Section Two— ! Good P rin tin g I The Argus (Uvea Q u a lity Service a t Fuir Prices Full <»f News, fur All of the Family. I ¡ s - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - . - —-- .„ NO. 4 VOLUME 12 Helevtia Has Wenzel Again Mystery anti Romance in Picture Minstrel 45th Wedding Dav Observed T , ’ — Popular Teacher Hired for Year— Service» Held M r. and M r» . H o n o red Illy Mrs. J.,tin M l!.»l«l«,in I Show at Beaverton Rev. Hinrichs to Speak Here L J. S c h n e id e r — Vet l aba S eco nd in S e r ie s R O C K CR EEK Mrs. Arnold Ber­ ger of West Union entertained F ri­ day evening In honor of the forty- ill th wedding anniversary of her parent», Mr and Mrs John Schneid­ er. A sh o rt program was given Present beside» the honor guests were Mr and Mr». John Schneider Jr., Herbert, Stanley and Lorraine Schneider ol Shady Brook, Ciottlleb Schneider and Mr and Mrs. Ed­ ward Scheldt ol thia section and Norma, K enneth, Edna and A rthur Berger of West Union and the host and hostess. Mr and Mrs. Robert K auer and sons Bobby and Raymond K auer BEAVERTON The first m instrel show to be staged In Beaverton high of West Union visited Mr. and Mrs school will be presented by students a t 8:15 p. m M arch 15. Alda C hrist Jaggl and family Sunday « Lehman (center!, as the Interlocutor, will have the leading part, as­ Thelm a Berger of Portland spent sisted by four comedy women, M arian Hagg, Ethel Hunt, Vera Mc­ the week-end with her parents, Elroy ‘right, and Lamem e Deane (left!. A chorus will dance and the Mr. and Mrs John Berger. girls' orchestra of the school will play. Linfield Students Visit LaVonne Elm and Paul Boeckll, students at Linfield college, spent) the week-end with Mr. Boeckll'» parents, Mr and Mrs. John Boeck­ ll, on Brooks HUI. Paul Boeckll sang a t the services a t the Helvetia church Sunday. Miss Elm was his I accompanist. Herman Kestek and Pete Rahn I visited John Lee on the Skyline IK , B. Alluonl 1 road Sunday. No fair eavesdropping! Hut Handolph Scott scent» to enjoy what he MOUNTAIN HOME—The chil­ Bark from Hospital dren of the sixth grade, who are 1» overhearing ol the conversation between Ann Sheridan and Morton Congdon was brought responsible for the scenic slides to Charles "Cldt Bale. It's a scene from Zane Grey'» "Rocky Moun­ home (rom the Veterans' hospital be presented a t M ountain Home tain Mystery,” at the Venetian theater Thursday, Friday and school house Friday evening, have Monday. Saturday • 1 Mr. and Mrs. H artm an Stauss completed the drawing and p ain t­ ing of the scenes. Candy, as well i and Ira and Wlllet Stauss of Shady Sherwood lost to the Iron Firemen »rook visited Mr and Mrs. Ernest as other refreshm ents will be sold Thursday night on th e Sacred stau ss and family Sunday. th a t evening. Free admission. Ev­ H eart floor 27 to 17 Over Lie sto re Makes Im p ro v e m e n ts erybody welcome. whole season. Sherwood has won w h ile Improvements were made Gibbs- Dram atic club will present about half its games. at, m e Rock Creek store recently by three short one-act plays tonight O rchestra In Concert putting two large windows In the (Thursday). Special features will Community orchestra, which was | r t n , WMlj the ],.t ter opening was be given between the plays. cane. organized and directed by J .Vlaur- found and removed, which had Mrs. I-orenzen Surprised i l l y ( ’ t i r tie T ig a r d ) ice Adams recently, gave a convert j served as a letter slot when the t hlld Iturned A score of ladles attended the« rs at the Adolph ltudert- TIGARD Byron Blankenship j a t the high school auditorium to building was used as a postoffice monthly meeting of M ountain s« her place Sunday were Miss Rose former Tigard high school student an appreciative audience They ulso about 40 years ago. Home Ladies' Aid a t the Evangel­ Itaderts. her of Portlund and Mr Mid Jim Voemuns of Forest Grove played March « a t the dram atic Earl stu a rt. who Is a former ical parsonage Thursday afternoon. an,| Mrs l ie,I Dancer ano family seniors at Pacific university, b it class presentation of plav. Three teacher of Ro< k Creek school, vls- Mrs. Elvln Lorenzen was surprised <>( Valb Vista T heir son, Arnolil. March .1 lor Chicago III. to make p la t . were presented. '68-7(1 Berk- iu.d Sunday a t tile Nicholas Kies with a shower, given by members age IB m onth' had hts hands bud- a debate trip through Ilie w e ste rn elev Ave. played by Donald Hite. and thl. Morton Congdon homes, of the society. The dish towel ly burned last week When he tell “ “<1 huddle western states The Aleene Howard Jean Olsen. Vivian, Several young tolks from the shower for the aid was a success, on the stove t he wounds are Itral- ' r ,P will rover six thousand miles Boyer. Joe Fowler. Maxine Nixon northern p art of this section took more th a n two dozen being con­ mg but II was necessary to put ' “king a period of twenty-seven Ben Larson and Helen Srheckla a hike up to Brooks Hill Sunday tributed. punt on the palm of Ilie hand d,B> I'1"* / o b j e c t fo r d e b a te I The second play. Every Couple Is Mr and Mn. pierre Mills and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Aebischer to prevent drawing of tin* miim !<••* "solved. I hat Medicine Should not a P a ir w as p la y e d by V ictor family and Cecclie Kies of Port- entertained the Double Trees at Mi and Mr> Alfred Nvdegger of ,M‘ So« lahw-d The two debaters HJelte. John Conklin. Jeanette ¡and y ^ te d Mr. and Mrs. Nichol- their home Friday evening. MilwaukK were guests Bunday of d e b a te r f r o m Gooding Slater, Evelyn Blue. G race H am p- M Kies and family Saturday. Rev. and Mrs. S. D. Trefren of Rev. E. W. Hinrichs of Blooming Bonneville | to n a n d Helen Scheckla The last Spelling Good her pureiiU, Mr. and Mrs Fred college, Idaho, last week-end were guests of Mr. and who will speak a t the Lenten Mrs. George A. Allison Friday eve­ pre / nlatlon Was "8he." portrayed Gladys BerRer received a spelling Governor (ritic liril Youngen. service tonight at the Hilhi audl-1 ning. Rev II M Fresenborg. Rev Ed­ Tigard G range members made bv Marvin Selander. Bob Mitchell. k.nM],. ,>j ioo jor the last six weeks. torlum. ______ Borden. I>Hck Nedry. Betty Mr iUld ^ r s . Albert K aufm an ward Wyi-s. Rev E. D h le r and Mr their visitation to Scholl» Grange J Teacher Hon«»r Guest Baker were guests at the home of Saturday and took charge of the belhken and Victor HJelte The and Edna K aufm an of P ortland' Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bruce enter­ Mr. and Mis At»’ Youngen S un­ meeting for the day. as a part of plays were under the direction of vtsiu.d Saturday a t the home of to St. Helens Sunday to attend a : tained Sunday evening in honor of Mr. iu)d Mrs. John Schneider. Miss family gathering at the S. S. Bled- J Miss Dorothy Demeray. teacher of day Mr Baker b a visitor from the schedule worked out for granges William »elvers. Sherwood girls basketball team K aufm an also visited Carol and soe home. Alberta, Canada. III th e co m ,tv A re so lu tio n was the Gibbs school. A group of ladles 111,'t with Mrs passed at the grange session March won a close victory from the much Helen Puegv Celebrate Birthday Hogan to Hospital Jasper Keffer M arch 8 and tied a « condemning Governor M artin for heralded Turnvereln girls' team A group of friends and relatives gjj Hogan 1» til and was taken wool quill They also did Mime his bitter atlaeks on the officers of Monday evening nt the Sherwood surprised Mrs. H arry Saunders F ri­ sewing for the Sunshine club. A Hie State«- Grange Plans are being gym 20 to 18 Sherwood girls have to a Portland hospital Thursday. day evening by coming to help her pot luck dinner was served. Present formulated for a community social had a good season. Mr and Mrs. Carl Berger and celebrate her birthday anniversary. were Mesilamex Pete Jossl, S. Sor­ meeting, sponsored by th e g ra n g e A tte n d l.odgi- M eet children of Bethany visited Sun- present were Mrs. E. B. Col­ ensen. J M Davidson. It Siniford (or some time near April 22. which Tigard I O O. F. lodge Jour- day a t the Pete Zuercher home, Heinie Olsen and Bill Hall are Those D 'f'scliabold, J. Baumann M will be Tigard O range's slxty-fitth neyed t«> S am aritan lodge In P ort- Sunday visitors a t the Christ billed as headliners for Promoter lard. G lenn Collard, Messrs, and Mesdames W H. Savage. Fred Jackson and J. Keffer. | birthday After a short lecture hour luml Wednesday evening with a Relrhen liome were Mr. and Mrs. Coulter's wrestling card at the V. light i , i n 1 merit« were i et -. ed bj candidate fort lie third degree tn Earl Naught of Hillsboro. Mr and F W. hall here tonight «Thursday). M Stevenson, H. E. Spady. B. I. In fan t Son Hies the order. Mrs Howard Nottage and daughter Vjc Potter and Bob Crogan are Lekas. and K. J. Ryan and daugh­ r i c in fa n t son of M r. and M l h" " " economic committee Hr. I'oling Speaker of Portland. Mr and Mrs J. M slated for the semi-windup, while ter Demaris Jane, all of Portland: R u d o lp h W a lk e r died Frtduv at the Appolntmnt L x p c trd Dr. Daniel Poling, a member o f 1 Stretcher and Mr. and Mrs. Will Jack Kiser and Homer Behrans also Mr. and Mrs. Jay Davis, Mr Doernuecher hospital In Portland ' Tigard people will soon know who and Mrs. Laurence Davis and chil­ I h e W alker family live on th e late perm anent postm aster will be the Oregon board of higher educa- Hesse of Scholls. will clash in the curtain-raiser. Ray and Elizabeth, all of ------------------------- Peter j « m » v place •’» ** ho» been learned th a t one of tlon. was the principal speaker at I Sailor Franz of San Diego turned dren Beaverton; R. L. Collard of Bella an assembly held at the high m iii r m — . *»lr eligible candidates has been in his second straight victory on Coola, B. C., who is spending the io _ x«,ii.i?,,!7.. , ..?.o„ .... i,... recommended to the President. Re- school recently. In Ills address Dr the local m at Thursday evening, winter in Oregon. family, live » sll|ts n e Roy a r J a c Miller k s o n o and lia rrv nove who l ia ,ults „( ,,f the tile second second examination examination for (, Poling encouraged the pupils to pinning George Kitzm iller of P o rt­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Flynn of I iL 2 the position, which w a s give veil obtain a higher education and he vim . . ..7.0 ‘‘ k M o Itwt fall, have finally b een reveale land for two out of three falls in Portland were Sunday guests a t the revealed explained and illustrated the ben- ■ iii.n 'y r u a a t t a sawmill s a w m ill «... . t .. j,e .. c civil « ..n Service a ..» ,« » . ,^... Jack Sm ith home. Miller Is employed board. Only | «fits which would be derived the main event. The sailor won the ill I’rescotl Mrs. Florence Virden of Rose­ first fall In 10 minutes with a four out of the eight candidates) Lose W om ans club met with Mrs W F L ose to Newberg I ?** lirthnc?!*1 m 'wTsVO,l',.ion 1 hi"'* rt|C°57rvrt* T >K"rd h'«*1 « ’hool V sk e te e rs M arr Wednesday ol this week to hammerlock and the third and de­ burg was a week-end guest a t t h e : iiiiiu« i of W« Mt Union nblt* deliiv b\ tlw C i\ll Service 1( v * l n contested numt* to K p I vn w itn tK»» n u iit tnpv ciding fall with a Boston crab W. E. Burke home. Mr. and Mrs. E A. W inters and hikHMr1 un ®ddlUon to their board In glvln« out the Information I Newber* on the Tigard floor 25 t o ! made for her hold Kitzm iller employed a roll­ son Hugh, accompanied by Mr. and h< ” . <>n examination has led to a, num - ig The visitors took an early! Mr and Mrs. ing short-arm scissors to take the Mrs. G. R. Ingraham and small Mrs. Henry .Jacobsen and In- ber of rumors, none of which it Is loncl and were never seriously ! residents *of this community who son Deryl, spent M arch 2 with Mr. tonreturn hiJIne 1»^* w e e k 'fm n /th e h “V<* ftWy eWect on threatened. Johnson and Hughes, have been spending the winter in second. Vic Potter, popular "bleating" and Mrs. Glen Ericksen of T illa­ u < £ Haniariliui 'ho-spRid V n d X ’ of Tlgardvdle Rebekah ? * m ¿ i n ^ ’w M k » ^ tor Si-w- s ^ m ' a f ^ a y s S h ^ l a U v e t grappler from E lm o n ic a , a l s o mook. The Ericksons have a baby- John Pubols attended th e basket- lodge attended a meeting of Beav- Revenge was gained to the h ere1 Suashlne was so hot ln‘ A rl- chalked up his second win in the son Dick. Grandson Honor Guest ’ .n l w e n t flsV tln c '»71 y 1 u h a t 's ''s m / (iri'-e ''’chrcxL m iin 5 |,n.hub.n(MrS( ' 8 KIUn* When T,K‘u 'd won bv I »>na th a t one could not remain out present series. His opponent. Jack Mr. and Mrs. J. B. B artlett gave and w ent fishing a t Yat.hala Hun- t ’ra ie C hristensen, president of , score of 26 to 9 Beckham anil of doors for long, although the S tu art of Seattle, won the first a dinner in honor of the birthday ‘‘“¿ U . Msdelyne Shattuck, teach- K l W s l t “ ^ I N— am p starred tor the win- 'much fall in 17 m inutes with an Indian anniversary of th eir grandson. er at Mason Hill, was a guest at Sherwood Defeated i _ ............. ....... f o rain r for death-lock and then P o tter opened George eAllison Jr.. Sunday. Pres­ tionlsts ™ motored through up with a wild, fast attack. He ent were Mr. and Mrs. George Al­ U m » Himon Hershey lH»mc Triuraday In Its last giunc of th e season | 80 miles after leaving Yuba City. lison Sr. and family. Rev. and Mrs. nlKht. on the Inter-city league schedule C a l. and encountered more snow evened the m atch in 22 minutes S. D. Trefren and daughter Bonnie , .......... at Grove th an on th e 81s- with a w hirl-gate and body press Jean of Bonneville, and the Misses • Ky Mr* V. C. Slruhb) and then finished off his oppo­ Jackie and Jeannette Howell, Miss Lyle Wolford front O tter Rock kiyou mountains. nent five m inutes later with a n ­ Bonnie B artlett and the hostess CCC camp and H arry Wolford of Mr. an<1, , Mr!i . til?ar '¿L.7 other body press. Banks spent a few days last »eck calIpd °IS M r ^ ? d TY/thk and host. Mr. and Mrs. A. W Jack Kiser of Kenton and Bob W alker of Hillsboro were afternoon a t the Frank Genzer home nCr Oix7Vr7 i i,7^°Vh SUi^.da> Sunday visitors at the Mrs Tlier- noon G iltner has been ill for Koglin of St. Johns wrestled to a callers a t the B artlett home S un­ Lenten Services esa Sntejkal home were Sam Sm ith “ PJ1' ,tln2P- _ . __. two-fall draw In the curtain-raiser. day. and Edward Smejkal of Wllark Innts spent Sunday tn Kiser took the first fall in 16 m in­ Mrs. B ertha W aldron spent the Frank Bailey and Joe Smejkal PoJ l! ftnd 7*il!i ’W 8' . ™ , week-end in Portland with rela­ utes and Koglin the second in four tives. were In North Plains Sunday. ‘ M r' ? s ..L\ daT .sPent Rudolph Smejkal Is employed a t ?rl Mrs’ Ernpst Lyda of Ver- minutes Heinie Olsen of Portland 8 P. M. T rehnrne this week I tx“>r* ... . . . __ , acted as referee. Frank G enzer made a trip to Mr al)d Mrs Victor l*w ts and H ig h S c h o o l A u d it o r iu m the Carlton nursery last week for | Oene entertained Mr. and Mrs. Al- Book sales increased from 10 to fred Lewis and sons at dinner Fri- 20 per cent In 1934 over 1933, ac­ a load of filbert trees. MARCH 14 I day evening in honor of the birth- cording to W. W Norton, president ' dav anniversary of Jimm ie Lewis. of the National Association of Book Rev. E W Hinrichs tlo n e ra Pongrafz spent the week- Publishers. of Blooming I end In Buxton w ith friends. (lly Mr*. KlrhHrd Hunger! Mr and Mrs. E rnest M arr called The younger group gave a sur- f on Mr and Mrs E. B. Webb, and Subject, "G ethsem ane” prise imrty for Doris Parson at , Zelbert Baker of Fairview T hurs- lier home Friday evening. F o u r! day evening. tables of cords were tn play. I Mr and Mrs. V. Lewis attended J. W Buell is leasing the J. R ., a birthday party a t the Shady- A ('»pella Choir Hayden farm for three^ years. side hall Monday night Charlie Olsen and Pete Parson Miss Elsie McLeod. Fairview attended th e tractor school in school teacher, took Artie and Earl C O R D IA L W E LCO M E Portland last week. Ensley to visit the Hillsboro airport Friday afternoon. Mr and Mrs. Hill and daughter Zane Grey Picture | Fay of Forest Grove and Mr. and C o m in g to V e n e tia n Mrs. Claude Esllnger, M argaret and ’Rocky M ountain Mystery.” a , Malcolm, were Sunday dinner party thrill-filled and exciting Zane Orey guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hodges. picture which combines m urder Mrs V. Lewis visited Mr. and dram a with breath-taking outdoor Mrs. Loren Jackson a t Carlton action, will be shown a t the Ven­ T hursday evening. is a business etian Thursday. Friday and S a tu r­ Pftrtv Enjoyed woman day. Randolf Scott, "Chic" Sale K ansas City W oman’s club spon­ and Mrs. Leslie C arter are featu r­ sored a card party a t the Kansas ed. City hall Friday evening. Honots The fam ily's funds are were wesi by Mrs. Ray Vander- One package zanden. Mrs. Earl Waldron. Mrs. ( ’oiiiitv Fees Reported in the fem inine hands of Fees collected by the county clerk Ell Webb, Claude F.sllnger, Rollie VELVET, every housewife. She is Cox and Cecil Easley. An oyster eoi during the m onth of ‘ ~ February wisest who saves from am ounted to $942.20, according to supper was served a t midnight PRINCE ALBERT Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Marr, ac­ a . report filed with the county those funds regularly . . . if court. Collections In the recorder’s companied ____ _ by _ Mr. and Mrs. Ray- every week . ... no m at­ or office totaled $456.30 for the month. I niond Hudson of Hillside, motored Speaks Tonight Mt. Home to Have Program Tigard Student on F ong Tour PENNEY’S for Long Wearing Low Cost Work Clothes A two-fisted value! "Super Big Mac” Men's W o rk Shirts Sanforized! A t this price r v Chambray or covert cloth, sturdy, husky, long-wear­ ing . . . that won’t shrink! Cut full to famous "Big Mac” specifications! Trip- pie stitched! Interlined col­ lar and cuffs! F a c e d sleeves and pockets! Dress shirt collar and band! Sizes 141/’ to 17! Rare buys! Penney's Union-Made Pay Day OVERALLS LUTHERAN Made of heavy 2.20 denims «1.15 TH U R SD A Y S Full cut, and roomy! Tnple-llilchtd! Bar-lacked! H deep pockeht Orchardale Buy Proven Chick Feed Th«> kinds th a t cost, no more, but give you better tbsults and bigger profits. We c a tty a com plete stock of all kinds of 'Chick and Poultry Feeds and can give you the best advice on w hat to feed. HILLSBORO FEED CO McCormick-Deering Farm Machinery IPhone 271 1004 Main St. They’ll stand up under the heaviest, toughest kind of wear; because they’re made to our rigid specifications Get a pair tomorrow! Boys' fifes, 89c "Every Housewife” EDGEW ORTH with YELLO BOLE $1.00 Pipe for only Y 99c Two Pairs Ladles' Chardonlzed Special Chiffon W eight Hose. One Crystal Necklace, one box Four Kisses Face Powder and >,i-oz. Four Kisses Perfume. Only two deals to a customer. SALE ONE HAY ONI.Y! SATURDAY, MARCH 16 HORTENSE DRESS SHOP K. P. Building 14» ■- Second Aye. Hillsboro CUT THIS ADVERTISEMENT OUT AND BRINO IT WITH YOU One Pound Chocolate Covered Pepperm int They’re a STORMWELT, Men! W O R K SHOES Longwearing retan uppers! sl ” ter how little! Then, come w hat may, her f a m ily will never want. Every detail in this shoe was planned to give addi­ tional service! Extra heavy black retan uppers! Mass­ ive nailed compo soles and heels! And a white storm welt for protection in wet weather! The plain, soft toe gives comfort that's worth a lot of money! Commercial National Bank “The Largest Independent Bank in W ashington County" Hillsboro Aladdin Lamps Long's Radio Tubes Tested Free Douglass Radio Service Green Mountain I More Profits in 1935 H u n t in g a n d F is h in g S u p p lie s Overhaul Your Radio Mrs. Marr Hostess for Club Session iv i HARDW ARE Second service of the series of Lenten service» sponsored by L uth­ erans at the Hillsboro union high school auditorium will be held to­ night ‘Thursday! at 8 o'clock. Rev. E W Hinrichs of St. Peter’s L uth­ eran church at Blooming will speak on “Jesus in Gethsemane." The Rev. Theo Brackmann of Puyallup, Wash , a circuit visitor of the Oregon and W ashington dis­ trict of the Lutheran Missouri Syn­ A thorough overhaul such as od, spoke last Thursday to a large we can give your Radio in our audience on "Jesus Crossing The Cedrón.” modem ly equipped shop »nil make It work like new again— Mrs. K enneth Biersdorf of Schei­ n in sar.g a soprano solo of C S and possibly save you t h e Brigg, entitled "Hold Thou My tragedy of having your Radio Hands.” A Joint Lutheran choir stop during your favorite pro­ under the direction of Rev. P. H. gram. Schaus of Schefflm rendered one of Johann Sebastian Bach's clior- CALI, 21X TODAY! als, “O Lord, Who Dares to Smite Thee?" and S. J. Stone's "The Church's One Foundation” in the arrangem ent of S. S. Wesley. The entire congregation sang the old L utheran passion choral o í Sig­ Phone 21X mund von Birken, "Jesus I will Selfridge Bros. ponder now on Thy Holy Passion.” Heine Olsen Tops Grappling Lineup R egular $2.50 value L e n te n S e rv ic e s to be H e ld R e tu r n » Manufacturer’s Advertising Sale CORW IN Headquarters (lly Mra. K I’wxoldt) HELVETIA Helvetia s e ll no I hoard Man li ft voted Io return Jo»eph Wi nzel lo r tim b e r Io, tin (lltli year The w lum l i lilllln n were ullulllllioux III t h e ir vote In retain their teacher. Hisltlc.-. In* hnu| work he In Helvetia bund leailer iilul ii I mi him a Junior band ami m liny .Seoul Moutiiiu-ster .Several potato buyer» have been m ound here lately ami have eiur- ei| srverul i arlmuln ’Ilie price of- lerutl 1» uniler production n e t 1‘antor liiKtalled InnlallaUou nervier (or liev. II M Freuenborg was a feature at the Helvetia i hureh .Sunday liev Edward Wynn of Porllaud officiat­ ed, and wan an.nbited bv Rev E. ladder, also of Ihirllamt liev Ere»- enborg will preach at I’hllllp» next I Sunday. The service will be III tie r- man the third and (ourth Sunday . ol the n io n lli and In English Ilie lirnt and second Sunday. Mr and Mrs. John Schneider ami tumllv o f Hliadv llrook visited Mr and Mm. David Tuchabold Sunday .Minn Kidberger Iturlexl A large group ol mourner» Hath- | e n d at Helvetia cemetery to pay their lanl re .jN-el.n to Iteith a Koi-, berger, who»«* funeral tuok place Thurnduy Minn Solberger, who war born and reared In the community, wan highly rrnpected and a general lavorlte am t pojiulur with the younger net. The lovely floral of- lering» were a fitting tribute to her memory. Mr und Mrs Adolph lluilert- t her wlm have been »laying villi I heir daughter, Mm. II Butterfield, in l*ortlund. returned to their home last week Mr. llaitertneher Is able to get around wlUt the help of a i H ats cleaned and blocked, shoes shined. W. G Htampolis. 1132 Main Street. « 37tf Oregon Patties 25c THE DELTA DRUG STORE P E N N E Y 'S J. C. PENNEY COM PANY, I n to , p o r jlr d