H IL L S B O R O A R G U S, H IL L S B O R O , Thursday, February 28, 1035 OREGON Page Two Banks Students in Declamation _____ Faculty Play Attract.; Class Visit, at Legislature i Dreessen and son of Mountaindale. ! Mi and Mrs. Oscar Love and lour ! children of T hatcher and Mr. and Mrs Robert Petit and son of Ram - , ’ ter. Wash. Mr. Petit returned to Ins home Sunday evening, but Mis j p etit and baby rem ained lor a longer vialt. . _ „ l B arbara Ritenour of G reen Moun- urn spent ¿ ‘H '^ e e k ^ i d ^ i t h her 9:4» a m Sunday. Come und enjoy 1 these services with us M. Putnam . I minister. HOW NEW LIBRARY WILL FIT INTO CAMPUS AT U. OF 0. Whosoever Will Talwrnaele «Above North Plalnsi Sundav school, 10 a m. Attend­ ance is growing, a greater inter­ est is being shown In memory work The lesson study Is kepi interest­ ing with spirit lilleil teucliers. S er­ mon by toe pastor. 11 a in., will ue "The Holiness of the Churc.i You m e welcome to worsnip with us. ru e pastor will speak, ut 2:30, on " flie Value 01 T arrying.'' Reg­ ular Sunday evangelistic w rvice, S p. III . good song service an 1 Spe- j cial music. Sermon will be " th e n Cometh the End ." T u esd ay a p ill., these sermons on llc ll' hove L,ecn drawing interest. The sermon will be When the G ehenna Fire :ot lit 11 S tarts.' You cun bring any ! : cripture or ask any question you want to. at these meetings. Melvin ! E. James, pastor. entitle party at the kindergarten collage Thursilay, Leisyville Man on Members of H ie Daphne club were P. U. Debate Team . nay. «¡¡¿»1» « t m . s v a wood Timr.- I.KIHYVIl.l.E Jo h n Hens, who Is Am.lverw.ry Observed oil tlie debating team at Pacific llcaver C hapter. O E H. eele- lllllv e rs lty . d e b a te d a t l.h itte ld Col I,rated the tw enty-third uiuilver- lege hi McMinnville Friday and i wirv of this chapter Wednesday Corvallis the preceding w eek lie evening Mrs H L. Hudson entertained w in debate In 'lacoina 111 the near future. He was awarded a (learl the members ot the "»till" club ut for tlie pin he won as a debating NendiTs Friday. Tuesilay evening, tlie young men s prize last year. and young ladles' classes of the Mrs Lllv Hanley Is milch Im­ Church of Christ enjoyed a parly proved alter being confined to her at the church. bed several days with a severe cold Mrs. Sherburne Hpellbrtnk of For est Grove spent several days with Double Rill Feature her during her Illness, Io Show at Venetian Mrs. Juillet, llriilgrmiin of Aloha "it's a G ift." starring W C. Is recovering from a sprained ankle Fields and Baby LeRoy. and "Home sustained when she fell on a step on the Range" with Jackie Cnouuu. at the home of her mother. Mrs Randolph Scott and Evelyn Brent will he featured on the double lull Lily Hanley, last week Boys of the upper grades of the program Friday mid Saturday at school have hecn practicing basket the Venetian theater. bull a t the Junior high gymnasium C hristian Church Subscribe for the Argus. In Hillsboro and they have several Lord's day church school. 9:45 a gnmes scheduled. i n , c H. Nixsier, superintendent. I Pre-Easter nun Is 300 jo in a rapid- i lv grow urg school with classes for {all ages. Monilug worship at 11. special music; sermon, "Sharing Christ " C hristian Endeavor, b 30 p. in. Junior, interm ediate a n d BEAVERTON Beaverton I* T A ! the health elements of sunshine young people. Interesting meetings celebrated Founders' Dav Pebruarv 1 lor and by youth. Evangelistic serv- 19 A pageant entitled " Hie Gak , und fresh air, milk adds tlie | ice, 7:30 p. in. Song service assisted Tree" was presented. Cast Included ! uilvuntuges of n o u r i s h in g , by young people's choir. Sermon, Mrs V A. Wood, reader, lllllv "Is There a Heaven and a Hell? " Austin. Itoss Kellogg Audrev Palo ; strength-building v i t a m i n s . Does your family drink enough? Week-dav meetings Tuesday. 7:30 Dellna Satehel and Carolyn Talbert p. in., monthly hoard meeting; Order here I Garden flu b Meets Wednesday. 7:30 p i n , monthly "Rose Culture and Pruning was church school conference; I'hurs- I day. 7:30 p. m . union service ol the topic of discussion at the G ar­ Quart the churches lor a program spon­ d e n d u b F e b ru a ry 12 It 8 lien: I sored by the Autl-Llquor League of sy was the speaker Hear Hr. Clark Oregon; E'rlday. county missionary conference and address bv mis­ The ladles of file Beaverton Con­ sionary. A cordial Invitation to any gregational church held u special and all these servlets.- R. L I’ut- pot lurk dinner and meeting Iriu rs- : ham, pastor. day evening wltn Dr Alma Cooke of China as the main speaker of Old fa Fashioned Mission Old sh io n e d G Gospel ospel M ission the evening. Miss Cooke is visiting I'hone 2104 Inter-denom uiallonal Independ- for six months In tlie United States ent Services Sunday u t 2:30 and Mrs. R M Stew art entertained c, , i . .. , -’ .•lex .. ... w e.......... _____ Friday .11 at 7:do p. m. You wilt cn- the kindergarten class with a Val- J Joy the spiritual atm osphere and MDhere und i cordial welcome you will receive here 12Ö Main street.—Mrs. C. E i Clark In charge. M ra relatives and friends in Banks this in» « n Fr*»l Wolford) week. She was Lois Engen. a for- k XNKS— The prelim inary dec lam- mer Bunks girl, ation contest lor class C schocto Browns Move w&s held a t the Banks M. E church Robert Brown and laim 'v moved Fndav atternoon. Only two ot the ¡^^,0,11 from the R A Kenned) fourteen schools of the district took lafl, to t he Sylvia severance p ace pdrt. They were Buxton and B ar- a w l oI jcanks. rlson. Quite a num ber of parents several carloads of commercial wfire present. Those takuig p in t fe rtiliz e r have been snipped into were as follows: division I. liutnor- Bank_s preparatory to fertilizing the oJS—Robert Reilly of H arris o n and strawberrv plants in the near lu- JObha Mae Peterson of Buxton, the tu n , laJter winning: division L dram atn M rs M A Dodds was 111 lo res; —Naomi Canby. Buxton, and Lu- Q roVl. Monday. Her daughter. Mrs cifle Rieben. Harrison. Naomi Can- n a tt,e Davidson, accompanied her by winning, division 11. humorous— home and -pent the night. Harold Rieben. Harrison, and Esthei , Blll}. Miller, who hu.- teen m a Outer Buxton, Harold Rieben wm- œ c camp near Oakridge for oyer nfing- division II, dram atic— Betty a year. ¡s now at the home of his Stowell. Buxton, and Billy Mabal. mother. Mrs. Tom Meacham. Harrison. Billy Mabal winning; di- Delbert Hopkins of Tillamook vi&on III humorous, only one con- spent the week-end with Ills griuid- t estant Delmar Hellish of Buxton; mou Wr. Mrs. Alice Parmley, north division 111, dram atic Edwin Quier of Banks Buxton, and Robert Schlegel. H ai- Party Enjoyed riimi. the latter uke A pot luck dinner followed by a W inners of this contest will taxe c a rd *£arlv was cnA,>ed inurauay p a rt m the T h „ pv the R N. A. women. At cards HUtoboro court March 8 MrJ Koge nerm ens won first. Mis judges at Cass Wilson second and Mis. Mabel: Sçllers. Mrs. Earl Wilson and . - w illiam s won the door pr_ze. Fred Wolford. witshoro Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson of A. H. Wolford was in Hilsboro WaUS Mr and Mrs. Delbert Hutch- Saturday. ... . ens of Forest Grove an d Mr. and Play AMraeto p .ts v ' Mrs Archie Thompson and chil- T h e .2 ? Culty»b?1^hi,irtia S h o m ^ F rL d rrn of Mountaindale visited Mr presented m the high s c l w l * Mrs J. J. H utchens Friday, day evening was well atte n d e a in Mrs McOraw aud three ctoil- players all dren spent the week-end in Banks well. Music between acts was lu rn Walker and G. W. ished by C harlotte Sullivan violin- « _w i-„ lé s t . I .» w here tha naw $350,•• 1st, accompanied by Hazel Wolford • Mf Mrs. H Atiee visited Mr i. the so- Th e above diaqram atlc photograph gives a graohle Im pression of Just ex*ct ? a t the P>“ °- “ d by a v o c a l sow and Mrs A s ohlenuU er at Bux on the U niversity of Oregon campus. Th a rectangle numbe . . h„ - i 000 lib ra ry w ill be located on w e u n w « r ,.iZ Hw.. ' _ h, r. e . . . ^.— 9— SChOOl achool by Theresa Paetsch. Proceeds wui Sunday > «, on - w - o s V number® O" o rc -'m a te site of the structure. O ther buildings th s- e _ campus, leealad located h by numbers >f© are z acnoo be divided between the two schools- gundav gûests of Mr. and Mrs. m u.lcT 3 -e d u o a tio n b u ild in g .; 4 - W o m .n 'a Quad, w ith C .r lln g .r H a ll at « • " drr ,^ r*enH * * a* ^ C harles Dodson, who lives■ eas w Q w alker were Mr. and Mrs and Susan Campbell hall on rig h t; B -M u s e u m of A rt: housing f.m o u . g -C o n t of Banks, underwent an ÿ * ™ 110” Ed Schlegel and sons of east ot i H ^ 'l n l ^ ^ ^ d i n g ; ^ on his th ro at February 19. He is Banks, Mrs Rose P n ck ett of Hills­ improving nicely boro, and Mrs. Ellis McGraw and V illa rd H a ll, second oldest structure. O th er campus buildings are located to the left of tha part photo- A. Sellers Hurt . . . three children of Vernonia. T ualatin Plain» ITrahyterian Church Amos Sellers sellers was in Injured jw c u w while Mr. and Mrs. H erb Chamberlain nr ached _______________ - i Sunday school at 10:18 a. in.. working at Elwood logging camp and Of Portland visited Mr. and preaclilng ut 11. Sermon by Dr. Saturday. While moving his tools Mrs c McPeak Sunday, Christ ' Epworth League. 6:30. Nel- Andrew Carrick. Christian Endeavor from one log to another he stepped Tom Engen visited lus family at Mr. and Mrs. Donald Junor, all of lie Felton, leader; evening service at 7:3o p. m. young people's slng- Portland, visited Mrs. Bella H a rt­ Free Delivery on a tree and the bark slipped Vernonia Sunday night, Phone 771 m charge of the men's club, 7:30 mg, under direction of Mrs. Cur- wick and other relatives here Sun- causing him to fall on the cross- Mrs Nell Richter returned to daJ. Foursquare Church Speaker from tlie Gideon assocta- rick; discussion topic "The Inside cut saw. He received a bad c u t1 per home m Spokane last week a ft - Birthdays Celebrated Rev. Ethel M. Heidner. state su- tion. Welcome. Mid-week service of Jesus." a t eight o'clock across the abdomen which will c o n -, er an extended visit with her sts- — Specials for Friday and Saturday, March 1 Mr. and Mrs. George McGraw perintendent of t h e Foursquare each Thursday, 6:30, "Pot Luck fine him to the house for some- ter. Mrs. M. Turner. followed by a study hour. Ilcthanv Baptist Church time. He is under the care of Dr Mr. and Mrs. Fred Irvine and and Miss Sylvia Severance were Gospel churches of Idaho, la here Supper." Evangelistic meetings from M arch Bible school, 9:4» a. ni.. a church Kines children of Portland v-isited Mr. dinner guests Thursday evening of holding a "Back to Pentecost" 10 to 24 Thomas Isaacs and Mrs. school for all Preaching service. 11 Pose W ith Governor 1 an d Mrs. Ray Parm ley and chil- Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Wahl and fam - campaign. Last week 30 received Rhoda Renr.lson assisting. i a m . subject. "The New Com­ ily. tlie occasion being the birthdays the Holv Spirit baptism. Acts 2:4. Civfcs class of the high school dren Sunday. m andm ent " Special pipe organ and She will be conducting services with their teacher. Miss Alice Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shipley- of Mr. McGraw and Mrs. Walil. ___ __ d io lr music. Young people's m eet- Congregational Church spent February 20 in Salem where visited Mr, and Mrs. George Mc- Mrs. Alice Gibson and daughter each evening throughout this; week. C hurch "school. 10 a. m . R E ihg at 7 30 p. in . a friendly gn-ct- both houses of the legislature, the Farlane and baby in Forest Grove Mary Evelyn and Dr. and Mrs. Guy except Wednesday and Thursday Son« GiDMiii a ll of Forest Gro e visited wllen Rev. Thomas Anderson, re- Wiley, superintendent; m m o o r r n n ln in g g ing ing awaits awaits all all young >oung people. people. Song state penitentiary, insane asylum Saturday. i t the A C 'W a h l hmAu w id n e« - turned missionary from Bolivia, will worship, i f Sermon. "Our Religion; and preaching service. 8 p m Rev- Green & White. and feeble minded home were vis- Mr and Mrs. O tto Timmerman Blue & White •urge N. N. Taylor Taylor of of the the Union w eanes Mr Anderson wlll have many Narrow or Broad?" Oeorge ited. The 28 pupils were all intro- and children of Hayward visited rta v e v e n rn i' Oospel mission will bring the m es­ duced to Governor M artin and also a t the Cliff Thompson home F ri- Miss Elsie Kessler visited Forest interesting things to tell us. Come sage An interesting meeting In­ Grove f iends from Monday until and hear him. Rev. H arry and All saints'M Lsslon lE pbropah posed for a picture with him and day evening Betty Wilson, form er pastors of Qulnquagesima Sunday. March 3. sured Rev. Theo. Leger, pastor. several other officials 1» th e state Mrs V. M ilne of Cornelius and Wednesday. ljirg e ciiii.a, light meat. Fancy medium shrim p. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Benefiel. Mr Emmett. Idaho, Foursquare church jg jj. church school. 9.4» a. ill.; __ house steps. The trip was made in Mrs W P. P iatt of Forest Grove the M ountaindale school bus driven visited Mrs. H. L. Jensen Wednes- and Mrs. William Klum. Mr and are the new pastors of the service and sermon. 11 a. m.; fel- R n w L»rK C o m n c t c Mrs. Flovd Davis. Mr. and Mrs. church Rev. W A H arter, former |owsjnp «roup. 6 30 p. m . topic. O O W I t r s V , V I U I ) t I t by Gordon Layton. day afternoon. Lose to Gales Creek Mrs. C. B. C arstens a n d Mrs. Robert Brown. Mrs. C. B. C arstens pastor, is now In eyange.i-stic work ..Is pear a s in ? ” led by Mrs i a it The grade school boys basket George Moss attended the funeral and Ralph Williams attended an Sunday school 9 45 p. m. God to Charles Douglass —Rev. R H Wise- 0 f | L(X"« t 1 AIlCVS ball team lost to Gales Creek Feb- Of Mrs Cynthia Sm ith in Forest American Legion meeting at Metz- blessing our Sunday school »Uh carver. vicar Z Red & White. or PEACHES ruary 19 In the Gales Creek play Grove Thursday. ger Thursday night. new members every Sunday. We — | Practically no change was made shed 29 to 3. The team was accom- Mr and Mrs. Harold Tabor of Eli Hopkins and Dorothy Hall of hope to see you next Sunday. Morn- •entecostal Tabernacle hi the standing of bowling teams Red & White. panied there by a large delegation Portland visited at the Ed Paetsch Portland visited at the Hopkins ing worship at 11. Rev. H are, i . We have Just { closed a three ui In m the e various various ioc»i local leagues leagues i us u of schoolmates, their coach, Clyde home in Banks Friday evening, and home here Saturday. _ . . . . . . A?ig'v nT,ny o S '^ TwHvnie O D te w h weeks' revival the church --------------------------- wel- revival in In which which the church result result of of competition competition last last week week Extra fancy red meat. Hopkins, and the following parents, ¡a ter attended the faculty play. 'T h e Myles Davies and Marie W right ,6 b.15 3 5 p. m. ™.A11 All young p«opie l ^ p i e wti » 11 I h a j bepn edlfied alld , i , h new n,.a people „ ,.,,»i,. Results Results were were as as follows: follow, City large cans Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilson. Mrs. C p atsv .” Dallas Cok a n d Adei.a of Vancouver visited Banks friends rome Eyangelistic scjrvice 7.45. rfd h church The gospel league Pastim e Card Room 2, Ire- Pink, 2 cans 25c Extra fancy fruit. Rev. Ethel M Heidner s last s e n - w a c o w u k land., Lentz Auto P arts 2. C C W Moore Mrs. Charles Kessler and paetsch of Portland and Lorena Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Fred Wolford. paetsch of Oregon S tate college Joseph Jensen returned to school Ice. " h h us H e r_£fI7^°A simplicity and power io save all Store 1. Commercial league-C os- h’tt Trucks 2. Fairway 1: Safew ay 2. Games Split also attended the play and spent Friday after a seige of whooping The Honeymoon T ral A welcomt jjnip woJ ld G od through 49-lb. i Jesus - — . . . . We . preach .. the gospel __. i u h -. , 1 I regular ----- . . . u H . alls „ - . a 2, Thursday in the Banks playshed the week-end a t the Paetsch home, cough. Connie Lou VanDorn, who awaits you h e re ... Christ. H . alls game); Sack the Banks girls defeated the Timber Mrs. F rank Rinck received word has had whooping cough, also re- to show people th at God otters Safeway 1 m iake-up gainei. N atlon- girls 30 to 6 and the Banks boys last week th at her cousin. A rthur turned to school ‘ Monday. w c u i.,» ... ... • •........ th more In this world and In al lefcgtie Union "76" 2. Bristol lost to the Timber boys 17 to 6. Benefiel. is retiring M arch 1. from On Germantown road. Sunday hereafter We are going In- Hardware 1: National G uards 3. school every Sunday, 10 a m.; Ger- r,. ,lar ¿ eek st., ,*.ev Ollr pharm acy 0 American league Plan Project the Seattle fire departm ent, where The Banks high school will bene- he is captain of th e West Seattle man. “ « ^ « 1 1 Sundav school to on the Increase Home Laundry 1 Hillsboro Motors fit by the SERA if plans work out fire departm ent. After retiring. Mr. third Sundays, English service. 11 invite you to our ¿Sunday 2; Royal Soda Works 2. HilLsboro as it is now planned to clear a and Mrs. Benefiel plan to make an Red & White. four-acre strip of the high school extended trip through the south- ^ m j u ^ n& X fS r . U" “ n S ^hS S ? io T m 8-. mmm,?g ^ | ICH iih bowler, in the leagues were grounds just east of the ball grounds, west. Mr Benefiel is well known In No. 2 fancy iMountain Burhanka. Christian Science Soclrty ?^.lP6 30 p” mV’evangeltonc service.' City lengue. p'< Schukart. 214: Com- This will make room for a tr a c k ! this vicinity, where he spent his scheduled n e x t ' week " a t^ th e SlJcad cut. 2 cans Ad / 100-lb. .00 a quarter of a mile long, which will boyhood. Christian S t h On* Thuisd-iv Services are held every Sunday 7 45 Tuesday, cottage prayer merclal league. F. Hill. 201; Natlon- enclose a football field an d base- Mr. and Mrs W. C. Jackson of i d m n g “ he dav' the lrcal churches « 11 Wednesday evenmg mPettEg. 7:45 p. m Thurs3ay. B ible, al league. H Rogers. 235. Sack Green & W hite. ball diamond. The high school build- North Plains and Mr. and Mrs. J. ...Vi ^ 1 VL. t T » ., ‘iii... Sunday the school - - observe “, a the Universal Dav of services ^ r ',V'Ca at “m 8 ” oclock; PnrHN'im“’"to" "age study study' 7;45 p m Saturday, evan- ing will also be katoomined by the h . Crocker and son of M ountatn- I will Grown on the top of I Subscribe now to the Argus. In ’i i v e S s a re ^ welcomed Free geltotic service. 7:45 p. m. dale visited Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Prayer. In the evening of the same SERA. —::— Oregon $1.50 a year. Six months Pumpkin Ridge. day the Anti-Liquor League of Ore- ; „ ^ 4 * ^ room open on Wednesdays Jackson and daughters Sunday. Club Meets Friday Beaverton ( hureh of C hrist «5 cents Tliree m onths 50 cents Sd ^ m ° 2 until 4 p. m. le M Motners ctuo will wui meet meei Fri r ri- Mr and Mrs. A. C. W ahl attended a^d .’ n'iceP°dnu i t e ad Ubnv°MrP ' ho ™ The others' club Mr. Leavitt had a severe attack Two m onths 35 cents. tf day with Mrs. B. W Armentrout. the Founders' Day program Friday ton“ superintendem tA on^reeV pic- , Sunday's topic, J C h r l s t Jesus, unable to be with us for five nights, A group of Boy Scouts with afternoon a t the day school tor the unabe to be with us for five nights, ture of the old saloon and a talk . Scoutmaster A. C. Wahl went on a deaf in Portland. by2 i ? W 11‘ * .'J’ “ ’ 8 urxla^ schoo? every^8imdav. 9 45 but the pulpit was ably filled by hike Sunday afternoon in the hills Mr. and Mrs. A rthur Sm ith anc Sabin of Forest Grove and near Mountaindale. The boys took son Robert and Glen French vis- Friday beginning a t 10 a. m. a R m ¡^jrs B jepsen. superlntend- Claude Putnam of Hillsboro Mr beefsteak and potatoes which they ited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Banks countv missionary conference of the ~ , jfc.ea7 h inB services by Ellsworth Ralph Leavitt has recovered and preached Christian churches will convene. I™ e" . cooked over an outdoor fire. Sever- and son at Newberg Sunday, Sunday morning and evening He District and state missionary lead- ™ ton- e V L2die<^4ld m X al tests were passed and th e boys Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Wilcox and d ‘d T T “ will preach each night next week returned home tired but happy, children drove to McMinnville and ers will be present and also Miss " ‘nJ - ’ except Monday, at 7:30 Some of Those going were Vernon Woitord. Newberg Sunday, returning by way Goldie Wells, missionary from Con- firs‘ and thlrd Wednesdays a t J his subjects are. Friday night. "Sec­ _ go, Africa. At noon the local women P- Don Moore. Frank Wahl, John of Chehalem Mountain. INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED ond Coming of C hrist;" Saturday, __ .. ,, , ........... Rosencrans. Jimmy Brown and Del- Mr and Mrs. W. L. Moore vis- will serve a 25-cent luncheon for "Choked to D eath by the Devil;" all who wish to be served. The pro- M ethodist Episcopal Chur 55c TUNA—Solid meat. %• ................................... 9c 6-lb. TOMATOES, Bean 2 cans Peas, Krispie Crackers 2-lb. box ............. Cut 19c OQf« Ät/V W ILEY’S "You get the key to Its locked-ln goodness.” FLAVO 14C LUX TOILET SOAP , 19c LUX FLAKES .............. 21c AMMONIA I’ARJ ° i r . HO" 8EH M ' D . 10c .05 . 1- Ib. tin r? I Z A i r n FREE DELIVERY ’ 1 ' rLUUK PIOOLY WIGGLY HARD w heat . 49-ib. ..................... 30c (Pf /»A «pl.t)“ SUGAR .................................... FLOUR 25c 1000-sheet rolls H ardw heat blend. Fine baking flour. SHORTENING 100% pure vegetable. MACARONI ha"l''h"al PANCAKE FLOUR 2- lb. tin .......................... 58c "Served on planes and trains. Buy 2 lbs. and save two cents.” Made by Portland Blind school. [NEW DEAL] GROCERY 2 pound» "For easier cleaning everywhere.” t Finest quality. BAKING POWDER In bulk. 55c Deal 3-lb. Phone 1001 Corner 3rd Main and - - Streets Phone <51 17c 10c £ Pftrk Toilet Tissue CALUMET and Relish Tray. 10c You will find prices are lower a t Perfection Bakery "I J.IV 10c SI 49 BISQUICK PABST CHEESE PABST-F.TT Blue Label. 5-oz. ja r ................... SHRIMP SALM ON HERRING MACKEREL SALAD AID, Durkee’s. Quart .......................... 39c Assorted. 'i- lb . pkg................... r'7.,r„™ "" 10c SALMON ■ SPLIT PEAS : " W A L N U T MEATS POP CORN Ä Yell<,w.v’r,et>'' Pure cane. 10 lbs. 49 c 43c 15c 15c 25c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables CELERY staIk IOC Large, well bleached. CABBAGE rX " “ a '"™ ORANGES Sweet, full of Juice. 2c 29c CRACKERS Superior Brand. Plain or salted. 2-lb. box 24C COCOA Rockwood’s, pure. 2-lb. can 16C