P age Tw o Quality Sickness Takes Toll at School T uberculin Testa in G r a d e Schools H ere March 27 of Hanks high, announced T hurs­ day th a t the high school will re ­ ceive a new coat ol kalsonilnt anil a new track installed in the neai future by the SEHA. The track will enclose a baseball and football field and will necessitate the d e a l­ ing of more of the high school grounds. When finished it will be as fine an athletic field as may­ be found anywhere The project will cost the high school district »500 alid the SERA »2818.20. Mr and Mis R ai Woodman ot M ultnom ah visited Mrs Woodman’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. W Mc­ Graw, Friday night and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs Maurice Thompson of Vernonia spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. B W. Armen- trout and Mr. a n d Mrs. Archie Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Emm ett Wolford of G reen Mountaui were in Banks Faurest Anderson. 15. son of J. L Anderson of Hillsboro and mem- and Hillsboro Saturday- her of th e R o ta ry Boy S cout No. Lyle Wolford aud his grand­ 318. was advanced to first-class father. A H. Wolford, spent sev­ scout in July, 1934. Since then he eral days last week a t the Frank has bet'll up for every court of Genzer home on G reen Mountaui. honor in eight months and nas has Mr and Mrs. G W McGraw a t­ tended a party Friday in honor of received 13 merit badges c ui the birthday of Mrs. J. F. Lloyd at courtesy Oregon Journal. Deer Isand. en Garage Fred G earheart "and* his fath er ’“Ù uh ? '' ersity. spent the lus parents. U . Ä “ndk.Mr^ h T Jensen, in Banks Mr. a garage and re p air^ slu ,^ o n ^ th e ^ m ^ and Mrs. Darreii G ravèï and property G. iis 'fd m g of station M ° near Forest Raines of Portland visited ÏU! Mr- Ellen West who has been th e,r KT&ndmother. Mrs. E. E. Nick- ll i'i h e TiLst few m o n th s" is im - erson- Sunday. n ro iin ’ fast amd is ra uiil dressed Mrs Frank Rtnck ' ^ t e d T hurs- ?n°d ^ o i “ d t ^ h o i ^ X ^ a y Mrs- T a lto a a ai i .M a benefit dance will be given nt the community hall next Wednesday- evening to finance the basketball team of this section. Sunday dinner party- guests at the Henry Reese home were M i­ ami Mrs Fred K rahm er and daugh­ ters Anita and Evelyn ot Blooming, Mr and Mrs Roy fields and son Rail ot Hillsboro and Mr md Mrs W. L Stevens. Play Profitable The "Powder Puff Uidies M in­ strel. given bv the Ladies Social club at the community hall S a tu r­ day evening was played to a full Nt!' Proceeds were about ,4 V, J ie i;u,I‘‘r meeting of the club will be held at the home ot D or­ othy W hisnand Wednesday. Elbert and Irene Stevens, accom- par.ied by their cousin. Robert W il­ liams. of Hillsboro spent front F ri­ da.'’ until rv,—„„7., Sunday at the Stevens 'P 1 l 1 ’ 1 Lorna Mel.e >d and Belly Mor­ gan ol the Pelei lloscow .‘HI clu- liave been absent becuuse ol 111 lie s s K o i h e i in e W iley olid M ab e l v e n t o l I l a ' 711 class of I h e J u u io i high missed several days of school Move l„ California Jimmy Strouse ot Junior high HUJ moved to California leceutly File third and fourth giade., ol Ihe Peler lkiscow school eleeted the following officers James S h af­ er. president; .lack Dai land, vice- president, Virginia M ontz seere- uiiv, Dmuiht Murletl. .sei^c.iut at 1 offii-iT Hawkins, health Junior high Ail eins» Is working on ail oiH'ielta. "Windmills of Hol­ land lo be given (he last of the llionth. The 7112 class Is presehl- 1 ,l,l‘lv Friday In the school s t a n k ; for o r e . from which m oney is m a d e stands fop no T M UCH-W HICH W E HAVE O N HAND f Î Serve them |>i|>inp liul, fresh from our oveiw. A sure favor­ ite—because they’re chock full of raiding and fruits, and cov­ ered with a tempt­ ing, sugary frosting. Order by the dozen —they go fast. auditorium. lX,tta,{' a t tk e a n s id « Vai.*.’ . ,h ï ■ s,“ ’ry -w rll“>« contests AID f ¡,lh " o “ *’r ,liU V“ "l 111 the JIB. football rare rile Union Pa . “ ' " ' “ il »f the Ihirllngion ,1"' HH transcontinental la u . 1 he Metro-Ooklwvn-Maver t'i.êr 7Aftr,î lr*2‘!1.* ""»•■■'I n. 7A . 1 “,'vt Aklr“ Lsugawa leads 1 >;• bn class will, a total of 30 ('•I 5??'! *'rlttrl1 and copied hl Ink tlo y i. Bump |s second with 27 nurd* 1Uld J "lk wltV - f *’ anywav Cooleys Entertain Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Coolev enter- ,u,'i’d ,-e'8hbors in relays last Mond*y evening guests en- joyed an evening of music, both vocal and instrum ental. Present were Messrs, and Mesdames G Everest Cally Whitmore. Ray Vor- J^ees. Herman Whitmore. Raleigh W hitmore, and Mrs Flora Baker Mrs A. Soule. Henry Mushalek ^ . rJ, .^ ¡æ r-'R ÿ b e rt's ô ü le mid j £ e - Rhine. Arland Irene and Elame Whitmore Tuesday evening guests were en- tertam ed with 500 Mrs Arthur K* Meyers won Perfection Bakery a» lliiw uv Thurad*y morning James ¡im .n l,. lhp Hohne: u , “ company tie.,led t h e Hillsboro selUN.Is with a program of harmuiili'a music ,h}'u u o i l!lln tMts / “ > >*• ’<• w o " ' l r‘‘. ,ira‘1*' M'hoo> pupil . '7 n„rt5"r,T.ta * lU“ 'K- « ‘‘TGI ■ I. under the auspices of t h e v “¿ d ^ l b ^ f s parenta v M e X m ^ C o rn e ^ xisitea ueiD erts parenu m t . ana VirgIma Oatfield entertained a Ott A rthur Hill. D A O tto and tasT w eek Hutchens d a' !> number of little schoolmates S atur- children. Mrs Lena Meyers Ben h .- ih ’i ,n V ? . 10" Grade school operetta "Bits of ^a-' wilh a party in celebration of Thull. William Diedrtch. George, health USSIK-Intloii Blarney,' presented ia the high bl£ thda-v - Present were and Glen Hill. Raymond and spboo1 b Ki Marie Rint<^. W‘ko K.u L>ieu Alma K Mil- and " ■ A * rthur V 'ti u S ¿ eveninc S S X w is T iDDrc~ K "7-, n - rMabel ln°- Norma . , , , M H ejers i' «-fte HUI All took their parts very well The P ?an Kloluger and Adolph Schmidt is Installing a clioruses were also very good and lpLui la 2 a ' f/.e,,d; , "5 ? bipe luie for hls gravity water showed careful training. The chil- c - V 'dra n d o*?““ .?-'’. LliRlsay. and family i»f Lake Orove tage in the foreground a u d a E ' ; * rre Mrs. E. E. Hopkins. Mrs me< ting at the community- nullity hall AU attended * thè ^ iln stre l ^ u r d a v evening guests at the painted scene of green hills in the i , '1*1, t ^ n i’,.AIr ani } r\ R‘" 1 uesdav evening. the Jacob « the hall .S.iturday night. * . rear made a beautiful picture. 1 U t d '. C .Ydc ^lopkins^ and the Miss- tt_?uhdav^ guest.- at in g "Ladles’ M instrel" a t the Mr. and Mrs Fred Wolford a n d . £•, M o»e and Ida Hopkins. Hazel home were Mr and Mrs -\Ir “nd Mrs. Francis Coolidge ha ill ihe were Mr. and Mrs. F M Final teacher Institute of the milv •_... visited Sunday afternoon at f , H P W 'g a^d Lena Taylor Twenty- John M arty and daughter Irene of ,a n ^ sons Dale and Fred of Port- Rutilinoli _ . . ” .. i n c T T -iX r» . Donb lipar W.lt l x . .. .. . . . . < Mr. and Mrs Frank the present school year will be the Cliff Sandv home at Ver- flve i ^ ^ ^ h s from Banks were n ear Bethany and Mr and Mrs land » " e Saturday night guests at Wescott nonla present and 22 visitors from Forest Peter Reidweg and children Hazel tlle George Roseveur home and „1 is .r » i .« i d TfiOi ’rt. E LanR' 1,11 held at Pacific university April A Mrs W. O. Walker returned Ivome Grove. Lunch was served following and Albert of South Tualatin. Sunday guests a t the Mrs. M nL JuT ia d .. r ,l’.ad Lanif went to according to in aunouni ihnenl this 1 f ! Od " l,h 'h e visitors to spend week by O H Kraus, county school M arch 6 from a visit with relatives 1 initiation. Mrs. W aiblr Honored Coolidge home. a few days with his brothei Robert .-nisi uilendent Features ,.f t h e in Portland and Washington Sue sPCht Saturday Y rs, , Henrv Haase was a guest at Hill Team Manager first stopped in Portland for a visit ^ . « ith m en d s in the dom n- a b ir th d s v cinner Monday at the Frank Hill was elected m anager p J S i i J i 1 i Mrs Jesse Jungcr- of pmvram will Include music by- Mr. with h er daughter. Mrs John Helt- tor. \ at Monmouth. '^ ai^!e home at Firdale in of the F arm ers’ Union baseball 1 ortland were guests a t the M. Edith C. Evans, dean of the unl- zel. and family. Sunday she visited .J'- Scholls unit m the commuuitv hall day. and family and Mr and Mrs Will J! lo 1S, 8 GCC llullts in Reunion Thursday evening. Best Family Moves by Mias R uth Rurllnghmn Rapp at Olympia. From there she S8“ ^ 81 Ga* Ridge, is visiting his M r and Mrs. W alter Schmidt a t- DeLaurice Cady of Hillsboro , The Janies Best family moved tlvlties ... went to Oakridge wihere she visited E vents. Mr. ,a n ^v, MJ S- W alter tended a reunion of the Hulit lam - spent the week-end with her grand- tlus wpek to a place near the Bate- ° r : Grove her sister-in-law Mrs. J. W. Schleg- ? c 8rd' . l.™ week. Otto has just re- u.v Sunday at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs. John McFee nian Quarry on Gales Creek. Tills el. and children Mrs Schlegel had r0!Tfed 8 s!i> ,gE of ,??u,?lps 5!Ten^;.,MiL and ‘' Irs- Sam Hulit of Mrs. Roy Heineck of Portland move takes four children from the just returned from the Philippine Mr. and Mrs. W G. Walker vis- near Hillsboro. was a Saturday and Sunday guest Laurel school. m a m ^ ? S w ‘" i S u T o o K S M 8nd they ™ n e d ih e u R o lS tro m S JT Ade A '<«U I*ry, Job iMintliiK Argua I'll one <51 We h r l k r r and CANNED FOODS Countv Teachers to Hold Institute r *. > Firdale MaSOIl Hill Cosmopolis Mr- Walker visited her f 8“?,1?.ter’ Heltzel and S ^ i1 Nielsen. Mrs. M Rothstrom Mrs Wuinie Mulloy and daugh- day"e'.'-,etnngh ^Mi'1' C.cri’- won’ lV h niece and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Portland. and h er grandson. Gordon Hen- t^r Vera and cousin Elvera Scholl > _ » rl5 high Lyle Chalioom. and daughter p^ pils P f ? llss^ Ida H op” ^rlfk5on’ a H of Portland; Mrs all of Hubbard, were Saturday eve- Lorj’n Munson was absent from and M r' John Haase low Henry Atlee visited the state teacher of the Spring Hill John Haase and three children of ning guest« at the E. C. Mullov sci?ooJ several days on account ol Mr and Mrs. Albert Vander- legislature Saturday*. school, were her dinner guests F ri- Firdale and Mrs. Henrv Haase home and Sunday guests at the J 8 Rroken right wrist scheure of Yamhill wore cullers M r1- A B McFarlane attended evening at her home here Mr. and Mrs B G McNay and W. Mulloy home Mr und Mrs Charles Johnson la-st Tuesday at the home of Mr- the prayer day services at Tualatin Later they all attended the operet- daughters Patricia and B arbara Mrs. George Rosevear Arkle and i nd n,' ttv vlslted at the Ralph Vander-. h e u re \ parents Mr and Plains church M arch 6. Four ta - Hits of Blarney, in th e high were Sunday guests of his sister. Velma Rosevear and Blanche Ben- Kav hom<' at Shady Brook Sunday Mrs John M arroni churches took part They were Beth- sch ° ° ‘- Mrs Clyde Stretch, and family of n ett visited at the George D augh- Celebrate lUrthdav A meeting was lield at the scliool any. Reedville. Orenco and Tuala- George Moss entertained Newberg artv home near Forest Grove Sun- Those helping Florence French house Tuesday night by Reynold tin Plains Presbyterian churches. tne Dnage club Wednesday in hon- Frances Fields of Hillsboro was a day. observe her thirteenth birthday Gerig 111 regard to the milk route Celebrate Birthday AIrsi.Robert PetIt Rainier, week-end guest of her cousin, Mrs. Mrs O. J. Baker and son Ervm Monday evening were Helen Kin- he u trying to purchase A number of relatives and friends silrlpnri^° hL™ rn 8 w eu A « r c RUTt^ hma5 ’ J .. of Portland were Saturday- evening ??/• . Madetyn Shattuck. Donald Mrs joe Dob<»r. Emma Robin- visited Mr and Mrs. C A. Shipley friends here M rs. C. B. Hall Mrs Louis Carow and Mrs. L. callers a t the B. O. McNay home Woods. Mr and Mrs. B E. Woldorf. son and Mrs Roy C arter were all Sunday in honor of Mrs S hipleys “ Vst, Mrs. Vern Prickett sec- Stone of Hillsboro visited the for- before attending the m instrel show . Mr and Mrs. Charles Johnson and ill with the flu the past week birthday anniversary. Those pres- and Mrs Petit consolation mer s brother Jacob Schmidt. Fri- a t the hall. Betty. Albert French and the host Mr and m « w n J , » X , ...a ent for dinner were Mr and M rs., Mrs Petit and little son returned day Mr. Schmidt, who has been Mr and Mrs. C. L. Harrison of “hd hostess. Mr. and Mrs W 8 c ??i wi'lrox^of I and w.JZ”sHnd Emmett Shipley and family of Ver- t0 Them home p-idav. quite ll. is now able to be about Seaside were Friday night and French. ..¡u,., ” X ?} 0 ,5 ’ /•' dp LTk.n’J?« noma and Mr and Mrs. Carl Ship- . “ E “JJ? Lyd(? 5nd th « ,ihou‘‘i , , . , Saturday guests of her m other The John Ryan and Columbus home " ’’ ’ ° F Hob‘n-son ley and daughtere of Hillsboro.1 ; a™ ‘> „ ? f/,,^ien w o o d jv ere _Sunday _ MUs^ Edna LuttreU of Tualatin. Mrs A Schultz. Schmidt families of Hillsboro vis- Those“ comhig 5in for the afternoon fL*J2™^on„ an d J31"* a form er teacher of the Laurel H annah Rutschm an, who Is em- he’d at the Toge JoVin’son h o m e1 ( h n n e /in ^ h o n w 'n ^ h e r Lyda Saturday m night and pioyea ployed in Portland, Portland is spending a Sunday A .», J TL I were Rev. and Mrs. Sabin and an a e chil- n . «>• u - i » * » Mfs. . w u a school, was a oaiuroay gnt ana ____ husband's birthday. Only immediate dren and Mr. and Mrs George Me- '7s? visited h er brother. John Kes- Sunday guest at the J. H Felton few days this week with her par . . . I members of the family attended Farlane and daughter of Forest , ,7.^ r, , ___ home. S aturday evening guests, ents. Mr. and Mrs Adolf Rutsch Ws, L*',ViT 7O " ' George Allen of Kelso. Wash , m instrel show man. Grove. Mr. and Mrs G ilbert Velle. I „ M J ^ ^ . M . Kelsey and M rs L after attending „ the - — itig , the highlights of official ac- was a guest at the Verne IwiBarr Mrs. Cramer. Frank Clow and Miss , M . Hawkins of Hillsboro spent S at- a t the hall were Mrs A. Thomas Mr and Mrs. W H _____, McNay ________ and tlvlty a t Salem ile m —Evi— ---- * In “ — -Every week the home from Monday until W.-dnes- Bessie Clow, all of Multnomah. 1 ,V. a' „ and.„.!lnday at the E- Tuck- a n d s o n and Mrs. J. Armishaw of son Billy were Sunday guests of Argus. tf ! day of last week. er home here. Portland Officers Named W ikapi-Nahon girls have elected ..M rs. E. E Hopkins and daughter Mr. and Mrs L. A. W hittle were officers as follows: Alta Brown. Moxie spent Saturday night In Cor- Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs J president; Ione Batem an, vice- Mrs Hopkins' au n t and L. Auld of Hillsboro H - - - Peggy ---- Mrs Fred Tesch and son Fred president; Wilson, secretary: uncle. Mr and Mrs J. B. Hopkins Miss Alice Lane spent the week- Jr. motored to Walla Walla. Wash Bernice Friday, treasurer; G eral­ end with friends in Salem Friday- and visited until Sunday dine Kessler, song leader; and F rank Sias and Lloyd Whitcomb with Mr. Tesch. who has a position Theresa Paetsch. assistant song spent the week-end with friends at with the canning company there leader. , /-»resweti Mr. and Mrs. W F. Karbel and Monday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. | '-resweu, Eli G rindle were Mrs Reid Eld- ( IN D E P E N D E N T L Y O W N E D A N D O P E R A T E D ridge and son John of Hillsboro. Mrs Leona Paisley of Portland. FREE DELIVERY Second at M ain Street P hone 32S1 Mrs Frank Genzer and Mrs. Earl ,n y Mn Lw,u Wright» Genzer of Green Mountain. Mrs Blanch 'H ozlitt, Neely of Mr. and Mrs. Percy C arstens and Boise, Idaho, spent Tuesday after- P rices E ffectiv e F riday, S atu rd ay and M onday— M arch 15, 16 and 18 sons of Portland visited Mr. and noon with Mr. and Mrs J. Lovnes. is spending immense sums Mrs. C B Carstens and son Arile Sylvia and Alice Wood of Port- of money each year iust Sunday. I land were here Saturday to attend to protect you against in­ Party Friday the funeral of their grandm other. FULL COUNT The R N. A card party will be Mrs. Rose Wood. ferior pro d u cts. W h y given Friday- evening Miss Florence Bateman of G len- BOXES take chances on cheap Mrs. Carl Striblch and little son wood spent Sunday with Mrs P an- John visited her grandmother, M r, nier. merchandise when y o u M A. Dodds. Monday afternoon. ------------ Made with honey and can buy the best known Mrs. Nora Dooley returned home Subscribe now to th e Argus. In milk. 2-lb. box with them after a week’s visit in Oregon »1.50 a year Six months brands for only a trifle more. , as cents. T hree m onths 50 cents. Harold Jensen Jr., who is attend- Two m onths 35 cents. tf Superior. Plain or salted. F a ir w a y M a r k e t Save yourself lime and money by laying In a supply f i r ----- z z in a o f canned foods This Is the best time of the year to buy all kinds o f canned fo o d s. . . before the now crop raises prices. CORN Ext elsior brand. No. 2 TOMATOES... BEANS l'ut. No. 2 tin PEAS Tender, sweet. No. 1 tai St « C U R R Y ’S GROCERY P hone 771 F ree D elivery Specials for Friday and Saturday, M arch 15 - 16 SUGAR Toilet Paper Sea Island, cloth bag. Blue & White, 1000 sheets. 10 a. 49c 10 roll. 43c Something new. Rag Doll Printed on each bag. In a shopping bag. Dalles Flour SALMON Red & W hite. T all can 19c Best grade Alaska red Sockeye. Crab Meat Finest quality. 27c $1.59 Salad Dres’g Sun spun Quart jar P in t 35c 21< SMACKS A new and delicious cracker. 35c POTATOES Assorted varie-1 Spaghetti, Tomato SO U P — ties. Juice. 27c 3 cans 2-lb. box CAN P IN E A P P L E — Sliced or PANCAKE FLOUR 3 can s dd a Fisher’s Self-Rising. crushed, Is flat. L CAKE FLOUR — Large 2P“±U CRAB MEAT 2 cans 49c 49c MACKEREL < Salm on 2 tall 19c C O FFEE— Lb. 19c 10 46c -lb. bag 55c Fre: h fruit and vege­ tables daily. See our window display for wholesome food. P hone 1001 WILEY’S [NEW DEAL] GROCERY H a lf-g a llo n B ottle 49c TOILET FLO UR 49 -lb. bag MID - PACIFIC Light meat. 1-lb. 1-lb. 3-lb. tin g lass tin Well-filled pods. NEW POTATOES Right size for cj-eamlng. ORANGES Full of Juice. slze La France Flakes pu«. PEARLS of W H EA T. 9c Pkg. ALBERS R O SEW ARE OATS. 19c 27c Large pkg. W H E A T IE S, ’’A ll y ea r c e r e a l,’’ 2 p k g ., 23c ZEE TISSU E, soft as a kitten's ear. 3 fo r I4r BA BO . 2 cans 25c C A M A Y SO A P. 3 bars , 3c Send :i C. h ., iv «rappers and ' m J n T / WIT > « ,„ , s,u.pshol lor « ¡ i i m . * ‘ ‘»mble. SNOWDRIFT 3.,b ,in ggg $1.09 PET MILK 3 for SALM ON Medium Red fletSionte Irradiated Pink Salm on No. 1 tin Fancy pink flat FR U ITS and V EG ETA BLES 25c 3 cans "W hat Flavor"—Try (hr nr» Therm al» Koxated (lolden West toffee. 10c Coffee lbs. 53c| FAIRWAY 13 Pound .... DE LUXE £ £ tavern 1-lb. gla>w Jar Packed by Golden W«it (2-lb. gïâas Jar 53?) TU N A 15c ltfC Fruit C ocktail -fl No. 1, tall Campbell’s Pkg. ■¿tins. I Each Tomato Soup 3 for GRAPENUTS NEW PEAS 3 \\ hite Rover. 29c 30c 80c "Vou get the key U, IU |