Thursday, March I I, 1935 H I L L S BORO Buxton Folk Give Shower Prayer Versus Persecution T i'ili Aria 13:0-17 ARG U S, If I L L S K G R O , O R E G O N Farmington to Present Play Their Film Work Voted 1921’s Best T he lesson Is given us an ex- nuipla of tho "P ow er of United ■1’ruyer" (tuple for young peuple and a d u lts) or of "How P ray er Help»** (In term ed ia te and senior Mri. Burkhalter H onored— topic). Aa such It needs Judicious exposition. Aid to Meet W ednesday It can he given a som ew hat m ate ria listic ex pod (Ion and ap­ I ll y < Mth«'nri« Iti'itvi plication hardly In harm ony with FA RM ING I ON F arm in g to n L a- facta of present day experience. I die club will give a play. "I lie T here may, of course, alw ays he | H iring a n d th e Hiring.' S a tu rd ay In our m inds the consciousness evening at, 8 o ’clock a t the F’a rm - th a t p ra y er m ight accom plish a , liigton school. Everyone Is cordial- g re at dual m ore th an we realize ' ly Invited to a tte n d No adm ission. hut a charge will be m ade for su p - If our fa ith and our tru s t la ' ' per God's power were deeper and Cecil Boge s p e n t S a tu rd ay In I m ore persistent. I'n rtlan d with W ebster Dalby on j the tan k er, S 8. T ejon. N evertheless, to suggest th at Evelyn and R alp h T u rn e r and m ate ria listic deliverance from Im­ h n n y Caldwell of P ortland visited p risonm ent and bonds will alw ays I i Jo a t th e W. T. P u tn a m a n d E, L come In answ er to p rayer would K ra u s hom es Sunday be to m iss the real point and Mrs. B u rk h a lte r Honored Mrs. Edwin B u rk h a lte r was p lea s­ tru th of the lesson T lio I n te rn a tio n a l U niform Miinilay School l.caaon fo r M arch Delegat« Named— W. B. A. 17. • • • to Sponsor Dance Friday / ' IN E ItA l.I.Y sp e a k in g , wo Hunk of a m ao who bus been ( lly M i JpRa« Mcycra) Ini prisoned a* a bad m an, ono 1 HIXTON A show er wax given who lias sin n ed a g a in s t society. Ml m id Mi Ixiuls K uul I illicit iK v u I h ll th is Is nut alw.iya Hue. Nelson) u t llir G runge hull M arch P risons, h isto ry rev eals, luivn 'I M any lovelv anil uselul gift» luid n way of confining n o t only Were rta rived A huge angel toixl cake, mailt' liy the bride's m other, thn w ry hud, lint also tho w r y P e ter, fo r oxainplu, wus Mrs. N. I* Nelson, was served t h e ifood crowd. T he evening was spent In In prison dancing A large crowd wax In a t ­ Someone bus snhl th a t m ankind tendance. In Ils progresa th ro w s out a van­ W 11. A No 29 m et In all-day guard and a re a r guard, anil c x io n Hatiirday with a birthday though the vanguard la very dif­ d in n e r h u iiii niin is Whose n irlh ferent front the re a r guard It euf- days are I I I M arch M em bers pit fere frequently as much from the r u t iKinoreil were Alii e K .lepp and Elsie Kelly, D inner guests w ire m lsiuidersiaiidliiR, hoatlllty. and H urry Webb, R euben Kelly, Wil persecution of thoee In the m ain llatn and 18-lmar Higgle. J e ,.e a n tly s u rp ris e d on h e r b irth d a y Meyers, Mrs Hom er Ite iiu rtt, Vel­ body, who will not to lerate e ith e r F eb ru ary 28 P re se n t were M r and the prophet, who Ig In advance of f p i l B Im portant th in g Is th a t m a lte llie rlo rd W auneta Pearley Mrs Erwin B u rk h a lte r a n d M r -1 Pet, society, or the crim inal, who h a r­ a n d Kleunor and L eland I‘owed ••ter was profoundly devoted a n d Mrs. Pearson a n d little d a u g h ­ Mrs Klslc Kelly was clmtirn to go I ries snclely from the rear. to the tru th of God. He cured ter to Ilia sta te convention u t I'endlc One mould Ihlnk th a t each age Mrs. C harles C lark e 's g ra n d d a u g h ­ far m ore ubout being faithful to ton In April mid Mr». E thel M eyers ter. little C h a rlo tte B ennett is still would lenru from th e m istaken of hie m ission than about w hether Is a lte rn a te A social m eeting with i sick a t the flood S a m a rita n hos­ a [sit luck d in n er will be held at preceding ages and rectify these he rem ained In prison or was re ­ pital a n d Is n o t m uch Improved. the hom e oi Mrs. P earl W a ts o n 1 things, hut th e ag eo ld process leased from prison. P atsy H ardin h a s re tu rn e d to S t M arch 27 Buxiueas m eeting:, here- ) goes on. M ary's orhix.l a fte r h e r Hines.' Wo a re never In a position to a lte r will be held .it the hall a t 1 W ithin our own generation Ladles' club m et w ith Mrs. W experience all th a t God’s power p in. the second H alurday o | n u l l ' th ere have been In Am erican T P u tn a m T h u rsd a y for a pot luck mny achieve until we have th a t mOUUl iinl llie c lm g s W ill lie belli d in n e r a n d quilting party. sublim e devotion to duty, th a t an- a t Ila* hom es id memlM’rs with |x it prisons and p e n ite n tiarie s men Aid Meets W ednesday whose only fault was the Inten­ concern about w hat may happen lin k d in n er th e fo u rth W ednesday F arm in g to n L adles' Aid m eets of each m onth. sity of th e ir conscientious objec­ lo ourselves, as long as we have w ith Mrs E da Boge M arch 20. A ward p arty wus given F r id a y 1 tion to war and killing. T he fact Mrs. Koblnson to E n te rtain th e stre n g th and the will io do n ig h t a t tile It J Kelly home Mrs C larence R obinson e n te r ­ th a t I I I I I I I y Of these hnve said, as what la rig h t and to epeuk the About 31) person* were present. tain s the ladles* club a t th e school P eter did. "We ought to obey God tru th ae we ought to apeak IL A dunce will he sponsored Friday ra th e r lh an m en." has m ade no basem ent M arch 21. T he grant th in g s th a t p rayer n ig h t n t the hall by th e W II A ladle« A cuiubUiaUon sinokei s e l difference has achieved have bappeued to­ Hoclvty Is still Into leran t of Its a n d m agazine rack will lx- presen t- I w ard those who had made th is T he production, " I t H appened ed sa in ts and Ils prophets, especially suprem o disposal of th e ir lives ac­ One Night,'* won top honors for H enerit M arch 23 whenover they dare In any way cording to God’s will. T here Is its e lf and th re e people connected A benefit dance will be sponsored to challenge the e jls tliig order, or no such th in g as sincere p rayer w ith It, aw ard s given liy the by the baseball boys M arch 23 al th e policy and a cts of a nation Mrs. C h a rlo tte Blatchley. 62. wife th a t b argains with God or th a t Academ y of Motion P ic tu re A rts tlie G runge hall here of L. E B latchley of Hillsboro, In a p a rticu la r circum stance. m easures w hat happens accord­ and Sciences revealed. C lark . Mrs Alice Schultz In in lAirtland died S a tu rd ay a t Salem . F u n e ra l ing to hum an demand. receiving m edical aid .services were conducted M onday Gable, left, and C laudette Col­ ' J ’llE ltE a re angels who visit Mr. a n d Mrs O tto Stowell and afternoon a t th e Donelson A l Sew ­ Hut when m an brings h it whole b e rt, show n above w ith Roscoe * sa in ts an K eith Wolf of n e ar N ew port were m il prophets In prison. ell chapel here w ith T P. Ooodln life under subm lssloy to the will K a rn s In a scene from th e pic­ week-end visitors of relatives here. How else could they survive end as read er In te rm e n t was a t the of God. he u n d erstan d s th a t th ere tu re . and D irector F ra n k K apra, Horn, to M r and Mrs Floyd continue th e ir work In the world? F ir la w n cem etery. la reality and power In prayer left, below, cap tu red .aw a rd s for Sloan i M erle Sim pson > of T acom a Mrs B latchley was born In Iowa. T here Is a stre n g th and power last week, a boy. th a t the worldly-minded can never best » o ik in 1934. F ebruary 20. 1873 S he Is survived of persistency In men of tru th A girl. A rlene May. wus born to by th e widower a n d one daughter, lly moved to T h e Dalles. H e Is understand, and th a t ofteD God Mr. am i Mrs A M artin of n ear end rig h t th a t gives (hem s Mrs E thyl Pauli of Hillsboro. answ ers p ra y er most p a rticu la rly survived by h is widow, a n d tw o here. M arch 4 S trangs power to triu m p h over In what seems to be tbe denial of Mrs N Mix'll was visited th is all m anner of persecution. T he daughters. G ertru d « a n d E thel, ol outw ard petitions. week-end by her m other, Mrs M or­ T he D alles; two sons, Cyril o l angel may not alw ays be m ate ria l­ gan. of n e ar Hunks T h e one significant accom plish­ Pendleton a n d G eorge of Moro; ised. chains may not he cast of? B a rt E llerm ler of P o rtlan d spoke m ent of all tru e praying Is In tbe Couple Honored his fath er, C harles K ru g e r of S h e r­ before a large crow d a t th e T ow n­ words of Jesus. "N evertheless not A c h ariv ari was given M r and as m iraculously as In th e rasa of send Old Age Pension club m eet- wood; five sisters a n d one b ro th ­ ’ •lo r. but the re ality goes on. M uiy w ill, b u t T blne. be done.** , , rs . 1 units . K . uoffiiuin by Buxton ' '* UNVERSITY O F OREGON. E u ­ e r He was a m em ber of the Sher-1 lng a t th e C h ristia n ch u rch Sunday lilend» a t th e ir hom e n e a r Hanks l gene, M arch 13. — B urke Tongue, woixl I. Q. O. F. — He spoke Instead of ‘ — W ~ F ~ B erger " M ^ r X e ^ n i c Dalle* v t s - ! S . “ ' M ountain, doe mounwaui. JVC Belltsh received a Hillsboro, p resid en t of Scabbard --------------------- ----- who was u nable to a tte n d . badly was ta ta k k e tn n to to announcvd a n d B la d e ' th m e llila full r >' honorary, A dvertising Helps EUerm ier urged all frien d s of th e • • frozen z e n i toe o c a and n a was in te n tio n has of lied a t tlie M W atson hom e last 1 Ed Lawson of W rstlm ber wax a a doctor In E’orest Grove A d r v ^ e r t S is e r n s ’ i h i ^ , ' i h n e o ' iie e ir Plan 10 w r>tc th e ir re them p re se n to tativ es .n S d n ™ in c ^ th *7. ___ I B uxton visitor over th e w eek-end. , W ork on t h e _____ highw ay betw een ^ ^ T K u  ^ a u X æ o  f a ¡ ^ i p H arold P eterson was hom e from Mr and Mrs L aurel Frost of Top Hill and P rcharnc ,□ p .u .ic s - »momr harne 1» progrès- am<)nK university stu d en ts. T he | ,l ,*d .i.?r “ “S i tu rd s to bring the* M cG roartv- COO la m p a l W estUnlx'r for th e j Forest O ro v r visited Ids m other, i “ |,ldlv ,“ t system ”oY com pulsory mUL “ m 5 on?*nB * * * * a d d ] T o ^ s e ^ d bUl“^ t o T 'c o m m Y t t ^ ^ w eek-end. ' M rs Jessie T illm un. a n d brothers A claim against W om an's B enefit tary drill for Iresh m an and sopho- 'Andscape Ut consideration He said th is rule was A surprise birth d ay d in n er was O rm a n d O llbert Frust. Sunday, de^o rated w ith cash lhe piggest obstacle confro n tin g the given for David E dw ards a t his Mr. a n d Mrs A rth u r F isher of asMoclatlmi, suprem e review, for the more m en will be vigorously de- Ju lia fended by th a t group. to ' L T »h^6 m easure now. home n e ar here Sunday Those T im ber visited relatives here S a t- Insurance c arried by Mrs F ish er h a s been paid In full to her S eabburd a n a B lade passed a Hle *r na m e s agam T h e local ciub now h a s over 250 pri-M-nt were M r a n d M rs Jo h n urduy night beneficiary. George F ish er resolution recently favoring t h e cash custom ers. T h e m em bers cluo nou nas over 250 W agner. M r and Mrs. Ira Powell. Toe i-anor -------- ------------------present system , w ith Its provisions opea * h o c o n tin u ed to stay _________________ E leanor and l* la n d . Mrs Jess. W hile working in snow a t El Meywn, Mr a n d Mrs A U. E d- wixxl Pilgrim House for exem ption ,„Se pviczii and «MiVl now »gvrxw are gas v p U repared itu a n u ,.d a,,'?5 — _ I , a ™ aTZi— . i ’»---” ^7” ” I logging woods n e a r G reen A dvertising M akes G ain ., 4 . ------------------ to artivclv defend th e ir stand chance of being entirely forgotten ETIday a n d S a tu rd ay Ember days p ^ i t i o n l have been e tiru la te d on by th e cash custom er«. T o seU any- --------- NEW Y O RK ---------------L —A dvertising gained w ith special prayers for the church th e cam pus am ong th e stu d e n ts fbing you m ust let people know 14.9 per c en t last year over 1933. , “£,d “ *• C hapel to remove th e com pulsory fe atu re TiS. s ta tls t‘ca com PUed by worship. 7:30 p. m., Friday, w ith from the m ilitary courses. T hese Using does th a t.—W est Concord Printers’ Ink. i O kla.i E nterprise. liturgy of Way »1 th e Cross, a n d petitions.* bearing over 400 signa TH E BABV I serm on on 'W1 k > W eeps Along tlie lures, have been presented to the little Rtrenger Failures E'ewer My __ from W ay?" S unday: Second Sunday In university officials who will act NEW Y O RK —Business failu res In To „■ d:< ‘ a u . Ix'nt—Confession. L itany a n d ser- upon It In April. the U nited S ta te s for the first week I J ? " ’ *nd brini I m on a t 10:30 a. m P a ste r H enry ■ ■■ of F eb ru ary were ag ain reduced in i n think you c n t r y *n d i S. H aller will preach on "T hey ch ALBERT K RV G ER Independently Owned and Operated num ber, com pared w ith b oth last u« the way Received Him Not.'* Vespers a t 7:30 i |) m w ith serm on on 'T he Reed | SH ERW O O D — F u n e ra l services y ear a n d w ith 1933, a n d were also i To i>n«den ™ r live* and let love hold » e re held W ednesday a t M ountain be,* “ * “ ‘‘ -------------- Local Bowlers Plan Special Meets Here W agonblast Building New Home Near Tobias W agonblast 1» building a ??'9?*"ho"}e “A, plaee n«i th of Local bowling team will com pete I »Mas. I t will be a seven-room a g ain st th e Price Ac Bosxo squad stru c tu re w ith hardw ood floors. at 2 p m Sunday on th e local alleys, o t h e r Hillsboro team s will Ix-t th e advertisem ent« help you play In P o rtlan d during the a f te r ­ moke your «flopping plan«. noon. m eeting th e M arine G rotto. M arket D rug and W omen s T ele­ phone com pany squad. Hillsbor« broke even in special m atches here last Sunday, one lo c a l, ti o n d e fe a tin g th e S h ip -b y - T ru r k V. F. IV. HALL — - 9th «uid Oak bowsers 2516 to 240« and the o th e r I Thursday, March 14th losing to th e M arine G ro tto 2228 to 2481 illsboro’s New P rom oter Presents Ice W orks team went Into th e lead of the A m erican league here last week by d efeating th e form er HEINIE OkSEN leaders, the Home la u n d r y , two out VW 181 lb«. of th ree gam es. T h e pastim e took BILL KALI, two gam es and a tie from L entz H.H Iks. B° J , n to , a tle fOr first place in the C ity league. O th e r stan d in g s VÏC POTTER rem ained th e same. R esults of m atch es last week VW 149 lbw were. A m erican— Ice W orks 3 BOB (R O G A N L aundry 0; Royal Soda W orks 2,' 150 lbw HilLsboro M otors ] N ational - N ational G u a rd s 3. Union '76'' 0 I IO-M INI TE EVENT P harm acy 2, B ristol 1 C ity—L e n tz : JA C K K ISK R 0. P astim e 2. one tied; Irelan d 3. C. C. S tore 0. C om m ercial—C osletts «• 151 Iba. 2. Safew ay 1; Fairw ay 2 H all's HOM ER BKHRANS B arber 8 h o p 1. 150 lbs. A dm ission 40 cents Say you saw it in th e Argua. W r e s t lin g 2 2 MEAT SPECIALS Rites Held Monday for Mrs. Blatchley Portlander Talks to Townsend Club I Hillsboro Student Tells of Attitude HILLSBORO CASH GROCERY 1 rid «y, Saturday And Monday Specials FREE DELIVERY FLOUR PHONE 2001 $1.49 J X w h..... M A CA RO N I 3 ........ 20c SY RU P 35c 5 p .„ BROW N SUGAR for Albert Kruger The records of’ Dim dt BradstreeL I sh rim p , packed new way to re ta in n a tu ra l flavor. Each 12c 2 for 6 for 23c 65c Prices for Fri., Sat. and Mon. March 15, 16 and 18 H IL L S B O R O QUALITY SERVICE FREE DELIVERY COFFEE Columbia Best e Star, "Chicken of the a« flat. 2 cans TUNA 29c OYSTERS— G ulf Kist. 5-oz, cans. 2 for ............. 23c CLAMS. H alferty’s, minced - razor, ^¿s, 2 cans 29c SARDINES— Booth’s, assorted, 1-lb. 2 cans ...,15c 4 7c S H O R T E N IN G WESSON OIL— Quart 43c Vif-gallon SN O W D R IFT 3 ,k „„ 79c 55c 1-lb. 24c 3 lbs. Economy 1-lb. 70c 3 lbs. 19c 55c COCOA, H ershey’s 8-oz. can 7c MEAT H e needs Meat for its health-giving PROTEINS - MINERALS VITAM INS Our Market will meet your Meat needs. Many Bargain« to Choose From! PHONE 982 FREE DELIVERY Home Cured SMOKED MEATS H A M S Lb H alf or whole, 20 c P I C N I C S Lb...................... 15C C H O IC E M U T T O N STEW 8c Lb lie SHOULDER, lb. 15c BOIL BEEF ............... 10c LARD"C 3O”r°UND...........Z 23 c LEGS and CHOPS. Lb. FRED’S SUPERIOR MARKET Phone 651 £ 5 Deliveries Daily — fl —¿ Res. Phone 321Z S afeway S tores F la v o «Jell 3 pk.a ... 14c IV O R Y SO A P Medium bar 5c TOMATO SOUP SHINOLA— Black, tan or brown. Can .................. 7c Campbell's. Tall can 7c STEW ART’S BLUING— 10-oz. bottle ................. R A ISIN S Sunnyvale, 4-lb. bag ............. Choice Thompson Seedless. 13c 23c KARO SYRUP— Red or Blue. 3-lb. can ............. 23c BI-KARB SODA— 1-lb. pkg. ..................................... 5c 30 0 s. 3 can» Florida Gold, fancy. 25c JU IC E S— Pineapple Is, Tomato la, Grapefruit picnic tins. 2 can» .............................................. ...15c WHITE KING— W ashing Powder. Large pkg. 29c LAUNDRY SOAP— Liberty White. 10 bar» COFFEE Hills Red Can. 1-lb.................... 19c 30c CRACKERS — Sunshine, Krispy or Grahams. 2-lb. box ............................. 29c Friday, M arch 15 to M onday, M arch 18. inci. 10c Sale CORN—Eloise. No. 2 can. SPIN A CH W alla W alla, No. 2 1-.- can K RA UT B onneville No. 2 'i can G R A P E F R U IT L. & H. ¿ io . 2 can 6 cans 55c Van Camp's. Medium Large 5c 10c 33c 45c N o ^ can ........... cans. SALMON 3 tall cans HOT SAUCE 3 cans ............ Happyvale. Monte Rio. HOMINY 3 c a n » .............. .......... TUNA. 3 No. Vs can« Mid-Pacific. SU G A R Ä 15C Baking Powder FLOUR Safew ay H ard w h eat. 49-Ib. sack ........... $ 4 .69 ^ _ 4 9 C C A T SU P Z 29 c z 7 ““ 27c Candle Light $4 X 49-lb. sack ........... CEREALS CORN MEAL Yellow. 9-lb. bag OATS. Reg. o r quicki 9-lb. sack OREGON 34c 45c CHEESE 4 to _ MILD. Lb............................. TILLAM OOK. -an». 19C ¿1C COFFEE AIRWAY Lb 19c 3 lb » ..,.,5 5 c NOB HILL L b ... 24c 3 lb s ,.,,,7 0 c EDWARDS Lb. can 26c M A C A R O N I 3^;'. Z 20c X Family flour. $4 I $4 Large No. 2‘i K . C. Bell or Northern 49-lb. .53 Sack .............. Crown, Drifted Snow or Fisher’» Blend. 49-lb. .93 Sack ............. X 8-oz. cans. or tidbits. TOMATOES 3 cans ......... .............. OtJC L9L OOC cans. 2 for . . . . PIN EA PPL E « O ., No. 3 1» c a n ........ PEACHES. No. 2H Q f f x , cans. 2 can s . . . banks . FLOUR ..19c Libby’s, crushed 3P ,L e a p p l e No. 2’-j cans, Van Camp's. Del Monte Foods SALMON. No. 1 O ff» , P ork & Beans CORN MEAL— STARCH— K ingsford’s. 1-lb. pkg. ......................... 9C 9-lb. bag .......... ROLLED OATS New pack. 9-lb. bag ............ G RA PEFR U IT 7> 3 MORE DAYS True fru it flavors. Money back guaran- (6-lb. can $1.05) I f Y our Child W on’t Eat Make his meals attractive with Friday and Saturday Specials SHRIMP Fancy Fresh V egetables Received Daily ! COM PANY . Ready to advise you In jm rehasiof. R eady to give real value«. All meat« inspected by Dr. Nicol and Dr. .AimquisL GULF KIST 27c MEAT r .. Inc . showed 263 business failures X ? o o l Zf . h . F* 'h*'r th* n" - t In the la te st week, a g ain st 291 a n d May w . k ^ w it .n d feel it l « t on 629 respectively, for th e sam e week, the .b o s k 'you m .y d rift In both preceding years Since t h e ' B o not f««r little lie one, w ith the moat close of last year, th e n um ber of j ___ ««»loua care failures In each week has tended hu u generally lower, th e reduction b e -, - c m 'i i r n v . " » , - , K g about th e sam e a s th a t of - 1 - G eorgiana rand year ago. w hen th e ch an g e fo r t h e ! b e tte r was quite notew orthy. Ini com parison w ith conditions in t h e 1 early p a rt of 1933. Csúim£i¿aclS ctl C¡. 19c 4 lbs. CRACKERS CR2i;,Ab” day WrSh.esda^" Mareh8l20J °Litonv H°nie church a n d serm on a t 7:30 p. m . w t S » b o died 8im dav a t T he Dalles pastor ¿peaking on - Tn V the C ourt- n | B urial was in M ountain Home cem - I yard ' Y oung people's ni ■ctlngs as I le te ry He form erly lived n ear M id- I scheduled. PUgrlni G uild e a c h dleton a n d was county road fore- . T hursday a t 2 p. m P a sto r m ay be , m an in th e so u th e aste rn d istric ts seen any day betw een 10 •: ip a / ,1 ° I < rnAirV >ean>\ Mr r K ruger was born Ja n u a ry loon, or by appointm ent, nt th ' “ house o lfite , 354 E. Jackson strei I 28. 1880. a t Springfield. M inn , cam e ________________ io Oregon w ith h is p a re n ts when L et u i» o H ow oi . w i >'e a rs o ,d - a n d llved bi th e m of» „ f advertl,!* » “*I,l ts help you C hapm an district n e ar M iddleton m ake your shopping plans. u n til six years ago, w hen the fa m - Ready to supply you with the finest MEATS a t the least cost. 2-lb, can 49c .49 PO ST TO A STIES 2 pkgs............................ CLAMS. F. A. B. No. 14 cans. 3 for COCOA, B aker's. Is-lb . c an .................. T O IL E T T ISSU E. Zee b ran d . 4 rolls . INSTA NT PO STUM Sm all c an ................ PEAS. N a tu re's O ift No. 303 cans. 2 cans UOCOANUT. Baker's South- e rn style. L can ......................... BEANS. Mill Race, cut. No. 2 cans. 3 can s ......................... KETCHUP. Heina. Large b o t t l e ............... PO RK 12c 19c TOMATO JU IC E — Camj}- bell's. 10-oz. can ..................... 5c 15c 25c & BEANS — V a n Camp’s. 11-ox. can ................ SN OW FLAKES 2-lb. pkg...................... 5c 29c FRUITS and VEGETABLES APPLES b « y stark LEM O N S iXcy LETTU C E S S cri’”' N E W SPUDS» ,b. 89c 10c 4c 25c