H IL L S D O R O I’hursday, Fcruary 28, 1938 Classified Advertising Vlawlfted ('»luiiiiu, «ìo»e ut 10 o'clock Wrra and fa rm for sals. La Ireland A ( wife. Joseph Hosier and L au re tta Hea­ ter. hla w ife, P la in tiffs , vs. Ifeien (Ir a n i am i H o w ard G ra n t, her husband. Defendant«. To: Howard G ra n t, one of the above nametl defend ants: In tha Nam e <*f the Htata «»f Oregon, you are hereby commanded and required to appear In the •»l»«,ve entitled Court and answer the com plaint therein filed against you by p la in tiffs on nr in>t<>rti the eap iralion of four wreks fro m Feb­ ru a ry 14th, 11*35, the date of the fu s t publication >.f thia summons In the Hills* ooro Argua, and you w ill taka nolle« that if you fa il to so appear and answer «aid com plaint w ith in the tim e aforeaaul the p la in tiff« w ill apply to the Court for M il interlocutory derree «Im lsrlng tl»e respective right« and Intereata of the p la in tiff« ami defendant« in and to the follow ing iltMcrlhed r«-«l property situate in W itd iin p 'o n County, (Irtrgon, lo -w it . Commencing at a point which la 10 chains l.ual of tha Southwest cor­ ner of ih« Northeast q uarter of He«*- Inm 29. In 'tow nship 2 South, Kangs 1 West of the W illam e tte M e rid ia n , ARGUS, III ELK B O R G , O R E G O N gon for W ashington County on the 17th •lay of Jan u ary, 1938. and that «he has duly quaiifle*! aa auch A d m in is tra tria . Now therefore, all persona having claims against «aid «a'«te are hereby notified and required to present them w ith the proper vifuchera Io the under«igne h i . It ' II- Count Worda Hand Mmtay In the M a tte r of the Estate o f M ary bu&ketball a t the .«noul He will i n g community. Count Your Profit« ! 971«. Up be out lor iwo or three weeks. Al­ I, Peterson, Deceased. B A B Y C H K ’ KS fluparior -lo c k H C Program following dinner included Notice is hereby given th at th e under- bert Gillette, who lias bee.i .11 wun B lark Kara H redlngs — N o t par* W h ile l.oghorna. It I Iteth. B a rre l a lecture and pictures on "Birds signed C a rl O. Peterson ha« been duly poison oak. returned to 33 after an nil t lad. I W hite Itocka ; start««! r hicks atol appointed Executor o f the E state of of Oregon" by H. M. Dubois of absence of several weeks. Dwight • 1.« .i gu ch aln g ■» ■ N o rth Gaab should accompany tha order. walcoi liata. V b lt Prie M ary I, Peterson, Deceased. by the Lilly of MA missed several days of Portland Audubon society; vocal 2 0 chain«. thence W eal 2 0 chain«; meet com petition q uality ronaldered County Court nt W ashington County, O re­ them e South 20 chains to tha place \ solos by Neri Thebeau of Portland, school, after severely Injuring his • aba's lla lc h e ry , M ' M iu n ville , Oregon. gon. and ha« qualified. of beginning, containing fo rty (40) O ut of falrnsss to a ll no Info rm n- <'«»«!• No. 6491. 2 tf and a one-act play. "88 and 70 while cutting Wood. Ullile A ll persona having claim« against «aid finger acres. lloit on tha classified paga w ill I (iG O S E fgga fo r aale, Barclay Road," under the direction each lion Cox of M A returned to school tni> hereby notified to present appoint ing roinmiaalonera to make p a rti­ Estate are ba < Ivan out u u til tha papar la Mt Inula, Kieliville. 2 , of Professor Seivers of Tigard high after having nad measles. tion ther«rof In accordance w ith «aid in ­ them, w ith proper voucher«, w ith in «lx week W A N T E D P o ultry of ail kin.la. W rite , terlocutory dm ree and fo r a fin a l d«rcr«re months from t lie date nt this notice to Evelyn Clark I school. The orchestra failed t o of MH2 suffered a w ill call, or bring F riday, Ha turd ay or allo ttin g In severalty to p la in tiff« and the F.i ecu tor at Hillsboro, Oregon, or at nainful Injury last week when the 1 show up and Mr. Thebeau. Mrs. Monday im foie noon. P ortland prtrva. defendant« «aid prarnhwa as determ ined the «d'fice nt K. A. Im lay, 1617 Yeon Lyman Howe of Hillsboro and oth­ ran a sewing machine n e e d l e 1. ANNOI) NUKMKNT» F. It. Itan len , t'orneliua. 4<*tf by _____ w__. __ —— »aid ______ interlocutory decree and the Building. Portland. Oregon. ers played the piano for the dan­ through her finger at school. h l O M A U I ulcer, gas patita, and tndlgea- D A Y «»Id Leghorn pullets or straig h t run report of said eommiaaloner« and fo r the Dated this 31st >|ay of Jan u ary, 1936.. cers. Vivian Lucas Is a new pupil in tton victim s, why e n fia r 7 For quick hick«, Hughes «lock, now lMM»king for ( A K L O. P E T E K H O N . Executor. K. A •sts and disbursement« of thia suit and in lief gat a frea aanipla of Udga lal>- 40-2 8A In Junior high. She came from A p ril and May Also Keds, W hite such other and fu rth e r re lie f aa m ay he Im la y , A tto rn ey for Eaecntor. The Home Economic' committee leta, a doctor'« prascriptton, at l lt lb - G iants, Rucks, for M arch. Catalog. Vis- equitable. Portland. Jimmy Strouse of 832 is sponsoring a card party In the boro riia rm a c y . 47-4p II ora welcome Proven q u a lity. low Thia summons la served upon you by N O T H E T O C K B D IT O K B quit school this week, suite hj; is Grange hall Saturday evening. prices. We also do custom hatching. LV t i t t lit i l l Y know« that our Perfect publication in the H illaboro Argua by In the County Court nt the State o f O re­ going to California to vis.*, a broth­ Mr and Mrs. J. McKoewn enter­ I tug has A Hon H atchery. East (la k and order of Honorable Donald T. Tem pleton, blue W hit« Diamonds are price»! lower gon, fo r W ashington Cbert than moat Rtwelara price Im p arfart The 7u class of Junior high had a dinner party Friday. •tones. Andaraon'« Jew elry «tura. 4b D U D L E Y 'S Leghorn chicks, the beat you dated t)»e 11th day of February. 1935. Burch, decease«!. a lentil luncheon after school Mr. and Mrs M att King visited can buy. Illg ladled birds layin g large which order prescribe th at you «hall Notice i r hereby given, that the under­ ippesr and answer the com plaint In tht« signed has been duly appointed by the Thursday. Jam es Allison furnished w hit« eggs. A ll prtaluced on our own friends In Portland and G resham 4. LOST AND FOUND farm . Males fro m high pedigreed dama cause on or before the e ip ira tio n of above entitled C ourt, a« E xecutrix of the the lentils. This came as a climax Sunday. of fin e generation breeding. II. W D. four weeks fro m the 14th day o f Feh- Fetate of «aid deceased, and has duly to the plav given by the class. |.O » 1’ Golden cocker «panici, answers I«» Visit in California name W age." Itew ard for return tm*tml The hulk of our orders from old ruary, 193ft, the date of the firs t públi­ qua. if led as such. T hird and fourth grades of Peter cos to mera Baby chirks, f l t i . f t o per 100; ration thereof. Mr«. 1, M Townsend, 116 F ìn ti Ht. p Now therefore, a ll person« having Mrs. Henry Lowrv left Thursday H A K E . Mc A L E A K A P E T E R « and F. claim « against said I l o In ftOO Io la ; seaed chick« If E state are hereby Boscow observed W ashington's birth- j IK T H E p arly *b<> t«a»k an overcoat l»y noon with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. E. S T U K G E S , A ttorney« for P la in tiff« , n .» tifie « | sired Paul Dudley. I(t. 1, Ilea vert and r e » iu ii* - l present the day by studying flags, pictures, and m istake fn m t the V enetian theater Hat- Hagle of Hillsboro on a motor trip ftotf llesblent Attorney«, H late of Oregon. Puat same, together w ith proper voucher» there­ reading stories. l*h«me Beaverton o«lft onlay w ill re tu rn U to the Argus of bound for San Francisco, Los An­ H atch ing O ffic e Addreea. F irst N a tio n al Hank for, to the undersigned a t the law of­ At the Peter Boscow school twelve P o ultry F a rm _______ _ . fica they w ill receive a rew ard, N o B E N N E T T 'S ........-- «----- i2~ 4 L istening alertly to testimony. Andrew W Mellon, form er secretary geles, and Mexico. They expect to fices of E. J M cA lear in the F irs t students in the 5B are trying out _S I rew» «n.l th ic k , our »00 tretad h u lldlii» , H illakuro, O rw o n questiona aak«*l 2146 Argua. N a tio n al Bank building, in Hillsboro. O re­ hen« on range. - In q u ire lt<«tco« Ben- ; ——— — — — —— — — — of the treasury. Is shown shove In a Pittsburgh court during his be gone several weeks. for preliminary declamation con­ gon, w ith in «lx months fro m the date netL I II . 2, B eaverto n ; 1 m iles north Mr. and Mrs. Cal Faulk, Mr. and W ANTkI>—Ml»< rlU n ru u . 10. HI M M O N H test In this room. skirm ish with the federal government, which claims he owes $3 000.- hereof. . Iteedv lUe. f t llf Mrs. Darrel Ellis and Mrs. Nancy In the C ircuit <'ourt of the State of O re- The M B. 8B2, 7A, and 6B story­ W A N T E D U s e! piano, must he in g««*l , , Datw l this 18th day o f Febru ary. 1938. 000 In Income tax and penalties for 1931. Mellon’s attorneys claim gon, fo r W aahir ‘ ** ity. Lee and son Ira spent Sunday a t . -otdiUwn. A lb e rt K rah m er. K t. 2, Cor- E L L A G uler, E xecutrix of the Estate writing contests are creating much th a t Mellon owes nothing; rather, that the government should refund Sauvles Island at the Leon Lee A. J. Klche and ^ iiche, husband «if said Decease«!. E. J. M cA lear, A tto r- ...llua »•> M. PIGH enthusiasm among the English stu ­ and w ife. Plain him (139.045. which they contend he overpaid. home, the occasion being Mrs. Leon 52-4 dents. In the MB class almost two N K M , 1U . . . . . W ta w W . fu r c u . W » « * t K K . l i r - . ~ k . - u l d p i , , fu r . . I . A lU .h n ., r Lee’s birthday. M . l ~ II.P ..I, I H « Ita . w u lh . M l |(1 , ,,w > . r l ..n ,1Mir , | , w W , l r t p M a il« hundred stories have been written, ay«, husband Haya and N ()7 H I u i H E t K I S t . O N F IN A L F i r .I A v .. C h un. 2 im up Little Billy K latt was ill several and w ife. Bank rrton. a eor- corrected and recopied In Ink. M a i Berger. ACCOUNT I I I. II K K T ino.1* . « d w .lu u l u i - . l . w .r .l- PIG H fo r aale, M weeks old days last week. , Huperintend- porat ton, A. A. lit i. Beaverton Thursday evening t h e Witch 1» ent d 1 'u f . U t i n l l . k . r y 1-2 In the County Court o f the State of O re­ Benefit Success la le of O re- of Banks Ttaber °n the s p- ior HazeJ basketball team lost to the ^ X gon. fo r the County o f W aahington. gon, Shaw -Fear r, a corpo ra- W A N T K IF -..In c h tup J i-fu o l cm Ur pul«. The benefit dance given by the Tne private car of E. L. King, IIOKNEN a w idow, C. In the M a tte r of the E state of A n nie Junior high second team 34 to 1. N M d c r m .rM - M .r t ln l,u m b .r Cu-. 26. tion, Anna B. (B y E«>ut 2MOO, m onth and h<«rd. Hee I11GHF.HT price for old horse«. W rit- entitled court House. Hillsboro, Oregon, as the tim e Junior high won 20 to 10. against you In tl W ashington 160 W. mg a telephone line last Sunday, tions and Insist upon answers and g company. 162nd infantry ithe me at tlillahoru Horse M arket, 1 block C. K. G raham , and cauae on or exp ir»lio n of , and place fu r hearing objections to said , HL 1-2 four week« from weat of «-«ndenaery, F riday, 2 p m. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Welter a n d | “ ot any old Hind of an answer w U l|oif February, opportunity I if you fa il tor. J. I ’. Kavanaugh. K. N. Kavanaugh. A charivari was given for Mr. and it was curiosity th a t made Col- volunteers from this community en- 62-4 W rite Kawlelgh O x , Orenco. Phone H illsboro 2621X. l t f to so appear and aid com plaint Attorneys for Adm inistrators. you get started Mrs. Peter Bergerson of near Tim- umbus discover America It was listed in B company and served ¡»epi "< iK H-M LO. O akland. C a lif 2p W O K K llO R K K a . Load j i u t « rrlv w l. K u t - iff« w ill apply tfw r w f. uer Sunday nignt. curiosity th at made Lindberg point overseas with this outfit. S H E R IF F 'S S A L E . __ the court for prayed fo r in ern Oregon all-purp*we horses. Price« N o iiea L hereby .le a n , .h a t by Virtue of U>y Lota their said compia IX. WOKK WANTED A dance was given in the Timber his plane toward Europe But still ___________ reaaonable F'. W W alch, Hillaboro an Execution. O rder and Decree of Sale. TIMBER-— M . *U ld M T S . E l m e r hall Saturday night by the “Nehal- can't we go to far with such a Th a t p la in tiffs I gmsmt against near county h<»pnal Ph«mr 2‘> l - l ltf W O K K wante*I Young m an can do any­ lo u o l out of and under the real o f lha S p o o n e r dfC moving to Forest jans" under the leadership of Wal- thing? How about many of those I and rer«*ver »f an< 1 above named thing. G«a»l references Itoute 6, llill» - < ,« H »I » » - I k II ' . - ' • . 09 defendants. M axie I Jease Hays, < ir r u ii Court of the s ta te of O re«on. Grove this week where Mr. Spoon- DR. R. J. NICOL i I I » 22 P h o n e 21B1X Watxtns. Another dance will be fliers who tried to do the same double. W J. 8 c heel. Huber. Ph> and each of them. um o f 1600.00 fo r the C ounty of W a»hin«ion. dated ihe e r qe steadily employed m the ier lies O f ton 881ft. lpt1 together w ith inte T E A M work, plow ing, discing, etc.. Price given M arch 9. 1 thing? n at the rate M . t day o f J an u ary. 19S5. in fa v o r of D r a k e g a r a g e . Mrs. Spooner has reason a hl«. M cFall. Phone HUlaboro DR. E. W. ALMQUIST Miss Irene Richmond was a week­ W’A N T F .D Cheap ho rasa fo r f o l fecal of 7% per annu the 16th d a / X . ,,: ‘, : . r k - ” !n L)o d * : : : r : . r w , o K a » ™ the F ore« o r o y e j g h schooi _ J h ,4 _ ______________ ___ «»Hf Argua 2017. 82 3p of November, 1921 end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Roy fu rth e r sum T hat must be the detective in Veterinarians Z u m w alt, unm arried, Evelyn L . D«jr»«tt t)U5 f o r tllf past four years, nd th eir costs HOUSES bought, «old or traded Kay of 4128.00 attorne; Townsend of Sunset camp. all of us. We want to know the and Cha« M D« r»etl. her husband. Wash- A u s t i n W e U D has received a fOUT TIMBKK WANTED hat p la in tiffs Delsm an, G arib ald i avenue. Telephone and disbursements Timber grade school basketball whys and the wherefores. We want ington C ounty, a m unicipal corporati«>n. day layoff and Percy McCampbell 6 itf have a judgmen rcree against Telephone 643 and 642 W A N T E D «»-inch lop 22-foot cmlar poles 2107. each and all o f idanta herein Oscar Row«, defendants, f**r the sum t a k i n g h is place a t the rOUIid- team s played a retu rn game with to make things easy for ourselves; Nicalermeyei • M a rtin L u m b e r C «• Banks at Banks last Thursday. The an(j naturally we discover shorter o f 425.26 costa and disbur«em«nts w ith adjudging and dec lien of p la in ­ Hpaldiug B u ilding. P<-rtlan.l _ 2-6 17. (A T T I.F tiffs ' m ortgage i In p la in tiffs ’ i £ r £ v * i * n ^ ’f U * " , ¿ “«.S ' i y ^ k Mr and Mrs. M orns Kochmiui girls lost their game but the boys 1 routes, etc. But when we get down ANTFD Y e arlin g Guernsey bu John com plaint to be ten upon the were victorious. j k , bedrock we can’t help but dis- IS. SALE or Til.B—Mb< rllancoua W Rauch. Jan uary. 1935, and the fu rth e r sum of have moved Into the hOUSC Ixlong Kt. 2, ('««rnvlius. 2p ' real property the ibed, and de- j cover th a t we are no longer our­ 48"6.7 m w ith interest thereon a t the rate lflK to Mr. and Mrs. S. O . W ll I lS , W H A T have you to o ffe r for my equity i H O L S T E IN cow ind th a t said fo r sals. ISO. I I. C. srrlhed in said in selves but are slaves to discoveries, of io per cent per annum fro m the 1st who moved to Portand last week, in my aprtm erit house chare to the j hat the land Christensen. Linnton. Kt. 1 ; Inquire m ortgage l*e for and inventions. Phone 953 : Hillsboro cannery? C annot l«mger »are for It l-2 p therein described y the S h e riff day «»f Dec , 1932. and the fu rth e r »um Geoffrey Brown and LaRue Brown Munson school on Skyline. a a a «m aer annum from t n - M rn u n end th at the llorw ick K irk . W»y Second Ht. heifers to freshen sooo Kay I>eisman. m anner prescribed Ana we find th a t much happi­ 1st day Of Dee.. 1933. .n d the fu rth e r U> visit Mrs. Geoffrey Brown. ( and e applied in DKAGHAW , lig h t and heavy harness. I G aribaldi Ave. Phons 2107. 2 proceeds fro m •« .u m of 42995.13, w ith in te rw t thereon w h o is recovering from an appen- ness has flown out through th e ) the follow ing ord : rän n in « m ill. 2 h p «ngtn«. k llrh e n I ., LICENSED EMBALMERS (By Mrs. J. A. McCoy) I'W O young Guernsey bulls fo r sale at the rate of 7 )>er cent per annum fro m d lX operation Ul a Hillsboro hOS- 1. Costs and i f said aale; window because we must make rahit». c u ltl*« to r, »«**! |*»t «heap H illaboro Horse M arket. 2 2. Costs and i fits and at­ the 1st day nt Dec . 1933. and the fu rth e r p i tai. SOUTH KANSAS CITY—K a n sa s' money and th a t requires a lot of ______ __________________________ i'sll o» y«»ur u««ds. W « buy sn«l sell torney's fees lu »um «.f 4360.00 A ttorney • fees w ith in- an£j Mrs. John Richmond City Farm ers' Union local meet at self discipline and worry. Man in — »'«'»rythlng y»»u may r»s««l h a ir* Depot. THKFlFi rows and 30 chickens fo r sale. — In q u ire K o ra lli 4b W lsmer. Telephone 3. T o the pla ein the sum t . r » t ih»™ on »t i h . r a t . of s pay can« w Hillsboro visitors last Wednes- M anning Monday evening. John the early stages of the game was 1 »-j mil«« **ut F irst A»«.. Laura! r«»a«L of 4600.00 to ih interest l»er annum fro m the 2 I» t day of J an .. H ‘ 1 ,V 1 |*hon« 2643. ________ ___ Plass. county president, was the a lot more free th an we are He IT IT 1936, and the fu rth e r sum of 410.00 for I hereon at the I en |>er ren t ') I Y bull for sale, 2 years old In a rap about making X* Xi continuation abstract, w ith interest there- M r . and Mrs. Harvey Wilson OI speaker. After the meeting Man- didn't give per annum sii >th day of A p ril. Herd had l*«'th testa, no re­ ( ONTH ACTING on st the rate of 6 iw r cent per annum G a le s Creek Visited M r s . W ils o n S nmg put on an entertainm ent and money because it wasn't Novem ber, 1927 needed. Fri„ inM and mside drv SO 2J a c to rs F. O. Shay. 3 mile« southwest fro m Jan uary 21, 1935, and the fu rth e r p a r e n t s . Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tilotson, C St M U L M K K IC H . ««HHraclor and 4. The overplu there be, to K ansas City gave the Oyster sup- He was satisfied where he was He Edglngs ana m3iae* °o- Cornelius. ____ ____________ tp •um of 4110.99 w ith Interest thereon at last Thursday. builder, rem odelta«. w irin g , plum bing, be applied to t t of taxea per. There was a large attendance didn't know about this and th at 18-lnch. Cord ........................ " II fo r »nie concrete, et« Plans and estímales free upon said land ig and de­ the rate of 1- per cent per annum fro m M r f tn d M r s j^irk Of Port- In q u ire 116 W M ain St. 2 tf Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McCov visited and naturally he was king in his wtj-hen wood the best Oct.. 22. 1934. t.. me direct*«! and de- . “ V Thum dav linquent. I«. i Jat kson St. Ph«'ne^714 ltf Excellent kitchen wood, tne Dest F R E S H Itrow n Swiss cow. doubhr-tested. That me to make »ale { » n d VlSlUd friends h ereT O u rS d aj. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Rice of Forest little kindgdom. p la in tiffs tien i and de­ llvered. c m m a n d ln g buy you can find. Grove Wednesday. C W H e rg ert. 1 miles south on cree adjudging ■ of th« real property herein after described. M r . and Mrs. Kirk are former resi in « that the It ) BW ll- F ir s t Ave. _______ ___ _________ S lien of p la in tiffs Guests of Mrs. Elmer Quick Wed- And we today are slaves to old s is p rio r in I have levied upon and pursuant to said d e n t s of Timber. Seasoned Slab and Block i k a d f ; M a s te rs electric In ru ltato r and urns and superit« M r . a n d Mrs. W. W. McDonald fit tu all the Execution. O rd er and Decree of Sale. I ,.a n ? Mrl ^ Tcy man Mammon. And occasionally hetfer for hens, 29. REAL ESTATE M arl ■ brooder rig h t, title . Inter« and Bene of w in on M onday th« 26th day of March. spent last week in Portland, return- W hitefield and Betty Lou of Wem- we try to smile in a picture show 16-inch Old Growth Fir Box 674. N Fraser, Kt. I. what. each and a ll of ianta in and 1935. at the Ea»t door of the Court House . T h u r s d a y w ith 6- me. and Mrs. Charles Weddle and or at a Joke and once in a while 2p , FO R S A L K o r rent, ^ -b lo c k Beaverton it the defend- Coal and Gasco Briquets house, garage. woodshed, and to said real proper we really laugh. And vet curiosity X H« 1’i £ r , h.mr“ hJ f ^ ' o ^ ’ a ° m Mrs. Emma Thomas is spending baby Audrie of Dilley. forever torv- if chicken coo p. cheep. Am m oving away. ants and each of .’.w ¿ 7 . i n .1 P „ X ane^on to t h , a few days In Portland visiting M artin Vanderzanden was pleas- killed a cat d from ever 14. F«>lt HAI E—MtwelUnroii» l,4niis G reenfield, Cornelius. l-3 p closed, barred ai antly surprised Friday evening asserting o r rla m right, title or highw t bidder fo r cash in hand, a ll of friends. Herman Rehae H V ll It A T E L Ib n - l ‘ *r ••••■ »«M b« « -» . '•-* H A V E several buyer» w an tin g farm s I f i ¡T tU iit^ lB ^ a n d ^ tn D o n a l d KlCSel of Portland Visited when a few of his friends came in property. or ihe follow ing describe«! real property, ly yours is for »ale let me know W . O. ' »« •»«* I h « r l« ll-r lh ..W I'h u lw II— > ■^*íl.?..uZ ..? ít?™e3L to ? end your Phone 2383X Res. phone 2062 any p a rt or pat ing, being and situate in W ashington in T i m b e r S a t u r d a y . f except the to help him celebrate his birthday. legal advertising to the Argus G ateway, Hillsboro. l-2p Tltm MM. ___________ » statuto ry rig h t oi ion, and fo r County. O m io n .n d mure particularly Mr and Mrs Oscar Shiffer and The evening was spent in playing 8 8 m , I i'K A ■<«*•■. 1 Inch aquara hy '>'-j F IV E a .r w , Itr.ni't«.,, a rre n a r naar Sew »uch fu rth e r ord« cree •> may drecr.1^1 . . follow., to-wli: daughters Hazel and Sylvia atten d ­ "500." High scores were made by ell atatlap , 3 4 cleared, rest o ak ; small ,,r equitable tn tb , Th a t portion of th« W illia m K. (eel I ma i«v F J Mm.re. K t. 2. Louis Strohm ayer and Mrs. J. P. ed the "shoot" at Rainier. Itf Ï. ^ ’U llry ■»*»•«•. ••»<> • * « - Thia summons I pon you p ur- Carpenter Donation Land Claim Nt*. Banka. Mr and Mrs O tto Brose of S her­ Vanderzanden. and low bv Leola trlc svliable, rock road, price 4760; , uant u , Bn orde id entered in 39 and th at portion of t h - W illia m S H O K «epair shop for sale. John Owens. ,H> Il B a rry. Box 46, Kt. (be above entitled cause on the Beagle Donation Land C laim No. SH wood visited In Tim ber Saturday Vanderzanden. Present were Mr. M eie 4. Hillsboro 2-3p 2otb day of Febru by the H on- lying w ith in sections 3 and 10 tow n­ and Mrs. I. P. Brady and family, with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Riche. F E N C E poeta fo r sale. W ill deliver F O K S A I.E Six-room house. 90xlOo lot, .ra b le K. Frank udge o f the ship 1 south range 4 weat o f the ____ . . . . _ , . _. . Mrs Edwin Hallam returned home Mr. and Mrs. Louis Strohmayer, i 4 B f Ruy iNdaman. paved street, cement sidewalk a n d nbove entitle«! O which order W illan tett« M eridian, described as fol­ Grow betU r Chicks. Feed Im perial Chick S tarter. Rich In Vita- this week after a visit of several Clifford and George R utsn of T h at- ! lows : •ew er. Reaaonable. 246 N . 6th Ave- preecrilws that tl m i »hall be days in Portland. t . cher. Miss Leola Vanderzanden and m ins-Iodine content approved. Iodine Educational Bureau_No better 15. CARS AND TIRES Beginning at a stone on the west awe & I*f published o nce a i >ur successive H .P . Nelson of Portland is work- Bert Dyke and Mr and Mrs Wil- c h k k sta rte r on the market. lin« of said C arpenter C laim set in and lot for sale or trs.le In- ronae« H ive i th e H illsb o ro S M A L L equity at Mac Ken sie M«dor Co., IIO U S I liam Vanderzanden and son D an­ the south quarter corner of said quire Used C a r Exchange. 49tf Argus, a weekly « printed, pub- w orth 476. w ill »ell fo r 44«) F.ivln __________ _ . 1 __________ together w ith proper vouchers therefor. ny. all of Roy; Mr. and Mrs. W ar- ■■ li»be»i and circula W ashington ction 3 ; , thence south degree 86 _________ C ornila, Kt. 4. H illaboro. P h o n e ^ lR 9 _ P ■ sn ■ ■ i « m m i ■ ml m itre Eaat on .a id W ret line 8.20 i to tha tindereigned a t the l a * office of 35. MCSK AI. INSTKVMENTS , Cuuniy. O r « .. .. , of ih. fir.t Cropp and daughter Dons, Mr. F'OUR-wheele«i tra ile r fo r sale. M r» Il.lile y « H are, In the F ir.« N a tio n a l | ren p u b lic a tio n ih « r « - . h e 2 1 »t «lay chaina to the center o f a d itc h ; and Mrs. J. A. McCoy and daughters » •» * * * * • X* X X E iC , G ear«« W .sidw ortb IS lh and Oak Mis Rank b uildlna. in Hillsboro. Oregon, w ith ­ I ’ lA N O for »ale. very reasonable fo r <»f February. 1935. and the date of the thence down the center o f said ditch Gladys and E thel and Mr. and Mrs. in . is m onth, fro m the dale hereof. north «4 degree«« 63 m in u t« East cash, might trade J . 8 .. Box 174. Kt last publication thereof being Ih e 21st IMPERIAL CHICK STARTER USERS will get two Chick Feeder! in k SALK J. F Vanderzanden and son Robert. Dated of Feoru ary. 1935. 1. Phone Hlllehoco ITin. 2 tf «lay of M arch. 1935 re. or, chains v iM iiir e to »«■ an reiiftiiw II Pre 111X7 , is re ir-u «hi. «III.-, 18th I 'lH - day I— - tru ck, goud «•«►ndltlon. C all 1032 Sec- 9.0» angle I in same thence down the center of »aid ditch O L G A N A R U P . A d m in is tra trix »'f the irr" " |-.. H r tlN G U K . A tto rn ey for P la in - 441 f A rthur Vanderzanden and brother with their first purchase of Imperial Chirk Starter. Be rare to get I E state o f said Deceased. Bsg.ey A Hare* Frank of north 72 degrees 43 minutes East 34*. M I’SlC LESSONS tif f. Resilient atto rn ey of the State of the Tidewater Lumber yours. Give your Chicks the proper start on Imperial Chick Starter i A ttorneys fo r A d m in is tra trix . 1-5 company at Astoria spent the week­ We buy and sell used cars. U E O K U K H O H E K TH . a r . d u . l . o f m u.ic 21.12 chaina to the center of C ar­ C o ra m .rrla l penter Creek ; thence down the cen­ in ll. r l l n , O arm any. mam bar O r « . „1.1 ‘•uildin«. Hillaboro. Orawoii 1-S end with their parents. Mr. and Mash or Pellets. Also get one of our leaflets, "How to Grow Better —Used Car Exchange. 48tf club te r of said Creek north 9 degretn« 11 N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Chicks.” of C a lifo rn ia ; p rivate instructions Mrs. J. P. Vanderzanden. U S E D » u i " p a r i s f o r le»» H ill» b « > r u A u t o m inutes East 6.34 chains; thence S H E R IF F ’S S A L K N«». 42 S5 ’ IA N O at y«»ur home. T U N IN G and Mrs. J. A. McCoy, Mrs. Ira Brown. W i< » 6 r n > I' I - M . , 1 .? '• I 2 n«l A « <• • " f down the center of said creek north In the County Court of the State of O re- Notice is hereby given, that by virtu e R E P A IR IN G it m oderate prices. Phone PAY CASH AND SAVE — TRADE WITH IMPERIAL 14 degrees 2H m inutes East 1.64 chains; Ray Vandehey, Mrs. J. P. j gon, fo r the County o f W ashington. Mrs. 2p of an Execution. O rd er and Decree of 12M2. thence down the center o f said Creek Vanderzanden and Mrs. Earl W al­ Pn4»ate D epartm ent. Sale. Issurti out of and under the seal 17. FURNITURE north 34 dirgreea 7 m inutes East 2.61 , Notice is heroby given th at the under­ . of the C ircuit Court o f the S tate of dron were entertained T hursday a f­ HOUSES U N IV E R S A L c««mblnatlon w « mm I range. 39. chains; thence d«»wn the center of said 1 Or«*gon. f«»r the County of W ashington, signed Agne» Schumacher ha» been ap- [ ternoon by Mrs. W arner Cropp. The S holm. la rg e «»ven. 3 ga» burner». F lV R -ro o m h«ni»e f«*r rent, elo Cr«*ek north 44 «I «agrees 7 minutes blast iminted a d m in is tra trix o f the estate of in, 416 dated the 14th day of Jan uary. 1936, in afternoon was spent tn quilting. g.NNl e<.ndtti«m. 436 . 9x12 W ilto n rug. 7.31 chains to the northwest corner l»ei m o n th P h ...... 11 1 i •• i W ilh elm Schumacher, deceased, by the 2 tf favor o f W . K. Reeves. P la in tiff, and 4(7.60. an«l «nher article« E. E. H a m ­ Miss Frances Vanloo is visiting phon* oi of a tra c t o f land <>wne«i M arch 1st, Em il Charles O tt, E xecutor of the last i County Court of the S tate o f Oregon. Millers of <)uallty Freds South Second St. mond. Cornelius *P 3«. 19«H by IL ’bert A le x a n d e r. thence her sister. Mrs. Tony Kemper, oi ! fo r W ashington C«»unty. and ha» quali- w ill and iw tx m e n t of E lm er K. S ta rk , ROOMS AND APARTMENTS south 87 degrees W eat follow ing the Defendants, and J James fiw l. A ll persons having claim» against Forest Grove. ■ IMROAINS In ,'7 " ' I APARTM ENT .......... f..r rem . .a le or • lee«-ase«l. '< - .* .^ 1 . O l l r rig l a in l n a . l l Ile f e n .l.m ., and .m re line of fence 34.34 chains to the «ok Stora». W c W“‘ ! said estate are hereby notified to present Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Vanderzanden J A ira d . In q u ire Used C ar tAchaiiKe. t l f " " f . ' h’ Hornbeck, . 166 H I W est line of said C a rp en ter c la im ; u»«s| fu rn itu re . E. i of H annah S ta rk , an incompetent, sub- the same, duly verified, as by law re­ and son Ralph of Fairview and i."r 1 S m llh. „ Itu ta d in limi of E m il C harlre O li. Ba- 62tf Î thence along said West line south 1 Second HL quire«!. to the undersigned at 9<>2 Spald­ .146 F,. Baseline St. I hone 498. l t f «eutor ; and Fran k H. Reeves, A «idit tonal degree 46 m inutes East 8.6« chain« ing B u ilding. Portland, w ith in six months Mr. and Mrs. Toney Kemper and sons W arren and Mervtn of Forest W A N T to rent «m all rmwlern house Defendants, against Lost P a rk , a cor por a- to the place o f beginning and con­ FUEL fro m th e date hereof. IB. by A p ril 16. K<*spon«ihle party. Phone tion, also a defendant, for the sum of tain in g 46.04 acres. w « mm I f«»r »ale. lt-tn e h . 16-incfi Date«! and first publish«*«! February 2H. Grove spent Tuesday evening with SLAB IM S . l-2 p 416.50 costa of defendant James Lands, j to satisfy the hereinbefore name«! sume , D a te of last publication M arch 2M. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Strohm ayer and .n d 4-f«»»t. 4 < 5u per cord delivered ' “ G uardian «if the per»on and eatate of ; and fo r the cost and expenses o f sale 1935 Miss Frances VanLoo. t harlew Berth«»l«l. I ’h«»ne Beaverton 3402. 42. FARM LOANS H annah K. S tark, and the fu rth e r sum and said w rit. AGNES SCHUM ACHER. A d m inistra- Ethel McCoy was an overnight A H II w « mw ! fo r «ale. cut la»t May and . . . . . . . ... ,. , . . i i of 416,000.0« w ith interest thereon at the Said sale w ill be matie subject to re- t r j x . A lbert T Kem m er. A ttorney. 2-6 June. 4»n rock road. J. W . Bernard». F A R M money , to loan | . The F o ie ra l lasml s - ..« «k„ guest Thursday of her teacher. Miss . |ier cent per ilem ption as per statute «»f Oregon. . - ___ _— . ■ — . . j — «. a .. i , rate «>f six per annum «rom tne *A Guess Is As Good As Any If You Guess Right,” bank now has am ple funds In bond'« to M argaret Kellogg, of Forest Grove Rov. Iinted at Hillsboro. Oregon, this 20fh _ - 7th day of June. 1934. and the fu rth e r sum Tell Me Another - Timber Folk Move to Forest Grove Done Ison SC Sewell Plass Speaks at Session of Union K* a* V ’ -I"*’ Chick Starter Mash or P ellets FREE J FREE !! FREE !!• i iii IMPERIAL FEED Sc GRAIN CO. THAT OLD SAW- I I K f t f elaea wood f*»r sala. Kay Dels- m an, G aribaldi Ave. Phone 2107. 4tftf S E A S O N E D oak and country al«b w.nai. Hawed any length before delivery ln - ■ nntaiii■ other .•tnilre .r» ii,n e n t» l »hriib». Hedging nl»»U>. «»»it tree«. f ilb e r t,, w n llin l,. grnpea berrlre Home tn Ihe nursery »m l -elert y.nir» I.»m l«r»l>ing H ln lll» Nurnery. Hlltaboro. R t. 4 ; l » n t , «nil hlgheel qtm tliy gu»rnntee.l g r» fle .t «gikerle»» filb ert tri»—, w iilnute. Iienche«. prune», cherry, pe»r, »ppln. herrle», ro « « »nil »briih». Heini fe r bergn in H»l tixiwy. Nut l , l»»l«ng O uW e" on reqnrel. Phone, w rite or visit in. C » rlton N ureery Co., *91 f I's r iM » Oregon XO. HAY AND FEED O A T »nd vetch hay. Ft tom Mrs. A. K iiaf, r»«l O»l* Ml. 8. $ H A I. KJ) clover hay for »«le. 62tf H to llrr. L au re l K i l l H A L S o»t »m l o«t-vetch hny or trade f«»r w««rk horse. Jlw ight Hellers 6»tf m ile north Hillsboro. Rt.__3. tl. FARM PRODUCB t o i ATORB f<< sale. R»c per sa.-k lirin» sack Ray Delsman, G aribaldi Ave. Phone 2107 l«»an to farm ers at 4M |% . O ver 4l.«0t).- of 4700.00, Attorney» f«qw. w ith interest 1 J w / c i I N N F l . l V ’ s h e r iff " f W n -hin it- l,„ . Imen l.nuirel to W u M n s t o a lh r r „ („ lh , r a t , o f » L par ren t n rr Fmre,..reare I.re tbs t i r e bank. l.rea.L kA rite M l . or r.re _ _ . county aa fa rm e la by W nnum fro m the 7th «lay of June, 1934, ton County, Oregon. By M . Schm idt. De|>- O m ar Fendali et al. exeeut«»r. to Roy call fo r particulars. W ashington C«iun P h ilip Ham m ond. 310 G uaranty Lyn n, part of Btoek 20, Forest Grove. and the fu rth e r »um of 4700.00, P la in tiff's uty. Attorney» fee» w ith interest theretin at Building. Portland. O regon, A ttorney fo r Oscar 11. Peterson et ux to Claude G. J M I ' l - r - ' n . ...... rrtn r» . lllll.b o r n 'Ilf , j,„ r u t . of »1, per M a« p e r r e t u r n f r o m P la in tiff. 1-5 Powers. L o t 44 Johnson Fiatate Addition. the 7th day of June, 1934, and the fu rth e r I Hcaverton-Reedville Acreage, •um of 415,000.00 w ith interest thereon S H E R IF F ’S S A I.E Sarah E. Johnson et al to Robert A N o ilre 1» hnrehy given, O rel hy virtu e j , u Ha" 2 7 " . m l 2s” 'G arden a t the rate of »ix per cent per annum fro m the 7th day of June, 1934, and «»« an F.x«vuti«»n, O rd er end Decree of .. G n||,r„ , h to Eva Fiaehbuch. the fu rth e r sum o f 423-00 P la in tiff» s . i e lreued out o f and under the .e a t | j?,’, , „ N O T IC K O F F IN A L SBTTLKMRNT , Sectioo 21 T2S R1W . «■«•»t» w ith interest thereon a t the rate o f Ih e t ire u lt Court o f the State o f ; In the County ('«»uri o f the S tate «»< Ore of six per cent per annum fro m the . r * ; ’",'g f " T , , w . G. lliederm an et u . to Ernret I. gon, f«»r W ashington C ounty. .. . ______ _ i d a t« l the 28rd day of Jan uary. 19.16. in |,„ v, hw ick , t 7th «l«y dny w. of ««..« June. , 1934. to . me direvte«i u x , ! »cre in I.ot 63 In th«« M a ile r «»f the l.ast delivered. - com me to make .fa v o r of P eter Zurchcr, p la in tiff, and m ,. p , u T!«ranlvlll«> , _ W ili and . . . r«*sta- . : —.re rew......re, ..... . m am ling — -------------- ment and F.siate of George Busbnuer, naif of the real property hereinafter de- against E. L . Parsons, also known as ' K«lward F Bau - - , «-«MW««» «. a,«»on to Em anuel C h arity De«*enM«*d. ■ scribed, 1 have levied upon and pursuant • *• Everett L . Parsons; D. D . Bump and . p nMr<| Tract 11 and W ’ , of Tract 12 Noth«' is hereby doing business under Ch,.haiem M ountain Orchards. , Rl|rntM, r of given that the w il l under- tl, »«ni l Execution, O rd er and Decree of Ellen W ickstrom , * n‘> Sale, I w ill on Monday, the 4th day of the assumed business nam e of Commer- j . VB | ner N orth to Htate o f Oregon, Testam ent and estate of George Sue- M arch. 1936. a t the East door o f the cial Adjustm ent C o .; T h e Federal Land 1734 acres in Section 11 T8S R2W . | bBuer, d e j w n l , has fHe«l his fin a l CotirtBOUie i n 11II1 s I m . i v , W ashington Bank of 8pokane, a c o rp o ra tio n ; Chester O live E. Jacobs et v ir to A. F. Chris- Hn,J report as sut ’n executor in the , County, Oregon, at the hour 0 / ten Il rid g es; ft h d Inm an-Poulsen Lum ber (ener et ux l o I 1 Block 11 N o rth Plains. County Court of the State of Oregon, outoek ft. nt. of said day. sell at pub- Company, a corporation, defendants, fo r P h ilip Lesser Jr. et ux to Frank Bleid. fo r W ashington ('ounty, am i that said lie auction to the highest bidder fo r the sum of 416.86 rost and the f u r th e r 1 exeetitor. 86 2-100 acres In Sections 23 fin a l account and •’ has heen a - i -•ash in hand, ftll of the follow ing d«^ sum of 4582.88 w ith Interest t h e r e o n 'n(| -¿g T I N R4W . fo r filia l hearing and aeUleit.reOt before scribed real property, lying« being and from the 5th day of October. 1934. at ¡.7 j McA'iear et al to Fred Amacher said court at the court room ther«M)f in situate in W ashington County, Oregon, the rate of 7 per cent per annum , am i r , ux> p a r, of Sections IP. I I . 14 and Hillsboro, Oregon, on Monday. A p ril 1, »«ml m ore p artic u la rly described as fol- fo r the fu rth e r sum of 475.00 A t t o r -| ¡ 5 T I N R 4W 1935. at 1« o’clock a, m. of said day. I lows. t«»-wlts ney’s fees w ith interest thereon from W ashington county to G. A R«»b»on ( U ) of the Dale«l am i first publi»h«*d February 28, Ih e Fast one-half the 22nd day of Jan uary. 1935, at the et ,,x | altx ¡n Bbwk 23. First Addition, *-ouarter (^ ) of See- 1936. Last publication M arch 28, 1935 rate o f 6 per cent i»er annum , to me ( ) rcnc«t. tion 34, Tow nship I , N«>rth of Range P E T E K 8 U 8 B A U K R . Executor o f the directed am i delivered, com m anding me ,< v M ille r et ux to A. R. M cCallum 1 Went o f W illa m e tte M eridian, con­ Last W ill and Testam ent and Estate of to make sale o f the real property here- ¡,1, 5 acres In Richard W hite claim ta in in g 8i» acren more or less. George Hushauer. Deceased. M. B. Bump, in a fte r describe«!. 1 have levied upon and j l S R 2W . Als«» that part of the southeast residence and address, Hillsboro. Oregon, pursuant to said Excution. O n le r and Jean Hanim ell et v ir to M arian n e Fred- qu a rter of Section 34 In T w p. 1 N. A ttorney fo r Executor and Eatate. 2-6 Decree of Sale. I w ill on Monday, the crick. L o t 9. E«ldy Acres of IL 1 W of W . M .. described as 11th day of M arch. 1935. at the East door <> E. Davis et ux to Glennis Hubbard, Im ginnlng at the northeast corner of N O T IC K O F F I N A L A C C O U N T of the ( ’ourt House in H illaboro, Wash- Tract 67 Plat N«». 2 Bonny Slope, the Thererea C la rk 26-acre tract and In the ( ’ounty Court of the H tate o f Ore- ington County, Oregon, at the hour of J. H. W ilson et ux to M E. Stanm ard the northw est corner of the land god. fo r the ( ’ounty of W ashington. ten o’clock a. m. of said day, sell at ,»t ux. L o t 6 Block 1 C urtis A ddition, fo rm e rly owned by N aom i C W alters, Probate D epartm ent. public auction to the highest bidder fo r Forest Grove. and running thence South 309 feet In the M a tte r o f the Estate o f John II. «•ash in hand, all of the follow ing de- Hylen T a y lo r W halen et ux. to M. V. to the north line of the County road; Dorland. Deceased. scribed re««l property, lying being and Gnloway, L o t 4 Bl«*rk 4 O ak Grove A d­ thence south 79 deg. east along the Notice Is hereby given that the under­ situate In W ashington County, ()r«g«m. dition, Hillsboro. north line of the said road 51 feet ; signed. as a d m in is tra trix o f the «»state Fred Oberg to Ernest M Oberg et am i more p a rtic u la rly d««»cribed as fol­ thence north 318.7 feet to the north of John H. D orland, «leceased. has filed ux. part of A. H ill D. L . C. No. 42 line of said W’alters t r a c t ; thence lows, t o -w it : h«*r fin a l «count In the County Court The H«»utheast Q u arte r of Section 36, west 60 feet to the place of begin­ T28 R2W . «»f the State of Oregon, fo r W ashington W ashington county to L . E. W ilkee T«»wnship 1 N o rth o f Range 5 West, ning. County, ami that Monday, the 1st «lay et ux, 4 acres In Sections 25 and 26 | Also all of Cedar Home In Wash­ W illam e tte M eridian. of A p ril, 1935. at the hour o f It» o’clock ington County, Oregon, except lots to satisfy the hereinbef«>re name«! sums T l f l R IW . in the forenoon of said «lay and the A. S Ellis et ux to C. F. W illiam son I and 16 and the south one-half of i and fo r the cost «nd expenses o f sale court r«»«»ni of said court has been a|»- et ux, 5 acres in Lot 3 Section 16 T1S lOt 2. . re . and said w r it pointe«l by said court as the tim e mid Also all that land lying south of lot Haid sale w ill he made subject to re­ K1W place fo r the bearing of objections there- . O. H. Jack to Charles F. Crunlcan et 16. In said Cedar Home addition, and demption as per statute of Oregon. to and the settlement thereof. north of the Cornell Road, being a Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 6th ux. p a rt of Block 3 H illsboro Garden Dated ............ ami first published February 28 f r a c t i o n o f an acre. Tracts. day of Febru ary. 1935. Charles F. C runlcan et ux to O liver 1935. D ate <»f last publication M arch 28. j to »mtisfy the hereinbefore named sums J. W C O N N E I.L , S h e riff o f W ashing­ and fo r the cost and expenses of sale j ton County. Oregon. N C j of N W ', of Section 28 T 2 N 1935. P. L. Patterson. Jack E F F IE M. D O R L A N D . A d m in is tra trix . an<1 Ha|,| w r |t . A ttorney for P la in tiff. 61-8 K4W Hillsboro. Oregon, route 8. 2-6 i HNiaml. M arie Bonn and Sylvester Bonn, qualified as such. her husband. Agnes Ludw ig and Adolph dersign«»«! has b«*en appointed Adm inis­ duly Ed W . Moyer et ux to H e nry T . Baach N«»w, therefore, a 1 I peraona having Ludw ig, her husband. M arg aret H a r­ t ra tr ix of the E state of E ffie Becker. claims against said estate are hereby et ux, I.ots 1 and 2 Block 62 N o rth vey and Roy Harvey, her husband. DtM'eased. hy an order m ade and entered Plains. notified am i required to present the same. F ran k Hester am i Alice Hester, his In the County C o urt o f the State o f O re- , Rcfll Legal Notices T FRllSf CITS j a ^ r iv & ^ y i^ StedrM?:!may be true, but how many guess right? and Mrs Dick Wilcox a t M ountain- Guessing has been going on for a long time about the dale Wednesday comparative cost and Tile construction versus Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Vanderzanden . . . „ ,, of Brick , and sons Frank and A rthur visited other types, folks, why not come in and get facts? It Mrs V anderzandens sister. Mr», costs nothing and you will learn how wild a lot of people Marv Esh. and family of Portland 1 , iM o v ie Saturday evening and Sunday 1