Section Two— Full (if N owh , fur All of (lie Family. mllsbor gus With Which is Combined the Hillsboro Indem det i VOLUME 42 C a m p b e ll H o n o re d Her Hazeldale Club Plans Supper on 7'o w n ten d D e b a te on F rid a y 7 9 th B irth d a y m elast Thursday were Mr. and ter-ln-law . Mr. and Mrs. C L. Sy- ' held verson, of Timber visited him l a s t ' ernoon. Interm ent was in the fam ­ ............ . u Mrs. Bert Hailey of P ortland and I week. school a t Ixturel in the '80s when ily lot in Pleasant View cemetery Mr. and Mrs. J company. came home Saturday. H< Mr and Mrs prank Meyer* of Hllls- H. Pelton and the family lived on whut was later Mr. and Mrs. Tom Miller had as south of Sherwood. Lhe D w Hawkins blace s ,r »«i Hay visited Mrs. Pelton's b r o th - . »«'d Mrs Teach spent from g a tu r- tin o . w. itääkin» piuu sir. M Turner, of Portland who I» d»y evening until Monday In Salem. „ . . . . . . . „ . on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J : Mr. Haynes had Deen elected U nton nam ed hta place ol business u ' j , • oruftno * no Mr returned to ¿ 9rg TuCo- Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Rob- Quests B and family and Mr. constable 17 times and held the o f - , S iwua £ u » > j. P Robert Lang Lan'g of of Portland Portland visited visited ' day. . ert*on o ■ and Thornton Mrs. Ted Norcross (Marjorie fice for 37 years. Robert day boyh.iod day*. ------- -- h i. ~ , , h . r »<„. * » u .. k .. i , . I Mr and Mrs. Lealle Lee and three «oSertaon ~ Dolores Ann. Mis. '\ h v , ”,M.“ l r Schm idt of Hillsboro ^ n ' i ’iSdaT * J 8vl,ultz' ‘“ ' l chUdn’n w‘c*r‘c" Sm iduv I T d M o X Robertson Was formerly M argaret Thornton), all of Portland. Mr and Mrs. Verl Salee and th e ir , If you have something to sell and was a Visitor at the 11 <1 McNay " “V ,__ vl„ . guests of ¿lx»8 L?e » parent’s M? Mi‘ltl,e8 of this community. family visited Mr. and Mrs. J o e ! are in a hurry to sell it. let the ('lass to Elect _ _______ home Friday. Miss Clcta S treu­ John Spierlng is building a chick- Murphy In Portland Sunday. Election of officers of the "Friend- and Mrs. Calvin Whitmore. classified advertising departm ent of nt Newberg were and Clyde Portland Friday Puddock of J J Ä ’Ä i & Ö J Ä Ä A * « Ä Hl» t a S t h S T o S w ^ t the Hillsboro Argus prove its ability Ask your attorney to send your as a speedy and efficient s al e s guests a t the McNay home. ¿ ^ 'tii’e ^ L ^ a f ’^ w ’ Ha’iebrh’w i.h * el»U 4c baby-chick brooders. ¡Roy is assisting him legal advertising to th e Argus. medium. Nearly fifty persons attended the J R hom e tonhrht ’ cn » > *’ I Evelyn and Dorothy Selm m achti Mr». Adolph Schmidt Joined other Albright Brotherhood meeting, at the n,?JPr, 1 . T ’U^ . ? y Mrs. George Kosevear and ' ton ^ J S i ^ ^ m h ’a n d ’u .m r’ ieiím ? m IÎ* • 01 the Business and Pro- Raleigh Whitmore home. February . ¿ ’kir ’f ’ visit ' . . 7 mi '" ' th , ’‘ n ’2* “J u.rivf... B r ' «in «,»».< w*ng _cluo And tin ir leauir. Miss | (visional Women's club oí Hills- 1(1 T rh h e e literary I l l e r a r v urogram consisted Arab Jt 1 1 1 d_ their daughter and program coniusted " ¿ f ' ‘ f Irene Suven», at their home Hal - 1 £ ,7 7 „ „ B " rip to CorvaHis Sunday ‘a” S Ä c X '^ r * ^ S r Ä ‘ WlWun'or?1«;!,« by “¿’harte* Ä Whitmore. »"I"» by Charles lluync» uiid singing by everyone. Mr». M Coolidge and Verna May visited relative» and friends in Port- land from Friday until Sunday. c',»i!dg7l , andd family *r at W‘d t' r P . ; “•"■re av u««- w an er muyc M . M _. , . - „ . , children of Balm G ¡ 5 " / " lla£ n 3 * * " * 2 ' c rr U“" “ " ' «UP'U 1,1 tn e 8 E sto1“ 1 Mrs R “ ^ e r resident of ,h l-' community. Is now hou - teeja-r at the Rudolph Lash home , , ? pt n.t from Wednesday until Sunday at G aston with her mother, Mrs. Al­ bert Kobersteln. who is 111. Mrs Ray Voorhees .-pent Monday night and Tuesday with friends in Portland. Mrs. L A W hittle went to Boise Idaho. Friday on a ten-day vam Mr m ,d Mr» lfa rrv B ehm cltxer !V’ r ",,d Mra l l “ > ®rown B,ld mBtC' JU" n’‘e T ' WS with relatives. of Mou“ u i ^ H o£e 2ndI M r S d _c . * M r- “ >d Mrs H fnry R « * Mnd Mrs. Harry B ennett of Portland Augi M-r« W illiam ions Ir of iiiilsb i,rn laiul and Mr. ano Mrs. SU u Lechen son Wulter spent Sunday a t the I spent Sunday with her daughter. ueA- s Ä T g i^ u s of Mis and chHdren l-onuny aiid Dorothy Ted Battler home in Portland Portlan ' ! Lucille, a t the Richard Wh ittle ol West Union were Sunday guests Mrs. Adolph Schm idt and Lilli" home. Baker, Mrs J. W. Mulloy and mother. Mrs. Amelia Campbell, called on their aunt and sister. Mrs. Rebecca Rowell of Scholls, their sister and daughter. Mrs M lnta Adams ol Fannlngton, and Mrs Campbell's sister-in-law . Mrs. Lutltla Jack of Jacktnwn. Sunday afternoon. Lillie Brown nltrnded a parly at the home of M arian Roberts of Forest Grove last Thursday- evening Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schm idt en- 1 terlalned with a dinner Sunday for Mr and Mrs. Emil Trachscl and two Children. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Trachsel and two sons, und Mr. and Mrs. Henry Toncliln and daughter all of Elmonlen. Mrs. ltrunner of Portland Is spending this week a t the C. P. Stafford home. Mrs. Fred Schm idt reports the m arriage Friday of her niece. Miss ö j Eva Schneider of Portland, who has visited here often, to Nell Helney, assistant buyer for M ont­ gomery W ard Ac Co. The couple will make their home In New York City Mrs. Frank Tolson and daughter Effie of Hillsboro were Sundav call­ ers a t the F. L. Brown home. H annah R utschm an of Portland 1 F a a k i o n gen with a former school- / 1935 S p o r t ¿ ¿ D ress COATS $7.90 i PRESCRIPTIONS ’ml PUTA SWING IN YOUR STRIDE or set-in sleeves for sport . . . ripple collars, capelets, wide revers for dress! Checks and plaids, tweeds — diagonal and fancy-weave wool and crepes! A Message ♦ ♦. to Oregon Taxpayers You Can On Your SA V E TAXES by Paying Them On or Before MARCH 15 THE TOTAL POSSIBLE SAVINGS UNDER THE PRESENT TAX LAW ARE VERY LARGE For Example — In Washington county alone, 3% of the tax roll represents the sum of almost $30,000. <1 You, as a taxpayer, can share in further benefits to be derived from prompt payment of taxes. Among such benefits are decreased warrant indebted­ ness, and corresponding decrease in interest paid on outstanding warrants. <1 The present law which allows this 3% discount is therefore of direct interest to taxpayers as individuals as well as to the communities in which they reside. Feel new vigor and tingling good health, by keeping fit with a quart of milk a day! That goes for youngsters and adults! Let us deliver your daily qunrt! F IR G R O V E D A IR Y P hone 4 R X 1 EN N E TL'