Page Tw# H IL L S B O R O ARGUS. 1 Into th e movements and w here­ abouts of brother Brtsbane l a s t t ight. There was, hovever, .m other In ­ terruption lx*fort .la exam inations i look place. Tin trout door bell I rang and present!' two men bear- | mg a coffin-shaped basket entered the room They IfteJ Coe's body m-1 to it. and. without a word, carried. By Their gruesjm e b u rjeu out. And no1" let's have the windows S. S. Van Dine open.' ordered M arkham. "A ndturn out those ghastly electric lights • Snitkin and Burke leaped to obey 1 him; he drew a deep breath a n d ' Copyright by W. H. Wright looked a t his watch. "Clet Gamble up here. Sergeant." I WNU Servie* he said, leaning bark in his chair | H eath sent one of the uniformed officers to the street with Instruc­ T ilt: STORY tion* to keep all strangers aw ay , C H A iT t R I Phil.» Vanew n s t i in Irotn the house. The other he sla- soiviair rrtn • mjnosrMa. is called in tlOIied 111 the hail O U iSlde Of Coe’s inveatteate the suppnsed .m od. of Archer room. He ordered Burke to th e Coe. waalthy odlecmr of CU m m .-era- lower hall to answer the front door t^ lT h e u disappeared down t h e H IL L S B O R O , Birthday Parties at Laurel Ridge MURDER CASE Bend r,nwhc^"he’ k d 'd i iX d Presently he returned with the on hu employer*« l find We want some information about Wrvdc. a friend of C oe», i h c r c . al»o a the COndttOI’.s in this house last S i^ n .e Graa»i. a cu«ai. Seproam H.-aO, n ig h t" M arkham b e g a n gruffly and D eiectira Hennjaaey hur»t in thv "And We Want the tru th —Under- the death cham tur. I oe s t j n ( J?" o 7™.n "Certainly, s ir-a n y th in g I know. ca»e of suicida. V ance »aya it is murder. SIT. chapter i t —Hilda Lake, Coe'» niece. "First, take a Coe deserved death that he eot- volver. Ever seen took at th at re- tt before?" ‘T i l •‘T^T'ihe « ^ o i UChmwen’X “Yes. sir. I've seen it often It n J t a . her S a r d i a n he < mtr.died her was Mr. Archer C oes revolver, fortu n e and » a » paniimoeuous. Medical 'W hen did VOU see it last?" ^ i r . h ^ L t n T X d Vh-iit ' Yesterdav morning, sir. when I tain m y»ter»«a feature« by he W Straight erfillg up the library .h a n g « hi« mind. He deciarm Coe had Mr. COe had left a record book Oil leer. dead fo r hour* when the bullet ^he t a b le , a n d when I put It awav entered h u head, it »a found that toe m t^ e drawer. I saw the revolver* had been «truck on the head and on e oi hu rib* broken. F inally a sm all wound M arkliam nodded, as is satisfied M found The wound had bled internally. ’ W h o WAS in the house last night V ance, from a cloeet. brink» out a coat after d in n er?” X 'Yesterday was Wednesday, sir. ure»- - phoned from the C o untn club earlv aaya M r A DAYTIME frock of sim ple lines th a t brings to nillady an air of distin ctio n and charm Is th a t offered In P a ttern 4 Ig . .With w hite co llar and jab o t, th is d ress Is available In sires 36 to »2 b u s t S tie 44 calls fo r 6 U y a rd s of 39-tneh fabric, plus yffrd co n trast and H y ard to line collar. If you a re m atu re of figure. P a tte rn 437 should appeal to you. T his n eat frock likew ise h as sim ple lines, Is easy to make an d easier to w ear. A vailable In sizes 36 to 62 Size 46 requires 3% yards of 3S-lnch fabric. W ith long sleeves, 3% yards are n eeded: o r, w ith bias binding lVfc Inches wide. 5 'a yard» To secure a PATTERN and STEP-BY -STEP SEW ING IN. PT'ttlC T IO N S , fill o u t th e coupon below, being sure to MENTION TH E NAME O F TH IS N E W SPA PE R . FASHION BUREAU, 103 PA RK AVENUE. NEW YORK Enclosed f i n d ...............cents. Please send me the p attern s checked below, a t 16 cen ts each: S H J t u S si S The three plaui-clothes men had he a D D O in tm en t^ irh f c i r S ^ n ^ ^ F h ' tC^ aM e t r ^ r , ; a n tmuseaumqUltIeS P a tte rn No. 448 S i z e .................. P a tte rn No. 437 s i z e .................. N am e ler C hat lev Huynes. C arl H, hallen brand. Ja m es H arris a n d sun Me, Iin. Mlxaes Irene a n d J u n n i l a H av, e» Helen Asbuhr. a n d Heuil Huynes a n d lJouald Kdy guests at the John Strickler home If you ehtutge your uddrciM kind Bunday. lv notify tlie Argus direct anil nt Miss E lo n m e lla letn an a n i l once Floyd Shaw of F orest G rove v is­ ited Miss H ilen Asbalu at the 11 I’, « tric k ier hom e Bunday evening A sm all d ep u tatio n troni P tulli college at Newberg presented ............ A d d r e s s .,............. .. a »»lav I l f C h u r,h ie w Wo,Id „1 'h r M ountain H o m e . lm r. lt Hun dav evening Io „ large audience Hayward I Itv Vivian lln.l.nil) (tty Mr». O It Pelerwnl i' xl'' Peilerson purchased a team Mrs. Alvin Maly and baby d au g h ­ Several petulle In the .o -i.isi of horses Mondai in Hillsboro. ter Betty Jean returned to their have been r.uiferlug In , m ullaek s Homer ut in Diatetici OI the u r u ille i ) , . I , .1 , u 7. iiom er Purdin 1*1110111 01 a te n e r wa home March 3 after s|H itding sev and' Mr m ^ r ’ u X ' r n f r ‘Ä h ~ f . s u ? 1 ........... ' eral weeks with Mrs Maly s p a r­ ents. Mr and Mrs Herd near Myers and George Ungers were Farm ington. forced U> remain out of school. , 'i '1. a,}d s Vanjev-ell and n ie young married people's class flu dicn trom m ar 1 tsuildil,' vis- t,t Mottnlam Home Sunday school .'m * 11 h Mrs \a n J e s - met „t the home ot Mr anti Mrs e tlls aunt Mrs o J Iolletsou Edward Aebi.wher Friday night 1 . l .h ,'T ‘ L . o ' U' r,'' l h e i.r l1“ 1*' T,w «««-“ •«r: »a.s changed f r o m daughter Elaine is spendutg sev- March la announced, because ira t weegs ,j„. t*,,,,.,,, xx.|Hl hel(1 Birthday thirty at Mountain Home school Lillie Miss Bonnie June Weller Mountain Home Ladles' Aid me! celebrated her second birthd.n a ' with Mrs w E Hlni|won It was the home of her parents Mr and also a show n tor Mrs Elvln Lor- Mrs Fred Weller. March a Pres- cn.'cn. Twenty-seven lathes were fill were Mrs H L. Eisner and present Next meeting will be held two children. Mrs Ed Johnson and w|th Mrs Saunders. daughter Lilt tile. Mrs Alvin North Mrs J Boger. Mrs C h u r I f s grandm other of Bonnie Bom ' June Miss Young Mrs. || 1* 1 W mg of Hherw-taxi. Mrs June North. Wesley North, Mr Kiru-kler and herwtag, Mr- Hheppard spent I and Mrs. Andy Weller J r and Tuesday quilting ling ut the home ot 'I . ! children of Scholls, aunts, uncles Mrs 8. 8 S “ team Mrs WU lam and cousins of Bonnie June Edwards of Hherwtxxl and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Arnos Henderson J'X'eph S tretcher ot Scholls quilted ' ’silt'd Mr Henderson's brother foi Mrs Stearns all-day Tliursdav John Henderson, and also with his Fred Blrkmler and .son On.rge tx>ustn. John While, at T ual.i.m l’r Milwaukie visited Mr and Mrs view March 1. Harold Aebi.-cher Sunday after- Mrs. Lucille Scott and son Nor- noon man of T ualatin spent several davs Mr and Mrs Joseph W'erre and l.Lst week with her parents \j, son Qlen of near Hillsboro visited and Mrs O tto Meyer, and fanul.v at the Werre homes Sunday Bowling gives your Mrs Joe Borovteka a n d babv Miss Jessl ■ Htbsehmun of Port- daughter Bettv spent tlie p a s t land and Elmer Peterson of Sioux muscles the piny and week visiting a t M yrtle Creek City, Iowa were guests Thursday Mr and Mrs Albert Scott lient of Mr and Mrs Jake Weber your brain the relaxa­ the past week In Portland ------ Tire family of Hancel Myers lias Mr and Mrs Charles Deverell moved into the old Edy home tion you need after a Visited Mr Deverell > broth.*, O-. .11 Plan New Home day's office work! Play Deverell. who is 111 at tlie Good Mr. and Mrs. Donald Raglry. Sam aritan hospital in Portland whose often — and keep fit. home and also at the home o Mrs O lne ,T 7’ m ;, .‘" ’T «•'" «h'slroved by fire Kercher and daughter Pearl n m o ’ n J « 5 5 ***•• * '>r<' >•> <»«* Everything t o assure Portland last week district Thursday making g urrange- arnuige- your enjoyment. Mr and Mrs Vern C m o ,„d n "'11“ “ ’r m e construction of u sons Clifford, K enneth and Bobby nvuiff'01!^* p S tn a ^ 5 SltiVS ht" 7 *7 ' " of Portland spent Friday night und ...‘ .f t ,? Pt’Hlland the last two BOWLING SUNDAY Saturday with Mrs Cross parents ,nonlns Noon to Midnight. Mr and Mrs Albert Scott Birthday Celebrated Mr. and Mrs Jake Weber e n te r­ tained a party of friends at an Fourth Liberty Loan oyster supper Saturday evening Bonds May ’ be Changed ' holtorii,, Mr- Writer on her blrtii B„ nlvrrsttrv ' Holders of fourth Liberty Ioan Mr and Mrs o tto Krebs and bonds have an option until Friday Fred Krebs of Six Corners visited Confectioner« Itowlhix Aller» Billiard« to V,xrha" ? ' 'h rm for a new issue the W alter Spnth fanilly Thursday 01 - n p«r ient federal treasury night. Main St. bonds m aturing in m i Inform *-, Evelyn Hesse and Armour Rev- tion regarding tlie exchange m aylnold» of Scholls Mrs G race Jack i be obtained a t local banks. and Gilbert dar k of Tigard were CLEM ’S PLACE c l t F .....................................................................S t a t e ........................ Sr., I, a . ----- tl£>n ders. they went systemattcallly about question ^ A - S U ? « » “W S i ; S “ S at ¿ th S a i t i wasn't in Chicago Thursday, March I I. 1935 lest to OtKl I didn't! 1 would tigvi told you it I hud," Vance shrugged and turned awav "Still, he was here last night "W hat's hack o( that re m a rk ’ M arkham demanded How do vou RIDGE Mrs W C know Brisbane Coe was here Ltd Kdy LAUREI, was hostess ut dinner Hun night?'* •V erv xlninle Ins ivoi v i.... J " l,o" ° ‘ *»* 'h r b irth d a y an- tek b f i . OI.',' II l ii 'k , nnet tf . "I Mt and Ins stic if of th è .hair* in t h e 1 lo w .'i h i l i ' " ' P 1“ '« H avu." Present were one ' Wuinmiw. lie», wLk, .i'i.’.1* .M.,''« li.m ,s H P Stick THE KENNEL d .»v. revealing OREGON A COMPLETE NEW SET of Breakfast Room Furniture Choice o f 18 bright, modish colors 4 * 7 -' fo u rn i« il mb I a lin o t i i.wt good tu b r I ru e In il M e re • h o w g et »»ne i|u « n < «n <4 kCMCOUAUTÏ ENAMEL-KOTE ati«l rrftfiiv l » o o f break« l«at rtHHf lo d a ) tu r to m o rro w fu r n itu r e tt a g ain m o rn in g I n a n ie l k " le M I be ?«|»of 4 f |n « r u m ef >ou sine« tn ra n buy — g lt>>,ir« Ir a t e « n o b ru »b m a rk « > f.t w a n t • In i n rafcw lo o . »» p«n| of I na»ot I R o < r w ill I» rnotsgb fog ih«< T r y y o u r h an d « I re d e c o ra tin g » 4 u n fur« n rtu re w ith 4« me Q u a lity | B„ „ | K o , e t u u l i be a u r p i»atti a l y u u r s k ill Lester Ireland Ô6 Co. N am e of th is new spaper .......................... ............... All m aterials specified in above p atterns may be purchased in local stores. !« ? . " X ' S " . 1 S n S i 'i S ? know who went out» this room "How do you k n o t Mr Coe took IonK has he been here? * . . . And what kind of stick did he , lat*1 the five-thirty train ?" ------ - "Only ------- a few months.'* take with h im ’" Vance beckoned H eath to one Gamble looked perplexed. "Go on.” iv o ry -h * ' can throw some light Into t h e 'j t r “I " h didn't e ’V e p lie ? after"b "T? en M us L ak es per-1 h ? "Hts J “ vorlte- ■ e • id tl stick, sir. It's exactly see lm k iiS s^v gloom of your uncertainties. S er- eral times "B ut I sonal mald And th at s aU- sif ' LT hE one wlth a crooked handle geant. he said. "Coe himself locked JS erv ^U o n s and nacked h « u "w h en d’d the cook and Mis- the c .rv w SsP* the wndows and pulled down the and?£>t him Pa’ taw " Lake s maid leave the h o u i y e s t « - ! J« * . ^ r " shades; and he also switched on ^ W h a t tim e did t h . day? * “You re quite sure, are you. th at --------- d ‘d hP lea' C thC Right after lunch. T h at's t h e ' the lights. But I ’U a d ‘ m it I'm in a the'hom se»“ him to Chicago?" Stygian darkness as to who was "A lit He before five sir usual order on Wednesdays, s ir" ^ last perw n to handle the d o o r-| v ln ce "Positive. I handed it to him my­ Yance roused himself from ap- "And when did they re tu rn ?” self a t the door of the taxicab.' H eath blinked and looked up ques- ‘’^ ‘^ n - '^ l m b l e - he ,Late la5t night. I myself came Vance kept his eyes'on the man. tioningly. about to answer, n , tnokina , ? i un_"arbor. r ? s , n 7 »». o D th ’ ln at ««SVU. eleven. I was ju just »6»/. n He c was auoui io answ er. nll. si r retiring— e tirin g — and stood up. He walked very de­ d e c id ^ ^ h is ^ u n r^ c ^ a :, K but Instead he called to C aptain li verately to where Gamble sat. and Dubois. looked down at him search ingly. Vance's eyebrows went up "Gamble,"—he spoke ixmitedly— "Say. Cap; take the right thum b- print of the body on the" herf "»'nu Yhe butler turned his head to- ■Sneak?" "did you see Mr. Brisbane Coe in see if you can check it with the ’ ^W h v ^n o t u n tiT afrei'fn ’" 36’ i v He alwa>’ sneaks, sir. He s very this house after you returned last p rin ts on the window-catches ana r, a - ? ' a ft7.r .four.°S ock s1'' and tricky and—and devious, sir n ight?” the light switch.” Jf » ra th e r sudden decision _ t f you know what I mean." The butler went white, and his Dubois went to the bed. A few ^railv nlan's ? en ' "Probablv his oriental upbring- lips began to tremble. The question was so unexpected th a t even I re ­ ing," rem arked Vance casually, with m inutes later he returned with a the“dav"beforeI piece W of i lardboard on » which was It it usual ^ u u u o i u 0,1 m en w a s ' " A - h ," before. V a r ™ r a ic .J b i. , 7 a ‘ faint smile. "Tell me. « r c . i is s u u s u a l ceived a distinct shock from an ink impression of Coe’s thum b m ndR ye .Ian" ior the servants to stay out late M arkham half rose in his chair, and ' You You had had th e rie h t rtnn. a . , - ? ul2i> D??’’ he make many trips Wednesdays?" H eath froze into a startled a tti­ the right dope Ser- b. c h ira e o ’ geant, he said. "It looks like the Vh’cago? "Yes, sir tude, his cigar half raised to his, one a month. I should "Then, if anyone were fam iliar lips. Gamble cringed beneath Vance's guv on the bed locked th is w in­ say. About sir.” steady gaze. , dow.’’ ■■rv, _ b _ . .b w’th t h e domestic arrangem ents "No, sir—no. sir!” he cried “Hon-1 »»C then ...ou w out through vurougn m He went the e sam same e tlnrT?c 7n rb ??,s?> " ‘ the a ttra c " here, he would know th a t he could process of m inute comparison with "irJS 1 „ , count on the house being free from the catches on the other windows biSS“ ? ' . ^ ' b - 5everaI servants Wednesday nights." 1 WE D EAL IN R EAL ESTATE W hen he was through he came to m J e tm « "T h a ts rl« h t' slr Writ« Heath. meeting5 there of some learned Vance smoked thoughtfully a mo- I F ire and A utom obile Insurance •’All the same— as far as I can ..h® Then; I Make Loans and Issue Surety Bonds see Two ot the lockplates are £ ? nd th J ? TJo you know at what hour Miss blurred, but they seem to m atch." .b a V n ? 7 b ? J®3'???*’ ® ' ' j Lake and Grassl came in last KURATLI & WISMER "Now, Cap." ’said H eath ^ y ^ a ? ' ^ b a n e ..Va" cfe «"used. "He - n ig h t?” H1LUSBORO. O R M O N the switch and the doorimob.' Ib i w a 7 ? „ b L .? ? sorS 2f out.-o i" "I couldn't say. sir." Gamble shot Telephone l l t l ItSS S oc.nd 8« Dubois went to the sw.tch and. 80 he madp a Vance a curious look from the cor-, after springling the powder over avi T ? , t 0 »m’?rate ,w?st ner of h’s e>’e- "But it must have it, blew upon it gently and studied fb .? e terdf 7 a n d ,d e- been very late It was after one it through his glass. « ft? d J ‘Ve ’ 'X 0 clock before I went to sleep, and "Same here,” he nodded. "I can't nOW' G am ble- th2Pk neith er of them had returned at be sure, you understand, until I careful? befof® y °u answer. Did th a t time. ' get the photographic enlargements n ? cbo°?Ce an 5!th ,n K unusual in Mr Mr. Grassi has a key to the Phone 953 : Hillsboro and compare e t£ But the prints ? " 'I b,ane C oes m ann" eve- house?” FUNERAL DIRECTOR« look the same—the whorl tyne with ni55.‘ “Yes. sir.” and a pronounced ridge dot and several ♦ mar\ ?ave »i start. His How long has Mr. Grassi been LICENSED EMBALMER« distinctive bifurcations ' ?aze turned quickly to Vance, and Mr C oes guest? ’ H eath smoked a while in silence swallowed twice before answer- "It was a week yesterday.” T ry that gun on the desk, wrap- in? ; u . ^ . Vance was silent for a m om ent.,, ped in mv handkerchief.' ?, _.'sir—so. m,e G ™' 1 There was the suggesfon of a Dubois obeyed ° ¿5*. uas n,°* altogether him - frown on his forehead, and I knew Nothing here," he told the ser- X ? b . verL c? 1? ,? nd th a t som ething was troubling him. geant after a few minutes The ev®n-gomg But before he left here W ithout change of expression he I Incorporated) trigger’s incised and wouldn't take 27, ", m.e d . Slstra! ted and — a n d put an apparently irrev, lant q u e s -! a print.. Looks to me as tf it h ad K ' s i i ^ f o r e ^ e 'ie f tlh e ’ houiS' Collections — Credit Reports "Did you. by any chance, see Mr. been wiped clean before the fel- In _he shoolt hands with Mr Archer. Archer Coe a fter ___ .•ou returned to low . picked ,» it up W ashington, Tillamook. Polk and I t had." Vsuice spoke lethargi- IX b n» 7 er him shake hands the house last night?” cally. ‘‘It's a waste of time to m - ‘¡ j 1 .c iL a ^¿nd h? "No—I didn't see him, sir ” There Yamhill Counties spect the gun. If there are any saI<^ brother And most was a slight hesitancy jn the re- m arks on it, they're Coe s.” p^na-UH-?°r n L ba»» neV. r 'b t0 T v ° lv' and, ,Yance looked toward the Personal C ontact on Collections The sergeant stood zlarim r at RRbwIedge. called Mr, Archer by man quickly. W ashington County Office Vance. Finally he shrugged and an.?.^‘ n5 ^'iRti,nanI? ,, " ^ ° b lej come Gamble." he ad- waved his hand in dismissal to Du- b » lPrstand t- when Mr. monished severely. W hat's on your Commercial Building bois Brisbane had gone you and Mr. mind? Second and Main Streets Well, s i r — it’s really nothing; "Thanks. Cap. I guess th a t’ll be house Phone 3071 aU.-» House. out when wnen I went up to bed I no- | __ but Hillsboro, Oregon Why. yes. s ir.’ 7n1 *ITie man W was library doors doors were were ____ Dubois and Bellamy and the pho- hraoThm» Cb . mbu, b'S ticed th a t the ?ibra,Ty, tographer had scarcely quitted the breathing heavily, all of hts ob- open and th a t the lights were on. on — r'Xtnt ' when Commanding Command,!, G iL -er "™ulou™«:w erjuiou-nf-ss had of course, th a t Mr. Archer m m z room Officer n»a departed aepwrvea. "But bi » I i i I thought tnougnt oi Moran of the detective bureau, fol- 011 Y ? a ' » i ni! pn°fKh to pre- was in the library. And then lowed closely by Detective. Burke ° ar. „ ? r,, n r »»e r '» 's’lE!>Pr i ' ' I noticed the light, In Mr Archer's and Snitkin of the homicide bureau,I ir1 ^ o tJ5 r ia I° 7 b l u b ’uf00^ r ere'b thr,°'J,?h the key - , came in. . Yes' He was sitting in the li- hole, and I took it for granted th at Moran greeted us pleasantly and bra. 5i , j d?u!,lI s ta I,s. readnk- he had retired. So I went back asked M arkham several questions A*ld vou Ko and bow f0 ? ? 6 5ra i.v an? burned out the / / m a y cost ronrpm inff tho ra.^* w » saom pH r<*_ disport yourself. lights and shut the doors.” concerning the case. He seemed re- „ u, ,, . » _ . . "You heard no sound in here?" lieved to find Markham on he £ ari?b!,e .¿'¡in?» i'iTa w l Vt and o “No. sir” scene, and at the district atto r- . 1 b,A l n " i '[ „ i n'!1 th 1 e 1 Vance yawned mildly. ney's request, officially assigned nthw And w hat other servants are By the by. there's a question H eath to the case. He left us a l­ I forgot to ask Did Mr Brisbane m ost immediately, manifestly glad there in the house?” For some reason th e man breathed Coe take a walking stick with him ' to get away. when he set out for Chicago?" _ Burke and Snitkin had come a* a di ? ° b ?!, There's only two. sir. beside m y- "Yes, sir. He never goes anywhere H eath 's specific request, and after elf.” His voice was steadier now without a stick. He's subject to greeting the sergeant, stood by the "The Chinese cook—” rheum atism —" mantelpiece awaiting orders. "Ah. a Chineses cook, eh? How "So he’s told me a score of times I M arkham sat down at the desk, and made a peremptory gesture to H eath •'Let's see w hat we can find out from the people in the house, S er­ geant.” He deferred to Vance “What do you say to beginning with G am ­ ble?” WOULDN'T Vance nodded •Quite. A bit of domestic gossip A slight accident—and ANY to s ta rt with. And don't fail to pry Donelson & Sewell Credit Bureaus BG 9 H Tl M E MONEY Correct Oil . . Spells Econ­ omy Mileage You Need It! In March, the month of Spring colds, you need ev­ ery bit of resistance you can muster up. Rich milk, such as ours, contains every vita­ min for physical fitness. Quart 10c McFall Jersey Dairy Phone 2104 Oil and gas mean as much to your car as food and w a ter mean to your own physical well - being! Deal here, and be sure of the finest grade oil . . , the best Kas. CAS ANDOILl DO ? YOUR M OTOR D O E S N ’T \Z T H IN K S O LADY/ a big law suit! Don’t risk it—automobile in­ surance is an economi­ cal investment. May we advise you at once? Sometimes it must Subtract- But A. B. C. Never Multiplies Advertising is a many-unit purchase. You buy one ad­ vertisement in a newspaper but, in reality, you buy that ad­ vertisement its many times as the number of homes in which the newspaper is read. How many families will be reached by my advertising message?” has always been the factor which determines the value and effectiveness of advertising. Before the Audit Bureau of Circulations (A. B. C.) was founded, many pub­ lishers could multiply faster, when speaking of their circu­ lations, than their circulation departments could function. Of course their advertising rates were based on these ficti­ tious circulations. As was to be expected, advertisers who were thus pay­ ing an enormous premium for their advertising space set up an ultimatum to the effect that the proper place for the multiplication table was in the classroom, or for strictly mathematical problems, and not to be used when submitting circulation statements. When the Audit Bureau of Circulations inspects and <* IU- dits a newspaper member’s circulation, as it does every year, it will throw out-two copies of doubtful circulation as readily as it will subtract 20,000 copies that do not conform to strict A. B. C. requirements. Mere press runs mean noth­ ing to an A. B. C. auditor. Only the copies of a newspaper that are legitimately ordered and paid for by readers them­ selves are credited as authentic circulation. Quantity loca­ tion and methods of circulation are explained in detail hv the A. B. C. audit. C H A S . L. W ALK ER Agent Busch’s Service Garage Phone 501 Q ? A. H. BUSCH, Prop. Every form of protection — Fire, automobile, casualty, liability, Fidelity, Surety and Life. Phone 1732 1184 3rd HL Millsbo t o a p p ly If us