Page Four H I L L S BO KO Tigard School Has Old Pap er ARGUS. H IL L S B O R O , OREGON T NIVFPSITV OF OREGON BASKETBALL SQUAD G ra n g e G ives a W a s h in g to n r P ro g ra m T h u rs d a y Thursday, February 28, I‘tar, Definition: A pedestrian 1» a fel-l Lowly low who discovers the go* lank »1 Mrs. llloop Doex your car llava his car. h b pockets and the baby's a worm drive? bank all empty a t the saine thne Mr Bleep Yea but I tell him where to o drive Ex This year Is 1 lie silver jubilee of I Bx. the San Curio G rand Opera com - I pany, which opens a slx-dav cn- j gagement a t the civic auditorium. M arch 11. and according to all ad- • vance reports Fortune Gallo. 1m- t i I. r»l Portland to Have Six Days of Opera EXn’hV'mui;" m Z n ‘t7“bc The Outstanding 3 -Plow Tractor »By Curtia Tigard) lubhanl w TIG ARD —A copy of the Connecti­ "Opera for everybody, u no doubt i - c u t C ourant published on December the answer to this phenomenal I 30. 1799, has been loaned to Tigard business." said Mr. Hetllg. This | high school by George M. Leslie ol made possible by renting ,,f the Tigard The aged newspaper a n ­ large auditorium and charging the nounces the death of George W ash­ dollar top prices, with a scale grad­ ington on Decenier 15. 1799. and uating down to 85 and 58 ce.its I th e heartfelt sorrow of this great I his has brought rapacity busi­ m an's passuig by the nation is j ness along the entire tour of the w ritten within the pages of this, San Carlo company thD season." paper. There is an illustration of j Mall orders are being taken now the funeral procession ol W ashing­ Patrons are asked to state Hie on- , ton and the paper contains ev ery , era. num ber of seats, enclcee check I detail of his death. A quotation or money order and self-addressed I from the newspaper which has lived stam ped envelope for im mediate re­ down through the ages is as fol­ tu rn of reserved seats Box office lows. ‘T h e name of Washington sale will open M arch 4 a t J K ' the American president, and g e n -, GUI company. eral. will trium ph over death." Th newspaper also contains full ac­ count of the fifth congress in session during December. 1799. Th paper and printing ot the old (lly Vivian Hudson) newspaper is Interesting and i n , MVs C harles Swevker very good shape, considering Its B ill R e in h a rt’s 19J5 Oregon b a sketball squad Is rated a t one o f the strongest to represent «ho W eb fo o t school in m an y years A bave o'! < ’ T 1 ,I,1 ,rb ?rt Oi M a n n in g vls- age. ere, top row loft to rig h t. Coach B ill R ein h art, A ndy K arstens, F r a n k Levings. Ken P hilip s, B ill H arcom be W illa r d June’ s XBudd J o n l l T o ,, S L J i , Jam es „ P enm an and Ju nio r Prom G iven Ken P urdy. H . r r y B utler. Don Law , m anager. F ro n t row . le ft to rl ght. D r. S . n t . C .n ip .r o ll, te e m p h y .U l.n , Arnold^ Fau st? M . ^ K . X d i t o .'’1 " ™ ' * ' ^ . O ne of the most successful ju n ­ ’ * rst o r o /e ris lU d » ™ “ ^ T *! ior proms was held by the junior _ Jahn Lewis. Captalq Bill Berg, toss Llebowlts, Won OemmelL Glen Sanford, Roland R ourke. class at the school auditorium. ' week with tier parents. Mr* and H earts and silhouettes of red and I a « i r e I D . - l - , n il Mrs. Oeorge I air merman white were the attractive motif of L d U l l I K l U g c 1VU11 th e occasion. Profits from the a f- T T . , - » a ra t • O rchardale visited at the W R fair will oe used by the juniors to M O llO r A n n O U llC e d at N o r th P l a i n s » “‘»•’T »><•««* Tuesday evening. carry on their activities for the O. A. O heen. Wtllls H iatt and N 1 FWNHE new M c C o r n iU k -D e r r in g > -30 T ra c to r • la n d s head rem ainder of the school year. LAUREL RIDGE — Laurel Ridge IB» North Plains P T A.I H. Nielsen graded the road Into P T A. Honors Founders school pupils, who were n e ith e r; ■ an d ahouldera above a n y o th e r tr a c to r o f ita ty p e . I t NORTH PLAINS A benefit dance l ‘,e Laemerman tim ber this week . absent nor tardy during the last will be fi given in the ____ K of ______ P. hall, i la d iffe re n t in t h a t i t haa n ew type« o f aeala w h ic h keep North Plains. Saturday evenln B a F a S L - « S r s f e ® - * Bohemian orchestra. Everybody we f- w a te r, m u d , d u s t, a n d o th e r abrasive m a te ria ls fr o m g e t­ C O R W IN H A R D W A R E come. llradquartm tin g in to th e o p e ra tin g p a rts . I t has a b a ll-b e a rin g tra n s ­ Mrs. J. R. Sandford visited her ^ e V V ^ i n ^ c X ^ r M r “1 T ' l w X f o o . severe- H u n t in g And F is h in g brother. Robert Mead, and family m is s io n . .Steering is m ad e u n u s u a lly easy th ro u g h th a at Cedar Mill Thursday. Mr. Mead j ™d M ^ H G aarde >>’ while splitting wood Friday. The S u p p lie s use o f ro lle r h earin g s a t th e b o tto m o f each ataaetog - L t g ^ e t ^ ^ a n ^ t e c£m - cST has Just returned from the Veter­ Aladdin lampa ans’ hospital, having been there k n u c k le p ivo t p in a n d on th e steerin g a b a ft Juat above »Ue ¿ n i^ ^ m o ^ ^ L H .» « S c o n c e s club of t h e for several weeks suffering front ,o n k » Radio Tube, Tented Free arth ritis in the spine. a J r 7 o n,rmrXr7 iin ted the Sherwood Grange met with Mrs w o rm gear. I n a ll, th e re are 34 b a ll a n d r o lle r b earings i-snrileAm the mrUKUy cake which Agnes Hlte February 19 Owing to I Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n Miller and in th e W -30. P R Lewis the snial: attendance election of of- daughters of P ortland spent the had been oaxed by M rsJ> .E . Lewis. ficers w asp o stp o n e d until next week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J K T lie e n g in e fe a tu re s rep laceab le e y lin d e n , h a rd e i - Sherwood Loses Close Game meeting. Tuesday of every month Sandford. h a u s t-v a lv e seat In s e rts , a n d provides a b u n d a n t p ow er to In a close game with the M ult- W1n be the regular meeting dav Mrs. K ate Gragg and son Oeorge noniah M erchants, Sherwood town instead of Wednesday of Corvallis visited her niece. Mrs. p u ll th re e plow b o tto m » u n d e r average c o n d itio n s . team was nosed out by score ol atten d - luinofe Lester Cypher, and other relatives j 18 to 14 alter M ultnom ah turned A lie n a s I llin o is M e e t I heae are ju s t a few o f th e o u ts ta n d in g fe a tu re s «bat Everything In Insurance several days la ays lost week. on the heat in the second h alt to G. F. Atrops. local agent for At the card party given by the i score 14 pom u. Packer Scott de- State Farm M utual Auto Insur- m a k e th e W -3 0 th e beat b uy o n th e m a r k e t. S to p in a o «t 1291 1332 W ashington P ythian Sisters Saturday evenln I feated Sherwood m an inter-city »nee company, left Friday to at- David J. McCosh, for the past two years an Instructor In litho­ Mrs. Stanley Hahn and Kyle Key- ♦ ace th ia tr a c to r o r ask us to d e m o n s tra te i L league game Thursday evening a t tend the annual convention and Reed college. banquet of the company's repre- graphy at the Chicago Art Institute, arrived on tha University of nolds had high score and Mrs Janies | Seven students f r o m Metzger sentatives at Bloomington. 111. This Oregon campus at Eugene thia week to tako over his naw duties Matliiesen and William Joos sec­ I f Y o u r C re a m S e p a ra to r Is Losing M o n e y grade school practiced tor the de- will be Mr. Atrops' fourth a t- at instructor of painting and drawing In the Oregon art department. ond. Mr. and Mrs. Earle Hollenbeck clamatory contest of W ashington tendance at the convention, which By wasting b u tterfat a t the xklmmllk spout, it Is high time entertained with a "500" p a r t y county at the high school Feoruary will be in session about two weeks, k i n f i v n ( . r o i n - r p r c from California Saturday, where he Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J 19 The readings w e r e b o th Mrs. E. T. Sheppard went to i N i r i l O n V j r a n g t T S was visiting his half-sister, to invest In a new McCormick-Deering Ball-Bearing Cream R, Sandford had high score and Separator. A Babcock test of the sktmmllk will tell whether you dram atic and humorous. Eugene Sunday to visit her daugh- « » , B irthday Celebrated Have W ashington Program ter Bertha, who is attending U. t o M e e t b a tU r d c T V Following were birthday dinner Mrs. Henry Cypher and Jam es can afford to continue using your cream separator M athlesen were second Guests I he McCormlck-Deerlng Is the closest-skimming cream separator ruMye w w e8i S J u ^ d Thursday a t Mrs. R E. Cross and Mrs. Roy l C o » ' s S l y ^ n ‘im iw r^'f I f t s ^ S t ^ t h e r a were Messrs, and Mesdames Jam es R p a rl T h l . P - - . . . . . . c \c t on the m arket. I t is easy running, easy to clean, and it will Mathlesen. Loel Hollenbeck A rthur K d 1 h ,a G e n e r o u s O f f e r Tigard Grange session. Life of H arrington of Middleton were host- KINTON—All grangers invited to birthday M r a n d Mrs A A R ob give many years of good service. It u built In six sizes W ashington was brought out in a esses a t a shower honoring Mrs. attend K inton Grange Saturday in mson Mr and Mrs Lester R obin- Reynolds. Andy Chrtstencr. William Here s our offer—ask yourself I f , capacities from 350 to 1500 pounds of milk per hour Come series o l 12 taoleau which showed Jam es Harris. Twenty ladies were all day meeting. Lecture hour, open son ol Portland Gavfoni W ils o n o f Joos. Henry Cypher, and J. R it s fair or not. O ct a 45-cent bol- ! Sandford. In and let us dem onstrate its efficiency We will also dem on­ him as a baby, chopping a t th e Attending from Laurel for all. is about 1:30. Beaverton Elizabethi and K enneth (triple "{ B uckleys M ixture (triple- cherry tree, voung surveyor, cross- Ridge were Mesdames H. P. Strick- Clerk ol the school board. Earl S truthers ' “ a 11 nn 1 1 Miss Eugenie C ypher spent the tie of stra te the McCormlck-Deerlng Milker on request. you ing the Delaware, taking command ler. John Strickler and children. C. Bell, posted notices last week Hiteon club met February "O w n h week-end with her cousin. Mrs “ 1 , * C arlton ll.tliuc, Hande, in at Silverton, and — VttlllUll Olivvitvil, IIHU a,»,,_U nld tonight t o . . then ...... . if . th a t of the army, inspecting the flag. Dan Werre. S. S. Stearns, and W. notifying people of the W ashington Mrs. Emilv Peterson with M rs {fn* „„„ d „ p? ? rt*,n t cou«1> lu s n l surrender of Cornwallis, the farm - C. Edy. county school district boundary Emma Carlson as joint hostess with Miss Pat Simpson in P ort- left, you—if you do not sleep like er and the sU tesm an. Miss M. ..M rs Peter M atthiesen and son board meeting a t the school h o u se, T hirteen members and six visitors land a top all night long—get your Alvin Batchelar. who has been Summers had charge of th e pro- M anun of Filer. Idaho, visited Mr. M arch 6. a t 10 o’clock to consider answered roll call bv eivtne a n . " " u “ "",. T V money back—It a c t s lik e « gram in the contest sponsored by and Mrs. John M atthieson T hurs- a petition to set off from school m odern about Lincoln or W ash- ? the Good S am aritan hospital |r „ ften one sin S ons an M c C o r ir ic k -D e e r in g F a rm M a c h in e ry the lecturer. A review of the early day and Friday. district 34 and add to district 40. mgton M ^s Etoe Caldwell a n ; PortIa.nd suffering from arthritis. Ls ™ ‘ n ° ne slP «top-s an ordinary history of the form ation of th e William Rupprecht left last week Preaching service by Rev. W. E Mrs Gladvs Mever attended a c? ? Val*?flnK. ? t ,? * . *Lome of hls Put Bucklev’s to the lest t.»(»v P hone 271 - 100 4 M a in St. Declaration of Independence and lo r Austin, Murn., to spend some Simpson a t 9:45 a. m. Sunday, f o l- ¡ presidents' luncheon at Hillsboro sLs,tf'r - Mrs. M. V Jackson. Hillsboro Pharm acy or t anv ^ fS x i making oí the constitution w a s time with relatives and friends. lowed by session of Bible school at Monday W atch next week^s d X ? . Mr, ••'ndJ Mrs. Ben VanBuren and 1 " " " J « « ° 1, i,1" 1 made by E. A. Brown of Evenin' Mr .and Mrs. H. P. Strickler were 10:15. Everyone is invited to a t- d r notice of the coming card w m & mlly and Kp" n rth VanBuren of 8 P' S tar Grange. entertained Sunday by their daugh- tend these services. w coming cara party W auna spent the week-end with w you’ AOV - P la y - D r a w s M a n y — ------- Floyd Bierlv and son Amos Bierly _ _ . - J? V anBuren’» sister. Mrs Ed ter. Mrs. W. ------------ E. Peters, and family A mysterv play, ’The Mysterious of Mountain Home. attended a 4-H club convention in ¡VI I f i n 7 P I l i a n r t f Moyer, and family — Corvallis last week The Bierly 1 le '-''-’l l X C U l l t U l O l G uests of Mr and Mrs. O V. Cane of Dr Chang,” in three acts. Celebrate Birthday brothers gave their com demon- C L j o • I ,™ r Sunday were Mr. and Mrs was presented to a capacity crowd Mr. and Mrs. Richard Joyce and a t the school auditorium Friday daughter and Raymond Homibrook stration at the meeting Ivan Bier- , JllC rW O O tl D U T ie d 'Ylene^ ‘,v and s?n J ,“,nd Mrs and daughter Shirley night. Cast included K enneth Koe- attended a family reunion a t New- ly is attending o S C H. E C. club will meet at the - Michael Conzelman, 62. died sud- \ °f North Plains, and Mr. and Mrs ber, Helen Schmeltzer. E u n i c e berg Sunday in honor of Mrs G ault, Thomas Fishburn. M argaret Joyce’s m other's 79th birthday an- grange hall M arch 14 a t 2 o'clock, denly of heart disease at hls home John Konodel and daughters Nor- All ladies are invited to attend. i near Sherwood February 19 and n>a and Maxine. Olsen. Donald Hite, K athleen Ram - niversary Mrs. Marv Kershaw- of Oak Grove ! funeral services were held Mon- O. V. F air ls recovering slowly sey. Evelyn Sherk. Jack Blanken- Mr. and Mrs. W alter F u h rer and ship, and Howard Beckham. children and George Rogers a t- who formerly resided on w hat is day afternoon at the Hollingsworth from the Injury he received Jan - Hans Gaarde Honored tended committee meeting a t the now the W. C. Hall place, is visit-1 £hai^ ' a t Newberg and at St uary 21 1 P a'd s Lutheran church. Interm ent Mrs Norman Bidwell and Miss A surprise birthday party was state legislature at Salem Friday ing Mrs. Lilly M. Bierly. Miss Laura Gerig o l Salem, who was *n the L utheran cemetery at Eldlne Bidwell spent the wf.-K-end given Hans G aarde Saturday night night. a t the home of Mrs. U. M. Fair, a t hls home Friends arrived in a Mr. and Mrs. Rene Tagho.. Henrv has been visiting relatives here I ®‘x Comers. group and really made it a sur- Taghon, a n d Theophie Cappoen during the past two weeks, re tu rn e d ! He is survived by two daughters HOW THEY GET MONEY Mrs. H ertha Meinecke and Elsie prise. Dncing was a p art of the of Cornelius were guests at the J to her home Sunday evening. evening’s entertainm ent. Attending l . Cappoen home Sunday, E. L. McCormick and nephew ,1 Conzelman; five sons, M artin, Carl. "T he sun stood still— were Mr. and Mrs. George Ander- Mrs. Joseph Werre Sr. returned Virgil McCormick, and Miss G ra c e , George. Erech and A rthur; five The axe did float— son. M r and Mrs. M. Gaarde. Mr to her home Sunday after a two McCormick, who is attending state brothers. Herm an and John o f This God ls our God." and Mrs. Bernard Wick Mr. and weeks' visit with her daughter, Mrs. normal school in Monmouth, visited Sherwood; Fred. Stockton. Cal ; So on the wall of the general Mrs. L. Erickson. Mrs. J. Wick, Miss c . C. Demmin, and family a : South Mrs- Lilly M. Bierly Saturday. Mr M artin and Henry of Frankenm uth offices of the China Inland Mission Ellen Zweiner. Miss Bemiece Dan- Tualatin McCormick and Virgil returned to Mich.; two sisters, Emma Blank In Shanghai. China. iels. Miss Cohn. Neil Miller. Henry Mr and Mrs. Edward Atbischer th eir home in Hillsboro during t h e ; San Bernardino. Cal., and M ar- W ith hundreds of missionaries In Metzentine and Curtis Tigard. spent last week-end visitin 7 with afternoon and Miss McCormick re- garet Blank. Hemlock. Mich, the field, with vast sums pouring in ------------------------- L O. O. F. Initiation Tonight Mrs Aebischer s relatives a t The turned to her school the first o f ; to keep them, not one cent is asked C harity lodge. I. O. O. F. will hold Dalles of man. "Tell the people of the Initiation in the second degree to- The Chehalem Albright B rother- Onion Price Up work and ask God for tlie money," night (Thursday 1 at Tieard. Mem- -hood met Tuesday evening at the The past week has been a busy 7 » -y . . 1 Is the program these many years. bers of the local lodges were in- home of Raleigh Whitmore. The time with some of th e onion grow - j I JIP N t- till# * « I How does God so pour out of hls yited to the Tualatin country club ladies were also invited to this ers. A num ber of truck loads have ; V J d lC N UK | g