Page Six H IL L S B O R O ARGUS. H IL L S B O R O . OREGON Thunulay, February 28, 198ft G eraldine. Jean ana Doris o ru a u il. A G e n tle H in t By M u n c h ueo ig e ¿ c ig a r. toaiourn an a Vivian M A C test Friday uflernoon She will ren- and Mrs N uk llothmitn of IIIMs- ¿eigicr an a Keim Manow. resent Orenco at Hillsboro March b to »etc In Washington. GEE Z THIS IS a lo Y t a ueorge M ajnaxa Jr. is staying 8. Lois Hobson took second place In F'tltdnv o’ last week Ed Wl'son 1A '• ~ w ail a sister. Mrs. Gien Milter, an a T H t M .’ THAI the humorous selections In division was ^WOftK FOR A T tw COOKItS— III with toiullItU aiienam g high school. II. OUGHT TO MAKE WtLU.ONY MORI BOX *N Mr. and Mrs. Robert McNlliv and Airs, ciicini Miner entertained a im a dinner Suiiuay (or Mr. ano fT------ÎTB A GOOD YLL ô l UP T H t-R t children visited Mr. and Mrs. B. Mrs. M en Beany and Miss Lois O Î L E. Stoller at Lain el Sunday. THING MOM "THINKS, M r» . W a ts o n N e w O ffic e r ; uw ors or Pom aria. P re s b y te ria n s o f D is tr ic t II C Seymour ol D S. C nt Cm Birthday Celebrated I DON'T KNOW P a rty F rid a y E venin g valli.» mid Alvin Hobart ol lhe Mrs. Jnery AielXiugai »as honor » 8 IlKAI. IN MKAI. KMTATK P la y fo r G ro u p M e e t ViHlRKTHLV ARE federal rellei office of Hlhsboro -------- guest a t a uuiner pany at the Win* Writ! were here Friday to give advice as F ir* «»id A tilinii<4ill« liiauratn-a n n v -ro M i n . , . . « r-i.v »nit nt uie McDougal home at Uayton 1-eo- BUXTOIV Kansas City unit ot lU)U.j. l( eeieoration oi her Duih- to crops, etc. Mnk« I a w m and lu u a Murvty llmnl« i l b Mr«. H u g h llu rU elt« ) Fariners Union m et at Manning uav o th e r guests »ere her mother, Mr and Mrs. Fred Meilt’V ui' I social club hail Monday. Feoruary t Doua. Mrs. Kuuy Lounnec UltENCiV The play. "Bashful Mr children 01 lim ber visited Mr and K UR ATI.I & WISMER 18. All oyster supper was lurnouieu nrf Ilinlur «... „ „ j \ i rs ,-u r- llobbs, will be given hi the school Mr: lillu Hunger Sunday. llll.l.sluiiui. OUKUUN tha crowd by the K ansas CUy mem- us HiU.on OI san d y . Mr. an d Mrs. auditorium Friday night. Every­ Doris Pinson »us a ie 'k i'iil Tslseksne ll» l III« Me..,ng Ml I' bers and a program was given by Stanley McDona.a a n a M body come as it full of laughs. of Muijury Parson while Mr lh e cast Includes Lucille McGee X . t £ " p ro g ra m ® S » X « L ol' I PorUand' - Mrs' PbU“ > M Stew art, Julius lliigen. Mrs and Mrs. VV miue Me - guitar selections by Earl and Ever­ Dougal and son and Elery Mc­ Volk. Mrs Serullord, Rosie 11,11., ett denser, vocal numoers uy Miss Dougal. The guests from Sandy ¡tilth Koleek. G race llaiuel 11,4, <5 Mabel Nelson, ana a p.ay. In ­ and Portland spent the evening at Kelly, and E d n a Metlioff. Miss terviewing a Servant," was given. the Elery McDougal home. M arla McKlnnis U t h e director Ovi Cast included Miss R uth Ingles jDunelng to music o f Hillsboro Miss Louise Mathews of Sandy Miss Ethel IXirk. Mrs. Charles. I Rhyl lint Rascals will be enjoyed is good ad vice Mrs. Elery McDougal from Crowther, Mrs. Eva Benefiei. Miss visited after the play. Puesday till Friday Miss Mathews Betty McCann, Mrs. Jack Benene, was about y o u r fa m ily a prim ary grade pupil of Mrs. Preaby leriana to Meet and Mrs. Bruce McCann; a skit. McDougal, whom she had not seen ...Worid ,d“y of prayer lor missions • Aunt Betsy and the Oil Stock, for eight years. wash and la u n d ry . will be observed by lhe Presbyterian was presented by Mrs. Alex Allen Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ego and family j group at T ualatin Plums church and Mrs. Keuben Kelly. Jolui were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs. M arch 8 at 1 30 o'clock. The group Floss, county president, was speaker. Harold Aeoiscner at M ountain Home. 4?AVE money, time, Includes Keedvllle. Orenco. lleth- Nine new members were initiated Next meeting of the Pleasant energy, and YOUTH iiiiv Presbyterian and T ualatin into the union. View community club will be March Plains churches A program was given by the 9. —by taking the drudg­ with a pot luck supper and pro­ Mr. and Mrs Tucker of Beaver­ school on W ashington's birthday. gram. ery of laundry out of ton were guests of Mrs. a. L C ar­ I t was attended by several oi the SERA work on the Pleasant View- lyle and Mrs Mary Beach Sunday parents. your home. Turn It over school yard was finished Thursday- ; evening. They had been hi ultend- Services Held Not quite enough funds to us for dependable i', S i ? he eount> ' monthly C hris­ Funeral services for Joe Biscar oi evening. were available to complete the tian Endeavor cabinet meeting work. Portland were held at the Catholn plans. Residents in the district will Mrs Marv Beach and Mrs 8 L. church Friday morning with in­ donate work to finish it. Carlyle returned Saturday from term ent In the Buxton cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Elery McDougal a t­ Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wescott oi Wherr spent j a program at McMinnville Timber visited here one day last tended Friday evening given by the Eagie Telephone 47 » “ nobby “ s t j X . s “ toHrt Mr'? Thev also visited Mr. Dahlin. J. Stacy and daughter Lots of lodge. lllllsburo. Ore. who is critically ill in a hospital C entralis, Wash., were overnigh n , E*renU Wr " U Mrs. Nalhanlul Kixse. Sunday. guests of Mrs. Jessie Tillman and there. Miss Eva Hutchens. Ed Debolt , M,ra-,,c h a rles Anderson' of Tacoma sons Friday. daughter Gale and Miss H utch­ U visiting at the Dr. M o and O A party was given a t the A. B and ens' m other were guests at the Mer- F. Anderson homes. Edwards home Friday night. P i­ vin W hitmore home Sunday. nochle and "500" were played. P i­ Orenco Wins Mrs. B. F. Deford was honored nochle honors went to David E d­ with a surprise birthday party Mon­ Orenco boys' grade school basket­ wards. high, and to Frances C an­ day afternoon. ball team defeated West Union by, low. In "500' Reuben Kelly Wednesday afternoon 51 to Mildred Meyers, who teaches was high, and A. Stephens, low. in Miss Portland, spent from T h u rsd ay ' _ ... Society Elects Miss June Garvin was a week­ Missionary society met end guest of her sister in P oit- till Sunday evening with her m oth­ with Mrs. II. E Scheldt February er. Mrs. Lena Meyers. ' cel to Leslie Wates of Goble Feb- lcnd. 20. Following officers w e r e r c - G lona H oftm an was an overnight kvctllaus \ _ lly <_,IUD ruary 13 Mrs. Jessie Tillm an attended a elected: Mrs. S L. Carlyle; presl _ ' Sunday callers at the Joseph card party a t Hillsboro given by the guest of Nellie Chenevert a t New- dent; Mrs. Thomas c . Duncan >*rg Th» ursdSy' «. ~ . s p o n s o r s a P a r t y Dober home were Mr. and Mrs. H R N A. vice-president and Mrs. II. E I O n Y o u r Savings Mrs. Ira G. McCormick was a t / Wieland and daughter Dorothy of Mrs. Mollie Tallm an and Pern Scheldt, secretary-treasurer. ! of her daughter Mrs. Allan KANSAS CITY—K ansas City Wo- Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. Tennis Eastm an are visiting relatives in guest OREEN MOUNTAIN — Elwoods A num ber of friends of Mrs. W Comber, in P ortland from F rid a y 1------- -- •- o j e. a m an's club sponsored a community Pyle. Beverly Dober returned home have started logging F Hunter Portland. Your investment with us 1» safeguarded by First 1 . . onerations . fu n n te entertained her a t a ' till Sundav evening. Ira G. and card party a t the K ansas City haU with Mr. and Mrs. Pvle for a short ,7? , „ r....?.,u u r eiitertmmxl Baseball Meet Held f in M r fV ir m ir b w p rp ’ .-.-is on G reen M ountain and Joe luncheon In P ortland Friday in Mortgages on Oregon homes. No better security any­ guests TPvirlav Friday evening. visit. A meeting of the baseball boys Hodson McCormick were McCoiiiber's xir.' and i f i f s . Charles FoUette, ¿'S u n d ay callers at the Unger home umber.1S 1OBK‘ng the Fnulk Balley ‘“ o u e s u there Sunday when where. was held on the grounds south of birthday was celebrated with a Wallace and Josephine of Forest were Bernard. Mary and William tim ber- n Buy a e Farm F H Mrs unter I home town Sunday afternoon. ra rm Sundav were Mr. W and r Mr. and Mrs. Skeels and fam fam-1 p roye . were guests a t m e Alfred Trum p of Laurel, - an,d Everett Denser recently Stark, c . L. Steinlen and Lydni S ta rt saving today In any am ount from »5 00 up. ily have moved to Love's hopyard . M r and Mrs. F. E. H offm an and Lewis home Sunday. LawTence Miller of Scholls vis- purchased Mrs. Dysle’s farm in Terril, of Portland. Mr Mrs m d Mrs near Thatcher, where Mr. Skeels daughters, Gloria an d M errsbelle, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ritchie and ited at the E. W. C aller home the this neighborhood. j. l . Auld and Davis Auld of Hills- will be employed. visited M r and Mrs William E at- son Dean of Groveland spent Wed- first of this week Wilma Rosencrans a n d Bar- boro, Mrs. Watson Treasurer Portland Saturday. Miss nesday evening with Mr. and Mrs Rov C arter spent from Thursday bara Rltenour spent the week-end Mr. and Mrs Louie Madden and W. B. A. No. 29 business meet- Homm. » h o accompanied the v. Lewis. until Sunday at his home here. He In Banks with relatives. — -------- - - - Patricia - daughters Marvlee and Ann ing was held a t the Grange hall Hoffm ans to Portland, visited a sis- Mrs. Rose Woods is seriously ill is employed on the U. S. Dredge w1..Po.r.tla n d , i pent the week-end I R E L IA B L E Frank Bailey and children a t­ Saturday with a birthday dinner ter.M iss Daphne Homm. at the home of her sister. Mrs. J. H. Multnomah. for Mrs. Veta Cearley. Mrs LaVona .,M £S; ted „the Bfam an. Mrs. L. Moore of Nampa. O rpha C arter visited Mr. a n d . . tended _ a . G . range , . dance in Hills- » Ith Mr. and Mrs. Floyd K arns Mr. and Mrs Sam Johansen and Peterson and Mrs. Eva Tolke. Mrs. Mountain Top school Fndav morn- Idaho, and George Aydelott of Mrs. Guy Orazer of Sehefflin Mon- boro Saturday night. pm- dau«htt'r Irene of Portland wrre Pearl Watson was elected to fill when, the ^pupils and teacher. Garibaldi, sister and brother of dav and Tuesday. Edward Smejkal, who is em week-end guesU at the O. A. Rob­ the vacancy of treasurer's office. -"rs-. . Mike McCann, celebrated Mrs. Rose Woods, are also a t the Mr. and Mrs. John Haase enter- ployed near Vernonia, spent i lait a s i ¿¡of, j x j j n p A card party will be given bv the W ashingtons birthday with a song Beaman home. tabled the Muhly family of Bloom- week a t home. Mr. and Mrs Frank Hathaway , ladies at Buxton G range hall F ri- service. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest M arr spent ing Sunday. C a * » U* .»!’ .Hi OI D illQ .»liJlIIil ¿ llli .»iifl Ervin M'-ad of Bald Mountain day night. A small admission will . " Ir - a‘id_ Mrs. J. IL Haynes and the week-end at Vernonia visiting Preaching services »ill be held visited Sam Strubb over Saturday urHav ‘" ' j sP,’llt night uraav evening and Sunday with her be charged with supper included. ba.,?’ »J* Leslie of Cedar Canyon Mrs. M arr's parents. Mr. and Mrs next Sunday night at the school. J. M. PERSON. Manager Move Operations I 151 ’ ?*” ' El?L•» BUICKS ^ d e . r ï e 1 Ä t a “ R ta c 'k ," w fto k M b “ and d Mrs. D. W. W. M and dl? i1re.r .*?, his honor W*d “ esday „< Mrs. ~ D M cInnis cInnis and Wednesday. C FaptΓ,? aptain J° G. ^ L' L. HaJ1 Hall ol of McMinn- McMinn- vi^ Mr. and Mrs. Morrow and family - ' - ' -VLm: visited relatives in Portland Sun- family of Reedville and Mrs B Mrs Victor “Ä ville visited the Sunday school last dav NASH r Crowther a f c Liovd Ä Messenger W Ä Ches- PU-V- M r,. A. Me- h a"d a d d r e T d d M Mr. and Mrs. W alter Wright, Mr , a t the home of Mrs. Charles Fol- combined groups of Rosedale and Bellish. Edwin Quier, Betty Stow­ Innis th e day before. and Mrs. Lou Wright and son Wil­ (Incorporated) FORI) and CHEVROLET TRUCKS lette of Forest Grove. Witch Hazel. The future classes ell, Billie Crowther. and Harold bur and Mabie D aurghty .-a spent Mr. and Mrs. c . H. H am ilton will meet a t Witch Hazel. .. ., Collections _ Credit Reports and Norman Peterson. spent the week-end at Montesano. There are three new students »Vn-' a'i W r ‘ Y » h 'f i r lter Wr'*ht s Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Kelly a t­ In W ash . as guests of Mrs. H am ilton's at the school. Gwendolyn Peters »¡¡Ir1*!, ;„i,¥ r ' and Mr‘s' E' Rlacc- tended a birthday dinner for his sister. Mrs. Minnie Landon. William Garfield and Grace Hupv ne* f B5 n!t s ' „ Washington. Tillamook, Polk and brother. Billy, of the Mead dis­ Mr. and Mrs. W. E. M arr visited L. W. Mullendore, O. D Tuc ker n a ? ri^ ^ tlm an,dH,° i\,F rV ” SSut 1 trict Sunday. Yamhill Counties “ aPd ------- - ' ares Sellers - id C. c R R. Hillsboro visited O tto and Emil r f t h a n v rpTiAD a Tr T T « oh Mrs. ch of Iowa, and William and D elm ar Riggle of I Personal Contact on Collections here r __ _______ Mrs. Rudy Lepschat gave a quilt­ route home from a trip to Tilla- « w a s decided to b u lk Is.n e w "oump K ^g- ing party Friday. W ishington County Office Teachers Hired m°ok. house and install a w ater system. ston home 101 1 th n f " i i n i i h X J » ' Mr. and Mrs. A rthur Fisher of Albert Mead returned from the Mr and' Mrs V entl P PrtcketL 01 C o m m e rc ia l B u ild in g Mrs. Verne rickett of same teachers have been 1 Agricultural News — Regular a r ­ Sunset were overnight guests of h e sp ita ^ Friday after being there Banks rtsitedI t h e ? Alfred w “ bl£^d for next year Second and Malti Streets •d a a t t th A lfred k t "»AUTMORIZID SALES ANO SERVICI ticles from the county agent, and relatives here Saturday. for some time. Miss Hastings is ill and Mr 4-H club news from surrounding Phone 3071 1 home Saturday evening. Married a n d P e a r ^ n ^ P o r t l a S d v S w m ^ ^ Otto Otto Stoweli Stowell of Newport p a Miss m ^ b Moneca ™ andW A rT L ^ accom- n T mornin^ '-------- Hillsboro. Oregon Pongratz. ° Ut a substitute Monday communities.—Every week In the Argus. Hazel Wolfe of Eastern Oregon were Mrs Jam es W alters T hursday night. Be of T im b e r vuited at W ^ d ^ w n married re.-ently. TTiey are mak- Melvin McPherson returned home Wash. Sundav Woodlawn. ing their home near Newport, where to Idaho Thursday, after spend- Stanley Pongratz of Tim ber vis- w y ly y x T n , « y .v»Tnr>.t cxTn-i Mr. Stowell is employed. ing some time with Mr. an d " Mrs ited a t the Allred Lewis home Sun- Mrs. A. B. Edwards is employed John W alters Next Tuesday evening: the F arm - dIMr. and Mrs. 8. S Bledsoe and 35 at the Homer Bennett home here. m Sregular sM sSndar M‘U WlU meet Jam es of Bt- Helens visited at “ C harles Boy visited X ™ ' & a ite r’ U nion M eets M anning H all Play Planned O ren co Friday O rdia rtlalc $ y Home Liundry & Dry Cleaners We Pay You 4. Citv Clnk 4% Operations Started at Elwood Camp W a s h in g to n S a v in g s & L oan A ss’n 0corKe Thatcher Hazeldale SERA Project Progresses U SE D CARS i In 11 : s Credit Bureaus : : Leedy Grange Plans New Water System •“ l*ssa ■ : / r «■■■■■■■I E x t r a S p e c ia l Fir Grove School Presents Program H u i> e rnia s t W ?d n eateT Salndon o f i „ Mrk. and M rs' V' Lewis visited nuDer last Wednesday. M M artin in a Hillsboro hos-1 j /«•— .. Pital Saturday 1 Uy Mr«. » Bird M■-(... r m i . , (Too .. 1« . e for laat week) c o v e r in g iln w lv afternoon. He Is re- CHEHALEM MOUNTAIN— Fir A V alentine party was given at coverln,f MOWjy-__________ Grove scnooi under the supervision th e Cedar Mill G range hall last «-■* • • of their teacher, Miss H.-len Red- T hursday night. A good crowd a t- dig. gave a Lincoln and Washington tended. Games were played. Last program Friday afternoon. There Saturday night there was a dance Word has been received here of was a good attendance of patrons at the Cedar Mill G range hall Next the m arriage of Miss M attle P ar- of the scnool. S aturday night there will be an o th - « ------------------------------------------------ Mrs. M artha Saraceno and little ' er dance. . ■ daughter of Walla Walla, Wash., Mrs. John Zitzman and Mrs Me are visltin;; her parents, Mr. and Daniels entertained the Home Econ Mrs. Peter Tromp. omics club of Leedy Grange last Mr. and Mrs. Leo Spahl and his Thursday, at the Cedar Mill Grange mother, Mrs. Spahl, and brother, hall. Bill Spahl, of Harrisburg visited Clinton Hockens and Bill C arr of a t the A rthur Hill home Sunday. Portland spent th e week-end with Party Enjoyed Mr. and Mrs. G lenn Carr. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin O m duff en- Miss Nellie Larsen and Mrs. L tertained with a dancing part;. S at- Terrill of Portland visited M C urday night. Attending were Mr. Larsen and fam ily Sunday, and Mrs. Wayne Brunson and fam - Mr. and Mrs. A rthur Schulz and ily, Mr. and Mrs. Avrie Wood and Miss Jean ette Schulz made a trip family, Miss Clara Shook. Miss Dor- to Bonneville Sunday. is Brunson, Ray and Frank Shook ----- ------------------- - $2g °o 600-Chick Electric Brooder 1000-Chick Coal Brooder I'1 fill If* Coilin Cree an Ornduff. I moved to Hillsboro. Floating Power H ydraulic Brakes All Steel Bodies G O O D PORCHES C A N BE BUILT O N AT ANYTIME « « Because your house had no porch, or an unsatisfactory one when it was built is no reason why you c a n 't now have one as suitable to the house and as p erfect as any in th e neighborhood. Wé w ill b« glad Io mak« a sketch for you (at no charge or obliga­ tion) to illustrate the new-porch possibilities in your home. Furthermore, we'll tell you all ab o u t th e easy m oderniz­ ing loans available locally under th e N A T I O N A L H O U SIN G ACT. $H 00 Full Line of Poultry Supplies L E ST E R IR E L A N D & C O HILLSBORO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY PHYSICIAN C A D Y M O TO R CO. % O re g o n POOL-GARDNER LUMBER CO. "If I t ’s Lumber Call O ur Number. Kill Baseline St. Phone 2691 and MUKGKON EVE’S BEAUTY SHOP A. O. PITMAN. M. D. O eneral Beauty Work Telephone 1S81X Rai tony If 11 Is boro Pharmary PHYSICIAN end SURGEON Z -ltar and Phralo Therapr Commercial National Hank Bide. Telephonee Office 8281 Reeldence 7V1Z Sanitary Beauty Shop DR. D. E. WILEY, M. D. All Kind« of Heaaty Work Physician and Surgeon Permanent« end ell kind« of beauty work. ' PERMANENTS Wells Building a «peclaity Telephone 1471 WEIL'S APARTMENTS Mabel Sc hen del Office 26S2 TELEPHONES Re«ldence 2681 DENTISTS GARBAGE COLLECTION DR. RALPH DRESSER Garbage Collection Dentist £ E N T R A L Savings Bank, at Broadway and 73rd street, New York City, has been carrying on an advertising campaign for the last six years. A few weeks ago President August Zinsser announced that since the campaign began the people of New York have opend ap­ proximately 2.>0,OOP accounts and deposited more than $375,000,000. Smaller banks might cast an envious eye at that record. But as a matter of fact, it has been achieved not by a huge advertising ap­ propriation, but by consistent use of small space. Every week for 313 consecutive w eek s-an d still contlnuing-the bank used a 6-inch newspaper space one column wide with a straightforward talk about saving. The only exceptions were anniversaries and a few special occasions, when larger space was used, but with the same style of copy and border.—The Pocketbook. Telephone 2325 RUBBER STAMPS B U Ï TOUR Waahlndon Ceantr A ia a e ta RUBBER STAMPS INSURANCE SER VII 71 from Shale Rank B eildlni Phone 2211 Hlll.boro HILLSBORO ARGUS ebani Dir« R e s u lts O. P. CORRIERI GEORGE T. McGRATH r.r Informellen Bring AND CANS Commercial Bulldlnr Telephone 144 INSURANCE Do you get all of these very DESIRABLE FEATURES 1125 THIRD STREET 600-Chick Buckeye Oil Brooder E ven In««, Bunday he Appointment D odge and Plym outh Steady Ads $ jy .9 5 BEAUTY SHOPS O n ly on H ills b o ro ■■■■■■■■■■■■■I ee Ite Afieertlaen call Th« Arma — 8181 $ ? ílls b n n í® ^ ir g us