The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 21, 1935, Page 2, Image 2

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    H IL L S B O R O .
(By N o rth P lain* I*. T. A.)
a at t the
m e school
srnooi a t o 8 p-
p in
Tuesday. A special Pounders' Day
progi.un will be featured. You are
cordially Invited.
Mr. und Mrs Henry Cypher and
daughter Eugenie and Robert Jolui-
sione, visited Mrs. Cypher's niece.
Mrs Carlton Hande, and family at
Silverton Sunday.
was celebrathig th eir wedding a n ­
niversary a t H arrisburg
I »an Chambers of Laurel resumed
his carpenter work on the interior
of the Sam O tto home Thursday
after several weeks' absence on a
trip to St. Louis.
Mrs John Walker entertained
the F ir Orove school children mid
their mothers Saturday afternoon
with a party, using valentines as a
motif. Special guests included the
teacher. Miss Helen Heddig. and
Jerry and Verlain Neuensvhwander
wttli their mother. Mrs. William
Neuensehwander, of Lakeview
and Raymond
Mrs. Lena
u 'lia Meyers
» h j u » »im
mid Norma Meyers visited the Lc.
Oakes home m Hillsboro Sunday
More th an 50 attended the 4-H
club party at the Fir Orove school
house Friday evening. The school
eave a valentine program. The
adult part of the program was post-
noned until the next meeting M arch
won February
at the P y 11 tlliar
Mrs. Eugenia Cypher. Ada Quails
Earl Hollenbeck and William Joos
Another party will be held Saturday
evening February 33 E m b o d y w el-
B . F • Toin Pki” *• "J ixu-Uand
Portland sueiit
last week with
w hitm ore
Mr and
" A “ 1. ,
and clldd’* ' ^ ' 5 ld
r l .a “A
^ ^ M e O o ^ c h a t P ortland Sun
North Plains
P. T. to Meet
Partie* Held; Chamberlain
Buy* Batchelar Route
Vi ed 50 Years
M m e from Colorado
. ■
? « v f o
'°M r. and Mrs Lester Ireland of | Miss W anda R nigm t visited her
Hillsboro visited Mr. and Mrs. Julius sister. Mrs. lo in S huik, at HilLboro
Schoenberg Sunday.
1 t ’r,ldaX a.*?d SatUI?,aJ a n m h irr Miss
Mr. and Mrs. W E. Mays a n d ' L. T. Finigan andr d ' “ ^1\ltlf' ? ih „
son visited Mr and Mrs. Clarence Wanda. Joined a g r o u p e f ,
Mays at Yamhill Sunday.
and re la t « « » ‘ s i n d J v d " gS
Mrs. T. H Mitchell of Gaston home
has been
spent last week at the Lester Cy- i Miss A' ' r'
M r and
pher home.
staying with ‘xZ-lnniV suent the
Mrs. C Millet of Portland visited Mrs. D. M.
McInnis, spent tnt
her son. Julius, at the Millet farm week-end in Portland with Mrs. L.
in Shady Brook Sunday.
York and
Funeral sendees for Frank Morey ^ ^ f ^ c i n n u ^ h o n ' ^ Sunday1.
a former resident of North Plains
V p sm ith left for K lam -
were held a t the T ualatin Plains
h ¿ T h T m
church Sunday afternoon. Inter- daugh ter Mrs Andrew Brink, who
m ent was In the church cemetery , “1,1
Party Next Wednesday
M & 'S
I'.h rja ry IS, Eva Meek and Chuck
Krieger made high scores, and Syl-
via Duvck and Joseph Vandervec
seconds. Another party will be held
February 27.
S m ilt 1* fit •» I • * lOfirti
/ o 1 1__
x t
Truck Route Purchased
Duane Chamberlain recently pur-
chased the truck and route of Perry , TAf?
S u i e condaSidserSinn H u S R
q cout lrOOD eele.
.XA1 Scout
ir o n " F e b ^ ' T u
Sue Davis and Dr. P. E. Hale of a.“ d
w ith ^ R e ^ V R ^ s S
Portland vtsiUd Mr. an d Mrs. Julius
J ’o ut law mm
Schoenberg Sunday night
1 telling of his experience in India
I with scouting. D istrict court was
1 held at M ultnom ah Thursday with
Dewey Talent, Raynor Sm ith and
Boydell Nedrv receiving m e r i t
A paper was read by Floyd Bierly
M rs. B
ird M
cCorm ick)
i»y mr«.
■ TigardviUe Rebekah lodge Tues-
CHEH a l e m MOUNTAIN—Pleas- day evening on the life of rhoma.-
a n t View school yard is being clear-1 w uey. founder of Odd Fellow lodge.-,
ed of stum ps and underbrush and t in th e United States. The club is
leveled J. P Jones has charge o f ! sponsoring a card party M arch 1
a group of SERA men. who are d o -| with the proceeds to be turned over
mg the work. Fifteen men w ere.-o the I O O. F. educational xoan
emplovea here the first week In fund. Members of the drill team
February and six men last week, will practice February 26.
Mr and Mrs. E C. Wohlschlegel
Sherwood Wins
were hosts Sunday at a dinner p ar-J By a scOre of 27 to 23 Sherwood
ty a at t their home. G
ere M
a ir r.:
. j town
tow n team, member of the in
ie r-
Q uests » were
□ nH AAr«
P ari Wohlschlegel
WohlschlCklel and
a n d • . clty
s i t u I league,
p o o t i »
F rip n rilv T
in lift
Mrs. Carl
defeated Friendly
daughters Velma. Navdene and J e a n . a, the Chapm an school gym Friday
of Scholls and Vivian and Melburn n ight to place Sherwood in the
I 500 column In th e second half
Hodson McCormick spent Febru- schedule Packer Scott Is S her-
ary 14 in Portland with his sister «-ood's n e x t opponent Thursday
Mrs. Allan H. Comber.
I night at Reed College.
Birthday Celebrated
X number of the members of
K enneth McInnis was honored c h a n ty lodge. I O O. F . attended
with a birthday anniversary c a rd , a meetm g of City View lodge Wed-
party at his home Thursday eve- n esday night to see them put on
ntng. Present were Mr. and Mrs I ,y,e ¿egree work in the first de-
D. M. McInnis, Miss Alice McInnis. ?ree Beaverton was visited Mon-
Miss C lara Shook Ira G. McCor- day night when they put on the
mick. Lauren and Don Haynes and third degree work. The local lodge
Earl Hodge.
, is getting together its second de-
O lenn Miller and Claud Allan ?ree staff to confer the degree
went to Tillamook February on February 28.
An unusual accident happened at
Teacher E ntertains
the home of Mrs. M argaret Mc-
Miss Dora Simons, teacher at Donald last week when the side
Pleasant View, entertained with a o( her pressure w ater tan k ex-
Valentine party Friday afternoon at pioded in the basement, breaking
the school for her pupils and their a window and spreading w ater all
younger brothers and sisters
over the casem ent floor. Fortunate-
Mr and Mrs Ernest G uenther jy Mrs McDonald had just step-
went to Tillamook Thursday for a ¿pd outside when the explosion
purebred Holstein calf.
occurred Several boards on t h e
Move to Coast
back perch were lifted as the re-
Mr and Mrs. George Maynard sujt of the explosion,
and Alice and George finished mov-
Tigard C. E. met with Mr. and
ing to Oceanlake Saturday, where Mrs. Charles Beyers in Portland,
they are operating the Dixie Cafe Thirty-tw o were present, which was
Merl McDougal w ent over with a sort of housewarming from their
them Saturday. C. A. Barbo of Tigard friends
Portland has purchased the 40 acres
Members of Miss Summers' side
in the Pleasant View district form- in the Tigard G range contest snon-
erly owned by the Maynards. He sored by th e lecturer have been
will set out a filbert orchard.
practicing several times for the pr
Miss 8hirley Jarm an of Corbel! k erani
id fll
T I f hursday
llH -V U d l
llV lllU V U
¡ecture hour.
hour Life of Oeorge W ash-
was a week-end guest of the Rufus , lecture
ington will be depicted by various
O m duff family.
Week-end guests a t the F _ E tableaux.
Hoffman Home
home were sir.
Mr. anu
and Mrs
St. Paul met
m et aeieat
defeat at tne
the ns
George Gould of Portland and Prof Of Sherwood twice last week in
F. C. Stallev of Hillsboro
games a t Sherwood. F irst game was
Mrs. W. F. Wohlschlegel visited won by ^ 0 , , of 27 to 18 and the
from Saturday until Tuesday with second 33 to 22. Gaddis was high
relatives in Portland.
,! in the first game and Kosnik in
Mr and Mrs. E. C. Wohlschlegel th e second Sherwood girls' town
visited his sister. Mrs. L. I. Hulit, team defeated a pick-up team from
a t Newberg February 12.
West Portland 48 to 3.
Buck Heaven Buckaroos. M errin
Whitmore and Peanut and Don p>. • .
. p.
Haynes played on a community P r e s i d e n t r l a s s F ia n *
club program at Suncrest Friday
Visitation at Blooming
. H»nrp' Pinochle and "500" were enjoyed
Pleasant View Has
Ground Improved
i-K S á F S
Mr. and Mrs William Moss, who
celebrated their golden wedding
anniversary February 8 at the
home of th eir daughter, Mrs
C harles Kessler, a t Banks Story
appeared in issue of February 14.
Parties Enjoyed
at Mountaindale
se entertained with a Valentine
party Thursday afternoon. During
the afternoon "500'' was played.
Honors were won by Mrs. Bert
Walters, first, and Mrs. Elizabeth
Harms, second. Present were Mr.
and Mrs. George Meacham. Mr and
Mrs. A Reiser. Mesdamcs Emma
Schwander. Fred Schwander. Gabe
Essner, Floyd Stovall. Elizabeth
Harms, Bert W alters and the host
and hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Baker and
family spent the week-end at Mt.
Angel with Mr. Baker's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Baker.
Sunday evening dinner party
guests at the Floyd Raffety home
were Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lincoln,
Mias Vernita Raffety. J. C. Raffety.
Ed Vanderzanden and Mr. and Mrs.
R affety a n d daughters Thelma.
Arleta and Velda.
Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Wade and
son Gordon of Portland visited at
the Fred Jesse home Saturday and
Mrs. Elizabeth H arm s stayed at
the Jake Vandomelen home while
Mrs. Vandomelen attended the
H om e-m akers’ convention in Cor­
Mrs Frank Corey and Elaine and
H erbert spent the week-end at the
Chris Maurer home in Hillsboro.
Change Sunday School
b ^ n e ^ tin V ^ .
and L a u r ^ Haynes, Collin a
Blooming school February 27
M r ^ n ^ M /s . A rthur Hill made a
?»““ •
president, will
trip to Eugene Sunday.
s J f c 1 r r ^ e ° M K in g w
o u r classified columns may have
“c h ^ p u l p i t Sunday e ^ n m g f ^ Just w hat you are looking f o r -
Willlam Morse, who with his wife Read them .
Free Delivery
Phone 771
SPECIALS for Friday and Saturday, Feb. 22 - 23
Less than today’s wholesale price.
Red & White
Mountain Burbanks
Shoe Polish
2 in 1.
Reg. 15c size
Blue & White
Grown on top of
Pumpkin Ridge.
35c io
Corner 3rd
Service and Quality
Price» Effective Fri. and
Sat., Feb. 22 and 23
FLOUR — White Rose
brand. Every sack guar­
49 lbs..........
10 lbs........
2 cans
M. D av id so n )
J. P. Donaldson and Russell W alk­
er have joined the Boy Scouts. The
troop hiked to their scout cabin
Friday night for initiation.
Attend Bill Hearing
A large group of darym en from
W ashington county attended the
meeting a t Salem Friday night,
when the senate bill No. 86 came
before the house committee Those
attending from West Union local
were F red Jossy, Elmer Guerber.
Fred Grossen. Chris Reichen. Wil­
liam Jefferies. Carl Bechen. Henry
Berger. H Schmdt. A. Croeni and
Fred Zurcher.
Ed Meier has discarded the
crutches and is able to get around
with the support of a cane. He Is
recovering slowly from a very severe
sprained ankle.
Mr. and Mrs. David Nordblom of
P ortland were guests over the week-
end of Mr. and Mrs. Victor C hris­
tensen. Mrs. Nordblom was Mrs.
Christensen's roommate when they
attended norm al school at Mon­
A group of ladies m et with Mrs.
A. Leppin February 13 for a sew­
ing bee. Present were Mesdames J.
Huber. H erm an Schmidt. Albert
Schmidt. R. Sheehan. M E. W arn­
er. J. W. Moore. M. Schlebel. W. R.
Leverenz. H Voges. Jam es Haves.
P. Jossy, A. Zahler. J M. Davidson
and the hostess, Mrs. A. Leppen.
Crystal White Flakes
See Huge Circular for Other Specials
10 bars
-f JL Ora
4 Ora
TISSUE. Soft and sanitary
650 sheets.
5 rolls
Junior high school presented a
program in the auditorium Friday
night A one-act plai was present­
ed bv the 7B class Sliideiils taking
part were Jam es Allison. Atleeu
t ills. Eleanor Block Albert Loonier,
Dan Nosier. Helen Cyrus, Douglass
Seymour. Jack Williamson. Virginia
Havens Jack (loodmun Treble Clef
club and the boys' chorus presented
several numbers About $18 was
The 7B class iiad a Valentine
parly Thursday Girls on Hie en-
lertainnient committee were Anna
Webb. Erma Ketelmm und Mabel
Kent Hefreslunenls were served
Fifth grade of the Peter Boscow
school had a musical program Val­
entine day.
Contest Held
W inners of the penm anship con­
test a! Junior high were K ate Iwa-
saki. first; Anna Mary H artranipf.
second: Evelyn Clark, third; Edith
Sahnow, fourth.
Paper Sold
The 8B penm anship class publish­
ed a paper called "The Class C h a t­
ter." They sold the papers Friday
nt two cents for earn copy. Their
profit was $3.60. which will help
finance the eighth grade banquet In
Each of Miss Anderson's English
classes Is having a story-w rlttnc
contest The 8B contest is In the
form of a transcontinental race
between to trains, The Union Pacif­
ic M -10001 and the Burlington
Zephyr. Each person Is on one of
these sides. The rate the train
moves is determ ined by the number
of stories written by pupils on th at
side. The RB class is divided Into
two football teams. H arvard and
Yale When a pupil writes a story
lie progresses five yards across the
field When twenty stories are com­
pleted he makes a touchdown, or
six points, for tils side. The side
with the highest score at the end of
the contest will be rewarded. The
7A class members had their plcturos
taken, and they are on a large post­
er in the classroom K u h storv will
add to a fram e for the picture,
and the winning side will be llie
one whose members have their pic­
tures framed first The 6B contest
which has been in progress for two
weeks Is still an exciting rare
Cloycc Bump and Akira Tsugawa
are in the lead with Alice Plrle and
Jack Estepp in their footsteps.
Miss MacDowells room at the
David Hill school h a s three new
members from Cornelius. Dolores.
Mildred and Margie Olli. Dale L at­
imer has been ill the past I wo
weeks at home. Irene Spencer has
returned to school a fter having
had the measles W alter McKinney
has been ill at home with flu for
a week.
C. H. Nosler's office has taken
on a much better appearance, since
it was renovated last week, with
the aid of the teachers and the
school board. Rust-colored drapes
were made, and the schoolboard
purchased new inlaid linoleum for
the floor.
i By Mrs J A. McCov)
City school children have a new
club which they call th e K C. M.
club. Officers are Una Brady presi­
dent; G ertrude Vandomelon. vice-
president. and R uth Vandehey, sec­
retary First meeting was held F ri­
day afternoon.
Mrs. J. A. McCoy entertained the
Harmony club and their husbands
a t her home all day Wednesday
A conundrum dinner was served at
noon. The men folks enjoyed them ­
selves In the afternoon playing 500
and pinochle, while the ladles held
their meeting.
Mr. and Mrs J. P. Vanderzanden
and family spent Monday evening
a t the home of R alph Oglesby of
Mr. and Mrs. C harlie Olson and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs O tto Pritz-
laff and daughter, all of Gales
Creek, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Crow-
thers of Cornelius visited Mr and
Mrs E B Webb Monday afternoon
and evening.
Earl Waldron. B ert Hcesacker,
L anor and Vernon Lyda. Estel and
Melvin Dive attended a baseball
meeting at Hillsboro Monday eve­
tlietr daughter, Mrs. Joe Vandom-
Ilirtlulay Crlrhrulcil
Mrs. 'IAniy Kemper o f Forest
Grove was pleasantly surprised
Thursday evening when u lew of
her friends came in to celebrate
her birthday anniversary. Present
were Mr and Mrs. Theo Krieger
and daughter K atherine, Miss Eve­
lyn Orimail. Miss E laines VanLoo,
Ralph Kemper, Clara Kemper ami
L im a Kemper. Lawrence Herb, Wil­
liam VauLoo. Mr. and Mrs. Louts
znrohmayiT, W airen and Merlin
Mr. and Mrs. lands Strohm ayer
visited Mr. Strohm ayer’s sister. Mis.
M an Esh, ol Portland Wednesday.
Miss France:. Vanloo spent I he day
with her sister. Mrs. lolly Kemper,
of Forest Grove
Una Brady attended a Valentine
party at the home ol Arlene S h ear­
er of Hillside Saturday afternoon.
Party Enjoyed
Guests a t the home of Mr. mid
Mrs. J. p. Vanderzanden a n d family
Saturday evening were Mr. and
Mrs. Tuny Kemper and Iwo chil­
dren of i'orest Grove. Mr. and Mrs
W arner Cropp amt sun Milton and
daughter IXins, Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Strolimaycr and Miss Fiances Van-
Loo. Guy Raymond, Mr. and Mrs.
M arlin Vanderzanden and little son
Wayne. Mr and Mrs William Van-
derzanden and son Danny of ltoy
Mr. and Mrs. J A McCoy and
daughters Gladys und Ethel, Ell
l*oe of EAirest Grove. 'The evening
was spent m playing "500' and
Mr. and Mrs M artin Vanderzau-
den visited Mr. mid Mrs. Bill Van-
domelon of Roy Sunday.
Mrs. Clara Reeves of Forest
Grove is ill a t Hie home of her sis­
ter. Mrs. John Beaman.
Mr und Mrs. Ira Blown. Mrs.
Elmer Quick and son Dean were
entertained at a dinner parly by
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Waddle of
Dilley Sunday.
Mr and Mrs. J. A. McCoy mid
daughters Gladys und Ethel. Eh
Poe of Forest Grove were in Hllls-
lioro S aturday m tern o o n
O n th en
way home they stopped at the
Masonic home and visited Mr. and
Mrs. Charlie McCoy and Mr. mid
Mr». Bradford Laughlin. Gladys and
Ethel McCoy and Ell Poe visited
Mr. mid Mrs. Herman Woodry, who
live near there.
Mrs. W arner Cropp and Mrs. Ira
Brown were in Hillsboro Thursday.
Zelbert Baker mid Estel Love vis­
ited Mrs. George Lee mid daughter
Luclle of P ortland Saturday.
Zelbert Baker started 10 work
Monday morning f o r M o e h n k c
Brothers, who started operations.
Birthday Celebrated
Mr. mid Mrs. J A. McCoy e n ­
tertained a t a dinner parly Sunday
in honor of their daughter Gladys'
birthday anniversary Mr and Mrs.
I. P. Brady mid family were pres­
Mferttn Vanderzanden. Jack H a rr­
iett, H M Barnes, Rural Baker and
I. P. Brady have been working the
past week putting up electric light
poles and wire.
Valentine Party
at Blooming Home
wen' Mrs. Daniel Werre mid Mr
and Mrs. John Strickler mid fam ­
ily They gathered io honor Mis
Strickler on her birthday anniver­
Melvin Harrington and Allen and
Lois Harrington of near Redmond
and Iwo oilier members of the Plain
View Grillige hl Deschutes county
slopped at the W. U. Eily home
Thursday. They were en route home
from (lie homemakers' conference
at Corvallis.
Several couples from here a t­
tended |Mirty of Young Married
People's class of Mountain Home
Sunday school al the home of Mrs
George Allison Friday night.
Gilbert Jack of Tb.ant visited In.
slxler, Mrs. John Strickler, last
Sunday dinner party guests nt
(he C. 8. Haynes home were Mr
and Mrs. W. C Eilv. Mr and Mis
liam el Werre and lama Werre. Mr
and Mrs. J. W. Downey. June amt
Jo Ann Downey. Mr and Mis Hay
Feed and children, Mr. and Mrs II.
P. Strickler, Mrs W. E Peters
Norma and Hurl Peters. Mrs. Jolui
Strickler, Mildred mid Dlek Strick
ler. Miss Helen Asliuhr. Donald
George Rogers spent the week­
end with Ills mother, Mrs. Nellie
Rogers, in Hillsboro. Sunday a fte r­
noon All's. Rogers ami Mr la'lim an
of Hillsboro visited with the Waiter
Führer family.
Harold Cappoen has been absent
from school for two weeks with an
ear infection.
IbipILs of laiurcl Ridge school ob­
served Lincoln s birthday with poems
and stories of him. Valentine'» day
was celebrated bv an exchange of
token» among the teacher and pu­
H CIlO l.lJt F inest Eav Applegate,
44. former Midway resilient, died at
his liome iii Albany February 13
and was burled on Ids birthday lie
was born at Corvallis Eebruury 14.
Hint Deceased Is survived by the
widow, three brothers und a sister.
The Applegates lived at Midway
several years and operated the
.Scholls' lruck line before moving
1 Io ForUaud and then to Alhuny.
Donclson Sc Sewell
Phono 988
Edgings and Inside, dry.
i Md
Excelleut kitchen wood, the best
buy you can find.
Srasnurd Slab anil Blink
Ill-inch (Bit Growth Elr
Coal and (iasco Briquets
Herman Rehae
Phone 2J83X
Argus classified ads get results.
Phone 3251
M atches s;^cousT 6 „.„,22c
F lou r SK”
S o a p eî S nïk T! ...............10 19c
5 Pounds 15c
Many other items
especially priced!
Phone 1001
See our windows!
Special Inducement at These Low Prices!
You can pay more, but you can’t
Washington County’s Favorite.
get better coffee.
Hlllil debaters will meet Canby
and Estacada this week. Hie debate
with Estacada being scheduled here
and the oilier nt Cmibv Last week
the local tennis lost to West Linn
and G resham Howard Miller mid
Gordon Halley made up the affirm ­
ative team and Anna Schwanke and
Rena Hertel the negative last week
Pacific university male quartet,
directed by Mrs Evans, dean of
music, sang at the Hllhl assembly
last Wednesday.
George Iwusaki donated 10 J a p ­
anese cherry trees to the high
school lust week mid these were
planted around the building.
Laugh and the world laughs
with you weep and you get
a shiny none I
Bchrmnns Shipping
Cattle to Hawaii
Everybody is happy when
Perfection Bakery breads
and pastries are on the
table. The quality and
taste make for h a p p y
(II, Mr. Runnell 1‘hun« U llW i
Henry and Ernest
Uehrniun left Thunwlay for Albany
where they loaded fifty head of
selected cattle for shipment to H on­
olulu. The rattle, consisting of
heifers and milk rows, were to tie
moved to S eattle by rail and will
then be transferred to shipboard,
for their ocean Journey Ernest
Bchrniun Is uceomiuinylng them Io
Hawaii, and a helper was to be en ­
gaged before the stock was placed
on the ship The trip by w alrr will
lake about nine days, but Mr Behr-
tnan expects to lie gone about n
month Henry Behrman returned
from Albany Friday.
Mr. and Mrs Carl Ashahr a n d
son Allen of Portland were week­
end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Phone 451
Armour .■ Best.
“ " '. . .
2 ib*.
“ “X
Straw berry variety.
APPLES X rnd .oncs . 69C
ORANGES , ^ 1“ . 35c
In bulk.
Fresh Fruit and Vegetable
L 10c
In bulk.
....... 18c
W t llrUvrr
. soap and cleansers, macaroni and cheese, salmon
Good Cookers.
Large size. Arizona secdle»».
3 rails
3 ran»
4 ban
n Re«.
O iMrx
,,O, HK
C H O C O L A T E ,^ ,,1*
4-lb. pkg..........
Whit* King
Fresh Medium
dozen ........
Fresh Vegetables Daily
Com er Third and Main Street»
3 ib*.
Re», phone 2062
Local Debate Team
Will Compete Here
Prices Effective Friday, Saturday and Monday — February 22, 23, 25
«1 U
I P ig g iy W ig g ly
Second at Main Street
H Uloboro
BI j OOMINO—M artin Stuebe was
the honor guest a t a Valentine p a r­
ty at the parsonage February 14.
O thers present were Esther mid
Ernest Meyer. Helen and Dorothy
Helmold. Velva Hyde Leonard. S tel­
la and A rthur Gurske. Eleanor and
Leonard Weichbrodt, Wilma and
Dorothy Schaus. Harold Krahmer.
Fred Hemma. Henry Neuklrk. R ich­
Walter Denimlns Entertain
ard Herdleln. Fred Mnhly. Henry
and John Neuman. John Llcbenow
Guests a t an informal dinner p ar­
and Donald Hinrichs. Two prizes ty a t ttie W alter Deniinln home
were awarded Miss Dorothy 8chaus
for leadership In various games
Henry Neumann also was a winner
twice. O ther winners were Esther
Meyer. Velva Hyde and Donald
Hinrichs, while in a group contest
the quintet headed by Stella Ourske
led by a good majority.
M artin Stuebe. the son of Rev.
L. Stcube who for many years was
the pastor of the church a t Bloom­
ing. Is spending the year of hl
vicarage us assistant pastor to Rev
P. Schaus of Schefflln, aiding him
tn his school work and the mission
project at M ountaindale. Mr. Stuebe
is a student of Concordia Theologi­
cal Seminary. St. Louts.
Miss Stella Gurske. who was em ­
ployed In Hillsboro for several
months, returned to her home Feb­
ruary 9.
F a ir w a y M ark et
......... 27c
3 pkgs.
Contest in Penmanship Held
Local Grade School
Una Brady Heads
New K.C.M. Club
Subscribe for th e Argus.
Sunday were Mr ami Mrs H i i t u m i
Lelbo and family. Mr. and Mrs.
Emil Olcson and sons and Mrs Al
vln Oleson and i lilldien.
Mr an.I Mi s Joe Wei re mul son
G le n v isited Mr. and Mrs Hcliul-
mi'i'tch ,of Hillsboro Kuiulny.
ning at tile courthouse.
Kansas City school children cn- Mrs. Strickler of
Program Given i Joyed
a Valentine iiarty 'Thursday
1 afternoon They all exchanged Val­
Ridge is Honored
entines and played games.
at Junior High den Mr of und Roy Mrs. spent Henry
LAUREL RIDGE Guests a t the
'Thursday with H P Strickler home Wednesday
SOAP 3 cakes 1 4 C
3 cans
SOAP, Classic.
3-lb. can
I B y M r. . J o h n
H ELV ETIA -M any dairym en In
tins vicinity have had their cattle
tested for Bang's disease, although
they are not signed up for the
county test.
few reactors have
been reported and the owners are
getting rid of them. This practice
has been going on for some time
and dairymen are getting more
profit from their clean herds,
tt enzel Wins Ribbon
Joseph Wenzel attended a ban-
uet a t the Masonic Temple In
•ortland Wednesday, in honor of
the scout m asters and scouts Mr
Wenzel was awarded a blue ribbon
1934 sat*s^actorj annual rating for
BAK. POWDER, Crescent
Treat yourself to a good
cup of coffee.
Helvetia Cattle
Undergoing Test
Beginning March 3 a change in
the time of Sunday school and
Bible class will be made. They will
be conducted at 9:30 each ensuing
Sunday. A num ber of adults a t ­
tended th e church services last
Mr. and Mrs. O tto Voges and
family visited Mr. Voges' parents
at West Union Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. P E LaReau of
Portland visited at th e Philip H er­
gert home Saturday evening
George Connolly is at St. M artin's WBl
Mineral springs a t Carson. W ash ..
for two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Page G ardner and
^ , ' ^ ’^ T % z w d e r Ha n r f namUnv ^ H l g h ’in p P n o c W ^ e n t w S ?
S \ l ^ F H
k Me^ í : k ^ d » i g h rdsc¿r7 i«“ #
w « ‘
4 1.,,
Harrison school had a Valentine
party last Thursday afternixm. The
school children spoke the poems
learned for the deelaniatlon contest
Pupils selected to go to Banks lor
the prelim inary contest are Robert
Rilev. Lucille and Harold Rieben
and Billy Mabie.
T hursday visitors at the Ed
Schlegel home were Sam Schlegel
of Olympia. Wash.. Mr. and Mi -
Will H alt and Lmnlv of Illinois
Mrs. Rose Prickett of Hillsboio.'
Mrs Ella T im e r and Glen Turner
of n ear Hillsboro.
Miss Leora Williams visited sev­
eral days last week witli relatives
in Portland.
Fourteen tables were in play at
the 51X1 party at tile Mountaindale
coinmunity hall Saturday night
Honors were won by Irene G ardner,
and Andrew Hergert, first und
Sylvia Duyck and Fred Jesse, sec­
Miss Doris Peachy of Portland
spent the week-end with Mr und
Mrs. F. Peachy.
Monday evening dinner party
guests a t the Janies M athlesen
home were Mrs. George Connolly
Mildred Hergert. Ruby Reynolds
and Helen Hollenbeck.
Mr. and Mrs Sm ith and two
sons of Lea m ile. Colorado, have
moved onio the lletrlek place 11
Moore und family formerly resided
Benefit Dance Saturday
North Plains baseball teuni will
sponsor a benefit dance Saturday
night at tile M ountaindale com
niiinity hall.
Mr. and Mrs. George Stew art Jr
of Portland visited his folks. Mr
and Mrs. c>. Stew art Sr., Monday
Mrs E. Turner. Mr. and Mis
Vernon Turner of near Hillsboro.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lincoln oi
near N orth Plains Mr. and M is
Gabe Essner of Meacham a n d
Mr- Ed Liming visited Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Raffety Sunday. Mrs
Raffety has been quite ill, but is
Mrs Jim Moore lias been visiting
her parents. Mr. and Mrs Murpliy
of Bend.
Party Enjoyed
p ort;and
& &
daughter Elaine, Mrs iMto Vogei.
Mi« E E Leming and Miss Gladys
Hielil motored to Corvallis Tuesday
to attend the festival of plays pre-
ire of the
till Home­
sented as a feature
makers' convention.
Among Sunday visitors at the
Claude Williams home were Ml and
Mis Ralph Williams of Scoggins
Thursday, February 21. 19.35
'W hcatles Children’«
4 / C
.... 15c
No. 1 tall ........
iV„N,A- ' ‘a
White King
Toilet Soap
3 for
“Old Dutch
goes further,
scratch be­
cause made
with pure
Wheat Hearts
W heat H earts for a n u tri­
tious hot breakfast."
21c 3 cans ........... 25C
February 22, 23 and 25
"His M aster's Chotc«.’1
Hillsboro, Oregon