I h iir sd n y , H IL L S B O R O Feruury 28, 1935 Contest H eld at Scholls Hall Cornelius Club Plans for Tea M rs. In n I r r Succeed» Bunning °n M r». A R G U S , W in n e rs ■ G iv e n ; C ase of S c a rle t F e v e r R e p o rte d C o m m itte e IIIy I,. II. Prmmlnl- CORNELIUS Uoi'licllu» C i v i c luipruvciuent club un i February iu at the illy hull, which waa at­ tractively decorated with Bug» uud 1 lo w e r a honoring Washington's hlrthduy. I’he r<'»lgnutlon of Mr». A. Uun- ulllg, who Inin ueen c h airm a n ol the civic com m iiii'v for mutiy y u m mid i . plunmng on m oving lo Portland • mu, wus accepted uiid Mr». till» trader wua appointed to fill the vacancy. The club voted to »poiihor a liver leu lo be held ut M l'» . Henry lle h ru ia ii'» home Murch 7. from 2 to 4. Mcndames A I.. Brock, Glto Oiborne and L. O, Mooberry are In charge. Five dollars wus voted to the HCHOLLH The following were the winners of the declamation elimination contest at the Grunge hall Friday: division I humorous, Roberta Pomeroy of Klnton. first, ¡Morris Labuse, second, district 22; non-humorus, Amy Alice Howard, i first Division II humorous. Shirley i Muthuuf district 30, first, Paul Peterson district 40. second; non- i humorous, Beulah Peterson, district 40. first. Division III Humorous. Bertha Boggensen. district 40. first; non-humorous, Wesley North, dla- | trtet 40, first. . A . Mr. and Mr». Monroe Hutchens and family, formerly of Scholl», have moved In their new home at 1 Newberg They have built where i hiilaridilp loan fund. I their other house had burned. Mrsdamcs Paul Mclunson, L. C. Miss Letha Hutchens, daughter of Mooberry. Alice MoCormac. Henry Mr and Mrs. Monroe Hutchens, dm ulmmuhlen and John Peabody 1 who has been ill for sometime, wus reported on the county federation taken to McMinnville hospital for mccUng. a week's observation. Extermination of earwig» wusdls- Build New Garage cuicwd bv Mr» A. L. Brock, with A new garage 1» being constructed llie thought of community effort at the Charles Devoure farm near , ii e poison to rid the commu­ Jacktown. nity of earwigs. Mr. and Mrs Carl Simpson vis­ A first aid demonstration was ited relatives In Dayton over the given by the seventh grade, di­ week-end. rected bv Ml»» Marguret Dixon, Mr. and Mrs Elwen Lorenzen county health nurse. spent Sunday at the Rev. Willard The contestants lo the county home In Portland. declamation contest« from Corne­ Mrs Andrew Weller Sr spent lius gave their reading». They were several days last week at the Wil­ Hetty Koster. Hetty Jo O»borne. liam Oyala home in Portland. Sun­ Delores Sahnow. Marjorie Ann Mt- day guests at the Weller home were Cormac. Bonnie Kleser. and Lot» Mrs Minnie Wenget and son of llrannock. Tillamook. The birthday anniversary of Mes- Mr«. Thompson Honored daniea Ellen Vickers. M. L. Creek- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Russell gave iiituni and George Wilcox w e r e a dinner Saturday evening in honor celebrated of Mr» Gordon Thompson on her Hosteaaes for the afternoon were birthday Herbert Fischer, Mr and Mesdamea Henry Behrman, Albert Mrs. Olger Penne and Gordon lluiinlng and Karl Hobba. Thompson were among the guests. Guests at the Theo Nissen home Farewell Given 8unday were Mrs, John Anderson A farewell party for Mr». Edltii and daughter, Mrs. Sadie Williams, FROCK that Is Ideal for school, and Just as smart as It can bs. Ihirbwuk and Mrs. John Burbank and two sons of Florida, and Mrs. and daughters was glvrn Wednes­ Is that displayed as Psttsrn 187, Flat ertpa skirt and plaid Sarah Boland. day evening ut the church. They silk blouse make so Ideal combination Patterns for 8 to 18 years Mr and Mrs. Carl Meggltt ar.d wen- p re s e n te d w ith g ilts o f i l l ) Mr. and Mrs Walter Plelth of are available Site 14 calls for 1% yards of 39-lncta fsbrle for tbs predation by the church people, Portland visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jumper, and 1 % yards tor tbs blouse presentation being made by Mrs. Albin at the stark home. A charming Jumper frock that can ba mads In materials to suit 1. C. Mooberry Present were the Mrs. Ed Holcom spent last week guest» of honor, and Rev. and Mr». the seasons— wool, cotton, or tllk — la that shown as Pattern 153. at the Mrs Harney Barklev home CliarTnn Reed. Mr nnd Mr». L. C. Patterns are available In sites 8 to I 4 years. Bits 13 requires 2 14 In Portland, helping care for her Mooberry, Mesdamea Earl Smith, yards of S5-tncb fabrlo for the drees, and 1 H yards for tha gulmpe mother, who Is seriously 111. Belle Lilly, J. W. Suver. Louise wltb short aleovea or 1 14 yards with long sleeves. Aid to Meet Friday Cochrane, Edna Russell. Mattle Scholls Ladies' Aid will meet at .Smith. W It Cooke. Juseph Coch­ To aecure a PATTERN and STKP-BV-HTEP SEWING iff- the F E Rowell home Friday ran. the Mis.se» Dorothy Cooke and H I Itt'CTIGNS, (III mil ih - riiutmn below, being aura to MENTION Seven tables of "400" were play­ Ruth McRoberts. THE NAME OF THIS NEWSPAPER. ed at the C W. Larkin home F u- Iln n u r C ountry's F a th e r dav evening when the Scholls \ \ ci- Programs bv the various rooms man's club sponsored a benefit card in the local grade school w ere party. Miss Flora Ruhlln and J- W. given In honor of Washington's FASHION BUREAU, 103 PARK AVENUE. NEW YORK I Ravna u nad high honors. birthday Mr ..Ik* Mrs. Carl Wohlschleeel Ml»» Mkry Corl of Portland silent Enclosed find.....................cents. Please send me tbe pat­ wisited Saturday night at the L. R Friday und Saturday at the W It terns cheeked below, at 15 centa each: Hullt home in Newberg. Cooke home I Mrs Pete Matthetsen and son Mr and Mrs L. C Mooberry and I Pattern No. 387 B lia . ............. Marvin of Flier, Idaho, visited rel­ Mrs M D Munn visited relatives atives here several days last week. in l*ortland Sunday. Pattern No. 353 S i t e . . . ........... | Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Flint and M rs . V ic k e rs H o n o re d daughter Marlon of Yuba. C a i. re­ Neighbors ol Woodcraft held a ' Name ..................................... .. Address............ turned Thursday They have been In MM-lal meeting Thursday evening California since Christmas He will Mrs, Ellen Vtcker» was presented City ................................................................... State. assist his father in operating the with a birthday cake. j farm. Hillsboro Folk Guests Name of this newspaper. ........................................... In Program at Laurel ljidtes Aid society of the M. E .' A musical number, with Hugh church met Wednesday for an all- I Kellogg as director and pianist, All materials specified In above patterns may be purchased day merlin-’ at the church A pot Jesse Snyder, violinist, with Lou luck dinner was served at noon ‘ In local stores. Howard. Lela Howard. Arlene Oot- and the day was spent In quilting ter and Harold Christensen as sing­ Guests from Hillsboro were Rev. visited Mrs. Ouy Orazer last week. ers. was given as the Scholls Farm- Misses Evelyn Reed und Jessie und Mrs. Charles Reed. Mrs. Helen : era' Union contribution to the pro­ D e le h m a n . Mrs M Elder. Mrs Hurt of Dilley visited Mrs. Mattle gram given at Laurel Saturday Smith Tuesday evening K L. McCormick, und Mrs. J Buck-1 | evening. , , , Mrs J C. Parmley spent Wednes­ land. i John Matthlesen Is having 'umber Mr und Mrs Vern Farmer o f : day with relatives at Aloha. A feeling of business optimism for a barn sawed at the Bonflght Mr and Mrs. C. Herman» of Mc­ l*ortland were guests of Mr. a n d ; was expressed by W. C. Cowling, _ _ ,,, Minnville visited Mr. and Mrs. F director of sales for the Ford Motor sawmill Mrs. Graxrr Monday. Representatives from the Pacific Vandehey Sunday C o rre c tio n M a d e company, In speaking before a college of Newberg will have charge Mrs. C. Wells of Redmond spent In a recent announcement of the group of dealers, bankers and news­ opening of "Hank's Market a n d the week-end with her mother. papermen in Portland Thursday He of the service at Mountain Home evening. Grocery-' It was stated that the Mrs. Joseph Cochran. declared that honest business had Sunday Mr. and Mrs Carl Rueck returned Mias Ruth McRoberts of Oales nothing to fear and that the nation store was OS m il hv Henry Herring and Henry Jueobsmuhlen It should Creek visited Mrs. J. W Suver last was going ahead As for the pres­ ! from a several weeks' trip to Call- | fornla Sunday evening. have read that It was owned and week. ent spending Mr. Cowling expressed Mrs. Francis Rowell and baby Prises Awarded C en terville operated by Henry Herring the belief that It would take care Courtesy prizes for the month of Itself satisfactorily and that the John Albert are visiting friends Mrs fa-la Woods and children and relatives In Hillsboro and Port­ Lyle and LuEdlth of Blaine are were presented at the Centerville c o u n try would be able to m eet it land during Mr Rowel's absence. school Friday to Ila Mae Vande- when It became necessary. vlsltlng Mrs Edith Burbank. He Is In Chicago and other eastern Places Won liey, Margaret Wyffels and Dick "Oet the American business man Betty Foster Betty Jo Osborne. Graaer. During the week a num- : back Into the business he knows 'cities on a business trip Mrs. Lila Henderson of Portland Delores Sahnow. Marjorie Ann Me- ber of shrubs were planted among most about, keep him In the midst Cnrmac. Bonnie Kleser. and Lois them an Ivy vine. The vine was of his business and have him direct was a guest at the J. M. Stretcher llraunoek. contestant» from t h e started from a »Up which came It rather than having the business home last week. George Lewellyn and Julius Chris­ crude school won first place In their from the grave of Oeorge Wash­ direct him. and America will forge divisions In the contest held at ington The Iowa Hill school en­ to the top.” declared Mr. Cowling. tensen were among the many dairy­ Dilley Friday afternoon They have tertained th» Centerville school Frl- i H. L. MacKenzle. local dealer, men who attended the state legis­ been coached by Mrs. Otto Osborne day afternoon A program was giv­ and W. Verne McKinney of the lature Monday. Mr and Mrs George Lewellyn Several local people attended the en In honor of Oeorge Washing- ; Argus attended the meeting. visited Hank Mebus at Lau.el S'-in- operetta •ICherryblossom'' In the ton's birthday. Hillsboro union high school audi­ Mrs. R un nin g In ju re d S H IP M E N T KE< E IV E B torium Friday night. Mrs Albert Bunntng sprained her Lester Ireland A- Company an­ D o n ’t G e t U p N ig h ts R irth d av C elebrated ankle on Thursday when she fell nounce the receipt of their share of Make This 25c Test Miss Oleva Berger was hostess at her home. ■ recent tramload shipment of May­ Use Juniper oil. Buchu leaves, lo a dinner S a lu r d a v ev en in g lion Sarah lz-e Davis has been 111 at tag washers. More than 3000 units etc., to flush out excess acids and o rin g the birthday anniversaries of the home of John Rock. In 34 cars with a value of one- matter. Get rid of bladder Mrs Lizzie Quintln of Portland. Francla 8chmldt Is confined to third of a million dollars made up waste Irritation that causes waking up. Mrs, W Berger nnd Vernon Robin­ his lioine with measles. shipment. Better business condi­ frequent desire, scanty flow, burn­ ette Present were the honored Frances and Frank Gnoss vis­ the tions here and In the northwest ing and backache. Oet Juniper oil, guests, Mrs Geneva Robinette und ited their brother. Joe. at the Ore­ l.iv o n M rs Sum Mellvmu. Chris gon Normal school at Monmouth resulted in this trainload, said Mr. Buchu leaves, etc.. In little green Ireland. tablets called Bukets. the bladder Mlchelaon, Carl Long and the host­ Sunday. laxative. In four days if not pleased ess. R unnings to Move Our classified columns may have go back and get your 25c. Get your Mr and MTs. F. Horlacher and Mr and Mrs. Albert Bunntng ex­ daughter Miss Caroline and Reldar pect to move soon to Portland, where Just wiiat you are looking for — regular sleep and feel “full of pep." Read them. Delta Drug store.—Adv. Running of Forest Grove visited at Mr Bunntng has employment. the W. R Cooke home Wednesday Mrs. W. Snipes and Mrs. R. a lle m o o n Bruce of Reedvlle visited Mrs. Oen- Ba nee Attracts eva Robinette Saturday. Baseball dance Friday night In M ove to H illsboro Running's hall was well attended. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gill and chil­ Mr and Mrs Henry Hoffman fur­ dren. who have been living In the nished tlie music. Mrs Henry Peterson of Gaston, Frank Ruv house, moved to Hills­ who has been recuperating from a boro last week. They had lived severe bum at the home of her bi Hillsboro prior to tnelr residence parents, Mr and Mrs. Roy Cook here. was able to return home. printing—Argus. Quality Mlsa Orpha Carter of Flrdale n , _ i . r i. r A H IL L S B O R O , Page Three O R E G O N The Evils of Insincerity Text« Arts 8 1 « . BUM-'¿4 The In te r n a l lo n a l L n ito r m Bunday Heliool laiaaon fo r M a rch It. • • • BII.B mankind la undoubted­ ly more interested In trulfi than falseh.wd 11 nevertheless seems that «real liar, art apt io attract mnra Interest often than great truth tellers Perhaps this explains the popularity of tbs story nt Ananias arid Uapphtra People refer to s «real liar to­ day as an “Ananlaa. ' thou«h Ananlae waa somethlOB more than a liar the fact la that Ananias la perhaps more closely related to most persona than they realize, because bit deep aln wae ool In telling an untruth, but In profeaRlnx to be some­ thing that be waa not and to be doln« something that be was not doing A wava of One social enlbnsl- asm nad swept over these early Cbrlailana. destroying distinc­ tions of wealth and rank, mak­ ing tboae wbo were well-to-do ready lo minister to tba oeeda of tboae wbo larked—a sort of Christian communism. very nobie tor tboae like Uarnabaa, wbo could enter into It earnestly and sincerely, but difficult tor those whose souls were ool part- fled and enriched with tbe spirit of unselfishness. w e e rpHE tendency I d all inch altn- * atlona la tor ideals to become dominant and sxacttng to such way that Individuals wbo have not undergone tbe oecesaary ex­ perience tbai enables them to r * apond naturally and sincerely are. nevertheless, too weak to ex­ press tbelr dissent. So they profess to live accord­ ing to tbe Ideal while tbe reality of tbelr lives la very different. Tbus It waa that Ananias and Sapphire, bis wife, possessing property, did not say, as they might uava said, Wa are not willing to give all ibis as others are giving " Instead tbuy pro­ fessed to be giving It all. but they actually kept back part of tbe pries They came laying tbelr gifts at tbe apostle's fast, professing lo ytald tbelr all. where they wera withholding much for tbem- selves. Tbe condemnation in onr iee- aon waa ool because tbey did not give II up. but because, as Feter said to them, tbey bad Ued to tbe Holy Spirit. Ihe property waa tbelre while tbey nad IL It waa In tbeli power Sul wben tbey professed to give It to pur­ poses of tba eburcb and kept It tor tbemerlvea. It became a dif­ ferent matter. e e e HE unholy use of boly things la further Illustrated in tba story ot Feter and Blown Magus —a man wbo was not a saint «3 bearu hot a magician wbo dw- sired to have tba power tbat ha taw tbe apostles exercising, and wbo imagined tbat It could ba bought wltb money. Tba tin of tbla Simon tba magician waa tba aln of those wbo try to commercialize ra- llglon, wbo i t k i tbe holy things tbai ought to ba above all aelt- Intereai and profit and turn them to tbelr own base and». Against all such Ananlaaaa ana Sappblraa and Simona, one must set tba beauty and integrity of Christian character and ao- tlon. tbe beauty ot supreme and self-sacrificing devotion. Tba belgbi and glory ot tba Christian witness must never he com pro mlaed by regard for those wbo tall to lira op lo Lialr profession. It la ool by tba tailors ot men, by tbelr weaknesses and nypoo- rlslas, tbat wa should ludga tba trutb and the Christian Ideal, bm by tba triumphant living ot those wbo measure up to tba supreme tesL afternoon with a program. The pro- ' •r cent of the people Interviewed gram ended with the first graders »ve become members. marching in with a large birthday , cake in memory of the birthday of I Hillsboro Argus contain» all the Oeorge Washington. About 60 were news of Hillsboro and the sur­ present. Mias Irene Stevens is the rounding communities. Read It and teacher. keep informed on what la Itappen- ing at l*ome. if Cedar Mill Folk in Pension Club Dally Trips to Portland H ills b o ro A u to F re ig h t Bonded and Insured Carrier A Townsend Old Age Pension club was formed at Cedar MUl S ervin« Beaverton. Aloha, Keed- vtlle, Hillsboro, Cornelius and Thursday night with more than 250 Forest Grove members. Another meeting will be held at 8 p. m. March 7 in the Pickup and Delivery Service at Cedar Mill Grange hall. Mr. Mag- Package Kates wood will speak. Everyone is invited Hillsboro Phone 542 John P. Meurer, who was in Hillsboro Saturday, said the club East Side Terminal Portland had prospects of obtaining 100 more Phone EAst 9131 members and that more than 90 ë w s 'v rC v v; T . . . when men wore sidewhiskers and women wore vegetable gar­ dens on their hats? Fashions have changed — and banking has ad­ vanced for your benefit since then. Save regularly in this modern banking institution. day afternoon. He has been ill. Ina and Miss Mary Keerlns of | L. E Francis, assistant county Portland. agent, and the Chehalem Mountain Inspect C a rn a tio n P la n t 4H potato club was entertained with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Trask, Ar­ a supper at the John Schmeltzer mour Reynolds and Miss Evelyn home Wednesday evening. They lat­ Hesse attended a tour of the Car­ er studied potato demonstration. nation milk plant in Hillsboro Sun- I Mr. and Mrs. Otto Magnuson of day. It was sponsored by the I. G .! Gresham spent Friday at the Joe A. of which the Potter <& Trask , Magimson home. store Is a member. The affair cul- ' Mias Erma Baker of Manning minated in a chicken dinner ban- ! spent the week-end at the Harry quet at the Pairvale country club. Schmeltzer home and they were Mrs. Jesse Pendleton, a teacher all guests at the Mrs. Flora Baker at Underwood. Wash., was a week- - home Sunday. end guest of her brother. Clifford. Mr. and Mrs C. M. Barnes of Trask, and family. Beaverton visited at the Walter Mrs. Elizabeth Reed left Saturday Burke home Sunday. for Seattle, Wash., to visit friends and relatives. Have Scarlet Fever Another member of the Lawrence j Move Here Ficken family has scarlet fever A ' Mr. and Mrs. P. Taylors of La- son Robert was taken 111 last week. Grande have moved on the Smith Sunday guests at the J. B. Bart­ farm. Mr. and Mrs. Barbo of Portland lett home were Mr and Mrs. J. H. Neal of Aloha. Other guests were' spent the week-end on their n ew : Mr and Mrs. Sam Keerlns and farm on the mountain. Entertain Mothers children May Jeannette and Ther- The primary children of Midway man Oliver of John Day. Mrs. Joe Ket rins of Izee and Oral tan Keer- entertained their mothers Friday Commercial National Bank "The Largest Independent Bank in Washington County” HILLSBORO OREGON Optimism Regards Business Expressed THE N EW CHEVROLETS • • the sensible answer to your motor cor needs In ¿ 0 0 K for th • PERFORMANCE This year select Northwest tested leedi and you will be aswred of bountiful crop». Reliable dealers everywhere display the bright orange and green »eed boxes for particular gardeners. NEW O n ly N ears are handsome, roomy, reliable. *4 65 AND UP. L ia t p ric e o f New S t a n d e r d R o e d a te r e t F lin t , M ic h ., 9465 W it h b u m p e ra , •p e r e t ir e e n d t ir e lo c k , th e h a t p ric e ie $20 00 e d d i tio n e l. F ricee e u b je c t to c b e n $ e w it h o u t n o tic e . •19“ offered you value to compare with this New Standard series. The The price— world's lowest price for a six! The operating economy — even greater than that of last year's models— which means less gas and oil consumption! The perform­ ance—amazingly fleet and spirited. See this car— drive i t — today! THE NEW MASTER PE LUXE CHEVROLET T HE new Master De Luxe Chevrolet is the most beautiful car th at Chevrolet lias ever built. W ith four added inches of overall length— with gracefully stream­ lined Turret-Top Body by Fisher— with smartly lower appearance— i t ’s the Fashion Car of th« low- price field. And i t ’s also the finest performing Chevrolet ever pro­ duced. CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT. MICHIGAN Attachments $6.00 ’5 6 0 AND UR. L ia t p ric e o f M e a te r D e L u r e C o u p e e t F l in t , M ic h , $560. W it h b u m p e re , ap e re t i r e e n d t ir e lo c k , th e l ie t p r ic e ie $25 00 a d d i ­ tio n a l. F ric e e e u b je c t to chen^e w it h o u t n o tic e . K n e e A c tio n o p t io n a l e t $20.00 e e tre . I .ompare Chrm let't low d rlin m l prices and easy- G.M..4 .C. terms. A General Motors Value DKA LCR A D W R T IS C M O r i Phone for Free T rial! Small monthly payments! Small carrying charge! PORTLAND SEEDS Buy them at Selfridge Furniture Co. 1138 Third St. CHEVROLET for 1935 D iam ond Q u a lity Hillsboro Feed Co. Phone 2 1 X Phone 271 1004 Main St. F O ß -.E C O N O M IC A L T R A N S P O R T A T IO N H ills b o ro M o to r Company T h ird and W ashington Sts. J A M E S W H IT E L A W , P rop rieto r Telephone 441