H IL L S B O R O Page Two Talk on India Interesting Bits T T T1 i of f(] News Gleaned Here Tuesday Counfy Trips Public Invited to Addres* Bits ■ among at Chriatian Church A R G U S, H IL L S B O R O , One Way of Doing It MAC T hursday, M unii 21, 1935 OREGON By Munch SA*^ YOUNG m a n ! y o u « pop THE LANOt-ORO IS HERE K X THE RENT— - It'S ALMOST THREE teuu Another Spud Pool Planned Balance of Potato«** Around Sherwood to In* Taken < By Franci» S. Barr) of interest are picked up the subscribers b.v a mem- ; ber of the Argus staff who spends much of his time out in the field MohAn V Raj of Bombay. India. Something of the "Old Military Mill deliver w ith the aid of colored -Trail" « a s told by Otto Solberger. pictures, an address on present Mr Solberger lives way up in the day India at the Christian church Mason Hill district and was found in Hillsboro at 7:30 p. m Tuesday mowing red clover seed in one Mr Kaj is a graduate of the of hls fields. It was surveyed on University of Minnesota and is at horseback and went over the mountain something like an Indian , trail. G rain and produce had to | be hauled over the m ountains on ! this road to St. Helens and the Columbia river. This road has been resurveyed and relocated, of course, in later years. The old road now has trees growing in the center of it as large as a foot through. The present road winds its way through Mason Hill district and on top of the m ountain to Mr Solberger's place, w here it ends. Mr. Solberger be- , lieves that in the near future as more people settle, the road w i l l 1 ' be continued on and extend into > what is the Skyline road. ’ Washington county is just in ! its infancy along the agricultural lines, believes Cecil H eyndnckx of i near Schefflin County products ! are diversified and nothing as yet ! has become a specialty. Mr. Heyn- derickx has put several acres of : his land under cultivation for the 1 raising of beets for seed S p ecial-, ’ ized seed raising seems very feas- I ible for Washington county. We present taking a p o s t graduate s|lan hear m ore from Mr. Heyn- course in University of Oregon dricg x on seed raising later. Though a Hindu, h e embraced Making the loop on one of Cor­ C hristianity and is a member of nelius route 2's many roads, we the in Eugene He s Christian 2 £ d “ ™ a church lieutenant m fn e “ f » S o Ä ’ u o ’Ä m " ' ^ sons Robert and Ralph visited Mr and Mrs Victor Murali at Slier wood Sunday Mrs Heddinger of Newberg spent from Siindiy until Tuesduy visit ing her daughter, Mrs Harold I Aebischer. ami family. Theophlle Cappoen, father o f Ill Mitre 11, U h * month of Jerom e Cappoen. who has b e e n spending (wo and a half m o n th s1 Spring robin, you lived ev­ with his daughter, Mrs Iti ne Tag ery bit of resist it nee you cun lion, at Cornelius, lefl for his home m uster up. Rich milk, such at Watsonville, C a l. Thursday George Rogers Is back In school, uh ours. contains every vita­ after a week's illness al Ids home [ min for physical fitniwu. ill Hillsboro Mr. and Mrs Ray Peed and chil­ Quart dren of P arrott Mountain visited Mr. and Mrs. W C Edy Sunday Y oh Need It! LAUREL RIDGE Sherw ood po­ tato grow ci s' potato pool No. 1, winch was formed some weeks ugo. has been filled and the potatoes shipped to Texas l'ool No, 2 ts i now being formed. This pool is expected Io lake all the rem aining M iss Asluihr E lected IHilaloes in the Sherwood district, Miss Helen Asbuhr has been re- j j The washed seconds not included , in the pools find much favor ill eleeled to teach the Laurel Rlilgej , Hie eyes of farm housewives for school for another year. tuble use amt town people will not Subscribe now to the Argus In I buy other than the washed No. 2s. Phone 1104 Oregon $1 50 u year. Six months Onions Sold Onion grow ers in the Sherwood 88c. Three months 50 cents. Two tf , section are selling (he last of their months 33 cents. 1934 crop at >4 per sack Work on W. C. Edy's prune dryer Is well advanced The up- I rights and rafters are up and the ! siding is being put on. Charles Haynes ts the architect and build­ er. Mr and Mrs Frank Koter of McMinnville, formerly of Closka. Rhone 771 M in n , w ere guests Friday evening at tile G. F. Atrops home. Mr and Mrs. C. F N ystrom and Special* for Friday and Saturday, March 22 - 23 family made a trip to Portland Sunday Io visit the destroyer Wor- 1 den. Sunday guests a t t h e Walter F ührer home were Mr and Mrs. ! Edward Spidal of Portland and Mr and Mrs George Egger and or SPAGHETTI Large 2 Vit cans. son Herman of funnel. W. C Edy cut Ins thum b severe- , ly on a large spike Saturday while it. at work on his prune dryer. I John S trickler and Jam es Hurris are m aking cedar imp posts for C St U n i o n M a i l I Mrs" J ^ W . w J r s vis R c e d v ì l e S u n d a y Mr G arland of Newberg, w ho is | buying them for hop grow ers al i Helmold l e i n expressed o l i i h U “ « A ll- „ « . . . J “ e d .M r. and Mrs J It. Sanford S c h o o l tO BfcCt I Salem Palestine expedition led by Gen* A d d s t o B u i l d i n g s at North Plains Sunday. eral Allenby He has traveled ex- ‘he w eather as being typical of Mrs. Lloyd Stearns and small j K night’s Rogue River ~ SERA sewing club met w ith Mrs j „ „ , _. , W ashington County tensively having been in nineteen M arch and spring was near at BETHANY-CEDAR MILL—Les- ¡daughter Jo Ann are spending a E. Wallace March 13. Instruction! n P . Large 2*/ end w ith Helen Johnson in Port-1 Mr and Mrs John M atthiesen ' Indian life to outside people. Mr Gerig. Sylvia Gerig and Art Cord- Portland Saturday. FIRDAI.E -M r and Mrs E. W land. visited at the August R upprccht j Cup and saucer in Raj speaks six Indian languages er. Incidentally Mr. Gerig has one L. G. Boie visited Mr. and Mrs C arter gave a party Sunday in Mrs. L. Foster is staying with home at Six Corners Suiiduy 2 in 1. each package. and English lluently. of the best views from Iowa Hill William Boyd and family of Beav- honor of the birthdays of th e i r 'h e r daughter. Mrs. George Imlay Mrs Joseph W erre Sr. returned , In his lecture Mr Raj will tell that can be found in the county, erton Saturday night. * >n Billy and daughter Hazel. St Rcedville C. E. met March 12 from a two weeks' visit w ith her Regular 15c of the industrial, religious and so- On the Pierson place. Don Pier- Yule Austin and sons Dwight P a trick s Day decorations w e r e with Mrs S. A Becker. A skating daughter. Mrs. Carl Asbuhr, and Large pkg. cial aspects of Mother India." He son and Bill Borgelt were found and Clark, and Dick W olfert of used The afternoon was spent in party will be voted on Sunday family in P ortland Sunday She will also tell of the work of mis- laboriously sawing up a felled tree Wiggins, Colorado, are visiting Mi playing games. Twenty-two guests social fallowed the business reports Mr. Asbuhr. who has been ! sionanes, India's struggle for in- into cordwood. and Mrs. G lenn Carr. w ere present. meet. quite ill in a Portland hospital, as | dependence, of Mahatma Gandhi s That the earlier publishing date Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wright of Mr and Mrs Parson and son Mrs S A. Becker has another being recovered influence and of the industrial and of the Argus is appreciated by Portland visited M. C. Larsen and Leonard visited friends at Aumes- SERA class at Hazeldule. Mrs John Schm ellzer anil H a r o l d 1 political needs of India. He has county folks was the opinion ex- family Sunday ville last week. Becker also has a class that meets Aebischer w ere in Portland and Blue & W hite. (Ireen & W hite in addition a display of India art pressed by Mr. and Mrs. John Last of a series of three cook- Mr and Mrs. Sheet and chil- in the Huber G range hall, Jennings Lodge camp ground mak- : goods and textiles Haase They like the earlier date mg schools under the auspices of dren attended a fellowship meet- C. G reenawald is recovering from ing pluns for erecting cottuges be- ! 'Mr. Mohan V. Raj comes high- because the farm ers and town the home economics departm ent ing at T urner Monday. They also an appendicitis operation last fore the sum m er camp m eeting of Evangelical churches. ly commended by Christian min- people receive their copies on the of O. S. C. was held at the home visited relatives at Salem. week. isters over the state and 1 per- same day. Now farm ers can comet of Mrs E. Wallace under the di- Mr and Mrs. Lukas entertained Mrs Wilma Gregory is teaching Mr and Mrs. W alter Spath and sonally feel the people of Hillsboro to town and purchase through the rection of Miss Chase. Nineteen with a party and old tim e dance the seventh and eighth grades in and vicinity will be afforded a n | ads before all of the items are soldj w-ere present. She specialized in Saturday night. the absence of F. Vanderrnost, who opportunity to hear first h a n d e d ! out. I «low ‘° cook greens and w hite William Carter, son of Mr and is in the hospital. C on p lr H onored the story of present day India that Tennis Pyle and fam ily w ere vegetables. Mrs. E. W Carter, cut his hand Friends of Mr and Mrs. M Mc- seldom comes our way," R. L. P u t- , found to be old Argus readers. Cornell club met w ith Mrs. Dave severely while cutting wood Mon- nam. local pastor, declared. The The rooms in the Pyle home w e re , Edigar M arch 15. Tw enty-tw o w ere day evening Ten stitches were Mayhill gave a surprise party on them Saturday night public i- is , invited I being re-kalsomined. present taken. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Churchley 1 Mrs. Jam es McCabe, near the Mr and Mrs. Jam es W alters and A meeting was held at th e Fir- | Firdale school, added her name to family visited the C. W. S truthers dale school house last Tuesday by "isited Mr and Mrs H Stout in ! the many Argus readers by taking family at Hiteon Sunday. the farm ers of this district in re- Orenco Sunday. ' out a subscription. _ Townsend C'lnb to_Meet gard to the milk route question l y r r lC P T S Five cows w ere sold by David Townsend club of Cedar Mill We specialize in quality com-' Feature* for Friday, Saturday and Monday, March 22, 23 and 25 — Hillsboro u v i t c i a x / i i i v c i o Lorenz recently through the classi- will m eet tonight (Thursday» at Quality job printing—Argus. m ereiai printing.—Argus. tf LEISYVILLE — The Leisyv i 11 e J fied columns of the Argus and Women's club met with Mrs. Einar j brought very good prices. Hence S w an sd ow n igren Thursday afternoon and the Argus representative was a h ted officers. Mrs. Einar Berg- welcome visitor at the Lorenz Cake Flour gi n was re-elected president, Mrs home. Mr Lorenz believes that Jo« Seus. vice-president. Mrs. John this year will be a very good one G atesJr., secretary-treasurer. Com for th e farm er and b etter prices mittees are Mrs. John Sinclair, are already being given the pro- Mrs. A lbert Hanley and Mrs F ra n k ' ducer. A good, sound optimistic Pranger, flowers; Mrs Henry Grif- outlook is expressed by the farm- INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED fing. Mrs Maes a n d Mr* Lilly ers for this and the coming years Hanley, sick; Mrs Lorenz, Mrs. Increasing the size of his present FREE DELIVERY Second at Main Street Phone 3251 George Padgett and Mrs. Brice flock of 200 chickens is the plan of Adams, eats. Mrs Brice Adams is Herman Koch. An upturn in the Simply w rite a letter of less than 100 words telling "Why I Úse and Prefer Palmolive reporter. Club will meet with Mrs chicken industry is Mr Koch's pre- Prices Effective Friday, Saturday and Monday— March 22, 23 and 25 Frank Pranger in April. Mrs. Ken- diction. Soap." and enter into this new Palm olive C ontest Ask your grocer for detutls nedy became a new member. ________________ a k t > l <‘ br “ ed . Official and Unofficial News — A birthday dinner was given for An , hat is m to p rint ln Hillsboro: a? d ,kMrSi J/t FLOUR FLOUR 2 for KITCHEN QUEEN The old favorite. 4-H BRAND Hard wheat Blend 49-lb. Bag 2? ’1.49 Free $4 ff/» laD t) With Purchase of Criseo 3 65c M. J . B. Package. fo r Real COFFEE Zuvor Phone 1001 WILEY’S [NEW DEAL] GROCERY X Street* and -I?- 30c S'. 83c FREE DELIVERY .noif • 27c PEARS Hand Picked. B arlett’fl. New Size Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Daily s d ii 27 No. 2 tin We are proud of our m er­ chandise and guarantee its quality. 1 5c Quick or Slow. icr can* ..... PORK & BEANS MN A Phone «51 27c $1.59 ; M Leisyville Group Follette Wins Ever din g Shoot on Portland Traps De,i**ry + oanod I No. 2i/g Tin PINEAPPLE Selected from the best fruit. Canned in a heavy syrup. No. 2>/g can. 19c A palache Brand. S H R I M P No. 1 tin ............ SALAD AID DURKEE’S. Quart ........•.................... HOME BRAND. PICKLES CALIFORNIA .................... TEA GARDEN DRIPS Pin, ju, SUNRISE COFFEE FRESH. 1-lb. pkg. SOAP LARGE BARS. Brown or W hite. 4 b a rs 10c 37c 35c 17c 25c 17c ................................... .vntiioq« -,rit 'Hl ol si I rioortot lo tm bnotniioqu« xiniio-i -« - .a . I.M (S nmulni «tM lH JII H H H I'H ID W T q NMaq nn b^onhnoO) I