a study, the *_ » ___ a ut the al-_ Clayton Z~si__ a. .. Whitmore u t L i . ______ returned r<*t 11 r Ila«/1 to t ri the tha, grower or-rs..-.,v- who Mr» E 1. Havvman is having a tulnerl is S ,.’nPn a i^ ? l Mr new chicken house 20 by 40 feet | home Sunday. within his allotment To the grow- **"} < ^ ím, ^ rvnt,’ Mr and Mrs Hillsboro visited her parents, Mr (result of which will be reported at and Mrs. E. C. Mulloy, Sunday I ard Play to be distributed at the! mah. Washington and Clackamas Esther Speiring, Jean Watkins. Master De Luxe, was made March Aloha-Huber meeting, and tw o ! SMOKED MEATS counties include J. C. Cochran of Mavie Smith and Evelyn Schu­ 15. according to James Whitelaw students from her classes. Jack Troutdale. Ralph Garbarina o f macher. of the Hillsboro Motor company. Killits and Frances Barber, dem- ! Portland and Mamano Wakasugi Mrs. George Rosevear and Mrs "The local reception of the new onstrated some group amusements Indrprndm tly Owned and Operated of Banks F L. Brown visited their father's Chevrolet Master model has been which were very much enjoyed, Half or whole. These men will meet March 25. cousin. Frank Tolson, and family the greatest since the boom years.” Miss Burlingham stresses the need 2(1 and 27 for the purpose of re­ of Hillsboro Friday. This is the I said Whitelaw. "We have so many of trained leaders, rather than the Friday, Saturday and Monday Special» ceiving applications tor quota al­ first time they had seen him i n ! orders booked for this car that the use of expensive equipment and FREE DEUVERY PHONE 2001 lotments They will make recom­ more than thirty years, having Oakland plant of Chevrolet is suggests the use of the school mendations which will be forward­ only recently learned that they re-1 having a hard time keeping up playground. The monthly recrea- ed to the joint control board of the sided in Hillsboro with our demand. The same sit- tion meetings being conducted by Marketing Agreement for final ap- Mr and Mrs Harold Christensen uation holds true for other Chev- Miss Gertrude Skow of O S C iroval. This is the first time in the and children of Midway were rolet dealers on the Pacific ___ ______ __ ________ ____ coast, are opportunities for ___ community n t lr ir t a home k n m u We W»« interpret t this k ia n —at > are“be?n» , . lstory of the two states that grow- guests at the Amos W Watkins as 0 definite indi- leaders "of recreation and" 1 S T F W I k SHOULDER, lb. ... 1 . .. .........I ... .... ..... . , IO ,u„ ___ _ — __n __ , J , „ _ -3 1 t. ” . z-u. ers have attempted to get cost of March 10 I cation that the new Master De well attended by Parent-Teacher production for their crop by means Sunday guests at the J. W Mul- Luxe is exactly what the motdr- representatives. .'X f ' of acreage control. The enforce- l°y home were Mrs. Mettie Cahow, ing public wants and also that __________ -______ LEGS and CHOPS. Lb. ment of the Marketing Agreement Calvin Jack Clyde Lundy and Mr economic conditions arc improving L- A f C on melons und tomatoes will be •'ln<1 Mrs. Harry Blinco and three rapidly.'' I HIT DCF IVliin ^CtS much easier under the new Agri- children, all of Portland, and Mr Whitelaw declared that Chevro- » > » khklman's Naptha. cultural Adjustment Acts recently and Mrs. W N. Hathorn of Hills- let's great plant at Oakland is em- (jO O C l M ilF K S l l t l f l i l V jxissvd by the legislatures of Ore- boro Mrs Mulloy has been con- ploying more than 2000 men and COMPOUND gon and Washington, Mr Tomp- fined to the house the j>ast week that an additional assembly line lBr LoU Richmoiul. kins said. with a severe cold. has beCn added to take care of TIMBER—Mr. and Mrs. Oscar 3 lbs............... - — __________ Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brown were the demand for Chevrolet cars and Sniffer drove to Portland last Sun- Sunday guests of her sister. Mrs trucks. day to attend the shoot there. He Steel Operations I'p ------------------------- sh o t,49 out of a possible 50. They NEW YORK—Operations in the J W Twigg. and family of Scholls > Mrs. W. — L. - Stevens and, . -------- Hillsboro Argus contains — all the were u entertained evening — at steel Industry Increased two points , Mr and , ,— — - — — ----- —- — _— ----------- _ . . . in the - ---------= in one week to 53 per cent of Irene visited at the John Kamna news of Hillsboro and the sur- , e nome of Mr. Srons. proprietor ni" s" " ‘ ¡cording to the current Sr home in Hillsboro Sunday. rounding communities. Read i t °* ‘he. Carson Floral Gardens. capacity, according Phone 651 5 Deliveries Daily Res. Phone 321Z weekly survey of the magazine A slide on the S. P. lines near Millicent Dunsmoor was a week- i and keep informed on what is Steel. tf Salmonberry occurred Saturday end guest of DeLaurice Cady of i happening at home. Group Formed at Fir Grove U nion Program Planned Laurel County P .T .A . Given N otice m »latoa 'll PURPLE SACK RIDERS' THE PIONEER TRIO A rizona M unoers MEAT SPECIALS At Y our S e r v ic e Whitelaw Tells HILLSBORO CASH GROCERY v 15c D ESSER T 19c 43c FLOUR .......... $1.49 T IS S U E ¿' A 25c D O G F O O D ¿¡Í 5c £2^ Fancy Red Wineaaps. 99c G R A PEFR U IT ‘S AJ 29c HAMS li > 20C Lb _____ 15c P IC N IC S C H O IC E M ACARONI , .... COM PANY QUALITY FRED’S SUPERIOR MARKET S afeway S tores ----- - a ___________ _____________________ _ __ % J a lh iu t) ÜbouJ- PORK ROAST 16c S t s r k LENTEN FOODS SALMON ure cane. S U G A R 1 10-lb. cloth PANCAKE 45c SY RU P 1 ^ “ 49c FLOUR PÄ °Ll,he West' $1.49 SARDINES In oil. I cans JL 4 (R AH bag MEAT CRACKERS Ritz. Large pkg. CAT 'T' 10/ b o i R. kS a ,""“ y Morton’s. g .|b gack 17c .............. SPAGHETTI Phillip's. 3 cans LARD COMPOUND 3 ib«.25c A Pork and Beef Product. C O C O A 2-lb. M0™E RS- carton WHITE KING Large pkg....... DADtf DI Du DC And ru n n HI back bones . Lb....... U ED DI BID Ilk lllllllll 12c COFFEE A IRW 19c) AY (Lb. $1.35 BACON SLICED 30c qu .' o w " ' p " BACON BACK - 11C M A L T E D MILK Lb .... 1 3 c Chocolate flavored. CO AD O V Z /A J r CORN. Del Monte or Libby's. | ff Large ran JLtJV LUNA LAUNDRY. IO kar. RRAN FLAKES r t f ............. 45c 25c CHOICE BABY STEER BEEF ! TRY IT — YOU’LL LIKE IT! PHONE 982 totfC JELL-WELL. New cube flavored. 4 4 ,, 2 pkgv.............. 3 lbs. Nice and Lean. OYSTERS AQx» CLEANSER Alaska*. 10-Ib. Kit FREE DELIVERY Co(um6iacJòcti Co. ‘There’s No Better Place’ SO AP Crystal White 10b.„ 29c FREE DEUVERY Prices for Fri., Sat. and Mon., March 22, 23, 25 jfyjjLK ALL PURE- Tal1 cans- CRISCO '¡■a. Can SATURDAY SPECIALS O’ Prices Effective Friday, Saturday and Monday — March 22, 23 and 25 OYSTERS SERVICE 15c ....................... 10c 23c BOIL BEEF LARD THRIFTY FOOD VALUES MEAT lie 8c Fre»h Vegetable» Received Daily! H IL L S B O R O M UTTON W A S H IN G P W D U T 25 c 19c SALAD DRESSING Best Foods. Q Q /s Quart - O tfV FR U IT S^V E C E T A B L E S CARROTS 9C I L E T T U C E ri £ b"“’ 4C C A L A V O S B f t . - “ .... 5C I L E M O N E T T E S r;;U 'D„ .5 c 3-lb. can 1-lb. can . 63c 2c Both ........ 65c COFFEE C UM 70c) BIA BE ST- (3 0L lbs. Lb. 20c 13c 23c R IN S O GRAPEFRUIT. Fancy 300s. Florida Gold. 2 cans ............. 4 JvV MATCHES. Searchlight. QQx» (Box 5c) 6 boxes ................. JvaOv» Large pkg. LIFEBUOY SOAP— 2 bars ........................... LAUNDRY SOAP— Liberty White. 10 bars . Tomato Soup, Tomato Juice, Pork O d> & Beans. Large cans. 2 for .............J L v v Van Cam p’s F lou r $1.53 S H O R T E N IN G ,'5,H'T.ti;iOUD TOM ATOES S H IN O L A cb . h 49C 19c V,LLA ° w n ’ BLACK or Drifted $1.93 Gulf Kist, fancy. 5-oz. tins or OYSTERS 2 for ................. SH R IM P Fisher’s Blend Snow. 49-1 b. sack ..... or TAN" M O P ST IC K S £ £ PER "EAD 7c 10c TUNA k* White Star, Its 10c 15c SALM O N Alaska Pink. Is tall. 2 cans __ 1 *Fv A _ CATSUP SPEC IA L B R O O M S Fafh 43c SO F T A SIL K 29C FlolR BISQUICK— Large pkg................................... . 4 l«yV A _ PE A S Nature's Gift. 3O3’s. 2 cans 19C < Sxa COFFEE OAxa Red Can. 1-lb. can m W Butter Clams r. a . b . WHEAT HEARTS— Pkg.......................................... WHEATIES— Pkg.......................................... PANCAKE FLOUR. Sperry’s (28-oz. pkg. 17c) No. 10 sack K ern’s, 12-oz. 2 bottles Hills Bros. Ms v tfv Is