'I'h tirai! ny i March I I , 1935 H I L L S II O R O Ordination of Cornils H eld Atfetl Justice Hies C e re m o n y H e ld at B e th a n y ; . « e x Page Three B it M ix e d Bv_M.mcb , ' E louteal M'iiiiiiuiy. «“ '• ; r lu -r r v O rlivi- G iu r ili . Dr I> * .in i» » ( » c r in a li, ¿ „ ^ i T i . f ^ b " ."ir. II,, lo u»e cluuK' v«» ««It Neumann. paftor ti„. or- lu p t u t church. pre», hi } illnatlon *•■•"»«>. ,a the Aloha »Scouts Give Program P atterson Speaks a t G ra n g e M e e tin g T h u rs d a y D ance M onday P a r ty »emlnarv ,,f P o rt­ land Itila i-oin- Ing May, »»» <"'- (illìlll'd ut » *erv- lll- III BethllllV Baptist e liu r i'tii Hiiiiiluy eveiiliiH | R,-v. E HJoik ipil.1t. .-.Uiiply P>‘ - tur of thè Hweil i li llii|ill»l l'tiuri li il Warren, t «• «> tlw , iiiigregation Pi il i e openlng pi .m i 1" w '■ - ™ O R E G O N illy Ml. hnmlhy Cook«) CORNELIUS 'fin- cltv council ] lust week deci,led to prohibit the I further u of billboard-. Inside the 1 city lim it K l.ninni rii il» “ Il h o llo i iitlllli'lll t in n ì lli'iiv ri tini h ig h si'lHM'l In U l­ ulili «ilo Wlll I«' « r iu lil.iln l f i ...... th è W'-ili-rii ll.ip- U hi 'l'Ileo log Im i ^4 T o n y ’» a Cornelius Has Billboard Ban B e n e fit .Stanley Coniti,, pmloi of Clu-irv (Irove H wi - i II m I i lli i p l l ' l ,'h u ri li w lu, I I H IL L S B O R O , F a m i l i e s M o v e ; C lu b M e et»; F o rm T o w n ir m l C lu b , • A R G U S , ffiy If. C. Si vanii ALOHA Local Boy Scout troop presented a program before grange members and friends T hursday eve- mnv p r Patterson of Htifahoro w h£ Is interestedI w? the Bov "scout movement m ve a talk ot ™ ,ut"w ork ^ al«, d presented X Spom orad Neighbor» of Wood,-,aft »pon-l sored a curd party March b at I lltu iiiliiK » hull with Mr». Frank Dm,her u» rluih'iiiup. A r t h u r Hpli-hM-haert was awarded a basket | ' won by Mr» .1 Valid,-rvi-n. Mr». ! won by Mrs. J Valid,-rvan, Mrs Henry tiering. Henry Rtttuelar and George Ibirllrhi and pinochle hon­ or» wept to Mr». Warren Huber. Mi J Vanlaim; Oeorite llolsch'-r and T<-d Wiikin» The circle nu t Thursduy evening for u regular busines» meeting. Program Given The local grad« school was la v - ’ ored with .election» on the h ar-I moniiu and banjo selections Thur»- ila-. given bv Frank Hartley, ac­ companied by Countv Superintend-1 elit G II K raus Mr Hartley has played In over 8000 schools and is conducting harm onica classes In I Hillsboro A number of local teach-I ers are receiving Instruction there. | Mrs Robert Bellinger of Forest (trove visit,-d lu-r mother. Mr».] M Edaon, and sister. Mr». E d n a ' Russell, Tuesday. Lucille Mann has been 111 at tier home with blood poisoning Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ole Olson, I March 0. a boy. Birthday Observed Mr mill Mrs. M O. O tt a n d | Mr. and Mrs Ham Stayton andj MOKE THAN MAN POWER For the next five minutes It Is no longer 1 th at scrub the floor In the hard place behind the stove but Christ th at llveth In me; for tl ie next half-hour It Is no longer th a t work over the dairy cow that is bloated and likely to die, but Christ th a t llveth In me. This Is Bible straight, by the Apostle Paul Romans six says to count your old sin-nature nailed to the Cross of Christ, i ructftrd with him th a t the body of sin might be dead, for dead men cannot serve sin And in Galatian* 2 2 b the Apostle says, "I am crucified with j p?.1,' r h r t i i ’A’htn8 fin O ,' 2lot *• but C hrist th a t llveth In me; ?nd the ,U,e whlch 1 “ ow llve u* the f£esh L a v e ^ 1 l llv-° m ^ l by f ^ ' thp me " f»Hhfulne»s ‘“ of 'd the boys with service badges O ther g -rh» "ihlld of God would he a visitors from Hillsboro were Mr. ^ h i child of Ood would be a and Mrs Forsythe, m aster of Hills- w ithout the U r ^ t h e d e m a n d boro Orange, and Mr. and Mrs R X to g ri? " - Hornecker i. and of Reed- quit-claim deed to C hrist of all - Ira Towe r ,,,„ rm in Je p i „Tam at cht their talents and abilities: every- m e e t m i? tw lli b e -n < hargeh of the thlng over him frwn r,,rlrUn‘i Agricultural ci^ m ltteS “ ^ the stor,‘ to [x'ri<,r‘n “'« HurgicaJ k,., ,n u rd * cb" 'm u • operations; from washing dishes to W alter K latt. a member of the translating the scriptures on the crew of the Edward Luck, nback foreign field Yes. stand with Ood which was dork.-d In Portland Fri- that vour old sin-self Is dead; next ! day and Saturday -.pent Friday hand over to Christ all th a t you night with his parents Mr. and are and have, then count yourself Mrs L. F K .att. H p sailed S atur- out and C hrist in; now comes life day evening for Seattle and ex- abundant, fruitful, supernatural — pects to be back In Portland this George N Taylor. Beaverton. Pd. Ad week-end. ------------------------------------ 1__ ________________ _ Mrs. A Richards and daughter Betty have been very 111 with flu the past week. H . R. (Wellington Mr and Mrs. Dick Holland of "Let 'Kelly' Fix Your W atch" Portland visited Mrs. Holland's father. C, J. Stickney. Sunday. In Stage Depot Girls of the 4-H sewing I class Hillsboro. Oregon with their leader. Rosalie Reed, met a t the home of Margaret Gaunt. . , MUSH wa-. -uppliixl lx-K'-r. by IJ'i I’ Death rinsed I li e distinguished any choir. Ilcv T churrb. paftor acted cureer of former Supreme Court of the inilcrUUning Justice o h v u Wendell Holmes, • V « “¿ c O T ° when ^ c . , he , Station Rented shown above In a recent picture H Ewer, who is handling the' " " ’^ e ^ - h J f ? » “ ' c o n n u will County Representative Sterling Mineral products, has re n t­ for ed the gas station formerly run ?• Ä u r o T C he Betliany Kuptmt by Ted Emerson and will h a n d le ' b u n h . in- u uu- M>n d| E L E C T R O L U X Shell gas and oil in connection with ' Mr lla ila O o m lU o f B< Vhun> wen- g*‘ i?s“ a t ‘th " r M?s ‘¿(li'm B u'A C IJa n k Koch and th e Misses Emma Cleaner and Air Purifier the Sterling M ineral products. ............................ ic5 SVrdayt2 u ,,d "v In U .T Ü S C 1 U D Goetze and Frances Onos, a r .d Home Economics’ club will have I <11, lx.U Rkbrntuid, \ b? I?,kJ ?"A ,Or,lS l i Ixmor oi l th h e e , | many children. WAYNE EMMOTT , their quarterly meeting at the lu u A rH .H h u u i's is ut Hunilay with u m i i k r ' six' lnc lies ol «now wa« birthday oí Mrs. Lela Wood«. Phone 2143 for appointm ents Young people of the Blooming I o ran g e hall March 20. With a pot Move to (¿rove Mr anil Mr» lian» Lornlls and | P;«irled at O is-hrun last week congregation M arch8 received M ar-! luck lun luncheon at noon mi u Snow n ( lu ir . ie s t h a v e b een In ev l- Mr and Mrs. R. Bigsby and fam-1 (mnlly Plans for the annual banquet of garet Ruecker, Lois Alton and Mil- Nearly 3.000 growers of melons uhd Mr». Charle» Head- Mr and Mr» Kd Huk«'»-, ami Mr lll-IH-1- bere during the past week lly, Mr -------------------- - — 11 ■ - - uiil" Mr . W a lle r CUlIU ld »- ,<• J- Mr and Mrs I> Willis of rick ai m l I u iiilv ’ Mi and Mrs. c llf- lll,‘ Da(l»' club of Oregon S tate dred Meyer into membership. Mel- ,ln(j tomatoes in Oregon and Wash- ted and J nted librarian mgton a re receiving application» - _ a ■ m a m m K nd Visited M C Larsen and fam Portland visited friend» here _Frl- ford Bigsby and on and Mr and college have been y* ( H annan of fOr erop quotas for 1935. actorclmg K M E i S W M D l ■ 1 Hv Sunday. .. _ . im b ,' to C ornells from Forest Orove announces n.-organU atlon and A rthur O u r» k e t<) MoS o n Tompkins, chairm an of < U » Formed The ’Nelialian»" gave a dam , Mr» O Schuh, who ha» I L ______________ I .« « ? W ot .the. two-.»ute • _____ 7 A ll HEILA i la-»» »' I"*' " , h ------------------------- j m arketing agreem ent for those H ere is something th a t will interest The un h estru , ill for some lime, I» much lm- room of the Benson hotel. Portland, j music ha» been org iiii/a-d iim' wl" liere Suliirduy night 11,1,1 I.) W a lte r u r o v e d March 22. Owing to Interest al- » • „ f commodities. These growers repre- hoot and M >nit-‘> under tin- liu ... 11,11 every farm owner. We regard it as ol Wa I I U1(1 Mrs E Wyff(.ls tt n d ready aroused, he predict» a capac- .sent 75 p er cent of all wlio raise eT nl..“¿ ai‘' » Ä ‘k M. Mr» ' |* Catkin» one of the most im portant announce­ William People» of W arrenton daughter M argaret »pent last week- ‘tv crowd. _ f ^,n d h m ents we have ever made to our f , Wilson of Alona are the m- w» a gui l id Mi and M r. J. T I < Claud,- E Ingall edltoi C j F O V e S l l C C U m D S U1 ** reached b> local commit- trade. We invite you to drop in a t »trucUir». o, uni - it., mm,ml i.'mi.,i.,-. Mi ....... • Wilcox visited In Corvallis OaxeUe-Tima» will be Ml» Alin Itami' •■■l ha (lAS our yard and let U3 tell you about »II M r» M Travl» and daughter Portland with friends March <> the toastm aster, and B Frank Ir- Winfield Scott Sparks 86 retired G ^°wefu a cedar Mül d in g SEK?ì„-fd'‘d 'tu - home ííl Mr» E. .. .................... .... . A Service That Gives the week-end with Plains. to be houftekeeper for L. I ciirlsten — - .. . be the ... chief . sp ----- i ins nome in ro re si orovtr »eruces any three of of the the past past er of North I of - trustee*, will eak -! b^ rehS?S I «ny three years year» out out í “ Ji'm-» Man’h » Nineteen ladles week Brown and two son«. Forest'0 G rove'^^Jndert'aiunr ‘ ^ ' ¡ f o u r and t U dividing by three You Better Farm Ml«a Ro.x* Edmoiuiton of P o rt-|e r FTrd Sm of Cochran and L . m i i ith u n OI i tx u r u i i unu l ah . s o w w. . ra rest drove undertaking com- rC ' atzr ’ n,pn: npafqv ¿»if.»ov. The" making «»!" land wa« w r n l f h t |u e« t a t| A notable feature of the banquet pany chapel with Rev Alexaiider • a K. Bodly i p-nt the week-end at Buildings for Less mrs in Portland the George Wilcox home Friday. w,u t | u. presence of member« Bennett officiating and music by , naVf*™ their home hole» ln heavy anil light ,, Money. and Donald Klesel and John Mi Klllop of Portland vis- of the championship basketball Thoina» Isaacs. Remains were sent | LrAAve^nuniLA hAweveA fm A an" ieriai« ¿nd uulored ooat loop«, ir.e Dean ----- _ ---- -------- ---- . acreage quotas: however, final ap 1 r .»• I .nr ifc.i, tak«!! up in ».r«d »Smith J r of Portland anent ited friends here Sunday U-am of Oregon State college, who to Gilbert. Iowa, for burial. We are now prepared to give , proval must be made bv executives you, w ithout cost, authentic Mr Sparks was born August 3 of the control committee. This pro- inform ation concerning th e 1848, in Ohio, and m arried M artha gram is being carried out under Smith at Boone. Iowa. January authority of the Agricultural Ad- planning and construction o f any farm build­ 1878, to which union four c h il-! justm ent Acts, recently renewed by ing you may need. This farm service is fully dren were bom Mrs. Sparks died legislatures of the two states. The described in a booklet which is yours fo r the in 1917 and July 16, 1919. he m ar- purpose of such a plan is to elim- asking, w ithout obligating you in any way. iw n r e n d " of * ' Hu S u w i William Mann Lucille and Prls- ¡¿ rs ¿ ^ , ¿ 3 evVryihlw "in "riadi-1r1^ ^ “ le B„ 1M ,ury .".re.Yuiird with a niembeislilp <’! ^jr» It It. T Townsend • s at 1-IUa. and Mr. and Mrs L C Mix,- ness a i a»e last session and Mr Surviving him are four children means disastrous prices to farmers, •13 with |4!* 21» 111 ttn- tri usury Camp is .spruduig a few day» Get a Copy of This Free Book C h r is m a n o r e d ic te d that the ban- Catherine M Conner of Superior, and to guarantee the consumer a Mr Muiwoud ol 1‘ortlanil .. was tin- ...... recovering from a slight a t - berrv Mr ................. i„.i(i I t tells you how you can be sure of g ettin g .... .k ,.r NexL meeting will , lx- In'll' tack of ............... the measles L utheran church' 1» obaervlng ,luPt will attract a capacity crowd Franklin I S p a r k s of Spring- better and more uniform product. farm buildings th a t are the la st word in A ' i, 21 with George Simons ius miss Ju an ita Nelson returned the Lenten season each Sunday- by \ja n y tickets have already- been Held. Mo.: Lee M. Sparks of Has- ' speaker with her m other to Monmouth a serie» of sermons by the pastor, reserved, he said, and Interest Is ^ n - M*nn ; and Lillian R. C rout- strength, rigidity, permanence, through tested lhe strong all over Oregon Friends of , n,Y’1 Io*’a i and a construction principles, and do it fo r less Mr and Mrs Harvey Carr and \ ] ls Nelson spent the past week Rev George Kix-hler am and Clm ton visiting her daughter here. Thi-y Tea !»|>oiiM»red ihe college from practically every ?I?;ber Alden B Sparks of Boone money. il'ivutn* of IMrtland visited Mr. and were accompanied by Mbv. LaVelle, The ways and means committee community in the state will be l°wa M rs Glen C arr Sunday Berg uf the Cornelius Civic Improvement present More Than 100 Farm Buildings Funeral services were held Sun- j Birthday ( elebrated M i, W W McDonald returned ( ,Uo »p.ouso.eu a i •• it the A program of musical numbers day afternoon at Forest Grove for j Each has received the stam p of approval of M rs II Helndrlrh ol Cedar Min Saturday from a week , visit In I home o f Mrs. Henry Behrinan and other entertainm ent features Colburn Thayer. 50. who d i e d ! the agricultural engineers of 15 leading S tate ----- I Timrsday afternoon. The home was have been arranged to follow the ,-iiïi rtaini-d with a birthday ,,nri party v Eugene ! Ä ' ' - r j ' » “ « " 1* - ; ; ‘•¡î.1?» f e U niversities—th e nation’s best building au­ It-lv r iti’ J tn at his home near Oas- beautifully decorated with daffodils main address, and the committee Call al ear oVica far » LIIVIILVI IL, IV44 4 I Thursday ,nn ev A le x a n d e r B e ennett n n p tt of ton. R Rev. Alexander B of __». ...» Mifcxlne roWier. i h - thorities on farm construction. Think w hat th a t and hy acinths. A large crowd at-1 in charge plans for a social session cap, af thia xaloaMa _ , , . . . | Forest Grove officiated and H. W I m eans to you! W. * ‘stephens Stephens, tended. following the more formal proceed- r o t h wcred m Î î xüa w Farm ers raising truck crops such prickett had charge of funeral ar- . . Farewell Party (¿Iven ings. The event Li for men and -niorm- B ev riy T.horne. >hyllia’"Tl**«* as sweet corn. Peas, beans and rangem ents. Interm ent was in the Marie Johnson I n r i s f i l K » R < * r n a p r lS Mr and Mrs A rthur BLshop g a v e women. H e tiv W in h r lc li Lumber That Gives You a Better onions will be particularly Interest- HilLiboro cemetery. v i i l i s t l l l t . u t i u u i u a a farewell party Saturday evening ( «-orgia Wallace Patsy and II«-1' i-d in the fertilizer discussion to be Mr T hayer wtvs bom Septem- - -------------j Walla«,-. June Mead Barbara Wal- Funeral services for Christine H lor Mr. und Mrs. Fred Järisen and Job At Lower Final Costs b> P r9fer>-so*' c B-Uzek ber 12. 1884 In Portland, m arried " “»"‘im'rolhv’ Hnvirr, Maxine Fow BeVns‘rd».‘ M.‘ 'who dl’^ A A p o r t la i S H liiWren. who have moved U> Ml B lo o m in g We not only furnish FREE BLUE PRINTS of any of theta _ £ 30 p m J?a tu r? a y, at— lhX .court Frances E. Clements there March In . Audrey Fowler. I’ai«y Hein- pj-lday. were held Monday morn- Vernon. Waoli. 1 re**’iR mzYOMINr»—Mrs Am bui Idi ng.» to our customers but we show how Weyerhaeuser BLOOMING Mrs Arnold Gnos house, according to L. E Francis 12 1906. and moved to G aston in 4-8QUABX I .mber can be used to rive better construction a t drieh. the huele •* • *th*. Ghureh of the Vu>ita- ; h ‘»noi gu» s . 'h JJ111 • l*Mr • celebrated her birthday March 5 5 1 »-w»4*uiv wuu4> a agent. gem . r Fertilizer r r u i u r r 1 that He Í is survived by his dric b and birthday March assistant j-ounty th a w t year year. He lower final cost—the right lumber to use and how to use it. ^ i V i ? - n ^ h in,‘ *full«»r ,lon at V -rlx^rt Concluding s.-rv- ¡ Dwyer and Denny bv e ,d e f i n i n g a n 5 m ¿ r ” f r 5 l s - requirements of various soils and X two ” ns ¿rich It will pay you to know all about thia new service. We’U be H arry C. of C ath- ire« w*ere at Verboort cemetery A rthur oreiR ana uorus ana izeniiy .,vp< n j frtmrf« ohmíjc u. pr#» crops types of commercial fertihz- i _____ « vw «»> f _______and wacH radii o. ’Tiptoe Ihrouwn tiv iun¡ glad to exploia it fully. Lyle C. of Ga&- Recitation Rosary was held j . Bishop and the host and hostess. Mesdames d M arcaret Gnos, Onos Charles and rates rates of a n d ‘ ,„.n . (or IMUv I .w , Hclndrlch ... ......-- .. I IV , >,«,‘.'11 of thi- *•„ I,,..«.,, WHO ,,,,,, Maruaret Charles ere fertilizer mixtures and of {„í?. ton; and two sisters. Mrs Frances Mr II H elndrilh „( Cedar m u i chapel of Hennessey, Goetach ( lul> Meet» T u e id a , i Enier'" Jo’h n " E p le r'’ J M T anner application wiU be discussed P Allen of Portland and Catherine lust returned from a trip to < a» A M rtlee pi IW la n d Sunday nigh, Cornelius Civic Improvement club Butterfield. Pe?cv The Percy ' Newman. Newman, Her- Her- The meeting meeting is is the the second second ... in , a Thayer of Cherryville. fo r n la . visited her sis- . t j7 '? ? ,cd,. aaa sl!,l,crr, of Mrs. will inei-t *“ ^*’i Gty hall I u, »day bprJ s pringer. Henry Haase, series of monthly 4-H crops meet MrL Kona of POTttand Valid,-raiinden of Roy Mrs afteniuoiv Mrs Ear Hobbs chair- 1<>hn Ooel„ . ElmPr Bogp pyp,, lngs wh,ch are being held in the Argus classified ads get results. ter Mr» Sam Kuna, I William Ix-psi hat of For, »t Grove, man of the dipiu tm ent of In tjr Krahmer. Albert Krnhmer. Oscar county. Farm ers are invited to at- We specialize in quality Job p rin t­ 8. 2nd Ave. and E. W ashington Phone 301 Frlday. , , M artin J. B ernards of Orenco. national relations, will have charge n ,,n tn n p m ,, R randaw - a n d te n d ing—Argus. Mrs S Walter is recovering from Marg,lrPt M ,,lld Cecelia Bernards of the discussion study. Mesdames 1 fahl n " ,ton Brandaw and tend, an attack of pleurisy _ w>iii Mrs Minnie Soliler. und Mrs. Ed 1 A Lundgren. A McCormack A dance *WLh®ld Bt Cedar Mill vanLom of Portland. i Robert Tanner. (¡range luall Saturday n night An ll- ig h t. A ■ . .. ■ mi , ........... Ilrnrfil Mniulav other on« will be held lhls 8ntur' C ou n ty Solons G iv e n Firemen'» club will sponsor their ‘‘“¿ t r ^ i z e . Spark* of P ortland N o tic e in M . g . x i n e “ ^ iu ^ ' ^ v U I ^ “ ¿ U L v vi,lied Mrs. Glen C arr Thursday Representative J W Hughes of evening Ml-« Dorothy Boy und Carl Ij»r- Washington county received the j a m , s Parmley »pent Tuesday In sen vbdted ML and Mrs. Ray Page following tribute In the March 6 aherwoSd ol Portland T hursday night. Issue of the Oregon Democrat J Mr and Mrs. W Christensen "Colonel Hughes ha* been tin able aIld fa,„,iv have moved to Port- legislator and studies carefully the iand bills introduced and up for pussage Sunday school of the M. E . Ills opinion bears w e ig h t « , u n - church wishes to thank the com­ as I)USV S e s s io n hi.,.-,,l and unprelijm lii.d H, pr, niunilv lor then kind , o-operatlon 7 r n ta llv e L I, Ro\s received lhe jn making the food «ale held In West Union local of the Farm - following comm ent. "Represent»- Bernard'« grocery and Hank’s m ar- ers Union met al Ihe K P hall live H um was the author of a gas- kPt, Saturday, such a success The ai North Plains March 7. L E ollne company regulation bill which Epworth La-agues popcorn sale was AMOVE* s OOVFH S rs Francis, assistant county agent, was denned right In principle, ac- very successful. was Initiated Mrs J Gates. Mrs cording to many members of the Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dixon of H Iaiftls and Mrs J Pubols re- house, but which failed to pass Milwaukie spent several days this ported mi the home Interests’ con- - - week with their son and daiighter- ferenre at Corvallis. Our classified columns may have in-lnw. Mr and Mrs. C. O Dixon Rusaell lx>rtls reported on the just what you are looking fo r— Mrs. John Black visited friends meeting of the baseball league a t Read them. I In Portland Sunday. Hill iliir n an d W est U n io n Ini,-m l _ to sponsor a Ixisebnll team Next “ ~ meeting wlll lx- Mareh 21 There w 111 be a short business session for n committee to report on county fair exhibits and other unfinished business A dance will follow L a­ dles are requested to bring lunch. , Cochran Reports Six Inches Snow CI C D-wk’ Clllh ivlelon, 1 Tnmatn OttiatO UOta Hlanned Plans Big Affair 1^1 ■ FA INCW 1/63! Ill rdFRl DUIICIfnQS Agtd KCSldtllt OI Services Sunday for C. Thayer Truck Garden Men Services Held for J. W. COPELAND YARDS West Union Local H Hav you saw tt In tile Argus. A /CHEVROLET _ PUT SWING IN IrO U P STRIDE Illustrated; PA-Ton Panel Truck (131** Whaalbas«) Truck owners kn o w econom y The inside story of the rain barrel Feel new vigor and tingling good health, by keeping fit with a quart of milk a day! That goes for youngsters and adults! Ia>t us deliver your daily quart! FIR G RO VE D A IR Y Phone 4RX1 THAT’S W H Y THEY Like the old oaken bucket, the rain barrel was full of romance—and, we might add, of twigs, leaves, germs and grasshoppers I The in sid e story wasn't pleasant. BUY CHEVROLET • •• TRUCKS But "the old order changeth" and today the modern water company provides a safe, healthful supply and delivers the water to your home at the turn of a faucet. M CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY. DETROIT. MICH, f'omparv < krrr<4r<’» tow M a r r e d p r ic n an d ra«r G..W-4.C. f»rwi. .4 Conorut M otors k’atno SEDAN 1- I * DEI B FRY (107* Wbeelbane) HALF-TON CANOPY EXPRESS (112* VI m W mm ) HALF-TON iiz -- PICK-DP * lOO (112* theelbaae) HALF-TON PICK-UP WITH |4 n " CANOPY (112* Wbeelbase) IIAI.F-TON l - z n PANEL f OO() (112' Wherlbaae) •14-TON CHASSIS ’ -lOO (131' Wbeelbaa«) *033 *173 •1 ’ ,-TON CHASSIS AND CAR (157' Wheelbaa«) *003 •14- ton stake K - *OOv 13 open tr** *033 EXPRESS (131' Whee-lbaae) ♦14-TON t7 o n STAKE *7 2 U (157' Whrelbaar) *I4-TON PLATFORM *O 3 U (131 ' Wheelbase) dboto aro t i l prioot of ro m m o m a l r v t a t H io t, Michigan Sporiai oqttipm onl o ttr a . uhoat» ..-id fires 220 oxtra. Pricoo » u h /r r t to c h a n g o u i t h o u l n m ic o . D E A L E R A D V E R T IS E « * CHEVROLET TRUCKS Hillsboro Motor Company C o rn e r S. T h ir d A v e . an d W a s h in g to n St. « rm (131' M heel baa.) •IM.TON HIGH RACK * 7 (157' Wbeelbaar) 14-TON W o rld ’s Lowest Prices OREGON-WASHINGTON WATER SERVICE COMPANY RICHARD E. WILEY, Manager H ills b o ro , O re g o n E N w ho s tu d y h au lag e costs know, t h a t C h e v ro le t tru c k s a rc as o u t­ s ta n d in g in eco n o m y a n d d u ra b ility as th ey are in price. C h e v ro le t tru c k s h an d le to u g h h a u lin g jo b s d a y a fte r d a y a t sm all o p e ra tin g co st, b ecau se th ey a re b u ilt to C h e v ro le t's ow n high sta n d a rd so fq u a lity - in e v ery p a r t. T h e ,x>werful six-cylinder v a lv e-in -h ead en g in es a re tru c k m o to rs, rs p e ria h y d esig n ed to give su sta in e d p u ll­ ing pow er. F e a tu re s th a t assure s ta m in a a n d long life a re e v id e n t in e v ery d e ta il o f th ep re c isio n -e n g in e e re d c b a ssis. C h e v ­ ro le t tru c k s offer m ax im u m ra p a c ity , econom y a n d q u a lity — because C h ev ro let is th e w orld's larficst builder o f tru ck s. J A M E S W H IT E L A W , P ro p rie to r T e le p h o n e 441