Thnrstljiy, February à i. TT 1 L L S B O ft O A R G U S , Ihn Adolph Hchmldt holin' T h u rs­ day. M ove lo G mu I oii Mr. und Mr» W L. Steven» ac- conipaiilbd Ml. und Mi». George T#w« Lo lliclr new nome ut UuiiLoii und «peni Hunduy. Mi. und M n. J. W Twigg und tkholls Uuntluy v two w «on» or 1 «» vimmw weiv wvj » oujiuu) evening guest» at the bee Brown lióme Mr. und Mrs. Sidney Rot list rom and two »on« visited In Portland Sunday with Mr llolhstrom '» m oth­ er und sistem. Shirley M argaret 1» the name M vel1 *.o Gi” m w daughter of u ais- ***'• ‘"*h ? Hendnctuoii, who 11,111111 lv lived lien th '; V n ‘ v . u r i r i - i . « f.i i, ti n . ?*LNay U(.1(( ‘ *■ 1 Stretch, all ol New­ T llL L S B O ftO , O ft E G O Ñ Page Five lu»t week In Hopewell delivering ly „ , _______ __________ _______ lecture« a t the church and school. nlng. Mrs. Elmer Howard 1» the I treat from their teacher, Miss Em- Mr». Alvin Muly and buby daugh- | Y O U N G ’S teacher. ma Schrader. ter, who wu» born January 23, ure j Mr and Mrs. C. G Wright o Mrs Ferris, Mr». R uth Swanson .laying with Mr». Muly'» parini», Portland visited a t the H. M. Whiz- and children, and Harald Ferris Mr. und Mr». Herd, near HiiJaboro I hand home Sunday. visited relative» Wednesday a t a lte r returning from u Portland 1 "Thoughtful. Sympathetic Mr. and Mr». A. B F lint and Lyons, hospital. Service" daughter M argaret and Lion M cln- Mr. and Mrs. Lester Davies and »>• «a ■ z"» » t a t r% t » „ « . « . • xunnun V untldU iLieciric Electric auem agent ixah haa uteri been Phone 971 Hillsboro and family visited a t the E. sons visited a t the William Carl- B ir t h d a y s C e le b r a t e d ; G e o . D e b a t e S c h e d u le d ; S e w in g here getting people interested in G r s n g e r i P la n V is ita tio n « ; nls Dlment home in LaCenter. Wash., jte d t home a t Powell valley Frl- electricity on their places. ond a t the Clifford York home In day T e w » and F a m ily M o ve G ro u p O rg a n iz e d D e c la m a tio n F rid a y Mis» Prunces Post s mother, Mrs I Portland. | -----------------------_ -------- ' Spence, 1« visiting friends In East- j aiiujcw w euer ur. me , - Andrew Weller Jr. wai was in In the ern Oregon. hospital several day» last week a» D U X t O fl S tu d e n ts NEW (Hr Mia I». Hruwn) B. Demmln > (By IIAZRLDALE -T he Townsend old Celebrate« Birthday the result of a serious hand cut u iu u v m s age pension plan will Ire debated on Miss Luclle Johnson, daughter of o c m u l l b —o ra n g e meeting S at- received while splitting wood LAUREL—"Here Cornee Chinili' u three-act comedy, will be pre- ui tin community club 1 rlduy eve- Mr. und Mri Ed Johnson, tele- urday was well attended Visitor m e t «-arty u»y Benefit Party r t n rldav W a ll P a p e r nlng by K enneth Wuldele, Joe Berg- ( orated her fifth birthday February Included Charles Dlckenseri of Os- Scholls Woman's club will hold a »enled by members of "Broudi :>8t- (Br Mr" Mr» J n t« Meyer« _ ______ _ er»"’ da»» I the Bunday »chool at er, Harold Nliupper and Jean O Con- 14 a t her home with u lew neigh- wego, the oldest member In M ultno- benefit card party at the C. W lB« BOOKS nor. Muslcul selections will be on nor.» present. rnah: Mr. und Mrs. Charles V a n -1 Larkin home Friday evening. BUXTON—A Valentine box was community hall March 1 al It JO the program also Everyone Is in- — ------- ----------- Kleek and Mrs. Meyer», m aster of I miss Ruby Yerrlngton of Portland enjoyed by local pupils February The .scene 1« in the city home ol If yon are going to have «ome vlted to atten d the meeting. C L II Ik l _ l L Tigard; William Sm ith and Mrs was a Sunday guest a t the Eliza- 14. Recitations were Judged for the Papering done we would like to Isirry. a young fellow ot 24. who ha» promised an old m an to do any- Both prim ary and upper grade ¿HTlOllS ivCDCKtlllS 1{ McAnlnch of Hillsboro. Scholls beth Reed home. O ther guest.» were annual declamation contest Win- show you our «am pies. They are rooms celebrated Valentine s duy Grange will visit Sherwood Orange Mrs Bruce Schulm ench and daugh-I ners were: Division I, dram atic all the finest designs. We have nt I» le ft Mra' JunB W eatherford, who ha with parties In the upper grude I n t f o l l ( " V f t t ' v i : Aprl1 11 ar,(i T,kard O range visits ter Alice ol Hillsboro Neoma Canby. Division I, hum - "C harlie’ of the olii mun room. of which Mr» Ethel Hutz 1» J IIJ H r tll V _/Il ll_CT3 here March 10. Mr und Mrs. H. M. Whlz-uand a t- orous. Alpha Mae Peterson Dlvl- over one hundred. lau to n curi u e for Nora, a lyple- made her home the pa.-.t la verai \ lor r Irish* ian ry muid. Tim. a police,nan. “u ‘ , Ä i n / w i h c . ' le.ii her, n short program and a s o u t h HCMOLLS M i iiohv i _Ml.:^ Wilma Herd spent_the^aeek-| tended a card party last Tue.soay ' sion < H. ^dramatic, Setty Stowell al “ ' j é h li'C P , MIS Rii? Ä T “ I specialize in Mi Jorle housekeeper; Ted, u schoolmate Ih* Lumu-t* d u ly Of Htlbboro u it mate PAPERING of lairry ». Vivian, a society g h l, ™ week-end au e.t of M inuem ■ >„, Uncle Aleck, a seedy hick, who I» moor, “ • n u g i u . i o i Minici nl Dun.»- M e sd a iiw » »» 1-, ui.»/»» u u u m u » r . , r ,,« u iM i m o r e or ¿jau rc. --------— ----- --------. . - --------. and all interior Berger, Mi -»dames lorn Miller, Mary S ta r class has been tJrallenged by Yunker« home In Forest Grove the pupils. devoted to Charlie; Mr» Hmyllii Kersey, a snobbish m allon, .md I(ld’,‘yi. ? 1 ^ u e u '* h .l'T n-dei' ’jú n ' McHenry, Paul O Connor. R hea * as the T ru th Seekers class in an at- Sunday. Party Friday PAINTING Luiier, Helene McCullough, and “r" ? ' " rB'f c|? r‘‘ R ibekah A s^m tend?nce‘ contest for a period end- Earl Demmln and Evelyn Hatfield Honor» a t the card 4 r t v a t the Mortimer, her »on. till do their p all Al,dy e ge»uuhl Himilav ' M Jam es Rietz in the lower grad.' .0 ? R»g.April 1. the losing class to treat w tre Sunday evening guests at the A1" jg g in keep,,,« thing» lively ,i r o n n il * Z n d T v Charlie, au o z i X a n t U V te¿ü.3 k l t Ä " w “ V Î u m “ room, with Miss Margare Paul Davies home in Multnomah. follows- "500"_Mrs Elsie" Koilv" p art in the play aie Raymond M«y. w g wVii imu »,, • t a u r i J i a . lem nei , .1 pi ogi am ed. Gue er». Helen k llfa llllllin led Rut», fl- Kenn, in ot a. holu 408 S. 5th Avenue • r lc k ta S d * * JOton-Mm »■*“ O ^ r o a ^ r s ^ M ^ l M y ^ v lU e M s K ^ S ^ a t A h & “ d I « — « 1M> man. Bernice Brown, ihelm .i M ul-i , ... .. . w.rulu ol li „. »mu,. at Berger, Hillsboro, Oregon loy, G ilm an Wight, Earl B aku. Al the hall h * i! o tl,g |,t‘ and òde- and Strickland. ■rlLk“uld, , , Allison, secretary; K atherine Moore. sundav guests a t the E P I in- &-u£v “el>aters> at Mrs. R W. Manley, low. A card __________ Mi Jo h n Black 81 has returned treasure! L u c ile F lin t, w a rd e n . dov fcS Beaverton hjijh t t r t d y .____ party will be given a t th e A. n Wl,?g.n *hv Wl11 ,M* completed In tune lor luctor; Joseph- Lmdiw and family of B ethany4 » ^ Edwards home Friday night with Bennett. lile pluv Is cowi I hh I by n«, benefit siiow M »1 < n 1 , }?LCoX'^ i? apl“ ? : i . h S !oxi.0 - 0 ; ¡ M r i Wdl“ oem belia Ur. ¿ M ? X e ? a t Ute “ furnished by the Mr and M r. W 1. McN .y Hume- Mr mid M,s K err and made cam will be on aale. Mr. and Mr». Lyle lay lo r of P ort- George Allison, I. Q., Ada Hensen, arid Mrs Dan Keller of near Sher- pi, Kingston home in honor of members. chnuien ol P oiuand were bun- J. W. M Hoy, Ado Rut ..hinan, ~ H i * . ‘ '\h m land Visited Mr and Mrs. William R O.; . w wood S L K a ih c r m n » K in g s to n ’s fm.r- ountain O range 11 o 8. . N. «. O u ; , J Joe W Flint. r u n t . L. n . S. » . N. « . Cj ood fo u r - . J ? « « M »»yiunoui u ia n g e m et S a a at- t- Thelm a M . loy und I -len Kutsch- “ “f,,,.“ 1 1 J “ “ M‘ r l lleil Friday evening. Jam es Moore. R. 8. V. O.; Julius Lincoln Lodge took their candi- l Î i ï , n v»rio irtiV 6 1 urday in all-day session with basket luun accompanied J u .u a , Chrl.sten- ...... . . . . . . llo ..... n . o iv d C. P. Hyvi'ison 1» oonvalc.'.i ing at Christensen. L. 8 V. O-, and Audrey dao . Orn Cecil Heaton and H arry R eturned to his work dl?ner a t the hall. -Mr». lluuM* alien i M lï ‘latlve I !i‘in > Ü“Y Ml J " ‘ honor guc- Ulr 8m ,m hospital in HUisooro Heaton musician. New noble grand Schnu-llzi-r to the Sherw oi^ I. (J the r-roan^w hitm .-iie ,.? V S„ Clara A11*“ v*811««! ln Port attend ,,er •»««»•«• )lulIU, umm-day aoout ------------- ------- ------ . 1 q _ _ j .- lodge Monday evening for first k M m ^ c n i n n a n v n e a r Astorui Sun- . — a - 1< Hslalive 1 h aring. « » u * ul ,v •*v* o«»vu»uMjr wnen wnvit M 4XIUI Irum u iiisi&loid upcruUon imt --------- I oitiicü for Kuby Rebekah lodge .------- ha»s oí- Saturday and Sunday. Hugo Hoi t of Porlliind spent b u n - tlllrly Irl,.lllU llIlü r, . ¿ uvi,s „ i , , , , , . Feuruury li by Dr. Guy Boyden ol fered a prize to the one who does m - g r e e ^ r k “ compan> near bun .S u n d a y dinner party guests at duy ut the A H iitsc l.m u ii home. Vo , ,,1,-oíate nei mrthuuy. Portlano most toward building up the mem- itir t h d a v s ( e le b r a te d Mrs Rebecca Rowell Is slowly re- th!, '!^sae Mayers home were Mr. M, . Nay. i n »i... Allloll„ rB Ml m , , Hazel Miller was hostess lo r b e rs h lp thl» year. , M sges cnw nng f ^ m a two w lS ^ ilh ie M i “«> Mrs. Jo h n W alker of Laurel ... .. » Enh . r u »» Among ¿ m e guest» w. were Mr. ami A group o! local women met with r ( .“” d r k n ri'd sin íh n íí’t u w i ^ M ^ H s r t i e K o e b e r was returned Mrj ' Tompkins of Portland, William; Mr iiixl Mr». B- *• Nuy en- . AJU|. , L Enouel aim Mrs C hai- Past Nome cirunu»' cluo ol Beaver- r S ta r . ™ h o m T a fte ^ M - Delmar of Birkenfeld. tertulnecl wiin u dinner Sunday l'uriuum , Mr. una ton Reuekuh lodge Feuruury 13 ul Mrs. Emery K arris to organize a Bible study club ’ rU an<^ Mrs. E. P. Lindow Terd for O roner home a lte weeks r be fa j^jr n n in n(j of evening for Mr and M rs Harley M l, WUllulI1 Uau»e aim William the lodge rooms. Bible study club Thur.sdav T h u rsd ay . alte after r- were *^r enU lned #t the Theü Nw. to lng the cared the past mne1 g . Oren Fred ¿ Benefiel E M Loimey an 1 diuighl, i Kolalle of ^ e y e r «1 Hillsooio ami a n i m i i s i Hewing m r e u d ■sewing Club ( lu i, F l o o r r m home Frlday ln hOnor of Mr. a t the £ _________________________ 8 a K f d heT e11 an d WeW>’ l*ortlnnd und Mr. und Mrs W II Hum i iruaie und Iowa Hill. A..?r‘U‘: ' “Ü..."“? be.e !.‘ TOA ¿,m tBte,m sm íñ d e d ^ h i1 & Nissen's birthday. It was also the also a t MeNay und Billy ■ We offer you complete » • . , ««. 111,11 a»««w»«v EioerC w und lilt *1 Irene 1 111. OH Hieven» » ' I 1 • »bill« visited 1 ; organized in this community litui About fifteen attended the Valen Mrs Homer B ennett is home Mr mid Mr» Jam es Will wçie H,)Otn Hieven.» and lamuy oí P u n ­ win meet February 20 a l the home J,nc P“ rty g1 ven by Mr. and Mrs. birthday of Mrs. Fred Clark and Powell Valley road. She Is slowly E. P. Lindow. recovering. ' from Portland where she has 'h£>n and friendly service f o r guéala a t a Valentine and birthday llU,u Hunduy X ol Mrs Mux Berger. All those Inter- “ oy Jaq u ith Friday evening. Mis» Mrs. Mrs. Audrey Heaton attended a Miss K atherine Rueck returned to under a doctor's care niS Dul wcr Ralph H annan and family o f in m e day\ Al. Kjrunor Newton, 1 son John Albert were Sunday din- tainside school Monday. Mrs. S E Stoll,-r. and family and k ey « ir nome •le F n guests u iy ano u t^ Sm S e “ j e l .Strickland. d i r ^ and Harley ner guests at the P. C. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. A. W. W alker of Hillsboro ^Lsited1^ ^ A v Kp Sttriiuc g," Claire Wulker their . oil John Will J r n»ur»duy Mr anu Mr», tu ieig l, Whitmore mSres wJre Mrs. Paul O'Connor, home in Portland Sunday evening Hillsboro visited the J. B. B artlett dome Sunday “ a l w - “ Ills Mr. Felton Honored alld lWo UBUgIllM> HI1U Melen A? p U r « ,k » und H. C. Perkins ol ln honor of Mr. Anderson's birth- home Sunday afternoon. All-dav «esiinn nr w n a win I n ‘„ ¿ ' y m “the '“*“i ' ' ‘U<1 J u “ ‘‘ Porthind day. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Trefren and 01 * B wiu , son Ray attended . fc» 1. 1 1 o ' H,ld lamily ol Portland 1'liursuuy Portland. Rev. Raynor Sm ith will preach on daughter Bonnie Jean came from Mr d M Sim onton and : Farm Rented Value of hot beds for early crops P hone 501 M a in St. Bert Hurvey home » if **L,Vili . evening Mr.». Norm is u lormer The Olson lurm has been rented of choice vegetables was empha “The Call of Calamity" for the Bonneville February 6 and spent Dorothy and A rthu7 o Tivaid i urday night, where c 1*1, 111 '-V ils, te u c n e r ol the r 11 d r o v e s e n o u ,. to the Vivian lamily. Mr. and Mrs. sized by Professor A. G. B. Bouquet morning service February 24. There several days a t the J. B. B artlett ,ted « ^ y v e s h e re th e first of the i honor guest ln relebratlng Ills MX- Mr. und Mrs. J Moore ol Ki'iso, Porter, who have lived there ttie of Oregon State college at the court will be special music and also home while taking care of the busl- ,-eeg 1 rst or the ty-fir»t birthday anniversary .. ... . . »in .. j Wash., viallrd ul the U B. Cooley last few years, have gone to Beav- house Saturday afternoon, accord- preaching service Sunday evening ness of renting their farm . They ’ _________________ A*r - al,d Mr» I >, xt,-r Elllikl mid pome 1'liursuuy unu Friday, m ade a trip to Creswell and retu rn - j Vivian Is attending ln g to L. E. Francis, assistant coun- a t 7:30. two children of Newberg v.slted her w illiam Hoigcll Is now ut home erton. M argaret Mr. and Mrs. Clifford T rask have ed to their home a t Bonneville .»chool. ty agent. Eighteen 4-H club mem- uncle, W. II McNiy, February in (ln d ao„. p, d„ tight work alte r live ll.i/i-ld.tle Card party Saturday evening was bers, farm ers, and townspeople were recently redecorated and remodeled Saturday. ’t1.1'1 , m * *>'i'it* in u hospital in Hillsboro ■.ucce-idi'ir ith nine table« Mrs. J. W. B ennett of Tuscon, j I (ul w w with table» in p.av present to hear the discussion of the Interior of their home. IBy Mr». Loo Wright) overnight guests of Mr mid Mr.» l> ! u ,i„ .... infection in l , u leu suct«.».»iui u n u nine n it uiuit.» High honors honors went went to to Mrs. Mrs. George vegetable gardening. Mr. and Mrs. j. E. B ennett vis- Arizona, visited her brother, C lar- Donna M a e M orrow viciieri M er­ _ H CiKilev of Sulein Pridin' M r i t 1 11 111 1 8 . . High Brown attended 11 lcgislutiv,- lieur- Mr “ lld Mrs- 1,rl 1,,ttn Jarlllt l‘*' 1,1 Altisian mid Ed Sheets ol Beaver- Professor Bouquet pointed out the ited friends and relatives in Port- ence Kirkpatrick, and family from u e H ooverat DiUey?Thm-liilv nteht’ »«•*"-1 Corneuus visiled a t the Adolpn 1 loll Wl.n l U) Mr. ____ and __________ Mr.,. UaVe ________ value of planting a t ... ln- land Thusday and Friday, and also Friday to Monday. ____ ,ou ________ ____ ______ „ vegetables _________ M r and , fr7* 0 ? ,A P’S e tre v * fn rf lug Friday evening. 1 HciinuUt home Hunduy. Ruiz of Portland. Dancing was en- tervuls throughout the planting visited the Harry Hoeffel home a t Several truck loads of Maple u u ie ’ son and M rs A lic e R o e ir S v ,..V, ,I „ H e r H l, r e t r e a h m e n l s M r s e a s o n s o th a t th e s n o n l v o f o n e W i t c h Hazel Saturday and Sundav burls were ShiDDed from this local- nuemev Class in Play at Laurel Hall Talk Pension at Hazeldale Scholls Meet Well Attended Funeral Home Enjoy Valentines J. MURROW Auto Service Busch’s Service Garage O Gardening Topic of Local Meeting Thatcher S u r e ty / rv/// come No invitation will be unwelcome, when you are assured that your clothes are fresh and immaculate. Get your party togs out right now and have them dry cleaned our modern way. Then welcome even a last-minute invitation. Home Laundry Dry Cleaners Telephone 17 ÔC llillihiiro. Ore. llu u tu te ul Beaverton. Miss L ulter- cli is a to n n er Macher ot the lai urei vala Is survived by her husband - • hmii s r dportim .d‘lT h “ D . d ^ “ s dhy“ °*o» party a t the church parlors T hurs­ day evening. Miss Wilma Herd was chairman, assisted by Ava Howard Move from Portland Roy Meyers and family of P ort- S3 t s r w i l l CS 1 '™ " 3 S .' « $ land have moved to the Stanley m i d ^ ^ H l y ^ ^ i ^ ^ d ^ s ’im d i" ter‘.^tlng“, chu‘lk ta“ k V aa*g*"n by KINTON...Mrs. Jennie Van Horn. Trefren farm. f l i c y m S catted on e i me . ABs Mr s " “iPr oI ‘,° n l “ »d 75. who has been Ul for several Francis Rowell left Sunday night Chester edge who ¿ ill Little 1>o lamllle« have moved away weeks, died a t her home February on a business trip to Chicago and J a e o u r lin e R o o x ie d u e c a m e h o m e ,rom l,u s dlillncl recently. The Diebi 12 and funeral services were held St. Paul. la th Mrs s i lmiMl u, n m J ln ¿ h e ‘Mkve Inovod w Aloiu*' *n d Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd M urray spent her nm iher W 111 1 n ' Ul *1U the Gilmore lamily. who lived on The Van Horns have lived here the week-end at Mt. Angel and -»■ „».1 u , >be Scott place, have also moved, for a num ber of years. Deceased lsIS co tts MUls, where they attended a . ... . . ''•“ p S r ™ i'P “d» „ This take» five pupils away from survived by the widower. J. T. Van social meeting of I. O. O. F. lodges. J \\ Aluiloy accompanied Conn- Hazeldale school. Horn, and a son, W. L V anH orn Miss Evelyn Hesse spent the ty Agent W F. Cyrus to a directors Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCurdy, at home. week-end with friends at Corvallis. inrcuitK ol a^socia- formerly of Beaverton, ore niaking — —...---------------- \ir . and Mrs H. T. Hesse were lio n 111 Portland Saiurduy. Several their home with Henry Schocnc. Kent to Wrestle Sunday guests at the O Af. Heaton carload.» ol seed potatoes are be- W| lo jjj l ’arrv Kent, local heavyweight home near Hillsboro. tug made ready for shtpinenl ln the I Mr. and Mrs. John Black Jr. and wrestler, left Tuesday for a bone- ____ 20 attended ___ the pot luck About near future. „ lwo oI tllelr children, Louise and crushing tour of several weeks in supper held by the T r u th ' Seekers Air. und Mi Ham Frost and Merwin, ol near G resham visited Montana. Sundav school class given a t the daughter Vcryl and Mr» Ada H an- Mr. and Mr«. John Black Sr. Sun- 1 son ol Scholls were Sunday guest» day. ! at the Roilhi Aleyers home. Mr. and Mrs. N. I. Danford ano Alias Helen P arr and her mother Mrs A. L. D aulord were Sunday of Hlllahoro visited Mr. P arr a t the guest» of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Miller. home place Thursduy. Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Whitmore and two daughters visited Mrs. Whitmore's mother. Mrs. E Have- man. of Chehaleui M ountain S un­ day. Mr.». Haveman has been con­ futed to her bed for a week, ( tty Mr«. O II Peter.«»n) liiio n ITogram Saturday _ _ BEND- Local school children en- F anners' Union program to be g lv ñ i’ 8¿t"Uiitay "iíig h i at""the‘coin- J°>ed “ Valentine party at school, iniinity hall will consist of the lol-1 given them by th eir teacher. Miss lowing number»: Double nnxid F rances Post. All played game» am. quartet by Laurel folks; monologue « c h a n g e d Valentines a n d Mi»» by Mrs. Gordon Saiinow ol H11L- Pust Rave them candy and Valen- boro; a stunt by Rosedale folks; _____ ,u accordion duet and solo by 11 Miss Frances Gholson. Phyllis and Hcliocn und helpers from Hillsboro, Edwin Wortendykc were out 01 musical num ber by Kellogg and school several days last week with Snyder of Sclioll«. The program slcknessE . . ,, ,, will be followed by lunch, dancing Doris K ur and Mrs. F. V and cards. Miller and daughter ami Glad) Mr. and Mrs Henry Reese and i*9,or? Bellwood visited Mrs son W alter visited Mrs. Reese's M illers daughter, Mrs. Dale Craf- nlcce, Mrs. Victor Lewi« (R uth ton- alld huntly Saturday. Clinton Schoeler» and family of near K an- Lloyd and Clayton Lynn returne sas City Sunduy w,t" their grandm other. Mrs. Mil- llave Vaeatlim 1 « , to spend several week»- Laurel school was closed Tuesday Mrs. Leo Gholson visited Mr» and Wednesday, the teacher. Miss Dennes several days ln Portlanc Lucille Bennett, having been sum- >a»t week. moned to Portland as a witness In Ralph and Florence W lnterbun a motor bus accident. She was a of n ear Hillsboro and Mr and Air passenger on the bus In December, Jack Hallow und children Phylli 1933 and Bobby, and G arland Jeudt Will Move Mis« Hazel Beatty. Vern Cross anc Jam es Best and lamily are plan- Mr and Mrs. Harry Moore ot Port- lung to move In the n ear future to land visited Mr. and Mrs. Albei. a place on the m ountain above , Scott last week. Mr. ami Mrs. Moon Scholls near the former Tom Twigg celebrated their first wedding ai. place nlvcrsary. Mrs. Audrey Young visited rela­ tives and friends ln P ortland las week. Mrs. Beryl Kidwell nnd dnughtci (Ity Vivimi I I i i i I« i i i i ) Helen of Eugene, who visited Mrs Mr and Mrs. Oeorge Laemerman Kidwell's brother. D. L. Gholson attended a dinner party given nt ant| family last week, left for P o rt­ ille Guymon hospital In Forest land to visited her sister. Mrs. Jam es Grove February 12 ln honor of H. Stoops, nnd family. W a l d o George Hunger's birthday iinnlvcr- W arn ni.s(, returned to Portland »“ Fy. _ . _ after a visit a t the Gholson home. W. R. Hudson returned Tuesday Mrs Geraldine Scott Moore nt from South Bend, Wash., a lte r vis- tended a World Wide Guild girls’ ltlng a week with his mother. convention ut Eugene and will also visit her sister. Mrs. Archie Ber­ Report Illg Product ion nard. a t Eugene. DEARBORN. Mich. The highest Mi . and Mrs. F led H elling and January world production of Ford daughter Delores of Cornelius nnd curs mid trucks since 1920 was re ­ Mr. nnd Mrs. Linus Larson and ported today nt the home offices two daughters of Portland visited ol' the Ford Motor company, n total Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Eisner and of 105,230 units having been pro­ family Sunday. duced during the p ast month. Lyle Tower of Durham spent the week-end with the Schultz family Miss Eunice Mitchell, former "W hat are you eating, BUI?" China missionary, spent several days "Soup! Are you deaf?"— E x. T here ’ s never any doubt about value when Services Held for Mrs. J. T.VanHorn (By Mr«. Zeii c stm ih er .) Mr. and Mrs. W alter W right Rav Kinken visited his brother spent Thursday evening with his Saturday, who is ill in a Vancou- uncle, Fred Haney, and famUy near ver hospital. Strassel. ___________ Mrs. Robert _______ Holland and baby - — — son R alph William returned from Good S am aritan hospital Friday to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Hite. Tigard Rebekah club m et Feb- ruray 13 with Mrs. P arker Down- ing a t Progress. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. H arris Hansen of Beaverton. February 13. a girl. Mrs. R uth Swanson and children left Monday for their home at Ashwood. after a visit with her mother, Mrs. Ferris. ____ Born, _______ to Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Coulter, a boy. Hiteon pupils enjoyed a Valentine W a tc h fo r th e B ig C irc u la r ! Dollar Days FRIDAY and SATU R D A Y Bend Pupils Have Valentine Party HILLSBORO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Hayward our d ic tio n a ry says: DRUGGIST "One w h o compounds prescriptions and sells drugs: a pharm acist." We are druggiats of the highest order, in whom you can depend for needs to guard your health. The Palm Drug Store I’hone 266 FEBRUARY CLEARANCE SALE B IG S A V IN G S you buy a Ford car. You know it’s all right or Henry Ford wouldn’t put it out. One tiling that never changes is Ids policy of dependable transportation at low cost. That’s the biggest feature of the New Ford. The reliability and economy of its V-8 engine have been proved on the road by upwards of 1,400,000 motorists. Owner cost records show d efin itely that the Ford V-8 is the most economical Ford car ever built. PHYSICIAN A. O. PITMAN, M. D. General Beauty Work PHYSICIAN and SURGEON X-Ray and Physio-Therapy Commercial National Bank Bldg Telephone 188IX Bahony Hillsboro Pharaaary DR. D. E. WILEY, M. D. of R«a«ty PERMANENTS Physician and Surgeon Wells Building Offlca 2482 TELEPHONES Realdenea 8881 DENTISTS GARBAGE COLLECTION DR. RALPH DRESSER Garbage Collection F ord D ealer NEW FORD V-8 T R t'C K S A N D COM M ERC IA L CARS A12»O ON DISPLAY. W «r4 » «PMialty Telephone 1471 WEIL'S APARTMENTS Mabel Seher.d»! S e e th e n e a r e tt Telephonee Residence 791Z Office U81 Sanitary Beauty Shop AU Kind« ile m o n s tr n lio n . SURGEON EVE’S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent« and all kinds of beauty work. f o r a V -8 and Dentist AND CANS Commercial Building Telephone 144 D. P. CORRIERI Evenings, Sunday h . Appoint« Telephon« 2325 INSURANCE RUBBER STAMTS GEORGE T. McGRATH BUT TOUR W ««hie «ten RUBBER STAMPS Cennty INSURANCE SERVIO« LESTER IRELAND 8C CO Hillsboro, Oregon FORD M O TO R C O M PA N Y S h et. Bank BnUdln, Phone n i l HUIsbota Per In fo rm a tle n sheet Dire««««« aa HILLSBORO ARGUS Advertise«! cell The A rana — l l » l