H IL L S B O R O Page Two ARG U S, H IL L S B O R O . Thurmluy. M arch 21, 19,’lß OREGON If you change your addi'esN k I ml illn e s s Freni Z u rc h e r. M rs K ohu finished doffing my golf togs when M rs . Y o u n g e n F c u c is ie lu , Jo e S c h m id t a m i W a ll |y notify the Argus direct ami at the far-from admirable Crichton K e m is te in v is ite d h im S u n d a y lie once. summoned me Anyway. I should If be furious with you. Why was 1 w as im p r o v in g s lo w ly THE KENNEL M r a m i M is A be Y o u n g e n am i denied my muffins and tea?" M e e t H o s te s s Vance apologised K lu in e Y oungen w e re guests of D R . R. J . N IC O L We've been using Gamble a bit M r. a m i M rs L o u Z u rc h e r at P h il M U R D ER CASE intensively. Gamble, laki tea and lip s S u n d a y muffins to Miss Lake’s quarters." D R . E. W . A I.M Q U 1 S T Mr ami Mrs Wallace Met uen B ir t h d a y P a r ty H e ld ; T w o Tin- man. who had been standing and family of Longview. Wash By V e te r in a r ia n » in the door, bowed and disappeared: P u p ils L o st to S c h o o l visited Mr ami Mrs Dave T • ha and Vance turned pleasantly back S. S. Van Dine bold Sunday. Mr McCuen is bet to Miss Lake. "H\ the time vour I'.'l.’lilnHK* lit.'l ami (it? ler now. breakfast is ready we will let you (By M o Johs M Davidson) • return to your rooms " Then he Mr and Mrs Kobci t Das idson 1 H E L V E T IA L a d ie s' A id m et added with a serious mien "There Copyright by W. 11. W right with Mrs Abe Youngen March 13 of llrlx eamp ami Joseph Wen. el; are a few questions w ed like you dinner guests at the J M Guests w ere Kev. Il M Fresen- were to answer. What was the cause of \V.\T Service burg. Mrs K G uerber, Mrs Pete Davidson home Sumlas the animosity between Archer and r. a m i M rs P ie d H u fe n e r J i Brisbane Coe ’" .h»ssy and Mrs Sig Sorensen Next* M a M lle dry n e r a m i S y lv ia G le e n , F .lgillgs >""• Inxlilr "Oil. th at!" A cynical smile cu rl­ meeting will be April 3 with Mrs a ll o f H P u o fe T H K STORY III inch « orli rtla n d , spent th e w eek ed her lips. Money nothing else Augusta Hafner in Hillsboro, when ; e n d w ith M i am i M i F red R u fe n Old M ajor Coe left everything to Kxccllcnl kitchen wood. Ilo- CHAPTER I Philo V«ncake. Coe '• niece, ter passion in it. "Or perhaps." she anniversary of his mother. Mrs J says Coe deserved death -that he col­ lected ceramics through u n fa ir means added "Uncle Brisbane went ahead M Davidson Dancing and games OCEAN FINER 4 ^ SEDAN and incurred the enm ity of Chinese; also on his own." were enjoyed. Music wus furnished th a t as her guardian he controlled her "T hat might bear looking into." by Dan Hebeisen, Wesley Pieren fo rtu n e and was parsimonious. Medical smiled Vance. "The only difficulty E x am in er Doremus arrives and say»» and Lewis Donaldson Present were KlTTIGAZUn is th at Gamble tells us Mr Bris­ suicide. then on being asked about cer­ the honor guest. Misses Clara bane hopped to Chicago at five- tain mysterioui- features by Vance, he Tschabold. Anna Marie ami Hilda changes his m ind. He declares Coe had thirtv last evening." Meyer. Frances Seherrer. Margaret been dead for ht»ur> when the bullet "That doesn't mean anything. entered his head. I t is found th a t Coe Hinton. Inez Pulm an and Theresa | Uncle Brisbane has dabbled enough had been struck on the head and one of Bishop, and Mrs Elizabeth H itter.1 in criminology to prepare a per­ his rib* broken. F in a lly a sm all wound Mrs. Anna Donaldson. Mrs H fect alibi in the event he himself is found. The wound had bled intern ally. Bishop. Mr and Mrs. Robert Da­ Vance, fro m a closet, brings out a coat contem plated a flutter in crime." and waistcoat, w ith holes coinciding w ith "W hat takes him on these peri­ vidson. John Davidson. Wilfred and ! Coe's wound, showing Coe was _ f u ll, odical trips to Chicago?" Vance Albert Grossen, Vincent Bishop, i drvx-ed when he was stabbed Gamble asked. Clarence Tschabold. Wesley Pieren. annoaaces that there is something gueer Hilda Lake shrugged. Sam and H arry HaderUcher. Wal­ in the fro n t hall. ELEPHA NT "Heaven knows. He never men- ter Hershey, Lewis und Jam es P C H A P T E R 111 They find a wounded ■ tioned the m atter to me ivnd I P O IN T Scotch te rrie r. Vance takes the dog to Donaldson. Dan HasJck. Allen H er-' never asked." She leaned forward. a veterinarian . Wrede. who has become ger. Dan Hebeisen. Billie Dancer. engaged to Mis» l^»ke against Coe's •Perhaps it's a lady!" she ex­ A modest little L aplander. Andy Iluhr. above, Is hom ew ard- Hoy Hofer. Carsten Hansen. Lovat wishes, and Grassi. who has been Coe's The Chinese Influence Is re­ claimed in a taunting tone. "If he guest, are briefly questioned. Vance says fle c te d vividly In this hostess told anyone, th at person was Uncle bound a fte r com pleting one of the biggest, most unusual "Jobs” 111 and Jam es Davidson the Scottie should prove an im portant m odern history. A little more than live years ago, Andy a t u l six Jam es H artley visited at t h e ) .lira Archer. And I'm afraid It's too late gown of black and white painted connecting lipk. Gamble says Brisbane 1 4 9 S. T h ir d A v e . to get any inform ation from th at helpers started from E lephant Point. A laska, to herd SOOO-odd school last week and entertained | Coe. Archer's brother. who lived in the silk, worn by Maxine Jennings, quarter now." house, left fo r Chicago the previous a fte r­ rein d eer over the Arctic barrens to the Mackenzie river d istrict, the children with harm onica music I O regon H illa b o r o movie mannequin. A knee-length noon. Vance declare» Brisbane could not "Yes. a bit too late," a g r e e d 1200 miles away, along the route shown In the map The anim als John Z urcher was taken to Jones have gone to Chicago, a* his favorite tunic swoops Into a long double Vance. "But let us suppose th at were to form the nucleus for fu tu re herds, to furnish food and tra n s ­ hospital Saturday night due to I «tick is hanging in the hall. train at the back, and the bodice after Mr Brisbane announced his portatio n to starving, sealless Eskim os. H azards of th e Aluskun intention of going to Chicago last has a short kimono sleeve. {Continued from la st week! evening, he remained in New York trek look a toll of 1100 reindeer before Andy arrived at his goal. CHAPTER IV all night. W hat would you say to surlily. "I think Mr. Vance is lean- that?" cards. Brisbane Coe Intended to mg too heavily on th at stick. We've The Missing Man and the Ting Hilda to Chic.rto lost night and tie only got this guy's word"—he jerk- shrewdly for a time before reply- l'ao Vase t RO som e terrible thing stop- T x44vac here was entary Tr-..nr- tense ed his thum b toward Gamble v_ mg. Then ¡»he answered gravely. ••»»»» a mom r—----------j ned him. . And something stop- R e m o d e lin g H o u s e silence. Vance's statem ent, with the th a t he took it with him in the "in th at case you may* eliminate Archer Coe before he could possibilities it suggested, threw a tlr^ Uncle Brisbane as a suspect He s cbangc his shoes . . Don't you I t , V iv ia n Hudw pall of vague horror l v over all V of . M arkham made no comment. much too smooth and canny . to X set, wbat a w .* fra »U « ~ T W I l r t L 1 I mean? I l l C d E I f Those A m i x ' shoes X I L R ' S of U l M A lN A n U Z VXCI IC tie r S U Il IlilS HAYWARD Axel Pederson has us. Unsteadily Gamble ~~ ’ £ " ble « ----- * . “ *» 1 a ^ tr a e “ ¡dlv " h m ^H er Tore he"d Archer s - a n d that stick of B us- been remodeling the inside of his s u n 'h e d bane s T h at s tic k !-In the houge b v enlarging his kitchen. bracing himself with one hand on room anokm g abstractedly • His Planned a m urder A il Ll;-.ied a t ia c e c r e s iia iic n a rra n g e i t SO as to escape cieiec fro n t h u ll! Tf s h o u ld n 't hAVp been 1 i •,_»• » i . the back of his chair _____ who S had iad seen "He's She „rm » u .m a cooler, and . j sealing u Vance like a m an who seen "He's not not there," there," he he announced announced tion.' tion. She paused paused momentarily. momentarily. , here ...... o AL h n,v D re c n lo iK us a n , l' i | building , . . a ^ S i g n a i U specter. • I thought Brisbane might be m "Did Uncle Brisbane rem ain in tnere- He threw his a w r e tte m to room fw a hired man whom he "You—are sure you saw the stick, his room. But the shades are up: New York last night?" a ' tra “ e hu„ ie d Wward the >'xP''cts “ > « "p lo y in the near fu- sir’ " he stammered with a nideous and the bed hasn't been slept m; i "i don't know," Vance responded door ture. contortion of the face ‘I didn't see and the lights are out." He sat candidly "I was merely indulging - c Ome M arkham Come Ser- L Jesae antl family entertained it And Mr Brisbane never hangs down wearily. "His room's empty " m suppositions." geant T here’s something hideous relatives from Rainier March 10 his stick over the hall chair. He The sergeant planted himself in How clever of you!" There was ”n thls house . . . and j don't want The Updike brothers plowed and always puts it in t h e umbrella front of Vance. a steely look in her eyes. t0 ~0 alone." I graded a road into the bottom of stand. Maybe some one else—" ^ r. even if At this moment Gamble passed be spOge be ran down the the canyon to get out their cedar "Who but Mr. Brisbane himself he did miss the Lake Shore Limited, the door on his way upstairs with stairs. M arkham and H eath and I Miss Vivian Hudson attended a would bring th a t stick l»ack to th e h e s probably on his way to Chi- a small covered serving-tray in his following. When he had reached dinner Thursday evening at the K a S ^ haa8 a m st^k- suitcase1 mn t h e r e - " h Vance stood up. th . ^ r _ , hall, 1 » 1 1 ._ he ^ „ p u pulled lle d ^ t t h e , i j w w . Kvle Kyle home home of of Peavine Peavine Ridge, Ridge the L . lower vour m uffins E°rtlerSs asl£ a«“ opened the 11- honoring Mr K yles 72nd birthday "But Mr Vance, sir,' the man Vance leaped to his feet. I "Ah! There are i t ^keen vou anv ^ ° ° r - He r?iind^ihfm anniversary O thers attending were persisted in an awed tone, "he once "The suitcase—th at's it! W hat Miss Lake. I shan i t keep you any and then passed li.to Cie dining f Mr and ¡¿rs. CecH Kyle and son Mr and Mrs. Cecil Kyle and son reprim anded me for hanging it would he have done with the suit- longer.” I room D arrell of Forest Grove. Mr and over a chair—he said it might fall case if he had not taken the early "Thanks awfully." She rose a n d 1 (Continu«! N ut Wukl Mrs. Ray Kendall and son D onald.: and get broken. Why. sir. should train and had intended to go on went quickly from the room Mrs G ertrude Williams, Willie, < he hang _____ it over ____ the chair?" | to Chicago Chit----- -- later. . . . " " ” Vance ------ stood -•— ‘ a -• t the •*— door J — until Williams and Mr and Mrs. J W Less noisy, perhaps, tnen chuck- "He'd have checked it in the sta- Gamble returned front the third I o c a l ( I r r l f i a l « ; ato a brass umbrella hoid- tion. wouldn't he?" floor, and ordered him to wait in v /m v io u Kyle of Peavine Ridge. ing it into "Exactly!" Vance wheeled t o the lower hall. When the man had er." M arkham was leaning ovei the Gamble. "D iscnbe th at suitcase.” gone below, he glanced at his watch How One Woman Lost "It was quite an ordinary cas?. and strolled back into the room. desk scowling a t Vance replied in a dazed Officials of Hillsboro have been W hat do you mean by th at?" he sir.” the man replied "I'd rath er not go on till we _______ demanded. tone. "Black sea! lskin, ' leather ' ' lined " ' hear from Snitkln. Do you m in d , invited to attend the tenth an- 20 Pounds of Fat his eyes slowly rounded corners and the in- waiting, ?" ’ nual session of the League of Ore- Vance lifted li___ ___ _ _ and with _ M arkham a n f h o A i c t »•»/»♦ a t f r x r . tia lc -R n a tfs » ? -« n n n p " U a t-u n i.w zv,i let t. them rest z on the district atto r- i itials B. C.’ * i in gold ls letters on n one "Have i it t v your own way,” M ark- gon Cities held in connection with ney. I end." ham grumbled. 'B ut I can't see the the annual Commonwealth confer- “I opine, my dear M arkham." he Vance turned back to Heath. importance of the suitcase. There's ence at the U niversity of Oregon said slowly, "th at brother Brisbane “Can you check on th a t in the small probability, - it ------- seems - to me. March 25 and 26 Topics w ill range ! L° Sl , didn t want any one to hear h im , parcel room a t the station, Ser- of its being a t the station. And in from City planning __ to city budgets. D o u b le C h in , S lu g g i s h n e s s when he returned here last night, i geant? It's im portant.' the event it lsn t there, we will be j I",yi’f ¿¿i-vlce" fire "disDatch "systems I He started for Chicago on a night i "Sure I can.'r He beckoned Snit- no better off than we are now " l CI - servlc<\ ,,re mspaicn systems and other phases of government. ‘xcni | kin with a jerk of the head when he knew no one ‘ but ‘ Archer Got "On the other hand." Vance re- Gained Physlral Vigor- turned, "if it Is at the station, w e, L Hi‘ls* °ro ci!y would be home. And th en he missed i the dope?" A Shapely Figure may conclude th at Brisbane did attorney' **11 be ° ne the speak- his train —to speak euphemistically. The detective grinned. A not go to Chicago last night. But ?TS as vvl1’ H “ Bond, Forest He returned to the house—with his "H—1, yes," he rumbled — quite sure ...................... stick. And here's his stick. . . . but cinch." 1 1 I'm he Intended to go. Grove city recorder, and Judge If you're fat—first rem ove the no Brisbane. And Archer—the sole "Then hop to it," ordered Heath. And if he didn't go. something u n ­ Donald E Long of Portland, for- cause mer Hillsboro resident occupant of this cluttered domicile And phone me pronto. . . . Make expected kept him h ere" Take one-half teaspoonful o f Officials of this city who have last night— has gone to his Maker it snappy." "But his being in New York in most outlandish fashion." Snitkin disappeared doesn't connect him with Archer been invited t o attend include: KRUSCHEN SALTS in a glass ol "Good O—d. Vance!” Markham "Where do you think Brisbane Coes m urder.” Mayor J H G arrett. Recorder hot w ater every morning in 3 sank back in his chair. "You don't Coe fits into this affair?” M ark- “O rta in ly not. . . But. Mark Helen McDaniel, M anager George weeks get on the scales and note mean th a t Brisbane—?" i:am asked Vance. ham th a t last-m inute decision of McGee. A ttorney P L. Patterson, how many pounds of fat have "Tut. tu t! There you go Jump- "I don t i know—I m not sure. B risbanes to get out of town had T reasurer W. C. Christensen. Police vanished. Ing a t conclusions again. . . ." He spoke quietly, witnout tu rn n ? . some connection w i t h Archer's c h ie f o n F r e e m a n F i r e C h i e f Notice also that you have gained Vance began walking up and down. “But many _ hap- , d ____ ay strange things e a th ________ - I'm sure of that. He knew s w Melhulsh. Health Officer Dr in energy—your skin is clearer • his hands sunk deep in his coat pened here last night. C ertain plans something — or feared something. ? n" pockets. “I can understand B ns- went awry Events overlapped one Or perhaps. . But. anyway, he i? ore' ° ran " you feel younger in body—KRU­ (( bane's presence here last night." another Nothing happened o n intended to go to Chicago last dal - a n d «-ouncilmen M H Steven- SCHEN will give any fat person he murmured as if to himself, "but schedule" night. And maybe he did go . . ?°n ' J Herson, J. L. Anderson. a joyous surprise Get a quarter-pound ja r of I can’t understand the presence of "B ut Brisbane C o e ," persisted but I want to be sure." Dr J Robb. L. C. Kramien, and ! KRUSCHEN SALTS fr o m ..ny his stick here this morning I t ’s M arkham. The phone rang. H eath answered J- J- Wismer. I ing druggist anyw here in Ameri- very curious—it doesn't fit into the Vance turned slowly back to the it, and after istemng for several picture. Even if he had not taken room minutes, replaced the receiver on jean (lasts 4 weeks). If this firs t’ You’re Telling U»! the Lake Shoe Limited to Chicago, "There has always been bad blood the hook Eventually every m arried m a n bottle doesn't convince you this there were other trains later o n " between Archer and Brisbane, for "The suitcase ¡sphere, all right. is the easiest, safest and surest The I00* hc 1 a t backs the gasoline H eath took his cigar from his -m e reason. I've never understood he announced i ne bird Dira at ai the m e ‘ear1 Lster « the car reg out ; , way to lose fat—your money glad mouth. it. . . By the by. maybe Miss window says a middle-aged nervous , ¡v”‘returned —Adv How do you know the bird didn t Lake could enlighten us while we re guv checked it around six last garage. William Feather.___ . _____ take another train—th a t is. sup- waiting for Snitkin s call. . . . I night, saying he'd missed his tram posing he'd missed th e Lake Shore say. Gamble: ask the young lady and he was shaking so he could Limited?" to be good enough to join us here." hardly lift the bag to the counter." "By the stick in the lower hall. The butler went out and five Vance nodded slowly. S erg ean t" m inutes later Hilda Lake came "I was afraid of th a t—and yet "Couldn't a guy forget his stick?" swinging into the room. I was hoping it wasn't so. M ark- ‘ Not Brisbane Coe—and certainly "Sorry to have kept you wait- ham. I don't like this situation; I not in the circumstances. . . .” ing and all the usual amenities." don't a t all like it. Something un- W hat circumstances?" cut i n she said, sitting down and cross- foreseen has happened: unforeseen Markham. ing h er knees: "but I hadn't quite —and sinister. It w asn't on the "T hat's what I don't know ex­ actly.” Vance made a wry face. "But I begin to see a method in all this * 15 o f th e N A T IO N ’S seeming madness and th a t stick downstairs stands out like some terrible and accusing error. . . . ” L e ad in g A gricu ltu ral He stopped abruptly, and sud­ denly swinging about went toward A u th o ritie s A p p ro v ­ the door. " I’ll be back in a minute There's a possibility. . . He passed swift­ ed Each Building ly into the hall. H eath looked disgustedly at M ark­ in O u r Farm Plan ham. "If you ask me," hc submitted Home Beckons Eskimos’ ‘Santy’ Oriental Charm FUEL 3 PLYMOUTH dives vou bigger I YUKON CADY MOTOR CO. 31 I I.1V Wilt'd RcStlldlt Invited to Meet PrOT,,nen! H,P*> IVs the Business of Every Advertiser A . B. C. M ade Circulation Privacy” Unpopular Service QULFSTREAH S T R A IG H T W H IS K E Y 8H0HTNSSIÛ OREGON'S FMWJTE WHISKEY NOW IN PINTS ANO QUARTS ■ ■ • You do not need to r e s o r t to guesswork when it comes to plan­ ning any kind of a farm building. Fifteen leading State Agricultur­ al College» have solved that prob­ lem for you. Here H a Service That Is a Practical Answer To Your Farm Building Problems f When you build you want the best advice. Here It I t. I t costs you nothing and it saves you money. The nation a leading agricultural i X K on fan n b inding, are a t your aereice. TTi.a assure. you of maximum efficiency, permanence, strength, rigidity, and low upkeep in your farm buildings. How To Get Better Construction A t Lower Final Costa With 4-SQUARE Lumber An equally I Important part of oar Farts Bulliin» B n e lil PSN » right kind of lumber to ma for every purpoe^ aad h "to «Z» weet penible ouata» kow to um > it You will be asreeably iurpriaed when we It can bs sccompliabed with Weyerbaeuaer 4 -SQUARE lumber« f . This Farm Service Is Free To Our Customers V« h vK . CODE NO. 173 O 25 xm to UlMUM roar knlldln« •WÍ •* ainr MÌdlnw o» T zá«»ly wW» y». whvUM 700 ar«^l» «« nWoM o» rw*lr U m oM « o « , W. am cwtal» t W W»_««n^‘»v. w • «apr.-f ? » f « j >«<*& deaerfblns F am G -vU . If» m » for the u b m OAL. Ma D * a PRODUCTS C O R S J. W. COPELAND YARDS N. 2nd Ave. and E. Washington Phone 301 In th e good old d a y s, g ro o m s s a t c o m fo rta b ly a n d b rid e s sto o d b lu sh - jn g ly— w h e n th e y w e re b«yng p h o to ­ g r a p h e d . A n d t h a t w a s th e f ir s t o u t­ w a rd in d ic a tio n t h a t th e m an w ould d o m in a te th e h o m e. It s d if f e r e n t to ­ d a y — w ives h a v e p ro v e d th a t th e y c a n le a d in th e h o m e, so c ia lly , an d in b u sin ess. S h re w d w ives S A V E REGULARLY. Commercial National Bank "The Largest Independent Bank in W ashington County" Oregon Hillsboro « In all lines there has been a growing tendency to­ ward simplicity. The newspaper business was once pretty widely considered a thing of mystery. How it acquired and produced its news—how it was set in type and printed were mysteries that the general public was willing to have remain without explanation. When advertising began to grow into something of importance, the more shrewd buyers of space be­ came inquisitive about circulation of the newspapers in which they invested their money. Before that stage of progress had been reached, publishers assumed the position that the subject of circulation was a private, inviolate matter. There can be no mystery or misunderstanding about the circulation of a newspaper which is an A. B. C. member. For that matter, there is every reason why circulation facts should he available at all times to merchants and manufacturers. Circulation is every advertiser’s business, for the reason that everybody is entitled to know just what he gets for what he pays. The annual audit report of an A, B. C. newspaper makes the subject of circulation simple and understandable. Men who invest millions of dollars in newspaper advertising every year are responsible for the strict conditions that govern a newspaper’s membership in the A. B. C. They know—they MUST know—what constitutes good circulation and proper circulation methods. It’s annual audit report—a copy which will gladly be supplied—shows exactly how—circulation meas­ ures up. UniktinnlSSArqus