» Two Sections— Full oí N vwh . for Al of (lx* Euniily. ----.. i -, o< O illsb or , ! N e w s L e tte r I || Y A I. I. I rf 0 II I < K - , ■= Çnlnnc □O IDI1Í» 1 Pase <155 Grade fu v¡e Speakers ¡n Contes t Grand J u ry Here on Friday Files E ig h t Enabling Act T rue Bills on Warrants NO. 4 Hilhi Musketeers ¡.ose Out in Race for District Title Newcomers to C ounty Attend Meet Trophy Winner Valley Flood Control Plan Squeezln,; out a 24 to 23 vic­ tory. Tillamook hoopsters elimin­ ated Hilhi In the opening round of the dlstrlc 6 basketball tournament at McMinnville Thursday evening One-llouMv Legislative j The locals staged a thrilling, last- rnlnute rally to tie the score at Plan Turned Down P la n n in g B ody R ecom m ends T e n Persona H e ld to Face 22-22, but th e Cheesemakers cinched F a rm in g P ro b lem s o f T his N e w R ill A llo w s R e fu n d in g | the game with a field goal In the by Lawm akers. T u a la tin R iv e r P ro je c t 1 final 40 eronds of play. A r e a to be Discussed C irc u it C o u rt H e re on O u ta ln n d io g V o u ch ers Cox. Hilhi forward, came within E n g in e e r D e c la re s H e re on S a tu rd a y V a rio u s C harges an ace of saving the day with a a i . KM The "unicameral ’ or one- in T h is C o u n ty desperate basket attempt Just as houae legislature proposal did the gun sounded Following the not in«-» with the approval of the field goal that put Tillamook two Oregon lawmaker» Three resolu­ points ahead. Cox was fouled and tion« which would have reterred made good on the free throw. Tak­ this problem to the voter« were ing the final tip-off, he raced down- either killed or died hi committee O ffic e rs o f L o c a l G r o u p R. E. C orene T r ia l B egun the court and heaved a long shot. S p rin g C rops, M a n a g e m e n t (me ol the propoaals was for an P ln n to A d jo u rn A ssem bly The ball nicked the edge of the „ .wmbly ol 3b member» elect. «! lor R e-elected fo r Y e a r Soil to be E x p la in e d on W e d n e s d a y M o rn in g hoop and fell out as the game 1 j »»( S a tu rd a y U pset term» of four year» each. ended. provided for an ussembly of 80 Opening period of the game was That the Tualatin river flood Newcomers to Washington coun­ member» and the third. sponsored Eight Indictments against 10 per­ a nip and tuck affair with the Refunding of outstanding war­ control project had been recom­ have been invited to attend a b y the «Ute »(range, called for an sons were reported Friday by the lead changing frequently. The win­ ty rants In Washington and YunihlU mended for federal aid in the re­ ussembly of from 30 to 50 mem­ county grur.d Jury. Members of ners held a 14 to 10 advantage at meeting of the local chamber o f 1 port of the Pacific northwest plan­ commerce Saturday afternoon for bers to be elected to terms of two counties was uutiiorlzed in a bill the Jury were dismissed following the half and a 19 to 16 lead at passed Tucsdny by the state legis­ ning commission was the declara- the report and a new body will be the three-quarter mark. Richard­ discussion of agricultural problems Neil Richardson. Hilhi senior, who j tion of H. A. Rands of the U. 8. yvar» each. . pertaining to this region. The I was voted the best all-around Members of the ieivite point line lature If (he measure Is signed by named for the March term of son of Hilhi was high point man player on t h e 1935 basketball - engineers here Saturday. He told is called for 1:30 p. m. to the UcM und pronih*" methods Governor Martin, Washington coun­ (Continued on pave 7, colum n 7) court. with nine points, while Cox of meeting squad and who was awarded the members of the Tualatin Valley Approximately 75 families a r e employed by the raw recruits in ty will be permitted to refund ap­ Hillsboro and Moore of Tillamook Indictments returned were as proximately *200,000 In outstand­ Rotary club trophy Wednesday. 1 Drainage & Flood Control asaocia- listed as having moved into the th e house In disposing of bill», held follows: Monroe Smith of Hills­ were tied for second with eight county from the middle west during — P icture cuurteer Selixin*n Studio. I tlon that he was not at liberty to that body up to view u* a horrible ing general and road fund war­ boro and Walter A L. Kruger ol counters each. rants. state what appropriation had been past six or eight months. A example of what could be McMinnville wor. the district title the Sherwood, assault and battery; Le­ Thut the county would take Im­ recommended for the work. considerable number of these people I»-, ted under a unicameral system. Roy Johnson of Sherman null, ob­ Saturday night by defeating Tilla­ are now located on farms of one- mediate steps toward Issuing re­ Studies of the Tualatin river They l e v d tbal without the check funding warrante aa authorized in taining money under lalse pre­ mook In the finals. Forest Grove kind or another and it is for the problem now being conducted by which cue branch now exercise» Uie bill was the declaration of Don­ tenses; Fred W. Oberg ol Dilley, lost to Newberg In the opening purpose of presenting definite in­ army engineers will be submitted over Ute ether much more bad ald T. Templeton, county Judge, transporting untagged a n d u n- round. Independence was defeated formation regarding W illam ette with the report for the Willamette IrgisluUuo would »Up through tl»» yesterday. Although a definite pro- stamped meat food animal carcass; by McMinnville and Dallas nosed valley farming conditions that the valley. Rands stated. The huge de­ law ml» Uiau 1» now the cane. out Silverton 20 to 19. In the Sponsoring B ody N a m e d to Joe Potvln ol Tigard, selling al­ eeedure has not been adopted. It I» mand for flood control in the Pa­ proposed meeting is called. The legislature also t u r n e d planned to sell the new wurrauls to semi-finals McMinnville trounced coholic liquor to a person under cific northwest since the winter of A c t on P o w e r P roposal Farm Facts Cited I’ umbs down on n proposal to the highest bidder. (Continued on pnge S, colum n 81 21; Edward and Myrtle Hawkins N e il R ich ard so n R e c e iv e s , 1933 has delayed filing of reports, 11 a l e Uic office Of lieutenant- D. D Hill of the farm crops de­ of Tigard, permitting a minor to Large Warrant» Planned ¡he said. governor as well as on numerous R o ta ry H o o p T ro p h y partment of Oregon State college Provisions of ' the act permit Sponsoring committee to form the play pool in a public place and Estimate» Given other measures which «onio of the county is scheduled to talk on spring gram selling alcoholic liquor to a per­ courts in the two counties lo proposed Washington county utility Estimated cost o f controlling member» wanted to refer Io the direct county crops and times for planting. Spring son under 21; Russell H. Britton. clerks to Issue re­ I district was elected here Friday Neil Richardson. Hilhi senior and floods on the Tualatin river to­ voter». These included the proposal funding warrants soil management problems in Wash­ Chris Benner and a Juvenile, all when outstanding during an organization meeting guard on the basketball team, was taled *432 550, according to the re­ repeal rted through legislative ap- house payroll compared to a total est part of the expense would be plaintiffs mother. Farming conditions are consid­ tournament he was high point wlio declared that nothing could preprlatlon». has been inrreaard by of 111 at the srsslon two years ago for the map and that this was al­ ‘Trial of R. E. Corene. formerly chants for projects of little or no erably different from those with man, running up nine p o i n t s be done on the lower river unless more than »270.000 for the bien­ while the senate gave employment ready available for the major por­ of Hillsboro, on a charge of lar­ merit, was approved during a busi­ which the newcomers are familiar, against Tillamook the O. I. & S. dam was removed Coach B M. Goodman, who acted from nium through action of thr way» to a crew of 75 men and women tion of the county. SERA funds ceny by bailee opened Wednesday ness meeting of the chamber Mon­ sponsors of the meetings declare the mouth of the river. Drift and mean» conunlttee In restoring as compared to the last previous might be obtained to complete the | morning In the circuit court here. day night. A committee of three In Washington county the prin­ as chairman of the Rotary club wood and the narrow waterways Jurors drawn to try the case In­ will be appointed by the chamber cipal topics for discussion will be luncheon Thursday when the vot­ at the Scholls a n d Farmington salaries and wage« Halarlrs up to regular session. Employe expense map work, he declared. »100 a month have been restored alone, It Is estimated, will approxi­ Care In dctenninUig Ihe bound­ clude Faye Schultz. Ethel Meek. Monday night. A committee of three < spring crops, varieties of spring ing by the players took place, and bridges were other obstruction cited T G. Bronleewe explained t h e to the pre-1933 level while em­ mate *60.000 lor the srsslon In id- aries of the proposed district was Mae B. Crosby. Adah S. Moore, will be appointed by the chamber crops and soil management. scoring system used in determin­ by Groner. ploye» drawing In excess of »100 a dltlon to the $9960 earned by tne urged by J W. Cunningham. Port­ Fred W. Robertson. Elizabeth A. of commerce president to draft That dredging of the canal from (C ontinued on pave 4 . colum n 4 ) rules for the plan and to report at ing the most outstanding player of month wrre given buck 10 per cent lawmakers themselves f o r the,r land consulting engineer. He point­ the next business session. The set- services during the first 40 days ed out that the cost of distribution H ilhis 1935 basketball team. Points the Tualatin river to Lake Oswego of the 1933 »alary cut. would do away with the necessity • • • 1 up will be similar to the endorse­ considered were training, checking, Other expenses. Including that of of electric power depended on the ment program in force here two offensive play, teamwork, confid­ of a dam at the mouth of the A decided Improvement in the pruning, will run the total coat density of populattpn In the terri­ years ago. ence in player's ability, sports­ river was the contention of Clark tax situation 1» noted by the state to well In excess of *130,000 It Is tory served. For the sake of econ­ L. Johnston of Sherwood. He de­ manship and scholarship. tax commlaslon In reports received believed. Committee to co-operate with omy and feasibility, he suggested Important measures acted on dui - th at sparsely settled areas be ex­ Albert Tozier, prominept Oregon clared that this work, together with from the several counties. During William F. Cyrus, county agent. In historian and former Hillsboro resi­ removal of drifts and reefs, would 1934 a total of »13.677.412 80 In de­ Ing the last lew days Include tb? cluded from the district. disseminating information regard­ Gold medal diplomas were award­ dent, will be pleased to give his lower water five feet in high flood linquent taxes was collected or liquor revenue bill. Oie Iree bridge ing local farming conditions to Purpose of organizing the district (C ontinued on p a ce 8. colum n 2) ed to LeRoy Mills and Charles within *268.000 of the amount of blil and the forest land acquisition is to provide and distribute electric College News Service. Corvallis.— newcomers was appointed. Approxi­ Kay. members of the Shady Brook large historical collection to the »» «« - eolum a 4 ) city of Hillsboro, according to a th r 1034 levy which remained un­ crergy, presumably from Bonneville Washington county farmers re­ mately 80 families from the drouth livestock demonstration team dur­ report made by L. C. Kramien. paid at the close of the year Credit dam. according to Lewton. He de­ ceived substantial benefit from the area and now residing In the coun­ ing a 4-H achievement meeting Mr. Tozier explained that all his lor much of this Improvement Is clared thut the county must be operation of the Oregon farm debt ty will be invited to attend a meet­ sponsored b y t h e Washington people had lived here and been given by the commission to Die act ready to take the power when adjustment work, according to the ing at the local chamber of com­ Grange Friday night. The diplomas buried here and that he had al­ of ID33 which provides for quar­ available That the Grange. Farm ­ annual report for 1934 just filed merce Saturday, according to the were awarded in recognition of ways wanted a suitable place here terly payment of taxes with a re­ er Union and many of the cities In with Governor Martin by O. M plan. Members of the committee their having won the Pacific north­ for his collection. A proper place bate fig- advance payment and In­ the county favored the utility dis- Plummer. Portland, chairman, and Include T. G. Bronleewe. Nye O. west demonstration contest. has been arranged for at the city terest charges against Installments i trtet program was Lewton’s declar- L. R. Breithaupt, Oregon State Bristol. W. G. Ide. W. Verne Mc­ Bronze medal diplomas w e r e hall. That taking of judgment in the Kinney. E. A. Griffith and H. A. which are not paid on or before college, secretary of t h e Oregon • awarded to Ruth McDougall. Doris First quarter of the 1935 county I atlon Forest Grove Rotarians will meet county tax foreclosure suit may be Kuratli. the due date Another meeting of the group Agricultural Advisory council. Stauss and Frances Sheerer for with the local club a t luncheon this held up a short time by filing of taxes will become delinquent nt • • • will be called by the sponsoring having won third place in the noon (Thursday). The report shows that the var­ four demurrers and one answer to With the legislature out of the midnight Friday and the opportu­ poultry Judging contest at the Pa­ ious county committees or their In­ the complaint was the opinion ex­ way Governor Martin Is expected nity to obtain a rebate on the sec­ j committee. cific International Livestock ex­ dividual members handled between pressed this week by the district to turn his attention to the task ond quarter of the levy will expire position. The Shady Brook poultry 1800 and 2000 debt adjustment cases attorney’s office. The answer was of house cleunlng and reorganlzn- at thi' same time, according to and calf clubs, led by D. M. Mc­ in the past year. Of this total 75 filed by the city of Hillsboro and tlon of the state machine. So far Miss Gladys Eisner, tax deputy. A Homemakers’ conference held Fri­ Dougall. completed their work 100 cases were reported from Washing­ the demurrers by individuals. only three of the ten Institution i rebato of three per rent will be per cent last year and received day at the local Orange hall a t­ ton county. allowed on the lost three quarters heads have been re-appolnted by City of Hillsboro contends that Plans for a county-wide music "How many additional adjust­ tracted an attendance of approxi­ certificates of achievement. A five- the board of control While It Is of all taxes paid In full on or be­ Revised firem ans ordinance will ments were facilitated in Washing­ mately 65 persons. Miss Claribel year leadership pin was presented festival during the latter part of the taxes for the years 1925 to 19- fore Friday, she said. expected Unit most of the others 30 should have been cancelled when Collections on the 1935 tax have be presented for passage Tuesday ton and other counties through the Nye and Mrs. Azalea Sager, both of to L. H. Peters, former leader of April or early May are now being the city purchased the properties will be retained one or two changes formulated by O. B. Kraus, county night during a special session of Information distributed wholesale the home economics staff at Ore­ the Mountaindale garden club. , been good, according to Miss Eis­ may be looked for. Considerable in­ the rlty council^ Other subjects Members of the Shady Brook school superintendent. School and involved from the county at the State college, directed the con­ terest centen In the appointment ner. A total of *179.988 had been that will be up for discussion will through the press and by radio. It gon calf and poultry clubs and the community bands and school chor­ last tax sale. The purchase at ference. collected up to Tuesday night. Re­ Is Impossible to say," says Chair­ to the position of director of ag­ that time was made to protect liens be the zoning ordinance. Fourth of Various phases of "Better Family Mountaindale garden club who re­ uses will be featured. riculture now held by Max Oehl- ceipt of a check for *32,006 from July commission and sewage dis­ man Plummer. "There can be no 1 Living" Festivals are proposed for the fol­ held by the city. ceived achievement pins are as were stressed. House plans t h e Southern Pacific r a ilro a d question that because of the gen­ Approximately 2200 persons were har. Considerable pressure Is be­ lowing schools: Hillsboro. Forest eral conciliatory influence of the adapted to this county were shown follows: First year—Leslie Roderick. Grove. ing exerted to retain Oehlhar, who swelled receipts for Tuesday to ap­ posal. listed as defendants when the fore­ Beaverton, Tigard. Aloha- The city planning commission will Hollis Fleenor; second — Stanley and materials and supplies for ln- committees, they were effective in­ hns tendered his resignation, but proximately »54.000. the largest col­ meet Monday evening. action was begun last year. , expensive Interior housing Improve­ ; Schneider, James Meek. Frances Huber, Sherwood. Tualatin, Cor­ closure directly as well as directly.” wlui would probably remain If asked lection for a single day to date. Scheerer. Terhart Erdman; third— nelius. Gaston. Banks. North Plains, Since that time nearly half of the ments were exhibited. to do so. It Is rumored that at Washington county statistics In­ . Dale VanDomelen, Melvin Erdman. Gales Creek. Timber and Laurel. defendants have redeemed proper­ one change is due on the cluded In the annual report are Charles Kay. Millet Stauss; fourth Rural schools In the vicinity of ties involved. Action was brought Industrial accident commlaslon and as follows, number first, t h e n —LeRoy Mills, Ira Stauss, Marian these centers will be invited to take against all persons having taxes one on the state tax commission. delinquent for the years 1925 to amount: Northrup. Herbert Schneider. Fran­ part. A. H. Averill will probably be re­ The program is planned in con­ 1930. Inclusive, and who had not Total farms and valuation. 1930 ces McDougall, Ruth McDougall: placed as Insurance commissioner — 3917. »37.836.739; m o r tg a g e d fifth—Robert McNew; sixth—Nolan junction with "National Music taken advantage of the installment but Charles H. Carey is rei. s i d e d | payment program. Entertainment, as well as In­ VanDomelen. Week.” farms. 1930 1951, 5,780.813; Farm (A uth en tic by itogrr W . flnbson) Illg food to bring about higher as assured of continuation In his Credit Administration loons. 1933- struction. Is In store for persons a t­ A program ol entertainment and BABSON PARK. Florida. March prices. I was raised in a conserva­ Job as corporation commissioner. tending the series of monthly rec­ was provided by the • • • it- Almost every place which I tlve fnmlly and my living has al- 34—408, 908,150; land bank — 170. reational meetings which open at refreshments members of the grange. 500.200; commissioner—238, 407.950. In announcing reorganization of vLslted during my trip across the ways come from the capitalistic The voluntary farm debt adjust­ the Hillsboro grange hall Monday reports better group. My sympathies, therefore, the state relief commission Satur­ country and .in back ...... _ » mm /u x n en ro a l llfo Qrx W ill'll T Il’II ment committee plan was first es­ at 8 p. m„ according to L. E. day Governor Martin struck quick­ business conditions. Retailers es­ are conservative. So when I left tablished In 1933 and was later re­ Francis, assistant county agent. ly to head off a demand for an pecially are optimistic. If retailers sunny Florida I was opposed to organized as part of the national Miss Gertrude Skow. recreational official Investigation of relief ad­ sell more g.xxls then more people extravagant expenditures; but I program through the appointment leader from the Oregon State col­ School children of the Hillsboro of all children who are found to ministration which was brewing In must be employed to produce goods. have returned home more sym­ by Governor Meier of a State Ag­ lege, will conduct these meetings. area will be given an opportunity the legislature. Pour new members Hence rising trnde Is very Im­ p athy with President Roosevelt’s ricultural Advisory council to carry Several community organizations I Construction of a cannery to to obtain tuberculosis tests on the have evidence of any infection are were named by the governor. They portant. How much of this Is due spending program. I now believe on thew ork. A state committee are already making use of the rec­ preserve fruits, vegetables a n d morning of March 27. according to asked to take the child to the were Miss Celia Gavin of The to a natural Increase in business we must either continue t h e s e of 33 members succeeded t h e reational Instruction received at meats Is planned by the Sherwood- arrangements made by Miss Mar­ physician of their choice or to the Dalles, Mrs. Thomas Honeyman of and how much to government ex- colossal benefits or else witness earlier organization and later coun- ! the meeting held here last winter. Tualatin local o f t h e National garet Dixon, county health nurse. office of the county health nurse Portland. Walfred Hhuliolmof Port­ pendlturea Is another question. I something fnr worse. Roosevelt may Wherever this type of recreational Economic Welfare federation as The American Legion and auxiliary at the second floor of the court (C ontinued on ptiire 4 , colum n 4 ) land. and C. It. Bryson of Eugene believe that whatever the reason be capital’s best friend. program has been used It has met definite developments in the self- and the county public health as­ for the Improvement. It should investments Should Be Protected i help program. The group also pro- sociation are co-operating In the house on Saturday mornings. They replace Judge Guy Boylng- with marked success. T|le future depends upon what "Let us stop the vicious circle by ton of Astoria. Judge Victor P, continue for two or three years. Organizations Interested in spon­ ' poses to obtain a commercial flsh- program. Moses of Corvallis, Ben T. Osborne Upon this, all with whom I have will happen to unemployment after soring » recreational work In con­ 1 Ing license In the name of the fed­ which tuberculosis Is spread from The skin test employed tells nection with their program are eration. of Portland, and Mrs. W. W. Gab­ talker! are agreed. government aid lets down. Some­ or not tuberculosis germs one to another by including every Itoosevelt’s Wise Relief Program time government aid must stop. It Cannery will be similar to the whether urged to have representatives a t­ riel of Portland. are In the body and has proven to child in the tests and breaking • • • As to what will happen after the Hillsboro legionnaires Tuesday tend this series of monthly meet­ one used last year under SERA be absolutely harmless, according every contact. You can not expect cannot keep up forever at the pres­ auspices. Members of the federation to Miss Dixon. More than 1500 the parents of the thin little boy Farmers and others who expect government has used up Its "dope," ent rate. In order, however, for night went on record favoring the ings. will assemble the cannery provided children in Oregon have already next door to have their child tested Vinson bill In congress for the pay­ to claim gasoline tax refunds here­ Is another question. I want to to take up the surplus of ment of the adjusted service com­ the government will furnish cans after must take out a "permit" at discuss the above In tills final business if your daughter is not Included. C o u n ty Jersey C a ttle given the tests. unemployed the government must and necessary sugar as It did for been a cost of !>0 cents n year under the story of my trip. Frankly, I am stop cracking down on business. The pensation. The Vinson bill pro­ This Is the only year that there Furthermore, It Is not possible to C lu b M eets M a rc h 22 relief canneries. very much disturbed by the social­ terms of an act of this legislative government’s persecution of t h e vides for the payment of the ad­ is any assurance th at the tests select the Infected child merely by Washington County Jersey Cattle Under the fishing project, mem­ may session. The permit, together with istic sentiments which I found al­ utilities, for Instance, Is one of the justed compensation, but does not club will hold a business meeting be offered to every child with­ looks or weight. Sweet, plump babies most everywhere. Radicalism 1 s RI.pnles[ bers will take turns using the li­ greatest causes of unemployment provide the method. The Patman at the Forest Grove chamber of new safeguards set up by the act out respect to the financial status have died with tuberculosis men- more apparent on the Pacific coast, txxlav. No one will invest money cense and the catch will be dis­ In an effort to rurb refund chisel- measure for payment provides for commerce at 2 p. m. March 22. of the family. Parents and guar­ engltls while frail looking women ers, Is expected to have from *200,- but It exists and Is growing every- in new buildings or other enter- Inflating the currency by two bil­ Spring activities of the club will tributed among all families be­ dians are, therefore, urged by the have lived past ninety with never a where Bankers, manufacturers, and prises so long as Investors are be- longing to the local. Fish will be 000 to *300,000 a year In gasoline lion. nurse to fill out and return tuberculosis germ lodging In their be discussed. Ivan Loughary, field merehants who associate only with Ing robbed by high taxes, unrea- smoked, pickled or canned county taxes to the state. lungs. Plans were made for entertain­ man for the American Jersey Cat­ salted, the blanks requesting the test. i h . i r n w n .l a s s have no Idea of »»'able union labor Interference. • • • as the members desire. w h it th e masses are Thinking tv - :,nm p»ees. entumn») ((JoniIntied on pm «• colum n 2) S Legislation H eavy Twenty-one students, representing seven schools, will compete here Friday night In the finals of the annual Washington county grade school declamation contest. The contest will bring, together first p la c e winner* In scml-flnal e v e ' . i . for the three classes of school» and Is scheduled for 7 45 p m. a t the local Buptlst church. Sliver trophy offered by the First »National bank of Portland. Hills­ boro branch, will be awarded to the championship school In the county. Pennant» will be presented to schools huvlng the highest num­ ber of points In each of the three classes, while ribbons will be given to Individual winners. Mrs, Katherine McRae. Clack­ amas county schl superintendent. Mrs Geraldine Trimble of Oregon City and Mis» Plmebe Coulter of Pacific university will a c t as Judges. Committee In charge of the event include A A. Baldwin of Metzger, Miss Oleva Berger of Reedvllle, Miss Frances Post of Urged Here Estimates Cyrus, Hill Speakers Damage Suit Filed Utility District Formation Set • Hillsboro extends a friendly greeting to newcomers. IIILkSBOKO, OREGON, THURSDAY. .MARCH I t, 1935 VOLUME 12____________ j S tate C apitol W ith W hich is Combined the Hillshoro Independent Which =-r--= W ith rgus Welcome — Prepared H ilhi Athlete G ets A w ard Veteran Head to Speak Here Four-H Boys Given Awards Debt Program Aids Farmers City Answers Tax Complaint First Quarter Tax Payable Homemakers’ Meet Held Here Friday Special Meeting Called By Council Roosevelt Relief Plan Landed by Noted Financial Authority Series of Music Festivals Planned Recreation Meets Planned at Grange Self-Aid Project Planned by Group Legionnaires Back Vinson Bonus Bill Tuberculosis Tests Available to Local Children on March 27