H IL L S B O R O Page Four Defeats Purpose J B T ills b o n ^ A r o iiG W illi W h lrk la C .m M nftd Ik s H ill-k o rs In S -v-nS ent Hillsboro A r r i , «alali IA«4 H illftlw ro Indarendant aatab IS?« Fvbllfthed W. MrKINNKV « MrKINNKV. I*ftkli>krra Thuradaya En lara. I »a aeeend-elaaa m an ar in po»tof flea at Hillsboro, 'treat on V ERN E McKINNEY Editor to rial tional 8 t a t * Edi­ Aaaociation and N a - A E d ito rial Association M em ber «»f th * A u d it O F F IC IA L KEW SFAM a MRS. K C. McKINNEY Aaaoriat* Editor £ ÜMtWr— O r e v n tha F I rat Audited P m per L arg - *at Audited W eekly Circula- tlo® O r*«"® Bureau (4 C irculation OF " A S II IM i T l'N Snharriptlon Kalsa S trirllr O » k la Adaanra Far y e a r _______________ »1.50 V S. Outside Oragoa qponlba ____________ S4 Koaaisn Cuuotriaa ail COUNT1 IL oo I. Id The Killftboro Arirua aasumee no financial responsibility for errors published in its columns, but in case, where thia paper la a l fa u lt w ill rep rin t that part of an advert nanism I In w h in tb * lyp«»graphica! m istake occur*. A n Independent Nearspaper. W keae Seryieee and Policies are Baaed on the P rinciple of the Golden Rule,— "A n d aa, ye d th at men should do to you. do y * alao to them like* •’- M atthew 7:1». New School Desirable The building of a new and m odern school to replace the present David Hill fram e structure is under consideration by the board of district No. 7, provided a substantial federal grant may be secured through the proposed public works pro- gram of the Roosevelt adm inistration. An architect’s prelim inary draw ing of the proposed school is on display in the Argus window. T hat it is attractive goes without saying because the m odern archi- tect can do much to a building th at will make it pleasing to the eye. The present structure has been in use for more than 45 years. It is a large fram e building th at many consider a haz- ard. The building w ithout question has been a source of worry to Hillsboro p a r­ ents over several generations, although school officials pronounce it safe and easy to clear. Regardless of all th at, it is a building th a t will have to be replaced within a relatively short period of tim e and the average parent th at has - children - - - attending there will be the happier when th a t comes to pass. None has a g reater pride in this old asset to the community which cannot be overlooked. To the average person coming into a community, perhaps not caring a great deal w hether he is to live here or in a neighboring town, school buildings would be an element in the selection of his place of residence provided th a t person was the parent of v children of 9K.MW* school age. We |F«< v«v vfa ii ii u iv i i w* v#. •» Ke be- lieve th at it goes without saying th a t the present building can not be considered a Action of the United States senate in rebelling against the Roosevelt works pro­ gram by voting the “ prevailing w age" am endm ent in opposition to presidential wishes tends to defeat the purposes of the m easure. The public works proposal was in keeping with the expressed desire of the president in his message to congress to substitute work relief for the dole, in order to preserve the selt-respect. courage and determ ination of the unemployed. The works relief program was in- tended to provide productive jobs to r the jobless th at would not interfere with in- dust i'V anil to prepare for their absorp- tion as soon soon as as possiou. possible lion bv l>> industry inuusllj as Made work with this rebel objective and paid for out of taxes in all common sense should not com m and more th an the security wage suggested by the president. Prevailing wages as dem anded will pro- voke resentm ent and protest am ong those who are willingly footing the bills, who comprise the great bulk of our citizen- , . s h ip . ARGU S. H IL L S B O R O , Social News of Local Folk and Their F rien d s OREGON Thursday, Echrunry 28, 1035 THE GREAT AMERH AN HOME Juvenile activities ot the Amerl- i an Legion and the soldiers' bonus were dlscuea’d by W .1 C ham ber­ lain ot Corvallis, state commander, at the Forest Grove Aineilean I.e glon Friday lilghl Ih' addressed up. proxlitiulely i:>i) business men an | veterans observing the Ilfth anni­ versary of the dedication of the Forest Grove legion hall I’u.vineiit of adjusted compensa­ tion certificates now would bring tJil.il87.00U to Oregon according to ClunnberUUn. T h at 3000 children in Oregon were immunised against dlplherla through funds supplied by E Wiley was congratulated : III Portland Monday by a truffle of­ ficer and i representative of the Such a scale will slow up the process of absorption of this labor by private in- Ssr',J^rat«refOTh meesoutheme Pa-! dustry because many will be content with elite. ^ i s needless governm ent work and look Mrs. George FUcher and Mrs. J upon the governm ent as their provider. j t would probably also have the result of Fischer Mr and Mrs s h . Thwaiie enticing men aw ay from private employ- ¡accompanied them, and visited Mr m ent to enter the governm ent service. ,nMr‘ ¿jrs^Nhio m™™ oi The votes were unquestionably actu- 'Vancouver w ash , and Miss Anna ated by the congressional spirit of catering I Baui»an of near Forest G.ove, were to blocks of electoral support. The sen- a “ L e w M r s ' Damon' " a sister ot ators, both dem ocratic and republican. Mr. Long who participated in this revolt cannot ' ,Dr. Cecil Ager of LaG rande is have had the long range vision necessary .w and Mre*b’V w n k ^ r to proper w orking out of our recovery Mrs j . b Wilkes ot Portland were problems. Too much legislation is based , » ^ ^ W ‘likw home, Lloyd Brown, who has been ten-1 on politics. 1 fined to his home for the past six 1 weeks with a broken h g, is able I _____________ to use crutches now mid has been ' S tc iW G T O pD O SG S Senator Steiw er attack s the Roosevelt public works m easure of $4,880.000.000 because it gives the president power th at should rest with congress, the right to ear- •’ m ark ’ the expenditures. The adm inistration it seems to us did an exceptionally good job in selecting the m andate of congress. The senator says Bonneville is not a project th a t fu r­ nishes lots of em ploym ent now, but ra th e r spreads it over a long period. State Legion Head Speaker at Grove "L ei I ijilll K i l l i n g '' .’ u t r l v I .On 1 |»lgn tor the proper kind of drtv- j lug The local physician was one of three so honored during the day. Each of them made the proper signals, turned from the proper lanes, slopped at "stop" algtis or signals, and at no time while under observation exceeded the speed 11m- ii in wiiev, iik«- th e oiin'11 did I not know th a t he was being wateh- | ed I The search for careful drivers was started Monday as a |Mrt of the campaign. If It's worth m anufacturing, It’s worth selling; if It's worthing sell­ ing. It's worth advertising. If t's north advertising, it's worth the u - . of gc ii°sU t0 g>m hurae« 1‘ rtc * 9* cutter T*? crentrael cutting »Id Si“ icInr« . ? l n n Oli Harry sto ,,e of P ortland will Monday after the first Wednes lav nome in w u en w . K ansas, on a be the principal speaker and will luu r«»r«h» grxiwtb «-lw»MHl. k lM K h n c in p < c t r i n a n d w i l l ___ lt»4>*rt F lla rtm a n . Il«»» • lo . Kt business trio and will return \f.»a»zwtw M arch discuss "International Affairs. •** and the fourth Monday of each |tea v*rt<»n .'p is. George W ashingtons interest in Hons* N O T IC R T i l I'H K It lT ilM H N»tic*w la h»r»liy glvwn that Ih * undar- Hillsboro totals npprox- the county court. Payment of personal services rn««| ha* (•«vti «pixilnIw l Adm lntalratur Flgures for repair M u h a rl ( ’ottw lm aiib jobs are estl- ] b>'. "■ (h * Fatate ployes or of the road departm ent ,77,' Odgers, professor o f edu-1 mail'd a t »21.442. i Is excluded from the order. If the -on. r..r w»-hin»ion < ..unir. «.»» t u aith i nsvi'hnlnov a» Pupifih I .« a . a. nants and 396 regular payment date falls on u ,,r Fu.r«»ry. i».u «n « ’" '“CM« holiday w arrants day. will be 1 ! N<>w iharvrorv, all |»*rw«»n» having claim« try advocated the establLbiiment the campaign. Activities this I L legal ,|e(j on n u. following Housing Campaign Nets Many Pledges in Gold Cases Fair a«aln«t «aid »«(al* a ra h*r«diy ne able to ob« Its relief .. office on » South Second '"'""L"...'?"’ laln an eduCa tlOn. ------------------------- f < j j n«»Uea. t«»-wn; w ith in ala montha from street as they are out of funds and K«4,r„«rr i , ji grocertrs. according to L W. Mul- eeiiii i . á n iíe k )r Adminiamtur on congress' D V I ’ ItllllC S cles. he said, were being turned over , , ,,r AdmlakwaUr 1« to the Red Cross. the county court m reducing the interest nearly face value in foreign ex- failed to take action on th e plan n 7 Damage estim ated a t »342 was J change and the former only about was due to the fact th at the idea h p l n f n l i n f l u e n c e in n p r s u a d i n t r a n v o n p to rate on w arrants from six to five per cent, change and the former only con. was far ahead of Its time and th at County Kcprr*»entatlrr * href,whlch, b,roke out State 4-H Club Leader m a te a home here. ' W hat a different picture from two years t a i ^ o r T X ' r man t ^ t ‘”of "2“ny cviifionted in the Thom as Connell twnip a t . «>. . c for Fourth and Baseline streets at 3 • Visit County boon The district is in a trood financial con a g ° U became necessary to issue venezula. but th e difference m the of th a t pay. E L E C T RO LU X o'clock Monday morning The b lase1 M1 “ Hrl<,n Cowgill, assistant state nnancial con sc n p t 0 Reep w arrants from taking too value results from the ta c t th a t dition, due to the careful and businesslike much of a r£duction through inability to ” Venezuela has a law to the effect C leaner and Air Purifier started ln an upstairs bedroom and ' e'ub leader, will be In Wash- damage was confined to th a t room lnKton county on March 35, 26 m anagem ent of a capable school board. di ose of them Irnprovement in taxpay- th a t her dollar is redeemable a t WAYNE EMMOTT Tom Connell, Jr., was commended j a,1e8 / « « " Hal*. ,n i««u«Ml out i»f and under lb * «»al easily handle the Project and it m erits to m ake thjg change United S tates could go further th an boro Friday night resulted in the tO ° lher P#rU ° f 018 o f (ha C lrru K Court t>f th * Htata uf O r * B«»n. fur th * County of Waahiritftun. | consideration from the standpoint of pro­ at present and could stabilize free arrest of three men this week by nouse H. R. Krllingtnn th * 27th day of February. IV.'I.S. In favor coinage of silver. Paper money with local authorities. A. M. Jennings of ~ Z ;--------- f -------------------- viding work for the unemployed. of T h * Union C *n tra l Lit** Inaura n r * "Let Kelly' Fix Your W atch" no intrinsic value has been stab­ Portland was charged with drunken Company, a ro rporatlo n, p la in tiff, and In Klage Depot aaatnat J. C. Sntdvr »m l F a u n t* Hnuler. The individual under like conditions. F m ’nvr M / v a n ' t l ’i ilized by this country and he de driving, while Sm ith and H arry L. * llillalm ro O regon as for instance, being sound financially and fb n jo y H o s p i t a l i t y .............................. d a red It only logical th a t silver. ...................... Jennings of Gold HUI were booked f If'iYI 1 Vf *f* I* * " * 4 ‘»f ll*a v *rto n . a tfta t* B. tkln« I W aah ln g to n C o u n ty , a muni« pal having a desire and need for a new home Aloha grangers trave t h e Hillsboro !° ?*r c.ent ?f . whlch ls , proilu" d “ t the'’’county’ 'ja ii 'o n ¿ im r iiT o f and battery. Harrv Harry Jennings R F J ? ' “* dl vWo^ m" " - .hl £ n u h: r 3 ; would readily, in pur opinion, take ad- C ham ber of C om m erce m e m b e rs a n d s ^ X S ™ ** “ assault Bnd suffered severe cuts about the head iikjcr f o r t h e P o r t l a n d C i m e r a i E l e c - Oregon, L>*f*ndanta. fo r th * an»»» <» t vantage of a proposition th a t would bring th eir wives another good party Thurs- i New Slrra«n U ne 3,0 wt,h *nt*r**i thereon at ih.- rii* and arm s and was taken to the trie company, attended the business a substantial federal g rant to handle the d a v n i g h t . L o c a I p e o p je a l w ,o o k f county hospital for treatm ent. promotion xertlon of the Northwest V A C U U M CLEANER cost It would be good business in our w ard to this event because of the hospital- ^ ° n irO 1 Several poultry thefts were re- Light and Power association a t ..f ssu.30 with interest then... at -h* I» here Vancouver. B. C.. T hursday a n d rat* ',f 10 |,er '• n’ ,,rr “nnum th* humble economic experience. ¡ty and friendliness of these neighbors. » oU — r l r in v ’ I 1*» ‘ ’f Nov . and th * fu rth » r A cleaning stu m tlu a i£u.edi Bert th u O week to o « 8herlif Con' » I P FT?°av„ B n e n f Sherwoo . ...m ,r l i v . i w i t h inmwt The board has asked for the opinion One outstanding thing about the p arty has (ct t h . r a t . . f 7 i .. r m , i y . r of local residents and taxpayers so let us been the way they have alw ays had it cause of'’d ^ e t e d ^ o S u r e 's u p p l y , been stolen from his place last °P t‘mUm was expressed by all the I1""" ,hc >•' N"* ■ >'•»»*■ »»“I '•>» SINGER SHOP speakers and among thoae present f««»*r Ih, „ of „ »- • •» wid> w iniw -i w ih.rw have it in the way of letters from sub- organized to serve so m any people in such Mr Schuster pointed out that week, while Mrs. N. Butler ol near snMk‘,~ for DemonstiaUon ■ scribers living in district No. 7. The Ar- a short period I“ «4 vafy >n the am ount of mois- Hillsboro reported the loss of four Safety CamnAian T m I L “ n,i th* fu rih e r »urn <.f |7.7A w ith in- ture they will give up. In some turkeys T hursday evening. gus will be happy to publish such opinions ci < j « Mere 5 gn types of western Oregon soils plants W alter A. L. K ruger of Sherwood olated March 17 ,pnl ■’•’•um from ih* 2«»ih per c*n( |»*r annum from D *r. 14. moisture ln the soil, while In some (R) Office of the Hillsboro Concrete local cham ber of commerce lunch 1034. and th * fu rth e r aunt »( o th er soils the wilting point will Brick & Tile company was broken eon meeting March 18 according to attorney'« f*«*. w ith interrwt th*r*«>n at « per r * n t per annum from F*b . 2«th. I The county relief com m ittee will re- „ot be reached until the moisture into and ransacked Thursday night. arrangem ents made by L. J. Rush- 1036, and the fu rth e r «urn of | l t f mo 112x198. on First street, close ln; quire all those on the relief rolls to have goes below 15 or 16 per cent. Re- Nothing was taken, according to low The talk will be In connection eoata am i ili«hur«*m ent« w ith tnt»re«t garden plots as a self-aid plan. This is a gardiess of the supply of fertility reports to the sheriff. with thp “L et’s Quit Killing” cam ­ thereon at »he rate of M per ren t p»r H t r r e t im p r o v e m e n t/» , S lflP W a lk , ftlltl annum fro m th * 20th day «»f February. »», .« . j ^ » ^ 8 __ »». Many individuals and business people move th a t should be welcomed by th e an^ u f ^ r o v irr™ imperfections of the present law and SUg- -------------------- j and n>ay obtained through th e Annual W ashington county grade hall will speak Veterans, th eir friends, ‘nK l' n'1 "U"«'» in w ».h in «i< in C i.uniy, I gests C o m r r a t i i l a t i n n g a r o H u e t h e H i I h i L°C^ L c“u nty agent's office. The I school basketball tournam ent got and the general public are invited j fthimoc action be taken to correct certain co n g ratulations are (lue m e H I H I I proper time to apply the spray will under way a t the Beaverton high attend. E ntertainm ent will be ( ’«•mm rnrin« at th * Houth<‘u«t n»r- douses. basketball five for carrying off the coun- 1 oe broadcasted next spring over ! school gymnasium yesterday after- to n * r of th«* N o rliirn at Q uarter of th * 1311 Main Ntrrrt The average business man and indi- ty cham pionship. This gives the local boys KOAc or may be checked through noon with 16 county teams entered, furnished after the meeting N<»rthw*Ht Q u arter < N L ’ t «»f N W ', » 11 illstMm>. O regon of Section Tw elve (12» Township vidual is inherently honest and believes a chance to enter the district tournam ent the county | Competition will continue today, Tw o (2 ) Month Hu ng* Tw o (2» Went i Friday and Saturday. Plans f o r County Fair the W illa m e tte M eridian ; thence in honesty and fair dealing. He w ants to a t McMinnville and a chance at the state County championship game 1 s j to be Discussed Here of Hirtith Forty-aeven degree* th irty m in ­ deal squarely and he expects “to do unto title ute* 1 47 3 0') Went Fight and th irty - I scheduled for 8:40 p m. Saturday 1 Plans for the 1935 W ashington m I w hundredth« (8 .3 6 , chain« to a others as he would have others do unto ’ . and the consolation title game at county fair will be discussed at «take in anirle of th * County Hoad, 7:50 p. m. Finals for the class C the local cham ber of commerce at him.” T hat is essentially w hat is con- f thence Month T w e n ty -fo u r degrt**« fo rty -fiv e minute*« (24* 46') rant f C M i.ln u .1 fro m p . „ o n ., I lr0Phy wllJ be held at 7 p. m. S at- 1:45 p in. Saturday by members tained in most of the fair-trade practice j Seven and th irty hundredth« (7.30) ovlch et al, confirming sale May lirday and the class B iham plon- of the fair board nnd departm ent chain«; thence south Fighty-< P m. Friday. The class heads. The premium list will also green th irty minute?« tyx" 30', Esther N. Johns vs. O. P. M atson ! A cham pionship game ls scheduled be discussed T w en ty-three and twelve hundredth« “The fundam ental purposes and prin- ““ <23J , chain» to n «tone in the <>N«t et al, order; M atter Liquidation of 1 a t 8.45 p. m. Friday. ciples of the act are sound,” declared the Thirty Years Ago line of the Houthwewt Q uarter of th«« Shute Savings bank, order to com­ Grove Woman Injured Northen»! Q uarte r t H W , of N l - ' , t Argus. M arch 2, 1905—Dr. Jam es Withycombe, president in asking continuance. “To ab an ­ promise Asbahr indebtedness- M at- of Maid Section Tw elve » 1 2 ,. them e former Hillsborite, candidate for republican nom ina­ ter Liquidation of Bank of Beav- A c tlV ftV IflCFPilSP« in Auto Crash Here north on «aid ea«t line Tw elve mid don them is unthinkable. It would spell tion ertön, compromise settlem ent and for governor. Mrs. B ertha Coyne of Forest nixty-Nix hundredth« (12.66, ehnin« to the return of industrial and labor chaos.” th * northeant corner of »aid South­ Total tax to be collected by Sheriff Connell this sell property, settlem ent claim vs Grove suffered back and shoulder west Q uarter of the Northen«! Q uar­ re. assets C harles Berthold' injuries S aturday nxminc when te He declared th a t the fundam ental prin- spring is »150,141.75, the largest tax ever debited Snider, Mohr r (H W % of N F % , of «aid Section et al vs Ida Muller i 1 welve ( 1 2 ) ; thence went. Tw en ty ciples of the anti-trust laws should be against a tax roll in th e history of th e common- Jacob Campbell, dismissal; Conrad Alge- I->ocal realtors are anticipating her car was involved ln a collision and eighteen hundredtha (20.18, chain« with a machine driven by W H. shelmer et ux vs. Lulu M aude' an active m arket for farms during to the place of beginning, containing more adequately applied and th a t mon- “Charlie’s Aunt," to be presented a t Opera House T uttle et vir. order; Lowell M ort­ T h ir ty (3 0 , acre«. early spring and summer as a Prutzm an of Vernonia. The acci­ opoltes and private price-fixing m ust not S aturday night C ast Includes William Tucker W. gage Ac Adjustment company vs. thc dent occurred a t thc west city lim­ to «ati«fy the hereinbefore unmed «um« of Inquiries being received an«l fo r lhe eoat and ex|»en»e*i of «ale its of Hillsboro. be allowed or condoned. The president w. Boscow. w ill B arrett. Claude c a te , j . b . w iikes. Therence V H arnden, sat),faction result from middle west and local resi­ am i «aid w rit. C redit Service company credited the NRA with giving em ploym ent Fred SewelL Mrs’ George schulm erich, Wilma Wag- Judgment; Said »ale w ill he made aubjeet to re ­ vs. Melvin M. Stout ct al. satisfac­ dents. M ajority of the queries re ­ The wastebasket a t the postoffice demption n« per «tatule of Oregon. to uiM 4 000 000 w firk p r« w ith p li m in n tin c r gener, Blanche Huston, W ilhelm ina Heldel. ceived are for the purchase of i-k . worxerb, with elim inating Jameg Q and otherg granled iranchisc by tion of Judgment: Union C entral had a full day Monday. A big Dated a t lllllaboro, Oregon, ihi« 27th Insurance company v.s. j c farm s as contrasted with the pre­ batch of "Boxnolder” advertising •lay of February, 1036. child labor, outlawing sw eat shops, w ith county court to build telephone line up P atto n Life Snider et al, decree; A A Schran.m . ponderance of requests to rent farm s arrived.—Illmo Jimpllcute. And one J. W C O N N F I.L . S h e riff of W a»hing- the releasing of millions of w orkers from valley. superintendent of banks, vs. E. last fall. never sees the wastebaskets stulfed <>r.?.... By M s' ' » ”P Hillsboro Board of T rade elects following offi­ «1.1 o” HO G uaranty I Marsh et ux. default, judgment. ¡starvation wages and excessive hours. He Interest of local residents seek­ with local newspapers, now does cers: W. H. Wehrung, president; B. P. Cornelius, vice- Probate orders were issued in the hit a t “carping critics and those who seek president; F. M. Heidel, secretary, and W. O. Donel- estates of Wilhelm Schumach“.-, ing to add to th eir present hold­ one?—Ex. either political advantage or the rig h t son, treasurer. Julius Henrikson, loohua Wallace ings and ln some cases to buy again to indulge in unfair practices or ex­ Joseph Moore Is now carrying the mall on route Marsh, Thomas Tell Huntley, Maty property as an Investment Is p a r­ Howling gives your Peterson, Pctronella Varl.oo, John ticularly encouraging, according to two in place of C. H. Large, resigned. ploitation of labor or consumers.” H. Dorland. John Campbell Orders real estate men here. This phase of muscles the play and were Issued In the guardianship of the busness has not been particu­ The president truly said th at “a great Fifteen Years Ago your brain the relax a­ Jennie E. Adams and Wilhelmina larly active during the past few Argus. February 26, 1920—R. F rank Peters nam ed Ruff. code of law, or order and of decent busi­ tion you need a fte r a years. chairm an advisory board for Salvation Army work ness cannot be created in a day or a y ear.’ Although activity Is Increasing as ilny’s office w ork! Play Say you saw It in the Argu». Too m any people were looking for m ira- 111 ^ ¿ neT p ? S . 31, wen known young farm - often — and keep fit. Whip», beat», m aiha», mixe». Cie.s in in«d ujojj panupuoo) their credit in foreign exchange is good, according to Schulmerich. A sound dollar Is based on an act of law and the ability of the issu- iwrr i* «a - 4 mg source to redeem It a t par In T °"> C om «« Hom e .... fte,dl8tric;.18 ln a Twtl AW1I M<“11 TAIICSICU ArrP'ifPrl OptlHllSm rOUlld ▼ iiULVUVtl ITlLtl Control of Walnut walnut Blight Discussed L lk. ,*r-t ,hrrr”’ ih- r-'- r Self-Aid Good Move Residence Lot Codes Needed u lhe thlnnlnK vjracie i Toopers O pen Tourney W. G. IDE Damage Suit Filed in Circuit Court Our Yesterdays «icicrtscs in Real Estate H ere Hamilton Beach Food M ixer *1975 T he Memorial - - - $ft.95 5y BRISTOL HARDWARE CLEM’S PLACE