Thuntduy, Fubruury 21, 1935 P sychologist T a lk s B efo re B. P. C lu b H IL L S B O R O C lu b S p ca ke i A R G U S, H IL L S B O R O , G rove H ost for A n n u a l Session of G irls' G roup OREGON Wrap-tu rous (Seventeen local members attended Integrity «I personality, or per- the annua) mid-w inter conference «unallty developuu-ut. was stressed Ihr course. For Ihosi' usaixlutlon» of Olrl Reserve» of Oregon and it» tin* must liiqxirlunt plllt.11' ut tlm Hint did not aund u delegate to Lite Houthern W ashington a t Forest lice ut itti Individuiti by Edwin Mil­ m bool oi Instruction at Forest Grove drove February 15, 1« and 17. The ton Beilis. nutrii I'nrlluud psyi Itolo - In September u «I« legute tor our them e of the conference was "New | H in t, til it Unk before Hillslsuo Huai- daXa session with Mr» Hoc will Frontiers." This w a s developed - ueas and Professional Women's club lllliae standardization for the us- through lectures, discussions and s Frldny evening. The present educa- ■•"«'Onion fireside meetings. Principal speak- i . A|1»n Knight. county council tlonitl system wus questioned in ers were Rev. J. Hudson Ballard : th at children receive training In delegate. unit M l. C l> Dlebold of the First Presbyterian church memory work and niuthemutlcs, but Forest drove p. T. A delegate, to r of Portland, Mrs Katherine ii are not taught way» of »olvimi prob­ the llm iiem akeri conference ui \ j Piper, dean of girls of Milwaukie lem« of life lie «tilted Hull people Corvallis last week will make u re high school; Dr. Bruce R. Baxter, should recognize their personality port ui the county council m eet­ president of W illamette university aasets mid liabilities, and correct ing ill Hlirrwnoil April 13 Ur. George Allen Odgers, professor them. Training and tear w e r e of psychology, Pacific university; named as two large factor« In form- and G. II. O bertcuffer, Boy Scout mil inferiority complexes. Ills udvlce executive, Portland. was summarized hi the quotation, Saturday afternoon all were In­ "Know wlutl Is wrong and what Is vited to a swim In the college pool right, then do the right and live T h at evening the banquet, to which Past m atrons mid patron« were simply." which each girl wore her uniform, honor guests of T ualatin chapter, Bcliolurshlp I Zin n Fund com m it­ O E 8., ut the un-t-tlng Tueiduy was held In the basem ent of the tee, with Mrs A. W. Hoffman as evening __ _ lit the Masonic _ __ Temple Congregational church. A g i r l s ' chairm an, served the dinner, and Hon It Frank Peter»’ past patron dance ended the second day of the the Legislative committee, with Mrs and past grand patron of Oregon conference. Z J. Higgs ns chairm an, arranged wus presented with a life m em ber- Sunday morning workshop groups (he program Hinging of club songs ship In the chapter. The 28 honor were held to give Instructions to the officers. Miss Tennessee W eath- were Interspersed during the eve- guest« present also received gift« ■ting. Table decorutlons were car- j Officer« of the chapter gave u erred led the program group. Miss rled out hi club colors wltti duffo- floral degree tor the worthy ma G race bowers, G irl Reserve ex­ ecutive secretary of the Portland dll«, Ivy, and green and gold can- trim, Mr». V Curry, und presented area, spoke on "Leadership T ra in ­ dies. T he colonial motif wus carried her with a bouquet of red roses In ing." out In decorating the birthday table lumor of her birthday. W F. Cyrus. Edwin Milton Belles of Portlund and colonla corsages were present- associate patron, win«.- birthday is , p«£hologl«l who siiike at the After the church service, held at ed to the honor guests Member« also In Februury, received a gift! P R ' ** and '- - Professional - 1 lnp the Congregational church, t h e IliisliH'.ss Wom­ Hillsboro girls gave the closing having birthdays In February were from past patrons und men mem- en'» club meeting Friday night. ceremonial, said to be the most Me.idiunes la» ter Mooberry. 8 E bers. Judge Peters gave an Inter- i impressive part of the conference. Fayram. Herm an Schoen, and Miss c.llng tulle on (leorge Waahlngton <1 »• Girls taking part were Ann Mun- Ina Pearl Allen Each gave a ..boil Foflowlng the meeting each mu L a t h O l l C Y O U tlP kers, R uth Kraus, Marjorie M ont­ talk on her birthplace trim and und "patron natron was was given i f i w n a n sur « n r- I ® birthplace. Iron gomery, Betty Hobbs, Helen Wick, Several historical article» were prise funny gift by member» who, Shirley Kelly, Marybel Flint, M ar­ exhibited, Including a U 8. flag were candidate» during their term s i jorie Duxbury, W anda Park. F lor­ made by pioneer women of Oregon Paper bouquets and hatchets were ! ence Trachsel. Dixie Lee MacDowell, City in Civil War day», one of used In decoration and Individual i Frances Fields, B arbara Enschede, which was Mrs. M arianne Dlerdorff, cherry plea were served by the com- LaVelle Jackson, Esther Boge. Vio- Slster of J. C. Ainsworth of early mlttee. Mr. and Mrs. 8 W M e l-! A stunning wrap Is this one. A play "Fifty-Fifty," three-act | let Wick, and Yvonne Bunnell, day steam boat lame. The flag flew hulsh. Mr and Mrs. J, W Holt of corduroyed velvet, with a for years over the court house at Mrs Charles L. Walker, and Mrs I c°,n' edy, will be presented by 81. Oregon City. It Is now the s property property Elma Denby gold stripe running through IL M atthew s Young People's club a t; \ T ». R a l r p v S n P i l l f H St. Matthew's Sunday after- T v ctK C I of William Dlerdorff of Hillsboro, | — ----------------------St. Matthew's hall S u n d hall a y _____________ U nderneath, M argaret Lindsay, a grantlaou of the late Mrs Murl- noon and evening Afternoon show n f f ’l l l h Dim actress, wears a svelte anne Dlerdoff. An old-tline picture p rra k» Exhibited— ¡starts at 2:15 and evening a t 8:15. L J c l I U v I l V -1U IJ gown, accentuated at the waist of Oeorge Wi&Mhlntfton mid family An R. I. II. egg was brought Mrs. Fr<*d Caldwell is dhectlng the “Birds of Oregon and the Pacific by a gold belt, then flaring down was also shown. In last week by J. B Bartlow of I play with the assistance of Nell Northwest will be discussed hi an Mrs Zola Morgan reported on Midway^ which was very peculiar hi Stangel. Miss Elaine Caldwell Ls | ' ' ‘kMrated^^ecture^by ^WL^S.^Raker, Into a divided sbeatb skirt. official state organizer for the Ore- the count'll meeting und district shape. Mr. Bartlow said he found property manager. conference held at G resham In Jan - »•» egg the same day which had Cast of characters Includes: Hen- 8°n , Audubon society, under the 'T '£. o „ „ ie . egg and a per- - -- «7 ______ Brown, _________ an artist, played by ■ S / ? I O n l a l 1 e — a O n nary. National Business Woman's lust the white of the ---- W ilk . March 17-23. was discussed 1« t egg Inside th at He also brought Gerald Abls; Paul Green, an au- ?*ub Mon.d“ f F'!en*n K a t t.h e cP,li bUc W o o l z ’a P v n c r v n m und lenatlve plans were mude for In a twin carrot which Is quite un- thor. Merle McCoy; Patrick O ’M a i-1 llbrai7 at 8 o clock. School children I V l t h iy I I three events attendance a t church usual. ley. a Janitor. John Reilly; Mrs and plre a l r “ arP especially Old-time relics will be displayed March 17. an afternoon tea, card , r i-,11.ul— h i .«,, ■ n -.i.a.. Pixlge. a landlady. Lena Chlottl; m yiled w a t at the Coffee club colonial tea Frl- purty and style .»1 h » w , and the pub- *el braleg six th lUrthday— Sophie Bland, a dancer, M a r i e 1 Plan» for a bird house building day at 2:30 p. m in the chamber Ic relations dinner on March 21. M.r!' Person gave a party Sm ith; May Dexter, an anthu.» contPst,. ,o r g/ade school children of commerce rooms. Among them RTlnitr pinna will be announced Friday afternoon for her da ugh*- Juliana Schneider; Mrs. Hawley, a were discussed at the meeting of will be a china dish which was later ler. ter. ««rim B arbara ra min. Ann. ui in iionor lumor oi of ner her collector, collector. Helen . . Schulte; Sm Smudge udge., P UIV. I r l d a u G arden club u executive board u v b iu brought Drought across the pla plains in 1843 ■ . . . . ■ ~ a fto m rw m t in * n c tm ts rx f . . . » t . . . ____ . l . . . . Next regular meeting will be held A ( i n n xa birthday. were Le- a . . . valet. Leonard Peschka; Cnp a Friday afternoon t t the home of i py the m other of Will .. . J Masters, tak ­ . . . .. . . _ ax .l t Mary f .. rn.. Guests kF —— — - ■ ,il. ■ . _ . _ X < f George Is x z im im 'T ' X« a cGrath. t n . . . . . in the evening of . . March 15. begin- Anne and Kramien. Phoebe wanderer. Jesse Jardee; JoM»phine. Mrs. T. M en to California In 1849. and on nlng a t 8 o'clock Ann Huggins. Sallv Cruzcn Betty a seeker. Elaine Caldwell. The plot; returning was In a wreck on the Columbia bar Bristol. Nancy Pitm an. Jackie and Is centered around the lives of two C o m i T i a n t i e r G a t e s Suzanne Searcy, und Marvin Tew» young men striving to attain rec- ™ , “ »» 'J u v c o Mrs. j. M. Person has arranged a program for the afternoon which E ntertain at Bridge— of ®°he.mla K c l a t C S M e m O l ' i e S Many amusing situations arise from ) u a te s « fa te t e m r t m e n t wU1 Include a vocai solo by Mrs. V. n Oates, state r departm ent v w nnrriner a AlT’ e e n m n o n ie a te n .ri . “e dUwuh- d m n k * ™ rX l d £ { in /’n f ^ ' a ^ m ^ t ^ i / S h I c S f f ^ c l u h E v W Cr “ ,,“ V lr8v “ ‘ S ’ ' “ V v e X r^ T v ^ n u m ^ rrw t!? ^ 8kond.vD evVninVg “ e ^ b e ^ w h ^ ’ w is h * « ^ a y 6 « m e ford and J. L. Searcy made high featured between the arts. patriotic. program hall. Monday evening | costumes, ¡it the Veterans' He told of at- in ‘" s cojonja íín a l^ m í d a tí ^ n f h a v e been sent scores. G uests were Messrs, und ______ anndd W T Ä ' Ä Ä “ Ä ^ th ^ g h ^ i Mesdame« Bickford, Searcy, R It rx m A • i -------- Easter, W. C. ChrUtenaen, A. L. B . I . A . O r g a n i z e d w£ Ä OM- r U<* 1su n ehyeng av: L ^ T ^ d u í i y Ì Ì M ^ " “ PUbHC Work accomplished during the Amacher and Donald Templeton. . n, . n , , a talk on present day economics. u wso coraia“ y invited last year was given by Miss Mar- Anilu#, MreUng Friday— O thers M taking p art in the program H igh1 laght.s olUiiM4 * ' .i^i’ciiu th«»i Annual youth fellowship meet at P.aI ? ? t ?Tc.aciler 5usi*)claUon were l» D eLau etaurice Bunip. who fP S p p v ip p ^ her activities -------- before — the Parent- P aren t- . l,l‘* ni Shute school and gave a piano «olo, and MiSh Ann ' • v 1C C S — ------------ ... L’lirt tian churches of Oregon — officers installed January 22. An- M unkns who gave two readings. I ) v R o t i l l ’i ' i n s Teacher county council at Hills- “•**' ***«, . be ut t h e Mallory Ave man church. twur and refresiuneuU , , 7 Chrlatlan _ „ Portland, _ _ begin- other meeting will be held February _ „ fol- evening and f continu- at d ] p o m All S members «re rr- . Rotary club members w; , $ 1 ° » « mS“ u Friday 7 ^ _______ n n n s’U 1 SeVXl . m ^ “tp r ’C _ . ____• i ___ I n tP n tfn n rl O f f tn n d a ^ v M a « art» Xjf r r « ' ! ■ lowed the program s t n»« g » v f> n m < T B d »v *vir*A ♦ « i S i S 1 ^ ‘a u , i T ' X i l J / r n ar e nA '^ d P' L igo” ChUrCh S ?a7 itee-pi^ideSV : ^ .» .« ‘ “ cuV a “ th e ^ c lu ^ w iU ^ Past Officers Honor Guests People P rese n t P la y on S u n d a y H ea lth W ork of C o u n ty Told b y M iss M. D ixon at Shute School t . Z r X ’“ ! “ iin«'"' s ,;nmll»M,x tubtnuUni lesllng. She supervised Page Seven M a n y F ine Q uilts New Books for Listed E x h ib ite d F rid a y Young New books In the library for people, stories which were a t W. R. C. S h o w young mentioned a t P. T. A meeting last week are “Anton and Trim ," by B irths Erickson—To Mr. and Mrs. Al­ bert Erickson of Beaverton, Feb­ ruary 10. a girl. Kent—To Mr. and Mrs. H arry K ent of Hillsboro. February 16. a boy; Caesarean operation by Dr. C. T. Sm ith. W alters—To Mr. and Mrs. George W alters of northeast of Hillsboro. February 18. a boy. » « « » re d - &7p‘h H l a H * 'm ^ ^ c h m r m ” " E 'e r i t of"?™ 1 ™ e’xchange at? t ^ a r “ Mr d M Charles Douglass and Mrs John Rollins, publicity ,tpnded * d ls trc t meeting of the panist. A vocal solo will be given ..................... . . » . ------- • •» w est Coast Telephone company a t by Mr. Richardson, ____ the offertory Forest Orove Friday l l f night. Mr by Mr. Walker. W alker Judge judge“ R. R““ F Frar.u it , b>' Mr- I Z r l i o o n e t-o ro l I r i c -i. ii c a l o i c Krieger of V Everett. Wash., sales —. peters __ will give an audress o n manager of the company, was pres- -George W ashington " ent. and representatives from aU Members of the club will be ac- other exchanges In the district. contpanied by their wives. Services dlpthcrta. Site explained th a t tin.» T hree-act comedy. "The H eart Class Vialta Lrxtslature— «te open to all and Rev. Charles encouraging report would have been Exchange." by J C. McMullin will Miss K athleen Caldwell's Verboort ” ndReed urges local ci,U tn i to a t* imposhlblc without the unselfish Surprtsr.l on Anniversary— be presented a t th e Verboort C. O. C ORW IN H A R D W A R E _______________ iisslstance of the physicians of the Many friends and neighbors sur- F nail Sunday night. March 3. by hlgh school civics' class visited the Headquarters |°! * ,om hM *lvpn prised Mr lUid Mrs Ernest Zurcher high school students Members of state legislature, supreme court, ha»- pitals and school for the blind at F p z i q t G p l p b m f p « * ro !,»J.ii Ltl. .n ¿,..1. , .> »«turday evening, the occasion be- the cast are Loretta VanDyke. Gen- H unting and F ishing , a, k f t,le ln* U l,lr p,k*>»' wedding anniver- evleve Scus. Iva Klndef. O l i v e Salem Tuesday. Ed Vandehey and ‘ 1 ^ t v v i v u i d t v . h Mary Seus assisted with the J L S t h R i l ’t h d a V Supplies county nurse, such diseases ns scar- »ary Games und music furnished Rowray Loretta Krieger and Muriel Miss transportation. The class was much ii* entertainm ent for the evening. A Hermrns. Howard VanDyke. Ervin impressed bv the courtesy of all . Qp° ri?.p, ® „ r / osL ? i / i l sboro pe' p" Aladdin Lamps ( ( »C Tnian measles, flW B A lttL chicken C l l l l k l l l pox. DOX. itch I t c l l midnight M intw >r WAV v c rv n d icrnian supper was served, Vandehey, Ernest Krieger. Robert officials and of our county repre- brated his 98th birthday anntver- Long’s Radio Tabes Tested Free and Impetigo have been prevalent. . . . . VanDyke. Ignatius Evers, and Cyril sentatlves sar>" at hts home east ol town S un­ and In some conuiuuiltlrs have " • Spon»<>rs Concert— VanDyke. day. February 10. Those of his fam - reached the proportions of an rp l- Musical concert of piano and vo- Social Club Meets— Uy attending were Mr. and Mrs. domic. ' ! cal numbers will be sponsored by T r, vr. T hr..n.n S tar —-—■ social club meets Skin testing for tuberculosis wa.» the A. A. U. W Tuesday evening , Eastern ---- , ----- -- — —-, — H arry Frost, v their daughter and made a t Olenwood, Shoiwtxxl and a t Marsh hall. Forest Orove, at ,Mr and c Schulmerlch ¡ this afternoon (Thursday) a t two grandson. Jake and O ratton Frost Beaverton. Of the total of 475 8 15 o clock Tickets mav be ob- returned Friday from about two |o clock a t the home of Mrs. J B and Russell Frost, all of Hillsboro; tests. IB wore positive and of these tallied from Mrs Paul Patterson * f p|“ ' trip to Orland. California Dinsmore Mrs. V. Curry and Mrs. Mr and Mrs CL P Frost of P o rt­ ease» 15 X -rays were made in her and Mrs. R E Wiley. T / / / r a " 'p bapk by, * ay oi T h£ H L Hix'fiel are assisting host- land. Mrs X K Ihrlg of Forest effort to combat thü» dlscaNrs Miss I Miles - California highway a n d esses. Members and friends may Orove. and Mrs A. L Harding of Every thing In Insurance Dixon has made 295 vtflU through- ^Id-TImera In Reunion— through the Wnplnltla cut-off. go- bring their sewing and tea will be Independence. All his children were out the county to children and Cal Jack 8r. of Portland, only Ing through about 300 miles of served. present except Mrs Eber Inm an F h m e 1701 1J37 W ashington adults who had been In contact surviving male member of his fam - snow from Weed. Cal., to O o v ern -( ( . t F n t e r ia ln e d Í n.d Mrs Robert Rhodes of Beaver With tu b ercu lo sa Uy;. WL E. M astera only aurvlvor, m ent Camp. ‘ £ } ^ N e b r« k .. He was presented Loren Bronleewe and Leon Wiley with a bouquet of red carnations. Her repurt shows th a t pre-school <»f his family, and Ed Schulmerlch physical exam inations were con- only one of the boys left of his fam - H. L. MacKenzle was in Seattle entertained classmates with a Val- ----------------------- ducted a t Durham. Aloha and 81,er- Uy l>ad » reunion and "talk -test on business Monday and Tuesday pn » n p P«tty a t the J. N w tley p i flK c a n .n wood, and th a t clln.cs have been here Thursday. Mr. and Mr» Elbert Stiff moved "L " V - O U p iV MarKrniietf Entertain— held at Barnes^ Beaverton grade- .,(p social Successful_ this week to the Oeorge Jack place Mr. and Mrs. H. L MacKenzle high. C arlton-T ualatin. C o o p e r . _ . . . , at Jacktown Mountain. Hillside. Gaston, G len- t* 1«1 i * “ 0"» and Rebekahs put a l ....... .... .. wl ...........- ---- ----- ...... W ... „ S BANKS—Mr. and Mrs. renlnt^ entertained Friday .......... evening with a wood. Durham. Kinton. L a u r e l . 'I1 1 J1 *»1-.. Or,a ,,,a » M ;ri Btrlhoay Mrs Rupert Kennedy Is visiting dinner and card party. quietly celebrated their 62nd Laurel I Ridge, Ridge. Laurel Laurel View. View Middle- Middle- f l’a arty, rl’r ' at.jh Friday eve- eve- with w un Miss Miss Dorothy uorotny Parks parks a at t F Eu-1 prcSenf. rty" Fourteen Atlee a e e pie pie social social Friday u - , KUestjs KUesls wei^ were nrcsPnt, wedding anniversary February 13 St t Gccctta il nlng a t tbp the I- I. O. Mr and Mrs. Atlee were married ton, T ualatin ualatin. S Cecelia. m Hill. nln* G. O. i F. . hall. The gene. . Mr. Hillsboro Junior high-grade. Union. •‘‘,clal waa »iwiwored by the Past Walter, the little son of Mr. and ’ ■pa««p Meets Next Thursday— in DoWaglac. M ich, in 1873. where Lvda and W att, also exam inations Noble G ran d s’ club. Mrs. Verne McKinney, has been i Hillsboro G range will have a Mr. Atlee was engaged in the mill- made of the children at Metzger. A b a k a n Visit Here quite 111 for the past week. meeting and initiation Thursday Ing business They came to Oregon Durham. Tigard. Sherwood, Hill- M .. p . . „ , Mr and Mrs H E. Beresford and pvenng February 28. A social hour 28 years ago and soon settled In side »n3 Glenwood C h w h X n Ataska w « e gucst.s ins B“ > Brown of Portland were S u n - ' a fbllow the meeting. Banks, which was then being estab- M I m Dixon has aiso inspected i mmt M r. d«y guests at the S J Bechen Mrs. Wells Hostess— ltshed as a new town. They erected 25 eating places and beer parlors arp k ^ , , “ rs' E“ # , I n J T . i ’ home „ ? i . a 8torp building and established a In districts of Hall.‘ Mary / dai Talom, lin ‘ y vU“ left Mmn T r r h e d h ^ S u X T E S m Mrs. was 5>Urd hostess ercantile business which irench m outh; renortlna v K " 64 cases i X c a of 1 f° r and ' ¿ X family, “ ,,d w“ T “< '"7ay C ? ^ E. rn,? Wells ° n a t. V’e of general ^ e y ate m still running“ Mr. Atlee Is School omedy 62nd Anniversary Indigent residents and advised con- cerning nursing care of patients handled the distribution of 900 do- nated cans of C arnation milk; ob- lam ed 20 ixilr of ghw-es for school a's'ihted nrndv£. in the removal of tonMlV and ade- nulds In 36 eases and has visited ear), of the 107 public grade schools. 5 high schools a n d 12 private school». She states th a t 40 per cent of the defects reported In September were corrected by J a n - uarv 1. with 60 per cent of th e totnl school |M>pulatlo„ vaccinated against smallpox. In her report she exp,cased h er; « appreciation of the services given by doctors, te a c h e s, newspapers and private individuals, and by the many organizations In the county who have so generously assisted. “ l JunPau en route. Ml n.. arrived here Sunday morn . a se rle so f Coffees at her home In g3 and Mrs Atlee is 80 years old. Breaks Foot- P M erj/w h o is ill at th J h o m e of 8011111 Hillsbor°- L o j»urKP on crutches with ini d-iughtcr Mrs Jim Stew art B«xrlves G unshot Wound— Miss K atherine Hankins, student 1 ur^ , ,e p, , .‘J r , / ] ; , b is daughter. Mrs Jim Stewart. August Mcltebeke waa treated for a t L ln»p‘d college. McMinnville, a 0,r, ^ 1,1f ¿ ‘“¿n fa{S?l' Mr. and Mrs. C har es C. Parsons .MelW»»e was- treated for tWs week. end a t the S T lt a V ™ 1 ^ ,'" m ly H o ° an * “« ™ ' X . t “ fw i “ “ ‘' M a W r . A°“ man’ Opor*p « Bagley home. a» d a'lo» ’er man were moving .„ties south of Hlltaboro near Laurel ««ended him. Mm Oeorge R ££«£>’ »Pend- lhP lan k ' I They plan to make their home here Mrs. Kuratli H o s te s s - Teachers K e-lllrrd — Mrs. P. A. Qualls made high Missionary society of the Beth- w itch Hazel school teachers have score and Mrs. Frances Jensen sec- any Presbyterian church will meet been re-lured for the next term, ond at the Royal Neighbor card Wednesday at the home of Mrs. j \y H aradcr of Orenco Is prlnt-l- party Tuesday evening a t the old j E. I. Kuratli. and Mlss Amber Hoslle of G range hall. High score for the . ... Alolla p r,nlary teacher, men was made by Mr. Gclsbers and *n ’ p,s Hospital— second by Lloyd Hllliker. Mrs I Frank Wilson of Gales Creek was Reviews Book— Claud Cook and Mrs. Bertha Ennis taken to the Veterans' hospital last Richard Montgomery of Portland also received prizes. I week. Rave a review of his bixik. "The W hite-Headed Eagle." at Delphian luncheon Monday a t the home of Mrs. J. B. Dinsmore. BtHHBBMHBMBHiMHmBa Have Valentine Party— Mrs. A. W. Moore entertained Friday afternoon with a Valentine party for her daughters, Barbara and K athleen. Twelve of their During the m onth of February 15 friends were guests. W ashington county Parent-T eacher Syverson Improv ng— associations are having founders’ C. P. Syverson of Hazcldnle. who day program» and pageants com­ memorating the first Mothers' Con­ recently underwent a mastoid op­ eration at the Sm ith hospital, Is gress. Mm. Roe. national field secretary, Improving. Dr. Guv Boyden of Port- will conduct a school of Instruction land operated, at the Portland Y. M. C. A. Feb- J ■ ~• ruary 25 26 and 27. C ertificates will Ask your attorney to send your be a'wnrdixt P T. A workers taking legal advertising to the Argus. P. T. A. Groups Honor Founders is o ne I Saturday. February 23. A good time for everybody. Admission 25c. EVE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT SPECIALIST Big Dance At Cedar Mill G range hall S atu r­ G L A S S E S F IT T E D day night, February 23. Good music and good time. j Benefit Dance At M ounlalndale community hall Saturday night, for North Plains baseball club. Free lunch. ip R oom N a tio n al ■ at or r ia l Phunea Ren iden co 2972 O ffic a 2971 1 Bank Annas Honra 9 30 a. m. to 12 m. 1 :30 p. m. to S p. m. Argus classified ads get results. I — — — — ITHURS - FRI - SAT. I I I —jI M atinee Saturday, 2 P. M. — E vening at 6 : 3 0 D irect from A Its BIG FIRST R UN in P ortland "Lady For A D a y " , " I t H a p p e n ed O ne N ig h t" , " O n e Night o f Love". I I I I I I I I I BAXTÍR-LOY I I W A R N tR ua MYRNA I I I I i W ill help you at our Save a Dollar Sale GOAR'S WOMAN’S SHOP E. M. BARNES, Prop. BOWLING SUNDAY Noon to Midnight. GOOD PORCHES CAN BE BUILT ON AT ANYTIME « « C v lt FR A N K C A P R A P r o d u c t io n W«ti WALTER CONNOLLY • HELEN VINSON a.... .. re. a. MA»« MILL.MCI» C Ì& y L J Œ A » O W K tlSKlN m A' a N o R aise in A C/^ c / u ^ c P rices and A nd O ther Short S u b jects PR E V IE W SA T U R D A Y NIG H T, 1 1 :1 5 A N N E H A R D IN G in I | SUN - MON - TUES. L O V E B L O O M S A G A I N te, th, singing sweethearts of She Loves M e N o t Because your house had no porch, or an unsatisfactory one when it was built is no reason why you c a n 't now have one as suitable to the house and as p erfect as any in the neighborhood. W» will 6« glad to moke a sketch tor you (ot no charge or obliga­ tion) to Illustrate the new-porch possibilities in your home. POOL-GARDNER LUM BER CO. "If I t ’s Lumber Call O ur Number. 1011 Baseline St. Phone 2691 «BUY “ I t ’s J u n e in J a n u a r y ” “ W ith Every Breath 1 Take” “ Love is Just Around the Corner” eatutmi BING CROSBY KimCARUSlE Alison Skipworth Reglneld Owen • William Frowley A Sarameva, OX«». W fr»* tu«» Mu)X kr «•!»»•> s O m i W lv6«> W Is. *•*“ CLEM’S PLACE Confeetioners - Bowling Alievs Billiards 1260 Main St. I I I I I I I L K -> I I I I I RUSH LOW I IOC 25C * w I P L U S - ’’Silly Symphony” I I I I I "ENCH E i N v n ANTED APRIL” A P R IL THE SONG HITS OF THE NEW YEAR Bowling gives your muscles the play and your brain the relaxa­ tion you need after a day’s office w ork! Play often — and keep fit. Everything t o assure your enjoyment. I I ,1 I HEAVENLY film with two sparkling stars . . . from the producers of nani N ew Spring Dresses C a m » ! 10*1« HARRISON 0. HUGGINS M. D. Furtherm ore, we’ll tell you all about the easy moderniz­ ing loans available locally under th e N A T I O N A L H O U SIN G ACT. DON’T O VE R L O O k T h Rambling Mountaineers Dance at Helvetia I MRS. LYDIA G. RHEA &Otf nr Mrs. L. E. Olsen won first grand prize a t the St. Vanenttne party of Pilgrim Guild Thursday afternoon at Pilgrim House. Mrs. Tressa M er­ ritt was game chairm an for the afternoon and Mrs. R. H. Scott was in charge of refreshm ents. Mrs. John Johannsen and Miss Ethel Bergen were given the prize for the best pantomime, and Mrs. William | Ruff for providing the most fun in a ring game. Pilgrim Guild holds open house once each month, with a social afternoon, for all ladies who are interested in the work of the House. Nert House party will be March 14. when St. P atrick’s Day will be the theme. Mrs. Lydia G ray Rhea died S a t­ urday morning a t her home here three days before her 80th birthday She was born in Missouri and crossed the plains to Oregon with her p aren ts as a child. She is sur­ vived by her widower. J. P. Rhea, two sons, W. Y. G ray of McMinn­ ville and Frank G ray of Salem; and a daughter, Mrs. Frances Giles of Portland. Funeral services were held at McMinnville Monday afternoon with services at the grave conducted by the Hillsboro Rebekah lodge, of which she was a member. m ission 25 cents. ,Danpp «t IaurPl hall Saturday Olcott, a story of Switzerland; night. February 1« o ld time and "Oregon C h ie f / Hudspelto, short modern. Admission 15 cents and stories of ranch life in Eastern O re­ 25 cents. gon; "T lta of Mexico," girl of t il - teen, authentic background: "Juan CARO THANKS and Juanita." Baylor, two Mexican wl»h to thunk our kind friend« children captured by Indians; "T rea­ and W a neighbor, fo r th eir acts of lova and sure in the Little T ru n k /' Orton, ; tym pulhy during our recent loaa of w ife vivid story of pioneering from Ver­ and m o ther; and alao extern! grateful m ont to New York, and building thanks for tha baautiful flo ra l trib u te to our loved one— George Fisher and of the Erie canal; "Young Fu of i fam ily. , Upper Yangtsu," Lewis, Story of modern China for children of sev- I enth grade and older; "R edskins< and Pioneers," Barry and B arr New Strewn Line stories of pioneers of the great m id- ' V A C U U M CLEANER dlewest; and "Jean and Fanchon "I Olcott, two modern French chil­ Is here dren. A cleaning sensation CALL Old Time Dance SINGER SH O P Tuesday night, Verboort C. O F hall. Admission 25c for Demonstration H ats cleaned and blocked, shoes shined. W. O. Stampolls, 1132 Main S treet. 37tf Nearly 100 quilts were exhibited a t the Woman's Relief Corp»' quilt show a t the Veterans' h a lf Friday afternoon. Several hand-m ade bed­ spreads and rugs were also ex­ hibited. A social time and silver tea were enjoyed during the alte r- noon. Prizes were given in 14 classifica­ tions as follows: Best quilt all things considered— Mrs. Tom Rood. Mrs. M argaret Webb, first; Mrs. G ran t Garland second; Mrs. 8. E. Olsen, third. Best quilting—Mrs. George Hart, first; Mrs. 8 M. Ruagon. second Oldest pieced quilt — Mrs. Fred Beach. Oldest applique quilt—Mrs. Wil­ liam Meyers, first; Mrs E M Bow­ man. second. Silk quilt—Mrs. Joseph Cochran .. Wool quilt—Mrs. L. C. Lomax, first; Miss Anna Slas, second Velvet quilt—Mrs. Elwood Jo h n ­ son. Applique quilt—Mrs. Tom Rood, first; Mrs. D itter, second. Applique quilt unfinished — Mrs Fred Beach, first; Mrs. E. M. Bow­ man, second. Pieced quilt unfinished—Mrs. Ol­ son. first; Mrs. M M. Bierly (pieced by herself, 93 years old), second Sun-B onnet baby quilt — Mrs. Cochcran, first; Mrs. E. M. Bow­ m an, second. Best wool quilt unfinished—Mrs M. Elder. Baby quilt—Mrs. George Laver first: Mrs. Olsen (unfinished quilt), second. Special m ention—Old counterpane made in 1852, Mrs. Fred Beach- crochet bedspread. Mrs. C ochran1 Yo Yo bedspread, Lucille Rood; hooked rug. Mrs. B ennett; braided rug, Mrs. C. M. Powell. Valentine Party Held at Guild Good Time D am e At O range hall every Saturday night. Oeorgla Hess orchestra. Ad­ WANT-ADS Plus the Best of Short Subjects ■ ■■