H IL L S B O R O Page Two l i there - J was t í visible T f to t all t of a us f a f dark l > THE KENNEL .. . li a i» « a ll n f tits a J 'ír l, A R G U S, Her Garden Wins U. S. Contest -w» bruised indentation on the scalp along the hair lute. T hen he lifted Coe's upper Up slightly, and seemed to inspect hts teetn. which appeared bloodstamed from where I stood, j Alter a close inspection of the dead m an's mouth, he again focused his I attention on th e bullet wound in tlie right temple. S. S. V a n Din« Presently he stood up straight ' and fixed a calculating gaze on • Vance. Copyright by W. U. Wright "W hat's in your m ind?” he asked 1 truculently. WNU Servie« “Nothrng a t all—the brain's a mere vacuum." Vance took his cigar- , ette from his lips and yawned. "Did THE STORY i you find any thing illum inatin'?" C H A PTER 1 - P h o T V .n.-e. « r - . in ! '» ^d ed . h is eyes still on w» H IL L S B O R O , Thurmlny, February 28, 1936 OREGON i . ... . .» ,, a cavernous yawn, stretched the closet, and then nut the dress admitted, even If It were true M„(1 ,, ‘u lu d (or Ids hal mg gown on the slabbed man. winch, of course, we don t know n • placed on the Lorn Why me niurui 1», Vance par-1 And i l l adm it 11 the _sounds liicredlble. made suggestion. by | l)1>hldt, (jic tx d mr indications out " He son'ie on‘e";ise“ cam e'hcro m ter Coe way of tmilcalmg i t a i . « this stage ^ w e . ^ » j ... Doremus drew a sheet over the prone figure on tile l i d . t u id m a il. pul an order for lit......... »1 tl.. body lie shook hands eordluli willi every one and Wanted brisk ¿¿Ward N. „ MURDER CASE By aoftytng crim e m y s te r i« , ia called in tv » *. ingBB tiff ate th e auppuaed suicide of Arche« P le n ty ! Cxfc w ealthy collector of Chine»« cecu- | " O h . r e a lly . HOW? n.gh. P u t n e t A ttorney Markham ha* ingratiatingly “And learned th e circum stance» over the tele- suicide?’’ V & nC t k VUIIVV a-ex-s» as.*... ««««, VUIVIIUII/ - •- 7_ News L etter Glv- ghllghts ol oflldnl ac- Kvery week In the tf Semi-Annual Report of Receipts and Disbursements by County Clerk Beginning July *• 1934, and Ending December 31. 1934 fax Collection and Penalties Motor Vehicle and T ransportation Fund Irre d u c ib le S ch o o l F u n d High School Tuition Fund Land Sold Through Tax Foreclosure sales Rock. Gravel and Rond Oil Sales— Miscellaneous M aterial Equipment Rental 1 Fees and Fines—Justice Courts County Recorder's Fees .... — S m ile d yOU StiU think Doremus crammed his hands into .... hi* em p lo y « '* he'll,-on, J,x,r Gambia his pockets and made a wry face. »*¡4 he k«d looked th r c iv h th e keyhot< ' ‘ H—4, no! . . . There s something and had .«eon Coe »rated, a revolver m queer here—something d—d queer, hi« rqrht hand and a bullet hole iu hi* Has eyes Shifted to Coe's body u ^ ? le ..Th.e* <,oor T".. bol'rf °i* 1 "There's blood in his mouth, and h 'i^ r m, r N™m York -a' *7tw “ih ^ fi^d he's 8°t a slight fracture of the » iSJd ¿r Co.'* i skull on the left frontal. He's had a S i«»or Craaai. a rueat. Sen tean t Hoaih dirty blow by a blunt instrum ent and D etective Hennm aer burst in the of some kind . . . D—d queer!" door, revealing the death chamber. Coe Markhani. his eVCS mere slits, C o u n ty S h c r itt s F ees Temporary Auto License Fees \ ..... Fax C o llectio n s Interest on Bank Deposits R e fu n d s B e h in d o n G a so lin e (370.858 84 40.271.01 11.234 85 457.12 3.450 30 4.409 34 123. Id 1,714.25 1.094.12 3.'295.45 350 00 279 25 53 44 78.28 26 90 1,240.20 County Health Nurse County Herd Inspector Dog Fund law Library Fund Court House Building Fund County Agent Delinquent Tax Foreclosure Expense C ounty Fair tR acing Fundsi Peace Officers' Contribution District Scaler T ualatin River Flood Control Project Expense Personal Property Tax Collection Expense Audit Comity Books for 1st Half of 1934 Tax Retunds - —... - — Indigent Soldiers' Fund Damages for Injury Sustained by Dep. Assessor Refund ot Money Collected Through Sale of De­ ------ lin q u en t lax I a n d 901) 27 285 80 1 „..'I pi 229 37 50 50 l.ooi 18 882 03 413 08 19 1 111 93 54 04 00 44 80 1311 (Ml 10.33 II 50 till IX) 338.50 Despite th e ta c t th a t her Dog Fund -------------------------------------------- 22.20 ia clothed in a dreaaing gow n, but wears fo r w a r d 1,348 91 Trust Fund yard, situ ated on a bluff, was a atrtet »hoar. Heath -or* it •» * Plain - w h a t a b o u t t h a t b u l le t w o u n d ca se oolied down at the area on Court House E x p e n se ----------------------- 2.554.96 11990 28 Union High School No. 5 of disgust. "A dead m an doesn't ordinarily ..S iiL a o a twrh a r c U y , t h e body at which Doremus was Circuit Court Expense — ............ 3 440 63 “Well, w hat about it?" he asked bolt doors, either,” Vance returned. Union High School No. 8. Joint _ 1.515 00 Pom»"«- Commissioner's Court Expense 4.112 33 Impatiently. Couldn't you have let d ^ ^ t o ^ r a m u s ’ 1“ 1 Sll8htly mg CK h L ' ' " QUlU? 475 00 Union High School No 7, Joint Ju st a n eet' J u « below Coe's right shoulder-i Justice Court Expense 478.35 mo finish my breakfast? All you Union High School No. 8. Joint 80 20 wound ^ u ? ¿ S ’ c t a T **nd I’n ’‘" U° n EXP““ S<‘ HIM 99 npeded was an order to remove the lumCadno c & detennin" ' What klIled n eMn trk^ m StUdl? J ” 1" “ 2.623.29 body." He reached in his pocket him doctor? m ent; then turned back to Dore- half an inch in diam eter. It was Tout »3M.I97 94 and drew out a sm all pad of p rin t­ 1.045 92 »'If given time.” Doremus had be- mus. . . . ul wound etched wirn a v™ clean-cut with County Treasurer ed blanks. I'd have sent an assist­ turn6 ofU'event«e d ‘d " Ot INTEREST ON ENDORSED WARRANTS 3.886 338 the . "Did Coe die of th a t blow on the coagulated blood Apparently there £ ° uni,y ,.S h e r l I , r , ant." His voice had become peevish 1.961 17 County G eneral Fund 3.99194 -i «V •• draa-ieA v«nee head? had been no external bleeding. This Tax Collection D epartm ent “Mr. M arkham told me to call 23)06 80 t h i i t a f e 'n f rianr L e t in The medical examiner teetered on fact struck me as unusual, and County Recorder la w Library Fund 1 81 you personally, doc." H eath explain­ o •wha?« ír x-ictoD" “ Is toes, and p u r e d his h p f M arkham must have received the County Assessor 3.483 32 County Road Fund 2.709 97 ed. “I t ain 't my funeral." ^ • ¿ . - » « h i n g . funny here. ^ T s ' ^ ^ ' h e ^ ^ k i e ^ » 84.99 M arket Road Fund _ .70 t 8.704 48 Doremus. holding his fountain pen "It's well advanced. Dead eight to _________ There's been an internal hemor- '.'him* i t * * * * ' hC asked DorcmiL' County School Superintendent 1,821 85 poised, cocked an eye a t M arkham . twelve hours. “Straight case of suicide." he an ­ “C an't you come closer th a n rhage—w hat m ight be expected from . v, . r Teachers' Institute Total Blsburarmrnt* 35 50 »487,£58.87 severe blow on the head. Blood nal^ ‘- n ^ r e i X e x X n M "-Aix w ' 8th nounced breezily. "Nothing to worry th at?" asked H eath sourly. 8th G rade and and T"° Teachers' Exams 13 30 Less Cancelled W arrants 1,753 65 "Give me a chance." The medical ‘n the m outh and all th a t . . . But. especially t r u e s t r?ean m .lck’lra lS 4-H Club Work about. I'll give you th e approximate 38.80 time of death, if you want it. And examiner was irritable. “I ’m going Mr M arkham. —Doremus s p o k e S h S i ? Countv Attorney 721 30 to take I a go. closer im k at mtv fr°n lmpressivelv_“th at blow nn the left branes county Attorney — Expense ■— • »405.505 22 the routine autopsy. , . . . . Lend me tHi« a haUd tal wasn’t powerful enough to »nai pass ft? , through viscera: thin th -e V mem frequently Insane and Feeble-minded 182.55 Cash Balance nn Hand December 31, 1934 88X50 M "I say doctor.” Vance asked lan ­ Sergeant, and w ell put him on W1 a man. A S ig h t fracture8 bm ? ^ ’ Health O ,nc* ‘r 450.00 guidly; "would it be unprofessional the bed............. ” nothing serious—just enough to stun ™ TJi!K b i ^ , ? g . L' H ealth R egistrar ------- -------- ---- — Total DlaburaeinrnU and Cash Balance if you looked a t the body?" 38 25 ,445.7 '. . ' ' “Ju st a moment. Doctor." Vance 'h him _ he didn't die of m iSuSitv .n n j ,Ji!ilSi,ataD, c,‘?sea lm7 f™ 11 H orticultural Inspector Doremus spun round. "Ju im . . . Nope. N ope.'he 242.00 L e u O utstanding W arrants December 31. 1934 215,154 37 “I ’m going to look a t the body " spoke premptorily. Take a look at concussion of a fractured skull." in h e re d ' A»d tm tem il°h Jm o reh « iCi County Coroner 3 . ' . ’ . 'l l 1‘ the h and on the desk. Is it clutch- ;And he didn't die of the re- «as Taiise* Veil ™mDie Now C a ttle Indemnity 88 Total Receipt« and Balance« »338.6*0X5 U a P“ 1 m or' 1118 the revolver. taking great care volver shot." added Vance Most we have an e x n l a n a t m n o f everv ------------------------ tem W hat more do you w a n t? ' not to make any finger prints on fascinatin'! . . . still the johnny's thine ” a ” expianatlon oi ever>' Total Itn'rlpt» R nianrw Ju st why. Doctor,” pursued it. dead, don't y know ” v / L . .»,,i»a Tranafrra K creipta Italanre, and Dlaburaam anta Tran»r»ra Iloranibar St, In Ila lanca* X ™ t t S / i v s ^s5cWe»” tbe C0°* ^ ‘r t fOX * nM DOremUi SWUnR about t0 Health "o S . w e have Jul» I. 1(34 Out IM4 50.50 f D oreniis sighed im patiently. d r o ^ ^ i t in a lm-ge^Sockl? hand^ "Come on- Sergeant.” only an examination of the cause Court House Building Fund and 1.581 81 I, 307 99 1X3131 “The g u n 'e in his hand; the bul- kerchief, and placed itPon the blot- and Heath lifted Coe's body fha t explana- 213 82 ) Jail Annex Building Fund aPd a carried it to the bed. To- 1" ^on " complicates cue the situation nor- hor- ------------------------------------ let wound is in the right place; and ter. an 45 40 128.082 49 23.413 60 13,338 28 29.128 78 I know a dead m an wnen I see one "And. Doctor." pursued Vance 8 « h e r they removed the clothing n makes the case even more County O eneral Fund 152.141 49 109.674 43 57039 VM H 446 00 130 39 Furtherm ore, the door—" "was Coe's finger pressed pressed dir^ct^y directly from £b e dead man. hung . . County F air (Racing Funds) ___ _______finger ___ » them _— - ov- M arkham shot him a quick County F air Fund 1.451.52 "Was bolted on the inside. V ance1 against the trigger?” er a chair by the bed.and Doremus 1,450 00 1 40 1,451 52 40,371.01 48.507 94 finished. Oh quite. B ut w hat ab o u t| ""Yep." was'Etoreinus' curt answer began his examination. The body gla? c®a n .f h» «« m - u County Road 952162 98.300 57 7.644 32 M yM M — — w its back, and as Dore- , I can t see that, he said. It at county School Fund th e body?" 47,218.08 County School Fund II. 946 33 "Then we may assume th a t the was I j mg on 59.165 01 10,154.29 49.010.72 have "W e ll'w h a t about it?" D orem us! revolver w as'placed In Coe s” h an d mi*s Pressed his hand over the right Siti.i.i«iSr,o.Onexv^°lnnr«w e « ™ « i Drainage Dtstrlct No. 7 2,580 It 204.04 530 65 2.784 15 2.247 50 began fili in the order. “There's before rigor mortis set in. w hat’ " 5“*® * e could see him pause and ,? Fire Patrol 1,423 79 358.44 1.400 02 1.782.23 31021 the body—look at it yourself." "Well. I'll tell you. H e"-p o in tin g bend for’ ard- u h a .1 st"PPed him In the middle Estate Fund 520.12 520 12 “I have looked ¿ t i " d o n 't y - to C r ts ¿¿ d y -" m a y have had the "F lfth ” b broken." he announced, of changing his clothes." 520.12 330 51 know." 3 gun in hU hand when he died I "And a decided bruise." "I » ondcr . . Vance crushed Escheat Fund 330 51 33091 865 100 00 “You see. Doc." H eath explained wasn't present y' n n d ersu n d And "Dld “ happen before or after out his c lg y e tte In an ssh-tray institute Fund 108 05 35.50 73 15 296 60 with a grin of satisfaction Mr if the gun was akeadv in hts hand death? ' asked M arkham. on l h® n ^ h t-ta b e , and picked up Land Indem nity Fund 296 60 3M '¡il Vance and I made a bet. I said then nobody put it there la te r" Before. Otherwise there'd be no fhc dressing-gown which Coe had T rust Fun<1 3.994 80 1.348 91 5.34371 5343.71 you'd say suicide, and he said you'd “In th at case how could it have epidermal discoloration.' bee n wearing when we found h m. d ........ 338 50 2,309.92 I 669 31) 2.648 42 979 12 say murder." been fired?” Ahd th a t blow on the b rad was He held It up to the light and in- 3.110 66 3523 38 1.340 00 0.634 04 5.294 04 " I’m a doctor, not a detective” " It couldn’t But how do vou also before death. I take it." spected it minutely. There was It High 8chool Tuition 12.769 62 1,575.66 14,345 28 14.311 25 34 03 Doremus returned acidly. "The guys know it was fired? Theie's no wav thing. He got a little bunged !i? or,^2!S . of„„aI’yi„kln.d .22«i 90 80 Fund ... — ...... 90 80 45 40 45 40 dead, with a bullet hole in his right of telling until the post m ortem “ P dl®d ' bul th a t lsn 1 sdenre all looked on in stupefied Game entary School 6.09 29.028 78 29.034 87 29.030.07 4 80 temple. H es holding a gun in his w hether the b u lletin his head came wbat killed him. « MarkJiam,” Vance said, plac- Elem Law Library Fund “ ■ • - of - wound frorw h e e m in h c r h a D s . s suggested u g g e s t e d V Vance, a n c e “ t — he 77.07 209 0 0 right hand. It's the kind from t th gun he e «rec was holding." »» < P Perhaps nf , ------------------------- 39 49 247 18 280 07 th a t could have been self-inflicted. "Do the caliber of tlie revolver bIow on the head and the broken 1 ' O arden Home W ater District 488 93 1.124 55 1.61348 382 19 1.231 29 on his W s position Is natu ral—and the and th e wound correspond?” ^ have^ 32 11 1.194 06 1.220 17 1 gun's a n b are related. He may have been ^ ^ “ d “ ^ ^ ^ C r o c e h ^ d â id n n ^ t w a s ^ “ ^ ' w V s ^ lo ^ W .t^ D ts tr lc t 100 59 1.11758 door was locked on th e inside The "Yes. I'd say so. The gu 449.71 1.109 60 1 5 5 9 31 19 113 I...-HI ?H F ?1 ‘L i * up you Allows In .38 and the wound looks the »—»»« - . . . . . . 2,713.70 84891 he same t b i • ^ S t u i “ an d a X ' W H eS h*e J S ' ' D istrict Roads 3.502 07 432 19 3.130 48 from th e Cg u n bd on 7 'fiIL the* autop- ^ A n d . ' put hi H eath, one cham - ' Was the blow on the b e a d '? 1} ' g^ ' hhe h<3?d the CiU eiiand^Tow n 3,07951 4.310.23 2 .1 0 0 09 7.389 74 5,280 65 8.087 87 21,311 68 sy il show it. You’ll get all the data her of the gun's been fired " jxnverful enougti to h a lt rendered d.®rhuib £ ..robe hen dld th apd Towns 29.399 55 24.901 22 4 498 33 16,598.19 53.040 29 tomorrow Then you can draw your M arkham nodded, and looked at bim unconscious?” Vance was look- stat*>‘ng D istrict Sc boots — 09.038.48 54.548 45 15.000 03 OTO conclusions.' the medical examiner. ing around the room a t the various^ .YS?“ ¿ ‘“ ’i *L“ rJ£ 'ad, Land C ontract Fund 1,370 44 1.370 44 1.370 44 Vance had sat down in a chair If it should prove to be true, Pieces of furniture, and there w a s; * ou wl° b u t t l e d ttg h tl^ and Highway Fund 40,271.01 40,27 1 01 40.271.01 near th e west wall and was smoking Doctor, th a t the revolver in C oes a X^'ed in te re s tin his eye». . r. ¿r d a r o u n d Non-High School Fund 7,04197 23 834.81 30.876 58 24.840 09 6.036 49 Placidly hand fired the shot in his head . , , ° b - yes.’ Doremus told him. “ » t V je belt was neatly tied aroimd Union High 8chool No. 1 2.106 80 3.890 79 5.997 05 3,967 IMI 2.030 65 "Would you mind. Doctor, taking then we could assume, could we M°re ‘b an likely. i Coe s middle^ . But let us see Union High School No. 2 4.184.10 7,65295 11.837 11 9.S96 U 2.240 46 a close look a t th a t bullet hole be- not, as Mr. Vance suggested, th at . Vance s gaze came to rest on a » » e can verity tn e m atter 4.850 14 21.575 30 127.50 20.552 94 25,140 85 fore you retu rn to your hot cakes the revolver had been »laced in heavy teakwood chest n ear t h e , , Me. *.a *“Cd quitxiy io tne ciotnes Union High School No. 3 .... 1,406 09 and sausages? And you might also the dead man's hand before rigor east *?ndt?"5- G° lng ,t° il, he ° p - w S 'lllS itiv 'a y a ^ O M n in V th ^ dooi ' fin!°n w °'s* ’ JOlnt i « ' {jsrutmtze tb r f l t i l i n w s m o u th .' . mortis set in ?” ened th e I d and looked in. Then »lightly ajar. Opening the door union High School No. 5 150.: .35 13.383 70 13.540 06 12.000 11 127.50 1,400 44 Doremus stared at Vance a mo- Sure you could.' Doremus' tone be closed it almost immediately. » ‘de. he stepped .inside A mom ent Unlon Hlgh No fl Jo(nt 75( OH 1.881.45 1950.53 1.515 00 441 53 ent: then he approached annroached Archer A rch er w a s greatly a r e a t l v modified. tn n d ifie r t "W nhnrfv rr a ild . pursued Vance, turning haneer from f rrim which w h ic h HeraenHcH a Union High School No. 7, Joint 166 166 ' 78 m ent; was "Nobody could ? And, .' Parsued depended 355 02 521.80 475.00 46 80 S ^ c ? c d ° iL and OTer‘t. | He ln : have forced the gun into his hand °c^ h “ ¿ainedrncon- coat8 and waist-coat o f^lh e same | Union High 8chool No. 8. Joint 59.58 37 83 97.41 HH .'II 17.21 spected the wound carefully, and and m ade it appear n atu ral after ^ g ^ e ^ v e ri soon l f t « th a t somber gray m aterial as th a t of the »109.133.09 »446,127 98 ( 69.572.69 »624,833 70 »475,011.07 » 09,572 09 » 80 250 00 blow on his head?” trousers Coe had been wearing Vance ran his fingers over the i ____ ____ __ “T h at's problematical.” Doremus ln the vicinity of the right OUTSTANDING WARRANTS DECEMBER 31, 1934 straightened and screwed up his coat shouder. and there was revealed a O eneral Fund ................. .....— ..... »137.208 49 face into a perplexed frown. "He 77.945.88 m ight have rem ained unconscious slit in the m aterial the exact at» Road Funds of the wound in Coe’s back. There Total O utstanding W arrants December 31. 193t »215.154.37 for twelve hours, and he might have come to in a few minutes. All was a sim ilar slit ln the back of depends . B ut th a t’s not w hat’s tbe wast-coat. coinciding with the s ta te of Oregon, County of W ashington, as. bothering me. There are a couple of, on® bi th i, *»?&»*, . *i , Edw. C. Luce, County Clerk of W ashington County, Oregon, do In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed sm all abrasions on the inside of t h e ' .Vance held the two articles ot h,.reby certify th a t the foregoing is a true and correct statem ent of the seal of the County Court of Washington Countv. Oregon, this c‘u8tht; n antdhefiX c k l e - a dn d a they’re " < ? th T T ltts V th hU ^iingere the receipts, disbursements and balance« by funds of W ashington 22nd day of January, 1935. S il f r e s h T'rik s a v h e 's n u t 1 » n a "These holes," he said, " a r e County, Oregon, for the period commencing July 1, 1934, and ending EDW. C. LUCE, scrap with whoever cracked him 3liRbtly stiffened at the edges, as December 31. 1934. as appears upon the records of my office and in (SEAL) County Clerk of Washington County, Oregon. over the head. And yet his clothes ‘f «omTe, *absla"?e„ , , ^ „ drlXd„ ? ? ' niy c>^ » d y su n , clerk.___________________________________________ were certainly neat—no sign of hav- ^bem I think th at substance will be Edward C. Luce, Clerk of 1928 ing been mussed—and his h air’s 4,320.9.1 C“ h aannd "th ere w T a gim i n ' when he w a ? ? ta b £ d . a ^ t h a ^ e W ashington County. Oregon. 1927 2.491.99 1920 h is’S i d . ^ndd ¥ % W” tt?ng8U?esS b ^ on thef dagger, or knife. ..hied Dear Sir; 1.309.47 The following Is a statem ent of the am ount of taxes collected by 1925 788 85 ful-like a n d looking peaceful," J. W. Connell, Sheriff, from July 1, 1934, to December 31. 1934. C o lle c tio n s u n d e r te n - p a v m e n t piny, not In clu d ed In above added H eath with puzzled disgust. ’l .'i.“ * Year Amount Collected am ounts 3,798.67 Somebody m usta dolled him up ?h e?» »193,913 64 after th e battle A swell situation " PnR}aed„,l? l« ,1'llOugl1' uPPcrm ost ln 1933-34 00.009.11 1932 »357.880.14 sho?sUi ^ t y ind Mnark h am n8e the case. Vance, the 1931 - 36.209 42 Respectfully submitted. •^Whieh “exolains his still wearing murderer m ust have taken Coe’s 1930 — 40,585.27 hlsWs trre teX& with hts ba" h? eoat and vest off. hung them In J. W CONNELL. 8herlff, 13,852.79 1929 By Gladys Eisner, Tax Deputy. robe.” H eath addressed this re ­ m ark to Vance. Vance gazed mildly at the ser- ! geant for a moment. "Why should anyone re-dress a Beginning July 1, 1934, and Ending Decem ber 31, 11 person he has Just knocked uncon­ scious, and then comb his hair? AnAlffn- A «A e*H or*a Receipt* TranAfffn» Warrant!« Interrai nn Baiane«* Total Sheriff Hon'l» anil A»»iirn- Trannfers I t ’s a sweet, kind-hearted thought, Total Dia- ( aah on mento Ml AC. June 30 an«l Vouch«*™ Warrantn Tax ItareipU I niara»t m in li "Blue M onday" originated with a 16th hi i ratonen tn hand Jan. 2 Sergeant, but somehow It’s not the * 9,119.67 » ........... $ 45.40 » 23.413.60 »152.141 49 *3.991 94 »108,682.49 »21.45 »119,541.37 County Fund »29.128.78 »138.803.21 usual procedure. . . No, I ’m afraid »13.338.28 century European custom of decorating the 9,471.66 9,521.62 40,271.01 98,300.57 87.886.28 2,769 97 7 64 39.028.64 County Road we’ll nave to account for Coe’s 90.658 25 7,844.32 11.80 848.91 3,562.67 3,130.48 2.701 98 D istrict Road churches in blue on the Monday before Lent. 3,130.48 432.19 3,079.51 7,389.74 5,280.65 4.31023 Special Road 5,280 65 2.108.09 3,523.38 6,634.04 5,293.28 .76 3,110.66 M arket Road Then, for years "Blue Monday" referred to 5.294.04 1.340 00 11,710.02 11.946 33 59,165.01 49,010.72 6.61 35,502 06 County School 49.010.72 10.154.29 washday. That was when washday meant car­ 89,638.48 478.76 16,598.19 44,93369 2.99 62,558 54 .17 District School 9.61459 64.548.45 15.090 03 60,375.99 275.18 11,598.95 41,759.36 48,490 51 11.35 13.67 11,013.78 Union High School rying in water from pump or rain barrel, 52,786.81 7,589.18 612.29 1,575.66 13,679,88 14,345 28 • • a 631.37 12,157.33 High School Tuition 14,311 25 34 03 waiting for it to heat, filling and emptying 3.40 7,041.97 30,876 58 24,637 57 339.13 23,492 08 202.52 Non-High School 24,840.09 6,036 40 C H IC K S T A R T IN G M A SH 6 09 29.034 87 29.028.78 29.030.07 awkward tubs— drudgery. Elementary School 29.030.07 4.80 358.44 1,782.23 1,423.79 1,468.02 Fire Patrol 1,460.02 31621 970.75 75.65 4,39896 3,889.15 3,352.56 W ith m ilk and yeast, with * • • W ater Districts Both "Blue Mondays" are now things of the 3.689.15 509 81 8,087.87 29.399.55 115.56 21.196.12 24,901.22 • • • Cities and Towns milk, without m ilk or yeast. 24,901.22 4.49833 past. The church custom is no longer followed 520.12 520.12 Estates 5 2 0 12 3.994.80 Chick Scratch, Chick Grit, 1,348.91 5,343.71 T ru st F u rd ........ and the convenient service your water com­ 5 343 71 296.60 296.60 Land Indem nity................ phick Fountains, Feeders, pany offers has banished washday blues. 1,451.52 1,451.52 1,450.06 County F air 1,460.06 1.46 find Brooders. Buy the best. 570 39 576.39 446.00 County F air—Racing C. 440.00 130 39 209 00 77.67 286 87 County Library 245.37 1.81 Our prices are right. 247.18 39 49 204 04 2.784 15 200 00 Drainage Dlst. No. 7 2.580.11 2,047.50 2,247.50 538 65 40,271.01 8.580.98 46,851.99 Highway Pund 8.580.98 40,271.01 48,851.99 1,307.99 213.82 1,581 81 Building Fund 50.50 50.50 1,531 31 90 80 90 80 O ame Fund 45.40 45.40 90 80 2,309 92 338.50 2.64842 Dog Fund 1,669.30 Feed - Seed - Eggs and Poultry 1,669.30 979 12 8.65 100.00 Institute Fund.................... 108.65 35.50 RICHARD E. WILEY, Manager 35.50 73.15 Escheat Fund 330.51 330 51 I Phone 3001 ............. 330Al Hillsboro, Oreffon Land C ontract Fund ........................... 1,370.44 .......... 1,370.44 1 370 44 T o ta l........................... »309,059.77 »53.44 »70.414.77 »8,580 98 »69.446 19 »109,133 09 »633,287.24 »444,722.99 »7,812.21 »22.675.87 »8,580 98 »89.445 19 »553.037 24 »553.037.24 »80.250 00 ° X: ” . ' Ä " Semi-Annual Report, Treasurer Washington County, Oregon BLUE MONDAY Hodgen-Brewster OREGON-WASHINGTON WATER SERVICE COMPANY Farmers’ Cash Store