Page Four HI L L S B O R O A U G U S . Many Parties Mountaindale B e n e fit As Dog Show Actors ‘Emote* Blazer Speaks Pleasant View CIX' ram p at Detroit In Marlon ; county. Ml ami Mrs Lester Itoblnsiui j ami Mrs A C Roblnsotl of I'oiT- ! land wi le over night guests Tltes- day a t the ( W Struthers liigne Mt P a rty , D an ce H a ll T h is S a tu rd a y i lillsboro Mayor Confers on Power Program N ig h t a n d Mrs C. W S tru th e rs and Son Kenneth visited at the J II l*lillli|M, home In Hillsboro Thin d.n Mr and Mrs Jam es Walter» and ' family of Cedar Mill were Bunday guests at th" S truthers luuac M in s tre l Show at M o u n ta in T o p School F rid a y (B y Min, M arK aret M ath ieatn) lb » M r*. B in t M .-t'orm ick I * MOUNTAINDALE Mr. and Mrs. CHEHALEM MOUNTAIN J F W J. Wall »ere given a farewell Sulxxrllie now to the Argus ln Blazer talked of (he advantages of party a t the M ountautdale com­ Oregon $1 at) a year Six m onths the Farm ers' Union at the Pleasant munity hall Saturday evening bv 1 u .* ) tents. Thrco im adlis 5t) cents. View Community club Saturday relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wall will ' Two m onths 35 cents. tf evening. Oscar Hagg gave a hum ­ leave for their home in California orous reading about (he easy life Wednesday after an extended visit of the farmer. June Nelson gave a with relatives and friends here reading. "The P arso n s B l a c k T he evening was spent in playing Sheep ' and the "Buck Heaven cards and dancing. Honors in "500 Cows furnished plenty of music, were won by Mrs. A. E Willis and both Instrum ental and vocal Next N. H. Tonies, first, and Mrs Del­ club meeting will be at the Buck bert Powles and Fred Scliwander. Heaven schoolhouse April 13 Com­ second. A large number of friends m ittees appointed were: Lauren were present Haynes and Mrs. Henrv Versteeg Mrs Meta Johnson of Seattle. program: Mrs. W F Wohlsehlegel. Wash , speiii a few days last week Mrs. J E. Blazer and Mrs. Wavne with her daughter, Mrs. Earl L u th ­ Unable to W ork for Weeks, Jones, refreshm ents. er. Put Luck Sunday S leep Im po ssible, In d ig e s ­ Mr. and Mrs Jam es Matliiesen A St. Patrick's day pot luck dm - entertained with a "500" party tion, NervousueAs, a n tl ner will be given at the Buck Wednesday evening Prizes were W eakn ess M a d e Id fe M is­ Heaven school Sunday at 1 o’clock won by Mrs. Andy Christener and Everyone Is Invited to attend wear- Henry Cypher, first, and Mrs. H en­ e ra b le ; N o w Feels F in e ! | mg an emblem of green. ry Cypher and William Joos. sec­ Ralph Campbell of Salem and his ond, and Loel Hollenbeck, consol­ "There Is nothing like Williumx mother. Mrs E tta Campbell, of ation. Hopewell arrived at the Deford H. L. K Formula," suys Mr John Mr. and Mrs. W R. Smoke and home March 14 Campbell returned Gage, garage man a t Highland, fam ily. Mr and Mrs. S. J Toelle home th at evening. Mrs. Campbell and family and Mrs Carl Meyer Kansas. rem ained until Saturday. Mr De- and daughter of Portland were ford is an uncle of Mrs. Campbell Sunday guests a t the F. C. Toelle "For years I had nervous head­ and made hts home with her when home. aches and acute attacks uf in­ , he was a young man Hand Cut digestion I did not dare eat many Ä Ä Ä T Ä i Ä Ä Mrs. Ira G. McCormick and Hod- Mrs. Laura Eddington, who is toods because they bloated rue »o 1 son McCormick visited Mr. and employed by C. S. Reynolds, cut much th at lor weeks 1 would bo Mrs. Allan H. Comber and Mr and her hand quite badlv last week Mrs. John Mullen at Portland F ri­ unublc to work. I was told (list , Portland were guests Sunday of w’hile opening a fruit jar. day. Comber, who has been ill since I hud an ulcerated stotftaeh and Mr. and Mrs W arner Cropii and Mrs. G. C. Connollv entertained before Christinas. is now recover­ family. gall stones. Tuesday afternoon with a "500" ing rapidly. party for a few friends. Miss Mil­ ------- I , Mrs- Rav Egt> an<1 daughter C ar- 1 "A g'xxl night's sleep was Impos­ dred Hergert received first prize. (By Mrs. J, A. McCoy) These dogs, the cream of canine society, seem ed to run th e gam ut a shower at the Rev. Mrs. W. J. Wall, second and Mrs sible. 1 was as miserable as 1 could i ll y M r» /.»II G M r u t b rr») Vernon H ahn consolation. Guests of em otions as judges named them w inners in th eir classes at the re- ® l ^ o r " o f i l B F l? m ‘i*?, 0,°®° SOUTH KANSAS CITY—J H ' b e, lo r U te m e d l i m e 1 tM k old Hiteon club met March (1 with Stiles delivered a load of blast­ were Mesdnmes r k dos dog show show As As ,hp the Sealyham Sealyham G G unst uns! de de Babs Babs of of Holly- Holly ’ ------ *- • Loretlzun me little or no go1 A tea do-.i's ot this Williams, Vernon Hahn. Mildred g runtled D rlnkm oor M oonshine, the English bulldog shown bottom Scholls. different brand of powder than the ing at P rlckett’s chapel in FXiresI j and roll call was "nam e a spring , flower " A literary and muslenl medicine freed me of my former ----- "sissy -----j.. .'' And by th at weary, u i j , iv?if,iitu \ p i v>hini . , V er!a. ,E:zwii er;. JL daughter of previous loads and is reported to Grove resigned r expression Hergert, Ruby Reynolds, and the left, seemed to snarl for Rosa Della Wood. 68. Earl Etzwiler. under- | program w a s presented Spring misery and pain; I unproved un­ on the face of H ercuveen I Indisputable, n d l u n n t » h i * rho m eh h-haired h.,,e.,z4 St. e . B _____ Mrs hostess, Mrs. Connolly. the n rouK ernard a ^*r be even more satisfactory The went a minor operation on her foot Farm ers' Union is buying this pow­ who died M arch 6 at the home ol pnrtv win be held March 20 at til I enjoyed good health again. Miss Elvira Houseman and Bill >«>u £ust know h< s w ondering w hat dog shows are coining to her sister. Mrs. J. H Beaman, ol the home of Mrs le n a Olson a t the Dr. Wilcox hospital in New­ der in large quantities. Fandrev of Portland were week­ near Forest Grove. Interm ent was berg Saturday. Harold Ferris visited relatives at Two years have passed since 1 end guests a t the George Connolly Harms, of North Plains A rthur and Frank Vanderzanden In Forest View cemetery. took a course of this medicine, amt Lyons last week Miss Nellie Chenevert of Newberg home. • Friday visitors at the Archie She was born at Norten, Iowa. of the Tidewater Timber company visited Gloria Hoffman Saturday K enneth Peterson, who Is at­ 1 am .-.till enjoying the t>-..( of A number of the young folks of Thompson home were Mr. and Mrs of Astoriu were week-end visitors ot June 5. 1866. and m arried G B tending health.'' T7 « TV 7 t nigh t and Sunday W illamette university, vis­ this community enjoyed a skating J- J. H utchens of Banks, Mrs. Collin Cree of Newberg was then- parents. Mr. and Mrs. j p I Wixxi a t Hillsboro April 13. 1911) ited home folks Sunday. party at the Hillsboro rink T hurs- I ------------------------- He Is deceased, ami Mrs, W.xxl had _____ an overnight and Sunday guest of Vanderzanden. of Fairview Morris ,...., and Doyle .....o Ferris . Williams 8 L. K. Form ula acts Mr and Mrs. I P Brady and! lived with her sister during the home over the week-end from were Historical facts, photographs and her sister Mrs. Fred M attern Mr the ¡directly on the entire system by Mr. and Mrs. George Hauser and family spent Sunday with Mr. and past year Surviving her are three clippings to show the part placed Cree spent the night and Sunday driving out Uie poisons tn your ru a n a Mr. and Mrs Irene oi of ro Portland Mrs. M. M Kline of Forest Grove sisters. Mrs Beaman and Mrs Wil­ by the Ford automobile in the de- with the Mervm family A BLADDER LAX body, by building up the blood Biuin1 of ^ u îsb o ro spent the*week- 3 t J a c k tO W T I H o f l i e n u W r hitmore u Davis a n i ot ort­ Karl Scliaffer visited Henrv liam J. Reeves of Forest Grove velopment J)f the west are wanted a t Jake «no and a A n rthur of P Port 1 stream, by toning up the stomach, and Mrs. Marla Moure of Nampa THIS 25e TEST FREE e n d at. t h e r - g o e n n n i a . . __ by H . L. MacKenzie of the Mac- land were helping with trim m ing Jacobson of West Union Friday. Mrs. M. J. Vanderzanden and Idaho; and three brothers. Orge , I f it f . l l . , W hrn irrita tio n wsh«a ,u u i liver and kidneys, and by helping Mr and* M n Chris°Om achf6 of ."^C K T O W N —W alter R. Murphy. “ Kenzie C*“ *“=»*»ivi oi of m Hillsboro usooro o blackcaps w u - a ta u on h uie w. ... R. Davis farm y. Motor company the W. . The tnareeiol I . -- little son Wayne spent Monday Aydelott of Garibaldi, c s Ayde- to bring them to a norm al state North Plains snent Saturday eve t>8' '"iho was born Ja n uary 4. 1867, The m aterial will 1, K-l b? ....— used for a n the *•------------------------ Friday till Monday, ning a t the FlSyd R ^ f^ tv home" 5 c h ampoeg. died March 6 at the Ford exhibit at the California Mr and Mrs. Glenn Miller and with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Flitzli of lott of Eugene, mid John of F o r­ I up, u ,a t h i. blMtldvr l a , t*i flu .h out tm - so th a t you may aguln have good | p u ritls . and «,1-aM. netit. tint karhu est Grove. Hillside. They are the proud p a r­ Mesdames Stanley H a h n w ° m eu ?f o5IS br°ther. Edward T. Pacific Intern atio n al exposition at little daughter and George May- ents of a baby boy. j l » , M . ju n ltw r oil, at«.. In U tti« «r«nn health. Vernon Hahn entertained friends ^u rp h y . Sherwood route He was San Diego. nard Jr„ spent the week-end at Mrs. Free W aldron spent a few G o ttlie b B a u e r B u ried 1 0,1‘le i, «".Ilmi t lu k e ln . W o rk , on th . with a ”500 Dar’v Friday a f te r :£.e grandson of Hugh Cosgrove. There may be photographs of the Oceanlake with her parents. Mr A healthy normal system is the days last week with her daughter, noon Honors went to the follow ^ K o n pioneer. principal street of the town "then and Mrs. George Maynard, a t C e d a r M ill C e m e te ry i b U itiler .tm ila r to eaator oil on t h . bow- : best Insurance against all diseases ing- Mrs J M a th ie in r i f s r m T s S um vors include his widow, and n o w ' which shows Fords in Mr and Mrs D M McInnis. Miss Mrs. Deward French, of Manning ■ e l,. Btsddsr irrita tio n aan eau*. «ti,- ! Funeral services f o r Gottlieb i turtle,! alw|>, frm tuent U m lr., .e a n ty flow 1 and ailments. Go to the Delta G C Connollv second arid aX?d sons' Day use Perhaps a local doctor owned Alice McInnis and K enneth M cln- Mrs. French has been , very til for J N orthrup1 low F&sem were ^ L e r' alL of Portland: three a Ford and made his calls into the nis spent Sunday in Portland1 with a week. Bauer. 75. of Cedar Mill Were held l b u rn in « o r bnekaelw. In four «U y., If j Drug store today and get your bot­ Bert Heesacker. Earl Waldron. Sundav from Pearson's Funeral tle of WUliama 8. L. K Formula Mesdames J N o rth ru p W J W aif brothers and two sisters, E. T_ county with it. There may be other L. L. Murray . not pienani . n y ,iru « « t.t w ill refund your | C I Williams Jam es M a t h - e s e n ¥ . H ". Ne*'P°rt; Fred stories of how this car replaced the Mrs O tto O rnduff entertained Estel Love and Vernon Lyda a t­ church ln Portland. Interm ent was -Se. tie t your reyular , leep and l-e l " fu ll | The druggist will tell you how good tended a baseball meeting at Hills­ a t Cedar Mill cemetery. O C Connolly Flovd R affetv 4 Murphy. Mrs. A. J. VanW assen- horse-and-buggy dav fire engines with a dinner Sundav for Mr and It is Adv ' of twp " tie llä lir u « (M o r. kd« E. Willis and Mildred H ere« ! & a r- nf°'5„SVd M argaret Brady, ail school wagons, stages, or how the M rs Tom Shuck and Stanley boro Monday evening. uaret athiXJi, Alma and T h e l m a of_Portland. trucks »'ere were used used in in clearing clearing land Shuck of of Hillsboro, Hillsboro, Mr. Mr. and and Mrs. Union Meets garet M Mathiesen 01 JTo n la? a ' trucks land Shuck Mrs. AIlu building bllildinCF roads. muds At At any artv rata Oscar Hagg PTicriZ and and daughter H-aurvK».»»- Ida T.-4.» Lue v ..n R affety Marv Rilev and Arleta , Punera! services were held F ri- and rate Oscar K ansas City Farm ers' Union local Raffetv and the hostesses A rIeu da> in St Stephen s Catholic church MacKenzie would like to get hold of Reedville. I. T. Fim gan and Miss met at the K ansas Cltv hall Mon­ ><* , - ui in Portland, with interm in ' ......... -' ent m the of any inform ation or pictures W anda Finigan. day evening. After the meeting vi ' Mrs. L. W. W arren of Lone F ir cemetery cemeterv available Teacher Named Tillamook are visitinug with their cemetery, Mrs Perrv Shearer and Mrs. Carl Mrs. Michael McCann of Scholls Clapshaw entertained by playing a daughter, Mrs. N. H. Toates, and — has been re-elected to teach the duet on the piano Mountain Top school next year. Junior French has been out of Alice McInnis suffered an attack school for the past two weeks with of Hillsboro visited Mr. and Mrs the mumps rS flt'K f r o m K nieasles this week P E G ardner Sunday. Mrs. Earl Edmonds entertained Mr. and Mrs. Morris Thompson i By Mn. c. R. Hupyi °* Reedville were Saturday night the Harmony club Wednesday a fte r­ of Vernonia spent the week-end DIXIE MOUNTAIN—A program HAZEI^-L. w . Mullen- l-'ie stmOi nSr h ? u u‘al, ,a t!?er; L' T 1 ' Fmigan. Fimgan. noon at the home ot Mrs I P the e W Wal a t the Archie Thompson home. a a a dance will win be held neld a t th al- WITCH H AZEI^-L W. er; u >re returned returned Monday Monday from from K K an- in - J ! 11' Tom family of of Hills- Hills- Brady. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Sm ith and lace « b o o l Saturday night. The dore Tom Schuck Scbuck family son Earl were guests of Mr. and Pr£Pran i- under the direction of the sas with his son Merle The boy c°ro uere ot“ er week-end guests Vanilerzandens Hosts Mrs. Orin Darety of Shady Brook. ¡SV,00' teacher, Miss Leila Peters, will attend the Witch Hazel school. v?' t ,, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Vanderzanden Mrs. Joe Baker and daughter Lu- consist of several plays and Mrs. Muilendore visited relatives in Mr . na Meyers and daughter entertained a few of their friends cille. Mrs. Floyd R affetty and sulging'„ , . Portland while her husband was £ o°i??a S,'isi ? u7 °£ C°c- evening a t thetr home daughters Thelma and Arleta v is -' , A QUl’.tlng party was held a t the gone nelius and Miss Mildred Meyers, Saturday with a "500" card party. Those re ­ lted Mrs, Emma Schwander T hurs- 5 ome Mrs- R«va Raymond T hurs- Mrs. C R. Hupy entertained the , ,o ,teai2?es ln Portland, on a ceiving high were Mr. and Mrs dav afternoon. day. bridge club Wednesday at Mrs E lri p to Olympia. Wash.. Saturday Earl Waldron, and Mrs. J. A. Mc­ Miss Bertha Erdm an of Portland . Hoosewarming Held Helvogt s home. Mrs. J E Bennett * here they were entertained at the Coy, low Present were Mr and visited her father. Adolph Erd- A housewarming dance was held and Mrs. Jennie Hupy were guests ii T.e of *i£s Meyer s sister. Mrs. L. Mrs. Louis Strohm ayer, Guv R ay­ man. Sunday. at the new home of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs G arnet Gibson and <-}ann-. Thy returned home S un- mond, Russel! Hickey, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Thelma R affety spent the P arl Tfcnnock Saturday evening, a friend. Mrs. Floren, of Palo Alto - a? „ eveE.19 g , , . . Vanderzanden and Leola week-end at the Ferd Hartwick ??r v ? nd Mrs Leonard Jacobsen of are visiting Mrs Gibson's sister „ •'Lr4-,aI!i1 Mra' A rthur Hill and William Vanderzanden and Bert Dyke of home near Banks. Cathlam et. Wash., were here to Mrs G. R H arris her m other S en Thull accompanied by Mrs Roy Roy. Mr and Mrs. Earl Waldron Mr. and Mrs. P. H ergert visited Pla' ' f ° r th e, dance. Mrs. Jenny Hupy. and her brother H,e‘n cck of Portland went to North Mr and Mrs J. Openlander of H ar°!d Good and daughter C. R. Hupv ' PJ*lns Sunday and visited Mr. and and two children Jerry and Urbln Mr and Mrs. J. A McCoy and Forest Grove Sunday. Shirley Mae of Vancouver. Wash Mrs. F u ller H ostess Mrs- K urt J acky and baby. daughters Gladys and Ethel, Bill B enefit Satm-Aav i f 6 visitlng Mrs Good’s parents. Mrs. Howard Fuller entertained . , Plav Sunda'' Ni«ht Vanloo and Ell Poe of Fijrest A b e » « ,, Mr “ a M" ° E •*" CM. a « « » A ,,5 Grove. Dancing was also enjoyed. Ell Poe of Forest Orove was a S S ¡ U S . S W S L J T S K « ’ B«'d « » “"•■i" C r ~ P . N « » 4-H Coofcin, Club, week-end visitor a t the J. A. Mc­ Coy home Mr and Mrs. William Joos of In crease M e m b e rs h ip s O rg a n iz e d m H ills b o ro lor an Faster program G uests of Mr. and Mrs Ira I g u °a? t ^ X r H o » ^ - ^ T a t 0\ h n h« ? he:nO^ z e ^ n C^ rC? baSccho?dV! a ^ f o i i X V » Brown Sunday were Mr. and Mrs C harles Waddle and baby of Dilley ! and Mrs. Elm er Quick and son Dean. B W. Armentrout Miss ,»« ? , 7. £S.lth a Goodrich, flee. n Leaders of the various groups Miss M arjorie V anderarnden was ‘ Minstrel Friday “ I of Banks s a «■ out of high school for a few days ............... S the T officers S Ä of S tT“ l f S S i a Ä /■ last week with the measles. — - ’ - 1 Ernest Vanderzanden of Roy was ‘h " 5 * Ä Ä S Ä S A “ a Mr” Ì S t t t S ì a guest a t the J. p Vanderzanden Mrs. spent d, a expenses -- --- — Elizabeth ---- — ... Harm.s ..... lowed by a basket sale. — Everyone la home a t Fairview Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Kemper and few days last week with her son invited. Ladies, Dotu both young and ok old, ---- ---------------------- 1 s t rtws u-1 nivuea names, sons Merlin and Warren, Miss and wife, Mr. and Mrs Harold Bay you ^ w tt in the Argus, Ä Ä Mias Helen Homm spent from F ranres Vanloo and BUI Vanloo of Friday evening till Sunday evening Forest Grove were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Strohm ayer with home folks at Laurelwood. Mr and Mrs. Cornelius O tt Mrs of Fairview . Mr and Mrs. C. M Reed and Hillie Tykeson, Miss Helen Homm, Miss Helen Reddig, George Zeigler daughters W anda and Maxine of / • and Ray Shook attended the fun­ eral of Colburn iBud> T hayer at Forest Grove Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Blazer visited their daughter, Mrs. H arry Cook, and family a t West Linn Sunday. Their little granddaughter Carol returned home with them for an indefinite visit AS A LAST RESORT HE TRIED WILLIAMS S .L K , FORMULA... K. C. Farm U nion Receives Powder H iteon Club H as J ? r“8ram Mrs. W ood Buried at Forest Grove Historical Facts on rords w anted Native Sotl DlCS 4. „„ Bose ,„a Program Saturday rA’ • m • St JUlXie Mountain Witch H azel Man r, , r u.KK irom Kansas Mrs daughter / Enjoy a \ HaKK “T he Ride- | “The Painted Veil," G reta G ar­ bo s new Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer picture will be featured a t the Ven-1 etlan Sunday, Monday and Tues-' day. In the tensely dram atic story i of m arital conflict in the h eart of | a cholera-plagued province ln the I Chinese Interior, Garbo rises to great heights. Argus classified ads get results. o f {ke z 1 9 3 5 L e t’s P ain ted V e il” O pens H ere Sunday ta k e th e -v in a to rs (o T R A IN CALIFORNIA You are cordially invited to our Spring Showing of the beautiful, new 1935 Kelvin- ator models — the very latest word in electric re­ frigeration. OVERLAND S T R A IG H T W H IS K E Y \ It's Open House at our House, and we want you to come and enjoy your­ self. There are 19 new •Kelvinators— all sizes — all types— and all prices— and many new and interesting developm ents, features you will most certainly want to see and learn about. Attend our Spring Showing a ll this w e e k — open evenings until 10 o'clock. because we c an .. RELAX while the engineer does the driving. W ITH V-8 POWER I ■■ FORD ECONOMY ¿•*7. .ii ..¿•aa J ".. X". . .. H E new Ford V-8 is a car o f major developments. This year, to the proved performance and economy of the V-8 engine, Ford has added another major engineering development—the Full-floating Springhase w ith Comfort Zone Seating. This means “front seat riding comfort” for hack seat passengers. N ow eterybody can enjoy a Comfort Zone Ride. T he car is longer and wider...more room for passengers and baggage. It is beautifully streamlined, and luxuriously upholstered. I t has many im portant safety features, in­ cluding welded all-steel body and wheels. Safety glass all around and large, sure-trac- tion balloon tires are included at no extra cost. H ere is a car that meets every 1935 T driving need . . . whether you want safety, speed, power, size, dependability, econ- omy, o r beauty. See it now at your nearest Ford dealer's. ; 495 A U TH O R IZE D AN D V P P. O. n. Detroit trrm t through I 'm venai ( r e d it Co., the Authorized Pord Finance Plan. FORD DEALERS I()KI)\S f FOR 1935 READ or write as we speed over tmooth steel rails. in the dining car when­ ever we're hungry. Complete meals nowcost as little as 80r. EAT DRINK cool, clean water whenever we’re thirsty. SLEEP in a cozy berth. A Tourist Pullman double lower for the night costs only 11,25. And there's a rest room with tts all the way. W ith rail fares at 2c a mile and less it’s real economy ta go thia way and have all the comforts, conveniences and accurity o f train travel. S o u th ern P a c ific For details, see your railroad agent o r write ). A. Ormandy, General Passenger Agent, 705 Pacific Bldg., Portland, Ore. Selfridge Furniture Company Phone 21X ’ 36 S. Third Ave.