T hursday, March 14, 1935 H I L L S KO RO ARG U S, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Page Seven w ife, Joeeph Heeler and L a u re tta Hea­ on Cr W ashington County. KINTON—At the contlixsion of »Mid com plaint w llh in the tim e aforesaid proper vouchers to the undersigned A d- I ll y M r ,. J. C. Smith, m atter <»f the E -ta te of ChArle Ka.dt addìi itmal I n s e r tio n , p er A L P IN I- g* »a I .» «ita. dally, to trade the p la in tiff« ,r , the Bible school Sunday morning w ill apply I«« t h e Court ’ *• * swford, Dec » • i-l Is pig G I I 1.1 Mn k. Ave . for an interlocutory «lerroe declaring the rninlstrmtor at his resblence near Hher- HAZELDALE The Community th.t Ih. und.r-l“ 1 c*»“1 **. Eunice Mitchell. w««od, O regon, or at the law office of Notn (N o service I sm then l i e ) ftp rv»pecl|ve rights and intereata of the ' ub will hold a Hl Patrick s ,-ard I lly ' 11 returned missionary from China, Tb«»a H. 'longue J r ., in the Com m ercial rigned I IIIG lM 'I'l Ki l l Maanrn L illy, I f r « L p la in tiff» am i «lefendants In am i to (ha Headers, per line 10« party a t the schoolhouse Saturday Bio. k In the C ity of H illsboro. Oregon, ’ *•» M - nerne«i estate, ha« fiie«t m tha who made her home there l o r U -n | nanny . it nanny kid». I freah in A p ril (N o service lese (hau V ic i follow ing described real property altoalw w ithin «la months from the date of this evening. This is a regular party in title«l court and final years, gave a talk on the country, W lliam Id h l* » H illih I In Wa»hl«igton County, Oregon, to -w it ; id rep««rt | ! the serie., being given on the third notice, to -w it: W ith in ala months fro m ! ***’coqni „ _ ch, _ , _________ -,>gJ »«««a u n u av«*u Ceuni Words He od Money ami the _ its habit«, v customs and m illustrated < ommvncing at u polm whu h Is February 28. 1*86 ‘ he 16th day of A p ril, b y f n a n v artlC Jp h ( it W fl d r ] n a a n Count Your Profits Saturday of each month. Play will by a re many wearing IE B O L A N G E R J r A d m in istra to r of ; J*** . t ’1 ter' ‘/c,oc k * * - . n M i , B I. m i l i i article» r c x ' r t r oi 1 S h L J ap- Tn in chain« East of the Houihwe»! co r­ M. POULTRY j begin a t 8:30. with Mesdames Hell ner of I he N ortheast quarter o f Hec- Illach Face Headings Not per­ ■ur< n-m, ,,t -h, *'are1' Pictures, etc. Miss Mitchell the I itate of M n h aei Conaelm ann, Ue- *’r ’ * " • '«ay, and th« 1 HAY old (.egLorn pullrta «»r straight run and W hitehead charge lion 29, in Tow nship 2 Houlh, Bangs caa»e«l Th«* 11. Tongue J r ., Attorm ry •» ** * • «'»illtled court in ifiiiaboro. O ra- W1* a *2 *0 uressed In native co»- m itted. _ _ | chirk», now booking for late A p ril I We»l of the W illam e tte M eridian ; 2.«, v m . »he tim e and pia«e f«,r hearing tume. She lives with her family in for Adm inlHtrator. Plan Program M arch 30 and May at reduced price» Lacellent Cash should »erompati/ the order. then«'«* 20 chain», th em e N o rth «Jijaction« to «ai«| Final Account, and fo r the Bend community. | It I K«al» ea< L I rlday Ala«« LalcL- Business meeting and social hour 2«» chain», th em e W«-wt 20 chains; • I» t he fi.wl Mttlment of ui,t «.taie. | Eber Rice o i Banks and s o n Itig W LHe l(«ak». Harr«d Hocks, W hile S O T K E TO < KE1HTO K H thence Hotith 20 «bains to the place Friday evening at the club was G iant*. W e custom hatch hen iKir» and O ut of falrheaa to a ll no In fo rm a ­ In the < o.inty t ourt of the Htate of O re- | >al ‘ p i h l i c i t L n ^ A « . ^ * '^ ’ i«!v' L a W r e n ^ »«<1 f r i e n d . Mr McFud- of beginning, containing fo rty (4o j well attended. Plans were discussed I turkey egg». Vlallor» welcome, llivratl- tion on tha claselAe«! pase w ill acres. g m ,, f o r W a s h in g t o n < o u n t y . 111 .B Y is BA W E O B b Adm n'i»t rat', r dt*n Of’COUnCll, Idaho, VlAlted Mr for a program and basket social I gale the Hugh**» breeding am i l«ai< Ling appointing conimi«»i«»ners to m ake p a rti­ Its give*» out u n til the paper la Ww*'" and Mrs. Robert Pomeroy M arch ' program llughc» A Hon H atchery, tion thereof in March 30. with Mrs. John Jm lah In Issued. «rdanca w ith »aid N .d . lr . i . h .rH ,y „ I , . , , . lh .1 l b . u r,.l.r " T " j " ' M rA I.K A K . fo , l"HU E Oak. IlillaLoro. Telephone le rh x u to ry deirtw and fu r a fin a l decree charge. Proceeds of this affair will N«Alca 1« hereby given, that tha under J y',í.!'Eí I!í,i.‘í:LV'r,í r Í " k AÍ,’7 í " ' I Brotherhood Meets Tuesday »Hotting in severally I«» p la in tiffs and baa been duly appointed by the |Bt ra tor j be used to furnish the kitchen at ' k Bu,w'íf¿ Next monthly meeting ol Al- lefendants »aid premise» a» determine«! entitled (k a irt, as A drn lni»tratr ix fflll»h<>r IIA IIY ( 'H K K K Hu peru i r stock. the schoolhouse. Albert Newton and I. announcements Whit«- Leghorn». It I Reds, Barr«*l by mi .I interlocutory deirwe and Ota " f ••t »aid d«-eea»ed, and ha« bright Brotherhood of the Evan- I Jean O'Connor were In charge of h l o M A C I I ulcer, gaa pains, am i Indlgaa- ml W hite Bocks, started «hicks and report of »aid c o m m la a loners and fo r ths qualifteil a» such. noth t: o r p iñ a l gelical churches m this district will | the social hour during which con­ tlon vtetlma. why suffer T I-or quick Now , therefore, a I I persons having j n (•, pullets. Visit welcome. Prie and «lishuraernents of thia au lt and Pomeroy March 19 tests and games were enjoyed. Mr. relief get a free sample of Udga I au­ against said estate are herd«/ ( ln th« County c«»urt of the Htate of Ore- be with 8. H meet competition q uality conslderrd "u. h other am i fu rth e r relief as m ay he claims lete. s doctor's prescription, at H ill»- n " ' ' ? ¿ oon‘>' , , MUs Eunice Mitchell will give an- and Mrs. Edward Berger were hon­ notlfi«*| and required to present the same, I Cabe*» Hatchery, Mi M lanv ill* , (ir«rgon equitable. Loro Pharm acy. 47-4p *" ,,f J Iother interesting talk on her ex- b,., |,y t« « g e th « r w i l l , p r o p e r VOUefcarg ikgVgfor, ■ ‘ f , This sum Code No M V I. 2tf ored by a gift from the club, oc­ the Hillsboro Argus at the law ....... office of EVERY UUDY knows th at our Ps feci W A N T E D ......................... — „ hy , ’ Ut <*»• undersigned , ..f Noiit»’ i, hera*,'r K ivm th at th« un- peuences as a missionary In China casion being their recent marriage. Poultry of ail kind«. W rite, puhilcatlon /nos w h ite Diam ond* are priced lower w ill coll. r bring Erl.ltty, Haturday or r.l»r of llon orahle Uo,.aid I. T em p leto n , ¡."X*-»! * , H “ rF J ? ,,1!1* * 'lr ' t d -r ir n e l, duly appointed A d m ln ia tra trii ar‘d W)U nave On exhibition many The 4-H club card party and than moot Jewelers price Im perfect Judge of W aakluglon C ounty, •‘• » k building, in llllleb o ro U rtg o n . w ith . ,,f , | „ , ve na.ne.1 eatate. haa filed ir, O f her articles brought back from Monday fore nuun. Portland prices < o . n . l y dance Saturday night was a decid­ stonee Anderson*» Jewelry »««»re »f> I ft Barden. Cornelius. 4titf d .lw l III.. I l l h day of I.-b ru a ry . 1V36, in »I« nionlh« fro m the date hnreuf. the above r n lillr ,! court tn d ei.ur h»r there It Will be an O Den m r c t l n y which order prearrlbea that you «hall hated th b lath day of henru ary, 193f.. fin a l account and repor» a , ,u rh and f n r a ll u zh r. u , i , t . t o . . » . 2 1 . -e t ll lg ed success, with eleven tables of D A Y .»Id I.«qrborn pulleta or straig ht run the « »urt ha- fixed the 15th «lay «»f A p ril j cards in play. Games and a pro- chicks, Hugh«* stork, now Ixaiking for ap|«ear and an»w vr the com plaint in this O LG A N A B D I’, A d m in is tra trix f t the Il. HBLI» WANTKD mii »« «m or l«efore lite exp iration of ................. . • » ‘< 1 h w r a .w i l)ag .ey A H a re i»«t. „ ,h. h„ur oi | 2 , k a m , Church services Sunday are _ I gTam were enjoyed upstairs by A p ril and May. Also Beal», W h ile Beal M A N w » e t« l fo r ttaw lvigh »«u jf j.r , ,,f , aid , , , r and , he r ia jr , riMjm o f , (l- Bible school at 10:15. Everyone in -. Arnold Qyen of Portland on a lupi ( l l t f H6 “ 0, O akland. C a lif. 3-bp H A u B F i-L M c Notice by v v ir i t r u t u e ' » Mcti«-n» to — said a —. l Account, and fo r v lte d . -riro -u AI.EAB « P L T • E R H ... and e. F. .w— la . . herel«y hereby given, given, that that by * * 01* ----- - F - in — .... H igh«« A Son H atchery, East Oak ami velt for the post of Assistant ; by W A N 'I El> Middle-aged woman to «Io E. ----------------- piano accordion. High honors In « i t l i t . Attnrpvy» fur I la tn tiffa . of m Execution, O rder and Decree of ‘ h * fin a l settlem ent o f said estate. Eleventh, lllllalm ro. Phone 8162. 62tf Warren Wilson of Beaverton, for- Secretary of Agriculture, is ! cards were awarded to Mrs. Jo h n ­ hmiseworfc am i c a s in g fur »Ingle man I t . - id. n l Attorneys S tate «»f Oregon. Post Ha |r . ¡ „ ue<| oul of an<1 Ul„ lt,r tha Dated this M b day of M arch. 1*85. f the C irc u it Court of the H tele o f O re- - b a le of . . l u t publication A p ril 1«,' i»3.', t h is to w n , W as W rite Argu« 222*

>n our The post was formerly held by Mrs. Altisian and Harold Shapper, m ilker. eU |2 k m olilli and board. the 27th »lay «»f E«4«ruary. 193'», in favor lb *. Estate of James J. Felton, Decease«!. old ~ * home. It u now occupied by farm Mules from high pedigreed «lams Rexford G. Tugwell. who was all of Hazeldale. The committee HI M M O N H |<«n t .«»aaeit«. lit J. Ilill»b«>ro 4p f The Union C e n tral L ife In s u ra n c e 1 E. J M c A L E A R . A ttorney fo r A d m in- Mr. a n d Mrs. Oscar Lierman. Mr. « f fin e generation breeding. B W. D In the ( irc u it < «»urt of the Htate of O re- Company, a corporation, p la in tiff, and l"‘ ra, rix. F irst N a tio n al Bank Building M ID D L E agml woman f«»i h*m»ework and Advanced to undersecretary al­ which handled the affair Included tesi«»l The hulk of our or«lcrs from «»l«l and Mrs. Wilson recently returned f**r W ashington County. Mesdames Jones. Brooks and Reetz. against J < Hnnh-r and F an n ie Hnuier. Hillsboro, Oregon. .a r e of a w n I-In valid C K E D IT O K H H. E. C. to «Meet i with pneumonia at his home on Chilstlna Ils • Ir«w1 Paul Dudley, B l. 1, Beaverton 4tf ¡«oration, W ashington County, a m unicipal , ^fl ‘ he County Court of thè Htate U l«! vherg the State ,f Ore- Kinton Grange H E. C. club will i I ' h . ui.- Phone Beaverton nr>|M ^f the Banks of the itate A l l grange o r a n t / A * members m p m h p r i. a r » invited in u ito H » to a * 12. W »KK WANTED eggs and chirks from our *00 tested All are to be with their brother In his Ill­ poration, A. A. Hchrarnrn, Superintend- ()r«*gun, Defem lants, , f In th * M atter of the Estate of Edward fo r the hens on rengv. lu q tilre B x c o e Ben­ ness. attend. W A N T E D Washings a«.d Isumli ent of Banks of the State of |2 w ith in te rm t thereon a t the ra ta l A. K«»rman, Deceased, nett. lit . 2, B e averto u , 1 Vg m llee north mwagle and mii do fin gon, Hhaw-Eear Company, a corpora- Miss B ertha Gerig, who has been f 10 i»er cent t»er annum f*o m the 1st , Notice is hereby given th at the un New Club Formed M eedvU h k t if . ' l i T is .tli A v e , Ml Baselin tlun, Anna B. Johnson, a w idow, C. day o f Nov., 19.33, and the fu rth e r sum dersigned has been appointed Adm inis visiting relatives _ here . during ______ w the ___ _______ iContinue»! fro m pave one M P rin k , J. W. Copeland Yards, a " The younjy people of the com- ................. ...................... - "f w - r d ( A r K r. g e . a m s e s . t o . ^ u r n e d y t o her Bend.^Rex Jones of Hillsboro and POSIT IONH O IT H tU l 25. « ..r j ratm ii . W J. M. (re a d y l.u m h er rate ..f 10 p. r cent per annum fr mi the ,n» r D«-ceaa«d. by the County JS sS h eT S S b^U- Alien of Forest Grave: K Company, a curporatioi». Commodore 1st day of N o v . 1934. am i the fu rth e r ,h«* State of Oregon fo r WashingV»n M IN «(«wiring G overnm ent C iv il Herví«-' I’wu t h«*ter W h ile br«M««i !(> B Barney, Defendants. sum o f $19Ml.h9 w ith inlcreet tltereou County, D epartm ent of Probate, and has |HM»|tt and SOU of Portland I I h h o n n »nd cause on «»r before the exp iratio n of und the fu rth e r sum of |7 .7 5 w ith In- * ‘ D' spent a few days last week w£h a r° ontestants for the final contest P^opk wiil go roller skating at six months fro m the date hereof, alH.ut 26OU lb« I AB M heap W A M I . I i Igoration f..r «lancing four weeks fro m the date of tha firs t tervet thereon at the rate o f 6 per Di rd und firs t published M arch 14, I. Bo H lver r«a»«l, B Hillsboro. ! John her m other, Mrs. Louise VanKleek. n , • , 1*3 l.iib lira tlo n <>f thii i summons, tha date cant per annum from the 2<»th «lay of Last publication A p ril 12, 1936. arm lu glon briiige 1 19« , of th*« firs t public atlon being Ayres o f R id g e fie ld . the 21at February, 1 *3 6 , and the fu rth e r sum of Mra. Mary Kershaw of Oak Grove BuV.on " T h . „ , Charles -z — D E L IA P O IR IE R , A d m in is tra trix . Ro«- N W liorse fo r sale chimp. J LARG E «lay ««f February, U3&. and if you f a il |9 k .*0 w ith interest thereon at the rate e P. Hurst. A tto rn ey. 4-H returned to Vash.. her home Saturday Vershui. "C l.riw r.' P rarar" Wa- s h- -pent, several days of last 4p Port Ii ul th sw about h alf price. Set new i to so ap|»«a»r aid com plaint o f 10 per cent per annum fro m Dec. 14. aitem oon. She Is a former resl- J a in Low ell, Beaverton. "T h e Dead Pus,» week with his fath er M. F Ayres «Irill I. V H u lit, 152 t!i«rrof, the p la in tiffs w ill apply 1934, and the fu rth e r sum »f 2200.00 N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S dent here and called on many old Cat-'' — —---------------- l»|M»ro. IIM IB It W A STED to til »urt f«»r the relief prayed fu r in attorney's fee . w it|i intei thereon at In the County Court of the Htate o f O re­ neighbors and tn en d s while nere. v Hu«n„n,u. - Donaid M ille r. Tualatin Agricultural News — Revular ar I I U I W L Ut .SA LI. A l R A N C H W 1 N T E U H -lm h t««p f ‘*»t c«»la their said (-«»mplatnt, to -w it J per cent per annum fro m Feb.. 2' gon, fo r W ashington County. well hul NtM irrm eyer - M a rtin I , un. he Th a t p la in tiffs have a judgm ent against 19, 16, m id the fu rth e r sum o f f 19 ho In the M a tte r o f the hAtate o f C. M hs 4 tf and fr«»m the abq te named r««st» Shaffer, de and disbursement» herein ; that p la in tiffs tioii. O rd er und De, ree f Hale, 1 w i l l 1 N«»w therefore, all persons having oiaim - - - - — — ------ . , ■»•*■* 1‘ra.le C ertlHed potat«*rs. B A R G A IN have a judgm ent and decree against on Monday, the 1st day Hi HALF, or Big Is id new f A p ril, 1935. against said estate are hereby notified d a u g h t e r , MfS. E t h e l M c C o r m i c k , liams. M “ e’ ‘ z ''Tom m y Stearns Scrub» i farm machinery or w.aal. f«»r pigs or *••« h am i a ll of the defendant* lie rein at the h k . nm I horse« to and several othc Friday and Saturday. Up." Del«*« Anderson H illsbo ro “ MatebZ . os Andrew Ege»«lahl, III 1. Laurel a iju 'lg in g and decreving the lien of p la in - Hillidtoro " t r «»f the Court House in »n«l required to present the -ame. t«»- Oi Hillsboro from Hillsboro Horse M arket, M M > III(I« T II«C a(«-S'> I Ii. ■ i e Hcholl» OHM. 4p tiffs ' m ortgage set fo rth In p la in tiffs * the hour f t ten o’clock a. west of cwtdeti wry. m of ^aid ‘ he undersigned At the law office« of T a zD oK’ A id SOCletV P n tP r - Division I I I : D ram atic A laister Smi»h t public auction t«, the highest E. J M Klear ,n the F irst N a tio n al t a . ^ 7 n o if X / m X e w R h T u a la tin View . The Black Ho com plaint to !>e a fir*4 lien upon the day. sell F u ll T R A D E Y««ung turkey gobbler f t P A IR black lH«n w. 3400 P«»und. _ ____ ___ — r»« and real property therein described, and de- bidder fo r c h in hand, all of t h e f o l - Bank Building. in Hillsboro, Oregon. l a ^ d i n an »U-day meeting With H is R id er:' * s »mall pig Ph««ne Scholia 1463. 3p logging team W tll «eli ree»« na ,J ¡..„ ¡n g .1— riln-i rnU property, lying. In,- w ilh in > ii m onth, fro m the date h rrro f. l u c k dinner att he home of Mrs \ Kitty' «'— Ad.'mt'in^'“' ^ , ! , B^'weB' lake *.*••* Bob llo lt, ‘-^-mile north »«nl>ed in said m ortgage, and th at Telephone 643 and 642 D iH u iE truck. 1*22. g.aal shape, to m ortgage I.« foreclosed ; that the land ing and aituata In W ashington County. Dated thia I Ith day of M arch, IM S . George Snidei Thursday. Eighteen Beaverton, -S cratch ” »well. 4t f W ltch H a te l scb«N>! trade f«»r heifers, pigs. V ic Potter. . therein «le»« rilxsi be »«»Id by the h e rlff Oregon, and more p a rtic u la rly deacribcd I S H E R M A N , A d m in is tra to r w ith the ladles Were present and WOrK Was Humoroua Bertha Raggenatoa Bend H lG H k H T p rire pani f.«r old h«'i . •/ ’ h I II ul«« r follow s, t o - w il: W ill annexed o f the Estate of said De- done. Next meeting Will probably "O n e Legged Goose.” Lois B lan n o ck’ 4lh of W'ashingl«n County. O ris o n , In the W rlte C. E G raham , 146 N m anner prescribed by law and th a t the Comm encing at the Southeast cor­ ceased. E. J M cA leer. A tto rn ey fo r be held With Mrs. O. H. Peterson £v,rnel1* ’- 'T h e Tw o R unaw ays;" Ardia Street, lllllsb o ro ’ -6 l'ONTK.M ‘TING proceeds from said sale l»e applied In ner of the Northeast Q uarte r «»f the A dm inistrator. J l 'H 'i rrcelved shipment «»f Eastern O re­ the follow ing order, t o w i t : ________ _______________________ April 4. Mrs. W alter VanKleek Of » “ Jjhoro '-On Contest N ig h t.” It ( H< H U L M E R IC H , contractor and N«»rthwest Q u arte r ( N F 1« f t NW’ %» gon h«»rsee Prie« |6o and u|>. J K SH ER IFFS SALK B,eaV, ? ri 2 ? a n d M rS E L B r id g e s View? % <£ r t £ ” ’” ‘,o S ^ la S S S * " 1. Coats and exi»en»ea of said sale; builder, reniiMlehng, w irin g , plum bing. ft Hertion Tw elve (1 2 | Tow nship Webber, lllllsboro. l'h -n e 2 m 2 tf 2 Coata and disbursements and a t­ T w o (2 | South Range T w o <2» West » "ii< tete etc Plans and estimates free , N<»tice is hereby given, that by virtue Middleton Were guests Of t h e John B. Ream J r.. M etzger. “ I Am an I- Ja«k»«>u Ht. Phone 734 l t f W O R K IB lB H E ^ Load just arrived. Fast- torney's fees* herein . of the W illa m e tte M e rid ia n ; thence of an Execution, O rd er and Decree of a id . j A m erican V el don Boge. Bgwvertun. ------- —--------------------Oregon all-purpose horses. Price* 3. To tlw p la in tiffs herein the sum H«»uth Forty-seven degree* th ir ty m in ­ Sale, issued out of and under the a! Roberta Pomeroy a n d Shirley The Alternative. I rewsonable F. W W alch, IDIIsbor« EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT <»f ft.S’>0.00 together w ith interest utes 147 ‘ 3 0 't W c*t Eight and th irty - I*. FO U SA L K — Ml»«rll»iu-«,u» v,,„ ,, h , f' : rvu,‘L C;'urt...ü í thî s ï leg üf Ore- M ulthoif of Kinton school, whò near rounty h«sipltal. l ’ houe 26F*21. l t f there» at the rate - f seven per cent six hundredth» (H.3S| chains to a gun. fur the County uf W a.h ln g tu n . w e r e w l n n e r s in SPECIALIST lU l.IH N 'G baby carriage. g«»«l conditi«»«, the prelim inary per a .H u m since the lu .u u«.y of stake in angle of the County K « « d . «iaieil the 12th day of M arch. 1935. in for »«U- M r* Henry (ierrtsh Phon» ! G ()O D work h«*rse fo r aal», single or N«»v«mil>er, 1*27 , contest in class C held a t Scholls thence south T w e n ty -fo u r degrees double. W J. He heel, Huber. Phon« favor of Equity Finance Company, 1*24 GLASSES FITTED 4. The overplus, i f any there be, to fo rty -fiv e minute« (24* 45' | cast |(< .« » «-rloti 361ft. 1 p< f orporation. p la in tiffs . . and ________recently, a g a in s t __ went to Hillsboro Friday I k applied to the paym ent o f tax«* M A M BE , . h„ lir -¿ip? <(f | IIO K H E H bough!, aeld or traded. Bay Seven and th irty hundredths (7 .3 0 1 i h»ri ea»t X . dv?” 5 . n * ? nf , 1r - ~ ; n'.um U',bf* U u S u RO“ * f tltf 2107. (B y Mrs. Jt>hn Gate« J r .) .... . T h ird A v e . Htllahoro Ph*»ne Th a t p la in tiffs have judgm ent and de­ Tw enty-three and tw elve hundredths Y B tî I 59 w ith interest thereon from the 12th F i m t - e J \i P ° 2 5 F ° J * » aaaau «/ — m r a . H arriet Ford cree adjutlglng and decriwing th at the 123.12) chains to a slop» in the east Phon« LEISYVILLE—Mrs. Hours 27. CATTLE lien <»f p la in tiffs ' m ortgage is p rio r in lin« f t the Southwest Q u arte r of the H i l t H A L E R e frig erato r ami meat m a r­ •ia> .3 A p ril, is:)«, ai ih r rate uf it, M artle« Pomeroy was rehired for the ensuinz vear ™ — ~ 2*72 . Residence • :30 a m . to 12 m. tim e «ud superior in rig h t to all the Northeast Q u arte r ( S W ^ <>f N E % I I W tl nl< r young bull waives for sale ket equipment. c««mplele In q u lr« Em ­ per cent ,.«r annum , and fu r the fu r - » "a Roberta Thompson. Mr. and a t the school m eetine lastM onrtav o ,n » » ’ » 1 :30 p. m. to ft p. m. rig h t, title, lulereat. estate aud liene of of aaid Section T w elv e (1 1 1 ; thence from t»e«!lgre«! stock. - - C a r l Traschei ther >um »-su n ,, .tt „ r n e y > fees » u h Mrs Robert Pomeroy accompanied Honor Roll » a n M in e J011” 5' — 1 = ma Hcbmale. C x n e B tia 3-4p north on said ea»t line T w elve and Heed ville 4p ee«h and all of the defendants in and s : ™ ' ,h s / “ S v . n S y - R , „ « . ( I'.llA B !»•■!*. 1« each, «lellvered Vivian sixty-six hundredths (12f>6i chains to or m«»re high I»» said real property and that the defend­ W A N T E D G»» h I 40-1!. Hudson, Rt 1, Banks Ph»>ne U F 164 th« northeast c«»rn»r of said South­ <»r Jersey - Guernsey . ants and each o f them be forever fore- tester Guernsey . >«' P E A stakes. I Inch square by 5 ‘ 4 and enjoined fro m ever west Q u arter of the Northeast Q uar­ ........ - .................- ..« ... m ...* lu m«ae «ale S^ r? ^ j S i othy Kennedy. G race and” Elsie B««x gltaied, b ir r s ! In.th teetä, give fu ll particular» feet long for sale P J. Moore, R t. S. asserting or claim ing any rig ht, title or Dally Trips to Portland ter tSW*m <»f NE*i<) o f said Section f the real property hereinafter de- Mrs. Charles Thompson Lorenz, John Hanley, Grace Hud- 4 IN II« Banka >’ f interest in and to said real property, or Tw elve (12) ; thence we»t T w enty 'cribed, l have levied upon and pur*u- attended a Christian church mis- son Carl and Leland P is h h n r ir C O W S fo r »ale. Jersey, 4 year». ju«l any part or parcel there»»f except the ftE N C E |w»Le fo r sale W ill deliver ¡ X s ^ . Kr u ; ,ii"" u ‘’"^ m d *.n y d f c Ä 7 conventlon i n HlUsboro and C.ifford « X n ^ E d w a r d and eighteen hundredth* (20.181 chains fresh w ith heifer c a lf. Guernsey. ft statuto ry rig h t of redemption, and fo r uan Phone 2107. Bonded and Insured Carrier to the place o f (»eginning, containing years, to he fresh s«a>n A ll te»te«l for meh fu rth e r order and decree as may T h ir ty < SO > acres I -2nd day of April. 1835. a t the Eaat Miss Marie Steelman nf \frtiaiia Maes- Wcslev Gates. Gene K en- Serving Beaverton. Aloha, Keed- T It and abortion D Laxuck. 1% I m » e»juitabl« in the premia« i .u m , ,d®or of the Court H u u.e in H i ii . bur,. » h B ^ 1SHed M^ and Mrs ^ R o ^ rt a ®^’’ , Harold Berggren. and Alice to satisfy the hereinbefore named CARS AN» TIKES 15. mil«« north of Ju n io r high ach«»ol, Bt This summon« is served upon you p u r- «’»d fo r the c«*t and expetn ville, Hillsboro, Cornelius and uf ___ >alr »aa h in g to n lu u n iy , Oregon, at the hour S „ ” “ .“ v* "*»• »“ “ "**»• Robert Ardeel. I, H illsboro 4 ■uant to an order made and entered in *n d Raid w rit. I M K V R n L E T tru ck. 1*32 m«*d«l. heavy J o ' f ten • - ■••clock . . rn uf « i d day. £°™er?> ¿ “J “ ¿ e» '«•, returned Mrs. Harriet Ford spent the Forest Grove d u ty «tu ai t ir e s , m w r ly n«w. |3ft0 the above entitled court and cause on the Said sale w ill be made subject to re- Ml public THKEE*y«ar-«>l<1 Jersey, freshen July, ucti. n to the higheat bid- , ° ™ e M £S ._ R > m - week-end at the Floyd Bierly home I» I- W o r le y . i n q u i r e V a riato ri g»r- Oregon. • n iind calf, well-bred, high te s t; also 2i»th «lay of Febru ary. 1936. by the H p . n - deniption as per M atute ____ of _____ _____ , dar fo r ____ , t „ all w •» . -r PomerOv - ______ - j Spent the a t K m i n n Pickup and Delivery Service a t caah ... in band, of th e 4W fo 1_ l- «roy w—»• and v «*. S. H ags ^1* « » W ill« describe«! « ie M f-rih e .1 r — r property - Q r » tp e ~ p „ lm l ______ ____ ***• CXHIWUI. ft-months-old Guernsey heifer Sai«»« «»fable It. Frank Peters, Judge of the Date«! at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 27th l<»wing real D . in . e . d M a « v . . a r. t ♦ t » h l o n n L. K rim n r Package Rales | ) f .|r t ,t J I tllllc-»« » « « llth O U t I' i r s t A v « ' s hove e v it it le g l t C ' o ourt, ia r * ■ n .l Mrlatel» «*w«4aaaa ’lay t lt tV « if k'efo etB eew 1O SX K ^ irx .r aavaa* — )«■ l . * am — - - . - * * i I» It HALF. 2-l«m G raham Brothers above entitled and which order of February. 1935. being and situate I in W ashington xshmgton Coun- Mr and Mrs Alexander P Her Kathleen Gregg, who Is at- truck. u««>d c»»n«lltlon. ( all 1082 Sec- J W . C O N N E L L . S h e riff f W ««hing- ly . Oregon, and more p a rtic u la rly dr- , ; c“ o i Sellw«)d w er^m iLitR tending college at Albany, spent Hillsboro Phone 542 S IX Jersey rows anti 2 (>. I C. pig« prmu-rib«* that this summ«»ns shall t»e ,..,«1 B l 441Í it: r?CK ©eiiwooa were guests Sun- the week-end at hnmp for sale Mrs J«»hn lloyd, Rt. I, C«»r- published «»nee m week fo r four auccessive *“ •« County. Oregon. By M Schm idt. Dep- »bribed a* follows, to -w it East Side Terminal Portland day afternoon and evening of Mr. th e week-end at home. uty. P h ilip Hamm ond, 110 G uaranty Beginning at a point on the N o rth nelius. 4-5(i and consecutive weeks in the H illabo n A rg u *. a weekly new »paper printed, pub- Building. Portland. Oreg«»n. A ttorney for line of Lot 141. Beaverton-Keedvtlle and Mrs. E. L. Cox Phone EAst 9131 FO R HALE Guernsey heifers. John li«he«l and circulated w ith in W ashington Argus classified ads get results. M ain tiff. 2-6 Acreage, a» sh««wn by the duly re­ « _ m il- . ... u i h of H llb h o m and , ,,rrg ..n , 7 r d a i , of " h , fim , corded plat thereof n«»w on file in two m ile* weal I ,t 1> auto I —rts fo r loss ll,ll" t.o r o A u to publication thereof being the 21st day the County Recorder's office. of E state of W ilhelm Schumacher wives from clean ,,f February. 1*35, and the .late o f the W r --k « B , 10«. M ain , 12M 2nd Ave. tltf G U E R N S E Y heifer W aohington County. Oregon ; said be­ herd, d« »uh le-tested N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S T ay lo r • Guernsey |a «t publication thereof being the 21st g in n in g point being 1*7.2ll7 feet S. No. 42 K 5 d airy I'hon« MS. 4p day of March. 1935. t>l degrees ot> E. f rvm the N . W. FCKNITI KF 17. F I V E Guernsey cows for ale. fo u r E. II. T O N G U E . A ttorney fo r P lain - In the County Court «»f the State o f O re­ corner of said L o t, ru n n in g thence I OB H A L E A im ln a tr r rug. * x l t . like gon, fo r the County of W ashington. fresh. il«»uhle-teste«l Also of * - ( if f. Resident attorney of the S tate of S . 1 de*fr* * -» W . parallel w ith the (B y N o rth P la in * P. T . A .) new. «hasp R J K a»l»r. Rt I. Probate Departm ent. year-old horses M ike Zahl. N o rth Oregon. l*o«toff!ee address: Com m ercial West line of said lot 452.637 feet to Feed IMPERIAL DAIRV FEEDS. Im perial Dairy Feeds are IDIIslHiro. *!' Notice is hereby given that the under­ NORTH PLAINS—North Plains Plains. 4-5,» ( building, Hillsboro, Oregon. 1-5 the South line of said Lot ; thence signed Agne« Schumacher has been ap- whole gram feeds containing the highest quality grains and con­ B A R G A IN S In g««*«l u»c«l fu rn itu re ami C A S H (»aid fo r d airy and beef ra ttle baseball team are giving a dance S 6H degree* 20’ E. 495.975 feet to ,H»inted a d m in is tra trix of the estate of <-,M>k hU«eea. W e w ill also buy y»uir SHERIFF'S SALE the S. E. corner o f said L o t; thence • mu il n K n a i rn i. *. Telephone n H i i i I i I - s d h u o r r " a orssaB* .. - , a , l ? l . i for the benefit of their team centrates. They contain no Oat Hulls or other filler of low n u tri­ used fu rn itu re E. Hornbeck, 166 H. 2621 X 4 tf Notice is hereby given, that by virtu e of 7 Schumacher, deceased, by the N . 1 degree 2M’ F. 1*7.1 feet to the March 23 in the K of P. hall. tive value. They are balanced so th a t your cows will produce the S v c n d HC ~ M il \B ( I J«n*«v ...w a.re . due t., fr.^ l " " Execution. O rder nn«l Decree of Sale, i ’’ur,!£ «’f , . the »»•«<• o f Oregon. N . E corner o f said L o t; thence N LA There will be good music and a A K G E Jersey «««w. age «>. <1ue t«» fresh- . f , .. , f lh for W n*hm gton County, and has quail- highest possible am ount of milk and also m aintain th eir txxiy 61 «legre«^ 06 W. 54A6 feet to the ,h Uf " m i l . . " r "‘T f 7 U r t "f « £ “ « » ¡U rn »«■ '■•• good time assured. weight so as to Increase the lactation period. place of beginning, and containing IS. I I EL Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sandford vis­ , .I, U A .U - « . , O, a . , l « - r I h - County of W n a h in .lo n , d a l-d «hr h- r* » , n o tlfm l to p rw rn t 3.70 acre«, more or lea*, in the T H IR T Y , ««rda seened grow th w«»«l f«»r Kilt SA .1. l l . r . l of 20 h.ah B rad , „ (| J a n u a r,.. , M 5 . , avi>r 'h e Jam -, duly verlf.ad. a . by law re- ited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Al­ t ounty of W ashington, and State of sale. I I M» per c.»r«l . «»« county r«»a«l ro w .. 3 B and abortion Irvtcd. w ith I T h U n j„ n C c n tral | n, u ra n re Com- ?u' re; • . th* underanrned at «02 Spald- Oregon. bert Mead and family and Mr. and lien Isnylou. 4 milna north M ountain- some dairy equipment . never a re­ pwny, a corporation and against W . B. ing B u ilding. Portland, Oregon, w ithin satisfy the hereinbefore named sums Mrs. Jam es W alter and family of «lale. *1’ actor ». in . .. the t her.l . . basic . average «»f Z u m w alt, unm arried. Evelyn L. Dor»«tt ■ix m onth* fro m the date hereof. . , . . . . D .h r t and lir a , rubli.he,J K M .ru .ry »». ¡¡¡¡d ¿ ’ d 2 S , «!• CedM MUl I IB H T cl m m w«»«»«l fo r sale. Bay Dele- ! „15 Iba. b u tt.-rf.C L M muât U .old to- , . ha.. M D om ati, her huaband. W ., h - man. rd» «»btnlnable. Alex E t c h ­ ingtnn County, a m unicipal corporation. 19.35. D ate of la*t publication M arch 2*. Said »ale w ill be made tx » Mrs J. H Davis and l w 5 d e n . p , i . . r . . ¡ ! i , T t . T ’ u u * of iT ^ m grandson Ronald visitwl at the rn . Bt. Cornelius. Phone Forest Oscar Rowe, defendant*, P ut all or p art of your herd on one of these better feeds fo r the sum (*r«»vr 6F lfi 3 tf of $25.25 coat* and dishuraement* w ith AÜNF.S SCHUM ACHKR. A d m inistra- ____ . . n . 19. SEEPS—PLANTS You will see a difference in the milk pad and your milk check. Dated at H iiiabom . Oreiton. th l. 12th home of Hiram Davis Sunday A lb ert r. Kem m er. A ttorney. 2-6 day of ‘ M arch. 19SS' B E D H e art straw b erry plants for »ale intere«t thereon at the rate o f 6 per tris “ Miss Margaret Davis, attending HEAL ESTATE J 1 Edwards. Kt. 2. Bank» 4,i 29. cent per annum fro m the 2 1st day of PAY CASH AND SAVE — TRADE WITH IMPERIAL ■; -• " ’««r.t.i.. sheriff of Wash- the M arlneilo Beauty school in N O T IC E O F F IN A L A C C O C N T A«'l(l:.s. IB under plow and »cadcl, Jan uary. 1835. and the fu rth e r »um of H A N N 8 C H E N barley and spring «»at» fo r I J >re,“’.n. ,J'w «>h- Honey. Portland, visited with her parents. In the County Court of the State of Ore- \"J^b 4 acre« a lfa lfa . h«»u»e, barn and out­ 6306.7(1 w ith Interest thereon at the rate »ale. Frank S«’hulm ericb. Phone llilla - I Pi«*ti?f B W ' p"r,tand' «'»■■.‘'7; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Davik over pon. fo r the County of Washington. buildings. team. 4 cow*. 2 h e lfe n . 24 of D» ,»er cent ,»er annum from the 1st horn D epartm ent. _____________ «-* the week-end, r«~ ., ipdz, miki the ttie fu lu rth n n e t r aunt »iim i t Probate . a, r lay f <» t « i De«-., 19.32. and hen*. I hog. implem ent», crop an<1 tii«y SEI- M .'lx lirnH . R redvill«, fu r large j °f » M la t e of John H fa I f- e Benefit Saturday f«M«l fo r 62600 . t e r m * . o r 37 acre« of 6306.76 w ith Interest thereon a t the , 1 D orland, Ihveaaed. filb ert trew. hearing site 41 f 1 t««k and equipm ent f.,r rate «»f 10 p e r c e n t per annum fro m the w ith ah«*ve b" ’e ii' „da" cr, * “ > Phone oi Notice i* here)»y given that the under- ‘ Millers of Quality Feeds P L A N T NOW South Second St. 63900. term» K o ra lli A W lsm er. H illa- tat day o f l>ec., 1933, and the fu rth e r held in the, K. of p. hall Saturday I'r u lt tree», apple«, pears, cherries, plums, sum o f 62995.13, w ith interest thereon ' f , " r ,. i i n * I l *i>"rlan.<|r,>dn '«i> rtl 'h n « ” f i!M N ,,r,h *‘“ cif>»' » « « Co to H. It Rig», evening to which the public is in- prunes, paacltea, apricota, w alnuts, fil- at the rate of 7 per cent per annum fro m - a l • ccount in 'I«'— «». .1 UX. 2«0 a e ry . Sect,on. Hit and 3« TIN vj,ed. Good music ftlrnished bv r R A D E Portland h«»me. some ea*h. for her fin the County _____ iterla. aim« hi «!», cheat n u t*, grapevine«, the l«t «lay of De**.. 1933. and the fu rth e r B4W. sm all f«rm or p artly Improved land ,,4W Tomlinson of th«« State of Oregon, fo ' r W'aahington yotingherrlea, raapberriaa, blackcap*, ■tun of i ««««».«»v 6360.00 z A x ttorney's fee« w u ith um o iio r n e y * ic e* w n i in- n- ... . , . , ....... ....... r>ari Pi. E a to J , V. to J , C. Tomlinson. the Bohemians. rl N . Tomlinson 4H53 N V a n d erb ilt, Portland. i-5p s tereat thereon at the rate of 6 per cent f » * '¡1 ¡ ’i t t ^ i l . i * k * y ' 2 acr<* Section 35 T lS R lW Miss Arlene Shaw of Cornelius dewlterriea, r«««e nuahe«, »hade time«. ,h e hour of 10 «»clock Sarah Randolph to Pearl M. Thom p- visited Miss Phyllis C hristener over «•v« irr« rn » . rh*»l*a1endn»n«, cam ellia*, | FO B S A L E Six-room hou*a, 90x100 lot, per annum from the 2 l» t day «»f Jan .. , 1935. and the fu rth e r sum of 610.00 fo r 1" -.I.m ..w ,Mni1 the 2 *»»<1 3 B k ak paved «treat, cement sidewalk and heather Mxal«*a». flow ering ,»e«ch 4o Metzger the week-end. ith ,r,H llV ,n ,111,1 " r , ... ...V» court . " *» a » » ‘»«en ap- Aere Tracts. sewer. Reasonable. 245 N . 6th Av«*- continuation . - . i i ..11,111 n abstract, < - i 1 i n 1. w v. ■ i 11 i interest iiiv i in i 1 there- 1 h i ■ flow ering eherri»« am i purple leaf . I t llin l« » .- . . .................1 •» « ., ■w , a a v a L . t v Mrs. Carl C hristener attended the r .u <’° Urt . ‘ h’‘ tim * Mnd nn. ftltf ««n at the rate of 0 per cent per annum plum W e do land*<-aplng am i p ru n ­ hriexia Schwarxenbaeh e t ux to a . e . fJneral f.” r, . ‘ he J’* * rin * »>* objections there- Kern et ux, part of M w . B. Com fort W p lriav of Mrs. Bergert at Gaston ing. tree« or shrill»*, ami g ra ftin g W e H O U S E am i lot fo r «ale o r trade. In - from Jan uary 21. 1035. am i the fu rth e r in vite you to visit our nursery at uni of 6110.90 w ith Interest thereon at to and the settlem ent thereof. Section 26 T l S R2W. «l-iir.» I « I ' - I ' ■ h.i • . «• I • - f Dated and firs t publi*he«i February 23. claim Keedvtlle. Mot« B rut Nurserie»«. Phone the rate f t 10 per cent per annum fro m O rv al L . Hutchens et ux to Law rence Q u i t e a tew ladies in this Vicin- 18S«. to ma dlrarted atul da- ¡J ” ' n , l e of * " * P‘'-'->'«tion M arch 28 l l - i l ' r o 2624 •______________________ I Oct.. 2 A. Wooton et ux. part of H enry Buxton hv attended the Home conference Ml 8ICAL IM8TB1 mi MT8 llvered. com m anding me to make sale D. L . C. No. 44 tin R4W . in Hillsboro Friday. _ ; \| I Youngberry p lant*. reasonable Eh I- IE M D O R L A N D , A d m in istra trix, and «»Id violins, bows, case* ami of the real property hereinafter described. A. Benz et u> to Samuel George Farqu - Mrs. Carl C hristener held a FACE BRICK — COMMON BRICK — DOUBLE BRICK p ri.e Y .Sai«». R t. 2. Portlam i. Beth­ N E W 2-6 all accaaaoriea. Priced to sail. 265 I have levied upon and pursuant to *ai«l Hillsboro, Oregon, route 8. any. near I ’ reaiiyterian church. 4-7p c " .i'l8 1W W ° f l ’'’in l" D ' L her home T h “rs- BUILDING TILE, all sizes _ FIR E BRICK - FIREPLACE FINDINGS M ain , upstairs. 4-5 Execution, O rder and Deere« of Sale, I IM P R O V E D Oregon straw b erry plan t* N O T IC E O F H E A R IN G O N F IN A L fo r sale, very reasonable for ' w ill on Monday the 25th «lay o f M arch . o n A d d D “ Mr. a n d M ^ a k V t c h T S r Of STANDARD PORTLAND CEMENT - MASONRY CEMENT fi.im fir« t year runner«. well-r««»te.|. P IA N O ACCOUNT cash, m ight trail«. J. 8., Box 174. Bt 1 1035. at the East door of the C o u rt House vigorous. 61.50 per 1000. you d ig . 62 W ashington County, O re- In the County Court of the State o f Ore- lion 1. Phone H ilb b o ru 27F7. 2 tf in Hill«t>ori •n. B e a m to n . HilisDoro spent Sunday with Mr. LIME — SAND and GRAVEL — SEWER PIPE — FLUE LINING already dug Chari«*« J. Olson. 2 mile« gon, nt the hour of ten o'clock A. M . gon. fo r the County o f W ashington, E. J. Mi Aieai et ux to Em m a W it- and Mrs. M erritt Jackson, m irth For«a»t Grove . Thatch er r«»a«l ip CHIMNEY PIPE — DRAIN TILE — MORTAR COLORS of said «lay, sell nt public auction to the I ” the M a tte r of the E state of Annie .36. MUSIC LESSONS k. L«,ta 43 am i 44 Cornaliua Environ». ' Mr. and Mrs A K. Reynolds vls- J'H O R NLE HH Younglw rry plan t* for sale. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ,|.L .|.m u _ i . , i highest bidder fo r rush in hand, a ll o f Parker. Deceased. 66 per hundred. 640 per thousand. ***;hV ‘ Mi-X" iteci Mr. and Mrs. H. L. P ratt in G i! n ' ‘ * S‘ u’ll ** mu* ^ the follow ing described real pr.m erty, ly Notice is hereby given th at the ad- Reliable Estimates Furnished On All Kinds of Masonry Peter N Vam lerram len . IB. 2. Foraat |,ubH «^f (’«l i f » ? i ? i ,* lnK Hn'1 W ashington m in iatratom have filed th e ir fin a l sc- ____ " ___________ _ Ü Ä Ä ~ l c ............. o r k i , RG„ „ .. and Concrete Work. («rove; five mile« north on llanka 1 . ... I r._ i 1 1 " I . ( ounty. Oregon, and more p a rtic u la rly count of said estate an-l thnt the court t Overlook Acres Section 36 T:«N R5W Mr and Mrs Fred Beattv and I ’ lA N r t at your home. T U N IN G and leHcril»e. 38 B H O D O D E N D B O N .H . cam ellia*, daphnes, and place fo r hearing objections to said lying w ithin sections 3 and 10 tow n­ J a n ,« F R i.tis e, ux to C h a r i« F S ROn W iH * * next Sunday. All . . . . . . . . . , . a « . axaleaa. heather, and thousand* of other T W O house*, «»ne sm all «m l one large, xiu et ,,x. " a c re , section 22 Tus players are requested to be present. fin a l account and the settlem ent thereof. Bist ship 1 »«»nth range 4 west o f the for rent In q u ire Used ( ’nr Kx- choice ornam ental shrubs. Hetlglng TH O M A S E. P A R K E R . A d m in istra to r. B2W . W illa m e tte M erid ian , «leaeribed as fo l­ i In.i, . t if plant», f r u it trees, filbert», w aln u t*, lows : T H O M A S H E N R Y P A R K E R . A dm inistra- J. C Beck to Security Savings A Trust T w o f m t n l v C l,ih < C o ! griip««. berrlaa Come to the nursery FIVE-r«M»ni house fo r rent, «-lose in, 615 Beginning at a stone on the west, tor. J I'. Kavanauah. R. N. Kavnnanah. C,,.. part of W S im m on, cla.m , Scx-ti..„ ami «dart p airs. Lam DcapIng St«ait’a per month. Phone H illsboro 10R2. 2tf line of said C a rp en ter C laim sot in Attorney« fo r A dm inistrators. 62-4 8 T lS R2W N ursery. Ilillab«»ro. IB . 4; 1 j m ile south­ th«» s«»uth q u a rte r corner of said east f t Orem*«». 2 mile« north uf Keed- 38. „ c ^ 'r,^ t ,,’ m,,r T j N WRiw S,‘,W'" ' S ,’:' C harters were granted to two ROOMS ANO APARTMENTS N O T IC K TO C R E D IT O R S section 8 ; thence south I degree 36 ville Service 119 * ^ **¡1^ bl «-________ 4-H clubs m inutes East on said West line 8.20 APARTM ENT house fo r rent, sale «»r In the County Court of the S la te of O re- ; M ary I,. Weaton Scheetx et v lr w county 7 „ this week. These «hains to the center of a d itch; trade. In q u ire lined C ar Exchange. 21 f «on. fo r W aahinirton County. M a r m iv i F. lian field part of lla rv e v included the "Best in the West" 2(1. II \Y ANI> I I I 1» thence down the center of said ditch Ih *', M " ' , , r “ f » > t« 'e of Robert C larke claim tin R 4W . sewing club at Tigard with Mrs BO O MS fo r rent. M r*. M ay I. Sm ith, north 84 degrees 63 minutea East H A Y for sale or trade for young *t«»ck R urrh, deeeaae.1. Joaeph Connell el al to K. J M cA lear. H . C. Atkinson as leader aild e 345 E. Baseline 8 t. Phone 893. lif 9.08 chains to an angle in sam e; Notice is bcr«‘l»y given, that th«» under- part Block 1. Hill»b«»ro. “ B ukv B e e " s e w in g r l n h n t W n t f s nr pig* M ax Barger. IB . I. Ileaver- signed ha. ____ _ _ been duly ap p o in t«! by .he J. W ......... , S h e riff, to Henry , Dam - jo n e s a r thence down the center of said ditch 1 <2. FARM LOANS above «»ntitled Court, a* Executrix ,»f the Wolf, u .s ti a e r « Section 16 T2S Riw. north 72 degrees 43 minutes East Kn Mri5 D arreu jo n es as leader. C L O V E R hay f«»r sal«» Also «nil p«»tat.»«-*. Estate of ani«l deceased, and has duly 21.12 chains to the center o f C a r­ Tena W alkenshaw et v ir t«» Hulda C. Frank M ille r. H illsboro IB . ft, Box M O N E Y (<» loan on go*wl d airy herds. j «(unlificd aa such. L A G riffith . 8. 131 Beeond Ave. I penter Creek ; thence down the cen­ MePeak et vir. p a rt Hertion 31 T2N Our classified column«* may have 727. Barnes roail. * 4l» N,»w th erefo r*, all persons having K3 W. te r of said Creek north 9 degrees 11 F A R M money to loan I’be Fe«leral Land Just w hat you are looking for — B A L E D No. I «lover liny fo r sale. O claims against said Estate are hereby m inutea East 6.34 c h a in s. thence bank now has ample funds in bonds to M ichael Husbauer et ux t«» W allace F. Read them. N o nllund. m ile eaat of Keedville ami notified and require« I to present the McPherson et ux. 2 1-10 acres T I N K3W. down the center of said creek north limn to farm ers at 4*/fc%. O ver 6L».- ',- m ile north of highw ay on Tobias same, together w ith proper vouchers there- 14 degree» 28 minutes East 1.64 chains; 000 has been b»aoe*l to W ashington Frank H. Varn s et ux to B. F. H in - for. to the undersigned a t the law of- ton et al. W 1^ «»f Lot* 1 and 2 Block road. ................ ..... thence down the center of said Creek county faroieta by the bank. W rite or 1 flee« of K. J. M cA lear in the F irst 3 Myers Addition. Reedville Home». north 34 degrees 7 m inutes East 2.61 call for particulara. W ashington Coun­ N ational Bank building, in Hillsboro, O re­ FARM PROIHKT 21. «•bains; thence down the center of said ty N ational Farm Loan Assoeiati«»n, gon. w ith in six months fr«»m the date Creek north 44 degrees 7 minutes East l M I r->«m \ . Hills)» i P O TA TO B H fo r »ale, 60« per sack. Bring Official Newspaper of W ashington hereof. 2.31 chains to the northw est corner .«rk Ray I M an ta n, G aribaldi Ave. Hillsboro Argus with which Edgings and Inside, dry. Dat«si this IS th day of February. 1936. County of a tra c t of land owned M arch 1st, Ph. me 2107 Df E L L A O uter, E xecutrix of the Estate Is combined 1908 by Robert A lexa n d er. thence the Hillsboro Inde- 16-inch. Cord ................. of «aid Deceased. E. J. M cA lear. A tto r­ south 87 degrees West follow ing the pendent. tf 22. FAKM MAi’IHNFRY ney for E x ecutrix. 62-4 line of fence 34.34 chains to the Excellent kitchen wood, the best 10 20 M rC o rm lrk-D ee rin g tracto r n n «1 West line of said C arp enter c la im ; S I MMONH buy you can find. N O T H ’ « (»1 F I N A I H E T T L K M K N 7 plow, bargain Ala«» haled hay. August thence along said West line south 1 In the C ircuit ( ’«»urt of the State of O re­ In the County Court o f the State of Ore- Deamet, (Jaaton, IB . 1. 4-6p degree 46 minutes East 8.60 chains gon. fo r W ashington County. Seasoned Slab and Block gon, fo r W ashington County. W A N T E D to buy c«»rrugat*«l ro lle r, two John E. Seeter am i M arg aret Healer, hla to the place o f beginning and con­ In the M a tte r of the Last W ill and Testa­ Wvagon w h ir l* A. S tric ker. Beaverton tain in g 45.04 acre«, w ife, Theresa Mandel ami F rank M a fi­ 16-inch Old Growth Fir ment and Estate of George Husbauer. IB Bo* IM ll cl. her husband, M arth a H arvey and to satisfy the herein lief «»re nnnied sums Deceased. IIU C K I-Y K coal hr«s«1er fo r saie. >12. O rm e H arvey, her husband, Anna am i fo r th«> cost and expenses o f sale Coal and Gasco Briquets Notice is hereby given that the under­ J a n « * Slerzer, Meyera road; 1% m ile* Steyaert ami Fran k Steyaert, her hus­ amt said w rit. mid Said sale w ill he made subject to r e ­ signed executor of the Last W ill norlhen •' R ngrfillle ••• Everything in limunne« band, M arie Bonn am i Sylvester Bonn, Testam ent and estate of George Hus­ her husband, Agnes Ludw ig and Adolph dem ption as per statute o f Oregon. U S E D m achinery «»f all klmls. Hillsboro n si u n W ellington ) Date«! nt Hillahoro, Oregon, this 20th bauer, decaeaed, ha* filed his fin a l ac­ Ludw ig, her husband. M arg aret H a r­ Feed (