Thursday, February 21, 1935 II I L L S B O KO A K 0. U 8 , I I I L L 8 B O K O . O It E G O N Page Ì I lw r w a a l Ib » ra l» of 10 per ran t par ' r o la r I2HII, ih» tim b ar on Ih» follow ing N O T IC I! O P IIK A H IN O O N P IN A L w -i a ." 'a - 1,1 H' 1'' J«?«- I"O .I. w ill I*» aol.l I H . z .. 1035, a t 10 home of their son, Emmett, and I and the fu rth e r sum of 14177.83 w ith In lorh A M at pohli«- auction at the family In Vernonia. n ,h . , s u ,. ora lercel thereon at thw rale of 7 per cent I U. H. Land O ffic e u l Kn»«burg, Oregon, par __ t day n f Hept., to tha highest bidder at not lean than * » Mr and Mrs. Will Rapp of Fau- niiuin fro m (ha _ le In the M a tte r «if the E steta of A nnia • 984 and i ha fu rth e r sum of 86.26. fo r | the appraised . price berry. 111., and Sam Schlegel of - — _hnwn by thia Parker. Dec« corit ieuatlon of alwitrart, together w ith notice, saie to l>e subjart to the s p ­ ( l.iw*ifl«*<*iaLiona of such e iti- H B E K IF F 'S S A L K •Mie, •6. s lig h tly lif t e d . A rnold V a n - reus, and corporation« organized under grade schools. The play which Is Mrs* J ' J - Hutchens Is ill this Bertha Richard. Lebunon. Mrs. Het­ highl it bidder for < a»h in hand, ail of Notice is hereby given, th at by virtu e of Count Words Bend Monen domelon Banka, Id . 1. ty McFarland and Mrs. Lydia O rlf- I p the follow ing daacrilted real properly, Jy* • lie law« of the U n ited State*, o r any H Execution, Or«l«r and l>e»*re« of Sale, being couched by Miss Dori;. Bailey, w7 ,k' C ount Your P ro fita DRAG T e rrito ry or D is tric t thereof only. , ue»i out of and under tha «ed of th«» — for «aie >• ,,>d Hiato . inquire Ing. .w.o «..V. v . h - e r ___ . sen- Salem; Lou. Emma anti Mary being and situate in W h ii.i/i.,.1 and ........ Miss Doris centers about family , 58 _________ AIlce Lane ...... ,.r » ; d ^ re rrm ' m m a - r M ^ m l e with ^ e T two * ‘" h at Antona H« blaa«er M a rti Face lisadluga N ot par* near Rosedal» • ounty, Or*-»om, and more p artic u larly rcuit Court o f the State of Oregon. * bn i t , tin - t im l j. r on any legal « « , • « bofd. described a« f -w it: nilttad. cher, Oakland, Cal., and Mrs. Grace ' t)ie County of W ashington, dated the cast Is as follows: Mr and Mrs. friends a t The Dalles. viaion w ill be offered separately l.efore J O llN licere tractor« and farn lh .it portion of tha George W ’ chinai y Cash eliould «' i-ompany the order. Brandon Hall. ho attended the 2C.“r"£ U ,°„f„ y aJÎΑi ,uv2‘r * »• C. There h«ing include«! In any o ffe r of a larg er •• • t «lay of Jan uary, IU35, in fa v o r of Bill Harrington. Frank Bias and for «ule I .eater Ireland a I « arouble and W ife Donation Land e Union C e n tral L ife Insurance Com- 4 .'li f are University of M unit. T . 3 H , ft. 3 K , Sec. 26, Lot 6 . ippi last sent- “ “ 17 grandchildren. Alice Lane; two H arrington girls. l hum No. 4« lying w ith in Section 27, red f ir 11« M . L«X 6 red f ir 21« M . / ny, a i«rporatb>n and against W. K. Hylvia Oasheim, who is Patsy a n d e !tte r has enrolled at Pacific uni- Mr Zurcher came to this coun- Tow nship I N o rth , Bunge 4 W c-t of O ut of fs lriiM » to a ll no In fo rm a ­ ‘I Lot 7 red f ir 3«« M . f^ .t red f i r 2« ‘ m w klt. unm arried, Evelyn L . Dorsett FOCI-TRY of the W illam e tte M eridian, described Phyllis Nelson, suitors of thé two vc7 „ iitV *°r the second semester , . — ------------------ , ' r y , , l n , 18 M, red cedar 7 ANNOIINt I MEN I» I m inor parts. Mrs. ... J J. . I L. Etheridge ____ and __ the Mrs; ,,ved er 2fi. Qn H)69. what to Rosa to a iM.iru in the County Hoad; «36, grid th« fu rth e r , ---- „ [s T ren th art and '■ c - ■ , 1» i» M T . IS H.. II « W . K«*r. IB . N W «4 , thence along the said road South H4* Mr. and Mrs. Frank Watson and I ' D' Hughes from San Franck h tntorest (her««/» at th« rat« C A LL FüK W ARRANT« HW Ü r « i f ir 1,-3» M . none of «he | W A N T E D Poultry «if all kind». W rite , 3«' Wi-wt 1.36 chains; thence South Hoffer place until 1914 when the cent p«r annum from the 1st O f School p ifttrlct No. tary are to be elected. Banks cem w ith the »aid »«rtiun line b lue W h ite Diamonds are priced lower < ,l.l. I. egg« fo r «ale, 2n, each 2I.M7 ch» uRaIpli Moss u working In the Lot I rt»l f ir 325 M . w hite pine 20 M. point in th« N o rth at the rate o f 6 per cent j>er annum etery club is planning to_ievel"the Kobert than now! Jewelera price Im parfaet lin» of «aid C laim No. 4« «liver f i r 6« M larch 26 M . hemlo«k 416 tr, rr. Jan uary 21. 1936. and the fu rth e r entire cemetery sometime in March. c fa£7),ry at Philomath. Saner. 1(1 I, Bo« 24. Hillsboro. 62p et.-uee. Anderson a Jew elry »tors. SB M N l.'s N W 14 rad f i r 2W) M . w hite 01 ' of 211«.«9 w ith interest thereon at All Interested meet a t the _.Mrs- „ Clell point 2 76 chain» Fast o f »aid »ac­ Carstens and Mrs DAN <>bl Leghorn pullets or straig ht run pine 10 M. silver f i r 60 M , larch 310 M , «E« rate of 1« per cent per annum from tion liu « , th«n Itod«. W hite p. m. to help plan for this. LOST AM> 1 OGNI» 13, Hi S lJ /i rad fir . 2,000 M , hem- !>»• 'red, com m anding me to make sale 2W 76 chain» to th« place of begin­ «Hants. Kocka, f.-r March. Catalog Vo.- lock 64o M . SW'*/i S E 'i re»I f i r 1.670 -f Mr. and Mrs. N. Lilly and daugh Monday night. ning . iio i-p tin g therefrom that cer­ real property herein after — de« puppy. a»« . __________ w.ibed, I U U N D Black and whit Itor« welcome Proven quality, low M hemlock 560 M . K K 'J HW . Mr. C cm and Inkley and * i tain .« I acre» conveyed by dee<| dat«*d r«-«l f i r I havt- levieij upon and pursuant to sabl ter ’ " Barbara of Gales Creek visited v ia u u u cz>», w . . Mrs. Clark * —77"” — -z •»»>% ■ ■- L« M i. 2 month« old. Ila« coil- |>rlccM We also do custom hatching. 1.6«o M. hemlock 3H0 M . 8 W > , ftW '< rad I »«•«*. 2«». 11)13, rocorilcl in Book OH, , u,. o n ie r ar.d i> « r«w <>f .>f the tim b er in 1«: W ashington (o u n ty . Oregon. The H&n d«iuced on our own Said «ale w ill be made subject to ex­ lock. barber »hop location being and situate in W ashington in-law of Mr. G rindle and A. H W ANT and Mrs. Frank Rinck and Buckley’» now made in the U S rniswioner. 49-1 far»»,. Male« fr«»m high pedigr«*ed «lama emption as per statute of Oregon. I U n ier, 21B Fo u rth St , Camae. • >. Oregon, and m<>re p a rti, u ia rly W o l f o r d children visited Sunday w,th M r................... „ A is by far „ the largest selling «•f fin e generation breeding. It W . | i Dated at Hillsboro. O regon, this 22nd lp nbed as follows, t o -w it : Wash. Move Ui Bay City Henry Johnson a , G len- cough medicine in all cold Canada «y of Jan u ary, I «36. S IIE K IF F 'H HALE tented Ptia bulk o f «mcnt of E lm er It. S ta rk , W ANTED --------------- - - t Heed villa. k ill line of raid C arp enter Claim »et in day morninK at 11. following Sun- p ort'and 01 w ife. Th hom ework t a ll 3«»2 N . T*-urth V 'e . I *1anept. I l K . H E s r chains to the center o f a d itc h ; price for »Id horses. W r band, M arie Bonn and Hy Ives te r Bonn, getator. — . F ■«..» >». A family reunion and dinner was a ■ --s' Grindle. and ra n k I I. Keeve«. Additional 16 O H B »«• HA. O akland, C a lif. lb ' (*. E. G raham , thence d-*wn the center o f said ditch W. W ashingt her huwlmrul, Agnes Ludwig and Adolph Ltofendants? a’g’ainst Loat P a rk , a corpora­ held Sundav at ü i e ^ n o ^ Vls^ ^ ^ o t h e V ^ f ï^ R ^ - '' ‘« ^ d « m ile, north of For- I north »4 degrees 63 m inute« East I -2 Ludw ig, her husband. M arg aret Har . . . tion , also a defendant, fo r the aum of H m ej £ ^ r t b S d T m î ' S / Ä *** OtW e ° n C re e k .° P h X !•'»» chain« to an angle in sam e; A NEW shipm ent «»f b.n»tern Oregon id Koy llarvey , her husband, »15.60 costs of defendant James Lande, j It. WOKK WANTED thence down the renter o f said ditch kran k h-*rses w ill a rriv e about Saturday Have Lyda and children Elmer Jr.. Bud. Sundav h e ? h - X n r f 7 7 la s t »1er and Alies Beate 1609R his G uardian of the person and estate o f i north 72 degree» 43 m inutes East 1 R A lT o R and disc plow ing, 10-tm h Barbara and Iola of Olenwood, Mr. nim her M rsh B?lb?dHartwu;k.and hl7 wife, J.». several weti-mal« he«l team« and single ph Bester and L a u re tta Sea- H a nnah K. S tark, and the fu rth e r sum -i.1 2 chains to the center o f C a r­ V trio r VanM eltebeke, Kt- 1. IE“ * " ter, ht- I».-».«-», or w ill exchange H illsboro Ife. P la in tiffs , and Mrs. John Kessler and daugh- ? ie dav VJ o f 216,0««.«« w ith interest thereon a t the penter < reek; thence down the cen­ IP ton. . . __— Horee M arket, 1 blork west of ,-on- ters Elsa and Geraldine. Mr. and wi?k r e t u r n ^ H art’ . _ rate of six per cent per annum fro m the ter of said Creek north 9 degrees 11 llelen ( »fl» and Ho -l.n w r, 1E A M w ork, plow ing, discing, et Mrs. Charles Kessler and Billy and * re turned home with them. ard G ra n t, her 7th of June. 1934. and the fu rth e r sum minntes East 4.34 ch a in s; thence Hlll»lH>ro h iD»ha L M« I all. Phone Dcfem ianta. reasonable- B L A C K horse, weight 16«« II m , sound, ‘»f 270«.««, A ttorneys fees, w ith interest down the center of said creek north Evelyn. George Kessler Sr. and « . . _ ---------- 6 Iti H. ard G ra n t. < e o f the above tru e and g e n tle , fo r «ale or trade for Tn thereon at the ra te of six per cent per 1106. u 2* m inutes East 1.64 chains; named lefendanta : George Kessler Jr., and Mr. and A l O l i a P r o n p r t v ra ttle . Cash or term«. G all Karn«. annum from the 7th day of June. 1934, thence down the center o f said Creek In the Na Mrs Cliff Thompson and George. " f the S late o f Oregon, and the fu rth e r sum o f 2700.00, P la in tiff's Orencu. Phone H illsboro 2621 \ n f n o r th 34 degrees 7 m inutes East 2.61 *n d rwiu7««i A t t u n w r > - 'r « « wi’th'''ln’t i r w r ' t i . ^ n “ a t IX SAI.h or I I t A D E — M ìm « I l a l ir u u * l(E< L IV E D h Harvey, Chester and Hazel, all of C 1J t front but«tern Oregon. chains ; thence down the center of said fo r good : i the above entitled tom rt the rate of six per cent per annum fro m .««I «»r p W IL L trade «<>' W ill aell rheap. L. K. Ft«ke. Corne- »nd B a n k .- r«*k north 44 degrees 7 minutes East the com plaint therein . I. C«»r. ¿low uer. file*l the 7th day of June, 1934, and the fu rth e r Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sellers ’ o v u ic a l>nIni hay Cl H chains to the northwest ro m e r by p la in tiffs < Pum pkin j bef.n north sum of 216,«««.«« w ith interest thereon i.ellus . 7 <>f a tra ct of land owned M arch 1st. and daughter Jan e of Iowa Hill , , „ .'.’i1' M” - H- c- s<»»"0 a p ir Feb- a t l **e IP W ttK K H o K h E tf Load just arrived. E a -t- t he uarv t i l l , tuxx of four week « fr«»m .. 7 «< •!» P *r cent per annum lodge. I 1*- n by K<*i>ert A le x a n d e r; thence ern Oregon ali>purp<«»e horses. Price« visited Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Sellers „ \‘r OH,A ~ M r- and Mrs. G. G. is ry I4 th . 1935. the date o f the firs t fro m the 7th day of June. 1934. and a——oow south »7 d«*grees Weat follow ing the reasonable E. W W alch. Hillsbon- public. Arvos of . this Saturday evening. r 001* « . Vancouver. Wash., were « . i v ? .n“ T i i i n. u 1,1 * ’ lb * fu r,h e r •«"> o f 223.«« P la in tiffs line of fence 34.34 chains to the near c.»u»ity hught, sold or traded. Kay Oregon, this 20th sonage with dishes and equipment ner of the Northea«t qu a rter of Sec* «•clock a. m. of said day, pul>' ,,f ^«^ruary, 1936. D rlsm an, G aribaldi avenue. T«*iephone lo be used for dinners, parties, etc. Drated their tw enty-fifth wedding tion 29. in Tow nship 2 South. Range lie auction to the highest bidder fo r J W C O N N E L L . S h e riff 1«. FOB SALE—MiM-rlUnrow, 11«7. S Itf 1 14 est of the W illam e tte M e rid ia n ; The sitting room iir sale reasonable. Hay m are, situ ate in W ashington u-.ti- Orw-n. 1, 1.,.«,"..! or4'an. A tu S ^ f o r each Sunday evening at 6 30. Young ? ^ £d1ay, h ' \ enTink; , aite,r spending feet hm » f»»» ••!•■ *’• J thence Houth 2« chains to the place IIncorporated) B ank. lU »-years-old. IS«« pounds Bob Ifo lt. and more p a rtic u la rly descri -n b ed a , f u|. i> u ,nn f f. ’ J s people are invited to attend these In Los Angeles and Long »•f beginning, containing fo rty (40) lows, t o - w il: Iteavsrton. IK . 2 ; 'j- n u le north W itch M i l t H A L E O ne horse. weighs about — meetings. Beach Cal., visiting her son and acres. Collections — Credit Reports Haxel -.I» .-. I __________ ¿j ,f The East o n e -h a lf ( U ) o f the ISuii |I m , also V s n llru n t I4*di»c grain appointing commissioners to m ake p a rti­ N O T IC E T O < R E D IT O R S northeast <>n»-uuarter (% ( of S e e Scouts R ate High a d rill, like new. and other fa rm Imple- In ti« n thertM.f in a c c rtia n c e w ith said in­ In the D istrict Court of the U nited Stab tion 84, Tow nship I , N o rth of Range Reamy of Marshfield < ATTI.K menta. C. A. Drees sen. ab.»ut % -m ile terlocutory decree and for a fin a l decree fo r the D istrict 1 W est «>f W illa m e tte M erid ian , con­ the Jim T urner home W ashington, Tillamook. Polk and ,.ff «Miat end of Oak Ht. 1 M IL K cows for sale, abortion tested. a lk x tin g in severalty to p la in tiffs and ta in in g 8« acres m ore or leas. I E L A N wheat straw . »6 per to n ; al»" ' W illia m H r n n g . Cornelius Kt. 2 . 4 U defendant« «aid premises a» determine*! Yamhill Counties , P‘ - ?anL ^ mU th3t are C° Unted iOr 3 M - Demetro and baby of Van- Al*«» that p a rt of the southeast |p inti-egg incubator for sale. David Lor» J milaw south of Hilloburo. y T**‘i l n ’ «rl«»cutory decree and the q u a rte r of Seen- n 84 in Tw p. i N. enx, 4 mile» south «if condenser and W A N T E D t«» trade ixw f cow fo r G uern- report of said r » m (i.iu io n rr* and fo r the Ih at on the n i h d a r 'o f" F rfiriary^^D * M r- and Mrs A. C. Wahl attend- her'm othS -"1« « 6 HWfek* o-rf V th Personal Contact on Collections o f IL 1 W . of W . M .. descrit>ed as • west ____ I f ! Jersey m ilk c«»w. Il l»eginning at the northeast corner of 1935. O rrn H a ll o t Gaston, O iw o n . the Pd the funeral of Miss Anna Taylor m other, Mrs. H arry Sidwell. G al- «la and disbursements of thia suit and P o ll H A L E llurlm n ii »eexTpMatoee. 2 b. M'ashington County pffice lup. near M o ffe tt »tallon. h other and fu rth e r re lie f as m ay be the Thcrwtea C lark 25-acre tract and Ip U 'T* WB* du,,r ad- in Forest Orove Monday. Miss Tay- . 7 ----------- ». ga» engine, several barrel», kitchen KR K K H the northwest corner of the land Jersey cow fo r sale. Tra< hsel ’**u*,a *, le. .^ U n ^ o f lor « as « former high school teach- ” ,ltab« '<»„Argus contains all the range, etc.. 2 g«*»l row« Lau re l Koad j form erly owned hy Naom i C. W alters, This summons is served upon you by Hr«»».. Kt 2, Iloa 22«. Beaverton. Ip . i» e of hl. croditora win b, hew er of Mr Mrs Wahl ta Forest news of Hillsboro and the sur- Nales l»*pot. I S mil«» south, out r irsi W A N T E D heifer, firs t calf and running thence South Si>9 feet th« County Court Room in th« County r t r n v o in the H illsboro Argus by Second and Main Streets <). B. Ben- publication on G £°Y ?* ‘ rounding communities. Read it and to the north line o f the County r o a d ; street. IP , ( <>urt House at Hillsboro. Oregon, Phone 3071 ’ i . . j order of H onorable Donald T. Tem pleton, thence south 79 deg. east along the (o u n ty Judge o f W'aahington County, »he 2nd day ,,f March. r?935* «T °ten a r s c Wahl has received informed on w hat is happen- L A U R E L R O A D HALM S D E P O T | W A N T E D Day-Old calve« Ó. H. Jone«. dated the 11th day of Febru ary, 1936. Hillsboro, Oregon north line of the said road 61 f e e t ; M . at which tim e said creditor« m ay a t- W o rd from Mrs. J. L. Kipper Of ln* at Dome. m ile* south out F irst street. H ills- 6«'4 W«wt Baseline Ht. lp which order prescribes th a t you thence north 818.7 feet to the north shall boro. Oregon. Buy and sell on «M l-1 I™.'— *,ruve. th*ir cla im ,, appoint a Reedsport stating th a t her son. line of said W’alters tr a c t; thence yming eowg, . Jersey and ---------------’»I’l’ewr Guernsey. . ----- and answer the com plaint in this • tgnm ent anything you have. cows, T W O «^ “ ;h’ ',*'he?'híon~nkru,” ' ,nd tr* " f Le»'“ . received the highest average west 6« feet to the place of begin­ H and abortion tested. Guernsey just c«u»e on or before the exp iration of horses, fa rm m achinery «»f a ll kinds, *..m, pn”*rly ln ‘he Reedsport high school for ning. h and Jersey fresh aoon. I ’eter four w <*k* fro m the 14th day o f Feb- bring It here It w ill lie sold, good Also all of Cedar Hom e in W ash­ Claims mu^t be presented in fo rm re- t h e ilF S t s e m e s te r . H e h a * a ls o b e e n Kiedweg, Kt. 2. Cornelius illes ruary. 1986, the date of the fir s t publi- demand fo r every thing you have for ington County, O regon, except lots U f cation thereof. south g olf course. quired by the B a n kru p t A ct and sworn promoted to assistant editor of the «ale, priced rig h t. IP 1 and 16 and the south one-half of to. H A K E . Me A __________ L E A R A P K T K R S and F. • high school paper. Lewis is well h o K H E . cook stove, ftoo-chlck brooder, lot S. F 8 T U R G K 8 , Attorney» fo r P la in tiffs . ' 2». d isclo se s 850.00 aaseta. known l here, REAL ESTATE where he attended • “^a, »u la L l ie s ., n H V iv a lv «»V V V *1U CU and everything 1 own fo r sale. J«»hn Also all th at land lying south of lot i bCtUr Ch,rks- F rrd C hkk S tarter. Rich in v ita- Itealdent A ttorney«. State of Oregon. l ’«sit 48 iiabihues. 850.«« exemptions claim- Banks grade school while the fam ­ I*. Itee«i. t^ -m lle east of Cireneo. 6 t tf F tiK H A L E or rent, '»-block 'y-bloek w ith 6- O ffic e 16, in said Cedar Hom e addition, and Address, First N a tio n al Bank mina-Iodine content approved. Iodine Educational B u reau -N o better room had, l»eing a U N IV E R S A L m ilking machine, ueed si« ily lived here when Mr. Kipper was garage. woodshed, and building. Hillsboro. Oregon, Dated Fe* m a ry 16. 1935 62-4 chicken coop cheap. Am moving aw ay fraction o f an acre. m onths, six Hrunae turkey hens and l nick S tarter on the market. SI M MONH to satisfy the hereinbefore named «urn» B a nkrim i^v^ h g < i ? k «. D. F. Hhadden. Phone 261**2 American Legion and auxiliary mi f. r t h , cuai and e x g e n w . of , a l , 11» " a n ‘ »>t<'V' Hlllaboru. O r ^ o n . In the C irc u it Court of the State of O re­ H A V E several buyers w anting farm s. I f N o rth I'ls ii-' met Wednesday. gon, for W ashington County. and said w rit. H lld E rep air shop for »sie. John Owens. yours is fo r sale let me know. W . (). N O T IC E T O ('R E D IT O R S Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Walker vis- Said sale w ill be m ade »ubject to re- i n G alaw ay, Hillsboro. l-2 p A J. Riche and Eugenie Kn he. husband 121 M aia Hl. 4«tf _ ! n t He UlStrtCt C( 'ourt of the U n ited State«, ited relatives in Vernonia Thurs- .„„..tla.m .« l»er .».«..«a. and w ife. P la in tiff« , dem ption as statu te „ of I <»___ Oregon F I V E aerm . Ilr*>gden acreage near Sew ­ for the D istrict o f Oregon. M .N t 'E pusu fo r sale W ill deliver Date«! at Hillsboro. Oregon, this 19th J a . 7 M5 ER,AL CH,CK S T A R T tR ISKKS «rtll re t two Chick Feeder, day. in (he M a tte r of Ernest H erbert Om an. ell stathm , 2»ii cleared, rest o a k . sm all Maxie Hays and Jesse Hays, ltny D«*bman 1‘hoiir 21«“. 4K f husband <»f Jan uary. 1935. “.T i'V ^ S n ie . s p ^ n V y « X *. to B a n k ru p t. No. B 19.78 in Bankruptcy house, 3 poultry hou»es. gas and elec- F irs t publication J an u ary Slst, 1935. and w ife. Bank of Beaverton. trie avilahle. ru rk r*u»d. price 2760; 15. CARS AN1> T I R U |H>rati«>n, A. A Schramm. Superintend- ha«t publication Feb ru ary no agenu. Mr«. K. B a rry , Box 66. K t. t Of w ., h in g - hi i ° " . ,h - «tar o f Kebruarj-. A. D ------------------------------------------------------------------------- „ 7 ' Chicks the proper sta rt on Imperial Chick S tarter J. W . C O N N E L L . S h e riff ent of Banks of the State of O r 2-ton G raham Brother* 4, H i l l s b o r o . ____ F (J K HALE 6 2 -lp ..K ;- - S -tar* o m.o f c s u t e l r a n s f e f s « ¡ ¡ ¡ J B — » Abo g rt our .c lic U , How to Grow B etter gon. 8 h a w -F e a r Company, a corpora­ ton County, Oregon. ondition C all 1082 Hec- H » K S A L E Six-room housa. 9«xl0o lot, truck, good _ ton, Oregon, the bankrupt above name»!. tion, A nna It. Johnson, a w idow, C. 44tf olid H». *UBB . . . y •Jjm ted b a n k ru - p t; • — and that paved street, cem ent sidewalk and N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S — lica --------— ---------- « »««•«- M P rin k . J. W . Coiwland Yards, a Notice is here!») given that the tin- L , . r , 1 m eeting of his creditors w ill he H a ttie Roesi to John Blum , 95 acres »ewer. Reasonable. — 246 N. 6th Ave- corpo ration; W J. M cCready Lum ber n ‘ ,n (.o u n ty Court Room in the Section 13 T l S R 5W . ’ f I ""r 61 t f Company, a corporation. Commodore dersigned has been appointe*! Adm inis- PAY CASH AND SAVE — TRADE WITH IMPERIAL tr a tr lx of the E state of E ffie Becker. 1 ° u n tF c ,? u r* at Hiltoboro. O re- F ra n k C arlisle et ux to A. C. Barbo Barney. Defendants. i i u u s v and lot fo r sale or trade. In - De*'ease*l. hy an order made and entered Jf“ *1* wn *he 2nd day of M a rrh . 1935. at et ux, 4« acre* Section 3" T2S R2W . T o C. M. P rin k , defendant: H iu . l» . r » A u l o « » tf U S E D auto parte fo r Is«* - ten a M .. at which tim e said creditor* Raymond Vamlehey et ux to Fred V an- »■■»■■■ ! In the N am e o f the State of O regon: ln ,h e County Court o f the State of - Ore- W reck«**, h M ain , 1254 2nd Ave. 3 tf I •s You are hereby commanded and required ? ° n io r W ashington County on the 17th ' y. attend, prove th eir claims, appoint derxanden et ux, Uj-acre Section 2( T I N dogs pets trustee, ■■.eb exam ine the bankrupt, and R3W. I to appear and answer the com plaint filed ‘¡My o f 1 M 5’. Bl\ d , * h e . h ,!‘ transact wb u M A L E collie and te rrie r d bur. < F1U M T 1K K g«*H| w ith ugainst you in the above entitled court <1,,,y n»*l«fied as such A d m in is tra trix . 'ransact such other business as may H ilm a Lovegren et a l to W illia m T. Phone 01 Miller, of Quality Feeds children, cninireii. w ith 1935 19.15 license. W ill ill giv.* Mn4j cause on or before the exidration of Now 'hereGire. all persons having claims pr?.l?*.rly corn* before said meeting, M organ. 4.76 acres Sections 26 and 35 South Second St. ItA KG A IN K in good u*ed fu rn itu re and to anyone who w ill give it good home. f,,ur weeks from the date of the firs t « "U te a re hereby notifies! * laims must be presented in form T IS R 4W . cook st-evsa W e w ill also buy your M »-«. t hapman. 1026 Rachel Ave. 1 publication .if thia summons the date Bnd r* ^ l" re** lo Present them w ith the d « 'red by the B ankrupt Act and sworn su Fred Costa to H a rr y W 'ithrich. L< ta 9, used fu rn itu re . E. Hornhack, 165 S. I.f the f i r . t puhlicatiun bein« the 2 1 ,t " W T *a *h* »"«, »r" ,“ l,ed yd- , «“ • 10, 11 and 12 Block 15 P o rtland Heights Second St. ^ *2 in is tra trix at her residence at 17«3 The schedule file d discloses 875.00 as- No. 2. 35. MLNK'AL INSTRUMENTS day of F e b ru a rr. I9S6. and tf you f a i l m ....... ............... Saratoga Avenue. P o rtland. Oregon, or ’ ft*» 1548.45 liabilities. »75.«« exemptions John E. Bailey et ux to Fred Douer, to so appear and answer said com plaint GOOD piano for «ale, »26. Mrs. A IH I I I I at the law office o f Thos. II. Tongue ‘*l*im ed. p a rt of Horace Parson D. L . C. T iS Z w irn e r, Tigard. Phone Tig ard 147. Ip fo r w ant thereof, the p la in tiffs w ill apply Jr., in the Comm ercial lll*»ck in the C ity \ ^ || wood for sale, c u t last fia y am i TH O S . H. T O N G U E Jr. Referee in R4W’. to the court fo r the relief prayed to r in Pianoa, cash for bargains, of Hillsboro, W ashington C ounty. Oregon. Bankruptcy. H illsbom , Oregon June, «m ruck road. J. W . Bernards, W A N T E D Daniel D a f fron to Theodore H. B ’a ir Dated p refer player. Telephone H ills b o r o their said com plaint, t o -w it ; w ith in six months fro m the «late of this February 19. 1935. Roy. l-2 p 1 S r., p a rt Section 31 T I N R3W . Th a t p la in tiffs have a judgm ent against i notice, t o - w it : W ith in six months from -------- • Ï Î Ï L ________________________ H d c Elsie M«joers et ux to W . L . Ober et h l l t i f l r slmsi wood for sale. Kay Dels- and recover of a,ul front the above nanted " s Y " l- t a k N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S al, 2« acres Section 3« T I S R4W . inan, (»nxibaldl Ave. Phone 210?. 49tf . 36. defendants, M a»ie Hays and Jease Hays, MUSIC LESSONS Dated a t Hillsboro, Oregon, this 31st In the County Court of the State o f O re- H o w ard E. Ew er et ux to Helen M auris­ ami each o f them, the f u l l 311111 o f | SE A S O N K J oak and country slab w*»o«l , ilay of Jan uary, 1935. m ss Ron> f or W ashington County. chst. S*a of L o t 3« Beaverton. Snw«**l any length before delivery. In ­ G E O R G E R O B E R TS , gradu ate of music together w ith interest thereon at the rate H E L E N E E E IE B E C K E R , Adm inist In the M a tte r o f the Fatate of Edw ard In B erlin, Germ any, mem ber O rganist A lbert C. K rug er et ux to C y ril J. of 7 ', per ann um since the 16th day t r ix ' of the Estate of E ffie Becker. De- side block wood. 'Ira n ia n lloyd, 651 Berwnld. Decease*!. club of C a lifo rn ia ; p riv a te instructions of ............. ....... K ruger. ELg to S E 1-« of Section 3« T2S November, 1927. and the fu rth e r sum ceased. Thus. II. Tongue J r ., Attorney N in th Phone llillsbor«» 2«88. I4 tf N«.tice is hereby given, that the under- R2W **ÍW . o l * . N.'.’. . y' ,.u r ta-me. T U N IN G and of »12 . ot. atto rn ey'» f « » . atol their coet. f,‘,7 'Admi'ni',"trRt'r'ix. I (>flit-fo o t dry oak wood, 26.6«; »«w««i signed has been duly appointed by the R E P A IR IN G at m oderate prices. Phone srnl disbursements herein . that p la in tiffs Ida M u lle r (A d m in is tra to r! to Low ell before d*4lvery 81 Phone 2«31. 29tf above entitled C ourt, as A d m in is trâ tiix Hollenbeck. 1282. 8« acres Section 2« T3N Ip have a judgm ent and decree against N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S wf such "aM »l»,<’*«*«d. and has R2W . «•ach and all of the «lefendants herein j n the County Court of the S tate of O r e - ! duly qualified as It S I I ILS PLAN I S 3«. ROOMS ANI> APARTMENTS Miljudging adjudging and decreeing the lien o f plain - ...... . . . r of W ashington. 1 Kr ~ - *ucn. gon. r.,» fo r . the r County therefore, a l l persons having ers et ux. I« acr. IM P R O V E D ()r«nr«»n straw b erry plants for R O O M S fo r rent. Mrs. M ay I. Sm ith, tiffs ' m ortgage set fo rth in p lain tiffs* Probate D epartm ent. against said estate are hereby T2S R lW . «ale, young patch. O live Stow ell, B u x ­ com plaint to he a fir s t lien upon the . Notice , w„ 345 K, Baseline St. Phone 893. i» hereby O ven that the under- notified and required to present the C. M. Kruchek ton. _ IP real property therein described, mid de- signed rnaaai !*/-»»«* It. »1/1 n«aa I . . . — .. an. __i . . Faculty Play Banks Friday S Classified Advertising Early Resident of Helvetia Buried Cem etery Group Meets; Boy Scouts Rate High I H B R O N C H IA L COUGHS M W * Just A Few Sips and— Like A Flash— Relief! »a— ------ - - c 11. SAND and GRAVEL day DR. R. J. NICOL N o ld by • i Gobies DR. E. W. ALMQUIST Veterinarian* ( KURATLI & WISMER Credit Bureaus 1- Commercial Building " M - A- Chick Starter Mash or P ellets FREE! We buv and sell used ears. Used C ar Exchange. 4 8 tf ' I44 17. 9Mlr* U—< l’»r F . . FREE!! FREE!!! IM PERIAL FEED & G R A IN CO. — How About That Basement- Pum p House. Root Cellar, Septic Tank or w hat have you th a t should be built before spring work starts? Part I of the Housing Act is applicable to all mirh improvements. If you will call at our office we will ex­ plain the requirem ents of the act and assist you in se­ curing a loan. llaviil SCHOLLS TILE CO. YARD RB-C i«, w asningion clover hay fo r sale It. II. Hansen, county farm ers hy the hank. W rite or 2 miles south «»f W'ltch liaRel. Phone call fo r particulars. —W ashington Coun­ ' ' lp ty N a tio n al Farm Loan Association, R E D d o v er seed fo r sale, e xtra good I M Per-u.n, s e c r e ta r y , l l i l h b o r o 9 tf «luallty. recleaned, grown on clean land. 17c Ih. F. F. H anley, R t. 3. Ilills ls ir e ; s e a r Lelsy school. 62p B A L E D hay fo r sale, clover am i <»at- v e tc h ; »□•“ • clover seed for sale. It. A. Dean, ’/j-m lle west W itch Haxel school N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S house, , E» In the County Court of the S tate o f O re­ gon, fo r the County of W ashington. I R U I I (new . apple . Ii.-n y. i - n i . pem b. Probate Departm ent. prune, plum , apricot, w a ln u t, almond, i Notice is hereby given th at the under­ filb e rt, grape vine, berry plants, r»»ses. ornanum tala, complete line. C all at signed W a lte r H. Asher has been ap­ Itredville »alee yard. Mota Bros.' N u r- pointed A d m in istra to r o f the Palate uf O rfem a Adams, deceased, hy the County Court o f the State of Oregon, for W ash­ R H O IK 1 D R M D R O N 8 , cam ellias, daphnes, ington County, and has qualified. A ll axaleaa, h eather, anil thousands of other persons having claim s against said estate choice eraam iw ital shrubs. He " ’<■ lien of p la in tiffs ’ m ortgage is p rio r in tim e srnl su|>erior In rig ht to all the rig h t, title , interest, estate and liens of r « ,h and a ll ,,f tho defen d an t. In and to said real property and that the defend- ; ............- "I.'i" «loaed, barred and enjoined fro m ever asserting or claim ing any rig h t, title or interest In and to said real property, or nny p art or parcel thereof except the statuto ry rig ht o f redemption, and for such fu rth e r order and decree as may he equitable in the premises. This summons is serve«! upon you p ur­ suant to an order made and entered in the above entitled court and cause on the 2«th day of Febru ary. 1936. hy the Hon­ orable R. F rank Peters, Judge «»f the above entitled Co urt, and which «»Filer prescribes that this summons shall he puhlishetl once a week f«»r four successive and consecutive weeks in the Hillsboro Argus, a weekly newspaper p rinted, pub­ lished and circulated w ithin W ashington County, Oregon, the date of the first publication thereof being the 21st day o f February. 1936, and the date o f the last publication there,if being the *2lst «lay of M arch. 1935. E. II. T O N G U E . A ttorney fo r P lain ­ t if f . Resident atto rn ey of the H tate of Oregon. I'ostoffice si hires«: Commercial building, Hillsboro. Oregon. 1-6 »4898 G E N E R A L L A N D O F F IC E , W ashing­ ton, D Jan uary 7, 1935 N«»tlce Is hereby given th at subject to the conditions and lim itatio ns o f the acta of June 9, 1918 (39 H tat. 218). and M ay 17. 1928 (45 Htat. 597, Public No. 417), and pur­ suant to departm ental regulations, C lr- gon, w ith in six hereof. Dste*I » a le and of firs Jan uary 24, l « t t published publication Fei.runry 1985 “ ' .................................. 21. 1936. D A V ID T 8 C H A R 0 L D . Executor, Execu tor o f the Estate of K a rl lla e flig e r, de- ,Q , ceased,_________________________________ _ Oscar J Eredeen to John A. Muessig B IIE R IP F -g S A L E et ux, 6.«14(i acres Section 14 T lS R lW . am "‘ D ^ r ^ ' o f | »on C. H. P fa ffle et ux to Em il A. John- 1 acre T lS R2W . Hale, issurti out of and under the seal Louie F. Em m ott to V iola M. Sund- of the C ircu it C o u rt of the State o f b e rg . Lot 8 Block 4 Thorn's A «tit it ion, Oregon, fo r the County of W ashington. Hillsboro. dat«d the 23rd day of Jan uary. IM S . In Viola M. Sundbvrg to Louis E. Em m ott, , favo r o f Peter Zurcher. p la in tiff, and L« j 4 113 Johnson Estate Ad«lition, Beaver- N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S In the ( ’ounty Court of the State of O re-1 against E. L . Parsons, also known as ton-Reed ville. M ary L. W h ita ll et al to Fred T . ___ Ruck- .E v e re tt L . Parsons; D. D. Bump and gon, fo r the County of W ashington. doing business under r r ..el '**• 1J acres Section 25 T2H R2W. I- -he » » t i e r of the E a la lr of M ary Ellen W ickstrom . George M. M cBride to E. L. H o lt, 11 the assumed busineas name o f C«»mmer Peterson, Deceased. ial , Adjustm ent Co. ; The Federal Land »erw* Section 25 T2H T2S R2W . Notice Is in u hereby r ir iiy » given iv r ii i that nn* the i n r- under- . . » o , S. Keenon to Raymond W esrott et signed C a rl O. Peterson ha» been duly „ , , of Spokane, a , « acre« Se-t-oi. Section 25 T I2 2 N R3W. ap p o in t'd Executor of the E a laie of •J''M>f«»: » ' " I lu m a n -l'o u l.rn L um ber K;)W. M a rv L Peterson A lice R. Ruth to N ick Schm idt et ux. ton Deceased hy the 1 <»«>!»»ny, a corporation, «lefendants, fo r Alice J f'o o u n n n ty o urt o of f W ' « « * " '* the h ir th e r « rw in W illia m M cLinr. -lain.. iy C Conrt W ,. . h i n t ton «b'.unty. O re- " '« ■ » " J gon, and has qualified ¡»urn of 2582.88 w ith interest thereon | A ll persons having claim s agninxt said f f 0" 1 .t he *,By of October. 1934. at Estate are hereby n o tified to present i he fr " le , of J » * r eent P