H IL L S B O R O Page Four Responsibility Desired JflllsbonjflÊMr g us ARG U S. H IL L S B O R O . OREGON Grand Jury Files Thurtulay, March 14, 1935 T H E G R E A T A M E R IC A N H O M E D eferring consideration of the cabinet Eight Indictments form of governm ent for the state until the next legislative session and for fu rth er W ith Which la C ettbU ad the lltll»kere Independent 4('o n tin u «l from va$re one) Hillsboro A rguì «.tab l#»4 Hillsboro lnd«t»endent aatab 187« study by an interim comm ittee is logical Allen, Fred A. Brady. Elite M An­ Mary Johnson. Jam es K. M rkIN NK Y A M rkIN NK Y. Pnkli.her» action. A proposal containing s u c h a derson. Ensley. O srar S. Shifter and John Published Tttur»«lay*. Entered a* eeeonil-Mnn» m atter in the drastic change in our form of govern­ e ro g h in o Judge h K Zim mer­ poetoffie* at Hillsboro. Oregon ment must have plenty of study and con­ m an of Astoria Is presiding. M r s . E. c . M c K i n n e y verne M c K inney sideration and such could not be had in Jury panel for the M arch term Associate E ditor E d itor the closing days of the legislature. F ur­ of court will report for duty on Monday therm ore. it is highly controversial and ■Oregon State Edl- First Audited Paper Lam - te ria l Association and N a- eat Audited W «rbljr lir c u la - Three suits to collect contribu­ has been badly beaten by the people. tio u al E d ito rial Association tioo In Orevon alleged to be due under the Menil»er <*f the A u d it Bureau of C irculation W e believe th a t the cabinet form , if tions w orkm ens compensation act were enacted, would prove more efficient than filed Friday by the slate lndus- O F F IC IA L NEW SPAPER OF W A S H IN G T O N CO UNTY the present hodge-podge and would event- trial accident commission. Dcfend- S e te rrip tie n Rate« S tn c tly Caafc in Advance uallv be an economy move for the state, ants in the eases are c e . Riley of 12.00 P er y e a r __ ___________ I l M U S O r tai da O iw o n It w o u ld Place n l a c e inc the lesponsionnj resnonaibilitv io for r tlie Bdlsboro, iv. M Struve inamto of of s l co AIO it W0UK1 inc neUus Wlt, 1’ B runo u r r- - Foreign Co ontrim ________ .81 S ix month» conduct of state governm ent directly in wood roU|e a T h e R illaboro Argue a»»ume» no financial rewpon»ibility for the hands of the governor, w here it be- Rav Clark S ndth of Portland was error» publi«hed in it» column», but in ca»«» w here thia paper la a t fa u lt w ill rep rin t that part of an ndvertteement in which longs, who under the present set-up gets arrested Tuesday on a still opera­ the typographical m istake occurs. tin' . blame .......... but is . w ithout the pow er to , ,, , Orders in the following circuit A n Independent New» pa per. Whoae Service» and Policies get results w anted. , . » court eases were issued this week: a re Oased on the P rinciple of the Golden K u la — ’’ And as ye Responsibility in the conduct of gov- Union C entral Life Insurance com- would that men should do to you. do ye alao to them like­ wise.” M atthew 7:12. ernm ent as in the operation of a business pany vs. J. s. Culbertson et al. is a very desirable feature. We predict °rt*er: Atusust Oiuidoif vs. Edgar t tnai b it sucn s u c h a pian nlan m could irreat deal R eh John w . et p u v Hood order; Mabel Evans um . with w an a great ueai ys dlsnilssa,. Disgruntled Always Write of satisfactory results for the people, be C. C Edwards vs. Oregon Electric Some belligerent senate attitude on carried down into the county and other Railway company, order; Marte Ed- th e NRA is no doubt caused by the letters governm ental subdivisions. wards vs. Oregon Electric Railway company, order; William C. Haber- from the disgruntled few. The “chiseler” setzer ys. M B. Bump, executor, and others, who have little regard for do- overruling dem urrer; Albert Fuchs ing business on a fair basis and with fair vs. Henry Ulmer et al. order; Fed­ treatm ent for employes and consumers, is eral Land bank of Spokane vs. W alter H. Campbell et al. confir­ bound to put up a holler. The great m a­ mation of sale; 8. W aldemar Torn- jority are satisfied and pleased th at it blade vs. Edith Okell Tornblade, de- , Criticizes Partisanship has brought some order back into busi­ fault, decree; G race Johnson vs. ness and are naturally silent. You only Looking back to th e time when they were young Nettie R Metzger et al. publication men, intelligent printers of fifty to sixty years will of summons; J. w. Mott, receiver, h ear from those with complaints. wonder why greater strides have not been made to- vs. Claude L. Roy et ux. order; The vote . . of last November was . . . . . . , ward tru er and greater ra th e r th an bigger and Equity Finance company vs. Charles mighty good indication of how the wind nasluer daily newspapers. W Brome et al. default, decree. blows and those senators and representa- The printing press Is still a mighty power for Equity Finance company vs. C lau d e. fives, who went into office on the coat- good, nothw ithstanding tlie receding influence of L Rov etux. decree: Liquidation of tails of President Roosevelt, should bear many large m etropolitan dailies. Shute Savings bank, order regards this in mind Those who are coming up . ®ome Of these big newspapers h a te cried to th e T R. Davis assets; Liquidation of t m s in m i n u . t n o 1 H P heavens for protection of the - liberty of th e press.- Bank of Beaverton authority to I for a vote next year should also keep it W hat about the liberty of th e people? Entrenched sell personal property, order to sell ’ ’ as they are by a practical monopoly of news sources, personal property in mind. Probate orders were Issued in 1 These senators and our legislators these big city owners of daily newspapers know th a t a m ulti-m illionaire would dare challenge them the estates of John R Stephen- should realize th at this act has served as only in competition. And m ulti-m illionaires usually agree gon e Gustave Fischer Louise protection to the small business man with th eir policies. Burch. C. M. Shaffer, J.' Carson I The liberties of the people have been more en- Middleton S Hanckel Mary e ' against the encroachm ent of those big or­ ganizations. that were gradually taking dangered by such newspapers th an the liberties of p a tton Floyd Green Jam es J ' F e l- ' ton. Nora E. Thurston. Charles G. over control of all business in this coun­ newspapers have been endangered by American gov- Crawford. Elizabeth E lta Preston. try’- It will be a sorry day . for this coun- em inent. In Chicago, to point an example, one publisher C ynthia Smith. Winfield S c o t t try when all business falls into the hands in particular compels practically every departm ent sp ark s Jam es R. McPoland and of the few and the independent business of the paper to lend a helping hand In his vicious Katie Busse. G uardianship orders m a n is t h i ng n e oi o f th nasf partisan political for the minors man is a a im ine e past. . of assaults. this u pcople, no ionser were Issued uca lur Ule Good minors. ________________ read th e "cooked up” stu ff of the owners of such r-v • * i • Cannery Building Program Started Work of prepiulng fooltnipt for the new warehouse nt the Itny- Maltiig eniinery wiw tH guii WetlneM- dwv On the Mime day Ule pour­ ing of concrete for tlx* new porch on (lie east Mde of the |M*OMont building wax begun Contract for the work In held by Charleh W Brtx of IMrtliuul P or­ tions of the work in to be aub-let and I(w al men are to be employed in ever) jx ^ lb le tnstanee J . UUlLOtJGH&V SMITH, lUHAT ACE YOU DOING- f WHY ACe iD u P u t t i n g u p t h e s e t w o ­ s '. - r o u e , ö ä a c e s Service Clubs Plan Joint Meet Monday Servicerluba of W ashington coun­ ty will hold a Joint meeting nt T i­ gard Monday night Klwaids, Ro­ tary and IJons clubs of Hillsboro, Forest Grove, Beaverton and Tl- gard will take ¡wilt in the rvent. Dinner Is planned al the Hi Anthony school and will be fol­ lowed by enlerfaliunrnt presented by the various clubs. County offl- err» and other civic leader* have 1 been invited to attend St. newspapers. Is it any wonder, then, with notable Seems Funny A labam a federal judge holds th at the Tennessee Valley A uthority cannot sell electricity to people in th a t section. It seems like a funny set-up when the people th ro u rt their yovernmenUI Mbdivi,ion. cannot sell to themselves. P rinters of the nation have been up against governm ental competition for years in the way of gov- ernm ent printed envelopes, but no fed- eral ju d g e has ever ruled against such a practice. ------------------------- Get the Revenue The state m ight just as well come out in the open on the m atter of slot m achines ana and oinei other sim macnine. sim ilar ilar devices aevices. Thev in e j seem to flourish in spite of law and if they are to exist the State should receive some revenue from the operation of such machines. Extra m eans of providing rev­ enue must be found so as to bring relief to property, which is exemplified to such ______________________ a great degree by the burden of taxes on farm nronertv * » *• ________________ Need Should Govern There has been waste in the govern­ m ent relief work, but one should rem em ­ ber th a t in such a great undertaking in a short period of time it is difficult to have everything run smoothly. One thing th a t should ever be forem ost in the minds of the committees and those in charge is th at under this plan where the taxpaying pocketbook pays the bill only those truly deserving and needing should be given work. ------------------------- r, • Pooling of state-owned autom obiles in- stead of assigning them to individual of- ficials and state departm ents probably will . be , undertaken by the state board of c i - l control as a means of curbing abuses. Such action would probably result in econ- omy with public-owned motor transporta- tion as we can see no excuse for these cars being available f»F private use on pleasure trips. ------------------------- W hen any industry helps its own cm- ployers and employes it helps the entire com m unity. People should bear this in mind and be square with them selves and the public in observance ol the codes. W hen they have the full backing of law th e re will be little to argue about as to tb k a a b o i im l i t y j oi o f inka NRA . t n p e w w o o r r K ______________ A m ericans have fought and bled for th eir country and its institutions. Reds and radicals should not be given a chance t o destroy the hard-w on heritage of t h e A m m erican e ric a n C citizen A iw z e n j u justice a u c e , i r freedom e e u o m a and no dem ocracy. --------- A nother indication of the better times here is the increased real estate activity re d ealers l e n p o o i- n te e u d h oy v i local u ib i u r a i I T itle St. Mary's basketball team now holds undisputed clultn to the coun­ ty grade school hoop championship bv virtue of defeating Galea Creek 31 to 11 at the Beaverton high school gymnasium Thursday after- I noon. Gales Creek was champion of the sm allrr schools and chnl- I lenged SI Mary'» to a pluy-olf I game. What Other Editors Say M iss Dixon T e ll, G range About Tuberculin Her Stomach Topsy-Turvy Ucbt Adjustm ent Tir-,,,1 J P z in A iit exceptions, th a t m etropolitan dailies are losing th eir J Vv OUIQ n e n e i l l power with the masses. And this, by th e way. Is a P Jjj-j A ir lq F a r m « . tragic fact. The Huey P. Longs prosper because of * *s*lll»| The unicam eral legislative plan did such a condition. Men and women become so bitter iContinu«d fro m p * < * «n»i not get very far in the legislative session, toward such newspapers th a t when one of them tJ’ committees were formed In ev- due no doubt to m anv reasons. To US it attacka a real enemy of the people, sym pathy for er>Onc“ u " tJ - „ iM itiq li k e a "m nve in t h e r i tr h f d i r e c t i o n th e cnem>' u a t onct’ engendered. This gives con- y nl> l * o of these county com- seems like a move in tne Ilirectn n. thm eq public life to th e most unworthy individuals. niittees failed to accomplish w orth- Under tne present plan those opposing1 Rabid political newspapers of any p arty consti- u'hile results, the annual report the one-house legislature hold th a t the two tu te a pull-back to th e urge for nobler and b etter shows. During the two years of houses act as a check and balance. One things in life. voluntary farm debt adjustm ent t h i n e in c p r t u in it n o r m it « a lo t o f “ h n c k No one Questions th e wisdom of editors who work ln Oregon it Is estim ated th at thing IS, certain. It permit, a lot Ot buck strenuously and honestly differ with governm ent ■ln the neighborhood of 3300 cases passing and the lack Ot responsibility, adm inistrations. Such opposition is th e sign of were adjusted in one way or an- One house with a more substantial com- political h ealth In a republic and m ust continue as other As an average case general- pensation to a ttra c t the highest type of «*<*. involved about five creditors, it TDPn r n H w o m p n w o u ld w p h p lip v p rp n e t' But when Apparent animus, pjkrtisiin bias and pLOORble that around 17.500 debts 5 "hii b e le fk Of ; State and would be ^ - p r — lmn characterize the whoie m akeup of were adjusted . with a total scale almost every page, such a publication becomes mere- down estim ated ln excess of $2.500,- economy in the long run. All law m akers ly another public enemy. 000. The people of America have lost th e D anas and Besides the chairm an and see­ under such a plan would feel a greater the Greeleys in large centers of population, with retary. the state officers included responsibility. M a ry ’s Defends County Hoop Local G roup Plans Visit T. B. Hospital lie ’ll Help Direct U. S. Work-Relief Visit to the tuberculosis huspitnl nt Salem will be made by n dele* gallon of county teachers and o th ­ er Interested persons Monday morn- 1 ing. according to Miss M argaret Dixon, county nurse. The group plans to arrive at the hospital at ' 10-30 a. m Persons Interested In taking part In the trip and able to help fu r­ nish transporflitlon are asked t o ! get in touch with the county nurse J at the court house. E. E. Sharon, Odd Fellow Scribe, Dies on Tuesday E. E. Sharon, 73, grand scribe oi the Grand Encumpinent ol Ore gon odd Fellow-, and form er grand eeretary of the G rand ludgr in Oregon, died In Portland Tuesdai night lollowing an illness of m - v eral weeks Mr Shuron was Well known to members ol the I o o F and Rebekalis In Washlnglon county and had often visited lodge. In this county Double B ill Booked at Local T h ea te r Sunday A double bill will be given al the Venetian theater Sunday. Mon- das and Tuesday The program in ­ cludes G reta Garbo in "The P ain t­ ed Veil," and Edna Mae Oliver and Jam es Gleason ln "M urder on the H oneymoon" Her life imperilled by a rare physical ailm ent. Alyce Jane Mc­ Henry. 10, of Omaha, managed a courageous smile while en route to a Fall River, Mass., hospital for an operation. A diaphragm rupture which turned her stom ­ ach nearly upside down has com­ pelled her to live almost entirely on lee cream. ___ M V M IS T A K K heard the story told of W ash- i when he wba ju » | a bey, And w ith hl» a» cut down a cherry tree. , And when hi» fa th e r came to him w ith anger in hl» eye. A n d roared "W h o did thl» a w fu l th iin r’ ,” .*4aid G eor*e, ” 1 canmn lie . ” I*m *'»rr> that I cut it down . I faer you'll puniah me . H ut ;u»t the «ame. I ’ ll tell the tru th , fo r I cut down your tre e.” 1‘4 H fa th e r ga<«l in plea»«! »urpriae «neh h tru th fu l M g Kt I told the atorjr everywhere w ith u . m ,- . ,.r W . and J.U- Teata Miss Margaret Dixon, county i nurse, explained the tuberculin lest to members of Hillsboro G range s Saturday afternoon Additional pro­ gram included a debate on "Ke- j solved. Thai Oregon Should have a One-House Legislation," with the negative side winning; and guitar •elections by Mrs Fred Caldwell. A r,-solution criticising Governor M ar­ tin lor his rem arks about the grange lobby was also approved Form er West Pointer »nd e« cavalryman. Gen. Robert K. Wood, above, prenident of Sears, Roebuck X Co., watt named to head the aperlal advisory com m lttee which will aid President Roosevelt In allocating the huge adm inistration work relief fund I 111 O I I O I I I MrCRANNER Theodore McCranncr. formerly ol cast of Hillsboro, died Tuesday in Portland He Is survived bv his widow. Mrs Flora M cCranncr F u ­ neral services were held this morn- , ing < Thursday) from Calvary T aber- j nacii' In Portland If you change your nddreas kind­ ly notify like Argus direct and a t once. I oo Late to Classify I .I W T H lllfuM ! . « » * , „ H U M .» ,, lorrw t G ro t, l.ilwrwl rew ard A illiam M n k r n a . Hi | Hillabor« IlH O U h «>w f..r M»l« Il A lU r lw r . H IwHth A re rim r rallraM l N O T H F TO ( M F IX T O M H In Ih r Counlx Court of Ow Mtete <»f O r*- Ron. fur Wa»htriRton County In the M atlro of lh * Kat««» ,,f (Jolt- h«4> lla u rr. I N o tir« 1» hmrUiy » lv*n that th« un«l*r MRfirvI ha» lx>rn duly ro n firm « ! hy Ih r M oom * Have Social— few exceptions. But. thanks to th e country dailies E A McCornack of Eugene as M (X W > 1(Xjg<. and weeklies, and good books, th e power of the ; rice-chairm an, and s 1 x district as, to attra c t attention. These , ................................ ‘s t u î T b ^ k œ ° ïv ,.’ —■— ,______L | infants were both born November 24. Jacqueline Dean Jackson whose civilization throughout the world.—Printing Industry .district Is George Fullenwider of . X-rents re s id e at r a w .d e iliwlk« «•" H* “r' “ ' wfc» •‘""d nu?X- Mare»» 29. at tlM old Orange hai C a r l t o n . W h ile t h e e n n n t v nr»mrwi»_ c . . . j t> president. h a ll A p r o g r a m * III g l \C lt U lld Carlton, while the county commit- Stevenson. ? Wash., and R i c h a r d W In, h eh«een i * . I , I I . a m oral .lau n ch and Iru a the public lit i n v it e d tee consists of W C. Christensen, Henry M artin at Salem. Jacqueline to folk» Ilk * y«»u and I. R. Findley, Cedar weighed ‘ ** 15 ounces at birth, and Lh»* *<• mu»t »iway» t*u ih r tru th , ami Hillsboro; H ~ ~ “ Mr and Mrs Lee Clark and f.tm- li* • Il Mill; J. M. Vanderzanden R oy. Richard went down to 28 ounces ' Hv were Bunday guests <>r Perry soon after birth. Yet both are llv- , a n d ing be. a„rf Rusco and m other In Portland I.»at M ill an,| TralaninG ,,f m*t,| and gaining. Just as are the s ""’a .,- ^••«1. and ha. duly qu«lifi«1 a . . U( h sisters. Both were registered n „i. ,hi„» hk< t^ .ry i. 47 p e r , h e r« .f ’ fr ” m *«»• cubator" suggests the fact petitors. hunt ■ cherry tree. cent. Merrill, Lynch A C o . repot ts keeping such babies alive Is a m od­ Oeteal th U 1 ith day of March. )»3Y THE DOCTOR MEETS THE It is bad enough to know th a t there is business e r n achievement, depending o n arm ed w ith m other’» butcher knife. , A l w „.,_ A ___ . I | »»V *U*uj*< Li t‘ »r of the CRISIS place after business place along F irst street to equipm ent J not available In former J I -rih e i the i.wt, .ro u n d , . Ask your attorney to send your it. . 2. -»d de* I By Ore»nn S lat» Board o f H e alth) for which no Newberg - p - rin ter ever delivers an order. hra.el, >«»> advertising to the Argus. i?r.7„.» 1 , A great moment was th a t on tim es and on doctors and nurses i i w t ., m t „ » i ,f I f.m nd a tree. 4-N using a technique which was ac- <-m it down , I ____ It is worse to see grocery and other stores contin- May 28. 1934. soon after midnight, qulred through the centuries No 1 1 at 'b . only t r w th a t I r « u l d '. r e » » • ulng week after week to shower our doorstep and when Dr. Allan Roy Dafoe, for a wonder Dr. Dafoe declared th a t in .. • fu n n r little .h ru h lawn with handbills and dodges printed out of Quarter-century a country doctor. keeping the Dionne babies alive ',7’.U ” '' ‘"„h"* "n" ! ,w" town “ Jf* J® know th a t seldom If ever does a cus- Obstetrical ‘case'sinr^’ simdowOC° nd l t.h e.i* rst. . week was a nightm are, j H . „ w a, OTn„ lt w. , „ , tomeBruih^ rsV> " UiX m “ w “ a c T q i e r i ^ h ^ o by- Of 32 other cases of quintuplet much to view, if no cherry tree wa» near, recorded in the last 500 years, one i » „ u , ? Ut ,or t f a11 f® th e short sighted economy New York City last December, he •range tree would do. which puts correspondence from our city hall into told a rapt audience of 3000 in group of five lived an hour, and . , . , , .. envelopes printed by the United States governm ent Carnegie hall: "I scrubbed up In of another group one survived 50 j . . . . . . . B IG JE R S E Y , G U E R N S E Y and H O L S T E IN S A L E doays. Until Dr Dafoe, only physl-! 1 *>. >nd It t h « . , i»n«l wherked it a ll around. —the most unfair, most cut thro at com petitor a the best way I could, and took over clan In a village of 600 people and U n til the little orange tree lay flat the situation.' H alf-asleep from the P an tin g office ever knew.—Newberg Scribe Jess Pangborn farm . 3 miles east of Tillamook upon the ground. work he had done previously th at serving an area of 400 square miles. other, upetaira, henrd the rraah, night, his long training as a coun­ stepped Into world fame, no other And m and running, ram e to »ee baby than the six ol the 160 m en ­ try doctor, enabled him to come The <*au»e of it. and when »he »pievl the out of the daze to which he con- tioned lived as much as an hour ru in « l orange tree. It has been announced by the _ treasury ___ , depart fesses and to write his name for 30 no onc need surPrUcd th a t And when I «aid ” 1 cannot lie ,” did »he . 60 head young, high class, double-tested cows, upon the spot ™ ™ shl? gtJo n th ? i ,,the World war C06t us as long as medical literature shall nVi^06^ m S - m p ^ whi ^ k $41,000.000.000. Andrew Mellon claims th a t lt cost endure by the feat of trin g n Nobel prize ln medicine, which Embrace me w ith a pririeful ki»». N o t fresh and springers. Ahaoiutely n o t ! five children Into the world and Previously has gone to research dis­ us $ I t ’s a tidy sum, but lt did not keeping them ali?e "I WM eoverers. But the country doctor break us, and we are paying it oil. It a w ar was S h e'd "* h i' SidI his ch arg ed a^dlZ has gone back t0 h b Callander Hight there in fro n t of everyone, »he Sale Start« at I I o'clock jerked me crane her knee. worth th a t huge sum, isn’t it worth a fourth of It, ence, "to find th a t two babies had Pidi're'Y befi’i n e1" " 1' th a t ” And «natched her slipper o ff her foot, or less, to find a way out of th e depression? Com­ already been born and a third was wnere 1 belong. Special transportation rates — Lunch served. and xoundly paddled m e! pare the costs.—Oregon Journal. .She »lapiied me and »he l»<»««l my ear», arriving. The atten d an ts told me and oh. the thing» -»he »aid! Births And then w ithout a bite to eat, »he »ent rr.e up Io bed. Deck—To Mr. and Mrs Rollin She told my »lad when he came home, he recalled, unreal and dreamlike?" P ^ th e 0 M ^M innvnjp^osDital' * Blrl and then he »folded, too, He didn’t think the babies could V iT ^ T o and Mr- PW alter Orr And *aid m y w a»teful. wicked way» would breuk him up, he knew. T h en S heh beraS,VZCadla™ ^d a T t h e of Schohs. M a r c ^ liI 'a ° r, condition of thJ? £ o t h i r d =nd ril? Vanderzanden To Mr. and M rs.is-- I’», d- ,.n-i w.y i her he dashed o f f m t ^ n a n d -d u£if George Vanderzanden of north o f 1 name. Fifteen Years Ago I (4 not fo r me nn«l I m in t find another sh nod ‘WJSL.“ ?,d a half Forest Grove. March 12. a boy way to fame. Argus. March 11, 1920-Juiius J. Meacham 79. miles and brought a priest. j E••»• m y fo lk * aren 't much like hi», that T hus ln newspaper language op­ Civll^war veterans, died here M arch 7 fa r t is plain to »ee, Examiner Coming Banks elects following officials: W L. Moore, ens the story of the five Dionne | f* o> o-lerinic the fu»« they made about mavor W O Galawav W O W a l k e r w u 15iste5s oi C alen d er, Ontario. Two) M artin Redding, examiner of op- th a t oranye tree. mayor. w. o . Gaiaway, w o . w alker. Cass Wil- families among Oregon citizens in crators and chauffeurs, will be In VENUS BU NN KLL. son, council; R. C. Coffield, recorder; Leona Walker, the year th a t has Just closed wel- Hillsboro M arch 20. at the court treasurer, and O D. Dreeszen. marshal. corned babies so much under weight house from 9 a m. to 5 p. m. Say you saw lt ln tire Argus. Helen Mary Brown. 4. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Brown, of Laurel, died M arch 7. Hillsboro club endorses Dr. W. D. Wood for secretary of state Hilhi boys’ and girls' team s deefat Beaverton, . Report of Messrs. Hare. Wall and Long at HLll.s- ^5i7,,/1^VOI^„,17i1|medljlte 'm provem ent a t Shute paik. including pavilion for dancing, A T BARNS OF Large quantity of clothing stolen from c c store. J w Brock 65. dropped dead at his home north MODERNIZING and repairing will m aintain and im­ of H11Lsb<,ro this morning Keep Your Printing at Home ouiu,e Krau.„ DAIRYMEN ATTENTION March 26, 1935 H U G H E S , Auctioneer A uction Sale Interstate Horse and Cow Market Thirty Years Ago Union A venue and Colum bia Blvd., Portland Argus. M arch 16, 1905 A. A. Mead awarded con­ tract for Improving, grading and ditching Cornell road from Cedar Mill to M ultnom ah county line. William Schulm erlch reports th a t his 27 cows netted him. each. $93 88 in returns from the eon- Wednesday, Mar. 20 denser 1:15 P. M . A" j'‘->ement company Bagley s ^ c r e u ^ , and A. c S . r o w X r These three with w o. Donelson and John w Bailey make up the board of directors. . Fre^ o lsen - William Tucker, Frank Sholes and „ t . A all C pl shute Plan somP ginger b cture h ere t 10 hls Put year N ew groun Into dg w the l „ base- lo _ i cated on the F air Grounds west of the city. Forest Grove city council directs th a t b' Ppa‘i i?* % fhort A V liquor J v,at£°n' InJ(unct,lon sou«ht '‘P c*rcu‘t c°urt ; Board of Trade adopts new constitution and by- ,aws Temporary officers become perm anent as fol- lows p resident. W H Wehrung, president; B P. vlcc. F M Held,., sccretary. w Cornellu-s. o 1>)n. ! elson, treasurer; Mr. Wehrung, Mr. Cornelius. L A | Long, Dr F. J. Bailey. W V. Wiley, A. C Shute and Ed Schulmerlch, directors. Jam es A. and Mrs. Anna Mauzey Im brle ob- sei've silver wedding anniversary. Independent company on Sec- ond gtreet wjth Telephone M|SS Jennk. ^ . ^ , „ 5 located , . M operatOT. GULFSTRFAH S T R A IG H T W H IS K E Y 8M0MTHS01D m a OREGOM'SFWORITE WHISKEY MOW IN PINTS AND QUARTS SELLING CARLOAD or more HORSES and Mules, w eight 1100- 1800 lbs., 3-year-oIds to smooth m ouths; many well m atched team s and single horses, for farm , orchard or heavy d ra ft work-. They will be sold on 3 flays’ tria l— if not as rep­ resented to be returned in same condition as bought and money will be returned. AND BROS., A u ctio n eer. For Sale Dates Phone 614, Vancouver. Hi which we WE WILL RE GLAD to give you suggestions and estim ates on building and repairing. Q u a lity Lum ber and M aterials at Reasonable Prices For credit see your own local banker. No horses sold private on sale day. WOOD ■ 1 Hre ,,, operating. I'OR I* INAN( ING you can make arrangem ents with your hanker, if you prefer, or we are equipped to make your Federal Housing Loan direct with all details going only through our office. HORSES - MULES CLYDE W . prove the value of your property. It m a profitable investment now. Repairing and mod­ mt ABr. coort;* ernizing can be financed at low in- I 'l'i'st rales under III.' provisions of (he *5 D * B PRODUCTS CORP. SCON Æ '-ju P t - ’ - à ' ' C -rt*#* / r. c w . n Ii t u ?SL -. l v r - Direct from Mill to You - Carnation Lumber Company Phone 20 South End of F ifth St., Forest Grove