H IL L S B O R O Page Six Annual Contest Held Cornelius B all Club B en efit Friday N igh t; M arket O pened CORN ELI UB — Irmlci Hardware company show window has an a t­ tractive display ol bird houses The annual contest conducted by the local public school closed last week The house receiving tirst prize, shaped like a church In green, Drown and yellow colors, was built by Rudolph Haag. George Milne, receiving second prize, painted his cream colored with large designs ol red tulips. Yellow and green de­ signs decorated the house winning third place, owned by Richard Cor­ nelius. . , Benefit W ell Attended The George Wasnlugton birthday supper sponsored by the Cornelius M. h Bunday school at the city hall Saturday night was wed a t­ tended. The decorations, napkins and waitress outfits carried out Uie patriotic c o l o r scheme. Sunday scnool teachers sponsored a candy- sale. The Sunday school wishes to extend thanks lor the community s support. . . . Air. and Mrs. C. Garton and baby of Toledo, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ber- nardun ol Beaverton and Howard Fox ol the S. S. West Virginia, sta­ tioned at Bremerton, Wash., spent the week-end with Mrs. Lillian Kelsey and Mrs. Lotta Fox and family. „ A number ol those attending ror- est Grove union high have been confuted to their home with the three-day measles. Move to Grove Mr. and Mrs. Frank Horlacher and lamily moved to Forest Grove last week. A number of the local girls be­ longing to the Girl Reserves or­ ganization ui either Forest Grove or Hillsboro attended the Girl Re­ serve mid-winter conference at For­ est Grove over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hollenbeck and daughter Helen and Mrs A. E Willis, ail of Mountalndale. visited the Arthur Bishop home Sunday Mrs. D. M crance. Mrs. Henry Behrman and Dan Barrett Jr. heard Will Durant famous phtlosopner. lecture on "A Plan for America, at the shrine auditorium in Port­ land Monday. Program Tuesday Boards of the M. E. church and Sunday school met Monday eve­ ning at the church. A program will be neld on Tuesday evening at the church with Mrs. Lester Mooberry in charge. Mrs. Edith Burbank's G enuine EVEREADY “ B” BATTERIES Never before offered at such low prices! Large size. $< L a y e rb ilt....... $ 4 .1 0 Medium ............. Enjoy your radio at its best with a new set of Eveready Batteries. (2 “5 I Douglass - R adio Service Selfridge Bros. Phone 21A A RGU S, H IL L S B O R O , Thuirtdny, Pebrutify 21, 1985 OREGON tions this house holds lor you." tl there are several Chinese gentle­ thought 1 detected a note of re­ men whom unde has swindled out of rare treasures, who will be de­ sentment In her voice'. Vance ignored t h e unfriendly lighted to learn that I ll s collecting THE KENNEL days are over. And yon probably criticism. "Why do you repudiate the sui­ know yourself, Mr. Markham, that cide theory?' he asked with pro­ there were many unpleasant rumor s MURDER CASE nounced courtesy. after uncle's return from China last "Very simple, she replied. "Uncle year—gossip about tits desecrating graveyards and removing funerary First S em ester Liat U nion was too great an egotist to de­ By prive the world of his presence. urns and figures He received sev­ School A nnounced "But egotism Vance submitted eral threatening letters." S. S. Van Din« "Is otteu the cause of suicide Bore­ Markham nodded “Yes, I remember He showed me dom. don't y know — the inability Honor roll for the first .semester • .D o you to ttnd a responsive appreciation. one or two of them. seriously believe an outraged Orient­ at Htlhl was announced tills week Suicide gives the egotist his one Copyright by W. It. Wright by U W. Barnes, superintendent supreme moment of triumph." Vance al killed him?" "Certainly not The iTunes«' have lh e following list was released spoke with academic aloofness. WNU Servico Praahman Jeann« Abta, Hubert A lll* "Uncle Archer needed no supreme more sense than to kilt anyone to r ’ •cn, John ItltH'k, lilaiih la I'a rla u li, l»«>r« moments." Hilda Dike returned a piece of bric-a-brac." thy Clm Uttunl»«», Varna H illon . Halph contemptuously. He had such mo­ Vance yawned and strolled be­ Ila»«. Miltlrvxl Krahm V ivian ar. THK STORY ments every tune he acquired a tween Hilda and Markham Again Shirley M a rtin , W U I im hi Meara, MlLIrvsi knicknack. An utterly he held out his cigarette case Meyer. Jean I ’rraon. l'h«at«*r Kaainu»»«-n CHAPTER I Ph ilo V a ne*. expert in Chinese "Oh. do have a cigarette," he M arKarvt Kucvkar. I\» h Taugawa. Kutta solving crim e mysteries, i* celled in to worthless piece of soft th e n porce­ inveeturete the eup«s»ed euleide of Arx-her lain m a silk nest, which was of no oleaded. "Sometimes they quiet the Wcik Sphoninrvv M arybai K lint. Ilc la n C raf. Coe. w ealthy collector of Chine»« cera­ use to any human being, gave him nerves, don t y'know.” h'athar 11.« . I v. v n lln mics. D is tric t A ttorney M arkh am haa a greater thrill than I would gel The woman looked up at him and S«ci"«M”vn, Itix ia Lev MaclhtwuJI, lh»ru- learned the circumstances over the tele- out ot beating Booby Jones. 1- gave a hard, questioning snu!-' th«*a Stfhaua, Tom H lrvtvhar, Irin a l Traak. phone fro m Gamble. Coe's butler. G et­ Then, after a moment's hesitation J «-a tine W aniivr. Kl«*rvnca W u n tlv rlk h tin g no re tp e n w when he bed k n tx -la l don I think uncle killed himself." "Forgive me Vance bowed You sin* look one, and he lighted It for Jtm iora. H illy Aillaon, ll«len llevkei. on his em ployer's hexirxvni door, Gamble Melba lla w r a tle k . I(«>leonih tltinaa, lle itt said he had looked through the keyhole are unquestionably right. But n eilli-, her. and had seen Coe seated a revolver in er Mr. Markham n o r Sergeant "What do you think of tilts a f­ llobba. llertiicv H ow ard, Ih trvthy Jack his rig h t hand and a bullet hole in his Heath agrees with us. They are fair. Mr Vance.’" she asked casual­ won, Harold Meyer, M a rjo rie M ontgom ery, l.eila O 'Connor, C h rtatin e Itohh. Dorothy temple. The door was 1-olte.l fro m __ the quite ready to dismiss the case as ly- Sletnke, Dave Vorbet. I(oi»ert Tonaue. inside. M arkh am and Vance go to Coe'a "Dashed If I know ' He spoke Seniors Helen IlMiiuhman, Tom llron- house in New Y o rk 's ’ Os. They find suicide." She looked from Markham to lightly "Your suggestion of a Chat.a- leewe. M uxtne hebit. Fraitv'ea Hebb«, Wrevle. a frien d of Cues, th e re , also a Signor Graasi. a gum ,. Sergeant Heath Heath with a hard, cold smile. nian is most fascinatin'. I wonder Kena lle ite l. Grace Ktnaaton, W anda and Detecttve H enuw aey burst in the "And why not?" she asked. "It if there are any objects d'art nus- I'a tk , K>4>ert Patterson, Llisaheth .Sabo, door, revealing the death chamber, Coe would be so easy—and would save sutg front ttie house." Helen N ahliebl, Vk iltna Svhana. Helen is clothed in a dreaaing gown, but wears ick. A nna Svhwanke. "I wouldn't be surprised.” she Live-subject street shoes. H eath says it is a plain a lot of bally scandal." pupils K eith lluaeh. «opti­ Markham was piqued by the blew a long ribbon ot smoke to­ on! o r v . Ann M unkera, ju n io r , Kenneth case of suicide. V ance says it is m urder. woman's attitude. ward the celling. "Personally. 1 L aP lan te, Lena .Miller, senior«. (Continued fro m last week) "Who, Miss Lake," he asked m hope they're all gone. I'd infinitely I l'hi ev-«ubj»vt pupils K ila Kalnhold. hts typical courtroom m a n n e r , prefer Wedgwood and Willow ware." fre sh m an . Dor«>thy Hecker. C a rl Doerii. CHAPTER II "would have any reason for desiring Markham again took the floor. France« L a ir , K athleen M cA lear, Jim your uncle's death?" "Liu a 1 raid were all talking a Samsel, «enior«. A Startling Discovery Puat iiraduale«« Blanche McCorm ick. "I, tor one." she answered un­ bit dramatically. . . . It your unde s At this moment the front door hesitatingly. l o o k i n g Markham death was not suldde. Miss Lake, Alice Schulmertch. downstairs opened and shut with straight m the eye. He irritated me how do you account lor ttie fact Honor roll for the third six weeks a bang, and we could hear a rath ­ beyond words. There was no sym­ that Hie door ot tills room was included most of the above mtmed er strident feminine voice address pathy between us. He stood in the bolted on the inside?" students and the following: the butler. wav of everythmg 1 wanted to do; Hilda rose to her feet, a puzzled Kr«Mhmeti Helen Ensley, I* leaim r H a n ­ ley. L'.hel H a rry , Pevuy Huaa, Helen Morning. Gamble. Take my clubs and he was able to make life pretty look on her face. and Halen eibury and tell Liange to rustle me up miserable for me because he held "Bolted on the Inside?" she re­ VSakayama Sophom ores. Leaiiore Sherm an. the pursestrings. A nice, cold artic some tea and muffins." peated. turning toward the door. Then there came a sound of dav it was for inc when he wus "Ah! So you had to break In!" site Junior« Kadah Gottlieb, Nay dean Pal- footsteps on the stairs, and Gam­ appointed tnv guardian and I was stood still fur several moments look­ ter«on and Sue Santoro. made dependent on liun tHer ing at Hie hanguig bolt. "That's Sen lo re : N«umtan Do Free«. M a n e D«wrn. bles appealing voice said. Helen Schm idt. C la ir G allup am i Juliana "But. Miss Lake. I beg of you— voice became bitter. There was a different." clouded, angry look In her eyes, and just a moment, please." "In just what way?' asked Vance M iller. "Tea and muffins,” came Miss her square jaw was set slightly for­ Maybe, alter all. It was suicide!" A bell sounded downstairs, and Lakes voice curtly; and the foot­ ward’. "Hts death at any tune these past ten years would have been a we could hear Gamble opening the steps continued up the stairs. Markham and Heath and I step­ godsend to me. Now tliat h e s out front door. Mr und Mrs. Roy Hollingsworth, ped toward the door Just as the of the way 111 get my patrimony Markham stepped quickly to Hil­ who have been living here the past young woman reached the upper and be able to do wliat 1 want to da Lake's side, and pul Ins hand two muntlis. left Saturday tor Ho­ do without interference." on her arm. "The medical examin­ quiam, landing. Wash., where they lived tor Miss Hilda Lake was a short, Markliatn Heath regarded her In er Is probably coining Will you be of last year and where Roy somewhat stocktly built woman of amazed indignation. There w a s so good as to go to your room and uiost will again be employed Mr und about thirty, strong, resilient and something icily venomous in her wait there?" Rlght-o." She strode to the door. athlelic-lookuig. Het blue-gray eyes manner a calculatuig liatred more SKIDWAY GETS A FEED were steady and. I thought, a trifle potent and devastatuig even than Before site went out site turned There they sat, two hundred men hard; her nose was small and too ner words. It was Vance's languid "But please send Gamble up with broad for beauty and her lips were indifterent voice that broke the mv tea and muffins. 1'nt positively of ttie Sktdwuy. the clty'a section ol homeless men. full though unemotional. Her yel­ momentary silence that followed starving." (Continued N ext W ««kl Gut came a trustee, for this Is low-brown hair was cut short and her tirade. their night at the mission. Coat ott, combed straight hack from a broad, ■ My word! Really, y' know, Miss low forehead. She wore a tweed Lake, you're dashed refreshln' In sleeves rolled up. letting sandwiches suit and heavy tan oxfords with your frankness . . . Are we to ac­ and fixing go for a minute, he rubber soles. A white shirt-waist cept your comments as a confes­ gives ttie two hundred welcome. His place In tlu’ business world, he with a green four-in-hand added sion of murder? ' a final touch of mannishness to her tells. Good point of contact, fur "Not at present," was the even who would not listen to the man appearance. reply. "But it the authorities are set BEAVERTON — Annual oltlcers' As she reached the head of the on calling it suicide. I may come mspection of Beaver chapter, O E. wjio runs a crack traiis-contlncntal stairs and saw Markham, she came forward later and claim the credit S„ was held February 13. Dr. Edith tram. Then a word as to how he forward with a swinging stride and for hts demise—by way of uphold­ 1. Phillips, up to nine years worth grand matron of was hard-boiled held out her hand. none of 11 ait religious stilt! ing the honor ot the fanuly. You grand chapter of Oregon, was ago; •'Greetings." she s a i d . "What see. I regard a good healthy Justi­ the tor lum And ttie welcome he gave on her ofltctal Visit. A beau­ brings you here so early? Business fiable murder in higher esteem present told them tils new heart of love. tiful floral degree was conferred with uncle, I suppose." She ran her than a paltry suicide." Next a prominent business man. 1 on Miss Phillips. eyes appraisingly over Heath and trustee, asked ttie blessuig on the The blood was mounting to Mark­ Tea Held me as she spoke, and frowned ham s cheeks; he was beconung good tilings to come. The ladies of the Beaverton Con­ Then before Markham could answer angry at Hilda Lake's apparent gregational Row by row. our passenger con­ church entertained with ductor she added: “Anything wrong?" sent them Into the side room flippancy. a tea at church Thursday after­ "Something seriously wrong, Miss "Who besides yourself.' he asked, Mrs. Stanley C. Chm. who Out ot which they come with the Lake." Markham replied, trying to trying to control his feelings, "would noon. half-pint cup of steaming coffee recently returned from a trip bar her way into the room. "If have hud reason to murder your has to China, told about Chinese women and the eats. you will be so good as to wait—" uncle?" Now came the service, the testi­ and Chinese temples. Committee in But the young woman, with an The woman looked up at the ceil­ charge was Miss Genevieve Carter, monies of the trustees ttie feature. aggressive gesture, brushed past ing with meditative shrewdness and Mrs. C. E. Mason, Mrs. Walter Van- How it was when they lived in flta; us and entered the room. The sat down on the edge of the desk. Kleek. Mrs. H. Boswell. Mrs. K. B liow converted und what change moment she caught sight of Arch­ "Any number of persons. She Denney, Mrs. Louise Carter. Miss since the Lord had come into their er Coe she went swiftly to him and spoke indilferently. "De Mortius— Juliett lives. Then the call for decisions Carter knelt down, putting her arm about and all that kmd of rot—but. after Two young fellows, country cliaps. New Resident Honored him. all, the fact that Uncle Archer Is Mrs. J. R. Talbert entertamed rose and went Into the Inquiry "Hey! Don't touch that body!" dead doesn't make him any more number of friends at cards, com­ room. Ruddy like David the Shep­ Heath stepped quickly up to her admirable. And there are several a plimenting Dan Myers, u new- herd boy when Samuel the prupliet and put his hand on her shoulder people who would prefer him dead resident of Mrs. anointed him to be king over Israel Beaverton. none too gently, pulling her Vo her to alive.” Ttien rose up two middle-aged men M rs . C o o p e r H o n o re d f Heath had stood solemnly by Mrs. Julie Cooper was entertained One a logger and the other from up­ She swung toward him angrily, during this astonishing conversation, 1 with a dinner party by friends and state. wlio said lie hud been usher her feet wide apart. puffing at a long black cigar and at her home Sunday In in a church for years but had never Markham stepped diplomatically studying the woman with puzzled relatives honor of her 86th birthday atinl- really faced ttie question before All into the breach. tour accepted Christ us Savior and belligerence. At this point he spoke ’ versary. "Nothing must be touched. Miss sourly. Mrs. Hazel Miller was hostess to Lord. The boys were off next day Lake." he explained, "until the “Il you think your uncle was such . the Past Noble Grands' club at the tor a government camp. Ttie men medical examiner arrives." • a wash-out and you were so glad to O. O. F. hall Wednesday. A pot later came back for testaments. She regarded Markham calculat- find he'd been croaked, why aid you I. Note: The testimonies, songs and luck luncheon was served at noon ingly. run over to him and kneel down, The birthday anniversaries of Mrs prayer had their part, but personal "Is it also against the law to tell and pretend to be worried?" Cora Crane. Mrs. Sarah Chamber­ workers stationed about led to these me what's happened?" she asked. Hilda Lake gave the sergeant a lain. Mrs. Hazel Mllles, and Mrs men coming into the Inquiry room. “We know little more than you withering, yet whimsical, look. Alter all. It is the personal touch Jenne were observed. do." Markham returned mildly. "We "My dear Mr. Policeman, I simp­ Lettie Tuesday Bridge club met at Nen- tliat counts. "Wc are his witnesses have just arrived, and we found ly wanted to make sure he was del's of these things and so also Is thr February 12 with Mrs. Ruby your uncle's body exactly as you dead.” Boyd hostess. Mrs. H. Nelson, a Holy Ghost, whom God hath given see It.” to them that obey him." Acts 5:32. Markham stepped forward. guest, had high score. She turned and contemplated the "You're a brutally unfeeling wo­ Mrs. H. P. Nelson entertained George N. Taylor. Beaverton, Ore. inert figure in the armchair. man. Miss Lake," he said through lship Bridge club at her bO O M Paid Adv. "Well, what do you think has set Jaws. February 13 with a dessert lunch­ happened?" She put the question in Vance proffered her his cigarette eon. a hard, even tone. case. "There is every appearance of "No, thanks." She was now look­ suicide . . .” ing down at Archer Coe's body. “I T w o N ew Four-H Clubs "Suicide?” She turned back to rarely smoke. Bad for the wind— O rgan ized at H illsid e Markham coldly. "I wouldn't call upsets the nerves. . . . Yes." she Two new 4-H clothing clubs have it th a t” mused, as If reverting to her con­ been organized in the Hillside dis­ Vance, who had been standing at versation with Markham, "there trict, according to t h e county the rear of the room near the bed. won't be any great mourning at school superintendent’s office. Mrs. came forward. dear uncle's passing." Wilbur Clapshaw Is leader of club "Neither would I. Miss Lake.” he Markham returned to the point. 31 with five members, while Mrs. said. "Would you care to name anyone J. R. Bamford is leader of club 33 sne moved her head slightly and in particular who might be p ie a etf with six members. lifted her eyebrows. with Mr. Coe's death?" "Ah! Good morning. Mr. Vance. Veterans to Gather "That wouldn't be cricket," she Ask your attorney to send your Reunion of old B company. 162nd In the excitement of the moment returned. "But I ’ll say this much; legal advertising to the Argus. infantry (overseasi will be held at I didn't see you . . . You are quite the Blue Danube Gardens in Port­ right—it's not suicide.” Her eyes narrowed. “It's been along time since land March 2. you called. Ceramics and corpses would seem to be the only attrac­ Quality Job printing—Argus. resignation as Sunday school su­ perintendent was accepted and Mrs. Mattle Smith was elected In her Place- New Market . „ Opened H anks Market a n d Grocery- Store held its opening Saturday. Four clerks were kept busy all dav The uew store is located m the old bank building, wmeh has oeen remodeled with a modern op­ en-air market. Henry Herlng and Henry Jacobsmuhlen are propne- U Herman Ronnuig of Steele. N D . who visited the F Horlacher home last week, returned home Wednes­ day. Lincoln Birthday Observed Woman s Home Missionary society of the M. E. church met Tuesday afternoon. In beginning Lincoln's birthday, the leaner gave an m- teresttng talk In honor ot him. Mrs C. Dixon. Mrs John Burbank and Mrs. W. R. Cooke served a luncheon. Postal Test Taken About IS applicants for local post­ master took the civil service ex­ amination in Hillsboro Saturday. Postmaster General James Farley will select the postmaster from the Uiree highest rating in the examin­ ation. m e new postmaster wtU take over the office the last of March or first of April, it is expected. Madison Anderson of Garioaldi visited at the Ray Trites home Monday Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. Atiderson is Mrs. Trites' broth- er. H V. Jones is removing the large tree in the parking between his home and the J. A. lrmler home. Treasurer Named Miss Margaret Cooke led the Ep­ worth League service ol M. E. church Sunday night. Miss Myra Weide- witsch was elected treasurer to fill vacancy made by Miss Dorothy Cookes resignation. Mrs. Alex McPherson spent the latter part of the week with Mrs. Harry McKay of Portland. Mrs. McKay was a guest at the McPher­ son home Wednesday night, and Mrs. McPherson returned home with her. . Mrs. Lizzie Quiulin of Portland is visiting her sister. Mrs Sam Mc- Ilvaine. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson and family and Mr .and Mrs. C. John­ son and lamily of Scoggins Valley visited here Saturday. Mrs. Edith Burbank, who is making her home with her daugh­ ter. Mrs. Ray Woods, and family of Blaine, arrived Thursday to vis­ it Mr. and Mrs. John Burbank and family. , , ... The "Dare to Do' class and the Solomon's Servants class of the M. E. Sunday school enjoyed a Valentine party Thursday evening at the church. , . Friday afternoon the sewing club girls ot the local grade school en­ tertained the manual training boys with a party. Miss Evelyn Reed is the leader of the girls and Prin­ cipal W. B. Barnes is leader of the boys. Tom Adamson, wno is employed at Tualatin, visited relatives ana trends during the week. Miss Lela Peters of Mountaindale was guest of Miss Myra Wiede- witsch over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Scnmidt and family are moving on to the Keller farm from Centerville. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. V. Hender­ son, February 12, a boy. Mrs. Belle Lilly has returned , from a visit with relatives at Gales Creek. _ Leslie Brown of Gervais spent the week-end here. Miss Frances Gnos of Iowa Hill spent Saturday with Mrs. Matue Smith. Mrs. Frank Dooher, who has been ill for several days following an accident, has been able to resume her teaching at Mountaindale. Mrs. R. B. Scott visited relatives at Beaverton several days l a s t week. . . .2 Mrs. L. C. Mooberry attended the dinner of the Business and Pro­ fessional Women's club at Hillsboro Friday evening Mrs. M. D. Mann and Mrs. Mattie Smith were her guests for the evening. Add to Warehouse Standard Oil company is build­ ing an extension on to the ware­ house. Mrs. C. Hastings has been visit­ ing with relatives in Portland for some time. Benefit Friday Night Baseball club will hold a benefit dance at Bunning's hall next F ri­ day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Loadne and daughter of Aloha spent Sun­ day at the J. C. Parmley home. Earl Anderson visited relatives in Beaverton Sunday. Mr and Mrs. L. C. Mooberry and Mrs. M. D. Mann and Mrs. Mattie Smith visited Mrs Mann's brother, J. C Hare, in Portland on Sunday He has been verv ill for some time. Young Peoples society of the St. Alexander church held a dar.ee F ri­ day night at Bunning's hail. Hilhi Roll of Honor Given Mason Hill Star Head Visitor Beaverton Chapter Mrs. W. b French entertained for them Friday night Henry Munson has again movett onto his place after a two months' absence A birthday |Mrly was held foi Charles Johnson oil Ills birthday February 11 at the home in tin- evening. Attending were Mr und Mrs B W Waldorf. Mr und Mrs George Hill, Mr and Mrs. W 8 French. Albert and Florence Frcnoh and Mt and Mrs. Johnson and Betty. Quality Job printing Argus. Dally Trip" to l’nt Hand H illsboro A u to F reig h t Bonded and Insured Carrier Serving Beaverton, Aloha, Herd- vlUr, IlillxlMiru, CornelliM and Forest Grove Pickup and Delivery Service at Package Kales Hlllgboro Phone 842 East Bide Terminal Portland Phone EAst 1)131 h RIG REXALL FEBRUARY BIRTHDAY SALE Free Silver Plate with REXALL PREPARATIONS On«1 Teaspoon or Salad Fork with each 25-1 ENT ARTICLE One Knife or Fork with each 60-CENT ARTICLE k SALE BEGINS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22 T ypew riters For Rent anti For Sale The Delta Drug Store Remember THE D A T E S -N E X T FRIDAY and SATURDAY FEBRUARY 22 «nd 23 it will be DOLLAR A DAYS lit this store The $1 c.c. Store A Pleasing nini Profitait!« Place to T rade J. H. GARRETT, Prop. Phone 2601W Drainage Problems - - Recent testa show our Concrete Drain Ttie to be approximate­ ly 80'; stronger than required by the American Society of Test­ ing Materials for farm Drain Tile When you buy a four-inch Concrete Tile you gel one tliat measures four Inches, not three and a half. The Tile la exactly one foot long and there are no cracked or split Tile allp|Mxl In on you. Hillsboro Concrete Brick Qc Tile Co. Across Washington Street from Cannery on P. It. A N. Katlway Between Main and Washington Office Phone 1311 Art K rorgrr 2546 — Ilo in r Phones— llrn ry K rorgrr 1204 A VA LU ES 1933 Ford V-8 Tudor Sedan. A real buy in unused tr a n s p o r ta ­ tion. $ Special ....... 495 1933 Ford V -8 Coupe. 1933 C hev C oach. Less t h a n 20,000 miles. A real buy. P erfect c o n d itio n , paint and rubber like new. Special ... OXO 495 Special 1932 Ford M odel A 1931 Ford Reconditioned a n d fully guaranteed. Sport coupe rum ble seat. Special 325 1930 Ford M odel A D elu x e Fordor Sedan. Special Special M odel A w ith $2 5 0 1930 Ford M odel A T udor Sedan A -l condition 235 1933 Ford Truck 1933 C h evrolet Truck 157-inch wheelbase, duals, low m ileage. 157-inch wheelbase, 10-ply duals, p lat­ form body .... iur od $5 5 0 1929 CHEVROLET TRUCK— New rubber, 131-inch wheelbase In the old days a kitchen was about as efficient as clumsy implements, ponderous equipm ent, and ugly fit­ tings could allow. It’s a fa r cry to the modernly sleek kitchen where neither time, energy, nor food itself may be wasted. And the sm art house­ keeper records her economies b y keeping a budget and m aintaining a Savings Account regularly. $5 5 0 250 The above cars offer real value in unused tran sportation. We in­ vite y our close inspection. Priced rig h t for im m ediate sale. ■'The larg est Indrpendrnt in Washington Bank County” HILLSBORO Commercial National Bank a u t m o a ih d jalcs ano Slavic« Have UNLIMITED hot water service for ^1.25 monthly heater rental! Operating cost small! HAT matter if your budget in any kind—sign no sales c o n tra c t- modeet one! I t will etill pay no in stallatio n charge— take W a permit you to enjoy unlimited hot no risk at all. water service. It can eaeily free you from dependence on fickle furnace coils . . . from remembering to light your tank heater . . . from a hot water service w ith inconvenient "off"period« . . . from a “firet come, firit served” hot water supply. To have plentiful, effortless hot water every minute the year ’round, just rent a High-Low Automatic Oas Water Heater for dom estic Uie like you would rent anything elae. The rental is flat . , . ,1.25 a month. And the operating cost is very sm all because of low-cost Portland gas. You pay no extras of T his H igh-Low Gas Storage Water Heater givei you unlimited hot water service. It automatically keeps an abundance of clean hot water of a uniform, safe tempera­ ture ready for use any time you turn a faucet, day or night, winter or summer. Why wait longer to en­ joy the easy cleanliness this serv­ ice affo rd s fo r such a m odest monthly costf Any dealer, plumber or your gas company will gladly give you com plete d etails about this service . . . will arrange to rent you one of these heaters at once. Don't delay. In v estig ate to d sy l • The H ig h -L o w R e g u lito r on thia Penfield Auaometie Gee W e te r H e eler control, two burnere. W hen pieced et L O W , only e em ail burner operate! when heat le necetsary. W hen shifted to H IG H . • large burner le alto brought Into action, which heate the water much mure rapidly. Thue you e ta control the amount of w ater heated — end your gat bill, too, If you w tih . DEALERS, PLUMBERS AND P ortland G as & C oke C ompany 1300 M ain Street «