„ 1 ! , LS BO RO Thursday, Eeruary 28, 1935 and Mrs. lands Vmni of Portmid I H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Air Queen Suffers Fate of Sister Ship were also visitor» at tho Horn- ' Plan Program vleku home lust Hunduy. Several ot the local children took I p art hi conte it was held at toe Scholia Mountaindale G which range hull Friday. th e AR G U S, <|ei b in n itlo n Mr and Mm. O. 11. Peterson J »pent Friday III Hillsboro. Mr und Mrs. O. R Burris and daughter, Mr» Dale MeCalliiugh ! and husband mid daughter bairn ta Maurice Debang. son of Mr. Ilur- 1 rls, and ML»» Goldu bape. till ol MOUNTAINDALE Tho oiltei- Portland, were entertained l a s t lullillirill to be given by the Munir ! Hunduy ut the home of Mr. und taliulali* vumuiunlly Halurday eve­ Mr». Bert Meyer. ning ill II 1.1 ii i hit k in u h Minn, Mr. mid Mm. AHmrl Scott »pent LaUidalv htlitxil linu»t' given priiinlae , from Tuesday until Hunduy I n ! ci Hollenbeck will entertain the club March 27. Attend ltlrlhil.lv Party Mr and Mm Eurl Hollenbeck a t­ MOUNTAIN HOME — Mountain tended u dinner Sunday In honor of Home pupils, who have been n eith ­ the ctghty-srvcnth blrthdav a n n i­ er ubsent nor tardy the past month, versary of Mrs. Hollenbeck s father are M argaret Caldwell, Dorothy When the U 8 8 Macon, above plunged Into th e Pacific off Point Sur. Calif.. 110 mllee south of San W II Keen, of Portland. Uoulln, Wilma Boulin. George A lli- Francisco, ehe suffered a fate etm llar to that of her eleter whip, the Akron In April. 1933 the Akron Churlea Dodson 1» m the Heilwood ■On Jr . and Virgil Allison. The crashed Into the Atlantic off the New Jersey coant. carrying 73 men to tbelr deaths and leaving afloat, as hospital In l*ortlmid recovering teacher. Ml»» Hodson, report» th at Irom a throat operation a m•*iti« n t «■ of Hi«* i r ii < NOB HILL C O FF E E R-oz. ra n ........... Hillsdale. Large can ., JELLO—Assorted flavors. 2 for . . . 2 pounds 4 7 c or Tidbits. 6c 15c 11c HOMINY— Van Camp's. 29c OQgs 3 large can».. Snowflakes or Honey G raham s. 2-lb. box ........ X J V V Cream of W heat— 21c Tea la rg e pkg. . . . . Spinach. W alla Walla, Edward». Green, '.-lb . pkg........... Black. H -lb. pkg............ Upton'». Black. 1-lb........................ .... l i e la rg e ran G rapefruit—Del Monte. No. 2 can . . . . L. & H. No. 2 can . . . . Tuna Fish. W hite Star. FREE 1 liar A-Plu» with 10 large b a r, W hite King ............. PRIDE WASHING POWDER— Q « Large pkg...................... s / V Frl» N aptha. 10 bar» ............. 45c !«s Mid Pacific W s ............. Milk. Mt. Vernon Tall cans. 4 for . . . . t offee. Maxwell House. 25c I.b 31c 15c S a rd in es Halferty’s, *»3, Minced OQz> 2 cans ............... mwV C lam s Razor. < ___ _____ Ocean caught, pink. s a lm o n is. 2 c a n s ............ 19c P an cak e F lo u r 55c 1-lb' Flour $4 J- s ’I 45c Safeway or Primrose. I .1 .69 49-lb. sack ............... Pride of the West or Candle Light. .49 49-lb. sack ........ Safeway. 10-lb. »ark ....... SPERRY'S. G R EEN P E A S NX G R A P E F R U IT Arizona seedless. 25c 15c Sugar 55c BOTH W ith Chromium Relish Dish. Fine granulated. 10 lbs........................ Brown—Golden C. C. * H. 4 lbs. . . . Powdered— 3 lbs. ....................... 48c 19c 16c MATCHES— Searchlight. 6-box carton ......................... SOAP— Liberty White. 10 bars .................................. BLUING— Mrs. Stewart’s. Syrup Bottle ..................................... BROOM—Special 4-sew. Pure tan e and maple. M ax­ imum. 2)a-lb. can ............... 2 U * /V 9Q/S Each ..................................... 53c .1^0 S? S-lb. c a n ............ PANCAKE FLOUR Safeway. 10-lb. sack ........... ‘1 0 1 / O R A N G E S A^ No- 10 s,c k B isq u ic k w *«« FRESH FRUITS nnd VEGETABLES - 35c Utter Rites Held Here on Tuesday Mrs. Cop Host for Roy Altar Society EDWARD'S AIRWAY SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY Home Rendered. < By Mnt, F rank Pexolrit) ROCK CREEK «Morton Cong- don. who is seriously ill, was taken to the Veterans' hospital Saturday night by Mrs. Congdon, who drove to Horton Friday night. Mr. Cong­ don had been spending the winter with his brother at Horton near Eugene. Program a t School A Washington's day program was given Friday afternoon a t Rock Creek school Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Allwen and Virginia and Dolores Allwen vis­ ited Mr. and Mrs. Tom Oddem In Portland Sunday. Mary and John Vrllcak of P ort­ land spent the week-end with Mr and Mrs. Mike Vrllcak. Mrs. Getty Honored Friends and neighbors surprised Mrs. H J. G etty Friday evening on the occasion of her birthday a n ­ niversary, with a party. Beulah Adler and Edward Pezoldt Jr. of Portland visited Mr. Pez- oldt's aunt, Mrs. William Fuegy. Friday evening. Betty Forstm an of Multnomah spent a few days tlie first of last week with her grandparents, Mr and Mrs. Joe Lemacher of Brooks HUI, while her parent», Mr and Mrs. Robert Forstm an, took a trin to Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pezoldt and Louis Pezoldt attended the funeral services of Mrs Elizabeth Dappen In Portand Friday. English Service® Sunday English services will be held S un­ day at II a. m. a t the Reformed church. Rev. B. M. Fresenborg will preach. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Aldinger and M arjorie Aldinger of HUlsboro vis­ ited Mrs. Aldlnger's father. Paul Schwartz, on Brooks Hill, Sunday. Play Presented The play, “Goose Money," was ?hr resented bv Brooks Hill folks at cir gymnasium Wednesday night O ther numbers on the program were: Hazel Skuzie, piano accordi­ on; Brooks school children, songs; Hazel Staines, piano solo; Rose Mc­ Clure and Edward Scheldt, vio- In solos: Virgil Dudley, song; Edgar Skuzie. reading; Florence Pauly, song; song bv quartet; Ben Luethe. recitation, and two plavs, "The Assessor,” and "The Agent.” Mr. and Mrs. Jassy and Richard Jossy visited M r and Mrs. J. H ar­ vey In Portland Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Albert Linder and daughter of Sauvies Island visited Mr and Mrs. John Linder of the Liberty district Sunday. Paul Schw artz of Brooks Hill has purchased a Plym outh coupe. Pete R ahn vtsited his sister. Mrs. Bill Payne, a t Cedar Mill Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Hesse of Scholls visited Mr. and Mrs John Fuegy Sunday. TRY ONE OF THESE FAMOUS BLENDS AND BAVE1 l.lbby’». Crushed COMPANY N. A. D. A. Representative Talks to Local Dealer® J. D. Miller, northwest represent­ ative of the National Automobile Dealers' association. spoke at the meeting of the Washington county some time ago In a fall at his automobile dealers In the chamber ! home here. Is reported to ta: con- of commerce rooms Monday night R o c k C r e e k V e t in H o s p it a l; | valesclng Next county meeting will be M arch Mrs. C B. Taylor and daughter P ro g ra m a t S ch o ol Lena vtsited Mrs. Taylor , ne. her. M r; Melissa Jackson, in Portland Say you saw tt in tlie Argus. Sunday. W H Y P A Y M O "» F O R G JO n COFFEE? Pineapple HILLSBORO legislature a t Salem Wednes­ day Veteran Taken the Miss Marguerite Persyn ol Mt Angel visited with friend« around Banks und Roy a few days last Seriously 111 I week. Dick Wilcox, who broke his hip S afeway S tores 1 7 ( . CEREAL Large pkg. = G R A PEFR U IT No , „„ Page Three slzes; $ 1 .0 5 LEM ONETTES , ^ n 5c Grocery Prices Effective Friday to Monday, March 1st to 4th di w lB 27c 23c 13c 43c Honey Bradshaw’s, clover blossom. A C a 5-lb. tin ........ Raisins Choice seedless. 4-lb. bag ...... 23C F la v o J e ll All popular flavors. 3 pkgs........... 13C COFFEE— Hills Red Can. 1-lb........................................... OYSTERS or Shrimp— Gulf Kist. 5-oz. 2 cans ................. PEAS— Nature’s Gift, 303s. 2 cans ....................................... CORN— No. 2 fancy Golden Bantam. 2 c a n s ...................... BELL BRAND. All purpose family flour. 49-lb. sack ............................................................ Salm on Dog Food Del Monte Red Alaska. 90/» Is tall. 2 c a n s O O V / Victory. 3 cans 14c Calo. 2 cans........15c 31c OOx* 15c «Iv V $1.53 Tom atoes Alta Villa. 3 cans .......... 4ÖOV