Full »»( Newa, for All of the Family. VOLUM E 42 S ta te C apitol N e w s L e tte r Tuberculin Tests on W ednesday at Local Schools Legion Head Cites Stand Oregon 4-H Club Leader Will Visit Clubs in County Dairy Herds This County Win Honors Commission Will Direct Fourth July Pen Terms Imposed “5?»« P^4m.p TTek^-orJX Robertson Herd High ^ ‘change i* of double sigmfi- Fire Rules A dopted New Grand Jury Named March Term Every girls' 4-H club In Wash-1 Although Easter is still a month Tuberculin skin test* will be of­ ington county will be visited by i away, the Argus rushes the sea­ fered to ull school children in the Miss Helen Cowgill, assistant state son by appearing in a new "dress" Hillsboro urea on Wednesday at -H club leader, next week, ac-1 today. And in case you don’t un­ 1» a m . according to Miss Margaret cording to a schedule released this derstand newspaper publishers are Dixon, county health nurse The Little Violence Done I week by the county school super- i as happy and excited over a new American Legion. Legion A uxili­ intendent's office Miss Cowgill will type dress as any young woman ary and the Washington County to State G eneral I outline 4-H club activities and e x - : ¿ „ ¡ „ . . I . can be over new Barter apparel Public Health association are co­ C o u n ty B ody In d ic ts M a n , dibit various sewing and cooking H a g g a _ n d ■ C o n n e ll A n im a ls q.be type you are reading is dif- C ity C ou n cil Places C o n tro l W a r n e r D e c la re * A d ju s te d operating In sponsoring the pro­ Fumi by Soluna I projects. ferent from that previously used, o f " H a p p y D a y s ” E v e n t in Set P ro d u c tio n M a rk s gram fro m St. H e le n * on Schedule announced is as fol- ' and it Is known as seven point C om pen sation E ffe c tiv e Medical doctors of Hillsboro and ( lows: Monday — Scoggins Valley, I H a n d s F iv e C itize n s Excelsior No. 1. In its creation art D u rin g F e b ru a ry five graduate nurses have volun­ A s s a u lt C h a rg e Al.KM In »pile of U m extraor­ 9:15 a. m ; Watts, 10:30 a. m ; Jed-, R ecovery M e a s u re and science were partners and the teered their services in administer­ dinary demand» upon the pub­ i more, 1L45 a m.; Hillside, 2 p. m .;) result is a triumph in visual en­ ing the tests In addition, members lic puna the legislature did no Thatcher. 2:45 p m ; and Corne gineering. of the American Legion auxiliary violence to the «lute « general fund and the county health h ” a ^ i » u o n at the session. which ended late In * I®,.3® •• Tx',nhUte' 9:4e U ° cance The Argus helps itself with _________ under the leadership of Mrs P I . Plain*. 10 30 a m ; Schefflin, 11:45 the night of March 13. better looking product, and it Patterson will assist. a m.; LelsyviUe, noon; Mountain Authorized expenditure» total­ helps its readers by lightening the p ro je c t to R e p a ir S id e w a lk s ' Parents are reminded that the ing »13,788.599 ure »till well under P o rtla n d T r a f f i c O f f i c c i e r test is absolutely safe," Miss Dixon B lo om in g Y o u th F ile * S uit Home, 2 p. m.; Mountainside. 2:45 C ou n ty D a irie s D o m i n a t e optical task involved in absorbing p. m.; Midway, 3:30 p. m.; and the »14.275.3«U which the lax com­ the news. A u th o riz e d H e re T u e s d a y stated “The test is a means of do­ H o n o r R o ll R eports fo r $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 D a m a g e * Whitmore. 4 p. m. Wednesday— i mission estimates «» the antici­ to S p eak H e re M o n d a y ing away with tuberculosis How­ This new type has well fitted ' --------- Sherwood, 9:15 a. m ; Tualatin, pated receipt* for the biennium. ever. only a very few of the cases letters that flow evenly into one 10:45 a. m.; Durham. 11:30 a. nt; On thl* bu»l* alone there wlU »till showing u ’positive’ reaction are , ,n iw « . i s t r « r s a s * -¿ a u r n s - s r ^ s s ^ a r s - j s ? jt k be nearly »500, (KM) at the end of Payment of the adjusted com apt to spreud disease to others - - i s , immeaia ■ a s a r s .w & .a ia . a c s s s s w k i u t s t s s t t s a a a y a . ^ a a g g ; the period . to apply to- ; pfnsation to World war veterans x -rsy examination of all positives ln‘° __ two-year . PP»y lo nc-ttors ward reduction of the general fund tb|g time would be more cf- lg recommended in order to deter- appointment Monday »-, j Home, deficit which was estimated at fecUv, ,bail any othvr „-covery mj„e those students having the be- “ lru,: £*“ ‘,nd,.c t™e,?t agau“ 1 TfS?' sociation released this week by J papers are read under most ad- decision reached h e r e Tuesday »1,304,200 as of January 1. measure In going direct to the g,nntng d, G e o r g e Pierce of St. Helens on a 11 30 a m Metzger 145 p. m.; i P. Lohrenz, tester. Mrs. C. E. Rob-1 verse conditions at times and it night during a special c o “ r'5 £ } Included In the 1933 upproprla- people. This was the declaration Drg a O Pitman and J. B charge of assault with intent to and A n Hillsboro. p. m of countv I ertson & Son of Forest Grove had is the aim of the Argus publishers meeting Councilmen also adopted * * a il d a v ’ 3 meeting hoim M).(MM) of Hurold Warner, national v ic e -( p jnBrnor4s wjj| V....UUVT conduct test» at the . March tlv£rn non* ure a r c two . w v item» of « $1.(M ---------------- c w... , - gran _ - . £ nf.,a*l d a y .J™*?'"« J " , c °^"L y 1 the high producing large herd, to make this paper as legible and a new ordinance modernizing the each, one for old uge pensions und commander of the American Le- Hillsboro union high school. Dr J bcrt are James A. Campbell of 4-H club leaders has been scnetl- Dayld Hagg & Sons at ReedviUe readable as possible. To this end existing fire department regula- the other for Indigent relief. Ex- glon, In discussing vclerun legls- q Robb at the David Hill school Beaverton, foreman. W a lte r K. t . a»» • » and Connell Brothers at Hillsboro much research was devoted to dis-1 tions. elusive of these two Items the latton ut the local chamber ofcom - ,,nd ors. D E Wiley and H D Clapp and B G. Boge of Hillsboro, had two of the three high produc-1 cover a type face which would re- Action of the council Tuesday total appropriations f o r reg u la r ; merce Monday n o o n . Hillsboro Huggins at the Peter Boecow Charles W. Struthers of Beaver- w t — ing cows, while other herds dom- duce eye strain. It is hoped that night takes control of the popular •»tutu BClkviUe» total only $11,7811,* post, American Legion, sponsored school Student» at the Ju nor high ton. George Feldman of Cornelius, mated rolls of honor. Argus readers will approve the Fourth of July celebration out of 5UU which 1» only $505.000 above the meeting. will go to the Peter Moscow school Rudolph F. Lepschat and Willi» M “Judv 2 ’’ a seven-vear- change and will let us know how the hands of the city and places o l“ “ ade X w ^ s^onV hTgh they feci about it. responsibility in a citizens' com- the appropriations authorized by Approximately »20,000,000 would about 10:30 a. m and children Hiatt of Forest Grove. mission. This move, fathered by the 1933 session be paid to Oregon veterans If the (r„m lhr Seventh Day Adventist Terms of two years each in the in production for the month with Because of its readability and Councilman J. L. Anderson, ' was T h . ta r a e st s im ile Increase in ex- compensation payment Is made, school will go to the Peter Bos- state penitentiary were meted out r 1419 pounds of milk and 85.1 pounds attractiveness m a n y newspapers .„mhlur™ during the current bt- Warner stated. Washington coun- cow school at 9 a m. Dr Huggins to LeRoy Johnson a n d William ‘» . ou: j he.„c“un,t J i are adopt- iciiniuni over that of the past ts ty would receive about »050.000 of Will gjve the tests at St Matthews Coomes, both of Banks, Tuesday to be found In the authorisation this amount Huge federal ex- Assistants at the various schools when they plead guilty to charges F a r m in g P ro b lem s o f T h is RoUteki 3 Was' ^hird °w i t’h1*^ ^ « ' Person, who were appointed to in­ Sr educaUon which t o t a l.I M nditure. for direct and work re- art. ag follow, : H.gh school Mrs of larceny in a dwelling^ Johnson poundi of milk and 84 7 pounds vestigate the matter at the last meeting, and was adopted by the u 774 U17 a ll Io come out of spe- lief Indicate that the government Smith, nurse. Mesdames A. L Jen- also plead guilty to a bad check A re a Discussed H e re butterfal Highest record went J?7l ml U g i levlw Two year, ago can make the payment and the fact w n. Edward c . Coman. Ralph indictment and was sentenced to ” o w n ^ the council Comm ission Named i m i „ U lla g e revenue was held down that «0 par cent of the World war Dresser, Jack Murton Murton an iresser. R J J. Nicol. Nicol. Jack an additional additional two two years years in t h t n e e . Fairview Farms at Troutdale with ad Jake W eil. David Hill sc h o o l- penitentiary. Johnson's terms will Popularity of m eetin g designed “ .'.480 11)0 through diversion of veterans are unemployed adds to and Personnel of the commission for Irs. J O Robb, nurse. Mesdames run concurrently. , to inform new Washington county P pounds of butterfat dur- J L jw T of the gross revenue to the ax service m ans c « ~ . he c o n -, Mrs 1935 includes Councilman Wismer. (ContlniMd on pass s. cuiumn ,) Dam ages Sooght ______ setllcrs of local agricultural condi- Fehn^rv butteriat dur chairman, Mrs Zola Morgan of the alone tended the general fund I hl. ik w « ___ _____ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Damages amounting to »25.000 tions was evidenced here Saturday ln8 February, Business & Professional Women's account» for an Increase of more Reward Ides Denied are sought by Delbert V Learned afternoon by the unanimous vote Grove Herd High . . ............ . _ , . __ club, Jake Weil of the American than »300,000 in the current budget Veterans do not expect to be ___ ___________ — __________ Robertson herd of 21 purebred H ills b o r o a n d T u a la t in V ie w Legion, L. J. Rushlow of the cham­ of Blooming ... in - a suit filed in the — of ____ the 42 newcomers - presenf - fav- over thui of 1U3J 34. rewarded for their patriotism or ,a .,., by his hiu mother m /O hor n r in a another a n n lh p r session. spftsion. As A s a result r e s u lt Jerseys at . * Forest w » was ■>.&.. circuit court Friday oring Grove high ber of commerce, and E. J. Mc- Whereas no major capital out- because they wore an American G e t P enn an ts a t M e e t against Randolph BoWlby. The com- a second discussion o f farming producing herd for over 20 cows. Alear representing citizens at large. lays were authorized two yeurs ago unl,orm. Neither do they expect to ■— been *----- scheduled —•— ■•-'-xl at The average record was 65.6 pounds 4-^s R r s z w iv s plaint alleges that the Learned boy problems has This group was given full power new buildings at four of the »lute be penalized becimw they served C < om -1 of milk and 38 55 pounds of fat. O r K IO was struck by Bowlby’s car April the Hillsboro Chamber of C to act in promoting the annual Honors in the class for herds of Metzger won the championship event. institutions to cost a total of »221,- dicir country. Warner stuted. The ~ 13. 1934, and that injuries received merce for 1:30 p. m. March 30. 500 were authorized by the 1935 |a,(cr situation now exists, the necessitated the amputation of his That lack of rainfall in this area 12 to 20 cows went to Frank Fin- cup for the third successive year committee from the chamber of th» kn«> a .., .h» cn.rr.ar i« a benefit nicum of Dayton whose animals Friday night in the finals of the t-ommuiee rrom me c n am o er 01 session. veteran having been unable to pick S E R A P r o je c t A p p r o v e d ,.o i7„ left lig txlow the knee. during the summer is a oenein . nound, of miik and Washington countv grade school commerce, which organization has increases were also found to lw u() threads of his economic life nUmt'i T shoribWaSafteJ the' acn- M HUI T L n T oT butterfat Buxton M a m a U o n con t£t held at the operated the event for the past to G iv e Supervision neceasury In the Institutional up- OI, bls return from service at the 5tmn% h ek c ^ \ a m e rtothter . . f CCoii ^ o ^ e ^ r t m e n t “ {“ ^ o n Brothers of Motalla led the small local Baptist church Trophy for pruprlatlons Io meet growing pop- , u,ne level us before the war. he ” IO'U h i l t ■, v o lu n t a r y c . . io ,,,« ,oIH t h o s e at- herd group with an average record the event was awarded by the ceieoration, appearea Deiore i n e illations u n d higher commodity Marking the final step in launch- gr;1„,..d the plaintiff Fending the first meeting that the 694 pounds of milk and 36 79 Hillsboro branch of the counrfl “ » the ^ o p tio n « prices 1‘arliut restoration of salary Precedent for payment of the Ing the subsistence garden program non.sult the commission and offered »225 cuts ulao ----------- resulted In adjusted compensation ------------ „ an _ Increase , ----------- ------ , exists . . 1 J n for all persons on relief in Wash bcfore testimony was taken m -v s u m m e r s aided materially in pounds of butterfat for 11 pure- tional bank of Portland. . .. . for the use of Shute park duriag of more than »200.000 in state ap- lhv cxpt-ndilure of federa^lundi ington c o u n ty 14 garden «^visors R E C(,1(.nl.' , orm cl|y ,,f Hills- harvesting and that the shortage bred „ Jerseys . , ,u .» , , Hillsboro captured the pennant h Fourth of July period. Thia was found gullty ot a rainfau Could be offset by care- County pruprlatlons fur the current bi to adJust a , ms of railroad coni- wcrc appointed this week and will County da dairymen took four out for larger schools and placed third , submitted by C. T. Rich- ennlum. S X “ rs. dUvl!l « nr v l i r ^ o , A h.n 5 ^ I m T ^ y ^ paraU°" ^ e n ^ ’ to the of S six f - ^ places ^ f V ^ S honor T ~ roll for in the county championship. Tual- £ ™ on the Jake Weil and ™ p aul l . p at- more atin View won the title for smaller : waj turned QVPr to X . . . I,, .. I s illi. . , , W allegedCto h ave^ U k U “ for hts own h id e d " v h h ^ y ^ a ' n d o f butterfat during th Counties have nothing „ -------- . month, schools and placed second m the new ly.appoin,ed commission, under the recently enacted timber war Approximately live billion J Mills, county manager, dectared^ use more (han , 100 reahzed from numor county, while Metzger took the J *: wjnter oats Hsnnchen barley, Citing statistics in order of owner, medium-sized schools. fireman s ordinance, provid- acuulslUoii bill No timber land dollars was spent in this manner Newly appointed garden advisors (hv of g)ock entrusted to him. wheat and Minnesota 13 name oi cow' breed, age. pounds pennant for n -..-I six entrants, scored -n8 for a city fire department and . a n be sold to the federal govern- on the premise that the govern­ will be under the direction of A verdict for the plaintiff . in the corn. K Forace croDS suggested by of "“ Ik and pounds butterfat, these Metzger, with _ . Forage crops suggested by Tualatin with five en- prescribing rules and regulations. ment under the terms of the leg- ment could not lake private prop llotiart rural r e h a b r; sum of $280 was returned returned Satur- Satur- jjm '.... . JL in e rats n d Canadian $280 was were spring oats a and Canadian were M as follows: Connell Broth- 18 points, Tu sensation, t h e vlaor Each w ill be assigned to a tbc circuit court jury hear- S J J L SSudan gras* crs o t Hillsboro, "Number 18," trants made 15 points and Hills- »-as adopted in short order by the islatlvc act without the consent erly without compensation, * hy , R brought by Aug- fæld ^ ¿ ’ ^ n d alfalfa purebred Holstein. 4. 1797. 77 2; C boro earned 13 points with three council. The act w ill become ef­ of Ihc county court. Governor Mar- speaker deelnred He then asked d,.f,ni„. district and will advise fective in 30 days as no emergency If material things we ,ere to be held wtlh cUenU — and supervise garden 11«» I £ f O L ) agalnst sw<* < clover and aItalIa .. . C Earl Stretcher of i O Scholls. speakers. tin pointiHl out In a letter lo Roy m m ---------------f - — U K U I I I S I Annie Z V J 1 I1 1 V Crop. V I U U . The ilt v x lJ i O U C H .1 1 V I U V l l U I W , "Brownie u iv n iu v o p tU A V IS . I 1 z_ ■ a s is t tils , f ' l >1 I F t - . a A 11 , I . i C I r t i t O I I S» p,)lnt. Warner stated. He dc ,ntn w,u 'T z . . i newcomers confer with cannery of Tualatin View, second, and oj lfu. coum.d and election of new the four-year-old class were w as taken out of private owner- ..hired Hint he had never heard a Every £«™>n ,ph^ “ work officials before undertaking such Dleta Wright. ‘b“ d- Humorous, members of the department must I Continued on p sse 4, column 7) ship. Sueli a requirement, in the vet,.ran demand th e compensation work and listed on t ““« y a project. Bobby W llhams of Metzger, second, be approved by the city gov- opinion Of Governor Martin would payn„n t for wearing a uniform relief rolls will b“v l .r^£*' h f and Evelyn Kidder of Tualatin erning body. Qualifications f o r Of the 18 persons who registered have prrxluded the sale of any (ir ‘as „ reward for patriotism or SERA check during the month of View, third Du'isiori III—Dramatic, pp’.jpjjj jojning the department are as representatives of family groups, lands in this state. h — rr,l«m and that he would oppose March, Leon S. Davis, Pe June Boswell of Beaverton, second, that they must be between 20 and six listed their former residences "Forestry officials do not expect ¿¿»ment if it were for these pur- manager, declared Wednesday He - . > ________ __ _ _ ^ . S » .ill , n l „ „ "slated L 'ln t s and Marilyn Stewart of Metzger. years of age and must be resi- ,s .¿'¡W that cash work at wood- freti A Everest, 57, former Wash- as South Dakota, five as Nebraska. that the 'federal government will third. Humorous. Ardis Ellingson dc„ts of the city. Persons up to Robert W Beaubelle. ac- - yard, had been ‘"uad ,"!d ington county recorder, died in three as » « * !* * * ■ • *" ° purchase much land in western nooert n «»eiiuovm -. traffic u s im ------------ —— - _ r .nirtlv of Hillsboro, second, and Bertha 45 years of age may join provided states but will confine their pur- f jden, Investigator of Portland, w ill1 that work was progressing rapid, Portland Monday after an illness Iowa and one each from Montana, Baggenstos of Bend, third. Orator-, |Contlno«l 3 $ S « " ‘nty ?Ud*e The « “ blin< «*“» • T r " <* ° regOn . ruble attention at the outset o f ' , o the county Willium Brogden. 86. for 29 years the legislative session when he an-1 ----- *; he resigned to take a position ai Lmdenman of Forest Grove. Ire- authorizing the program became and Miss Phoebe Coulter of Pacific | S i i ^ u ^ n / a t ’ h rih om /F u n era4; «cV 'of’t h e ^ ' r ^ T f .* Eowe i f ’ i i . v « - effective Wednesday when Cover nounced that he was homesick and aI Salem in the office of the secretary Ion. Iowa; I. F. Lowe oi Beaver- effective Wednesday when Cover- university. wanted to hear the coyotes howl, Search for evidence in a Cali- services will be conducted this «cr last year are responsible foi general and bills wulving taxes of alleged to have stolen a quantity Edith Stewart of Hillsboro. Mrs. grandchildren also survive. Prosecution was represented by ______________ | the great improvement in condi- » j confidence and belief ln the pow­ Jefferson and Tillamook counties of household goods from summer Brogden died in 1931. er of the country to come back. Stanley Mussell, district attorney, ! tions around the Great Lakes Thus Four oi the bills were vetoed on cabins at Meacham. William Coom- and Dr. J. J. Burby. Wardwell D. Mr. Knox said t h i s confidence He is also survived by seven T r - i f f i » ' the middle west, along with the grounds of unconstitutionollty. The es of Banka route 2, was arrested grandchildren Evans, an attorney representing Dr. ilr illil. ¥ l U l d l U i a prairie states and the south, is More than 100 people attended ______ would _______ do more to fight what lit and two g r e a t ­ governor feared the Junior college 1 as an accomplice, r;« »«»■.£, 1 leading the nation back to recov- the first of the series of monthly : tie is left of the depression than Clyde Pierson and Leona E. Dur­ bill would operate toward nn in- Theft of 20 gallons of gnsoline grandchildren. bin, two of those indicted, and w h ile possibly Michigan is recreational meetings Monday night anything else. Friends attending the services crease of the burden borne by the from a garage on the Shady Brook ... n ____ o f H ill.h n r o ‘he only outstanding state from a at the Hillstoro grange hall The, Profit, he said. neCMsary fw Dr. Fenton represented the de­ taxtinver, for the support of edu- road Friday night was reported to today are asked to omit flowers. M ef.e »HC « P« d ncS^ u angle at this' time, all the program, conducted by Miss Ger- business to make a service and it fense. The autopsy was performed lnxPn y - - -„rncy hire bill w a s' the sheriff by the Central Fuel tW he justice of ^ a c ^ emiri ° ‘her middl(' westcrn sta,es must trude Skow of Oregon State col- a satisfactory service is not rend- by Dr. J. B. Dinsmore, Washing­ cation. Tiu lnM>t jbc company of Portland. Marie Raf- vetoed becauss lege. was devoted to instruction in ered a profit cannot be had. Sales ton county health officer be given at least a fair rating. when he plead guilty to a charge views of the governor as to the ‘Sly In the middle west, more than group singing, games and folk of goods without profit cause econ- manner in which this problem Mountaindale, reported that their of having no PUC permit for his in any other area, business condi­ dances. ' omic losses all along the line. Lhrndrf b e s o l w d <■•"• hnd been rifled In Hillsboro truck On the same day H. J. Rand, tions reflect demand from the oth­ Next meeting will be held April The joint meeting of county serv- should be solv Saturday evening and a quantity also of Hillsboro, paid a fine of er sections of the country. Hence, 9 at 8 p. m. at the local grange ¡ce clubs took the place of today's nnd S2 d Automobile registrations for the j of parcels and car tools stolen. Neil Richardson, Hllhl H llh l senior and , „ a charge of having 7 ¿ r ^ . , . winner .h e H „U „ e,u„ « hall, according to L. E. Francis, meeting and no luncheon will be first two months of 1935 i n c r e a s e d ------------------------ - assistant county agent. Miss Skow held. Joint meeting of Washington 5 73 per cent over those of the C o lle c to rs fo r U n p a id and organ- same period in 1934, according to « U county service clubs at Tigard to have rep- Secretary of State Snell. Fees D o g Licenses A p p o in te d Monday night attracted an attend­ show an Increase of 7.03 per cent j p cter Jorgenson o f Hillsboro ance of approximately 200 persons. n get in touch • route 1 and N. J. Skee of Aloha Dean U. G. Dubach of Oregon for the sumc period. • • • were appointed by the county dog State college was principal speak­ lections. ell J Thomas of Portland was fin-1 Already speculation is rife as to control board Monday to collect James R. Forsythe of Hillsboro er, while Father Timothy Watson ed »3 and costs Monday. Later V e te ra n s G e t C h a n c e who w ill wield the gavels in the unpaid dog license fees. The li­ was elected president of the Po- of Tigard welcomed visitors. in the day C. B Scholl of Port-1 house und senate next session. censes became delinquent on March R e p o rt F irs t Q u a rte r Representatives from the Hills­ to E n te r C C C C am ps mnnn Grange council March 13 land was fined »5 and costs for Should the democrats again dom­ 1. Opportunity for veterans to en- j during a meeting of the group at boro and Forest Grove Rotary T a x P a y m e n ts H e ld U p hnving no license on his truck and clubs, the Beaverton Kiwanis club inate the house the speaker will Mail slot has been installed ter CCC camps will be available Aloha Mrs. Charles VanKIeek of and the Tigard Lions club attend­ undoubtedly be one of the young­ F e d e ra te d F a rm B ody Complete report of taxes paid W. L Nelson paid a fine of $5 and in the front door of the after April 1, according to word Tigard is vice-president and Mrs. er members w h o distinguished for the first quarter of 1935 will costs for violation of the basic Argus office this week for received here. Applications may be Wena Chase of Hillsboro secretary- ed. Dinner was served at the St. to M e e t T h is F r id a y not bc available until next week, | rule, themselves during the past ses­ Anthony school. Each of the clubs the convenience of patrons. obtained from Zachary Taylor at treasurer. sion Among these are Dickson of Federated F a r m organization according to Miss Gladys Eisner. After office hours, persons the Veterans’ hospital in Portland. Grange Sunday will be observed present gave a short stunt during Multnomah o f | 'm eeting has been called for Fri- Unusually heavy mail in addition F irs t S chool B u ild in g having news or advertising ---------------- county; -------- •„ Hamilton »«»..„ ________________ at Aloha April 28. it was decided. the evening. Jackson county <”■ Wallace of M ult-; R are nsked to com- to the crowd of taxpayers that copy are asked to use this a t S h e rw o o d D oom ed A rg u s P u b lis h e r T a k e n . _ nomah If there ’bould be a re- . cogt of productjon of their thronged the office just prior to mail compartment. People M rs. W e lls W il l A tte n d First school building in S h er-! to H o s p ita l W e d n e s d a y M o u n ta in d a le F o lk versal in the political conipli'xi' n pnrticu|nr crop or crops, and bring the deadline held up the report. having news contributions C o n feren ce in th e South of the house and ‘he republicans, pa mectinlg. wood is being razed to make way Mrs Emma C. McKinney, co- A a k C h a n g e in R oad are asked to sign their Mrs. C. E. Wells has accepted the swing back into control the speak- - for a barreling plant and berry- t names to the article turned T o w n s e n d C lu b M e e tin g publisher of the Argus, who has h as1 Request for better alignment of Invitation of Miss Frances Perkins, e r s h io would probably go to Rep- . receiving station of the Sherwood In although the name will been ill at her home for a week ' the Mountaindale bridge was sub­ secretary of labor, to attend a con­ rosentntlvc Angell of Multnomah G ilm o re N a m e d D ire c to r H e re S u n d a y A fte rn o o n Berry Growers' co-operative. The not be used. News items of mitted to the county court Mon­ ] with a throat and ear infection, ference of four western states to Fatland of Gilliam. In t h e T im b e r School D is tric t Townsend club will meet at 2:30 building, one of the landmarks of interest about local people was taken to the Jones hospital day by a delegation of 20 residents discuss state labor legislation at senate Frnnclscovich of Clatsop and are solicited and will be ap­ W F-. Gilmore of Timber was p. m Sunday at t h e Hillsboro Sherwood, has been used for many of the area. The group seeks a San Francisco, Cal., March 24 and i Wednesday afternoon, where she Duncan of Harney are regarded as appointed to the Timber school Christian church. W. F. Berger, purposes since its erection Includ­ preciated. was to undergo a mastoid opera- change in the county road through 25. She la leaving Friday morning. the outstanding contenders f or board Tuesday by O. B. Kraus, who was unable to come last time, ing n school, factory and ware­ the Jake Raffety farm. I tion. presidential honors on the repub- county superintendent of schools. is to be the speaker. house. (Oontlnusd on p ass 4. column 2) L IN D K O I of Veterans Ì S Reward Theory Hit GW Meet Popular Metzger Wins Speech Title Relief Garden D vy in m h i Former County Recorder Dies County Plans for Refunding j JKiS Murder Probe Held at Grove ,h' William Brogden Thieves Loot County Homes Speaker Reports Middle West M.nking Gains KeCreaUOnai lVieei DraWS GOOO LrOWd C. t-lavens l_I rinCCI J DV ■ pry Hilhi Hoopster Gets All - District Berth County Clubs Meet at Tigard Monday Notice-Late Ad, News Copy Safe the seriesr‘of Forsythe Heads oMice Grange Council •< I *