Page Four Thursday, February 21, 1935 MRS. K. c. W. V E R N E MrKINNEY MmWr— tori*] tional Slat« Edt- Fir.1 A«dlt«l P w r A ssociation and Na- Editorial Aawciation Mt-mber of the Audit OFFICIA L M c K inney Aaatviat« Fxlitur Editor M M 'I ’ IIT H Ur»- a*t Aodited Weakly Circa!*- lion in O rw on Bureau of Circulation OE W ASHINGTON O i l NTY Satuu-ription R a le. Strictly Caah In A re Par W O ___________ »1»° « » y o o h« u s Outride fliwon — 8Z<*> I. ."..I . u BM Th« Hillsboro A rcus aM um e. no fin an cial r*»l>on»ibility for error, published in it . colum n, but in ca»e- when- Ihw psimr to at fau lt w ill reprint that part id an a d v en iw n ien l in w hich tha typocraphical raiatehe occurs. ________________ An Independent N cw .paper, Wtnwe Sereicee end Policlee are Baaed on the P rinciple of the Golden R u l* — ’And as ye would that men .Mould do to you. do ye ala*» to them like* -M atthew 7:11. Volume 42. No. 1 This issue of the Argus is No. 1 ot the forty-second year of publication. In that pertod of 41 years this new spaper has en- deavored to give W ashington count) the bast of new spaper service and has chi on- lcled the joys, sorrow’s and progress ot the people of this pioneer county During most of those years the news- p a p e r has been in the hands of people, who have been a part of the community by reason of birth and residence. Mrs. E. C. McKinney, co-publisher and a native d au g h ter of the count)’, has been con­ nected w ith the paper as owner for 31 years, while W. Verne McKinney, who has been editor and m anager for more than 11 - years, . is . . a native son of i Hillsboro. The i . _i___ ownera, editors and j employes have alw ays _ placed community interest upperm ost in th eir efforts to produce a new spaper th at would be a credit to the city and county. Through the splendid and loyal sup­ port of thousands of faithful subscribers, scores of progressive and sincere adver­ tisers and an ever increasing loyal group of employes, the publishers have been en- abled to produce a new spaper th a t has won recognition as one of the outstanding wppklv tbp weekly npwsnnnprs new spapers nf of Orpirnn Oregon and nf of the United States and has brought honor to tins community, through being placed on t h e All - Am erican W eekly N ew spaper Eleven, honorable mention in the national new spaper production contest in 1934, and the first winner of the Sigma Delta Chi cup for the best weekly new spaper in Oregon. The publishers, on the beginning of another publication year, w ant to express th eir appreciation of the kindly and loyal support of this new spaper and express the hope th a t it may continue. The publishers pledge them selves to alw ays do everything in th eir power to improve the pap er and m ake it o f t h e v r e a t e s t n o s s ih le s e r v i c e t o maKe it OI tne greatest possible se m c e to th e community. They w ant the pap er to be such th a t it will alw’ays be a welcome visitor in every W ashington county home. Aitken Diligent Worker in State Senate and building program is cheering news to people of this community, who appreciate what this institution means to the develop­ ment of this section. Statem ent by Presi­ dent Slating that the people of the com­ munity may he assured of the operation of the plant for many years to come is one of the best pieces of news that local people have had in years. This cannery lias made a trem endous grow th in the brief years of its existence and its success has been a most im portant elem ent in the developm ent and growth of Hillsboro and the surrounding te rri­ tory. SALEM Senator Aitken of W ash, button county Is the lead-oft niaii mi the senate roll call and as Mn li leels very keenly the responsibility of his poaltlon. T uesday lu a tte m p tin g to revive I lie lleulen m t-govei u orslup re .i.ln Hon Aitken unbu rd en ed hhnself to I Ills c o lle a g u e s . He had. he said, been drafted In­ to the legislative race and sent to Haleni much against his personal Inclination. Ever since he had been on the Job lie had been busy from morning until late at night read ing and analyzing bills and making up Ills mind bow to vote on Ih.-m lu order to best serve Ida const I- tuenta. "I don't only read bills all day. I dream of Ibem all night." Aitken declared. "The other n i g h t 1 dreamed th at a young m an earn.' up my stairs carrying a huge pile of bills on his heau. He told me tluit S enator Dickson had sen: them up for me to look over I kicked hint In the face and sent him tumbling down the steps and then I woke up lu n cold sweat "You see 1 don't have any op­ portunity to see liow the rest of tile senate la voting on these things like the rest of you do I have to have my mind made up In ad- i vunee." Aitken explained th a t he felt that hls vote against the lieutenant governor resolution might have in­ fluenced some other voles so lie was moving to reconsider the vote to bring the measure up again III-, motion failed, however, and the resolution rem ained In Ute leglsln live graveyard. Actions Justify Confidence Senator Steiw er and others attack P res­ ident Roosevelt’s work relief m easure on the ground th at its lack of restrictions is a m enace. If we were to wait fo r con­ gress to decide on the different projects the need for relief would be greatly in- creased through delay. \\’e believe the president has shown perf ormance8 th at he will do a g00(j j ob of picking the type of w orjj th at should be done under the re- m easure ¡f given the opportunity, Politics is such a funny thing th at we 8o m e t j m es w onder ju st w hat the reaction w’ould be if the president happened to have a different political party tag. Heroism Stands Out D isaster to the Macon should m ake this country stop and think before going ahead with e r construction of airships the fu rth ibilit of ,O8S of Hfe and Pm with This country’ has paid dearlv in Hfe f J r its experim entation in such ships. Com­ bat planes would put them out of com ­ mission in a short tim e in case of war. The one thing th a t stands out in this tragedy is the heroism of an Oregon boy, Ernest E. Dailey of North Bend, who stuck his post as operator until the last seni’ .ou^ S. signals. I his heroic O regonian was one ot two to lose their nation is pround of him and his name will go down as one of Am erica’s greatest peace-time heroes. It's a long way from Tlppo- rary, but David Llewellyn, Eng­ lish pilot officer, won't let that fact deter him from flying “over here” to New York and back to England. He Is shown above, at Middlesex, Eng., aw aiting favor­ able weather. Like Father, Like Daughter illy Peter’s Spirit of Helpfulness T ext: Acta 3:1-10; 4:3-13 The In le r n a llu n a l S unday School la-ason 24. The Governor in Action Governor M artin has let it be known quite em ­ phatically th a t other qualifications th a n mere mem­ bership in a political party is to guide him in m ak­ ing appointm ents. In voicing his disapproval of the f t " use of his name in a letter issued by George chairm an of th e Linn countydem ocratic cen- Ual ™ “ tt te e governor denied th a t he had authorized the committee or anyone else to use his name in connection with the call for a meeting in Albany to indorse a candidate for county Judge to vi f a^ y .JZ 5 a.t5 d . by recent death of Judge W. O. Woodworth. A printed postcard stating th a t a t the request of th e governor a meeting would be held for th a t purpose brought down the WTath of th e executive. Governor M artin evidently is determ ined to give Oregon the best sort of m anagem ent possible under our political system. In accomplishing his various objectives he undoubtedly will run counter to many carefully nurtured private interests and many a howl be heard from them . We believe th a t the gov- ernor has a very strong public sentim ent backing his Program and th a t whUe he is not infallible he generaUy ** found ** right. At least he has dem onstrated th a t he has the courage to fight for w hat he believes to be right, and th at's something._ McMinnville Telephone-Register. HIGH Following In the footsteps of her fa th e r. Com edian Will R ogers, blond, pretty Mary R ogers Is m aking her Droadway stag e debut. In her New York bow. Miss Rogers, show n above, plays a m inor lead In a comedy. D -irnao e S u it F iled “ r* in Circuit Court (J n lln riu fo r Feb. • • • T fE R Y Instructive, and. at tha ’ sam e time, gripping to tha Im agination, was the Incident In which P eter healed the lame m an. P eter and John were going up Into tha tem ple at the hour of prayer T hat In Itaelf was a very Interesting clrcum slanca. The temple was the great cen­ tral symbolic Institution of Jew ­ ish life and worship. It repre­ sented the authority of those who bad eo receutly been Instru­ mental In crucifying Jesu s Yet P eter and John were going Into the tem ple to pray. if they had followed the course ot certain people In the churchee since churches were established, bow different would have been th eir attitu d e. In­ stead ot going Into the tem ple to pray they would probably have been found saying. “ W e 'll never go Inside tb a t tem ple again. W e'll never b are any­ thing to do with a religion th at has taken our M aster and cruci­ fied him.” • e < elated with the tem ple had dona unseemly and unholy things Then, as we enter fu rth e r Into th e Incident, how strikingly Its teachings have como home. The beggar a t tb s beautiful gate asked P eter and John for alma. They had no money to give, but P eter said to the beggar, "Look on ua.” Tha beggar, still expectant, looked earnestly upon them Uut P eter said, "Silver and gold have I none, but w hat I have tb a t give I thee." e e • I I B proceeded then to perform * * » miracle In heullng the lame men It serm s etrange to ua, and yet th at la the way m iracles a re perform ed — by those who apparently have nothing to give, but who give what tboy have. If In the world today th ere were th a t sp irit of helpfulness, w hat great m iracles m ight be perform ed! They might not be m iraculous In transcending law, but they would, nevertheless, be w onderful In th eir resulta. How different, for the most p art, la our attitu d e. How wont we are to say. "I can't afford anything. I haven't anything to give," though th at la not alw ays really tru e: and thera the m at­ te r ends. How different, If we would say. "W e have little, but euch as we bave we give." Could we not even In our poverty make the lives of o th er men b righter and better? Then there Is a fu rth e r sym­ bolism In the narrative. P eter took him by the right band and raised him up lie did not lec­ tu re him and tell him th at he had strength enough to get up If be would try lie did not even tell him to rise In bla own strength or In the strength of God. He took him by the right hand and he lifted him up After all. It Is about the only way In which we can really help peo­ ple. An o u tstretched band In brotherly help la m ors effective than a grea t deal of th eorlilng. F. Connell Heads Holstein Group F rank C onnell o f Hillsboro ro n 'le , L . .1 ,¡.1“ ' ««blsooro rinne , 1 was elected president of t h e W ashington County Holstein asao- I elation at the annual mcrtlng S al- i urday afternoon at t h c county agent'» offlre. O ther officers In- elude A J. Evers of Forest Grove I prute 2 v v lc r c s sid< ld e n i l t l , A A r rthur th u r Con C on r lin e J. ie e -n pri i nrll of Hillsboro route I, secretary; W alter LIndow and F. H. Jassy, ; both of Portland route 3. dlroc- t.n v Official herd testing under the breed association requirem ents can COST OF PBKVKNTAIM t D1HKARK8 O r««««* M la t* H o a rd o f lla a ltb ) Health conditions among the thousands of men. women and chil­ dren wlio live in Oregon have been good In 1034 In spile of the con­ tinued economic depression Alter several years of economic atrrss the gross death rate has not 'I m iiK f d p e rc e p tib ly U n d o u b te d ! . |lltHl|,r || rfforU Bl disease preveil , lo|) |luvp been effective In pre venting outbreaks „[ disease. In spite .if th ese efforts there arc stllr many cases of preventable diseases occurring In this state This is due ,o J111’ ,a rl th a t at no lim e has tile stat'' appropriated sufficient u> ,nallllau, u„ adequate and funds ef- ficieut program of dha-ase preven- n Pn Sickness and death from prevenl- a b le d is e a s e s coals « Ir e g o n In t vc.u »ver eight million dollars At least l * ° •>*'r . ‘ ‘.’J1*’ «K* °'Jr P',lM1latioii with row testing ass-re throat and croup, are breeders as a means of working ou. of considerable frequency and aever- herd Improvement problems and 11 ,s ’ -'tlmated th al the people asolatlmr in in the in., finding im s in . of m ar­ Oregon suend more th a n twenty ' assisting million dollars annually fur the kets for breeding slock. treatm ent and cure of diseases, or ubout twenty dollars per capita. The prlnrlpal causes of death In Oregon In 1U33 were as follows infectious diseases, 770; cancer. 1.263; cardlo vascular renal dis­ ease. 3.777; disease» of the nervous draw lm z *>r * , c m a n d organ« of special wnae. ‘ ‘ teefs preliminary o f th e n r , » n new n « I)i : . ; i «:,o L3II. di eases of the lungs and all S r a d e s c proposed R J T T , noS, on dlsolav . P"»*“ «-*' fn e 'A rg chool u s w in Is d o n w E s tim a te d Ve o « t « • 'd i v e s y s t e m . S4t; violent and ac- New School Building Plan Displayed He re (Continued from pat;» one! vs. Hoffm an; February 27. Oundolf vs. Rehse; February 28. Eastm an o f th e h n i ld in e " d ’! - Idciilal death». 1.031 f30 ooo b d * d 6,111 H” ' following eases of com m un­ vs. Eastm an; and April 1, Grimes One can’t go wrong at anytime by cpflA T Is the way people talk vs. Grimes. icable diseases were reported In m aking Hillsboro his trading center It * about the church. Let soma . —- - - -W -sea aw aw a W««WM aawa««w»««.H ( jraiMWV zllirltvaa IU'1'1 Sentence of 60 days In the county has much to offer the consum er in the Jail was imposed upon F W Huson ehurcb mem ber wrong somebody I root way of fair prices, quality and selection. . of Hillsboro Wednesday when he . else, and the Individual wronged. nbw inp^l n bi prri,o,l’i t* aL'° luberculOhUn. 645, whooping cough T he live and progressive m erchants of this plead guilty before A W Havens. 1 u tterly Ignoring th a t one church h*" ',I8' ■’" '“ Up»». 301; typhoid. 1M. In gi d at tlu ends or back. dlohthcna. I l l; other communicable community will alw ays be found in the local Justice of the peace, to a mem ber Is not the church, will be very apt to say. " I'll never not Including common cold advertising columns of the A r m i s r a m - larceny charge. The court order G ra h a m N a m e d O f f ic e r 325. common colds estim ated 300.- ? au I ; - r . Rlnns OI tne A r?US, carry- stipulated th a t he would be paroled have anything to do with the tng their business news to you and mvit- a fter serving 10 days of the sen- church.” W e s I S id e H ig h w a y B o d y “/¿ 'io n y ' per cent of the«- cases ing you to trade with them. The courteous tence. He was charged with the Row much wiser and better Lloyal O raham of Forest Orove rould have been prevented, in other theft of wood from H erm an R ehse.’ business people of this community are was the a ttitu d e of Peter and was elected vice-president of the there might bave been saved Orders in the following circuit John! The tem ple was not re­ your neighbors and friends and they a p ­ West side Highway association a t i” ,hc P,-<,l>le Of Oregon eight dol- M cM m nvlile M oral.» ■ B »1 ,M,t OI ,'v rr'' tw rnV doll“ r'' ‘hat court cases were issued this week:i sponsible for the sinful thing preciate your patronage. n .iH .l.i’ ni 'y p t n t R H L, ,,ow spent for disease in Or. - Oeorge G. Hancock vs. Joe R. that had been done. Tha temple Baldotk of the state highway com- yon. If proja-r preventive meas- Routsong. default; Olave Johnson | was to those who entered Ils mlsslon discussed road funds av had been taken In the last analysis, the obscure citizen reading et ux vs. Normal L. Cooper, conflr- l portals w hntever they made It. a b le a n d nut lin e d proposed highway ------------------------- his paper in his home, is the m aster of men and m atlon; Union C entral Life Insur- If one came with faith and as­ work. Ted: "I was out with a nurse policies. provided he keeps his head and thinks, ance company vs. Herman Laux et piration, the tem ple m ight In­ last night." en a t Washington. D. C.. and legislators a t al. order to show cause; Gordon deed be a holy place. Crone "Cheer up. maybe next G r a d e ___ S c h _ ool Speech One would hardly w ant to deny la­ Statesm state capitals may imagine they are the rulers, but Sahnow et al vs. Perry L. Batch- C Y -- T I lln,e your niotber will let you go P eter and John were not go­ ____ organized _________________ _ .... v. S tate Industrial Ac- bor the right to strike to gain its ob- they're . ___________ C o n t e s t s O p e n T o d a y out wiUaiut one " Ex far from it. The and opulent few elar. .,____„ dismissal; Prelim inary contests In the an- ____________ jectives, but it seems to US th a t the legis- can ro longer govern America if the great mass of cldent commission vs. Robert John- ing to cast the tem ple out of nual W ashington county g r a d e m<‘ricans does * » own lature ¡S is justified in taking some steps to A •^Jncricana ov thinking. Critics may carp son. default judgm ent; 8 tate In- . t he,r H'«» because men a»»o- school declamation contest for class . ! " safeguard the public nuhlir i interest. n t e r o a t All A ll O r o tr n n 2? so_caIled 1 Oregon bLrea°u‘c ^ r b regim lith e entation under a n expanding dustrial Accident commission vs. B and C schools will be held this sn ri th e CC.O « «„ a d I t «2 bureaucracy, but the tru th is th a t our people are Thomas A. Hoodenyl et al. default O f f i c e r s A t T C S t afternoon (Thursday). Schedule was and the Pacific coast paid dearly fo r the still truly hum an and democratic. There Is too much Judgm ent; R. R Summers et ux ^M TeSl published In last week's Argus. tie-up last spring and sum m er in the long bureaucracy but it is due to the vast emergency vs. A. C. C hinn et al. default and judgm ent; E sther N. Johns vs. G shorem en’s strike. Some means for a com­ program for which no substitute has ben offered. PROPERTY Donald R. Rlchberg is the executive director of p Matson et al. order; H arry L. | Charles MacCarty of Tigard was D. Coulter, Portland wrestling S p e c ia l C o u n c il M e e t pulsory period of arbitration with justice YOU ALREADY HAVE! P e g ra m for which no substitute has been offered. Robinson, executor, vs. R^B. Denny commltted th . . „ promoter, has leased the V eterans' be H e ld on T u e s d a y provided for all should be worked out. "W hat's worth 'having Is NRA. In his position as the coordinator of the code confirm ation; Emma Schmale vs ™ Ja“ * } '" of Foreign W ars hall for the hold- Special council meeting will be activities he is hailed in W ashington as the presi- Harold Schmale et al. approving Wednesday to serve out a 850 fine ¡held at the city hall on Tuesday worth saving." Property d e­ dent's Number One man. W hen he succeeded G en- bond, order, default; Liquidation of °? a and. l a tl^ iV c2 ^ rRe. *."* ° f ,°n I evening. The group will discuss a predation I s u needlem * Stories from W ashington are to the ef- cral Johnson the noise and ballyhoo in th e NRA Bank of Beaverton, perm itting de- J 1* w»s sentenced by the Tigard day nights and the first one will waste, and war has been wage disposal plan. declared on waste. W hat­ feet the Dublic is aroused over the increase ceaaed fa ld t: A- A- Schram m vs. A. C. Juatlce ol tne peiUi' court be held February 28. V. P. W has ever you save in repairing in food prices If the farm er is vettinv Now Rlchberg chips in with suggestions f o r 'C h i n n et ux. default. Judgment; A P rank Kirby of Portland, trusty been holding the smokers on Friday C orractton o a I rite s , ll tne iarm er is gelling busjncss tQ „et „olne d h stresses t h e n e e d fo r J R lc h e et ux vs. Mazie Hays et who escaped from the county Jail nlg,ht!'- waits m eans Just th a t much Hillsboro planning commission money to spend for aome- » better return x a , the all well « ”>“ S ' k X S « ¡ u X » C3 S S » h? lt'T f - r " 2 ! X :'* .2 3 will meet on the third Monday of I ,j tt • i result « .. , and „ m u „ r e m iu v iu u a u .s m a n a o e v v e r i a i t n in m e ooiiKa- each month. Through error, the thlng else. good. He most certainly deserves it be- tions of the codes. “Now is the time when private C entral Lile Insurance T o r «' M, he t „ „...u,*, . “ date was reported as Tuesday last cause price parities were against him for enterprise should undertake to lift the burdens of Eugene McCornack IT’S MERELY A MATTER week. Union y e a rs sentence on a grand larceny unemployment from the shoulders of the govern- der; "* - ” C entral Life Insurance charge a long time. OF ATTENTION TO ment," he said. "Now is the tim e to build private , company vs. J. C. 8nlder et al, de­ Say you saw it In the Argus UPKEEP Durham rock crusher shed was enterprise anew upon the sounder economic founda­ fault. decree. Probate orders were Issued in the broken Into the latter p art of last It's far more economical to tions th a t have been laid.”—The News-Reporter. estates of Vincent Mazzal, Julius week, according to a report filed save the property you a l­ ; Henrlckson. J. Carson, B. K Den­ with the Sheriff Monday. Ten gal­ ready have than to perm it No trace has been found of Helen ney, H annah Carlson Allen. Edward lons of oil. batteries and tools were It to depreciate to the point taken. Stannard, daughter of M r and where It Is necessary to re ­ The movement for remodeling, renovizing and Berwald, Nile E. Bennett, John Mrs. H H S tannard of Hillsboro, Fifteen Years Ago W alter Joseph Conway of Port- who disappeared III Portland two place It. modernizing of homes encouraged by the national Campbell, E ffie Becker, Lydia Oray Argus, February 19, 1920—Mr. and Mrs. Boyd K. adm inistration is arousing deep interest throughout Rhea, Wilhelm Schumacher. Orders i land was committed to the county weeks ago. Notices were Issued from UNCLE SAM SAYS DO IT — country -------- -------- u a u.c were ahio lssued 1,1 the g u ard ian -¡Jal1 Monday by the Tigard Justice the sheriff’s office this week to all Long and Infant son all die within week of influenza. the and --- is certainly a „.uou mo6t vw...,..c„ commendable NOW! enterprise. The home is the basts of national life shiP of W ilhelmina Ruff and the ° ‘ the ,Peace, court to serve 10 days parts of the country. Mr. Long was son of Editor and Mrs. L. A. Long. °n a” illegal parking charge. W ar on waste Is on I "Save — Double wedding a t Bethany church February 13 and th e more convenience, comfort and beauty In Huson minors. your property" is good a d ­ Samuel Lesman of Portland was “H e r e la M y H e a r t ” to when Alda R uth Rich weds Carl F. Eggiman and and around the home the more powerful will be its ------------------------- vice. Modern building m a- i arrested Wednesday on a charge Eleanor May Eggiman becomes bride of Theophil influence for contentm ent and happiness. The Jo u r- B ir c h O p e n s S ale s D e p o t _ of - O p e n L o c a lly T o n ig h t tcrlals make It easy to ren- J- Rich. nal hopes th a t home owners In Newport will take L a u r e l R o a d T h is W e e k drivi,ng whUe Intoxicated. He was Param ount's new com ejy with ovlzc. Labor 1 s plentiful. Memorial services for soldier dead will be held advantage of the opportunity thus offered for home r . arraigned In the local Justice of songs film, "Here Is My H eart," to W hat better time to do It? a t M ethodist church February 22. American Legion improvements a t reasonable cost and on favorable a n ti Hil“ boro on j the peace court and will enter a at the Venetian Sunday, Mon­ prepares program. term s Now is the time in particular when Newport r o i ’ ’ eek,°P «ned Pl«a Saturday morning. Ball was show YOU CAN DO IT BEST BY day and Tuesday, presents Bing Edgar D. W Wann, 8t t3°°' ann resident of Hillsboro many -hould dress up and modernize to meet the big Lb ¿ n i b i v ^ d 8 ^!!* o n ^ e n iT « ^ Crosby with one of the best sup­ USING WEYERHAEUSER years, died February 17. changes which are coming, and if th e renovizing mPn, J ~ n °" F w - Huston of Hillsboro was porting easts he has had in a film. 4-SQUARE LUMBER plan is taken with any degree of vigor It will give tru c^ s rX)Uurv X d s nl’a n u and B i rested Tuesday on a larceny Mrs. Lucile Im brie Woodland, native of Hills­ It Includes K itty Carlisle, first seen with Crosby In "She Loves Me employment to laborers and mechanics and spread X r ' m ^ c h 7 n d l £ M r P R?reh C gP boro, died In Portland of pneumonia. This modern lumber Is pre­ N ot;" Alison Sklpworth, Roland - r merchandise. Mr. Birch has, City of Hillsboro loses case against N orth Coast general prosperity.—Newport Journal cision-cut to exact sta n d ­ had several years’ experience In Young, star of the Broadway hit, Power company on hydrants and case will g o to ard lcngtlis with absolutely Marriage License, "Her M aster's Voice." and Reginald th is business in eastern states and _ . . „ .. U. 8. courts. square end»— an aid to bet­ In the vicinity of Portland „ u Deffenbaugh and Vivian Owen, character actor, widely ac­ Epidemic of flu subsiding and schools opened ter construction. Every piece ____ __ Ruby Tozler, both of Portland, Feb- claimed for hls portrayal In "Of h ire again Wednesday. guaranteed by W eyerhaeus­ A little Chinese girl was carrying a chubby boy Human Bondage." Howell Named Agent | rUai v 14 _ er—your assurance of lum ­ on her back. "Is he heavy " somebody asked. "No," Rex Howell of Hillsboro has been - Thirty Years Ago ber satisfaction. was the reply, "he is my brother." T here are duties appointed agent In the Hillsboro, Argus, February 23, 1905—County Judge L. which are pleasures, there are tasks carried through Forest Orove and McMinnville te r­ Rood was busily engaged Monday in bidding in 50 with a rig h t good will, th ere are deprivations and ritory for new type house broom ! o r 60 pieces of land advertised as delinquent. hardships cheerfully endured. And all because there m anufactured in Portland by the P. B. Southw orth installs up-to-date bar in his Is enthusiasm or affection, Idealism o r devotion. American Brush company. Oem saloon and C harles O’Connor of Cornelius re- patriotism or consecration In the toll or h ard sh ip _ tallied as manager. Ex. Second nnd W nnhington ' If you have something to sell and Will Adkins sells hls big Dane dog, "King,” to are in a hurry to sell It, let the I’hone 301 WlUlam Reidt for two lots on Portland Heights and Keeps your c ar in perfect condition all the time. classified advertising departm ent of 810 cash. The lots traded in are not very valuable, Have the car washed and lubricated regularly and When the h eart Is cut o u t of NRA and we arc a ‘« r^ d v ertIHero »«‘l’» « but when th e Consolidated builds across the m oun­ back to the old ruthless competition, many of the medium^* V nt s a le s avoid rep air bills. tain fancy prices are anticipated. We are handling F ir e s to n e T ir e s a n d T u b e s B. P. Cornelius appointed and confirmed as lo­ smaller business men will recall with regret, t h a t ------------------------- —- _____________ cal postm aster now. Let us check your tires and see if they are E. B. Tongue on hls mount. Oregon Kid, wins in good condition for the speed you will drive. V m Juniper Oil, Rurhu L m t c u , Elr. ShOgren cup race a t P ortland H unt club. A little caution may avoid an accident. F a c t th a t W ashington county still has thou- Agent Flush out exemn ac id»« and wa<«in mat* sapds of dollars tied u p In hops makes m arket in ­ Special this w eek: One can of regular 35c Tire Senator Steiwer is overly fearful of th e predica­ Every form of protection - Fire, teresting. Big Individual sales made this week for 24 m ent Oregon may find lt-self In If th e Roosevelt gov­ ter. Oet rid o f hladdrr irritation that Patch for only 18c. automobile, casualty, liability, u se, w aking up. frequent d«wire, acanty and 26 cents. ernm ent adopts a more bureaucratic policy toward« ca Fidelity, Surety and Life. recall hanging o ,, f . Creed Turner the states. But Oregonians who are able to think flo w , burning and (wekaehe. Make th i. _ _ Old-timers . „ 25c tent. Get juniper oil, buchti leave., iiire for m urder in 1851. He was first m an hanged along broader lines will agree th at, up to date, Ore- etc., Phone 1732 1164 3rd Ht. in little green tablet* called Buket., in thls .x u - gon ,las no cause 10 re«ret the change to w hat the T h i r d a n d W a s h in g to n S tre e ts Phone 1703 Pacific university opens b attle to enjoin Forest senator calls "A th reat of danger to our people "— the bladder laxative. In four d a y . If not pleased your druggist w ill return your Grove officers from granting saloon license. Hood River News, A Good Place to Trade Common Citizen Still Rule Protect the Public s s l S ’siS S 7 ass-.1«.. t».- $ S A V E .h e C New Promoter to Escaped Trusty Arrange Matches No Trnce Found of Stannard Girl C ar W ashing and L u b ric a tio n recovery and lu Whv Get Up Night.? Copeland Lumber Yards CHAS. L. WALKER The TEXACO STATION 25c.- Delta Drug .to re. Adv. WANT-ADS