Wills h or Section Two— of News, for Al of the Family. With Which is Combined the Hillsboro Independent rg u s Good Printing The Argus Gives QuaUty Service at Fair Prices HILLSBORO, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1935 V O L U M E 42 D IR IG IB L E W R E C K S Scholls Group Plans Session N um ber B irth d a y Parties at Homes D uring W eek NO. 3 I pupils treld out. The winners are Cold Cooking School Here 1 announced In another column of Grade School ; the paper. A group of students from the Junior high win attend the opera. Record Good I "M adame Butterfly." M arch 13 a t the civic auditorium In Portland. Selfridge Junior H igh Five W in n e r in I opera, they will meet and study : the story, so th a t everyone win 11 of 15 Games Played i be fam iliar with It. Fu rn iture I Miss Maurine Moore will chaperone the group Before attending the S to re to be Host Tuesday — Selfridge F urniture company will I feature a Kelvlnator "Cook with ] Cold" school a t the store here Tues- , I day afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. Spe- | clal recipes f o r Kelvin K itc h e n , foods will be given away and foods j prepared will be given to women a t- j j tending. Nellie Roth, home economist, who will conduct the school, declares. "Instead of presenting an ordinary , cut-and-drlcd cooking school such as the majority of women a r e i fam iliar with, we decided to go out of our way to show what Hetty Swank. R uth and Helen j strides science lias made In taking llolcom. Shirley Carlson, IxiLs and women out of the kitchen. John McCool, Ism Nrlson, Herbert "We know th a t the m ajority of Herd, and Robert Weaver women think of refrigeration m eie- Knydrr C hairm an ly as a cold place for the storage Nellie Roth, home economist, who I of food, and this "Cooking with * lU ' ° 7 duc,t Ke vinator Cold Evelyn Henson, Joseph S tretcher j Cold ' school will certainly dis- j Cooking school here Tuesday and Herb Hhydcr attended a league pell this theory. Now every worn- _ . . cabinet ineetlnK In Portland S un­ day afternoon und Herb Snyder an can learn how valuable a re- P a r f V P l i i n t l P C l a t was elected ctiulrman of the P o rt­ I frlgerator can be In the prepara- *■/ land district. , tlon and serving of food. It will Mr*. Itowrll Honored I probably surprise you to learn th a t Mr. and Mrs I-. W. Guild en ter­ I I you can save yourself many hours (R y Mr». Zell G Strut her») tained with a birthday dinner parly of tiring kitchen work In hot w eath­ HITEON—A "spring party" will Sunday In honor of Mrs F E , , er T i by ll a sinfJSly tu iu iy ---- n Di taking advantage u of . F/V T H O F I the suggestions th a t will be brought be given a t the home of Mrs. Lena Howell o th e r auests were Mr and 1 you In this school. It will surprise Olson near the Hiteon school by Mrs Horace Fischer of Portland, j and please you too, to learn how the Progressive club March 20 and Mrs Francis Howell and son John THE Z R -2 many homemakers are drastically the public is Invited. A slight charge Albert, Mr. and Mrs. M 11. llox- ! reducing their food costs through will be made for the lunch and the ortli, and F. E. Howell. the proper use of electric refrigera- games. Hetty Lou. duughler of Mr und ■ ' ' • . . ,. X *. • j e - ... .. • j ' tlon. Economical short cuts f o r Mrs W aller Hurke, was seriously Daniel Boese broke his arm when I homemakers will be one of the he fell from a swing a t his home III over the week-end Mr and Mrs. L. O. Burge of main topics of conversation during Saturday. Hillsboro, Mr. Ilynem an of P ort­ the school." Francis Peterson Honored land. l.yndon latird ol Enterprise, Mrs. A. F. Peterson gave a b irth ­ Clarence Heaton and Harold Herd - y V • • * y* j ., - - ». - * . * r* y day dinner Sunday Li honor of were Sunday dinner guests ul the their son Francis. Mr. and Mrs. 8 A H otter liome. Karl Peterson were present besides L M Miller went to T aft Mon­ Mr. and Mrs. Francis Peterson. day to take Ills slster-tn-law , Mrs Invitations were received the past Lucy Wolfe Miller, to the Chesly BETHANY - CEDAR MILL — A week for the wedding of Herbert Hones home, where she was called twilight valley operetta. "All in Olson and Miss Erm a Melila of r: . .' “ • . by the serious Illness of her nephew. tlie Dark." was given by the Union St. Johns, which will take place a - i l ?. a «• : Jx-. lJunlel Hones. school at Cedar Mill G range hall Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs Corl Amoinan of Thursday evening. It was well a t- Mrs. Lena Olson. Portland visited ut the Hitchcock ’ the parsonage. He liad been stay ­ tended and the school made »36. Rebeka club members were en- home Sunduy. feature a Chinese play. ing a t the John Boeckli home on Mrs. Frank S teltan is visiting tertained Wednesday by Mrs. Leslie Mr und Mrs. Lloyd Murray spent IMrk T aylor Honored Brooks hill for some time after his lier daughter. Mrs L Obertz of Erickson. Saturday. Sunday u n d Monday A surprise birthday dinner was arrival here recently from the east. Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Kinney and with relatives und friends near given In tlie honor of Dick Taylor Mr and Mrs Delbert Olinger Mi.v> Thelma Levy of O strander daughter of Newberg visited Mrs Silverton. February 25. Present were Mr and and daughter Carlene of Portland u visiting Mr and Mrs. Sam W al- Herman Metzentine Thursday. B irth d a y s ('rlrflraled visited Mrs. O linger’s parents, M r.! o.r« ------------------------- ...... u. P . Taylor. . aylt Mrs 8. Mr. and Mrs. Sixteen relatives were pi escili Hnyder Sr. und son Jesse und Mrs, John Berger. Sunday. id Mrs Sunday No school was held Monday at r T • „ W /.’ l l U . . I J when a birlllda X, o,,,nLr WiUA , » Mr lUid Mrs. M B Boaorth. Mr o i z - i d 11 . . ki Elsie Peterson of Portland spent Bethany school on account of L - J n i O I l W i l l T l O l C l at the Andrew Weller Sr home In ftnd q a P otter und Mrs. J Rock Creek Boy H u rt; New the ueek-end with her parents. nines.-. ot the teacher. honor of the birthdays for Mrs T. McCann Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n Peterson. A dance was given a t the Cedar A J Weller S r , little Bonnie Jean M a rrie d Couple V isit Miss Sophia Jackson spent lost ... . Hand H urt Mill Grange hall Saturday lUght. Weller, daughter ol Mr and Mrs Week a t the Mike Yunker home Alfred Lucthe of Brooks Hill suf- There will be another one S atu r- I By Mi»» M»r»h* Vandervanden) Fred Weller, anil Mrs A J Wei- ¿ "j^ y iest "drove fered a cut on the back of his day night Instead of a card party, ROY—A Farm ers' Union meeting lily Mr». Frank I’emhlf I ler J r . whose birthdays are March Mr# m a s Burtlett of Portland hand with an axe Monday. Nine L o bq ,,, and G lenn Oari were will be held in Verboort March 13. , ., , _, came to the Fcrd G roner home ---------„ ROCK CHEEK ------------- Tlie — _______ following „ — six stitches were taken to close the ¡n Newberg Monday Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Vandehey , Harold l-.idnuin of Newberg spent Kalurdny to visit her mother. Mrs pupils of Rock Creek school have wound. °¿r.Pon ± Í Í aiid fam ily attended ü ie w ¿ M the week-end with lit;- grandpar- j j . .j. Koeber, who Is slowly tin- started stump collections: Robert Earl B utts of Portland spent the spent Thursday with Mrs. Glenn of Mrs. Vandehey s sister, Miss it h H iir fftn Brooks Hriwrlrc on (in ¿an- ___ cuts. Mr and Mrs. Samuel Beu- proving from several m onths' U l-: Yunker, M arjorie Epperson. Bet- week-end w Burton with Beulah Adler, to Edward Pezoldt i fert, und visited the homes of sev- ,lMS ty Jacobson. Ronald ¿abler, Hazel Brooks Hill I wHharn Kassabaum of Portland p ô rila^ d CWeïïies‘d lv “* T h e " v ^ Joe Brooks of Brooks Hill, who Is víslted Mr a,ld Mrs. C hañes Boy Wednesday T h ey o u n g i ral friends Mr. and Mrs Mike McCann spent k ie s and Gladys Berger. mall carrier for Llnnton route 1. Thursday. e_ ¿ £!In .5 ! r Steam î?e_-n .. , <>rRanlied Sunday at file home of h et par- Arnold Dancer Hurt underwent ail operation Wednesday * M ^ a^iorence Pauly of Llnnton S io y e ^ m 0'tl£alH aw fhm Mountainside si bool has pur- PI|ls. Mr und Mrs. H arry Frewlng Arnold Dancer, small son of Mr and returned home Friday. Yvonne. wa_s „ gUesl of Mr. and Mrs. Charles chased a new basketball and tlie Amllv the Hawaiian Steam ship pupils will organize a team for fu- M r a n d - - M rs E r n e s t K lln e a u o f and Mrs Frcd Dancer, fell against daughter of Mr. and Mrs Joe Boy and fam liy Wednesday evening. T h ^ c a rri Dartv which was alvei ture work 1 Brooks, had been on the sick list Mrs. Harry McMahon. Inez and » .T X , L ,he com Sunday dinner party guestsi at , da K#;. Hunday but has recovered Richard McMahon, and Mr and niuihtv w^s^ o ^ £ success5 tho Mis. Hose JaeLson home were ’'’M r^and"M rs J im '“su n d lfu rth and •tobb ,o r treatm ent Mr Charles C liartrey of Forest P “ ul Ll‘ct‘?F' wh° U wlt 1 K>e Mrs Clarence Franz of Portland hundred wer, Mr and Mrs Virgil llish and son (. , X u i ‘>f SSrihind vlsUed at th? were « .? -• marine» spent Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boy teen taDIes 01 nve “ unarea uen ( l l l l l l H I I t il ( d ill.t liu »W IM U »«V H I ’ / • I ? - . \ . , rì ... „1 » < - « .A ,» •••v g » s . .v y visited 1 p AM al u v ai M* I • Bremerton, 1— » his A 4 A •» » ZAf »A A A % » . the played. Those receiving honors were Myron. Mr uml Mrs. Is-wis Mulen- - Joseph j 1>s~n | 1 Twigg t w . i home February 24 b u n k er at Wes“ unm n Smiday1 week-end with mother, Mrs. Sundiy. erm ens. E m ­ sky of Hillsboro und Arland W hit- Ed Hickey. Larrle Sylvia Duyck. Mrs. Hei more of Laurel , Mum . is a house guest a t Ed Ben- . J S ^ ^ S d a v ^ w t o r i had Hickey a id Miss Ml« Nellie imaisen ol ma Devlaeminck. Raymond Hertle, Portland Saturday where she had i ,ohn . and {i nui. William Vandomelen. Mr and Mrs. Steve Burge of sun home been S.»y>;V w.O. h e rjm .th e r.M r. t T ä fansb-, wl’° have Portland visited M. C. Larsen and Ole Neilson, with the U. S. m a r­ Portland visited at the 8. A Got Mrs. Anna Wenstrom, who has the Welsh place lor fam ily Sunday. ines in San Diego. Cal., plans to b e r th a . Vile Mr's" SjM-neer DeMi'v ter home Wednesday evening. 111. Mrs H,e 1(,w months, moved S atur leave this week after a two weeks' Build Brooder House t ^ ’r"“ . an!i , vv„. l M md 8,ii - m 7 r hK o y W,i.1; Mr. 'L id M rk JoK,m Schneider ! “ W in g , in the D ark visit here. b u n t1“.'!' th i°°& ir U rm and M « '‘ '^ 0 ^ Mrs. K atherine Klink and son and Portland Friday evening Mrs De- ““ “ S m m ^ u U c h m ld t and Vct<'r ‘u ls' hospital. Is improved to Show at V en etian Tom of Forest Orove visited her Mr. und Mrs. A Johnson *“ Moy recently underwent a minor Mi\ and Mrs. John^ Gutsclmildt and Mike Vrlicnk of this section and I soil of Sheridan visited ut Ole J operation. Mrs. Louisa Fuegy Sunday. Joseph Huserlch of the Liberty Myrna Loy and Cary G ran t are sister, Mrs. Dick Wilcox, Sunday, C Hatfield home Sunday let are a t work near C athla- the co-stars of the new Param ount , ,, , oui.ui.i Aid to Meet district Mrs' Sunday guests w. of ...... Mrs Elizabeth .ml Davies and son of M ultnomah Beed were Miss Ruby Yerrmgton HllLsboro Ladles' Aid ot the Re- met. Wash. film, "Wings in the Dark." to WK D E A L IN R E A L E S T A T E were Monday guesU. _ _ and Mtaa Maple of Portland. formed church met with Mrs. G u s -, ------------------------- show Sunday, Monday and Tuesday W r ite Stretchers I.ntcrtalii ,w.»v u dinner .,,.,,. |,« .-j nu-.-— Sunday party guests at lave Miller in Hillsboro Wednesday Class one railroads of the U n ited : a t the Venetian theater. F ir« and Autom obil« lnsuranc« Mr and Mrs C. Earl Streicher th(, Christensen ~ " home were Newlywed« Visit S tates Installed 24.103 new freight I The picture, directed by Jam es M ake Loan» and I m u « Surety Bunds nterlatned the J. W lice and ^jr(l Qa r | Christensen . futnlly , ...... ^ .... .. ..... ........ Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pezoldt cars m 1934 according to reports Flood, Is a vitally dram atic story of Portland Sunday In honor 01 and d aughter Mllda and Miss Elaine Jr. of Portland visited Mr. and j llst received by the Association ol of a daring girl flyer who risks her KURATLI & WISMER Mrs. Tice’s birthday. H IL L S R O R O . O R E G O N Clark of Portland. Mr. and Mrs Mrs. William Fuegy. Mr. and Mrs American Railroads, which com- life for the man she loves.. Roscoe Begin tsM-wdng Jake Bauer and Mrs. B randt of A Frank Pezoldt with 1879 Telephone 1391 123L Second St- J . Pezoldt t Mr. f _ and A — Louis W f IP Edward #4 .I’O.'.l r mired — — — new cars placed in Karns. « _ Hobart ... in . _ Cavanaugh A ___ and Dean J. E Bennett and J H. Moore. ... d Monday. and Mrs. service in 1933. Jagger are the . supporting cast. deputy assessors, began work in ■ ( Irvrlandrr Visits Pezoldt were m arried 111 Portland --------------- their respective territories March Tom Raynard of Cleveland. Ohio, last Wednesday at St. Agatha 1. . . , arrived a t the liome of his cousin Rectory. F ath er Cyril officiating. Miss Agnes Pi ters, chief opera- j,.rldliy nfI,.r havin i hitch hiked Mrs C A McRobert wa.s the bride s tor a t Eugene, spent the week-end entire route. He left Monday atten d an t and Sigurd Haga uttend- at the parental home. , to visit relatives In California. ed the groom A small reception Mr. and Mrs. C. Earl Stretcher Mf and Mrs B1)| V n ,.ffernian was held afterw ard a t th e liome and -on Louia lleaae. Mrs. Jennie g . ,nst wrck ln p or,)a „ d Of the bride’s sister. Mrs, C. A Farver, und Mrs Lucln Binkley M(. nnd Mrs j w English ot McRoberts, of Eastmoreland. Mr. -pent Wednesday and Thursday nt P ortjan(1 visited a t the Joe K err and Mrs. Pezoldt J r are expeetip" Ni'bcott beach. home Sunday. to leave for O akland th e end of Henry I eteis, Bob B axter and Mr (|n(J Mrs Herb Sehulmerlch this week. Chad Haines caught M-veral fine , „ „ tsb