Hillnboro S to ri'« ,Full of lic iti H lll'lf u illK • rgus i lisi) or Dollar Days— (/ _______ W ith W hich is Combined the ililk lx iro Independent VOLUME 12 S ta te C apitol N e w s L etter Dollar Days— Hillsboro Store« Full of Real Bargain« HILLSBORO, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1935 Local Dairy Herds Take Hilhi Hoopsters Defeat Grove to Win County Title Relief Program Will be Curtailed in Near Future Court Makes Interest Cut NO. 1 Operetta Leads Dana Talks N ext M eet Relief Body Will Require Hllhl luxipsters grabbed the 1935 Appropriations for both direct B Y A. U L I N I I B B O K Washington c o u n t y b a s k e tb a ll and work relief are to be tapered cham pionship here Friday night off during the coming month«, ac­ by nonlng out the Forest Orove cording to word received here from Need of Added Revenue quintet 19 to 18 In a thrilling game I the state relief committee. A« a re ­ played before a record crowd of May Kenult in Tax sult the local employment office Is i fan«. The victory give» the Blue J a n u a ry H ig h P r o d u c t io n and W hite »quad ih e right to enter R e d u c tio n to F iv e P e r C e n t e m p lo y e rs audst W ashlngton ' ounty on Luxuries in finding work for P u b lic W o r k * P r o g r a m a n d C o m p u ls o r y G a r d e n P r o je c t the dlntrlct tournam ent at Mc­ employable persons who have a p ­ M a d e on G e n e r a l, R o a d R e c o rd * W o n by H a g g F e d e r a l O u t lo o k T o p ic Minnville March 7 and a possible plied for relief. f o r A l l R e lie f C lie n ts ALEM — With Old Man Oregon slxit a t the state title. F u n d V o u c h e r* a n d C o n n e ll H e r d * "Unle«« we can get all the p ri­ N o rth w e s t O ffic ia l Trailing 18 to 11 In the last three I again displaying definite sy m p -, A d o p t e d in C o u n ty vate placements possible, the tap er­ turns of financial torm ent In t h e ' j minute« of the game here Friday, I ing off of relief will create some region of hl» budgetary departm ent r v Hllhl WPnt “ "corln* sprPe n n M n n J o v h a rtsh ip .? 7 Leon S.~Da'vU,~ptace- Ayf* • C rumors o f another prescription of F i r V J F O V C K i l l t . S I l l O n win th e title Patterson opened the d l C C U V c O i l i V l O f l a a y ment , ^ n r declarcd Hp stated sales tax come from the consulta-1 ° barrage of baskets with a cripple _________ that the local office had almost ttun room, where the revenue doc-, , und en cook ed two more every kind of labor listed In Ils and tn then Cook tam tallied tors are gathered to consider' th e . C o u n ty D a ir ie s D o r n i n a t e >K,lnUJ n “bort order Mataon camp Im p r o v e d C o u n ty F in a n c e s files and could supply capable R e v J e f f e r ie s D is c u s s e * S ee d f o r P r o g r a m S u p p lie d condtlon of the patient aud recoin- ’ ! Into the game and took two passes . workmen. mend a remedy. A s s o c ia tio n R e p o r t from O rogan and caged almost lm - C au ses S lash in R a t e . . ,, . . . E u ro p e a n d H o “ It 'I s n 't «o much w hat” th* Old ----------- * possible shots to take the game --------- e * ^ em plX er m m a S ? ivefy V ______ ly L a n d Soon b y S ta te O f f ic e Man lias eaten th a t Is giving the and the county title. ! y experts their present concern. I t Is Washington county dairymen dom- Bchrammel, Viking guard, was Reduction In Interest to 5 per the r?itef T . M arshall Dana, public works ad- Growing of * subsistence garden the extra courses such as unem- b",tPd ‘b® Jan u ary ¿ eP°rt oi the J fouled near the close of the game cent on all county general and road o p in io n e x p r e s s e d bv t h e « tare n t ! m inlatrator of the Pacific north- will be required of every able- ploymenl relief and old age pen- Vamhlll-W aslilngton herd Improve- as the r | Val hoopsters mixed In a fund warrant* Issued after Monday flee Telephone calls to H illsb o r o West a n d associate editor of the bodied person on W ashington coun­ .ions which the federal government ment association by an overwhelm- mad scramble for the ball. Tension wa, ordered ¿hlTweek b v t h ? c o o n 3331 for workmen wm £ v ^ e, Oregon Journa1' wU1 discuss details ty relief rolls this summer, accord­ and tlie counties Insist on adding to hig margin. according to d ata re- waa hlgh M the vW tln« guard step- , 7 “ thto WePk, * ,tbe coun- prompt LttarUon k v T . t a ^ d of the new federal PWA Pr0« ram ing to a decision of the county re ­ his regular menu th a t Is threaten- leased this week by J. P. Lohrenz. ,axl i X the kpyholp ,nake t {,e 1 ty c° “rt Im provement of the coun- I P™ nPt attention. Davis stated. and general outlook a t the nation»! lief committee Tuesday night. The lug the financial health of an oth - tester. Connell Brothers of Hill»- ¿hOt lh a t would tle the score He ty nnancl»l condition and t h e ) Majority of the men listed at capital Monday during th e local project, designed to make clients erwise husky individual and which boro and David Hagg &. Bonn oi missed and the game went Into rPady accpPta blllty of the w arrants the local employment office have chamber of commerce luncheon. as near self-supporting a* possible, Is causing the specialists no end Keedvllle had high producing cows u ,e Hllhl win column lead W the lhe reduction order, ac- been employed on work relief pro- Dana has Just returned from Wash- will be a determining factor in the of worry in their search for an e f - jto r January, while the F ir Orove Pandemonium broke loose from cordln« to Donald T. Templeton, I Jects and have proven capable, ac- lngton, D. C., and Is expected to issuance of further assistance to fectlve und a t th e same time ac- dairy of Hillsboro won the lion's th e sidelines and the players were cOunty Judge. cording to Davis. He expressed him - have a message of particular ln- relief cases, it was said. cepluble counter-irritant. share of lionors In the various age unaware th at th e game was over Interest at the rate of 8 per cent *e“ M convinced th a t If the men terest for local residents. Seed for the compulsory garden­ *-■ — - -- — public ............. The federal government, which U l classifications. , noth team s continued playing un- Ppr aru»um 1* now being paid on ------— given a fair trial - they would The Is invited to atten d the ing program will be provided through ln s is lln ir m a t llie state lake on Its Connell B rothers 30, a five- ui Forest Orove scored a field goal outstanding county w arrants. How- P«We satisfactory. He also asked meeting but all are asked to make the state office and work will be a . C ltr -o lr l I IO f t • 11 r t‘( 1 I n n . «*■ .. • a _____ . . v n r n i r v o n » e.z-kr-ts-1 i t I « »-»ext n ,» « - 1C v fitifiU F v J o n DM if * 1 0 . r o l u m n l l r P S P fV tl t in n * tW a m K A . reservations o a t t tfrxxa the e chamber of share * of unemployment relief. I» V yPar.""ld . purpbrpd HoUteln, f top- and * settled down enough to realise n PVer, current conditions •» / do not w ar- B af veJ1' u’ 2 advantage. Forest Orove then Monday will continue to draw sist in the supervision of the gar­ men's club. Coffee club, G arden here this week to urge the state ypaf . '? d , Krade Jersey owned b y moved out rapidly In the second lnterest a t 6 per cent, dens is also proposed. club and other service groups. to take over the burden of old age * Wtts "ccond and thlrd q„arters lead g to S at Saving Made Program O utlined ,»enslons They were all Insistent 1 B d the half and 14 to 7 a t three-quar- slash In Interest, ordered Mon­ W ar Threatened County relief committee will re­ th s! no additional taxes be lm- ^ ^ " t h " larl1 day. will result In a saving to coun I - w.u u, w cwuu- ------- - Europe Is arm ing itself for war quisition the state office for eatly posed on property, a position with ,or u,e niontn 1 i Bailey, ------* - - was ty taxpayers of approximately 11500 Forest -------- Grove guard, , and although the nations outw ard- seed units immediately, according which tlovernor M artin heartily Ih-oductlon High __ _ Templeton ________________ high scorer of the game with nine a year. Judge estim ated. C o u n ty L e a g u e F a v o r S t a t e ly talk peace, the undercurrent of to the plan adopted. These seeds, agrees. The governor, however. 1« Honors for high producing herd P«tnU and Sager, also of the VIk- A large am ount oT tax money has sentim ent plainly speaks war. This consisting of peas, spinach, lettuce, S h a rin g D e lin q u e n c ie s Just as Insistent th a t no additional in the class for over 20 anim als ln8s. Wa* ne*t with seven. Cox, been paid out each year for interest was the opinion expressed Monday onion sets, beets and carrots, win revenue can be expected from In- also went to Connell Brothers. Their Mataen and Patterson of the locals After Monday all w arrants issued a t the cham ber of commerce by be issued to all persons on relief tom e and excise taxes. Capital, he herd of 31 purebred Holstelns aver- were high for the Blue and W hite from lhe county clerit Advalorem tax on automobiles Rev. H. W. Jefferies of Portland, rolls. The later or m ain issue of points o il. m ust not be further dU- aged 1090 pounds of milk and 41.59 w'h h four counters each stam p on the back with the fol far rellef purposes and compulsory northwest superintendent of Four seed will be distributed according couraged from coming to Oregon pounds of b u tterfat for the month Hllhl played Forest Grove a re- ¡owu,g Information Interest here l™urance for all m otor vehicles Square Gospel church, who recently _____ to tlie —w«. needs and ability of the vat- it this state is to reap the full First place In the class for between tun» kame last night on the VIk- o„ „.,,,1 caiied for u a v m e n t. is 5 operating on highways will be con- returned from a trip to Europe and clB1f e Beeler and Frances Moyer, ¡ous clients. I »« »YI4 t Is v -< » « tv iv taZ 1’> A M -1 * W k s s A W a a s a t If IfY If COIIFt U ’lfli rx v Y ls* fit«* i*a»»tn.i L t* . ’ • J * - .* • • • t , - « fW ass L fz*!«« T « * « * « * A X * flO iff in I^fkziintv F z x * » . asurc of benefit tlirough new 13 and 20 cows went to O. H. Ful- h»g court with only the series be- „ . j cent -g-. annun. whpn endorsed s*dcred by the W ashington County the Holy Land, are. ,cast in leading roles tor j Seed allowances will be based on Industries Cherry-blossom." operetta to be I , the facilities tuslries when lhe cheap power lenwider of Carlton with 14 pure- (Ceathmta.... p «». 10. o.iumn i) by treasurer not Dald Tax Equalization league at 8 p. m. Mussolini is regarded by Italians 'ivnn t-Tilk»! Friday . . and needs . of each ell- *7 given a of t Hillu night. lrom 111 Bonneville dam become* avail- bred Jerseys producing an average " for want oj fu n d s.'" Saturday In the court house. The the “God of Italy,'' according e n t In order to supply an adequate able. of 797 pounds of milk and 42.35 | > w w supply of fresh and canned veget­ Up until about a year ago hold- Phblle Is Invited to attend according 10 Rev. Jefferies. He commended — ■ With these old fa hloned rrinedlra pound* of b u tterfat. Amos Walking D C i l V C r t O n ables for the sum mer and winter. ers of county w arrants were re- ” R Bindley of Cedar Mills, the dictator on the work accom- ii. poaed ol llii-i.' do.« m>t 1 I'm to ,.| I.Htj!rl led ih, ( , tor b Under no circum stances are pro­ qutred to take a discount, am ount- leairue president. b'it declared th at a trip to be much choice left but to turn th an 12 cows with 10 grade Jerseys ducts ol the subsistence garden ing to as much as 5 per cent a t one Endorsement of the measure pro- convince one th a t the X to something new like the sales setting a record of 557 pounds of project to go onto the open market time. Since th at time w arrants have posing th a t the state shall stand V , * 15 weH off w ithout a tax. Not the straight, uncoated con- milk and 34.16 pounds of butterfat L etters will be sent to all persons been accepted a t local bank-s a t par its proportion of delinquent taxes aictator A visit to Europe will make eoctlon which the experts p r e - Honor cows producing 70 pounds on relief rolls notifying them when value and a few persons have been w«* made bv the league in a resolu- a ^ ttCT Alnenc&n of anyone, he scribed on two occasions “ or more Flr of b u tterfat for the said the seeds are available and In­ ™ U wh»c'.; U,e p form a n e er ,; absolutely w.-re: H m . onth S Sever V e n e . F a ta lly H u rt ^ V r S m ^ n T ^ * . X T h e M ‘t h ^ e V ^ Jefferies confined the m ajor forming them m th at m the e program ___ • « L r~- iorm ing cnem — — ----------- ... purposes. T he group held th at the present . . . . . . , - C h e r r y b lo s s o m t o b e G iv e n oqu tæ compulsory. The project to refused to swallow. T h a t would. It number 7. grade Holstein, tlirr Bill Is now pending before the 1«*' under which the state receives lly ° ‘ ,us to a discussion of in A c c id e n t o n F r id a y Is generally adm itted, be merely a years old. 2018 pounds milk. 768 provide supervision will be organized state legislature to perm it counties Its full tax was unfair. Such a plan PU1Ter' t conditions and developments b y L o c a l G le e C lu b s waste of effort as the patient U pounds butterfat. Frank Flnnicum. during the period between the first to refund outstanding w arrants. If compels some counties to operate ’P He declared th a t the ______ not yet sick enough to take any Dayton. "Julia," 10 years old, pure- Sever Venes, 57. of Beaverton this measure is adopted, the county on balance below their actual mW grea tUfiuSbere had trans- ‘'M1* c h e rryblQei°m ’' Hllhl oper seed Issue and the main distribu­ tion. kind of medicine against his will, bred Jersey, 1438 (Munds milk, 74.7 route 2 was Instantly killed early court plans to refund w arrante now g 'X n ^ s J o T V a t toe ^ ^ ^ T S ’ a u d u i s p Steps ^ ^ will ^ i also l o be S made r S to provide Bo the new piescrlpllon, when It pounds bu tterlat. David Hagg A Friday evening on the T ualatin outstanding a t the new lower rate " v i orous opposition was express- conies, will probably be a sugar Sons. ' W atts 2," grade Jersey, flv, Vallry highway near Beaverton of interest. coated pill, more palatable and less years old, 1168 pounds milk. 73.5 when h r was struck down by a ^ n r e - i u o n ^ ' ^ ’p PrOa d(' 7 could buS^r on by the HUhl a X l£ cance.latton of penalty and interest ground which failed to produce for 'Yh« Br0“ dbent 8ardens. according to R. W. Weil, bitter to the taste -someUiliig like pounds butterfat. car driven by Edward A Hudson ioai r- n a tv»U lor the years th e Arabs and th a t the Jews were directing the production. county chairm an The committee a luxury tax or an amusem ent tax Cow« owned by Mrs. C. E. R obert- of Beaverton. Tlie driver of the oi the IeavlI»8 commercial pursuits in o to - Frances Moyer and Claire Beeler also requested th a t the state of- which can not be charged with son of Forest Orove. David Hagg death car was exonerated by a „Hd»?* uthA1 '*las er countries to return to the soil are cast in th e leading roles w ith flee perm it local officials to pur- taking the bread und butler out of A: Sons and Connell Brothers were coroner's Jury which reported Mon- in,« ’ h° had alr?ady f ald in Palestine were cited as modem Elwo°d Coslett, Tom Stretcher. Tom chase potato seed from state liquor the niouths of the hungry or toe listed a m o n j th e 10 producing 60 day th at the accident was unavold- taxes. The measure would Induce miracles by the m inister. Bronleewe, David Crittenden, E th y l' funds. shlrts off the backs of the poor. pounds or more of b u tterfat. at,le and caused by Venes' own l?»,al ' ? i eSut<\ l?’<'o,rnP Population of Palestine is over- Hendren anu Bob Ellingson c a s t a s Consideration was also given to I l may not come a t this session. County herds took five out of negligence and condition, - --------- rh « ni« ^ J]..,;2 r bf b , ? e bP!,Pf th ? 1 wheimingly Arab and the racial ° ther Principal characters. Helen toe establishm ent of additional conv- now nearing Its end. Chances are eight high places in the class for Hudson told officers th a t he did Hlllsboro's "Sunday blue laws." “ in ■ relieve . them k - __7oii'.d continue iCosunu«a un p«*« tv. column l) Becker is serving as accompanist. munity canneries in the county this tout It wiU not since Governor four-year-old anim als These were: not see the man. who was walking ---------- of nennlfv nn« to M arun Is reluctant to propose or First. Connell B ros. "18." purebred at the side of the road, until Just 80 iar ,hpy “PP1? «> bowling al- .. p \ OI PM»»«? al»d interest, ------------------------- Dance scenes In toe operetta have summer. The im portance of this even endorse any new taxes a t tills Holstein, 1404 pounds milk, 68 8 before the Impact. He stated th a t ,eys- wpre h R pd here last Wednes- u '-‘“ b o ­ tv-1'-» h*“6" coached by Miss Helen Wick, phase of the work was stressed by urne. Besides it does not seem th a t pounds butterfat. Fourth. Connell llt. waa going west on tlie highway d«>’ night during a special meeeting House bill providing th a t when- while K eith Busch is business m an- Hobart. He declared th a t it was the federal governm ent * unem- (Continued on a«»«, io. reiumn 1) near tj,r Texaco service station at ot tJ,e cltv council. O ther ordl- ever 75 per cent of a farm product ager and Is assisted by Billy Allison, essential to the distribution of the the west entrance to Beaverton n a»»ces passed placed n »3 quarterly jn a given area was marketed ploy m ent rellcl or old age security [and th a t lie had Just passed a “ cense fee on "pin-ball" machines through co-operatives th e rem ain- program will be completed In time direction of Lynn Sherm an, will Details of the project were out­ for the state to euact any co-op stage going the other direction when and ln’P°ses a $25 annual occupa- ln8 25 per cent should be so sold play between acts. lined by Clifford Smith, in charge erallve legislation a t the regular the accident occurred. Venes' body « o n tax on the owners of such ® PP°*d, by th e «roup. They around oi hltp ru ral ,,eId rehabilitation, and for Ivan affirm ed their support of regularly i- ^ ° rrJ 1?Jyries ^ P 1“ «» to have been b i Plot ^ m is •• woven A ^ en ca^ girl "Cherry- who^û w adm inistrator the session. T hat means the lawmakers was carried about 10 feet by the machines. organized co-operative associations incurred in an automobile accident being h „[— brought »,----- . . . uo as . . a ? Japanese L . 15 s e r a Members M em b e rs of o f toe th e c «m Bowling will be allowed on local organized co-operative associations will probably wind up llielr routiiu- j. - - — — ----------— -------- - - ------- ------------------ . accident SERA. o u .n n tv t; re- car. Fvtdence presented by w i t n e « . £ ^ 2 * 2 ~ S f M a r, ElixabX»1* ^ * “ ^ .c k ^ m lth ^ « p e rta in « a ^ ^ m ^ program ol am endatory measures and appropriations within week and go home to a the girl, but Kokemo, who h as attended the session, call of the governor for an brought up Cherry-blossom as his Statem ent regarding the program ordinary session a little own daughter, opposes the m arriage was »^ned today by W. J. Mills. enact unemployment and old age ,”r the evenings program Include • 1 'j^ h n Porter L B M an- of the ntdinance was stipulated resolution adopted. Leaguers declar- when R was ln- He has planned th a t the gir! should (C<"tonued on p . « io, eoinmn i> licnslon legislation to be financed dinner, entertain m en t and dancing. ( j w gpragiie all of ^cc*»5^ fee of $3 per quarter will ed th a t they were opposed to tax - j J . ™ ? a collisimi with to e auto m arry Togo, a rich politician. How- by some sort ol a tax on the spend- “ " d tickets are available n t toe loe- '“ ,' t a " il J ' w . Sprague, a i b(. on each ..pin_ba)1 (Continued on p*»r«iS.\aum„,, driven by Minnie Belle Haage. She uy s o n ic s o n Ol u u n o n uil - sp t-iiu - ----- — - -------------- ----------- « .« v e r to n ¿7" ........ declared in her comDlaint tlta* she Sm ith outwits Togo and Ko- ing power of the people of the en- »• p ,an' bp[. of commerce, according w± ? P no" .d investigated bv lnachi™‘ srt “ P within the city 11m- suffered lacerations of the left eye h fm° the r?suit th at Ciierry” , “ re n" * ' Cha‘r ’ D cV uire J « ^ n S P B u ^ h S tate J U and th at her eyesight was p e ra a - bIoT m J * * ™ her true ‘dentlty- 1 Ai .Inlinann nnd Deniitv dlnance ri«ned Wednesday by the nently impaired comes into the property which has The legislature has given Gover- Dinner is scheduled for 6 30 P p.'J.",'.1 Sa ri^none'lson " U ^ ' pul'’ mayor. The licenses are to be Damages totaling $2925 are sought been used by her fath er's secretary nor M artin a budgetary control law. m B1>d will be followed by music. Norwav nnd ilXPd ,0 parh machlne al»d are not from toe Ray-M aling cannery in and m arries Jack. t lin t IL Is d o u b tfu l if th e u o v e r n o r readings and a one-act play by the , »cnes was doth in n o r w a y a m i transferable. by C C wms able to re,xmnire the measure dramail,- club ». 8:15 P ^ „ ^ ' X e ' w k l i T b r X ' r No person under 21 years of age K i l l A U U H l C y a suit filed here Thursday W ------------ — — Mrs. Mary Dailey 92. Oregon rlo - a s related In unv way lo his own Dancing will begin at 9:15 p. m , “ «»me time wltn nis b ro tn tr wll, b{1 a]]owed to Operate the ap- ' D°"do, Guiseppe Pastorino and Joe T p o z 'L o e . « neer di 1853 and resident of H ils- bratn child which lie mtroduced U- » ‘«J Sappington's orchestra playing a " d ^ “y " taken to Pegg^ mi- Pllancps hereafter. Violation of any ~ ~ “ p ilm titt* ^ ° U n ty boro for toe post 70 years died the lawmakers on tlie ooenlns d a , Aloha O range has been host to * . ™ ly * as ta x u i to regg s un p art of the ordinance mav result In Annual W ashington county grade Scappoose. Plaintiffs allege IV f« « « . _«. D „ Sunday in Portland. Funeiai serv­ er the session. After tlieH ouse anil Ideal business men for an ®ve-, <|p^ ^ f the revocation of the license and a . bMketb? U tournam ent will ^ Y ndsed° “ tur(.»» Saturday and week which resulted in injuries to (By Wm f Cvnis. County AEent) m ents totaling something like $300,- share of the cost of th e local week-end. Store shelves here are Durst, George Selfridge, Z J. Riggs country, were Issued last week b y ! consola“ on championship at four persons. « Ä ‘S S , S Ä Ä ■»»_“ ~»n~, n. burenu cither through private sub­ Jammed with quality goods a t ren- George Fischer, H erm an Schoen, l ’ Sheriff J. w . Connell. He was last ‘ p' m ' Tentative circuit court calender ___ _ __ v»-...-.,««, w u x o v u ti scriptions or appropriations from sonable prices ns well as fentured p. S tran ah an and Nve O. Bristol, seen on the zigzags of the Wilson Eac1» school entering the tourna- for the period February 25 to April has been set for M arch 16 by toe view of the increased money pro- city or county fluids. The ways and m erchandise and combinations o f ________ _ rl\.PrZ°nd hpadfd for G roat's ram p. n\e" t . a'111 be limited to 10 players 2 was announced this week as fol- Oregon s ta te Board of Review. Old ducPrs rpceived under these eon- m eans committee lias approved an items offered a t $1. Numerous official and private and the coach of the team. The lows: February 22. Algeshelmcr vs. contract signers do not need to tracts «»* delay was a profitable appropriation of only $12.000 for Advertising messages of the gala I v l U l l O r l I O l i t i l t l searching parties combed the h ills! committee In charge of the event T uttle; February 26, Cox, executor, get production data and supporting J one' this purpose which Is Just one- event were distributed to every i back of Gales Creek but were u n - 1 Includes Lee Barnum, George Ray (Continued on p « bo 4. column 4) evidence as was necessary last year Applications for 1935 corn-hog fourth the am ount necessary to sales p art of W ashington county T ubs - C o l I f l t V r a i f B o a t ' d abIe to locate tllc youth. Anyone c H Nosier, Mrs. E sther Allen and Those individuals who had a 1934 contracts are being signed by W ash- m atch th e 'federal allotm ent to day and locnl shop-keepers are pre- „ „ - locating too man. if alive, or his Lloyd.Gooding. O. B. Kraus, coun- A n t i p r e n t i R i i i f J c contract have the sam e base they lr»8ton county hog producers. Al- Oregon. pared to - 1 accommodate a .. record IV (1 42 $414»f* T i11 ¿1 A« * A the 1*.« tl».. .. V- C Sheriff l I— ., — i 4*/* Ls e-- Connell _ W. LeTour- _ with ly t *bp I.. school ■ j crowd • of « shoppers during the two- ^ aa p' ('r tr d »»rO president of W ash- or J. P'aying schedule. New contract signers or any old th an b» 1834, farm ers feel th a t as YBT ' r»“ \ nssPI7’bIy Pr0* day event. Visitors "are” promised ,ngton .county falr board here F rl- neau of Stockton, Cal.’" f a th e r “of + contract signers who ask for a new lon8 as they have to pay the pro- posnla are now before the aesslon. plenty of parking space around the dfty n |8'»t during board meeting the youth. ___________ m ___ One sponsjired by Senator Chin- Pourt house .square and In the rear a t thp pl»a mber of commerce. N o ------------------------- P. A. Anderson, anager of the base have to go through the same cessing tax on hogs th a t the best Penney store, is building * a "five- propess as Iast ypar establish j th ,n 8 to do ls to sign a contract nock, would abolish the house and of the j q . o F building durlnit definite date was set for the 1935 I ? , ,IL L » » .., S '1 room house, barn and chicken thelr Pr°ducrion data. T he term i and Ket out of the plan the best place the lawmaking functions In »,w s„iP ouiiqing during fR|r D llllC IC r S house on a tra c t no rth of the E. L. bo® bftSP rpt pra to the approved ‘b a t It offers. the hands of an assembly of 30 „„ nncrarinn in th« h .« M inton was also re-appointed as • T T . _T Johnson home in North Hillsboro^ avera8e annual production for the The 1935 contract places no re- members elected to four-year terms. „_?}0^ . . „ “ ;? P 7 ,a„tllL8 ? " _ .“ le ba.r ‘ m anager of the county fair O ther 111 H o U S l U g P r o g r a m County court, post office Orange measure, which made Its i galn pyp'1^ apo t,lp Pprfpp-tl01’ Bak ’ i officers chosen are R. M. Banks A. W. Schappert and Pete Lamb- ■ yeara 1932 and 1933. W ashington strictlons on anything raised on ing are building homes a t Aloha. county hog producers who have not j the farm except hogs and corn and appearance only this week, would ery’ Bp“ kn' an Studio, J. L. Ander- of Banks, vice-president; H. T. H esse1. Committee and local banks will be closed to facilitate , ------ contacts ----------- ---------------attended the local community meet- provides a benefit payment of $15 Friday in observance of W ash­ create a single assembly of from son ’Jeweler), Palm Drug store. of Scholls, treasurer; nnd Mrs. E d ;, WPPn thP Public and contractors M r« f v - i r i l t - ir » « . M r» » .» b»8S should come to the co u n ty ' per head for hogs on toe 10 per ington's birthday. O ther busi­ 30 to 50 members elected from as Powers' grocery, D elta Drug store. L. Moore of Hillsboro, secretary. with the better hous- ‘ I F S . L l i i r tin tr ix e w ag en ts office to sign these appll-1 cent the producer reduces below ness houses will rem ain open many Individual districts to terms Im perial Feed Ac G rain company, ________________ drive in Hillsboro was appoint- during the day. * • • T T , cations If they desire a 1935 con-1 his base. The total com acreage Is of two years. Adoption of either Curry's grocery, Lester Ireland * D e m o c r a t ic C o m m itte e I X n t e X H . m ® ’i* “ 1 branch of /X S S O C ia tlO n H e a d limited to the average acreage pro- plan would Involve » constitutional company. Well's D epartm ent store. c —_ rx b i « n »hp Oregor Builders congress. The S p o n so rs D a n c e M a r c h 2 group will assist persons desiring No city or rural deliveries xtr« . 0,117 by k d h n g these applications! duced In 1932 and 1933. am endm ent, a n d therefore, ap ­ Fairway Mnrket, Selfridge F u rn i­ Mrs. Hazel G ardner was elected signed promptly can the program be I New contract actuallv nrovld«« will be made by the post of­ ture company. Hillsboro Feed com- Democratic central committee Ls. building, repair or remodeling work proval by the voters. presldent of the Oregon Bottlers' completed early. G etting the Job ! for a„ fn c re X to p r X t i ™ fice, according to Postm aster Oleen old age pension bill has puny, 8afcwny store, J. C. Penney sponsoring a dance nt the Buckeye In obtaining estim ates and federal i e r 1934 « ‘^ ^ u i e r T s ^ T t e d ’ t o association a t the annual meeting m r o n “U Fred C. Holznagel. Only the passed the house, but Is expected company, Pool - G ardner Lumber pavilion ln Cornelius M arch 2. Com- housing Ioans. a t the M ultnom ah hotel in P o rt­ regular holiday distribution to c o o n ern rin » l ° th08P ralsP 19 pPr CCnt m orp b o g s th a n to die In the senate which has (’ornPany' Bristol Hardwnre com- m lttee In charge or arrangem ents Members of the committee are land Tuesday. Mrs. G ardner is pro­ te«« the post office boxes and dis­ » .^ , 1 » W»U a “ be could raise under toe old con- Rushlow. chairm an, Jacob proven to be the graveyard of a pany, Hillsboro M eat company, C. Includes Joe Morrissey of Cornelius, L. J. _______ prietor of the Royal Soda Works of patches will be made. S ? „ 1^ 1.» B,PW!* J 1M ‘ ypar the tract when he reduced hls hog good many of the really eontro- C. store. Sprouse-Reitz company. Bert Cl. Hagen of Tigard nnd J. A. j Mohr, Harvey Batchelar, B. R. Hillsboro, and was secretary o t the d lav th a t occurred was advisable production 25 per cent below hl* Fred's Superior m arket, H ow e's, McGee ot Orenco. (Continued on pttue H, column ft) Nlckeson and J. A. Poynor. association the past year. and actually m eant Increased p a y - 1 ( C » t ln,wd o / X . I) Test Honors on Warrants o f Chamber Garden Plots I II Minister Speaks Here Supervision Planned S xXlltO 1 3X .Dill to be Studied aaa a zy a ¡Vl'ltl m illl V/Deretta Set for Friday Killed by Car S C ouncil A llow s Sunday Bow ling A X-Xctllld V C xaClIOn Filed in C o u r t1116111811 sch°01 1x111(1 under ; A loh a G range H o st T o n ig h t benefits the Pegram. A g e d Pioneer W om an D ies <¿^3(36 HoOperS t Plan T ou rn ey Meet at BeaVertOn D ollar D a y s” Bargain E vent O ffered by Local M erchants Reward Posted Here D ead lin e for S ig n in g C orn -H og Contract A pplications M arch 16 r< • n New Home Here Co-Operate Court, Post and Banks to Close