’’ H IL L S B O R O Page Eight Social News of Local Folk and Their F riends Randall Henry, Harold Simpson, and Jack Neer, and Miss Lois Floyd and Ed Morgan, all of Portland: Theodore Wells and Mrs. C. O Wells of Redmond, and Mr. and Mrs. Vern Casebeer. Cards and anagram s were enjoyed during the evening. MAC ARGUS, H IL L S B O R O , A t Least, M a c It F ra n k OREGON By Munch Ihe chances are th at the lawmakers .truck a t it.» to overrule the inhibition against — Mrs. L. O. Heiberg and Mrs. Je n ­ Mrs. Itierdurff H o ste» — tlie proposals b e lli-, advti ot the behn, advanced Is county indebtedness Huv you saw It In tla> Argus, Mrs Emma Dierdorff entertained nie i Bkyrm Spokane, ______ Wash., ___ sis- Bkyerr. ol _ _______ slralglit-aw ay leu ten per ___ a straight away uer cel cent td li- ter-in-law and niece ol Mrs. Ludema Sunday with a dinner party honor ing tax on all self-supporting ac­ Anderson were guests of Mrs. An- Ing the birthdays of Mrs. John tivities including tlie state high­ derson and Mi and Mrs J. D. Svrivner and William Uierdorff. and way departm ent from whose luuds Anderson last week leaving lor the wedding anniversary of Mr. such a tax would take approxi­ home Sunday. Sunday guests at and Mrs. Ernest Zurcher. Guests mately »1.800.000 «lining tlie o . e i u i l - the Anderson' home were Mrs. C. were Mr. and Mrs Svrivner ot P o rt- um To compensate tor stu n a loss M Dietrich ol Vancouver Wash., land. Mr. and Mrs. Zurcher and there Is talk of a revision ot tlie Will H utch and daughter Betty of -oils Robert and Bertram, John automobile registration fee with a Longview a n d Miss K atherine Uierdorff and son Jack. Mr and restoration of tlie old graduated H utch of Seattle, all relatives. Mrs L. C. Lomax. Miss P atty and fee scale ranging from »a up lo Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bryson ol Louis Lomax. *35. Should tills talk materialise in ­ San Diego Cal . son-in-law and w ill Open S h o p - to a bill it can be expected lo de­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. space has been rented in the velop one of tlie biggest fights ol O nly on tlie session. Lormor, are going to Pensacola. ¡jot,sl apartm ents by Mary Helen spring t Koeber of Hillsboro, who plans to Committee chairm en have been where Mr Bryson will study radio open a first class beauty shop here straining every effort to bring out work in the naval aviation school. Saturday. February 23. She is an bills which have been cluliering Mrs. Brvson and babv daughter experienced beauty operator having up their dockets and many meas- Do you get nil of these very will visit a month with his mother worked lor the past two and a Half I urea have gone down to defeat dur- Mrs. Reagan at Joplin. Missouri- years at Ivy s Beauty Shop in Hills- ! big tlie week through Indefinite before going to Florida. slie u a . DESIRABLE FEATURES of the San- postponement or have been sn atch ­ Among local people who attended ¡ta rv School ot Beauty Culture in ed from such ignominy by their the concert of Josef Hoffman, vio- Portland.—Beaverton Enterprise, ¡sponsors who have withdrawn them linist. at tlie Portland auditorium from Ihe legislative hopper. Thursday evening were Jean Ann Pythian twisters visit Grove Ttie week has seen a number of Connell. Bettv Hobbs. Blanehe Fine- Sixteen members of the local highly controversial Issues disposed 1125 T H IR D S T R E E T gan of Cornelius. Dixie Lee Mac- Py thian Sisters' order visited For- of. The so-called "cocktail" bill Dowell. Marion Haag of Reedville. esf Grove last Wednesday night. Hillsboro Oregon which sought to perm it hotels and Miss W inabeth MacDowell a n d McMinnville. Yamhill, G aston and restaurants to serve hard liquor bv Lawrence Francis. North Plains Temples were also the glass was snowed under In the Since the snow last month a represented. Plans were discussed house by a vote of 41 to 19. The flock of birds has come each m orn- ? 'r , Gles»dls,u l?i l "01! vent ton to be 70-car train bill and the four anti- mg for food to the home of Mrs. held Yamhill til April. Mrs. Les- labor bills were also killed In the j E A. Reeves and son Lloyd, north tcr Ireland and Mrs. li. R C hantler lions«' by overwhelming majorities. of Banks. She has fed them cottage represented Plioer.icia Temple on In tlie senate the Issue of free cheese mostly, and they are so tame tfle convention committee, ferries on the Columbia river has they perch on her hands and Ml>i Kamev Hostes»— been given the thum bs down sign Sioulders. and allow her to stroke flub was e n te m ln e d and a fight over Increased truck load limits and longer Hallers post­ Thursday evening at the home of poned by sending the bill back to Vince Curry, who recently went Mrs R alph Ramey with Mrs. S. W. tlie committee. The Septem ber prl- i to San Francisco to take a post- Melhuish assistmg. Court whist was m aty bill Is still hi the hands of tion, found when he arrived th a t played, with Mrs. Ray Sigler m ak- a senate committee as also are two it had been taken. After a weeks high score and Miss P atty of tlie four adm inistration mens- f visit in the bay city he returned Lomax, second. The next meeting ures—the county unit school bill home, arriving Saturday. He re- wlU bc Wltl, Mrs Charles Douglass and the fee grabbing bill. ports th a t it rained even' day he with Mrs George Laver assisting, A proposal, sponsored by Senator ' church home we welcome you. "The was there, excepting one. Mesdames Gene Rossman. Foelker Zimmerman. to refer the question church with a family spirit.”—R. L. A delegation of thirty-six men;- a rd Evans were guests. Putnam , pastor. , , , . . , of a lieutenant governor for Ore- bers of the Christian church at- ., Coraellns M ethodist Episcopal Church (C u n iin u e d fro m e»«» ,>n»i gon to the voters was defeated bv i tended the revival being conducted * 7 " ’ al ' ornc,ius school. 9.45. Miss Rose verslal measures of this session. t |le senate thLs week as also was 1 at Beaverton by Evangelist Teddy The Young Peoplejs club of the _ C hurch »unerlntendent divine war Whosoever Will Tabernacle Fact is the house seems to be a measure by the same author pro- Leavitt Friday night. Most of the St. Alexander church a t Cornelius \? ,ve' superintendent, d m n e wor Sunday school. More 10 a. people nt., every- delegiitlon were "young people woiì m et a t t h e home of Miss Lena Del- 1» welcome. are "yessing" most of tlie big bills at vldlng for an open primary ballot | Σmt.M t« T “ngeUSt dUrmg hU l0Cal nìng hAftér ^ ¿ e fimeerinBSddanctna lcc 7 30- scrvlce conducted’ bv Ro- working fw the memory certificates. this session, passing the buck over perm itting each voter to express ^ T a n d M r s Albert Mever Nan- Ä Ä S k w ere“n % y e » e £ £ M « * * ' ndn’ S * ™ * - * » “- W ? to the veterans of the senate a s , hts pref erence for candidates lit tin prlmary election regardless of party Come with a memory verse of it were. m £ Francis Young_People's club will give a card afflllaton or designation. _. . __ Scripture including this word. De- dho Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Francis The only vote of the session so Zicha. Mr. and Mrs. A rthur Alding- party Tuesday evening at Bunning s Congregational C hurch “ W ^ o * Yo“ , K n ^ W l S i at Cornelius, to which everyone One of the most enjoyable social er. all of Portland. Mrs. C. Reimer. hall . C hurch school, with classes for gpb-it you Are O f?" T arry serv- functions of the year in Salem was Mr. and Mrs. Harry Aldinger and “ w ' ltea all age. 10 a. m.; morning worship. 3 daughter M arjorie visited Sunday Returns From Trip— ■i - n » - » « « « , s ì a r / s i s s f y a w g ; the party given by P. J. Stadel- g ser man. form er secretary of state, at a t the W. F. Ald.nger home. Harold Pasley returned February of G reatness. ting. the Marion hotel Friday night to Mrs. John B. Ihie. who is conval- 13 from about three weeks' trip to __:__ welcome to enjoy this with us. The escing from a recent operation, is California He went down with Trinitr 1 u th e n n church will be. "Is It In You?" 140 state officials, departm ent heads w ith her sister, Mrs. Robert Oster, Reginald Reynolds to Long Beach. S e n d ™ b e g i n a t 10:30 a. m.; sermon 8 p. m.. regular service. and newspapermen and thetr la-1 m m i u « , a , , i. « . « r h » u m « u ,, F is s ;: s .s S d h S : ” „ d S S . _____ a Tuesday. a » _ De_ Where _ K _ Is , H ill. dl®s- Dinner was followed by an | rapidly as can be expected. ¿ R e v n n ld a R p v n n ir i» r » n , m w < «tv,,,, our.aay _scnuoi a i an a am ie Message » tu ? eVn° ld s re tu r n e d about c la s s a i 8 p. m. S e rm ó n ’topic. •" The Pastor's note’: "The only'place’ when evening of dancing. This was prob- Mohr. Miss February 7 and Pasley rem ained F aith o í R ahab. ’—Heb. 11. 31. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Atonr. j miss j w r n“Ti«»» a u ) < u-itR ana V rasiey p a u lth of KanaD. Rahab."—Heb. This possible and . ably the first time In the history m j . ana irV ine r t n oi —-neo. n 11.’ . j i . 'in is eternal torm ent was poss; Emma Mohr. A rthur Mohr, and Mr. J^r a usxt a lth Mr. and Mrs. Har* sermon will conclude the series_ on o o d prevented it.)—Melvin E. 1 Jam es, of the Oregon capital when so an .d e Mrs. A rthur Aldinger of Port- old Cantonwine at Los Angeles. tbe "Heroes of Faith." At 2:45 p. pastor' many people had gathered at so THIS MUCH MORE IN Mr land were guests Sunday of P rth ian Dinner Friday— an o th er service will come to j elaborate an affair as the guests, and Mrs. Stanley Ross H Hubbard artram pf. and sons lufk “ SiSer i W a v n i^ h t^ a t Mrs. to worship w ith°us. All Saints' Mission (EpiscopalI of ft single Individual and the party Seruagesma Sunday. February 24: established Stadelm an's reputation Donald and Ronald returned Febru- ¿“ tock tor the members and fam - COUPLED WITH ,a ry 13 A w'Tn ’ euels ; ¡lies_Mesdan.es G ran t ” umwaltanj ' G erm an M. E. Church, Bethany C hurch school. 9:45 a. in.; service tts the perfect host as well as a In^San Francisco.,Cal., with Mr. and w ~ B ^ ^ ; r k “^ t h T n d “ s'. E 7 o n 7 G erm an lo w if’road. J Sunday greup“ ™ ^ p“ m“. topic "C hns- £omBe3 e.nt, and hlghly P°Pu,or Pub’ Mrs. J. A. Connolly. Olsen are the committee in charge. school every - Sunday. 10 a m.; G er- ____ _ and ...............—______ ___ lie official. tianity Self." Prof. Alan ___ G unn. • • • Sam Schlegel and Mr. and Mrs. Following the Temple session an man service. 11 a. m , first a n d layreader of Pacific university has William Rapp of Olympia. Wash., entertainm ent will be given with ¡bird Sundays; English service. 11 been asked to lead the discussion, The verbal exchange of l e f t visited last Wednesday with Mrs. Mrs. Lester Ireland as chairm an a- m-. second and fourth Sundays —Rev R. H. Wtsecarver, vicar. handed compliments between Rep­ Rose Prickett, and with other friends , . . . —E. Julius Traglio, pastor. tl — ;_ resentatives Erwin and .Angell dur­ and relatives. Birthday Celebrated— When you go lo California, try A model within the reach of ing the course of a debate last Mrs J. Shannon returned last anc¡ Mrs. E. B. W atts enter- C hristian Science Society *>d5r *1." ” ouse the m i n ! Big change« have (.«ken every pocket book! week from St. Helens, where she bamed Sunday with a birthday din- Services are held every Sunday „ J í ebr?ja r '' * í (Sexagésima Sunday*, week was not a t all unusual In the place on our rails. Pullman 10:30 a. experience of a legislative session. has been with her daughter. Mrs. [le r , Ior their son Robert of P o rt- at 11 a. m.; Wednesday evening Chapel _senices worship, charges are a third less than See the New 1935 models on ^ t h f r m e Metsker' during“the past land. Guests were Mr anS Mrs. services "at 8 o'clock? Sunday school “ ' ^ t ’ :i e’ ir ? « ,A u X r nl3 { |T O k’ The nerves of the lawmakers are last year. Kail fares are touching display today! six ces: a . t 2Q 11 a years m. Pupils up to th e age er Pastor Henry S. ' Haller bottom at 2* a mile and less. ‘ M weeks b T jan eA u ld w d MlJs Dorothy Orin p l r k r t will l l n " talk * " ; "o^r‘w M k ^ o V 's tr M i'd S i'i X r i " .^ T-to» D arety and n , . . daughter . . , , ------ F - ran -----I Complete meals in our «lining EASY T E It M S S æ S s : “ « s & S a s “ ■s cars cost as Utile as 80*. For de­ WELL, >OO CERTAINLY D io a « » o «)oa c l e a n in g IM E GARM ENT---NCW LXT ME 'TM IN R --TK lW S -SOMETHING ELSE-* Floating Power Hydraulic Brakes All Steel Bodies Dodge and Plymouth C A D Y M O TO R CO. CHURCHES Capitol News Letter T R Y THE T R A IN TO CALIFORNIA S tr e a m lin e B eau ty a n d L asting S a tisfa c tio n tails, sec your local tgrni or BRISTOL HARDWARE COMPANY echism and Bible study. 9:30 a stinging rem arks and bitter epithets, write J. A. Ormandy, 705 Pscihc John Simpson of Knoxville. Iowa, E nterU in W ith T heatre P arty — — . m., each Sunday until Easter. Mon- If the senate has thus far been Building, Portland. Oregon. is here for an extended visit with Misses May G allagher and K ath - S u n d ^ ^ T h o m 'e r e r v s i^ d a v 9 45 i day, St. M atthias' day. Friday. fairly free of such unpleasantrles Next Ihmr to Venetian Theater his sister, Mrs. Jan et Waller, and leen Caldwell, teachers a t Verboort - M arch 1, Pastor John Robinson's niece. Mrs. Z. J. Riggs. high school, entertained Friday eve- £ ? v l c t byEltaworto anniversary. Young people's m eet­ it Is only because Ils membership Open Until 9 P. M. Saturday Night. ° t veterans who are Art W ahner is now with the F air- w‘th a th eatre party to s e e : Tilton, pastor, every Sunday eve­ ings a £ announced. Pilgrim Guild each Thursday afternoon at 2 for hotter able to w ithstand punish- • way store and George Emess has David Copperfield, at the Vene- ning. 8 oclock. Ladies' Aid meets all interested women. Lent begins m rnt w ithout cracking under the a come here from Portland to take Gu“ ts “ ere Misses Areiine first and th ird Wednesdays a t 2 M arch 6. C onfirm ation on Palm strain. his place at Safeway. £ , S? Uii' Loretta tf Sunday. Holy Communion on M aun- Mrs James Whitelaw left S atu r- D?ke? ak d ^h v e^'ito w rav 0^ “ 3 Van' ‘ p. m. Leaders of the house and senate ^ it„ ^ h »n^a}Hov i ^ . J ^ i n = C° " ; are drlvlng ahead at full .speed In day for a few days' visit with h e r. J M e KOwray. Old Fashioned Gospel Mission suited any day between 10 an effort to clear the desks for son a t the University of W ashing- In te r - denominational, independ- and noon or by appointm ent sine die adjournm ent of the legis­ ton a t Seattle. j ent. Services Sunday at» 2:30 p. in.. 1352 Jackson street. lature session by the end of a u o th -1 , and Friday a t 7:30 p. m. This work Miss Lucy Humphreys of P o rt­ cr week. | is lust starting. The public is cor­ land was an overnight guest Friday Free M ethodist Church While M arch 2 lias been set as dially invited. Come a n d enjoy a t the home of Mrs. Helen Deich- Series of of meetings meetings of three weeks the tentative date for the end of these old fashioned meetings.—Mrs. Series man. with good re- ; the session some doubt is ex­ w in m irv safew av manage- at- u Standngs in th e various local C. E. Clark in charge. 126 M ain closed Sunday night t e n r i e r i f m i e r a l o f ^ S t w id e b° wI,ln* leagues rem ained unchang- street. suits. A. C. Archer, the man w ith, pressed as to the ability to complete D^n S c h ^ l e / ^ ^ r t h m d Wednes- , week with the exception the thorn in his flesh, was with the task in hand by th a t time and v a n acnuier, in rw u a n u «c«n th at Falrway m arket moved to Belhanv B aptist Church us two weeks, preached with u n t- aay ; , . , ,, „ . third place In the Commercial I Bible school. 9:45 a. m., classes tion and power. F. W. Oliver canie Circle two of the M. E. Ladies league. for ajj; preaching service, 11 a. m., to us for a week. Many received Aid will meet this afternoon (Thurs- Results last week were as follows- . 1 subject, Ohio«» “T e m p ta tio n ;” y o u n g help in these meetings. We hops'j . . . . ----------- day) with Mrs. William Goetter. City J e a g u e -L e n tz Auto P arts 2. peopled meeting«. ----- BEAUTIFUL 7:30 p. m. All the revival — spirit will continue e The Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lucas of Pastime 1; C. C. Store 2. Irelands young people welcome' and urged news came Just at the close of our Bend are visiting a t the Emm ott 1. National league—Pharm acy 3 to attend. Song a n d preacning meetings th a t Rev. G. W. Bon- homes in Hillsboro this week. Bristol 0; N ational G uards 2, Un service, 8 p. m., subject, "Vain Wor- D urant of our class passed to his Fred Huntley of Roseburg visited j°n “7®". L American league—Hills- ship.” A h earty welcome for all.— reward a t 7 p. m. Sunday. The I class went to his funeral" on W ed-I 112x198' on Flrst street, close In; last week with his cousin, Mrs. G. ° Motors 2. Royal Soda W orks 1; Rev. Theo Leger, pastor. I nesday a t 2:30 p. m. at First 1 street improvements, sidewalk, and G arthofner. and family 2' W orks 1. Beaverton Church of Christ church in Portland. He had been I sew«. a ii ln and oairi «Dirrlflro at Mrs. Max Crandall left Friday > ^ e M ar In terest in th e evangelistic meet- a trustee in this Free Methodist au ln and p ald' ,a c rln c e “ t for a visit with her son K enneth at ^ r u d « 3. Safeway 0 ’ ° ings conducted by Teddy L e a v itt! society ever since It was organized. »700. S“« F ra^ lsco' bowlers in the leagues were is increasing and we anticipate a We will miss hm from atnong us, Mrs. Mary Ward oi Portland as follows: ----- --- — •*- — Amer- 1 full house Sunday. We urge your We feel to say as St. Paul, "He C. Eslinger. 194. spent Friday and Saturday with Mr. lean; Corey, 204. City: R. Simpson, attendance at Bible school, under fought a good fight and finished Insure with J. J. Hanel. 191, Comercial; and Bud Rogers? the leadership of T. B. H arris. The ma course." The Lord will send —‘ 221, National. ---- - meetings will continue every night i some one to take his place among Mr. and ' Mrs Carl ' '* Hanel ’ of ' ” Port T U A L A T IN V A L L E Y a t 7:30 except Monday. Friday us, we are sure. Sunday school, land were Sunday guests of M r s . ------------------------- IN S U R A N C E A G E N C Y night Mr. L eavitt’s subject wUJ be 1° ?• m.; preaching, 11; evening "Science and the Bible. Do They services, 7:30. All are cordially m - Mrs. Oeorge C arter of Portland Deadline Placed Agree?" Saturday evening, "Choked vited to attend these services.—B. was a guest of Mrs. Delia St. Pierre to D eath by the Devil." Services J. Yates, pastor. More than 80 per cent of the 39,000,000 total daily circulation Friday. Sunday as follows: Bible school, Mrs. E. H. White of Cochran is of United State« newspapers is known to be “First Class’’ because it »_____ ______ 9:45 »• m ; communion service, fol- S tate Capitol News L etter—Giv­ 1314 Main Street visiting Mrs. E. L. Hurd this week. Ibase. A irnn.in„-a nother p ro v ts iS r o H h e new n V * m* * o^ ™ ing th e highlights of official ac­ Hillsboro. Oregon is audited, checked and verified regularly by the Audit Bureau of Attend "99" R a i l , - *? the P ™ * d increase ^ Op le s meeting. 6:30 r m * evan? tivity a t Salem.—Every week ln the One of the largest delegations yet ln ieeder hog purchases. gelistic service, 7:30 p. m. We cor- Argus. Circulations. The Argus is one of these 1,017 A. B. C. newspapers__ tf assembled a t any "99" class rally According to th e term s of the dially Invite you to all these serv- the only m em ber in W ashington county and one of only tw o w eekly m et Monday evening for dinner 1935 agreem ent th e producer may Ices.—M. Putm an, m inister and program a t the C hurch o. regardless of his ieeder pig base — newspaper members west of the Rocky M ountains. First class circula­ Christ in Oregon City. T here were purchase as many feeders breeders’ Christian Church 213 men reported in answer to roll stocke„ a , L t ®ed" 8' Lord's day church school. 9:45 a. tion can be depended upon to do a first class selling job—for local call of the various “99" classes of P i " m • c - H Nosleri superintendent, all within a radius of 100 miles. , a" d such purchases may be pre-E aster a ir 300. Those n o t a t- retail advertisers—for national advertisers—for classified advertisers. Prof. Victor P. Morris, economics maQe from anyone regardless of tending any school are invited to teacher in the University of Ore-1 w hether they are contract signers Join the class of your choice in gon and president of the board of this rapidly growing school. Larg- And during these days when everybody is doing business on n trustees o f Northwest C h ristian 1 est m en’s class and high school $y.5O “A ll college, Eugene, was the speaker. class in the community. A class shorter margin than ever before, it’s more important than ever for Those attending from the "99” class for all ages. Morning worship a t 11.1 W ave” of the local Christian church were _____ 'By Mi»« Clara Moore) Special music. Sermon, "The Prim - ' the pastor, R. L. Putnam , Jam es WITCH HAZEL—E. Helvogt Is acy of the Cause." Townsend club advertisers to get first class value and first class results from their Short, William Fishback. S. E planting a ten-acre filbert orchard _______ meeting, 2:30 p. m. C hristian E n -i advertising investments. Olson, John West Sr., E rnest Creek- and Howard Fuller has Just finish- deavor: Junior, Interm ediate and With the purchase paum and L. D. Shinaberger. ed planting one of five acres. I young people, 6:30 p. m. Evan- gtiidv u » i._ L' Mullendore purchased a gelistic service, 7:30 p. m. Song of the NEW _ .y, , Meets new Plym outh th is month. service assisted b y large young The A. B, C. membership of the Argus assures circulation of first St. Matthews' women are spon- Mrs. Nash entertained th e bridge people's choir and orchestra. Spe- Model soring a study club, the last meet club Wednesday with cards and cial music. Sermon, "Is T here a class coverage—first class reader interest—first class selling influence. 45L ing being held at the home of Mrs. pot luck luncheon. Guests were Judgm ent Day?” Mid-week service, Fred Caldwell Monday evening. Be­ Mesdames Helvogt, Newby, H arris, Thursday, 7:30 p m. Special Bible sides the regular study outline. Mrs. Anderson, H. Hoeffel and Hupy. study often to all If you have no First class profit, then, is the logical result of first class sales A. H. Abts read an interesting paper on the life of St. Theresa of power. To report fully on how adequate is the medium to cover and A villa. sell the buyers of its territory, an A. B. C. auditor annually makes Honored on Birthday— Mrs. C. E. Wells and Howard his report which is the advertisers’ buying guide for the great bulk Wells gave a surprise dinner party Saturday evening honoring Mrs. of advertising space that is used throughout the United States, Howard Wells on her birthday. O uests were Messrs, and Mesdames Southern Pacific City Bowlers Clash on Hillsboro Alleys An A. B. C. Newspaper Residence Lot (gives First Class Sales Volume and Sales Profit W. G. IDE Corn-Hog Program FREE! Witch Hazel Philco Aerial Worldwide We Pay You 4% USE On Y o u r Savings H odgen-Brewster M ilk Your Investm ent with us Is safeguarded by First Mortgages on Oregon homes. No better security any­ where. Chic Starter Then you will know you: have the best. Their feeds methods of feeding and ex-' pert field service will in- j sure the growing of profit-1 making pullets, It pays to feed the best. Farmers’ Cash Store Feed - Seed - Eggs an d Poultry Phone 3061 Start saving today in any amount from $5.00 up. I I SA FE PHILCO SENSATIONAL BARGAIN . . . $67.45 value for $59.95. An offer made possible by the co-opera­ tion of the Philco factory to introduce two 1935 marvels from the great PHILCO plant. A power­ ful 6-tube, full size Console Radio , . . and the remarkable new aerial that has taken the country by storm . . . BOTH FOR LESS THAN $60.00. HURRY . . . this offer can’t last long, and you’ll want to be ready to enjoy the new short-wave sta­ tions now being built in Europe. This A. B. C. audit report gives the how, w here and how much information regarding circulation of the Argus. One thousand and sixteen other newspapers prove their circulation figures by A. B (’ audits. R E L IA B L E See O u r W indow « fo r D o lla r D ay Special« Washington Savings & Loan Ass’n J. M. PERSON, Manager Hillsboro, Oregon Savings A Loan Bldg. S e lfr id g e F u r n it u r e C o . Phone 21X COMPLETE HOME FURNISHERS Hillsboro, Oregon >illsbo] us