The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 28, 1935, Image 1

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    Two Sections—
F u ll o f N
o f (h o
fo r A l
F u r n ily .
mw »,
U ° f
Ï ï i 11 s b on
With Which in C o m b in e ,!
th ,
l lm ,n o r o In d e p e n d e n t
H IL L S B O R O , O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y
S ta te C apitol
N e w s L e tte r
Hillii, Grove
Seek District
Lu therein Groups
Conduct Scries
Lenten Services
Meet Slated
T h e A r g ils G iv e s Q u a U t y
S e rv ic e a t F a i r P ric e s
28, 1935
Court Decision
in “Gold Cases“
Declared Fair
Good Printing
NQ. 2
C. of C. Speaker
Future Good
to be Asked
for County
in Tax Suit
States Dana
Serie» of six Lenten services con­
T hat the recent supreme court
UY A. L. I, I N D II C ti K
ducted by Lutheran churches ol
decision ln the gold cases was fair
Hillsboro. Schefflln and Bloomlmi
and Just was the opinion expressed
ut the Hillsboro union hlah school
this week by Edward Schulmerlch.
P ro s p e c ta o f S p e c ia l
uudltortum wilt begin March 7
local banker and former state sen-
___________1 ator. He also expressed himself as
L e g is la tiv e M e e t
•season th at these churches have
approving President Roosevelt's so-
S e e m R e m o te .
C o u n ty C h a m p , R u n n e r -u p Jolned ln “ ie services here.
F a m ily L iv in g ” D iscussio ns called "devaluation” of the dollar
D is tric t A tto r n e v i „ c _ _ i,
„ ,,
Contracts must be fair to both
,a ,r ,c t A t t o r n e y t o S e e k
Addresses planned during the ser-
E n te r A r e a T o u rn a m e n t
P la n n e d a t G r a n g e H a l l
parties tn order to be legally valid.
J u d g m e n t O r d e r W it h i n
les will be held on Thursday eve­
c «
Therefore, what right lias any per-
nings and are to be based on the
<JAl.EM Prospect of a special ses- I
a t M c M in n v ille
ro r m a re n o
draw a Kpecie contract based
N ext T w o W eeks
various scenes of the Passion his­
slon of the legislature to enact
on 100 cents of value and then de­
tory as recorded In the four gospels.
unemployment relief and old age
mand repaym ent of the contract
The following schedule has been » .
! I
r t
|)| Iislo ii nieasuics n o uw
w seems
mtiii . W
Io I I
have been entirely dissipated n«
Hf 2 659 c®nta of
"Jesus Crossing the K idron.” Rev
» Schulmerlch asked.
also does the prosper I o l n e w rev-
Theo Brackmann of Puyallup. Wash , j
This situation Is the fundam ental
enue producing measures —a a le s
Luxes am usem ent tuxes l u x u r y ! i __i »»_
as , • w n
■ March 7; "Jesus In Octhsem ane,"
■ s u m baabî oI th î recent Kold cases, ac-
taxes or any other kind of taxes.
^XK' a * M a y M e e t T illa m o o k Rev g. w „in rlch s of Blooming. j S ta te C o lle g e E x p e rts W i l l cording to Schulmerlch. The ln- P r o m p t P a y m e n t D e lin q u e n t
Governor M artin ha« come o u t1 ¡n F ir s t G a m e T h u r s d a y
“Jeiul ln the PaIacc ° r
D ir e c t C o u n ty M e e t in g
Î Î X lc K?luL ? f l<he American
L e v ie s U r g e d by M o r g a n
flut-footed against both suggestions
High Priest,’’ Rev. C. Amllng
Increased approxl-
of Olympia. Wash., March 21;
mately tw o-thirds by an act of
He Is opposed to a special session
He Is ulso opposed to any new
B attling for the district basket- ''J*">*s at O abbatha,” Rev P. H
Homemakers’ conference u n d e r
1» the gold
Decree in the tax f o r e c lo s u r e s u i t
tuxes. At the same Ume he lias un- ball cham pionship and the right to J*®1?*“* °{.8 ®h®fn “ ’; Mar®h 28: "Vla the direction of Miss Clarlbel Nye L ¡L d ^ m d<n r e r n i ^ m^rh V
now pending in W ashington coirnty
folded a „U,
It Is be- enter the state tournam ent at Ba- e Dolorosa.
Rev. Æ E. Elchmann
t__ S
- ¿ . . « which,
m ú - . * ¡........
- of * rxf £ th» O » n*ssi>rvr* S flfnt*
M r>/*xl»rv*
f f Ä hernia S f f P S Ä CCTit
T “ pf( " nilUITl.
K “ S ITlC . lOCdl
S „»411
Ä ___i._ft.ft_
S • » . Ä .« _
. . . » Ih r w . h . u . u , , ,
tk . . . . " C ” ' “ - ” ' « “ ' “ s « ™ ,
n » H IM x » . o ™ , . M L ”
“ ■ »"»
»» &
“ Í K
Í , “
se- M arshall Dana, public works ad-
Hoop T itle
,« 2
Next W eek
Im pressive
Briefly the governor» program Mlnnvllle March 7. The local fjquud
lnvolvca a direct appropriation of will clash with the Tillamook coun-
U.000.000 ..Ut of the general fmid ty representative on the opening
tor old age penalons and relief of day. while Forest Grove will m eet
the unemployable» This fund would u team from either Yamhill or
be u e d to supple,nent county funds Marlon county.
for these purposes and would be
Locul busketeers made a clean
available to m ulch any federal sweep of the county title race with
funds th a t might be made avail- eight straight victories over Beaver­
able for this purpose. For tin- state's ton. Tigard. Forest Grove and 8 t
share of unemployment relief »4 - Marys. Record for the entire sea-
300,000 Is to be appropriated out of sot; shows 13 victories and three
liquor profits. The liquor com m b- defeats and a total of 437 points
stun estim ates th at profits during against 323 for opponents,
the biennium will total 33.000,000.'
Team Strong
T h at inraiM an additional 31.50(1,'
... w
'Dio 1935 versión of th e Blue and
«MI w 111 haVC tu' la ^aüied l {»«mgh w ,utc baaltptbal| Iuachlne has mailc
the sale of certifícale» of lndebted-
dufln< u „.
Housing Problem Up
« m
. .
• • •
The young hopefuls of the house
have resolntcd In favor ot a pay
increase for legislator». Tile fact
th at similar proposals have been
repeatedly voted down by the people
of this state did not deter the rep­
resentatives In their determ ination
? o ai»ni M arrh
U rg e d
vaiuf Sa e Exoected Soon
A m e r ic a n
Industrial Era Seen
P r e d ic t e d
A id
D e v e lo p m e n t
F a rm
P o p u la tio n s
T hat the future o f American
, democracy depends upon the pres-
' ervation of the American h o m e ,
church and school was the declara­
tion of M arshall Dana, associate
* •—
» » « «
Oregon Journal, who spoke a t
Jn W ashington county, la one of a
_pr,» in „«1, I
1 t U° « and the sheriff’s sale was the dec-
the local chamber of commerce
YJnn tr<i sertes of 24 mceUng5 being held ln any em u latin g medhmi fc^dete?* U ratl°n of G Russell Morgan d u -
Monday noon.
„ u W and G im I ta h l^ nibhCltv Or8gon durlng March and Apr11 I mined by th i fb llh y o^redlm pU on ^ 1 attorney, In a n n o u n cin g lore-
— 1
M uniy a,ld ° 1“ K
p u b l clty ;
Various house plans adapted to a , _ r V,v the « . „ L ' ai
h closure plans.
£ '
K e rk m ^ rr n r ^ a m d o'o"- thU COUnly wlU ** shown and ***
The intrinsic v L u ^ U ken
Tax foreclosure Judgment will be
S ^ h n ^ T e d PS e r ^ d
0Ut ° f the A m erlcT n^oU r w a^ re"
against al. property listed In
for inexpensive interior housing lm- p|aced |,v government I O U s with the decree and will require a sep-
w ullam »«nnow, finance
provements will be exhibited d m -
result th a t the dollar Is «111 arate court order to clear the title,
lng program beginning a t 9:30 p. worth 100 cents.
Morgan stated. Complaints will be
x x x lx « -« ,
m. All women and men Interested
Gold held by bitnks and private dismissed against all persons who
ln housing Improvement are ln-
individuals was recently called ln make paym ent of delinquent taxes
vlted to be present throughout the ^ " t h e “ ^ ^ « * « d « p t a c S
” ju im « r
L e a g u e C lo ses S e rie s
- ..e « .« - ..
ber ot commerce. America stands
squarely on the foundation of the»,
three elements, he said, and if
they fall, there Is little hope for
th D“
e iu a tur e*Pressed
dictions of economists th a t home,
neighborhood a and community lif‘,
in this country. Ho
dis* p i* th
» rtng
a t t the preservation of
these essentials constituted t h e
o ^ X l
O p p o s e d r i e r e to
V illllv V zUitlllV
Chicks Cited
Housing IHscussed
Miss Nye will speuk from 2 to
3:30 p. m. on the subject "Inex-
H . E. C o a b y
A d d r e s s e s P»‘,lslve Housing Im provements for
B etter Family Living." Miss Nye
C o u n ty r o u lt r y m e n
is a member of the s u t e rural
housing committee for the federal
housing adm inistration and is in
Pur®httai" g cblcks charge of the home economics ex-
tension program ln Oregon.
l ,°n
.r8cords * ai’
Mrs. Azalea Sager, also of the
H , E„ ? ° sby^ ®xtenslon home economics s u f f at Corvallis.
“5 £he monthly poul- wlu discuss "When the Famly Buys
i5y u?18* i!i?sS i Beaverton Tuesday shoes." Mrs. Sager has declared
night, according to L. E. Francis. tjlat many parents state th a t they
n 1 Nlnrty poul- spend more money on shoes than
tr>men attended the meeting.
on any o th er ltim of c]Othlng and
Purchase of baby chicks Is one sometimes t h e v w e a r w e ll ~ a n d
of the major problems facing the
ta "
poultrymen. stated Cosby. To sc- cost comfort and wearing qualities
cure the best quality of chicks It Is a r,. vhr pri,bleins in buying’ shoes’
n8Cf “ a r y . lfh at P°ultD'men create
Types of shoes for the various
a demand for such quality by re- members of the family, men as well
* ,to purchaae ^l« :k ^ m flocks as women, will
discussed. The
without some record of perlormance first shoe necesiary for the very
back of them. He fu rther pointed small child will not be fonrotten
ill if f lm f 4,» exwcL»,* few »ayxtiee >3«4a, I ___ » **
' .
a so P 'an-
_ r„
H,lhl baak<'l«'cs made
swVèp'1 of>U^he'*<Wa.shington* cmlnTv
basketball schedule b y defeating
° ™ 8 21 U>17. 111 tb8 flnal
_ _ _ of ,h
' * "
nlght The lo °i s led from the
pol,,t' Cosby discussed the relative
value of several types of blood test-
ing fOr pulorum disease.
Crowding brooders Is one of the
Pr ln ,'P"> "dsUke., th at poultrymen
i1’? ’0^ 8
c a rr7 '¿ Ü c h i ^ fm" t Ä ? * ? , *
carry 500 chicks lor the first three
W88ks only
U>at Ume “ 15
rough game and only planned th at the cockerels will be
removed and thus reduce the num ­
(C »nlln u *t on p a s . ft. colum n ft)
ber of birds under the brooder from
40 to 50 per cent. In those case's
where sexed chicks are purchased
the chicks m ust be divided into
two lots at the end of three weeks
and paced under separate brooders
Seven square Inches per chick un-
der the hover is the amount of
Grangers Set
Visiting Dates
uciraipim -m ana care
of the feet but the shopping points
to look for when shoes are pur-
chased. Models will be used t o
demon, t rate "both "foot "development
and shoe
»hoe fitting.
' *
A special surprise feature will
^ p an a.
td m.
by the
a group
of women
a **
t P 10:10
m orn-
wlth currency redeemable ln value
on an equality with the gold sur-
rendered, the local banker stated
The shoe 1s now pinching another
foot, he said.
The man bi the street and the
vast majority of bankers are not
aware of any effect from the "de-
valuation,” Schulm erlch contends,
China Is protesting because the
value of her dollar Increased nearly
50 per cent when the United S u te s
went off the gold standard with
the result th a t her advantage in
foreign trade has been ham pered
Governments do not need gold
reserves as long as th eir exports
exceed their Imports or as long as
(Continued on pave 4, colum n 4)
KT 1 Relief
H I’ f
“ V l1 1V C 11C A
W 7
W Ork X P lanned
? ‘an'S for th e „? M arch work relief
P™gi a‘" ,,*,e[8 dl dewussed by t h e
E°Unty ¡^*l8L COmm^ttee at the court
" house
ouse„. Tuesday
1™fsaay 8Venlng
evening. Scope °1
the uork
depend up°V the
““ ‘w
Therefore, the district attorney urges
th a t Payments be made promptly
Sale *« ** Held
Notice of the sheriff's sale will
** po«t*d In the county for 10 days
f°U°wing the judgm ent order. The
tax “ 1® will be made immediately
after the expiration of these 10
Approxmately 2200 nam es were
lbted as defendants in the fore-
closure action when preparation of
the suit was begun. More than 3100.-
000 in delinquent U xes and pen-
alties was due.
Seeking to save properties from
foreclosure, a large number of de-
hnquent taxpayers have made pay-
ment since the summons was firs,
published. As a result, the list of
defendants has been reduced to
about 1000. Additional names aie
being taken off dally as last m in-
enu are being made.
ute Paym
Properties involved in the pend-
lng actlon toclu(te thoge qualifle;1
for the counties to foreclose on all
persons who did not take advantage
Of the plan
---- 1-------------------
Z - f ___ . _____ •
UalilFtCF VllVCfl
chairm an, de-
F ra
fx B -e Y T C F
ln8 This p art ol the program will
i7 V n
th a t additional com-
not take more than 15 or 20 min-
utes, according to Miss Nye.
m unity cannery units were oeces
T ualatin Vsllev Tss-., nf the Am-
s.ary 10 ioIlow UP th e proposed gar
denlng project, members of the"re- erican Legion No 93 received a
P i-.m -.r r r s
lief committee discussed methods of charter from the" D epartm ent of
obtaining more units. A proposal Oregon Thursday. The £ost is local-
T -l
. •
thn e ed
«J ln
i« the Beaverton-Metzger
><«*______ district
g -i.a
, .
»ill prooauiy dc made tn hat
at th
county bear half the expense of with club room s°'at ' t h f ^ M ^ e r
*•* 4 1 1
the needed canneries and t h a t club house Nearly three hundred
communities raise funds for the legionnaires and guests attended the
Damage action for 37600 was filed other half
Monday ln the circuit court bv
Walt8,r WhHbeck of Portland.
E. B ritt Nedry. district command-
Mrs. R uth Huggins of Hillsborb roPreaenting the National Economic er. presided. The charter was pre-
against the Pacific Greyhound Lines federall° n * appeared before t h e sented by C arl Moser, departm ent
I™- Mrs Huggins alleges in her
and expressed the will- adjutant, to J. O. Johnson, organ-
complaint th a t she suffered con- Ulgne“ °f his organization to c o -,izer of the post
cusslon of the brain, severe lacera-
,w*th th $ county relief body.
The m ain address of the eve-
broken ribs and shock when
d« ‘^ d ,t„ha„t„ ^ 8 . / . ^ 8.™Uod
G.808? 8 K ?hTn '
A 3-’
UdlllilgC ActlOIl
Piled in Goilft
o f L e g is la tiv e
yet to be heard from on the sub was adopted at the January Pom-
(Continuad on p a s . 8. colum n 8)
Í ona
*’•»«» ill»«
I ’I
Tlie M artin
a d m in is tra tio n 's M u c h ’’ lfi^K h d o n
w ‘JZJ,°1I° WS,
U O Iltr o I B o tlV
alleges th a t the accident resulted
Four SERA projects have been
from the improper parking of the recently approved for W ashington
county, according to W. J. Mills,
W alter A. L. Kruger of Sherwood m ana8er. These include the repair-
__ _____
MweAt««» Stressed
' “ ed
Modern conveniences will b e
^rou,??t to
home to make fam -
enj° y ~ >le and th e
8renldne „
ol l “ e American
P6^ ^
5° P*™111 “ ' e
old tln*® community
Dona predicted. nr\rws,*4>ini4u
la f the
h d most
m zisf nnrrlontaX
neglected opportunity
d^CUre? l C1?~
starvlng schools and teach-
M e e t*
l,V e
Compulsory insurance for m otor
vehicles operating on highways as
proposed ln Senate bill 151 was op-
posed in a resolution adopted here
Saturday night by the Washington
County Tax Equalization league.
This m eetlr^ was the last of**the
series scheduled during the present
session of the state legislature.
T h at the proposed compulsory in-
surance measure was too drastic
and would result in Increased in-
surance rates was the belief ex-
pressed by the tax leaguers. They
did, however, favor a law to de-
. ,
. .
prive reckless drivers of operators'
licenses until they had paid dam -
ages and taken out insurance in a
reliable company. Recommendation
was also made th a t a law be passed
fixing the am ount of
damages th a t
could be collected on various kinds
of auto accidents.
**“ drin*
the import
^ e d u c a tio n to future generations,
, Development of e.ectric energy
irom the Bonnevi.le dam will usher
*“ _a new industrial era for the P a-
northwest, Dana declared. As
1W ft 11 Qf
a wd tVLrvi, I V t lAn erwr-XM, 9 Vara
and population grow, the
a8n cu lt“ra l prosperity ol th e T ual-
a ^ n valley will also develop. D ana
T u alatin valley for its
t* a u ty wm* fertility and predicted
t“ a t . 1 , ,8 K. development of agricul-
area wduldJ * the out­
standing feature of the next 10
ington county the establishm ent of
a firm and prosperous base fox
agricultural communities, the es­
cared th a t property owners were tablishm ent of industries fur the
conversion oi
of fruits
already unjustly taxed for elemen- ' rojivenuon
iru iis and
an a vegetable»
,»rv and hiah JhnnK nndeZ IK. m to fm bhed products for the world
presen S t a t u e s
.c‘»n‘lnu» ‘iona o i
present statutes.
______ . . _____ 1 forest industries, th e speaker de
Request th a t Governor M artin clared.
veto the bill requiring students a t-
Struggle for recovery to assure
te ---------------
institutions of
American wuikCi
worker U of
----o sU
— higher V
i It average AUlciiLttU
* 4* a
learnln8 t0 Pa>' 85 Pef semester chance to live, earn and provide
lor student body activities was ‘he for his family. Dana sU ted ln
subject of another resolution adopt- commenting on the federal recovery
ed‘ Leaguers contended th a t these program" It 'th is objective " c a n "be
lnstltutions are P“^ f0*- b-v taxpav- accomplished, the recent depression
sHPP^ed ?
Prove a blessing.
™ 8y
- hat studen.t
« “ " 8 progress under the Na-
at sta 'e ‘ scnoois wer® as much tional Recovery Act. Dana stated
SimUar private ln’ i th at b“sin« * had improved, m ow
money was in circulation, construc-
Tax on deisel fuel used in autos tlon had Increased, employment had
a«1» tr“ cks operating on public revived and all interest had taken
roada ° { s ? a ‘8 was
a n .,uPward
“ 8nded b y . ‘? e. J T 0“? ' Contention tratlon launched the recovery pro-
e*Pres3ed th a t th e owners of granj- He deciared th a t all the
£ * “ 1 burning machines should pay problems of Uie depression had n o t
their share of highway m aintenance been cured, but th a t the benefits
resulting^from the program were
“ S ^ f the struggle of special
county unit school bill Is dead.
defeated by a single vote ln the
X e F n d u v 'alle'noiu^
ator Best of Umutllla who voted
aw r Ia si 01 um uim a, who v o n a
with the adm inistration »importer»
when the It measure
came out two
of coin-
H o m e , C h u rc h , School
° r th® -4x services.
T h . approprlatlon for oíd age ^ X
^ k
^ ^ 'T 'h e ^ t
penslons and rellef of uncinploy- «o*™“ *»®
U1 n tig n t
allies. It Is pointed out. will pre-
^duadviuitagr After a slow
vent wlpl'iK out o l, l“ M‘
sta rt ln which they dropped two
fund deficit during the biennium gai)lrg
McMinnville, the locals
mid will nifeivUtale a full levy for
* »trlng of 13 straight vie-
state purpoM-. in 1936 On th e otli- torleh ovw opponents, losing Uie
r r liand with other appropriation» lagl game
H| Helens here Tues-
held down to a very low level it (lu „lglit.
U hoped th a t the biennium will
D istrict nlavoff schedule for m i
see no appreciable Increase tn the
I ay
idult for HU
present deficit total.
hl will open at 8 30 p. m next
• • •
; Thursday and the first opponent
The G range school cost equollza- * 111 pcohwhly be Tillamook. T h u
tu n bill luissed the senate Mon- **l“ dv. , >aa an ‘mpressive record
day. but was recalled on Tuesday * 11 ’
c arnm ‘
and c u t buck to the committee
on education tor further eonsldcra-
.sfumo«.» «. n
d o ,,
The nieastire is the Grange * “ * c1“ * ,,rw.‘U’ P,“? “10" 11 a l the
substitute for the county unit sys- J®**1 « • t “ ™uy night in a pre-
tern of school adm inistration
h m ln a n sam e before the tuu rn a-
• • •
Unless one of the several wel
fare bureau bill* now In the leg!»-
. . . a p_,fc
------------- ---
lative hopper la passed within a
*nd P “**
’«T“* 5 hlckx haM gr°wn as a re-
le w days U o v e rn o rM a r tin
*hd »"It of poultrymen too frequently
said Uiat he will cpaBMr a m e « -
¿k . . .?
7w^«h'in>Ttcm Purchasbig the cheapest chick th at
ure vesting adm inistration of »Ute xiniunook1' "Yiunhin" M 'vi'nn' a'li'd tf>*y f *n S8CUre'
fund. f«»roM age pensions aild U - ¿ X ^ ' u J aS “ U' “ ^ , a o a tn d
Im portance o f securing chicks
dlgenl relief In the (U te relief ,ournani,.nt snonsored hv^ I i n f i e l d f r o n i flo < k s U l a t have been tested
commlsMon. * ’ *
c X m t o ^ . o n s u u w i t l ^ o « i ™ n ' ,o
r barilary
*'h ltr d larrh
m attS ’ ily n . enter
' trCW
d 01 conn‘'ction
A bill setting up a stale Rural
Electrification Authority passed the
house Tuesday with a substantial
majority. The measure embodies
the principal features of the B u te
Grange power bill, providing for
power commission with autliorlty “
to borrow money, set up transm ls-
sion lines and otherwise develop the
use of electricity throughout the
P r e s e r v a tio n
__ _________
1 O n ig h t
privilege classes for
vcft<ftssaoMsvftv.w.s cusu
to v commandeer
was s®®“
seen “ as » a
lca waa
in8 prosperity by
program. Mrs. Celia Gunn, depart-
____ _
„ ,,
ment president of the auxiliary .
Executlve committee of the Hills-
paid her compliments to the new boro Boy Scout district will m e e t1
post and urged the organization tonight (Thursday) a t 8:30 o'clock
(C ontioued on page
power in order
I regiment
Lftillll .11 lilHCl
Amer- *
ret m -
s sign
^ n of retu
Dana. America
8. column ft)
ViraOe OpeeCh
CoilteSt OpCIlS
c M
L n was arralgned ln tb8 r °unty court
“ *d Iayin* ° f
pipe in the of an auxiliary.
a t the office of C ircuit Judge R.
* p^“ * r " ‘vey;
Saturday and was bound over to " ty , ° f . Beaverton, grading and
Mrs. J. Ensor. locol soloist, and
Annual meeting of the T ualatin th8. Lefu)111
Problem of obtaining uniforms
' l h Pr*
’ " i*i Apr" -W tt"
SCh° '1S a * '
8 r . n Meyers
d . j u r , " at o f’ ,250
bail. was tran ces to Forest
*_8_ ? « Orove.
_“ ’d landscap-
8n' tion of George Taylor presented in-
Bei’' rton. April 17—Roek Creek at Valley Drainage A Flood Control fined 35 and costs Saturday when ing' movin8 and planting shrubs in teresting numbers. R e fre s h m e n ts ior younger scouts in this district is
teedy. April 18 -Sherwood at T i- association wl 1 be held at 2 n m
» '‘a costs saturaay wnen
„ the in
now being considered k
before Justice of Beaverton and providing a cook and dancing followed.
Ann, 20_Oale a t
__ „ . . *
J P m • he plead guilty be
gard. April
G reen March 9. at the local chamber of the Peace A W H a v e n s t o n riCirae and tw° helpers at the county hos-
Distinguished guests on the p lat- committee. Believing th a t the unl-
W ashington. Winona at Klnlon and
7 h u “ ‘¿ T .» to an an - of reckless dr'ivlng.'Rav
8. a r cnarge
" ^ i ‘ of pi,al
assist in "the
care “of SERA form
fifteen r 'post
forms are o u t^ o w n rath er
e r th«r.
thaii I m acfe'd ro n sw e e i^ o ? d L ssS Bdpre-
aj .louncenwn)
commerce, according
n ‘i i e n s to
„ ---------
----- Included "some
------ -----------
. form«
mlttee on a divided repoit. switched Beaverton nt Gale May 6 Leeriv McGee aerreta™ ’ L I T , S o ?1? 8 Portlan d " a s also fined 15 and Patler-ts-
£o!!im^ ndr£s J r2m „ P° rtland' _Hdls' TJi
, Umlnary grade school declamation
uLefdy McClee. secretary. A report will be
boro. M ultnomah. Sherwood. Banks, ask th a t persons having uniforms contests Friday afternoon in their
costs this week on a charge of
to the opposition ln Friday's test at Rock Creek. May 10—Aloha at given on n m ere« or .he
Salem and Newberg. Officers of the n°t now In use communicate with respective parts of the county P re-
of « ren g th ( and turned the tide Riverside, May 11—Qreen Moun- vev beingPeond “ ted as an SERA specdlng wlth a truck.
new P05' who were s t a l l e d are H committeemen. A rrangem ents will Iiminary contests in the six ciase C
Sentence of Irving H arris o f
ugalnst the bill.
tain a t Hillsboro.
f . Ehander. commander, Beaverton; then be made for boys to earn or districts were also held on Frldav
Portland, charged with "ambulance
>1 Introduced the first day ot the
W. H. Lawrence and J. F. Mills, pay for the outfits.
| Semi . flnaU for the larger
chasing." was postponed Wednes­
session as one of four adm inistra­
vice-commanders; W. C. From an of I
schools will be held a t the Beaver­
day until Saturday by Circuit Judge
tion measures the county unit bill
route 6. Portland, ad ju tan t; C. A C o u n ty U n i t o f F a r m
ton high school a t 7:30 p. m. next
early passed the house with a sub­
Orders in th e following circuit
stantial m ajority, but has been
will meet in the semi-
butted around In the senate com­
A. J Riche et ux vs. Mazie Hays plant for Hillsboro was considered O Johnson, chaplain.
W ashington county unit. Farm ers' finals of the class B contest a t
mittee for severul weeks. It made
^ „ a • „ P'ibHcation o f summons; here Mondav nlght d u rln g a S D e c ill
Tlle n«w host will meet at the Union, will meet here Saturday. Reedvllle Presbyterian church next
no changes In the county unit law . ....................... ..
H w r w. Ve lfs w l a l seei.n.v m . .
John Yurk- session of the cltv councH. John H Metzger clubhouse on the second This will be an all day meeting, Thursday afternoon. Semi-finals for
which 1ms been on the statu te
t __
r r M r ,.,,.
security message has M
books since 1921, but merely sought uJy0 8 AN° ^ S TT1u AJ ^ k ’rn h
‘ ?hnns ” » e" fCd D r ' Towns®n d ’»
___________ '
Lewis and A. C. Forrester. Portland and fourth Thursdays of each starting a t 10:30 a. m. Pot luck sm aller schools will be held F ri-
engineers and Dromoters of an im m°nth. The new post has tw enty- lunch will be served a t noon.
(Continued on pas* 8. column 8)
... refer the measure Io
to H
coun- * ‘
22. w.,„-
1....- T1
ls w8®
im nnnn
u»ry 22,
»n-A k * 1 n have
« w thunder
i4*u,iut-i. r Professor
r u i r a o r Thomas N. C ar- T
proved disposal plant, and W. w ‘ T ™ me™b®rs ° n lts chart®r' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
... .
’ ’
cou“ ' bPen lelsmelv traveling along the ver of Harvard University is preach-
ut »vt operating under Its coast and have seen some of th e lng sound economics to these
! Jones, research engineer, presented i
« nC War nurse and one
, most gorgeous scenery y ln the United troubled people; but against h im '
-a. th
« nm
n«M »l tn
o u n e llm « n
i *
to c counctlmen.
' States. A fter a trip such ns tills, li nn- niignea n thotiaaild sponsors of
Considerable interest was display-
The Hiwt-Allcn Junior college bill | s easy to understand the average ¡a dozen crazy schemes. The dlscon-
A tuberculin test for local school ed by the council in the proposed B c i l V C F t O l l S u i l 3 t l
A--- --------
Itassed the senate this week after C allforntan’s enthusiasm for his tented 6f America
seem -- to come to children
in connection
with the p la n t However, no action w as^tal^
having^ been previously defeatoo. home state. In fact, once or twice California. So long as the oil holds county health nurse and the coun en and the m atter was held over
W / m c D n h 'if n T i tlp
. „
W i n s L / t D iIlC
,p y Wm p cyrm. County Atrent)
before any rain falls. This means
m . s
Kooumo of
W alnut blight on the Franquette th at in larger plantings It Is ex-
variety has been effectively con- tremelv difficult to cover the or-
h tf A » )S )in . tho tcni«n trolled in the W illam ette valley the chard In the limited time avallable.
............. ............................
................. |
________ _____ ...
ftho ?ntu»H nnni Past icw years by th ®
o f Every bit of delay, if there are any
across At least it was noted th a t
i have talked with many bankers. Kal„ e as ln "Florida “and “ Arloona. child welfare chairm an.
h ^ * ” Use*0 oT rorti a* pant would inter collegiate tournam ent spon- b°rdeaux spray. Correct timing of showers, means decreased control.
Senators McKay
of Marion
M“rl”n aim business
as a a result
result real
real estate
estate agencies
eliminate the
the dumping
dumping of
of raw
sored bv
bv Linfield
Linfield college.
college The
The Beav-
Beav- tlle
tlle spri
sP,ay applicatons Is the most
properly timed bordeaux sprays
Mi n a y oi
business men,
men, and
and fru
lru it lt growers
growers In
111 As
Junior baseball
baseball will
will again
again be
be spon-
spon- eliminate
raw sew-
sew- sored
a.»!,,»». of
Of Linn,
I I,,., both
Iw.ti. I,u,..r
» along
---- . the
. . . » coast.
» ..( a round
------ Los
. . Angeles
S the right j ®
bitter oppo- i.os --------------
Angeles and
are doing
a ------
sored for boys - - in ......
and • ,lge in the T valatin river the en- erton debaters
also won
ssentia part of an effective spray wlth two applications belng mBde
nents of the county unit b i l l , T he consensus of opinion Ls th a t good business and rents all over surrounding communities as the re- ghiee," declared
to meet th Californla state wta contro1
ntrol program.
resulted in decreasing the am ount
changed their vote on the Junior conditions are on the mend; but yu,,,),,.,.,, california are going up suit of a petition signed by 70
,»rs at t h e u m v e r s h v o f R - .H a n d s
" “Studies
s tu d l
carried on the past five ()f blight in one W ashington county
college bill when It came up the
. --
. ,
— r---------- - ------ a» — —
-w ------ —w—
for the Pacific coast title
.vrars indicate, first, th a t the least orchard to less th a n one per cent
.second time and helped pass th* tc coast has not come back as nect the improvement with sales
Courtesies of the post and an in- 1 O W I l S C n d G r O U D
Members of the te a m ’ included two a P P ^ ^ tio n s of bordeaux mix- whlle
untreated p art of the
much ns other aeetlons. T h b b running ten to fifteen per cent vltntlon to all meetings will be ex-
Alinc noswell and D om ld Walker tur® 2’2"50 aPP®ar 40 b® need®d ,ame orchard showed a blight ln-
not surprising for the far west was abovc iivsl year w holesale trade Is tended to H. V. Gates, departm ent
neeitive uid Evelvn Alexander and in 8n avern”t' western Oregon sea- fectiOn of sightly more than 20 per
Free bridges on the coast high- one of the last regions to feel the VPry actlve with farm Ur), clectrlcal COnnnantler of the G rand Army of
O t S S l O I l S n a ti v e , wid Evelyn Alexander a n !
tQ contro, bhght satisfactorily, rent m one Marlon county or-
woy have been m adecontln g en t up- depression and. hence, should be applianwm and furniture lines far the Republic.
Meetings of the Hillsboro Town- O bject for debate was "Federal and second' th a t thes® ‘r ®atm ®nts chard three applications of bordeaux
on a gift of ,4,200.000 by the Pub- one ol the last to recover. F u rth er- ahead of a year ago. Collections al-
p inns for » legion "com m unity send Old Age Pension club will be J lb,idv of F d n ratlo n "
ie d ®r[" should be applied Just before the decreased blight to 1.2 per re n t
ic Works adm inistration for con- more revival In California has been ^ r , a r®
b® "
skating party are tn charge of H. held the second and fourth Sunday SubS‘d> ° f Educatton'
bulk of the female flowers come £
, ¿ “ *{¡„9 to the t r e a t e d
tO MCCt March 9
Sewer Problem
Babson Finds Conditions on
Pacific Coast on the Mend
LCglOn tO bpOHSOr
a Tuberculin Tc
Walnut Blight Control Methods
Outlined at Nut Growers’ Meet
r Plan« Sp««inns
«ruction of the Troutdale-CM
Ixx-ks section of the upper Coluin
Ida river highway. If this donation
Is forthcoming, the highway com-
mission has announced, it will lm -
mediately pay off the bridge bonds,
thus cancelling this obligation nnd
remove the tolls from the coast
spans. Free bridge advocates around
the legislature are not any too o p ­
timistic over the prospect.
retarded by and y,°*8d‘
1®"gs^ pollt-
’1r8' FranctaJS “ mid
> itiv R e g io n the v L' ®rn
M acKende. Jake Well and W. afternoons of each m onth in the
the Sinclair
Jd a j th hyeaV“agor
m en s strike
‘v. J ’ay„» u ‘¡¡"little
. io.!L Verne ® McKinney.
local C hristian church, according M l S S M a X W C l I ____
H e a _____
d s
leal upheaval of last ,a¿ ¡-ThB d rop less than ln the' southern p art of
A visitation to Forest Grove post to plans made bv the club Sunday .
m quotations or u am o rn ia s e c u r - the state, but trade Is definitely on Is planned for M arch 26 following a afternoon. Active membership now A r P i l K P l l p f W f i r k P r s
R*®s was a fair measure of tnc the upswing.
short meeting of the local post.
totals 225. Extension committee of
T v v r iix v ir ,
concern aroused throughout the
Washington and Oregon
Past commanders will serve a feed the club Ls fostering meetings at
Miss Alice Maxwell, executive sec-
country by the EPIC campaign.
Reports lrom Washington and March 12 for the rest of the mem- Beaverton and Banks, where It ls rotary of the county relief comm it-
Public Sentim ent Belter
Oregon indicate th at business gains bershlp as the result of a mem- planned to organize other clubs, i tee, was named chairm an of the
Business men out here are grad- are somewhat sharper there th an bershlp drive, which ended Feb-
Rev. George N. Magwood of Port-1 western Oregon social workers’ as-
ually recovering from a bad case of
D ainornia a t the preaent tune. ruftry 12.
land discussed the status of the soelatlon this week during a state
the Jitters; but the masses are more *
W‘'w* • M. L. Sm ith, past commander of Townsend bill in congress and warn- conference of the group a t Eugene
unhappy than ever. Upton Sinclair (|g0^ a t p or{i^n{j t WPnty ,,Pr CPnt Leadville. Colorado, post of the le- ed against alleged false represent«- Sunday and Monday O thers a t-
Electlon nt county schixil super- Is said to be through personally, and at Spokane twenty to twenty- Rlon' wa'1’ PfMented a t
the meet- tIons of the plan over the radio and tending the session from the W ash-
Intendents hereafter will be on a but his Ideas still have a good hold f|VP ppr
improvement ln ,n 8 He has recently
moved to through the press. He declared pros- ington county relief office were
non-partisan basis, providing the on the people. Utopian technocracy the northwest 1» largely due to In-: this county with his family and peets of the plan were good ln spite Mrs Elva Batchelar anti Miss Mary
(CunUnuxi on pnu« s, column j)
| clubs flourish. President R oose-,
(C o n tln a H o n
roiam n t)
| purchased a farm near Banks.
of strong opposition.
I Louise Higby.
lnt0 ful1 bloo,n and lmmedla‘®*y
a f te r jh e m ajority of the nut bear-
in« flowers have been pollinated.”
said P. W. Miller, associate p ath -
ologist of the United S tates D e­
partm ent of Agriculture, to nearly
70 nut growers in attendance a t a
meeting ln the Hillsboro chamber
of commerce rooms last Thursday
The difficult p art of walnut blight
control is in getting the orchard
sprayed a t the proper time. When
the bloom has reached the proper
stage for spraying the spray should
be applied to the entire orchard!
p art 40 1 per cent of the nuts were
Conserving the natural supply of
m oisture ln the walnut or filbert
orchard Is a necessary step to m ain­
tain satisfactory production, accord­
ing to C. E. Schuster of the United
S tates D epartm ent of Agrtcuture,
another speaker a t the meeting.
Moisture conserving practice never
ad d , more mo<sture to the «oil; It
merely holds w hat Is already there,
leaving cover crops growing too
lBte tn the season which use up
iarge quantities of water. Is one
ico»tinu«ion r»»,4. *a«n»4)