Faxe Six H IL L S B O R O Orenco Circle Names Leaders ARG U S, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Scholls Grange ‘Out Where West Began/ New World’s Fair Gridders at I lilbi Commence Practice Meet Saturday Awaits Its Opening Day Mood Indigo WELL CLEAN YOUR THINGS Snrliitf foothtiii practice started at HUI»i inks week The gtudiuitlux \ \ HEN the Chicago Ceutury ot .seniors will tangle with oilier inein- ’ P rogress rorfress ended last fall. fall, hers of the 1034 sound In about tu a u y p e r s o n s undoubtedly three weeks, uu voiding to 11 M Goodman, coach sighed: "W ish wa had seen It before It was too late,” Well, Seniors all-star baskrteefo will (liy M r*. Hugh Burdette! , I*y L. 11. Demmin I plav the uudervlaatt hoouNtvrs F ri­ ORENCO The Woman.* Cireh SCHOLLS All day grange m eet­ ni a u y Americans, principally day evening In I he locul gym- met M arilt 6 In the church parlor ing will be held a t the grange hall those In the west, will soon have ua.siuni. for the March meeting. Following Saturday. Tigard will have charge a chance to view the attractio n s Campaign to combat hihrivuloK- officers were elected Mrs George of the program and meeting of an o th er "W orld's F air." b h a . t»een .started »1 llllhl Muss F. McCulloch, president; Mrs. B. About 25 attended the Ladies' | Margaret Dixon, county nurse, and In May. a g reat exposition Aid meeting Thursday at the p ar­ A. Mitchell, vice-president, and Principal Goodman s|x»ke on die Mrs. a . A. Robson, secretary-treas­ sonage al M ountain Home. Alter whose exhibits portraying m an's subject at the student tuuseiubly urer. Flans were made for the a n ­ the meeting a shower was given progress will vie In Interest with bust \Veo.stix>ned unlit visitor. vin Gross were hostesses tilts Monday Another dance spoil r . T. A. Meets Tonight Friday evening the Young M ar­ Diego, the “ birthplace of Cali­ sored by the Senators will be given The local Parent-Teachers' as­ ried People's class of the the Moun­ fo rn ia." W ithin sight ot the April 5. sociation will meet In the school tain Home church gave a parti at harb or Into which Ju an Itodrl- ^Senior skit will be nre.^nU d be­ the Ed Aebiseher home. ltou.se tonight (Thursday I for the quex C ahrlllo, the "Columbus'* fore a sfxvlal assemble Friday. regular meeting, winch will be ob­ Grange Plans Social ot th e Pacific, sailed four cen­ served as "Dads' Night." The topic The G range will have a program tu ries ago. San Diegans are pro­ NEA LVu hires Comte strip, car­ Is "Has Your Home a Forgotten Sweet, flenn, orilorlesg and basket social April 5 at the ducing a show which they hope toon*. world news pictures, fiush lot is Child.” Leader. Mrs. H. E. Scheldt. Scholls G range hall. etc. Available in the Argus tf dollies cost so litt le. Yet Several children have been ab­ An achievement program will be will prove an epic achievem ent. sent from school the past week held March 22 at the Grange hall and a m onum ent to the progres- it means so mili b 1 A with measles and flu. for the 4-H club of the M ountain siveneaa of the Pacific state. W. IL Ring took a crowd of girls whole evening . . . an e ti­ Home district. L. E. FYancfS, assist- M o r e th a n "5 n a t io n * w i ll con and boys to the skating rink in ant county agent, will have moving nu m tire week-end can li e Hillsboro Saturday night. pictures and oth er numbers The trib u te to the Old World atm os- Mrs. W F. Hunter spent Tues­ public is invited. phere In which the C alifornia ruined by the fear it hat day afternoon in Hillsboro as the Hand Cut Pacific In tern atio n al Exposition guest of Mrs. Mary McKay and your clothes may offend. C harles Devore cut his hand very wilt be bathed. The Influence of daughter Miss Jessie. badly while splitting wood Monday Old Spain will predom inate, by Mr. and Mrs. Ted Edwards and Cull us now and perish , : M r1Sat?d Mrs T Md S ^ t c h e T l f r r,ea8O.n. 0t h' 8‘’’ry and son Bobbv of St. Johns visited at the Nathaniel Rose and George Quickly mid effectively Williams the thought of offending and Mrs. W o. Hesse- visited i,panl8h arch itectu re of S a n Goodman Immes Sunday. R. U. X Compound rids your sys­ friends in West Union Sunday Diego's show buildings. unknowingly. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stark of V an­ tem of excess uric aeld eoneentra- Sunday guests at the J. B. B art- . . . couver were guests a t the W F. Blue silk crepe fashions this lett home were Mr and Mrs. A. W tlon which is tin- cause of moat H unter home Sunday afternoon becoming frock worn by Astrid W alker of Hillsboro and Mr and A RT treasu res valued at a for- rheum atic puliui. neuritis, a n d Dr. M. O. Anderson returned Allwyn. film actress Raglan Mrs Stanley Trefren and daughter tune will a ttra c t the cultured. sciatica. Many former sufferers Tuesday from a visit with Ills son sleeves, caught Into a buttoned Trefrens rom atnid d i? / 7 1? lbUf 0' b,rd8’ and wife in Taeonia. have found sure relief In this medi­ cuff, form an outstanding tea- Mrs. Hoptons of McMinnville, cine made especially for these con­ Miss L aura Ahlstrom and Mrs beast8 and reptiles from every who has been visiting a t the home ture. Crystal rings hold a self- Audrey _ ____ ____ _ _ ditions A.*k your druggist about Heaton attended a meeting clltae- Including the only two of her daughter. Mrs. Sam Rich, fabric bell in place, the same of the Beaverton Rebekah lodge m ountain gorillas in captivity, Williams R. u. X Compond. for IIIIIslM iea. O re Telephone 47 and family left for her home last idea being carried Into effect on M arch 6. when Mrs. G race C hris- will com pete for the visitor's la­ "effective rheum atic relief " Your Tuesday. the shoulders. Two Inverted tiansen, president of Rebekah a s - [ te re s t w ith th « C a lif o r n io M,. druggist at the Deltu Drug Store Two of San Diego's “fa ir" representatives greet visitors to th e Division II. 4-H sewing club, met "kick " pleats add fullness to tb s se™“ y. paid an official visit. 0, ‘ X " ? . will be glad to advise you.—Adv. with their leader, Mrs. Austin rathedral-U ke P alar« of Foods and Beverages, one o f H i« rxntlo ski , Mr and Mrs. E G Heaton spent 8 um, ° \ , lurnl History s un- Strafford. Tuesday afternoon. buildings which will houso exhibits at Hie C alifornia F aillie In ter * iron, Friday until Sunday at the U9Ual display of ancient and Amos Rich returned Thursday national Exposition. Afternoon from a few weeks' visit and K enneth spent the week-end Earl sll;pley home in Manzanita, m odern-tim e plants, fish and with relatives in the middle west. a t Camas. Wash., as guests of Mr c . c Party Tonight anim als. ! ou Get the Best in D ram atising one of the early Program Friday and Mrs. Kenyon at th eir country .,Ia r ®und»y school class will! M ustc-lovers will be enrao. ders. tho vistor mny tu rn to Na­ Friendly d u o will give a program home. country , clgss at the church , „ L h, . „ a ,“ ? phases ot C alifornia’s history, a tu re and view Its magic, ex­ and social In the church parlors Mr. and Mrs. C. P Beck visited par!or k n ig h t (Thursday!. *,u „ by a massive mlllion- typical mining camp of the '48 hibited In th e wealth of tropical Fr:day night. Cake, coffee and friends in Cornelius Sunday. .. Newlyweds R eturn do llar outdoor organ. A Palace gold rush e ra will be repro­ home-made candy will be for sale. flora In vast Balboa P ark, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle P otter re- ot E ducation will portray m an ’s duced In a tw isting gulcb ou lb s The proceeds will be used to pur- n . i turned from a two weeks' wedding inspiring struggle for knowledge, "stag e" of tho g reat show. chase supplies for the Sunday L.’p t l i n i S f l l R e p o r t e d fair grounds. The shacks, cos­ the beach and are now dom- In the Palace of Electricity will Back In 1815. San Diego pre­ school prim ary departm ent. Every-1 1 I tum es and gold-m lnlng methods D s. ’ I D • tetfed in th eir new home on M ata be pictured graphically t h e sented nn exposition th at drew body welcome. of that day will be copied alm ost i n R e t a i l D U S in t’SS H im Twigg Honored change In hum an life w rought some 3.000.(100 visitors, and Mrs. Rose Honored REDISTRIBUTION OE WEIGHT to perfection Nearby, a mod­ proved a huge success. Consid­ Mrs. N athaniel Rose was honor­ M r *» _and_Mrs. jo e Twtgg — and Mr by el»rtrlclty. (Continued from page one! . -— -------- ern camp with Its present-dny ed upon her seventy-second b irth ­ to m eet every imaginable want: ALL STEEL BODIKS ering this experience, the g reat Lawre&ce Twigg attended Today's ultra-m odern home, day M arch 5, when a num ber of our wonderful highway, railroad. a b ‘rti5La.y m achinery and equipm ent will a ‘ th£ Flor- and th at of (he future, will be reg u lar Influx of to u rists to the her children and a few friends met water, telephone, electric power, oil FLOATING POWER show, by contrast, the progress *5? home in Hillsboro in - h o w n tn d d««/»rihaH 1«, h « » . o Pacific region, and the fact th at a t her home for a surprise b irth ­ and other systems. Most impor- honor o i h" 5®n - H arr>' , d®scr,b^ ln d e ta l> made In the years since. many w esterners could not. be­ day luncheon, s h e was the recipi­ tan t of all, we have more happv Lamily Moves for th e edification of horue mind- HYDRAULIC RRAKhM cause nt the distance, attend the ent of a num ber of lovely gifts. homes th an any other nation in , ^?r ' an d Mrs. Welch Rose and ed fair atten d an ts A colorful highlight of the Present were Mrs. Irene Kildow. the world. It is a crime of radicals *!“ IP Chicago event. San Diego expo­ George have moved on F i,Pw h er. m th« fair will be a mass flight of In I) (I ,h e **P°al’ ton Mrs. Ted Edwards and son Bobby, to preach destructive doctrines But the f ° phelPs Place. The Phelps' sition officials believe they are planes In the skies above the ex­ H erbert Rose, Mrs. Helen Massey. we must not blindly stick our heads arp ,llvlnnu* Clark. Mr. and Mrs Ray Putnam . seventy-five years ago for e r a s - cock accompanied them as far as B un O M/un — pastor Meivm B. Janies. mWweek servlce an(, one you wlll Mrs. Mary Bauer and Henry Stump ing the plains On it were painted Uoderhill Junction. is usually the hope of Christian Science Society enjoy. Sunday school. 9 45 a m C o N tR III ElO«V of Portland. . ... . classes for all ages. The purple and _________________ these words: "Pike's Peak or _ Bust. ' _ L1,t Q uarantine “— Services are held every Sunday many of us and the result riih|,^ U^ T| BaplW h<"7!1 „ k'old contest i . still oil We see Mr. and Mrs. H arry K ent of I sav to employers reading "th is!, Quaram in e for scarlet fever was at 11 a. m.; Wednesday evening of years of saving a n <1 Bible school classes for ali. 9 45 many new faces each 8unday and Hillsboro visited Mr. and Mrs. H al­ article th a t we should paint on all i ¡.'fted at the Lawrence Ficken services at 8 o'clock; Sunday school lie Rice Sunday. service, if a m. j enthusiasm Is — running high. Conic •self denial. When t h e our trucks the words' "Eliminate 1 home Monday and two children re- a t 11 a. ni. Pupils up to the age Rev- m F pTea?J?lpK P Wahl win .........a Mrs. Howard L. Stout visited S S r f e V or S We s K B ust!” i S The S t tu[ " ed Avery ' of ^ d l 20 U n g y^ ™ ^ ™ Free ^ message ^ n e ' o o r ^ ^ n ' V . S “ e e ^ h o / .'/m * ? u tu I '' ^ S i* “ » ? ‘ n -o Y Unemployment school Tuesday. years i ^ are n wefcomed. happy time cornea f o r her mother. Mrs Christina H an ­ NRA has failed, but its failure was I. Mrs. ,Earl Shipley and son Avery reading room oi T * " '' ««J Saturdays /^ m 2 until 4 p. £ and p r e S g ’ ^ t % p. m. Rev w t t T r tl^ b e ^ a k m « ’ -o ^ 'V lo w - son. of Portland one day last week predictable from the first. There ^ L ° f M anzanita are spending this and Saturdays you, look into all kind« a u.u. and also attended a luncheon at may. however, be a good w orkable, * wlth fnerlds a n d relativ es; Sunday's topic. "Substance of m aterial for buildinx the home of her sister. Mrs. C. H. p lan which could be put into force neif- . vnal* m eeting11 c o n ^ c t ? " ™ " ' R^v' C I “ 8 a d- er (y»»ng Consider safety from fire, Howbrook. Immediately. Tuesday guests at the F. M. Lil- people) 6:15. Evangelistic service, W e^aU so .selfish th a t w e lg R S « , The basketball second team de- ___ ’ _ are _ _ _ ’and __ M _ ri | S u n d ^ < « T e v V s u ‘ X . 9 46 K h i f r c h ' o W t u S T ^ S . roiT 7 45. Good music and the messag durability, I o w mainte- feated Killingsworth G ardens in view the natton only from ou?ow n Harold Halverson ot FarmlngUmT a ~m"-Mrs‘~H"'je'ris'en «7£rinten family returned with her for a ^ ‘d " T M tOr Kinds of building materials Sunday guests a t the S. N. Cur- pulling and hauling against one short v1®11 when she came home. „ r i , and thlrd Wednesdays a t 2 (R r 11«,rl Chiirrhlsy) C hristian Church ington home were Edna. Beatrice another. If this selfishness con- E T - Stretcher of Portland visited p' 11 and George Crawford, Charles Me- tinues. either chaos or fascism is his mother. Mrs. Mary Stretcher Lord's day v«„uvu church school at a 9:45 k a * r*k i s «□ REEDVILLE — Mrs John Kirk- N utt and two friends from Vernon- inevitable. Of course, the r e a l at the Eugene Lovegren home dur- Thf Z Chri?‘ J a m . C. H. Nosier, superintendent * 0°d. la 111 “ t the home of her _ j trouble is th a t we advanced too ine the week-end. £ _ S -£ 'a n ?a . sbl? meetlngs closed Aim 300. Every class 100 per ren t daughter, Mrs. Fred Hag.: in Port- North of Cannery on P. R N Ry O ffice Phone 1341 I. H Hutson and family of Port-1 fast m aterially and now need to Sunday and Monday guests at the Tuesday night as the campaign ut attendance adance. A school with grow- la"d. — — land visited a t th e Ernest Wilfert catch ‘ i up spiritually. I think th at £ Trask home were Mr. — and Mrs. c k Yam ............... — ....... s m ll was booked _ .,k s. to begin •••« Wed- classes Ing of classes all ages Mornini Mr ar>d Mrs Olen Stiff are re home Sunday. this Is generally being recognized B. D Scott Jtt and son Guy of Union I jesd ay night with Mr. Leavitt con-1 worship, n o'clock. B u s in e ss a n d modeling the upstairs ol thelrhome Mr. and Mrs. R. r E. - ----------- Parsons. - Mr. at L."— last -------- and is the one ray », McGee T here will be 1.............-(P preaching profess« ------------------ ---------- Jannsen. ' of „vpc hope - Hlll. . Mrs. Susan — f i— -------- of Salem, **“ • « ducting. „ .t rofessional Women’s club o u r Edward 16-year-old son and Mrs P F Webber and daugh- which I bring home from my trip ” andI ErPd M Stinchield and daughter Eva. ^ E»th morning and evening guests Sermon "The ot Mr been and confined Mrs A. to M. his Jannsen Frances. _ D raft Men Work arjorie “M.iyviile' Putm next ati ----- m is ìn é Special s s r.. ^ ìn a n music. ’^L ydlT "- C h • ristiin has home ter Frances, Mr. and Mrs. Emil s* - Back - - "to" - — - " ‘—■- Johnson ------- "of -------- - '-r' r.^s rri " day by- B rother_M «» r«,..----- . Ritter. Mrs. Jesse Sm ith and Miss Therefore ______________ ____ I wish th a t President Mr and Mrs. Harold Christensen Midweek service. e. Wednesda Wednesday a t 8 Endeavor, 6:30 p m. Junior. Theona thls P“st »'Uh the mump* Juanita Wolfe of Portland visited Roosevelt would have a talk w it h a n d family visited Sunday a t the I B 1?1' Services Sunday as follows: Putnam , superintendent; i n t e r - Missionary meeting will be held ; Bible school, 45 a. m.; c o m m u - mediate. m e d ia te M M a artha r th a Jam J a m es, , ^nn,.nn- e h home o m e o of f Mi , M Mary .n v their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred the employers of the country and Amos W atkins home of Laurel stiperin- Thursday Thursday at a t th the Mrs. a. m.; y o u n g tendent; young people. Gordon Olinger. ! nl° h , service Wolfe, and friends here Sunday. ! sav in substance: "Unemployment Mr and Mrs. D R R utherford u th er Society to Meet is your problem, not mine. If you of Hillsboro visited Mr and Mrs ’ ¡■‘w u n » .» .w y. m., p re a c n - Bailey, president Interesting meet- M Morrison U spending a few Missionary society will meet with will, through a drafting board sys- D ir11 Taylor Sundav afternoon. mg, 7:30 p. m. You are cordially ings by youth for youth. Evan- days with relatives In Pendleton, Mrs L. T. Woodward Tuesday. Mrs tern sim ilar to th at which we used Mr. and Mrs Phil Dahl of P ort- lnvltcd to all services.—M. Putm an gelistic service. 7:30 p. in. Song Mr. and Mrs. P. Anderson and Calvin Gross will review the third m the war. apportion among your- land visited a t the S. P. Taylor minister, service assisted bv young people's family of Hillsboro were dinner Your Funds! chapter in the study book. "Ori- selves the jobless and put them home Sunday. choir. Sermon. 'The One a t Whom i Bu,'at-s u t the home of Mr. and Mr entals in America.’’ hack to work. I will do two things A- B. Flint Honored AI1 i’alnts Mission (Episcopal) >d sure you against government com- About 14 were present?' " .........I ^ „ 5 « “ T W ' Y oung' tor Bring your note 'book a n d m ination of public question m„ier the test for over 100 years. P^f'f'on jamd thereby protect both ¿pd^ Mrs. Jess Snyder visited fellowship a t 6.30 p m . B ible A cordial welcome to every our representative system _ of gov­ — USE — Check for earnings ntnlled you semi-annually. your workers and your security Mrs. S nyders parents, Mr. and ernm ent."—President Roosc.clt. Methodist Episcopal Church holders.” Mr. President, please give Mrs. E. W. Fisk, of M ultnom ah Why not have the best? C hurch school, 9:45. Miss Rose ( us one more chance to work this Sunday- A Public nworsh"ph ,b e rtn sh atC,,10-30 INVE8T TODAY! problem out on a sane and hum an- ’ ‘ J? ’ Vanwassenhave of Newport j ?.a7 p- superintendent; divine' wo'r- itarian basis! visited at the Ed M urphy home i h iP; I 1 “ „JP L eyemng service ut a . Sunday school at 9 45. H er- ’ » a«.«»! E puortb League a t "«»----- 6.30 W e , 1 mon topic ‘ What w i l l V p riivp f ’kiz.lr C ♦ n 1 n AY 1_ Tx, « This X »410 week M l WK niy statistics show f last week-end. --- — • «..Jit X •*— m ull vv/xyiv, ........................... and and Mrs. Mrs. Ed Ed Demmin. ac- ac- »Hi continue our ?Ur. evangelistic meet- Me?"—M ath. ath. 26. 26. 15. 15. You You are are alio also vniCK s ta rtin g Mash. It S th a t the prf present nation-wide ad- Mr. Mr. Demmin. meci" Me?”—M made bv exDertg G r o w « vanee vance ln in business is levelling oil. companied by Mr. and Mrs Charles rou8hout the coming week, invited to attend the Lenten serv- li ta u e experts. U r o w s although the Babsonchart shows K rafim er of Hillsboro, spent Sun- bLO6‘n ?^ on uMarch, 24. Service will fees In the high school auditorhim SA FE better and stronger Chicks, activity is eight per cent above last day at the Wes 8andy home in ^eld each evening a t the church tonight «Thursdayi a t 8 o’clock M oi G,«, * 4 v i j March and within 16 per cent of Mountaindale. a t 7:30. The music is under the (Rev. e . H inrichs of Blooming will Not the cheapest to be had. normal. Mrs. S tretcher Tues- ?ir -Ctn Isaacs XJI1 and V r C speak on "Oethsemane ■ "Blessed ....... . J. . . M s . V V .« » .» o spent p -liy X U C .7 - ö U h o s a f i°^ i W? Thomas • -------a----- V I lS V D ] l ' ubi is hern’ f-manc Bureau day with Mrs. S. S. S team s n ear ^ r s . Rhoda Re nn Ison of Forest are they th a t hear the Word oi It takes quality feed t o Copyritrht 19 Middleton. Grove. P rayer meetings are being j o o d and keeD i t ’’ ,,, Scholls Ladies' Aid will present iiel.d four m ornings each week from 7 grow real chickens. Ask for ese club leader, renowned 'traveler membership. A splendid \ Next Sunday m orning the pas- literature on the Hodge J. M. PERSON, Manager (Continued from p .Ke onei and lecturer at Scholls O range « ..n S v ’^ n m l n i 1’ ViS m eet" wU1 discuss the topic. "The Brew ster way Having,« A Loan BMf. lature which v o t e d commercia. Ma^ u£ P- L‘«ht " f . t h e Hillsboro, Oregon on t h e palace o f tend these services.— Charles M ----------- . ‘ Reed, minister. Feed - Seed - Eggs and Poultry upper Columbia river when i 1 1 visited in her travels. The Scholls Congregational Church Ready for the Spring agreed to the use of seines above orchestra and choir will assist with Phone 3061 C hurch school. 10 a. m.; morn the Bonneville dam. the program. A small admission Ing worship. 11 sermon, "Listening • • • will be charged. Patrons of small loan companies ^?r - and M rs. Lyle Potter, newly- to the Voice of God." | were granted some additional pro- "X Is: uWereu„c.h ar!yaripd. Monday Pentecostal Tabernacle lection from the shylocks in th at neighbors T h e i triik th»end‘\ “ T 1 r \ O N ’T risk life and Sunday—Sunday school, 10 a. m.. w ’ hm h m tere,the i egiSlatUre 'a £ r t a l ^ e n ^ ? Vw ^ morning BEAUTY SHOPS your car by neg­ worship. 11; young people's PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON I to limit interest charges on loans enjoyed. i service, 8:30 p. m.; evangelistic The annual spring lecting y o u r brakes! service, 7:45 p. m.. Tuesday, prayer of $30 and under to three per cent clean-up can be made Drive in here for a re ­ meeting^ 7.45 p. m. Thursday. Bible ( a month the same as th a t on loans EVE’S BEAUTY SHOP a . O. PITMAN. M. D. a more joyful task if lay, evan- lining job, and he set ! in ! n .La l?g- r am amounts. study 7:45 p. m. Saturday, 2U acres all !„ larger ount«. The fight to cut G eneral Beauty Work rte'd fru it' i r J . " .V “ h ? ° h '„ ¿ S7 c h a r 8 es o " la r g e r lo an s m. Harry P IIY H K T A N and St'RCKON you are well supplied for hitting t h e open Downey, pastor. sorted fruit trees, electric lights, i failed I'ermsnenl» snrt sit Linds of X -R » r and P h r.ln -T h e r.,, with tools and equip­ road fo r spring! Wit private water system, good bam • • . beniity work. Commwelsl N .llo n .l | l , nk nM „ Whosoever Will Tabernacle m ent to m ake the job rhlcken house, and garage. Only ,' The proposed consolidation are experts — and it t Con filmed from patre one) Telephone 13U1X 1H miles from Hillsboro. 1 - .‘»nsonoaiion of Newberg an d ' T llïa m œ k ' won a close! Sunday vhooV '"111 P lalns’ light and quick. Office m i T * |r i,hon- , pays you to get- the Price state aitlvittes which wu throira „me 7 from ' Dallas. Ha ir o n y H ills b o ro Pharmacy 10 a. m.. A ttend- rii game ‘ au n “ ay $3000, term s Kealdence 7ilZ b e s t! Into the lap of the lawmakers ln lliiis k m ... .... , ance ls stl11 mowing. This month '241 Till.m m A we finish a quarter year study of tne closing day.«; of the session is 8 F Garden Tools Bitu rrik'nrt n^r the Apostle Peter, his life and i to receive the attention of an ln- ii"?*1 3 F 1. WHlkor Insure with Sanitary Beauty Shop letters. I t has been a benefit to DR. 1). E. WILEY, M D. i p? mnilttee for the next two k & , » o Household Tools AH kinds of Hrniitv Work all. You are welcome to study with 1. Rediger TUALATIN VALLEY years. Governor M artin decided th a t T..rb«, i FHyslelan and Surge«» us. The pastor will speak a t 11 a. «. Hohlfeld PERMANENTS INSURANCE AGENCY ¡the problem was too big to be u n - :G^’af "• 2 s House Cleaning K, Moore m. on "The Revelation of the n "pedal! y H n rry I,« clin » . dertaken in the few remaining days Wells Building C hurch,” 3 p. m.. "The Re.storatlon Supplies Telephone 1471 ( ®essl°n and called the bill W E II/H A PAR TM EN TS Telephone»« (back The i . „ . , Program will probably' Paints Mnhd He h on dal O ,,|r i 2» *2 IU .ld .n c . 2 0 , bi„ b“£ k ,ln the next re8’ilar ses­ L. 8. Campbell, Prop. 1314 Main .Street sion backed by the recommenda- DENTISTS All these you will find Towing Phone 1703 Night Call 3.11 ; L ° f ..the comnilttee which is GARBAGE COLLECTION Hillsboro. Oregon Across from O. E. Depot , to take it under consideration here a t prices most I - ____ _ The Only Station with Complete economical. DR RALPH DRESSER Service Sav you saw it In the Argus G arbage Collection Dentist “Evening in Paris” FACE POWDER and cans $1.00 Commercial Building Mr». McCulloch President— P. T. A. Meet Tonight Star Class Party Tonight— A. B. Flint Honored Don’t Risk Offending EFFECTIVE RHEUMATIC R E L IE F ! Home Laundry & Dry Cleaners P ly m o u th First CADY MOTOR CO. $ C Build Your Castle oí Stone V ) f ¡rirffl Reedvillc Hillsboro Concrete Brick 8C Tile 4% SA FEG U A R D Hodgen-Brewster BRAKES REIINED „.Capitol News Letter ^ s-®ia,?ie-vJ-Chln' Farmers’ Cash Store I S = " ,,S Chln- „ L Washington Savings & Loan Ass’n Baptist church ~ HILLSBORO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Clean-up Cosy Little Home Hilhi Hoopsters Lose in District Tourney 3, Long The Texaco Station W. G. IDE S a tu rd a y Special The Memorial The fortunes and heritages which men leave behind are un­ certain. insecure, estates and in­ heritances may and do p a s s . )nly the Memorial will positive- I.v stand forever as a remindei and a history of those v\ ho lived and passed beyond. PERFUME and LIPSTICK......................... A rm and’s Set a ll $i PALM n r iim « t o d k . .50 BRISTOL D. P. CORRIERI Telephone 144 Kveniriffa, Rtmdnya by Appointment HARDWARE COMPANY INSURANCE RUBBER STAMPS GEORGE T. McGRATH buy your Wn.hington Conntr Next door to Venetian theater Telephone 2325 Agencies rubber STAMPS IN H tIR A N C R HRRVICR • WANT-ADS First Nslinnal llank I ’hons 2211 . " ,r ................... RulMIng H llhhon. 1 n'w ' " 8 « from HILLSBORO ARGUS '«• A - « » « « ............. The A c . . .