III L E S HO RO Thursday, Feruary 2H, 1935 Articles of Historic Interest Shown Here ». I'. Members Hear II e a d In te r n a tio n a AR G U S, OREGON Page Five »Miss Snyder Weds I.oca I Students Rotarians Hold Hillsboro Leads Lyle C Potter Service Plant Ivy Here for Seal Sales; Church HG'H(»LIJt Mias Dorothy Snyder, R otarians and their wives were daughter of Mr and Mrs. Jesse C. In attendance Sunday evening at and Lyle C. Potter, son of for Washington Hnyder. Hoard Has Meet with the Methodist Episcopal church Mr. and Mrs. Frank Potter, were R otarlan Charles M Reed, Mb .a •. Muruurct Cady, Helen Htev- E in in ä Mohr, Putty Loinux, Mis Adolph H dim ldt and Mrs. Em ­ ma McKinney went to Corvalll» Bunday to hear Mis* I»ena Ma desin Washington',, birthday was oh- Philip*. of a the U m ,T Æ president " '.U o n of i ï l n Interna i ï T i ï i ï '^ rvi'!l ‘n“ Is a Ni w York eeiemony conducted by the chll- attorney. eave un Inspirational ad- - dren. After a h ,., a .. short patriotic r i« .n - ..... attorney, gave an ad dns... taklne a' her subject, 'T h e gram. Mrs. C. E. Wells, regent aro- of "<’* . , CX * 7 '. , 'Y “'‘Mn-; Vi"; ± } ' Um"LavYd H ^ l’V hapt:."r\;f'"the D biig«d th m mb« r« of the Dual* a K . presented the Ivy In the ness and Prof. sslonal Women's club of „ A K a„„ Ja , k and Students of the college to have Konnelly gave the response for the Mdrnol. did the pioneers of covered wagon A grouj» of . children^ then con- ' ......... layf,; “ l '" 1,1 “ h'Xlbllltv of .............. ................u u i n u e ii» , H IL L S B O R O , Modern Dance At Helvetia hall Saturday, March 9. Music by Eastslde Entertainers. Everybody welcome. J Snappy Dance Come to Cedar Mill O range hall Saturday night. March 2, and dance married Sunday a t a simple cerc- minister. to Beaverton's “snappy" orehestra mony gFdom. a t the ~ new home of the bride a„d t V t o l s V 'î h ? , R o l a n s formed R otarians formed the the chorus chorus choir choir flood time for everybody Admls- c ,.™ .» ,.. Richardson. -----.---- ac- _ i „Ion 25c. g Rev. H Raynor Smith, pastor of ,.ajM according to the renort filed ed a by «... Cornelius HcholU M E church, off« late J. $ Mrs of!aw e Bauman^ roUnre <,',,n?P“n ‘cd a t the piano by Charles Only member» of the famille» at- v a l sale e lu d m a n T b £ " r n r à l i*hiïîiî Wal*''r - The d u b president. Rich- ........... " . j i t - ■' 11 •**“ Chairman, i he rural schools aPa ...... tended the wedding. of the county show an Increase of arilson'sanJ^a"solo ^iorniii'm i1*!* h" YOUNG MEN b .u T s u l t ^ l ^ ^ “^ i o r e ’i ’ ’f t ™ ' Mrs R ^ S o S T accompanied by to take up dark blue h at and acceiworte*. Her »« fomniete to Februurv 11 n m A large and appreciative audience ( Wa.,a(> p ^ l a s and Tabs- ‘ektls t o n s B a n k ? i n Vn, L , S heard R oU rian R ^ k Petera Electric Refrigeration man roses. Corm-Pox safrtu' « give an address on W ashington am i a ir rorwiitloninir. P refer men Miss Irm al Trask was her only £*.'2» » « 5 80 o is to n 3 » M ¿ « t e r Builder ” WastUngton' nnw employed and meehan (ra lly inclined w ith fa ir education and attendant, and . ^ ¿ i ? ? yK^r.' HHUboro 8131.0L Hillside *7.?S,’ „ K o la rta n Charles Wells and Mrs w illin g to tra in spare tim e in r r>t lh ' hridc, acted as best £j,urei jg, North Plains, »8 51, rural Wells were host and boaters to" the H ilL b o ro to become expert» in school districts »293.11, Sherwood club members and their wives at installation and service work. Earn left immedl- »18.58. Tigard »41.85, W atts school their home following the service. w hile ienm intr. W rite, vivin g a»e, dbitzict »7.28, balance from 1933 R otarlan Mason Cady, chairm an of phone, present occupation. m.iu '¿m .r? 91-75, making a total of (75100 as the Fellowship committee, conceived n° in the county's contribution toward the Idea of this service, UTILITIES ENGINEERING the worlt nt combating tuberculosis ------------------------- INSTITUTE rasx sw re Forty-five per cent of this money H ats cleaned and blocked shoes Box 561 Beverly Hill», Calif. ... , , . , “ »1« he retained in the county to shined. W. O. Stampolis. 1132 Main N e w W o rld l a y e r s a s s ih -K With the old fo ile r pot which tin* Veteran*' hull. Hoste»* eomiiilt- wa.» u .rd at the Unit’ of illllf.boioa wll, M.- .diunt „ w. C. ChrU big Hit . at which lime the (.*«»(- teiiheii. Arthur KrofKvr. Anna d o t t ­ ier d u o Win founded, a» the t hief j |,rh . p ¡»> j e tc \ .n»d En d Dion exhibit, pioneer day» writ! reinein- P|Wlli| for Wp,)n p, to r at bered at tin* Colonial Uu and hl:.- Venetian <»n »‘»lanh 13 wi.l oe coni- turlcal exhibit given by the 1,'ollee Dieted eluh last Friday aft'ip o o n at the rlium ber of commerce room». 'th e Birthday (riel,rated — coffee pot, h auler I v the pro|M'rty Mr and Mrs. Herman Schoen of Mrs J C. lim e, was presented entertained Hunduv with u dinner to the organization, M ix H are also i.uiv In honor of Mrs. Schoen's im sent sprigs of Ivy from a vine grown ilrthday d u e.!» were Rev a mid Hom a slip ol a vine ut Mt. Ver­ non, W ashington's home. English ballad i were sung hv Mrs Fred Caldwell and Mis. V. W. G ard ­ ner during the alternoon s progrum, while Mrs C. E Wells read “W ash­ ington and the Flag Mrs. Myrtle Blusslng lead mi original poem, garel, and Oscar Bergman whs held a t the Memorial building "Oregon Pioneers.' Ladles who had . . . . . .. . . . . . ,, a ? « "■ ¿ s i s » brought exhibit, told ol the rein. Pythian Card I arty Irld a y — which tlu-v had on display. Re- ( Pythian Misters will give u curd va - H c rc N e x t M o n d a y b s s s ! firMunrtit* were »erved ut the cltme puny Friday night ut the K. I' Worn of the afternoon by u committee null for benefit of the Cnlldren of Women Student» of O. 8. C it him who wa.s first in war, first in The New World Players of South- Members of the Weshington Coun- in Colonial coatume. headed by Mr* Home Bridge. ••600” mid pinochle jB-a< •• .uni fu.u in the hearts of his ern California are u, pre 4 n t a full ty health a.-ob lation met at J M Pernon Other* on the com- I will he pluyed and prize.» will be was her only addresn In Oregon fellow-countrymen'.’ evening of entertainm ent consisting Court House in Hillsboro February mlttee were Mesdiunes l( F Peters, given Everybody Is Invited to lit- The i w m Mined Eleanor of dramatic, sacred mid him, E Fi'-d Amacher loin Connell. II lend and a s|ie< lal .iivltallon Is ex - Hare In honor of Mrs. J. C. Hare productions. This program Is sched- Mrs M arsh of Beaverton reported Varner Fred Caldwell, V W (lurd tended to newcomers In Hill boro of Portland, u member of the local uled for Monday a t 8 o'clock a t the on clinic for tuberculin testing held per. G. Johansen, und Fred Hewell and vicinity Me ,dames E 1 Moore chapter of the D A R., who gave Methodist Episcopal church. This a t gt. Mary's school where 153 o n e of the moat intereatlng dla- Henry Johnson» Fred Sewell und the Ivy for the planting. group Is being sponsored by the pupils were given the test X-rays plays was th at of Mrs William Emma McKinney will be the .lost- Mrs O. Quarlng gave a surprLse The history associated with the Fellowship Epworth League. There of the positive cases were furnished party for her grandfather. C. C Ivy Is of special Interest. The orlg- will be no entrance charge but a by the health association and Dr Enschede, who showed the original esses for the evening, Beers, nt his home Sunday In hon- mal plant from which this slip was silver offering will be taken. m anuscripts of stories by Frederic Clliteiwhlp D rparlm ent Meets— Mason will confer with Dr. Beilin- or of his 74th birthday. Two o ’dix-k taken was secured by Mrs ’ Hare Reports th a t these players have Ker of the state hospital concern- Homer Hatch, author of “The ttrldge A meeting of the citizenship de- dinner wax served to 33 guests, when she visited Mount Vernon .................... - — " ----- ‘ ‘ ------ been’well received have -------- come ' -------' from those pupils showing a positive of the Gods," Including one short story which has never hei-n null- p ad 'iicn t of the < ,’f, ''t ‘ ' ‘‘i’ '‘ i**!’ . Pour generations were represented, with a party in 1914. Upon learning the various Idaho and Washington reaction, wi n- ills- " l'ld next Wednesday at th e home Mrs Beers wore her wedding dress th u t the wife of Lawrence W ashing-i towns where they have recently Miss Dixon, I county nurse, gave a I'o v e i^ * l ! r the'1 loft ul’Vhr ____ c biirn barn on on 1,1 t,1B president. President, Mis. Mrs. f L J. Bewcll, of fifty fifty years ago. Those present ton was related to Mrs. Hare's Hare'x an an- I nerformed report ~ of the clinic held a t Banks .h e H arris farm at Hood River. River “reordlng m in i” Io M the ri chairm e S “ an Job of u£n the were Mrs Orville J Jones ^ U and chll- cestors. the darky caretaker, a de- ------------------------ where 70 tuberculin tests were made larm maxi .................... „ „ vlw, _ ...... --------------------------------- „ r #nd MrR w.,.ndant of thp WaxhlngUm alave.s formerly owned bv Mrs. G ertrude ‘J1 | a . »tudlTor '¿r' n . ' L ls,M,rH , and 42 given toxoid and vaccination. -------- __ Carlson ---------- .'ortland. and and then past eighty years of age, JN l‘ W B O O K S A C lC lO C i Inuiillx a Il sister of Mi n Balch A A . quisllon 1 » box in til« sillily ol Ernest of Fii IIIUIIIIA. -isier Ol Ml un o n i„n the United ■ « ... n.w,.... ...... w a s m e t a c t m at Mr ■ . — ------ . — - . u n ilea Mr and Mrs Oeorge Beers of took a special Interest in showing L r 'l_ c l l liilch who was the Congregational wl11 **' 1,1 charge of Mrs. H. HlUaboro. children; Mr und Mis Mrs Hare about tin- grounds and t o L i b l ' R r y S h e l V G S Swtor lverA occup 2?upl?d the » Btannard. Elmer Jones and family Mr and gave her an Ivy plant from t h e 1 New books on tne rental sneir at r p „ • „ U , ' r t h / l n v e pastor It nt H^Sd Hoixl R River, Mrs. Quartng and family of west toinb of Oeorge W ashington the library include "This Little H illJO y D i r tl lG a y S parsonage later used by Mrs Kn E ntertain Tuesday— of Mrs. Agnes Luttrell World,'' by Francis Bert Young, Royal Neighbors whose birthday! sehede's father. Rev Harris, and Mrs. Edwin A Moling and Mrs. and Hillsboro, of Portland, Mr. and <k curried r,n H K Easter. J W Bailey, D. eleven great-grandchildren. the Oregon Audubon society, spoke what Is happening to the younger Ruef, and Mildred Ingalls Others bv a soldier at Valley Forge. Mrs. olenn- K enneth Davison. J. II __ on “Oregon B ird s" before a large generation of China; and “One of present were Mesdames R B. Frost. Esther Plrle's evening wrap and Roaaman. and Miss Dorothy Tongue I audience of grade school childrei Us." by Ernest Poole. j. Sorenson, Fred Ennis. David Edi- apron, from about 1812. attracted Mrs. Glenn made high score and Ol't "1 in W i t h and G arden a t the Divided" Is the third of ger, j Nlcodemus, John Corrieri, much attention. Mrs. Davison low I r s l l l t 1 V tll ll VV1LI1 ... ,, , club members ------- House *i?riiry. Montiav evening. He also, the ti logy; "Good E arth ” depicted Oliver Coslett Jr., W. F. Lormor, Pllgrhn House find a table of ex- I l j n n ,,i. P n r t i o B hlblts centered around F ather J H Auxiliary S |w n « ,r. Picture— I f l l l l l t I I <1! l l t b showid pictures of birds and ot the the Chinese farm er, "Sons," the war Scott Wolfe, P. A. Qualls. H. H. G riffin, earlv Independent Congre- Auxiliary to the American Legion Dr. and Mrs. H D Huggins en Camp Fire girls camp on the Sandy I lord, and the new book, a modern sta n n a rd J R W atkins Lillie Mal- ~ ‘ Lena * — - and national clergyman here, showing will sponsor a picture nt die Ven- lertalned with a dinner and bridge river above Bull Run. I educated youth. Another copy of of er. Mary Upward, Taylor his Bible, chalice, and an old hymn etian th e a trr on Wednesday night party Friday evening O uests were D arden club will sponsor a bird- 1 “Anthony Adverse" has been obtain- the hostess book also the chalice and com- March 13 ft has not be-n defln- Messrs, and Mesdames C. B. B uchan- house building contest in the near | ,-d for the rental shelf so those who Cards were played with Mrs. munlon plate used bv the Rev. H Rely decided a-s to which or two all of Gaston Hayes Bickford. A. future for grade school children. A have been unable to get It will not ©ualls m aking high score, Mrs. R. If Kpulillng, W hitm an’s associate very good picture» will be shown. ; O Pitman. Alf O. Johnson, J. M »ample bird-house was dis, by have to wait so long, Put your B. Frost, second; and Mrs. Wolfe who rlcil to safety here nt the time plana will he made al Tuesday Person. John G ardner. Paul P atter- M r Raker for their benefit, name on the reserve list. low. of the W hitm an massacre A com- night's meeting ol the Auxiliary. son and A. L Amacher. Mrs Dolor- Contest for nam ing birds from munlon cloth, hand woven In 1785, .. . . . . . __, es Vinton and Clark O ardner. Mrs their pictures was held following Benefit Dance was also on display. An ohl flag Reward IH term — Vinton and Mr. Person made high Mr. R ak ers talk The boy and girl At K. of P. hall. N orth Plains, made bv pioneer women of Oregon Reward has been offered for th- »cores anil Mr Ruchanan. low naming the highest number were Saturday evening, M arch 2. Bo- City In Civil war days property of return or Information concerning a They also entertained with a Mary Jane Duxbury and Bobby rieSlKTlS L/1I1C(? . . . . Ch»»»»»»» _. _ hemian orchestra. Everybody wel- William H Dlerdorff was exhibited golden cocker spaniel. “Wags." wn.rh dinner party Saturday evening be- Furrow; second, Evelyn G errlsh and Washington Washlngton county county C hristian »»».- En- come Admission 25c. 2 and Mrs Emma McKinney showed has been lost or stolen from Mrs fore the masquerade oartv at O r- IX'lbert Crews; and tying for third, deavor officers met a t Hillsboro a p picture of George ashington L. M Townsend, ---------- e««» « Mrs ._ i ' Christian church Sunday afternoon .» in u rc < »i < »corgt» W waunmgioii *ww»».-w «»u. 125 •—» F irst street •a»v.v. ,• »»neo ------- Ouests were *---------- Messrs, a n d R ?" i ' * 1*LBr_.and j rt Good Time Dance and family, which had been In her Ih e dog was last »een Monday af- Mesdames Lyman Howe J. W B ar- Victor Bryant received a Talisman i Resignation of Miss M artha Jam es Iv Since lernoon near the apartm ent ut First 1M.y, R J Sccarce. W V. McKinney rosebush and Mrs Paul Patterson. president, nrPSident was was accepted, accented but but a a new new At O range hall every Saturday ruinllv since pioneer day» An old an evergreen shrub. . and A H Busch. pinning wheel was displayed by slid Main streets president has not yet been elected. night. Georgia Hess orchestra. Ad- | lion 25 cents. 50tf Mrs J II Lund. Organization of a new Junior C. missli M cDouialli Muvi E at T ualatin Plains Presbyterian Mr and Mr» U. M McDougall Mr and Mrs Russell Morgan en- “ F i f t y - F i f t y ” P l a V S church was reported Rambling Mountaineers and family have rented their place lertalned Mrs. H e i i r etia Morgan • • County rally will be held April Dance a t Laurel hall Saturday at Shady Brook and have moved to and Mr\ hEmma McKinney at din- P u ck eC l IlO U SeS 7 at the Forest Grove Christian night, March 2. Old tim e a n d the Wright place north of Hills- nf r at lJ u l r . hoine Tuesday eve- boro. formerVy the Frank D.vU ( .» t H a y « ^ Both t h ^ performances o r m a n c « o o f " f F ifty -[ church. A committee to plan the modern. Admission 15 cents and three - act farce presented rally was appointed, members of 25 cents. tf chicken ranch Mrs McDougall Is concert at the Portland auditorium Fifty." thHee ------ and evening at which are Floyd Shaw. Pearl S h o rt ----------------------------------------------- - , proprietor of the Singer Shop on Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Williams and Sunday afternoon “ ' Second street 1 son of Beaverton were Sunday at. Mattnew s nail. were played to and Dorothy Howes, all of Forest between Grove William Bullis of G aston was „....ci. of <,r Mr. Mr and nna Mrs. Mrs J. .1 W. w Holt Hull a rapacity capacity house. Program F „ .. . ' I guests acts Included a vocal solo bv Mary appointed d county booster In place , , . -------- . . B rother S u ccu m b s- 1 of Matson station Jam es Henderson, who re­ male trio — of A lovely Japanese tea garden pyed Bulling has received word m i «, s h i r l e v S m i t h w iho i. u is ,» te»ch- »«-«»»»- c »ldweU' numbers . . . . . by . . ------------------ . , of Mrs. J provided the setting for the op- of ll)p death of his brother. Jake T? i „„ton soent H ip w rk- Merle McCoy, G erald Abts, and signed eretta Cherrybloxsnm." p re sen ted Bulling. 93, In Wurtemburg, G er- “ ,th her M irents^Mi S id M n Joe Smith, and a girls' trio by Marv , ------------------------- bv high school glee eluha a t the many. January 15 He says word U.dr i^v s ,„ i ii ,P U' M ° M Caldwell, Joy Foelker. and Doro- Study Club Meets— in any of these school auditorium Friday night , r(>ni the old country is to the ef- Robertson of thy, SohjTr ? ellly gave “ v‘ Mrs Caroline Stangel was hostess Costumes of the Japanese charac- fPct thut all are employed at nom- Mr “nd Mrs A A Robertson eral reading. The play was directed f Monday evening for the St. M at­ ters were authentic. being loaned lnal wages £>'^ la' ,d ’ Pw u k lu n d l« m e touth M7 I^ d. . ? Bld* el11 »"d NeU thew s « u d v club, with fifteen in b\ Mrs K Tsugawa. th< Charles w icklund home soutn stangel. with Miss Elaine Caldwell attendance Next meeting will be Members of the cast were F ran- Mrs. Patterson Hoste.»— , of Hillsboro. M property mannger. 1 aitenaance Next meeting wui oe held Thursday night. March 7. at res Mover, Elwood Coslett, Claire Mrs. Paul L. Patterson en ter- i Mrs. Anna Schulm erlch returned ------------------------- the home of Mrs H Abts. having Beeler. Tom H tretehrr. Tom Brim- tallied February 20 with a bridge Sunday from a week's visit with . . . ... - , been postponed from Monday night leewe David Crittenden. E th y l luncheon of several tables. Them* her daughter. Mrs. C hester Stew art, IVllSS z\llC(? L»UnCl on account of the K. C. dance on Hendron, a n d Robert Ellingson ri ce.i u h . winning »n n x were Mes- at Mrs Beaver. th a t date. H E Hadley and son Robert B r i d e O f M r . B i l ’k e S T he two choriw s. geisha girls and dames G Russell el “ Morgan. Oeorge the American chorus were com- T M cGrath and V. W. G ardner verton^wUl"* M ^ n d ^ M r ^ w L r r e n mM1ss, l Uce, L7 ld; ^ l»?,uR!?ter of The theater pTrt’v "scheduled tor IMised of members of the boys' and , ,..«»■» _ nrahtree ' w a rrn i j H ^und of Hillsboro, and March 8 by thV bollee club, has , . i r l . ' glee . .l e r clubs e lu lis lending l j * i i d l i i g characters c i t a i a r t e l - Mrs. Hargrave . |>eaks girls' Freeman J. Birke« of Long Beach, born rxxstDoned and the Darllamen- Mrs. J. R Hargrave talked on did well in their parts, and choruses Mrs O. Russell Morgan visited Cal were married January 30 at tarlan^M rs c E Wels.Pwill have her recent trip to California fol­ and dancing were very good. several da>s last *ef k Yuma. Arizona. Mrs. Blrkes, who is charge of the regular meeting on lowing the Rebekah meeting Tues­ Miss Krtwyna llroadbenl was di­ at wrll known here, has taught school that date. Mrs. V. W. G ardner will rector. assisted bv M. Rotnlg, Ml»» day evening Cards and beano were brothers, Ed and E. E. Clark, In Los Angelc» for a number of have charge of group singing of Louis»' Nex, Miss Lillian Homedew. played, and refreshm ents served Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. C. A Parsons of years. They will make their home In old time songs by the February committee. Miss Tennessee W eathcrred. Miss Eugene visited during the week- Long Beach. j __ ' Virginia Brogden, and Miss Marie Parllm rntary I-aw Studied— end with his sister. Mrs. O e o r g e ---------------------- — j H artram pf Hostess— Houguea Dancing was supervised The public speaking class which Newton. Lohese Camp Fire girls will give _ Ml?» °.tto i k rtS5ni pf entertained bv Mias Helen Wick Miss Helen meets Monday and Thursday eve­ Tom Blair of Corvalll» was visit- “ d ‘" " e; tonight at the home of BagCieyb a n T M rs ^ IU y D o ^ Becker wasu accompanist with Miss nings from 7 to 9 at the library is tng friends here Monday. Tom was E 'e M Ann Busch The dinner was and Ray Dor Dixie Lee MncDowell a s s is tin g law formerly employed a t th e Aigus rom_.lBst d X ^ ’i .V T H ,' u «■ b ? “ ^ . Keith Busch was business manager »»w tal‘‘,b! , l., p larltamentary “ “"Jg >lar7 ¿*7- , us postponed ¿ from last week week on on ae- I ^ lana 5, „ " count of the illness of their leader cuss?d tor, the clubs guests dinner Btliy Allison, assistant m anager: Any who wish this work arc wei Mrs Victor Brvant on May *• The next meeting will Tosh Tsugawa head usher; and e°nie to come. Mr and Mrs. Ben Oreenburg °i . . Mr M r. , „ . . . . _____ _ be M arch 13 with Mrs B. M. Good- Marlon Peters. Edward Hurd and Entertain W ith Masquerade— Portland were guests of Mr. and _.M£ ,4a n fs L- R wwiMitten of man Ernest Brown stage operators. The #nd Mrs A Q pi(m an #nd Mrs L. P. 8 tra n a h a n Sunday eve- Chehalis. Wash . and Miss Orace I I Moore of Condon spent the week- David Crittenden Honored— high school *," d" l lbB d l: Mr and Mrs C B Buchanan J ’ Mrs E T. T urner and Miss Win- ™d wlth Mr and Mrs Shelby For- | David Crittenden, who has been rectlon of Lynn Sherm an, play d KttVP a ina*qucrade par- between act». _____ _ | ty at orenco Haturda.v night About u n i T urner sDent the week-end at ney attending high school here and at 70 guest» front Hlllftboro and P ort­ Silverton with Mrs E Z K auff- Mrs L'"® Morris, who has been wh° lpft Saturday for Marshfield. man 1 1 1 since the first of the year was was given a farewell party at the land attended. Mr« P h i l i r . r tr o « « o f n ia Stone broll*ht home from Portland last home of Allen Sigler Friday night. .00 Attend ( arb u rrto r .School— M m ” ; was’ an Coven:l° ht^'guest°, Bt and convalescing slowly. after the operetta, by his school- . . . Gordon Sahnow a n d Willard the E A G riffith home Monday. Miss Dorotliy Otllmore. student at mates. Mu»te student« of Jesar Foster Hughe« attended a carburetor school Ed Olsen of Portland was In sP£ n the wrok” e ^ w R^'her0 ’^ - were presented In recital Saturday ftl Portland last week. School whs Jean Oversbv left last week for x Z ?d « * ^ „ 2 ? 7 - p ar' afternoon at the If A K uratli conducted bv engineers of the C ar­ Hillsboro Tuesday on business lie PSV« ¿ r Cal., to h visit grand­ formerly farmed near Jacktown. ^ o Y ^ o f * C h ic M ^ ia a h Berkeley. « ™ “ «"<• ™ ™ her looay io bonic Mother* of the students were ,er factorv at »St Louis Mo parents. She will return today to present Pupil* taking part were Paul C. Rees Is convalescing from iu es» ,i,is k ° nt \ 7 r « kAoor»i^ enter nurse's training at Emanuel Ruth Wilson Marjorie G raf Jean - Day of Prayer (Hiserved— a broken rib received three weeks 117 1 * ™ L o , •,«°(\ r,K? hospital In Portland rite Schulz. M argaret Schulz, Helen | World Day ol Prayer will be ob- n M W,'l'r UR OndlnK d ^ M 1 °A I west ” ” Miss ■ — • W right of Oakland. Edith Dean. Marv Ella M ariner. Charles .served by women of all > hurelies In Cal . visited during the past two GOAR’S ^ Reed, J a Eleanor e ^ I t r n Reed. h W M l ^ arian r i x ^ F h ran- y Hillsboro - n i - U » ' Thursday C h n J u u afternoon. , ™ ? ’ March M r T H . ^ . D ir te ^ " « " ^ 1 * ^ weeks with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Victor H Wright, of n e a r , Kuratli. Norma Anderson. Mrs. H e r-, will begin at 2:30 o'clock. dale witlt Mrs. vernon H ann. week with another daughter Mrs Mountalndgje, man Schindler. Jean Berger. Lois . . Mrs. Ralph Anderson of Cascade h J. Duncan, a t Tillam ook.' Meier, and Shirley Miller • . Locks and Mrs. William Miller of Mr and Mr« Aivah T~»an a n r mrs. E. M. Barnes. Prop. Mrs. unester Chester Hansen and son rC- re- Mr;_??d .rM7 ; - J. -? ? ' Portland were Sunday guests. M r and Mrs R Hornecker sn7rt turned to their home at Wheeler „ .. . . . tertulned 15 guests Saturday eve Circle three of the M. E. L adles'! the week-end a t O resham with Mi SWi.daJ after a week's visit here Move« to G aribaldi— nlng at their home a t Oak Park Aid entertained guests at luncheon and Mrs. William H o rn ck er th h**r m othei-ln-.aw . Mrs. Al­ Mrs. M O Hanve of Reedvllle The evening wigs spent In cards, ai the church Tuesday. Prpd o o etter. student at Oregon .H a™eP , D , „ Is moving this week to Garibaldi ping pong, and dancing Stale collesie snent ihe week end Miss Muriel Prangcr of Yakima, Mr. and Mrs Joe Allen of P o rt­ She has rented her place and with rela- land were Sunday guests of Mr. a the home of hrt uarouts Mr and Wash ' vtsltFd Iast plans to rem ain at G aribaldi In- Kerplie Rank THE DEPRECIATION Mrs. William o o e 'f r lives and friends. She will soon go definitely Six girls from Mrs. George Flseh- and Mrs. J. N Wiley. YOU PREVENT . w n ierd , j . . . *° Portland, where she has fin- „ . pr'» W au-Kec-Na Camp Fire group Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Pittlnger Willard Newton, student at Mon- plovment. llimored on B irthday— received woodgatherers' rank at spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. mouth Normal school, spent the, tjn in «..mmor« n,-.i„„.» L. I Davis wns given n surprise the court of awards in Portland F. Seavers a t Hebo. week-end with h l« n a r e n f « M r « n o R uth Summ eis of Portland re- party February 19 In honor of Ills Saturday afternoon. ' f f lved » B utterfly quilt made by Mr. and Mrs. L. I. Davis were Mrs George Newton GHtli birthday anniversary. About ' . . . Bie Sunshine club of the Pilgrim Sunday guests at the E. S. Davis! Mr w ^ xr 5 o ° , ' ' ^ ancl 35 neighbors and friends were pres­ Itomlgs Honored— her daugh- House at a party a t Pilgrim House | ter r Miss Carol ____ ______ Signs, of Yreka Friday. Misses G ertrude Needham. Row home In Portland. ent. Mr. and Mrs. A rthur Aldinger of Cni.. visited Sunday with Mr anti ena H erm ann and Pearl Allen en- Serve Mrrrhanta* Luncheon— The longer your property is | lertalned at dinner last Tuesday Portland visited Sunday with Mr. Mrs. A. H. Biassing. Pythian Card Party Eastern S ta r P ast Matron«' club evening, conipllinuntlng Mi a n d and Mrs. Jacob Mohr Pythian Sisters will give a bene Mr. and Mrs. Carleton Hande and neglected the faster it depre­ will serve a m erchants’ luncheon Mrs. M. Roinig. Miss Rose Rós» W atkins spe............. spent t h e children of Silverton were guests f*t card party Friday night at the ciates. T h at Is why It Is wise Tuesday at the Masonic temple i.v of Mr. and Mrs. Thom- K- P. ball on Second street Briage. ; week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Wednesday to keep a close check on Attends Convention— from 11 30 a. in until 2 p. in "500" and pinochle will be played. Valley of Beaverton. as Connell. needed repairs. The sooner _ H E. Hadley of the Im perial Feed ( Mrs. J. D. Moore of Portland was Miss _Amber Hastie, teacher al ^ n ¿ VbOdy lnvlted- Admission ‘ 25 D. V. V. Meeto— you make them the less It and G rain company attended a la house guest last week at the Witch H azel.Js under medical care Daughters of Union Veterans will feed dealers' convention li a t Tacoma costs. W hat you save Is added 4 at Dr. C. T. Sm ith's hospital. meet Monday evening nt the Veter­ V a s h , last Wednesday. Thursday Frank Pauli home. Old Time Ba nee profit. _ Mr. and Mrs. Harry ans' hall, and all members are re ­ and Frldnv. Mr. and Mrs. LuRosc of Portland Tuesday night. March 5. at Ver- were guests Thursday evening at boort C. O F. hall Last dance of YOU ARE PAYING FOR g I spent Sunday with Mrs. J. quested to attend P. T. A. Group Meets— the P. A. Anderson heme. J gan In Portland season. Admission 25 cents W. R .C. Meets F r id a y - Adolescent study group of the P. REPAIRS Mrs. Marv Saunders of Portland Won.all's Relief Corps will meet T. A. will meet Tuesday evening at was Why Not Make Them? * a guest of Mrs. G ran t Zum­ Friday afternoon a t the Veterans’ 7:30 o'clock a t the library. The sub­ walt last week. hall. All members are urged to a t­ ject for discussion will be “Adoles­ Why is it some buildings are Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Person left cent Types." tend. almost as good as new after BOYS’ OVERALLS MEN S OVERALLS Saturday for a two weeks' trip to 50 years of service, while Grange Meets Tonight— Mrs. Cady Hostess— Express Stripe. California. Bib, full cut. others are practically w orth­ Hillsboro G range will meet to­ Delphian society will meet for Past Noble G rands' club will meet Good $<« .00 less a t the end of 15 years? one o'clock luncheon Monday at night. Initiation and a short soen.l a t the I. O. O. F. hall Wednesday Denim JL program will be held. the home of Mrs. M. P. Cady. It is merely a m atter of night proper upkeep. You pay for O peretta a t Cedar Mill— repairs w hether you make BOYS’ BIB OVERALLS Union school will present an op­ them or not. eretta tonight (Thursday) a t the IN T R O D U C IN G - - - Blue Denim. MEN’S OVERALLS Cedar Mill Orange hall. Bib. Weyerhaeuser Auxiliary to Have Program — Extra fine .33 i 'i r ', « 4-SQUARE LUMBER Community Service committee will Denim ............... For Best Results have charge of the program at the meeting Tuesday night of the Aux­ BOYS’ SHIRTS 4-SQUARE lumber is precl- iliary to the American Legion at Good Cham bray. slon-cut to exact standard Men’s WORK SHIRTS lengths with absolutely square Ages, 6 to 11 IN REFINERY SEALED QUART CANS ends—an aid to good con­ Full cut. years struction. It's the best lumber Cut down the cost of numerous repair bills caused by use 1 4 4 to 17 HARRISON D. HUGGINS we know of. and every piece of ordinary oiks. W ith Texaco Motor Oil you drive with a Is guaranteed by Weyerhaeuser feeling of safety and also lower oil consumption. BOYS’ SHIRTS M. D. —the world's largest m anu­ Blue. Men’s WORK SHIRTS EYE, EAR. NOSE AND THROAT Drive In today and let us fill your crankcase with this facturer of building materials. highly refined motor oil. Blue and Grey. SPECIALIST I - - . - - - IB W ’ J Z _> EE99S th< r-- ■ C. Beers »Surprised On 74th Birthday m I FRI. AND SAT. I THIS WEEK Matinee Saturday, 2 P. M. — Evening at 6:30 II Royal Neighbors nii’ i Big Double Bill THE CODE OF THE WEST Oregon Birds” Subject of Talk Six-gun justic« w as the only law he knew against an outlaw band. His was the Code of the West . . . the one-m an w ar for life and home . . . while love was tested in the heat of the fightl Adolpfc Ztfiwr p'W(«Af» C. E. President I 'Cherryblossom" Operetta Given at Hilhi Friday YoulllookSmart S U IT S I PLUS One of the Fineat Comedy Feature* of the Year! !w.c. fields ; I In a Riot of Laughter 41 It’s A GIFT” II Il- Il PREVIEW SATURDAY NIGHT, 11:15 Victor McLaglen and Edmund Lowe in "UNDER PRESSURE" I $15 r £ I SUN - MON - TUES. I ! ■ YOU’l l HEAR THE VOICE OE THE WEST...“ i Woman’s Shop 1 YOU’ll SEE THE DRAMA OF THE OPEN RANGE! I I I I •A D D E D I to PROFIT ; I I I OBRIEN I Jesse Foster Presents Pupils I Marfak lubrication F IT T K Ii Hoorn 3 C n m iaerd a l Phon«« ItrniiVncD 2 972 O f f lr r 2071 N ational H ank Annei JIiMira 9:30 a. m. to 12 m. 1 :30 p. m. to ft p. m. Firestone Tires and llatteries The TEXACO STATION Car W ashing and Vac Cleaning Third and Washington Street* Phone 1703 $4 X 40/» ‘it/C 69c T exaco Crack-Proof M otor O il nltJV i2 to ?«rw h i 2 March 3, 4, 5 The mournful bawling of thirsty cattle...the long-drawn hunger- call of coyotes...the thunder of hoofs on hard dry earth...the thrill of hair-trigger action! SOL LESSI* ANO JOHN ZANFT Harold Bell Wright’s I WHEN A ........ 49c G tA H S K H I I I I 48c 1 4 4 to 17 OOC The C. ( Store -- L MANS A MAN w ith DOROTHY WILSON PAUL KELLY A FO X R E K A S I t See U» Today Copeland Lumber Yards Second and W ashington Phone 301 k T PIu* the Best of Short Subjects UN1*