Page Eight V alu e o f Q u a lity C hicks D iscu ssed ((* iiit i( n u » < i (B y Mr*. John M Davidson! HELVETIA — Sunshine club met 20. Fifty-one »dies a n d several children were present. After the business session, the program was a George W ashington guessing game and a skit. Mrs William Rufener won first, Mrs. Pete Yunker second, and Mrs. Dayton Mays won con­ solation. Mrs O tto Solberger and Miss Helen Kinsle presented the skit, "T here’s One Boru Every M inute.” The hostess, assisted by Mrs. Henry Staehli and Mrs. Emma Dlerdorff. served a dainty Oeoree Hillside grade school lias been W ashington lunch. Next meeting will be with Mrs. A. L. Troutm an awarded an A -l health ... plaque sig- L eo n ard 'etin ro pladne are ee with in North Plains March 20. Mrs nifying compliance ___ the __ , H , Leona^ Clinton and Jacquelin Lew- Davis and Mks Langue will be health points required by the W ash- ton- oldest and youngest pupils in assisting hostesses. ington County H ealth ’ association < the school Joseph Wenzel had four pupils in preventive program The O thers In the picture are: K neel­ take part in the declamatory con- a a a . a a s t,ie f*rst made in the test a t North Plains Friday. Lilly c o H” i y ' ing—Jackie Conklin. Jim m y Conk­ Schneider was first in divison III ,?E°Kram u as started humorous; Doris Jossy. first in “ . October. I®34- and many other lin, Dale Clapshaw. Benny Clinton. division I. dram atic: Howard Ritter schools in the countv are preparing Jerry Conklin. Stanley Schnildlkof- - to meet t h e requirements. The and ------ Helen — Youngen, second in their plaque was presented to the Hill er, Dale Baker. Leonard Clinton. division. Mrs. Fred Youngen and daughter school recently during a health Takasi Ihahara. Joe Schmidlkofer. Program Lillie went to Forest Grove Sun R uth Elame Anderson. Jacqueline day to see her new nephew Leo. O f « z-v son of Mr and Mrs. Abe Truman industry this year would be a c a - / ' " ____ j lamtty Hence I feel the govern- Virade 5chOOIS 0D C n New .» . Pastor Honored „ ment will do everything in its pow- r lu announced th at the collec­ tion for last Sunday would be giv­ en to the Albany school Mr. and Mrs. h . C edi and Mrs. Helen Anderson and son Don oi Portland visited Mr. and Mrs. H J. Churehley Sunday. Lrwton. Dick Morrow. Tommy Clap- alia*'. and Yashl Inahara. First row standing K athleen Clapshaw. Jeon Clapshaw Ruby Riddling. Mildred Riddling. Wayne Williams. W arren Hodges. Betty Jean Bamford. Halbert Clapsliaw and Kenjt Inahara. Lpst row. standing: Mrs. George Ray. Miss a . L. Bauman (teachers). Mrs. Carl C lapshaw . L a b u r u m Fritch. Jewel June Conklin. Tina Clapshaw. Louise Beaman, Luella Clapshaw and V irg in iaj?lapshaw fro m |u tM « eiicy on llie part of |giiiltrvmeii i„ keep Hie bird, under too eleim conillllon;. lie stales that It b, portant Hint the birds lie allowed io come in roniaet with u small uinounl of eiK'cldiosis In order Ihiu they may liiilid up an linrniitiitv IT tills iiiiniiinlty Ls not built up wlille Hie birds are young tliey w.ll be apt to contract Hie disease m r lime wdicn It win interfere wi-ii production Tlie Oregon S tate eot.ogr bottoie- heat electric brooder was on ,u’, play nt the meeting, lien F il a r rural servi«« agent for the p .„, land G eneral Klectrle company , hlblted this brooder ami dUcusv.,i Ils features with the poultrynien S.lllor u J tiin n Frail? l r t lll Z TrtlK I Q | j S General I p trn id Cim tinurs WASHINGTON - l-ersUtence ,,r the uplreml bi industrial dlvbüoiï t-on lime to m aintain unquestlomsi leadership In Hie progress now I, lng recorded. G ra p p lin g M atches S Sailor Franz, a rough, tough grap- pler hailing from Suu Diego, Cal , will head the double main event wrestling card at the V F w hall b e«’ tonight (Thursday). The bouts will be the first to be conducted here by L. D. Coulter, Portland promoter, who has leased lhe local hall. Opposing F ranz in the one-hour fund deficit. It would, however, !Vat.Sh Jwtl* be Marine Jacobs of I Portland, a clean, fast wrestler of i avoid any new taxes to which th? the scientific type. Prom oter Coul-i governor is opposed, although sev­ ter predicts a red hot" m atch f o r 1 W W R S S A n n u a l S p e e c h M eet eral measures are still percolating local fans. dustry. amuse- i Chet Wiles, wrestling cop. a n d 1 IContiniMd on e) . around including - a tax — on — ------- the new minister for Phillips and Food Back , to 1930 . Prices | Heme Olsen of PortlantT are m atch- I ........... . c da>' M arch 8 at the court house nients and another on luxuries. Helvetia. About 40 church members Bought and Sold The <*d ¿or the 30-mlnute event and from both districts were s s x X r t f / r neither of these grapplers need in - I Program for the evening Winnorc or . * i !■ ^^districting Of the state . f o u r . i u traduction u u a tu v n « to fans here. The c u r - ( music and singing. Next Sunday ha? increased a rpVlnners of contests last Friday j legislative purposes seems to be | ta m ja is e r will feature Vic Potter 1928 Buick 4-door Sedan Rev. Fresenborg will preach in 5W0, ar'd a English at Phillips church at 11 c ^ "out" until a fter another census oi Elmonlca and Jack Keiser oi u ieir i ; y ear, of m arried Ilf«, -suinslhlua of a pho. CI aaa B School» 1929 Buick St. 4-door Sedan is taken. Attorney G eneral Van- Portland, a pair of scrappy w riter- nomenoB in Hollywood by th , w a y -lla ro ld Lloyd and h l, wife «er« Z x " W ^k le has ruled th at t'h ïta g W .'-'| welghts Ladies' Aid met wtih Mr. William prices ; r®'**d ,n »»»frit by their youngsters, io a mm k wedding field In 1930 W h ip p et Zurcher February 13. Next meeting !^n , n v ^ PTo-J .to5T ?,lyii7thlrty per u«iy j*ne FWw'ar. Cornriïu»1 T ira o s ture exhausted - * * its powers in th y the Lloyd, Beverly H ill, home. Gloria, left, wu. bi Idoaiuaiil." Peggy will be with Mrs. Ab«' Youngen R ^ n s R in . . . — a __ n d , Y a n i- Boy Scouts had a busy meeting ?n £ o d £ a ? ^ Maundy Thursday. Services during Bohhv at San Bernardino. Cal. She was B asketball Tourney Lent: Sunday mornings, confession G rah am -P aig e Sedan Friday night. Five of them are * n jfle born a t Cherry Orove January 7 Friday night Five of them are oi living costs some ¿ressure far 111 » . r t l » »'ill counties. As a result of the ; and litany, a t 10 30; vespers al was m arried February re n ^ m o r/n f ,tSw?iichi>r fn’ higher wages during 1933 can be o ^ n'* j‘k Ri 1vh c "»'"«. hun- >r- attorney general’s r iling two bills 1915. and (C ontinued from p a re one) $849 D elivered H ere 7 30 Wednesday evenings, litany tend court of honor at Hillsboro to- ^S ected . n ^ ¿ .1 R~ n' Jr" '••• “i the present present session have he.‘„ S.he ls surv‘',ed by her once during the tilt did the Vik- and sermon; Friday evenings. Wuy expected. session have been night. aldowttr. her parents. Mr and Ings threaten the county cham - of All in all, the outlook for the abandoned. One sought to take a Hie Cross, and sermon Young CI bm C School, W illy s 4-door Sedan peo ople's meetings as announced senator away from the Um atilla- r e ? X? Er Ijee Ol Banks four sis- pions daughter Luella of B nx camp vis coast is not noticeably different ° .ulld «‘• i h T h „ rsd ä y " ä t'"3 ( $579 D elivered H ere „„ B ic r n t n ,. ,n d F>iith ü'V.y.i./’dri.m«- Morrow-Union district and give it fonila rÎÀnonatt* f S tp S «î2i5Î S i? " ,, WU!î b.ut four n>!” utes to go ln tted his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. from th a t of the balance of t h e , fil' fLlOrnino .. J— W t lo Q VW iX V Vo oO HVo.aoSoa ,, io prosperity in one tie - - b Dwl^ may b«« consulted any uiiy ; Banks a n • d - L olal_ ■the ...a... ... .... In I,,..mi, the «1... buy- 1 rn o n e Z M I . Mary a 39 to U nigh! ln some eases handli fa m in e areas. As I told mv readers “ u. IeaZ'ul. They seem to tack s i " ° i ' Bend, d ra m a tic. sh irie y Mult- only th a t but the plate holder centrated nower he w a S X u b l ni r a . M » ln the flnal *«>»'■ In the rounty er£ w , '*'a DeP»rtmcnt store h id Organization of the National Re race. On Tuesday night Use 1 .. 1 s,vcn extras for the two days and Wesiey colored lights would em anate there- sources board of w ind. Dana Is lost t j the .Iro n « 8 He e, s tram J C P rnnry r o ic o r c oriel «»wxmn.e all ,11 1 h a t e f f i c i e n c v wiU w ill always alu 'a w c be re- North — . pad 1*« W heat f raisers and fruit (growers Bend, oratorical h a i r m a an n strong 01 Helens team ex.rn 1 from indicating the speed at which northwest regional alone the coast have not onlv had J araed a n d inefficiency will always regional c chairm was •>. 31 to .w, 27. Gour's Woman's shop reported I the vehicle was traveling a t any explulned. The purpose of the board the benefit of raisiné prices, but Punished. No legislature or con- Hilhi (2 | <1T> Fereai i,r.»r manv tukln« ndvfint i-ro of »heir they have’ had fair "crops'‘to*"boo? ail''Pend fh i/'la w T orniiv C apitol NeWS Letter time. is to couple natural and hum an re- , Co«. U ____ _ — ~ “ *■* p n a fn r U n ro n * s««er "Save a Dollar Sale ’’ One grocer i Hence, the farmers' Income on the Ion? of tlm e- Senator Borah ’ • • j sources for a program of well- W»hner. 2 4. Waiab said the rush came fiut- I Continued from paire one) S amm I, < .... coast .w as substantially higher in ^ J d J ’f™ ts,J^lay_get re-elected by' . ,Fassage oi the Thom as bill p r o - ' ordered living, he said. Siramor. iirday afternoon It waa difficult to Kirharilaon, 1 appealing for the inefficient- but g°vernor s‘8ns the bill which has 1934 th a n In the previous year ^ iDg or Pa>'lng o! Approximately 125 persons such “st&tcmen ’ are — 1,1— airoad.« aqccaj « u . * ------- — . k Bailor ..‘ ..on handle, although he preferred the at- I pulling down already passed th e house and sen­ ». Range conditions in the northwest ff° rh P*1111011 Peddling la ex- tended from Hie cham ber of c m - ' have been m uch h e t r e r t th h a an n in “ ue“ y m ftltow ucracy Armo* “Hillsboro Day*’ plan. much better in lth e F.7*;6“ Th<‘ u t- ate. pec ted to have a dicidedly different inerce, Business A: • • • ■" ?euowJw99 15 efficient needs no P r o f e s s io n a l Turbo« other livestock areas. C attle men Three-Y ear Pina Awarded 1?f'i-i»n«d Jfi, - - lg- therefore, are in a fine position with h ineFfiriXn« a n d i’*tl*n»or» 8 ieUow Ieuow who who ls ts The adm inistration's cabinet form T Jo ... ° n the busness of promoting Women's club. Coffee club ________________ t T hree-year pins were awarded at 1 r Besses’. nessev the strong upward swing of meat The ’e ffd e n T ^ iii0 !“ 10 baZlkruPt t y of government proposal is not be­ initiative measures p a r tic u la r ly Service club. M ajor R F. lira.. the Bald Mountain Sheep d uh but prices. Dairy operators are begin- «“ « e n t will live and the in ­ ing taken very seriously among th» H ere Now planning aaik UMW th« entirely removed ™°tlf has — been regional ,,— 7 k — « commission . muauaimk con- March -t 7?, a ” wc''k to ni11 a " d Evelyn Kelly, ning to make money. Nearly every i Ti,tnt' i5 £ 1 AP«a“ u Out' lawmakers. Had it been introduced resent? nnT a , m,easure rep- sultant. accompanieu Dana uccompameu Dana. c i n w l urav?-“ q,i“*cs‘mi‘ 8und“ y « •’"111 and Mildred Mead. Itav section on the Pacific coast reports reDorti fi««p«- . o . - J , . ¿*7, 'a ’ , oi the survival of the earlier in the « « io n H i of the ““ J“' reforms Dr. Dr. E. E. J. J. Anderson Anderson of of Linfield , ot wor^ P 10:30 Nell and Elsie Knepper The corn- Piare Y our Ordern m onth to month improvement In ¿ress of end! push forward the pro- « r l ie r in the session it undoubtedly of the present session college will speak at the cham ber prayer Pastor H.fiirv'"« AA ™ornl"g mimlty has organized n sheep ,-ltih lzation genera- w°uld have received _______ _ — serious con- crop conditions due to copious rains, ,,„¿7 r>. « “ 9" in ln th lne e genera of commerce Monday on "A New speak on the ihiM 7 Hallci w“j £*“ {.2lub and ” ‘K rlub ,rd bY J > Through the —the best for several yeirs. In the M “ i» » boosted in 1935 outlook, the fruit and truck the past. This law ]s sermons "Christian Perfection Agnes Kelly. garden crops along with livestock, ihrif?v ^ I i 2 d: U breeds 8 more as a trial balloon to test II Aa D,tVlne. VJJfues of Faith. Hop«’ Its e lf to Edgings Pile look particularly promising. The ’ ^ d courageous race, out pubic sentim ent toward such C. A . Dreeszen O btains i and . j Love. _Catechlsm ------------- — and •« • Bible _____ ___ _ OSCAR N lT dlM A N .Th® Public ta invited to help it-1 continued advance in certain farm T he « « « « « gifts c , , study, each 8unday at 9 30 a Easter M .na,' a sh w a» % ' ,sSnr Nltchman. Nltchinnn. formerly of prices, which I expect during the «„ ^?5ld'. ^ ^ a d of trying a reform than anything else. Oov- self free"~oi charge" uTu p lle o f 'e d a . ra s t Kesults From A d until «aster. March n ,n" , . Oscar earlv part of 1935. should be par- not hnfL , t^ , ? . r‘V ? ble law' whv ernor M artin himself is strongly | in gs four feet in length at Carlson preeszen of east O r t street M arch ' W e d n e . ^ . M o n ^ y ’^ ’c ordlng io C m d ^ e W M ________ s C. A. Di ticularly beneficial to the Pacific S u ld re n ^ T h a U Clt h 1 l° ° Ur SCh° ° 1 sold on the cabinet form of gov- mill. Just beyond J „ 5 i i b l p;. « will L 7• » be P the m and here. a He brother is survived by hta mother nin ‘ c^C h ^k leli"011^ of Hills- and other farm lm plem eius'm the “i vAAAAtAACMf i n a i s tne way to show em inent which would centralize boro'^Vf1 "In r ,hLnleJ the Wilderness" coast it. Telephon© 3101 a brother. Lumber Orders Picking V d i W for people In ao Portland clatulfled columns of th«; Argus and toP,f' March 8 Liturgy of a t Shady Brook Charles Nltchman. i so control pretty largely in the hands ta T h e ^ w n e r ^ f The greatest industry of Theno’rth - & W ; . . ™ k e of the chief executive. g M ¿ u g h li n is m “ sal,e lmm'‘dlaWy after the &£. Way of the Cross, and se?mon - Ì5 at. to he truJy V ic ie n t one I 2 ; « ' L -ughlin is in cnarge at the g a p « » “ d' ™ vT7io targe num- »>■<, Helps Carry the Cross"". nt <,„„11^ Job priniing Arga, west ls currently showing some im mill. provement Pacific coast lumber “ ¿ ^ m Ä y SPlrltUaUy' physlcal- All hopes of sine die adjourn-1 men, however, cannot expect any ! scribers insures the advertiser a Publisher«’ Financial Bureau m ent this week have been a b a n - 1 H a z e ld a ie F o u r-H Club jubstantial increase in orders over ' great m arket place. Copyrixht 1935 doned and the goal has been moved the present level unless residential O rg an ized This W eek building throughout the country be­ ahead to March 9. When the se s­ Marriage I.irense, B irths orgam zedHa ’C H a ^ M a l e ^ J X bT ' c Robf rt <>’1™ d° ‘ B u H ^ ’worHi ol gins to improve. The latter ls still near the dépression "low. 'T here has H ” i m ^ a? 7 ? o rV h ‘ A?dDMr£ Hi r£v sion opened Speaker Cooter joined leadership of M rsd w P dBrooksC »“ -r " d Helen Blanche Wll- with th e neophytes of th e house in been considerable improvement ln ruary 28 ~ b B ankj' Teb- to the'coiiiitv £ h « u Ä £ rd ot Tacom a' Waab . Febtimrt a boy. declaring for adjournm ent within according ig to the county school su 25 the last month and a half, but the 40 days for which the law ­ perlntendent's o f f i c e , Membership ................... ¡ Ernest H Masters a a ö * S t f i ^ 7 : H. Master» a y * rtalsy B " A rch B u ild er” - " H ea lth S p o t ” and " F oot S u p p o r t” S h o e s makers are paid. T hat period ended of th e club totals 13. Taylor, both of BeaiMlBn February S W Ä f w - s s ^ i r r - 7 » “ »“ » » Friday night, last, and th e legisla­ Let the advertisem ents help you tors have since been donating th eir U to r and m .i e m i , “ Hu°i MÌ S S V î l f S , ' “i l “ » A ' c services to the taxpayers, but clerk make your shopping plans. and stenographic hire goes on Just most active industry, the same. Until th a t ^ i f l c coast tim i ^ b e e comes, r m ¿ however. m J * be P e u ra e T V Ä n ” ^ ^ patient. It now looks as though unem- a bo- Employment conditions __ _ ployment relief and old age oen- on the Fa lkner—To Mr. and Mrs. hiaVf ilnProved considerably Pa^kner^oF Shadv A SiOns would be financed through ^ i n X . •v r^ O l^ b ia ^ e ? " course, will increase the general power project is giving jobs to a Have you corns, cal­ great m any men. While agitation " A rch B u ild er” for a m ajor strike in 1935 wUl often louses, bunions, Ath­ a ttra c t the spot-light, nevertheless Shoes for Women lete's Foot, itching ? fundam entally hopeful about A tempered spring steel arrh feet and toes— weak the labor situation this year. People on the coast had a taste last sum­ support, properly filled to the or fallen arches? m er of w hat a real labor tie-up size and width of shoe. I’lenty Sv?J?S » P .ey wilj with me In Here is your ehanee to of room arrows hall to avoid saying th a t a walkout in any major obtain quick relief through cram ping toes. Combination the latrst scientific meth- heels of rubber th a t will not ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■MB xts of the world famous run over. (At Well’s exclusive­ M A IN S T R E E T foot authority, Dr. Wm. WE KNOW ly). M. Scholl, who haa devel­ P H O N E 81 C H E V R O L E T S oped an appliance or rem- "Red G o o se ” -dy for every foot trouble. P rom p t S ervice . . . Be sure to attend — Y O U K N O W US1 C hildren’s w •• ••• M dV Shoes With “straight Specials for M arc h 1 and 2 tread" lasts anil ventilated »reh insole, b et the little feet grow and Red & W h ite . 1-lb. pkg. develop n a tu ­ rally in “Red Goose” shoes. (At Well’s ex­ clusively). USED CARS Si Used Car Exchange v l C a le n d a r S a m p le s B Fillsb u nilííA rq u s Foot Comfort at Weil’s Dept. Store FEET P owers Grocery Coffee I T ’S B O U N D TO OCCUR One of our neighbors was chastis ing his small son the o th 'r day. and he asked 11m why h. tied a tin can to the dog's tail. ‘'W ell.' b replied. “If you know of a better place to tie it. I ’ll try it the next tim e.” T i l l s is a better place to have th a t balky Chevrolet doctored by Chevrolet specialists. When we fin­ ish overhauling your Chevrolet j can bet your last dollar it'll be a p erm an en t cure. No inexperienced tinkerers employed here. Every man on our staff knows Chevrolet from to Z, and knows how to fix your, trouble so It’ll stay fixed. A 1-lb. pkg. Coffee N(;w Deni. 1-lb. pkg. Soap Palmolive. Next Years Car Right Now Dr. Schoirs , iliST COMFORT Demonstration 29c Coffee Blue & W h ite. HURT? 3 bars Biscuit Flour Rod & W hite. Large p kg ................. 25c 19c 14c Monday, March 4, al Weil’s Depl. Store 1935 M aster C h ev ro let C oach We to '■ B ,X S im p le x F lex ies” Che” A Year or M o re A h e a d for Children “N ature last ” shoes th a t as­ sure straight toes ami flex­ ible spring step f„r y„ur kid­ dies. (At Well’s exclusively) " H ea lth S p o t” X V n nc e ™ ™ tOr W 0Hd- W a tc h f ° r ° Ur " ext w - k ’« VHY feet your ..... feet ...... hurt . and wh0* - HOW b^ " von b- < i » j » .H ., and demonstrate QUICK RELIEF COSTS VERY LITTLE <>f i ° ° T COM« > " T from lie . 25c and 35c to SffeTn $|' 0) i f V h“ 1’ r" n*in« *" «**«• by you Dr. Scholl’s Balance«! Pristure A reh^ ""PP° rt* “rc " eedcd that provide individual correction ,, ch SllPI>°rts are the ones and Individually fitted. Molded to v o u r'i”-«* 'ry “re n,|j ,,»*''ble resilient material; fit in any type s h ^ om " n,'l1 made of <‘ght. low prices . . . y ype Wloe' Obtainable at these new