H IL L S B O R O Page Six i tion are sliaring in the huge ini- I m ovem ent which is now sweeping the country Reports Irotn Colorado, Montana, the tri-state area and northern Minnesota are encourag­ ing. Automobile activity at Detroit has boosted iron ope1 aliens ana all types of mtnmg have resumed. Mines which have oeen shut go *, u for years are resuming operations. The high pree of golu is the major factor in the excellent tra.,e coim,- tions in the South Dakota tl.acs Hills district These should be still fu rth er helped oy the recent su ­ preme court gold decision Om er actors such as shoe production. fact furniture orders, flour millings, iron pr^jucU , and coal out- pUj are showing ’ncreases over . . . . 1934, Business Gain in West Cited Idea on Industrial Control Put Forth by Babson (A uthentic «uttem cni by Staler W. llabeun THE GREAT “’¿ S r - ’“r A M E R IC A N LISTEN "CM ICPS/ HCWlS THIS FcC CVtTCY ? T HEACTHE S?UNC?SC* MUSIC, NELLIE OEAC. THOSE MELOOOU5 PIPES OF PAN, T H E - SOUNDS’ OF LAU G H IN G U j f l T i f i S — e T C - E n Route, M arch 1 1935—Busi ness w In i n the m h a central ^ '^ l e V west x c e m is i o n very of good. With the possible exception oi the south, conditions have improved ... a t __ n th o ac! the — prairies more i in the l last year th an in any other section Job s and P ayrolls G ain ing When we have a good tarm year Building supply concerns In the then business in the prairie states pialns states, as In every area, are Is bound to be good. All the trade still in the dumps. The value of barometers which I follow show permits granted in the centra, wesi excellent increases for the agncul- in the past few weeks is much hlgh- t „ r a i m - i i n n s T h a i is the reason er th an in the early weeks cl why I am urging concerns doing a ‘^ a c t m n 1^ Puortn-ik“ Hera. “ as national business to push sales el throughout the country, the bigg.'s. forts in the south and west. boon to trade a n d employment More Rains Probable for 1935-1940 would be a sustained revival li. Last year was an unusual year building activity. Such a devclop- from the w eather standpoint on the ment. however aw a. s a rise ui prairies. But, in spite of the terrific rents for. at the present rate of re- iirn n a h t M in n e so ta M o n ta n a Iowa tu rn - real estate investm ent is still drought. Minnesota. Montana, low a unprofitable. Employment Is better and Kansas had big increases in „ n j payrolls are higher th an a year cash income. Nebraska and Missouri, ago in company with the general —and particularly t h e D akota— improvement which has been In evi- were hit very hard but they have deuce since last autum n, been generously aided by the gov- Retail trade reports from all ov- ernm ent. So high prices plus gov- or th e great plains area confirm em inent aid have brought a big encouraging reports 1 have re­ gain a t first hand. farm er gaui in in cash casn income u itu u ir to w the uic farm larm - ceived &jways peen a The spender ers of the central west. Now again when he had the casii, Hence a this year their fortunes depend ab- sharp increase in retail sales at solutely on the weather If heavy this time is to be expected Actual- rains and snows fall in the spring, ly. trade has been running about 1935 may be a normal crop year, fifteen per cent above 1934 and the However, unless subsoil moisture is increase is closely in line with the r replaced, e n lo e e d t this h is y v e e a a r rs 's harvest h a r v e s t may m a t g are a ln handUn(j ln f a r m about income. fifteea City Stores per noi . bf much better than 1934 more merchandise than .ast The afterm ath of the drought year, w h i l e country department is the biggest factor in the 1935 stores report th at increases are as outlook for central west farmers. I nigh as twenty per cent. Whole- am told th at much reserve seed saiers are doing a huge business in was used for feed or sold for fancy supplies, auto­ prices last year. Hence, seed mus't n??bll2 . and ,'ruc^ . u the following idea which now be shipped into the n prämie ro irie , N o »Tospenty W ithout Farmer been thinking over as n m . / t r a m Sharing states from other sections. This is I rushes eastward. On every :ry trip I dangerous. If new seed is n o t , tn at make to the west I become more adapted to soil and climate, yields1 t0 ad y en l a r ^ e x t c ? b ^ m e ^ ' 1 ? - w o n d ^ U ie r a “^ ' ma< bt; very 1poo,r ' , And rem ember' :i« tv throughout the nation. Hence, ¿ e x c e p t of p r o d u c e « S a short crop in 1935 may not be from a national standpoint, the the country- U-t me m o i^ v e r ' bullish. There will be no h u g e farm outlook Is vitally im portant this occasion of stating the carryovers this year to benefit by i. reP°rted to my readers a few way r will" be controlled. T1 Thi rising prices. So while the drought a^ - t,b ™i^2sp£i2s .u2r b.v compelling property and of 1934 is now history, its ghost n,f Xi? chinery to be destroyed as „ mav foUow the plains farmers even or th e on the books. If con- in to 19'ifi I a m in p iin e a fa rim.hf , ln J ear t» tmpossio,e gress offered to pass anv one law this h o w e v l r ^ n r ^ m ^ ^ L i f h ^ bt present. On the for which I m i g h t a s k .i t would oe ? e a i0 ' ' Snuthsonian one hand, there is the uncertainty th is:—T hat all farm ing and m anu- m atttute friends say the country is °f the weather; and on the other, facturing oe put under a universal now entering a cycle of more rain- .ls fhc difficulty of selling a cost system and th at am ateurs in iall. good American crop at a fair price business be forbidden to sell below Babson Optimistic on Livestock " d" S ? " ? 1 w° i ld trade ccnd'/ cost. The books of every man and and Mining , ®.°arevr5 ',v,there, enou«h concern should be audited under A RGUS, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Thursday. March 7, 19,35 HOME and family '-l«'nl Bunday with Mr French, Charles J o h n s o n . O tto Hoi and Mrs John Steelman oi Mollal­ heiger. Clarence (lonyo and lllalne la o n their laduin they were ae i iValdoi f eompunied by Miss Marie Steel­ SAY AlAVvl,— tUWATS IU C o N G IA'1'n-t THE Miss Madelyn Hliattuek. local man, who spruit the past week at N O tlN G C re^ ? WES' STtfiTTtO W C i T i N* leaeher, uus an over nlglit guesl the Pomeroy home ai llie C hili les J o h n s o n h o m e on PCBTftY AGAIN— THE KINO O ' STUFF Special I te a l P lan n ed | Tuesday. T here is unite a treat In store for THAT GETS IN M y HAlhJ., O O N O U T U in K those who attend services at the Mr and M in Victor Clirlslriisen it !? time fo C some S ulphur ano church this Sunday morning and W a s h in g t o n G r a n g e H o st o n and Mr. and Mrs. O. Il (lonyii a good attendance is desired Mrs M O LASSES ? allended a lilrthdiiv party at the Kuulee Mitchell, a returned mis­ F r id a y to 4 -H C lu b b e r s Elmer Miller home In Portland on sionary from China, will give an ¡Malurday evening address telling of her experiences in China Everyone Invited to be MOUN TAINDAI.E The program present at about hi 30. given Malurdav evening a t the C O R W IN H A R D W A R E Miss Barbara Keller of lAirtland Monulalndale school house was a visited Miss Eunice Minder Munday fliianelal success and the large llradtjiittrtrrw , , Students In - Program — _ ------ .c ro w d in a tte n d a n c e w as g e n e ro u s H u n tin g m id F is h in g I f'01'1'* grange met at the hall hi ILs support. About »24 wa. Malurdav In all day session with | cleared. The eommlllee for t h e Supplies pot luck dinner at noon. Tables program wishes Io thank the p E' Aladdin I.anipa were set lor more than 7(1 Program P company. Bristol Hardware com lu b e . T ested Free mended scholars of the school who pany und all those contributing to Long's Radio hx'k part In musical and literary (lie success of the urogram whh M is " ^ ,“ E C Mr ‘«'»I M rs E I" Ieining h a d SAXTON A I.OONFY ¡hour April 8 , ininuii. uini LOUIS C a l k i n s of Producer, of Quality K irnuath Fa IL,. Mr and Mrs Glenn Mulder and Munday visitors at the Floyd Hat- i SAND and GRAVEL faintly of laikc Grove visited Mr S niders parents. Mr and Mrs J telv home were Mr and Mrs Wll Plant located 4 miles north of For­ Ham Tiffany and daughter Esther est Grove on Gules Creek. Plume C Mulder. Sunday. Mrs. g E. Lewis and son Elden of ISirtland, Jam es McKay o I 11I09R Taylor. W ash. Mrs Marla Jackson and Mrs. A. Jackson ami daughter Miss Erlene, all of Portland, visited Mrs Hay Jackson and soil John W aller NleiKlemus, Henry M rs J a c k s o n 's sister, M rs G eo r Meaeluun. Mam Ralfcty, Jake Ral- Mulder. Sunday YOUNG'S fety mid Mr and Mrs Joe Baker j and family. J, McKay was asehool- I m ate of Mrs. Marla Jackson. H en­ ry Meacham and Jake and Ham "Thoughtful. Hynumtlietlc Rnffely about 58 years ago. Service0 To E ntertain club Members P hon e 972 11II laboro _ ............. ____ people of the Vor­ W ashington G range met Matur- One hundred boort community attended the 4 H d“ v w l" a basket dinner served at achievement program m the com no°n An entertainm ent was pm ■ — ......< munity hull February 27. according l>n which Mrs. Klva Logan to L. E Francis, assistant county ,'>'|x>rt of her trip u. Corval- agent. TIUrtv-six club members “?• »he attended tin- Home from the six clubs In the conunun- f;,’'">l,mie program. Friday night tty were presented with then 1 krange will entertain the 4-11 achievement pins club members mid tlieir families E verything In Insurance Following clubs completed their Mr. mid Mrs. w. J. Wall return • work In 1934 1IM) per cent and were cd home Munday after spending Ph. w 1791 IS12 WaAliinffton presented w i t h certificates o f several days In lAirtlmul. Mrs. j achievement; Verboort sheep club. 1 N orthrup returned with them Leisyvtlle corn club. Verboort corn amt will s|g-nd a week visiting rel club mid the Hvhefflin dairy club atlvca here. club? NT f'.*'1'11 Siimtay visitors at the F rrd Toel- Hcynderlckx. John Gates, J o e |e home were Mrs g c Johnson B ryan's daughter, i,awrse, Albert Jansen and Richard mid lamlly of Porllmid mid Mr Edgings mid Inside, dry. M ra w “ u » u i o U? .. . ,u“* Mrs- t’avid Tsehnbold of Hel- lfl-lnch. (Ord Followmg the achievement pro- vctla. . Ray Ego Is w orktng In Newberg Program Held Monntaindale K X ii„ r ^ k « M,~ Funeral Home Verboort Four-H Chibs Get Honors RUSH LOW FUEL NcW GrOUp Formed 1 ai}‘ members, Mountain Top school will give Program M arch 15. Pupils he Wlth an average of 90 in all grades an d deportm ent and neither ab- ,10r tard >' for the last m onth » ‘'re Violet Morgan. Zane Wood. Harold Brunson and A rdeth Etz- »»ler. Eleven other pupils were t lennän Rente 3H.IX , R v ,..c..nts lK>SDlt dav . b °‘ ,,Y ,,.r ’A* da£ J ? T ‘J t a Z m e n w m,.«.e -„d in g s’ w 1 b i o n ^ fh e H ro e?am at the Vlc ismit View cSm' - 5 aZFuir'cS as n .............. iiiiin iim x . lo uii t oiixm ils . c h a r- les Davts Donald Cawrse. Ray Knodei. Leo Knodei and Jam es Ml '* T hird year Albert Coussens. Jules Vuylsteke, Re ml Coussens, Vuylsteke. Maurice Claeys, Leonard La hey ne. C y H l Lorenz and Lawrence Jansen. Fourth year Ed Seus. F ifth year -O erv aisJan - .sen Sixth year Adelbert Evers and Nolan Van Domelen Eighth year Ignatius Evers. " Mr. and Mr#. Earl Hollenbeck and Helen attended u birthday dinner ut the home of Mr. and Mrs H Robinson of Rickreall Mrs. P Hergert was surprised Friday by u group of friends from Schefflin who came to .spend the afternoon Bunco was played. Pi ent were Mrs p H S Í luius, Mrs Dittrich. Mrs R. Helnru li. Mr and Mrs a K a h le Mr n n.I Mrs h Salzwedel. Mr anil Mrs G. - , - . - {?* ¡?d‘tr í' ^,rs ‘.lJLd (h ltl.!1„ * i.:iv ,l,ia-.7>''<" nb<'r Services were field nt the In nave a tremendous improvement in tions th a t I now pin my hopes for Copyright 15W5 Cree home ln Newberg Tuesday meeting of o d d Fellows ui Hilia- and 1J04 1,1 JaI>uary. 1934 house Munday night by Mr. Everett, pastures and feed conditions, the utainter.ance of the present level . , - , evening and helped Cree celebrate ooro February 27. but on account of the snowstorm, over-production problem in the live- °* . business through the summer bus birthday. • Mrs. Esther Adams of Sherwood "Demoralization caused by vast attendance was light stock and dairy industries has been !c i? 1Pe,t,us for fu rth er recov . i.xvv»a L A .u n Mlss Alice M cInnis and Frank spent a few days last week with unemployment l our g n a te t ex I'h'i.e who met for s n .h u ie eliminated until 1936. ' ery m tn e iaU- , (Continue.) from p.Ke one) Painter, with a group ot fnends. her brother and sister, George travagance. Morally it is the great sewing Wednesday aftern >on at In closing I iS rn as a white elephant and is known made a trip to Bonneville Sunday. Hawley arid H attie Lawler. est menace to our social order Industrial concerns in this sec the Waldorf home were Helen Kln- in closing i want to pass along . vipCrousiv omwsed its ae- ! Miss Louie Kalish and Ann O rn- : Ivan Bierly. son ol Mr and Mrs President Roosevelt. sey, Mesdames tieorge Hill. 31dm", -------------------------- " e n tä n e e bv t h e s t a t e ^ duif of Portland were guest« ol Floyd Bierly. who ls attending <> _______________ cepiance oy tne « a ie . Mr aJ)d Mrs pet4,r O rnduff s a tu r- S. C . spent the week-end with his !■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ « ■ ■ ■ ■ £ __ .. , ' day and Sunday. parents ■ w h en the new liquor control Stanley Shuck was out from Mrs. Charles Pittm an, who with commission took over the state's Hillsboro and spent th e week-end her family ls living on tile F ran . SEE OUR FINE liquor business they found th eir on the Finlgan farm. Mr. and Mrs. R ichards place, has been very 111 shelves loaded with stick th a t had Tom Shuck were guests here Sun- during the past week. STOCK OF not been paid for Monev t h a t da>' evening. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Leon T ru itt of should have gone to w a rd navine Ernest G uenther and daughter Portland visited Mr. and Mrs. W S him h T i L Hel,'n Mae went to Corvallis F ri- C. Hall Sunday. these bills had been reported out day evening and remained until Mrs. H arriett Ford, a former as profits and diverted to unem - Sunday afternoon. They vLsned Mrs. teac her In Kinton school, and Mrs O n lv nn ployment relief ln order to bolster Viola R te:z and family and Lynn Ethel McCormli k and son Vh II u ny on Up th e economy record of t h e G uenther and attended a birthday :,lld daughter M i llla u h e of Meier adm inistration. The new ad- Party a t Junction City, honoring Hillsboro visited Mrs McCormicks m inistration, as a result is le f t ' M rs- AM*1 Reetz. m other. Mrs. Lilly M. Bierly S at- FORDS holdlng the sack fo r th e fa lse eron Work on the Laurelwood road ls urday. MUiltTCTIV lVItCt Held at Kinton Mason Hill r ( aniini Nf»WC I ■ i Floating Power Hydraulic Brakes All Steel Bodies Dodge and Plymouth USED CARS S & ä S ä e r s finished i w a ■ s r a B“ P" a B Mr. " " and d Mrs. . »^en and most the S H. Pomeroy an The commission has informed Gov- stum ps blasted R obert Pomeroy and daughters vls- ernor M artin th a t no turn-overs — ran k P ainter of Portland spent ited Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Sparks of F to unemployment relief will be pos- several days last week a t the D P ortland Sunday Mr. Sparks was sible for a t least 60 days if the M. McInnis home. Mrs. L. L. M ur- observing his 78th birthday anil business is to be placed on a sound ra ^ and children of Portland spent members of his family were present financial footing I th e week-end here. : to help him enjoy the day. Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Clayton and son Pomeroy Is a daughter of Mr. and 1125 THIRD STREET h is ‘said t h a t letHsla B ru c e a n d B1" Meyers visited the Mrs. Sparks tio Some T ^T a one m atter of give a n d ra k e ’ £ rank oMei ers iam “ y east Hills- j Services a t the church Sunday Hillsboro Oregon .g .v d . 5 boro Sunday. ! were well attended. Miss Marie T h at might oe true from the stan d - Mrs. Jo h n Walker entertained Steelm an of Molalla rendered a point of the lawmakers themselves Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Frank vocal solo. but from the standpoint of the Hill and family of WKch Hazel An all day meeting of the Ladles' lobbyists it is a m atter of get and and M r- and M rs- Herman W hit- Aid society with pot luck dinner keep the other fellow from getting more ot la u re l. was held February 27 at the home Most of the lobbyists are here eith - Mrs; s - A- Schiemen of Yoncalla of Mrs. Robert Pomeroy. About 15 To build your own home - to - 1 s t I n ^ e ^ s a g e of some r ^ d r M r ^ M r ^ V » » K r e d ^ o ^ r e ^ l u ^ ‘- e ' " B u h o W ith 18 usually the hope of measure tn which they are inter- and family and Mrs. Lena Meyers tied and other work finished C oncrete B locks many of US a n d the* r e s u l t tstcd or 10 block the Pa-ssa?e °f and daughter Norma spent Monday Mrs. E. L. Cox went to Portland , . f v ".,,.-. " some bill which they regard as m - e v e n in g a t the Hill h o m e in honor last Wed nd tie iw c t l years Ot sating a n d imlcal to th eir interests. of Mrs Schiemer). Mr Schlemen ty-eighth annual Rebekah conven- self denial. When t h e 1 • • • was a n overnight guest here Tues- tion a t Odd Fellows temple of dis-1 hannv c o m e s l f o o r r The hottest - fight of session da7. . . Top n. . . wl„ ... ^ ve a T trict number Mrs. spent nappy t timp i m e tomes JS ° I the tne stsMon M(>untB|n church hursday and one Friday a t Cox the home play m “~ about -- —- - - L. ------- you. look into all kinds h a , ic n tp r i.H senate Ls o,« concerned t , „ . j w“ v two weeks """■ | of - Mrs. Ethel Meldruin, past Of material for buildinv l „ bill wi which dwmiM have h«vth forbidden : Mrs. Sam Sam O tto Honored .president of the Rebekali Assembly, C o n s id e r « n fe tv f r r m Otto entertained with of Oregon, who lives ln Milwaukie insifler safety trorn fire, public officials from holding party a dinner Sunday in honor of her Mr». Meldrum and son Francis and durability, lo w mainte- offices also. The bill was a d m itte d -: husband's birthday a n n iv e rs a ry nephew. Ralph Lakin, returned nance costs, protection from aimed a t W alter Pierce, congress- i Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd home with Mrs Cox Saturday and h eat and cold. Concrete masonry man from the second Oregon dis- 1 Crews of Newberg, Mr, and Mrs. spent the day a t the Cox home, units will give you such a home t r ‘ct and demoncratic national com- Bd Oberg and Miss Edith Stone. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pomeroy at a cost comparable with other m ltteem an from Oregon. Debate on ¡ L lo v d O u n th er a a s cnmmmpnrad kinds of building materiaU. ¡ bUl was conftoed to toe demo- with a WrthSSr^ S S líto T T'li ( n (-«->•« | cratic members and w^s lib erally , Thursday evening when 17 of his T ip sprinkled with s u c h descriptive I friends gathered a t his home. term s as "sore heards,” "scandal Snow covered the mountain Mon- North of Cannery on P. R. N. Ry. O ffice Phone 1141 mongers,” “character assaslns.” etc. daV morning retarding the many 1 It passed the senate but was called Karden-'5 th a t were planted. F. E --------------------- back and chucked back Into the Ho fm an SE.,«. Judiciary committee. ; w ayne Jones Is building a tem - 1 Dorary house 14 by 30 near the The girl I am m arried to has a home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs tw.in sister. j p Jones. ,‘i®, ! How d0 you t e l 1 ’cm Hav E?° wa!’ complimented with apa.r t ; , . a birthday dinner party Sunday. I don t try to; Its up to the oth - Covers were laid for 10. er one to look out for herself."— , Plez Bryan and Tom Twigg went Ex. to Portland Monday where they Yes, England snapped out of her depression Do you get all of these very DESIRABLE FEATURES CADY MOTOR CO. CHEYROLETS BUICKS Always Dependable NASH FORD and UHEHVROLET TRUCKS Trust uh to finish work when we promise it. To always turn out a (food job. To charjr low prices and (f ' V e prompt service. Build Your Castle of Stone iAUTHORIZCD SALES ANO SERVICI _________ ■ ¿ 0 0 K for the orange and green box HERE'S 1935 CROP RSSURflnCE Home Laundry &. Dry Cleaners Tl'lrphon,. |7 IIIIIslKiro, Orc. r> • ( Millsboro Concrete Brick E n g la n d D id I t with the help of a great home building pro­ gram. AMERICA IS DOING IT— We Pay You Long-term amortized home loans are making debt-free home ownership a living reality for over 2,000,000 American families. 4% YOU CAN DO IT NOW— A real home of your own can be built, or your present dwelling modernized under the government’s program for helping the home owner have a New Deal. YOU’LL BE AMAZED— p v O N ’T risk life and your car by neg­ lecting y o u r brakes! Drive in here for a re­ lining job, and be set for hitting t h e open road for spring! We are experts — and pays you best! On Your Saving» Your Investment with us ls safeguarded by First Mortgages on Oregon homes. No better security any­ where. S tart saving today In any amount from »5.00 up. .y w > > y .» w « > p > y r g > p w p > ..w ir « p w . ' s o r y 4 Q o r < y a r a r a o c M~ary x mtc W ith thi» N ew Deal in home financing. Come in and get acquainted with the detail». Pool - Gardner Lumber Co. “ For E verything in Building Material»’* Owned and operated by home folks Phone 2691 W. Baseline St. Diamond Quality 1 s A F E Ì RELIABLE Washington Savings & Loan Ass’n J M. Sayings A Loan Bldg. P E R SO N M anager Hillsboro, Oregon The Texaco Station PORTLAND SEEDS L. 8. Campbell, Prop. Buy them at i Towing Phone 1703 Night Call 3.34 i Arrotw from O. E. Depot The Only Station with Complete I Sendee Hillsboro Feed Co. Phone 271 West Main St. Miss Classified can solve all your problems from a part-time maid to a private home! Use the classified columns to buy and sell—some­ one always is ready to dispose of som ething you want . . . to buy something you can sell. ilsbonij|{i^rg us