H IL L S B O R O Thursday, February 21, 1935 A R G U S, H IL L S B O R O , following children: Mis. Lizzie Dll- | I n I uik I. They left for Beaalde Bun- | Ion anil Wallace Smith. Forest J day night. Mr. Gutarlunldt and Grove, and Mrs. Edith Varley Ver­ I Mr. Otilllete ure employed In u nonia. Following sisters and a broth­ shingle nidi near BciwUte. er also survive Carrie Walworth, Ilau Brook» Honored l'u u n d u . K a n s a s , Rose Wiley, Augus­ Mr and Mr» Jim Brook» of ta, Kansas; Marv Carllle Hillsboro. llriNika lllll entertained Sunday I and Augustus Fuller, Tuanda, Kan- | with a dinner In honor of Ban ' sas. Brook», who 1» with the navy and Shower Given for Miss M. who wu» home with hla parent». Berry Grower» Meet Kama» JAMEH LEROY VANKIItK Mr and Mr», lllll Brook», over the C ity ; Birthday Observed FOREST GROVE Funeral serv- W neflor; Club Meet» week-end, Mr Brook» left for ! Ices lor Joseph Leltoy VanKlik, 63. Bremerton Hunduv night and 1» I who died at his home here Febru­ expecting to leave from there Wed­ KAN8AH C IT Y W E. Marr a t­ illy Mra Frank |*v/ai|tlt) 14. were held Bunday at the nesday for the (iiiam Inland». tended strawberry code meeting ary Methodist church with Rev. Alex­ Paul Lurttir. who 1« with the ItOCK CItKKK Rev. B M Fren- Munday at Olympia, ander Bennett officiating Inter­ cnborg from Parkersburg, Iowa, new marine», i» patrollng a powder agreement WuHll. ment was In Forest View cemetery. pastor of the Reformed church, a r­ mauualne at Bremerton. Kau.sU» City Woman's club met Mr. VunKIrk was born at Port- Mr. and Mr». Bill buttle left for rived here Haturdav night. He held 111» first »ervlre» here Hunduv morn­ Bonneville Hunduy Mr». Luolhe. with Mr». Ernest Mari Wednesday j land, Indiana. January 12, 1872, was afternoon N ext m e e tin g Will be married to Carrie Hall at D e M oss ing Itev. Frcsrnlxxg made the trip I who hud been 111. 1» recovering Springs, Oregon, December 25. 1902, alone by automobile, leuvlhff Mon­ lamia Bumuelson. who has been with Mr». Ray Vunderzanden. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lyda of Ver- and had lived at Forest Grove 28 day and arriving here Huturduy, a working In camp, will be home for tXxrrt vlkiled at Hie Claude Lyda years. He had served as mail car­ distance of 2.200 miles, lie en­ , some time. rier. Deceased Is survived by the • home Bunday. countered rain, fog, snow and he ! Mr and Mr». Ray Vanderzanden widow und two daugil’rra, Mr Carl on lit» way. and on one occuslon and children vlMUxI Mr», Francis J Grable ol Portland and Ethel drove more than litio mile« hi one Harriet VanKIrk of Forest Grove ‘ Vanderzanden ol lu>y Bunday day. Mr. and Mrs Ituy Hodge visited A sister and two brother., also sur- Mrs. Harnh Hardin of Inglewood. Mr. Hodge » lather In Vernonia ■ vlve. Cal, who had been visiting here With her parent», Mr. and Mrs i Another large crowd gathered In Bunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cobb and Mrs. GEORGE BON DURANT Nels Nelson, left lust week lor the hs a| Christian church l u s t George W BonDurant, 81. who l’ortland unit Is leaving for Beattie Thursday evening for the dinner Vnlis of Portland were week-end resided here for many years, died In from there this week. I and meeting »potiMired by the local guest» at the Claude Lydu home Berry grower» here met at the Portland Bunday and funeral serv­ Ris k Creek school baseball team i Town»end Old Age Revolving pen- played the brook» lllll school team «Ion plan. Judge John A Jeffrey Kansa» City hull Wednesday eve­ ices were held at the First Free ¡•'rlday at Brooks Hill, lutilng 21 ()f Portland was the speaker. He ning. The perry situation was dis­ , Methodist church in Portland Wed- to 5. I declared the Townsend plan con- cussed and seems to be looking bet­ ■ nesdiiv afternoon. Concluding serv­ ices were at Rose City cemetery. 511»» Waefler (liven shower Ilnur-. to gain In the favor of thi ter. Birthday Celebrated Mr. BonDurant Is survived by the A shower was given Friday after- American pimple and that the fight Raymond Vanderzanden attended widow and three children: Mrs. F nism tor Miss Margaret Wuefler at for the passage of the bill In ron- H Sumner. Mrs. Leo Ooctsch and u purly at the 1.. C. Brabham home licr home, as some of the furnish- gress luis Just begun Workers for lugs of their house had been de- the plan were urged to continue at Fairview H u tu rd a y afternoon. It George Emery BonDurant ol Port­ land. Slroyed bv fne recently. She recelv- circulating petitions and to wrlli bring Ed ward Brabham » birthday congressmen and urge thein lo sup­ anniversary. ed many useful article« Marjorie Mart and Francis Ea ,ly MSB. m i \ l \ m i l B S I EVENS port the Townsend blll. Mrs. Zimmerman Burini Mrs. Dudley W Stevens, nee Mal­ attended a Valentine party given by The « « .Il l next meeting n of the local Mr». John Zimmerman Port- d ll’. k fllllll <2 i i 1111 11 I 11 l i * 11 I of R I lilt" , 1. U lim lo ,, i *» • *4Í1 IV »V» Arlene Shearer at Hie Perry Shear­ ta Bales, died February 12 at Reno. la n d w as b u rled F rid a y lu th e K e- wl1 ñ h r l í í b ó s ‘"éliiirJíí fo rm ed c h u r c h c e m e te ry h e re It, y j »• *>'•’ * * o rfa t. C d v ha» er home at Fairview Saturday a f­ , Nevada, according to word received here by Mrs. J. E. Reeves Mrs I d w ard H. h en il h eld a s h o rt s e n t- L J l „ “ re a , a » X l The pubh«' ternoon. Mr. and Mr». Alfred Lewis vis­ Stevens spent her girlhood in the Invited to »pci hw at the graveside Mrs. Zimmer­ been ited Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Kennedy vicinity of Cornelius and Forest man leaves her huslwnd and three Is In v ited Grove, and was well known in ol Bunks Bunday. step-children. Alsmt three years Mr. und Mrs. C. H. Hamilton a t­ Washington county. She la survived ago Mrs. Zimmerman visited In tended the funeral Bunday of Dan by her widower and a son, George England with her parents Mr. Zim­ Stemmier at Molullu. The Hamil­ merman lived In thl» community ton» and Hteuunters were friend» many years ago. In Nebraska. W. T. Club Meets Mr. and Mrs Henry Reese and Mr». Sarah. C. IUainy. 73, a rcaU Wulter W T. club met at the home of Reese of Laurel. Mrs. Ber­ ay. Part of the dr... _ . tha Demmln, Mr. and Mrs. Waiter afternoon wu.. np«*nt hi Binging A year», died here early Friday morn- Demmln und »on I a ster of Bloom­ CEDAR CANYON—A shower was Valentlno lunch wan served. Next lug after an lllnefut of six months, ing were Bunday dinner guest* of given at the home of Mrs. G. E meeting will lx* with Mrs. Frank Funeral »ervhes were conducted Mr. and Mrs. V. Lewis. j Place In honor of her daughter- K ma I March H. at Idletnore house Sunday afternoon at the Done toon Mr. und Mrs. V Lewis visited Mr. in-law, Mrs. Jim Place. She recelveu Lucille Nr toon of Portland spent «to Sewell chapel with Rev. R. L and Mrs. M. Bheelar of Scoggins j many beautiful and useful gifts. the week-end with her parent«. Mr. Putnam officiating. Interment was Valley Huturday night. ITescnt were Mesdamcs B. Haynes. and Mrs Neto Nelson. at the north annex to the Hillsboro Mr and Mr». Kay Vanderzanden J Moehnke, W. Moehnke, W. Shep­ Mr and M r Ted Outschmldt cemetery. spent the week-end In Portland vis­ ard, George Holzman, M Martin ind family and Mr and Mrs. Mr». Reamy van born in Missouri. iting Mrs. Vanderzanden*« parent», and little son Jimmy. L. Stroh­ Claude Chlllete and family of near October 11. I8fil Deceased Is sur- Mr. and MW. Caputo, and other mayer, K Krieger, J. Beneflel, J. 8caiilde »pent the week-end visiting vlved by the widower, William J relatives. Narup. H. Narup. W. Wright, J. Mr. and Mr» John Outschmldt of Reamy of Hillsboro; two sons. J William Easly. Cecil and Earl of Frydendall. F. Frydendall and little this section, and with Mr. and Mr». A and W C Reamy. both of Hllto- Fairview spent Huturday evening daughter Helen. Mae Braun and Hill Luethe of Brooks hill. Mr and boro; and three daughters Mrs h with Rollle Cox. little daughter Betty. Misses Fran­ Mr» John Schneider In Hhady W Ullman of Los Angeles Cal ces Van Loo and Margy Place. Brook. Mr and Mr». Carl 8chnabele Mrs. O. O Gray and Mrs. E W Hand Injured on HauvleV Island, w i t h Mr». Vincent, both of Portland. 'I wo ms - Wlnle working in the blacksmith Ted Ont»ctimidt’s imrent» In Port- ter» and two brothers In Nebraska shop Saturday morning William land and with her »later on Sauvles* also survive. Moehnke caught his hand In be­ tween the cog wheel of the turning FOREST GROVE—Funeral serv­ lathe, severely crushing and tear­ ices for Mrs. Susana May, 90. who ing the flesh from his left hand. Mrs. Katherine Moehnke is visit­ died at the home of her daughter. Mr» Luella Hutchison, at Arcade ing her daughters. Mrs. Nellie Lima Friday, were held at the daughter's and Mrs. Eva Glover, of near Beav­ home Monday afternoon. Interment er Creek. Operations Started was In Arcade cemetery. Moehnke Bros, started their saw Mr». May was born In Vermlllan mill Monday morning after a few (FORMERLY KRUCHEK’S KASH GROCERY) county. I ll. November 27, 1844. and months' shut-down, and are em­ married James May In Nevada. Iowa. January. 1860. Twelve children ploying about 35 men. Friday, Saturday and Monday Specials were born to the union and those FREE D E L IV E R Y PH O N E 2001 surviving are as follows: Mrs. Hutchison; Mrs. Francis Rose. Charley S. May. Daniel W. May. Portland; Willi» R. Muy. Vancouv­ er. Wash ; Simeon May. Jewel, and (lly I.oia Richmond) Mrs. Rose Johnson. California. For­ LETSYVILIaE~E E Rowton suf- ty-eight grandchildren. 78. great­ fered a broken bone In his left leg grandchildren and 18 great-great- when he was kicked by a horse. grandchildren also survive. Ladles' club met with Mrs. Lily Hanley Thursday afternoon. Next MRS. CYNTHIA E. SMITH meeting will be with Mrs. Einar FOREST GROVE-Mrs. Cynthia Berggren. * CAMPBELL'S. Elizabeth Smith, 81, resident here "B ro a d w a y B ill" S ta r ts for 19 years, died Monday at her "Broadway Blll," another comedy home, and lunerul services will be held at 2 p. m. today »Thursday, at triumph by Frank Capra who pro­ the Forest Grove Undertaking com­ duced "It Happened One Night," pany chapel with Rev. A. M. S. will be presented at the Venetian Stock olflelatlng. Interment was In theatre tonight (Thursday». Friday and Saturday. Warner Baxter. Myr- ! ■. ' View cemeterv. Mrs. Smith was born In New York na Loy and Walter Connolly have IN BULK. June 8. 1853. and was married to leading roles. Ell Smith January 30. 1870. In SEE OUR DOLLAR DAYS LIST ! Let the advertisements help you Peoria, III. They came to Oregon In 1881. Deceased Is survived by the make your shopping plans. M arr A ttends Code Session Pastor A rrives at Rock Creek Townsend Meeting Draws Large Crowd Mrs. Sarah Reamy Buried on Sunday Party Given for Mrs. Jim Place Woman, 90, Dies at Arcade Home H IL L S B O R O C A S H GROCERY E. E Rowton Has Break from Kick ORANGES 100 ... 2 9 c G R A P E F R U IT 5c T O M A T O JU IC E s ,„ 2 5 c S T R IN G B E A N S 9c S A L A D D R E S S IN G Pt 15c HILLSBORO MEAT QUALITY SPECIALS FOR COMPANY SERVICE O renco P .T .A . H as Program Club Meets; Farewell Held; Vie in Declamation <8> Mr.. Hugh llu r.l.tt.l GItENCG Parent-Teacher as.^rel­ ation founders' day program was held In the school auditorium Thursday night. Alter a short busi­ ness meeting the following program was given Mrs. Frank Warren and Mrs. Otto Lochden, duet; boys' quartet, composed ol Donald Rog­ ers, Bud Baughman, Jack Curry and Robert Burdette, song; candle lighting ceremony, those taking par', Mrs. O. A. Robson, Mrs. H. L Carlyle. Elva Bradley. Joy Hoague, Don» Rogers. Nancy Pitman, H ar­ old, Lois Robson. Rebecca Webb, Esther Bella, Louise Parks. K ath­ erine Goodman. Helen Willert, H at­ tie Warren, Bernlcce Ensley. Dor­ othy Parks. Arlene Bernards. Bar­ bara Burdette, Dorothy Warren; Mesdames Warren and Loehden. duet; group of Dramatic club mem­ bers, song; boys' quartet, song; Vir­ ginia Robson and Arlene Bernard ., minuet. Club Meet» Today Friendly Circle club will hold Its regular meeting today (Thurs­ day i at 2 p. m . in the church par­ lor. All members urged to be pres­ ent. Amos Rich accompanied relatives on a trip to visit relatives in K an­ sas. They left last week and expect to be gone a month or more. Grade school boys' basketball team defeated Reedvllle Monday night 18 to 15. Mrs. John Hetzler of Portland spent last week with Mrs. J. P. Rogers. C. E. Sparks of Portland was here Tuesday visiting friends and look­ ing after property. W. If. Curry and family return­ ed to their home in Yakima Friday. They moved here last summer. Girls’ basketball. team lost to Un­ ion In their first game Wednesday afternoon 28 to 4. RO AST 12 Ik. TENDERLOIN $1.00 M UTTO N S T E A K To Stew or Boil lb. 5 BACON BOLOGNA MINCED HAM LIVER SAUSAGE CORNED BEEF - 22c gfl 15 e ■ W lb . OYSTERS S.“h. w “ I LAKU inn 2 ib.................... Pure Silverlcaf. MARSHMALLOWS ■ AwV € Cx* ................................ 2 0 c Fluffiest. 1-lb. carton ....................................... PEAS Del Monte Early Garden. No. 2 can ............................................ MT. VERNON, a Hillsboro product....................................... M IL K va* TW» 16 15c BRONSON’S. (Pint jar 9c) K T ............ 29c 45c BANANAS 45c 35c WHITE K I N O - 24-ox. pkg.............. FREE—2 bars—SOAP 19c TISSUE. Waldorf. 4 rolls ..................... 17c MAYONNAISE— Best Foods. 10c Pint ...................... Golden ripe. SUNBRITE Cleanser 3 cana ... 2 lb«............... ..............5c FREE DELIVERY lie CARROTS 13c Fancy, bulk. 6 lbs............. And I ran FREE ! Ix *u Richm ond) Ready to advise yon In purchasing. Ready to give real values. AU meat» Inspected by Dr. Nieol and Dr. Almqaist. Friday and Saturday Special» Home Cured SMOKED MEATS 19c H A M S,.» Half or whole. and 35c 10c 5 Deliveries Daily Rea. Phone 321Z •y= CeúunfáatJcctC Co. Price» Effective Fri., Sat., Mon., Feb. 22, 23, 25 COFFEE FREE DELIVERY C rackers 2-lb. box .... SU I Sunshine Krispy. S h r im p Columbia Beat 29c ...6 8 c Economy Or OYSTERS. 5-oz. can ............ Gulf Kist, fancy. He a 1-lb. canA dSC e U/g-lb. can 7c) C o c o a Hershey’s. M a t c h e s 6-box carton ...... 2 3 c True American — Diamond Quality. OXYDOL— With 2 bars Giant P. & G. Free. Large pkg.................................... SOAP— Liberty White Laundry. 10 bara .......... . SUNBRITE— Cleanser. (1 can free) 3 can» ............... ...5 5 c Tavern 27C 1-lb. jar ...... Golden West 1-lb. jar ........ 30C DILL PICKLES— Happyvale. Q uart........................................... 17c SOUPS— Campbell’s 1 9 c assorted. 3 cans ..................... 2 5 c 4 Q MARSHMALLOWS— Fresh JLttrC from factory. 1-lb. cello.... 1 5 c PCaS J ell W ell ISLAND BELLE, 3033. (6 ran» 57c) 3 cam 29c MAINE O. B. No. Corn WILTON (8 cans 85c) 2 cana ................... Villa. No. Tomatoes Alta (6 rana 57e) 3 ran« POWDER. Calumet RAKING (Bulk) 2 lbs............... thread, Coeoanut Long unsweetened. 1-lb. cello.. 3. 3U. ilc CHEESE— Tillamook. Lb................................... RAISINS— Seedless. 4-lb. bag .................... 20c 23c FLOUR TEA Large size. 2 dozen . . , COFFEE Ready to supply you with the finest MEATS at the least cost. 29c 29c 25c 15c SHORTENING— White Cloud. 4-lb. carton ...... 45c TOBACCO— Geo. Washing- B A a ton. 10c size. Special, 3 for.... AvV NORTHERN— Hard wheat. 04 ff Q 49-lb. s a c k ............................................ <4»e9O KITCHEN QUEEN— 04 49-lb. sack ............................................ Crown, Drifted Snow or Fisher’s 04 09 Blend. 49-lb. sack .......................... «JP JLeOO ORANOES 27c PORK A BEANS, Van Camp’s f By pkg». Saturday Only! SANKA COFFEE— Lb. ran ...................... Folk at Timber Given a Farewell Sealed in new cubes. IT’S NEW ! Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Cake H our— MEAT SPECIALS Natural flavor. Large bottle Quart jar AIRWAY. (Lb. 19c) 3 Iba. FREE DELIVERY 4 TIMES DAILY PHONE 082 A»V $1.00 MILD OREGON. Pound .................. M USTARD S a /» $1.49 A M M O N IA o r B L U IN G SWANSDOWN cana Candle Light. Hard wheat blend. 49-lb. aack ............................................. C H EESE S . lh c . ± . e:.............. 10c Libby’s or Armour's. SPECIALS DOLLAR DAYS c3on:ouND 20c FRED’S SUPERIOR MARKET DEVILED MEAT Small white. Roy lard And 3 ibs. Brown Sugar FREE BEANS and Robert Pomeroy and Mr. Sparks spent the week-end with friends and relatives in TtUamook. Mrs. Ethel M and son Virgil and daughter Blanche of Hillsboro visited Mrs. McCormick's IR y Mr«. R. I. Cox) K INTON O n io n buyers have been I mother. Mrs Lilly M. Bierly, Sun­ numerous among the growers here , day. Mumps and measles are still during the past week or so and sev­ prevalent around town, but In most eral carloads were sold, at a very' of the cases they are In a very good price. Some of the growers ore I light form. still holdin» a carload or so. hoping' for a better price. Those sold went i to Portland wholesalers. Klnton Ladles' Aid society will ‘ U ty M I m M arth a V a n d aria n d en ) meet to work on a quilt with Mrs Robert Pomeroy Wednesday all day. Mrs. J. M. Vanderzanden visited with pot luck dinner at noon A ll' relatives in Portland this week-end. Thirteen Tables in Play ladies are invited, bring sewing I tools. Card party given by the Sodality J H. Aten attended the American , girls Thursday evening was a sn«- Legion party held in Sherwood Fri­ ces* There were thirteen tables day evening. Mrs Aten and chil­ played. Prizes were won bv Loretta dren spent the evening with her Vanderzanden, Mrs. Frank Herb. sister, Mrs. Bowen, who resides Lena Delplauche. Frank Herfel. there. Mrs. Bowen was giving a Frank Meeuwsen a n d Clarence shower In honor of another sister, Vanderzanden. who resides In California Dick Wilcox, who broke his hip in S. H Pomeroy and Mr. and Mrs. a fall some time ago, was brought Robert Pomeroy and family visited home from the Good Samaritan relatives in Portland Saturday Bert hospital Wednesday. The hip will Move to Portland Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Goheene and Sparks returned home with them be in a cast for some time yet. daughter Jennie Warren moved to Portland Saturday, where Mr. Go­ heene 1« employed. Orenco grade boys’ basketball five lost to Beaverton Wednesday afternoon. Orenco basketball team defeated the Rose City Van and Storage team on the local floor Monday night 39 to 23. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Persons and baby of Ihrmpkin Ridge visited at the George Person home Sun­ day evening. Kinton Growers Dispose of Onions 2 LBS. F R A N K F U R T E R S Fine granulated. Friday, Saturday, Monday February 22, 23, 25 Bonnie of Portland spent the week­ end with her brother, W. H. Ring, and family. Division I, 4-H cooking club met with their leader. Mrs. Ernest Wil­ fert. Friday afternoon Bernice En­ sley and Helen W.uert gave a dem­ onstration on making iruit salad. Rlctiard Montgomery of Oregon city and Mrs. Margaret Miller of Portland were guests at the W H Ring home Sunday. Miss Helen Bella of Portland «pent Sunday with home folks. “Aunt Dinah’s Substitutes.' 4-H cooking club, met with their lead­ er Miss Marie McKinnis, In the sclxxil lunch room Wednesday after­ noon. Virginia Robson and Arlene Bernards demonstrated the making and serving of salad to the class. Last week Hattie Warren and Bar­ bara Burdette made and served potato soup to the class. Mr. and Mrs. O. A Robson enter­ tained a number of Portland friends at a Valentine dinner party Satur­ day night. Present were Messrs, and Mesdames T. Pfatnter, Ward Kei- zler, Lister Usery, Russell Gram­ mar and family. P I C N I C S Lb. ..... ..... .... 14c BEEF R O A S T Lb. 10c Q U A R T of K RA U T SUGAR PORK RIBS and BACK BONES Page Three TIMBER—A surprise farewell par­ ty was given for Mrs S. D Willis at her home here Saturday night Present were Messrs, and Mesdames Boyd Wright, Oscar Shiffer, Albert Riche, William Hoffman. W. E Gilmore, Mrs. John Richmond. Mrs Morris Kochman. and the guest of honor, Mrs. Willis. The evening was spent playing card.». Refresh­ ments were served at the home of f arewell Party Held Mr. and Mrs. Shiffer. Mr. and Mrs. Mr and Mrs. Calvin Gross enter­ Willis have been residents of Tim­ tained with a farewell party for ber for many years. They will make Mias Jennie Warren and Jack Cur­ their home in Portland. ry Thursday night. Attending were Miss Margaret Fink of Portland , Helen and James Ensley. Byrdtane, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ben Hart Doris and Donald Rogers, Robert for a few days. and Barbara Burdette. Bud Baugh­ Walter Scott, stationed at the man, william Sabo, Maude Hamel. Green Mountain CCC camp, spent Morris McEntee, Hattie and LeRoy the week-end with his sister, Mrs Warren. Virginia Robson, Jennie Boyd Wright. Warren and Jack Curry. The eve­ Miss June Townsend of Sunset ning was spent in playing games camp was confined to her home a and music. few days last week with a light a t­ The division II cooking girls. tack of measles. This is the second "Aunt Dinah's Substitutes, s o l d case reported in this vicinity. The home-made candy at the founders' attacks last but three days and have day program and raised two dollars. little effect on the person afflicted. Contest Held Roy and Ike Snider spent the Last Friday afternoon an elimin­ week-end in Carlton. Mrs. Mae Brown of Westmber Is ation tryout for the declamation contest was held In the school audi­ keyping house for Mr. Sam and torium. Judges were Rev. Thomas Clarence Hankins in the absence C. Duncan. Mrs. H. E. Scheldt and of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hankins. Paul Pearson of Carlton returned I Mr. Scrafford. Lois Robson and Ar­ lene Bernards won first places and to work at the Snider Brothers' will represent Orenco at Beaverton Shingle mill this week after having been confined to his home during February 22. the past week with pneumonia. Party Enjoyed Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Shiffer went ] Miss Marie McKinnis gave a Valentine party for the primary to Vernon last Tuesday n i g h t I room last Thursday afternoon. The where Mr. Shiffer was initiated Into room was decorated with Valentines the I. O O. P. Ben Hart was a Hillsboro visitor and cupids to fit the occasion. Chil­ Saturday. dren of pre-school age enjoying Walter Wright spent the week­ the party were Jean Price, Bernie Goodman. G rade Karns. Evelyn end with friends in Forest Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gilmore and Bernards and Archie O. Pitman Jr Mr. and Mrs. Harry Warren and Mrs. Mary Walker spent the week­ Mrs. Warren's sister of Portland end in Portland. Miss Louise Kalish. who is a visited at the Frank Warren home nurse at the St. Vincent's hospital Friday. in Portland, spent several days last Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wilfert and j week with her parents, Mr. and family visited Mrs Alice Handley Mrs. John Kalish. in Beaverton Saturday afternoon.! Dean Kiesel of Portland, a former Mr and Mrs. O. D. Corbin of Portland visited the H. E. Burdette resident in Timber, is visiting sev­ eral days with his uncle and aunt family Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. M A. Cage, Harold Mr. and Mrs. George McCulstian. and Ralph of Portland spent Sun­ City Installs Pipe day at the L. T. Woodward home. Approximately 167 feet of wood- Mrs. Adam Bella visited friends in Portland a couple of days last stave pipe was Installed Monday by Phone 651 the city at the sewer outfall near week. 5j Mrs. Paul Maxwell and daughter the Tualatin river. S afeway S tores SATURDAY PORK OREGON BISQUICK Tree Green. »/,-lb. .. Black. Va-lb. 25c 33c With chromium relish dish Both for 55c SALT Leslie’s 2-lb. shaker 2 for ................. 8-lb. bag 15c 19c