Dollar Days— V¡«it H illa h o ro F ebruary 22 unti 28 fo r Valuett rgus Willsbor Virb W hich iz C o m b in e Jrh e H illu h n ro Independent volume h H IL L S B O R O , O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y Read Advertising Lnteat Store News A lw ays Appears in the Argus 14, 1 9 3 5 G ra n d M a ste r NO. 52 less smile "It all very ... well for the desk and arranged It neatly In "C an't a guy change hls mind?" “ was ---------f us to . theorize before we got ............................................. here it« present position - ----- -------- -- ---------... . H eath persisted. lg! and I was Inclined to agree with "Maybe yes and maybe no." mot Vance nodded. you th a t suicide seeme d Incom- tered Heath, after a pause during "Oh. quite. But, In th at case, the patlble with Coe’» tem peram ent which he studied the body and pen would, In all probability, be In but facts, after all. form the only raised his own right hand to his the holder set. And you will ob­ Charles Dickens' greatest storv. reasonable basis for a decision And forehead Then he added aggresslve- serve th a t the pen container Is "David will be .rtmvn tlie facts here seem pretty clean- ly; "B ut you can't get away from empty, and th a t there Is no pen a t the Copperfleld," Venetian th eater Sunday cut. T liat door was bolted on the th a t bolted door." B eaverton -M etzger Form ed visible on the desk." Monday and Tuesday It Is booked Inside; there’s no other m eans ol Vance sighed, 'Maybe It's In hls pocket." entrance or exit to this room; Coe wUh j get away from „ in N ew L egion Post Maybe. ' Vance stepped back and as 1935's most beloved motion ptc- Is sitting here with a revolver In ¡ t pothers me horribly. If It wasn't bending over ran bus gaze over the ‘¡!re _ ‘« T ' ’ his liana, and a hole In his right. for m e fact th a t the door was floor round the desk. Then he knelt ' Agnes F n d t M ie nilvi'r temple. There are no signs of a on lhe ln!ilde r d mor,. TIGARD Aii official visitation down and looked under the desk ' . , struggle; the windows and shades lncllned p, a|>-» handled for signs of life, and ail As you lawyers say. they're Irrest- door wi the tortile?" ■ closed pMU e- . - ■ I I . . 1 < 11 . , i—rniKi IS. ...». is» i.i. the lorked-ln evidence probab.y de- Ible. Hut you have overlooked addi- “ ,.S ’ the door was bolted on Harold HaascUi was awarded the ph»n. from u.n.i.i., i.mi.r <;.- .. , „ . , . d .... would h ave h id a tlonal facts.” „ No on.p; apparently answered the inside . . . Very strange, M ark- . scout knife in the knot guessing Un« .... ............h... >.. h..l kn-..k».i , .uffieu,. time « i t v i n - . i .n ? ••£.» m Jancav« X“' “:e wlth a dl£Plrlted alKh And co n test sp o n so red by C A Don- "" •>1’ en,i>i..>»r'. Imiroum .i...r, (i.m i.l. at an> For instance? th a t s what makes the affair so ^ walked to the shaded window HARRISON D. HUGGINS nally. local hardware man ilaasctii 'hr>,.,«h is. kerbol. *?", „LuY*“ 1 rettlly „ "Kegard yon bedroom slippers ' dashed appealin'. The situation nunied 17 of the 20 knots shown in ?**", ‘ , *” £ in ... ” F 11 Btn' Vance pointed to the foot of the reads thus: A man is m urde.ed; and back, smoking leisurely. Sud- M Q the contest and lied with Dewey X i d * h -iu d .“ wL ua* |h“i* „ o,» ,"'Ye ”• 1 * Pn'tty plain to me bed where a pair of soft red slip- then he rises and bolts the door denly he stopped and lifted hlsl heact looking M arkham straight In EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Talent and Derick Ncdrv. who had in.ia., M.,kh.m ...a v .r.r. ... u. ( - » “ 3 * * "' 1"*.1 J?1# 1' 11 were ne“ tly Arranged. "And after the slayer has departed; and 17 each, but won on technicalities i.-u.. 1» N.» York'. 7». Th»> fln.i WBJ* H,'a ,h wll° projected himself, then regard these heavy boots which later he arranges himself In an th e eyes. SPECIALIST There were XI entries in the con- • frimul of ih » r . .1... » ¡‘ bit belligerently, Into the talk the corpse is wearing. And yet he easy chair so as to make It appear “Interrupted—yes! T hat's it! B ut test. Signor (in u u i, • « u « i a » r « » .iii H».th "Tins guy locked himself in, and has on his dressing gown, and Is like suicide." not by an outside agency—not by G LASSES FITTED It Kmud Win* Y"1 ***'*'"'“ h « " i «..»»»i In is» blew hls bruins out. And even you. sitting In his easy chair. A bit in- "TTiat's a swell theory!" grunted an Intruder. He was Interrupted by Tigard It Miiiiid won their seventh r,'™h'1« ,h* '*““ h '«•"•“•c Mr. Vunce, can't make anything congruous, what? Why did t h e H eath disgustedly. "Anyway, well something more subtle -m o re dead­ Boom ] ly. He was interrupted while we consecutive basketball game Feb- ! original outa th a t.” hedonistic and luxury-loving Coe know more about it when Doc Dore- C ea m erd a l N ational Bank A nnes was alone. Something happened— luary 1 on their own floor when The room which was a t the ex- Vance turned slowly and shook not change hls footwear to some- mus gets here. And my bet Is he's something sinister intruded—and he they defeated Forest Orove 20 to trerne roar of the house, was long *>*« head. thing more relaxing for this grea going to wash the whole case up Fhonea Huora Residence 2 m stopped writing, dropped the pen. 9 :30 «um. to 12 m. III It was a fast, well _ played game and narrow, with . windows on two , "Tut, tut. Sergeant." lie said * Knktz» nor'ient 1x1 hls life. And note rr th a t by calling it suicide " «»•tit. *1.— . t . .. ....................... . . ... w » w a n rwtt u f a y f z ir O ffice 1 :20 p. m. to 6 p. m. forgot it, rose, and seated hlmsell with the Tigard team showlni flowing a sides. T here was a buy window op- pleasantly. " I t’s not I who am go- ‘O C to rtiis rone la Ana my oet is. «sergeant, vancc in th a t easy chair. Then came the marked Improvement over their b stlp o o lte the door, and a wide double lug to s j il l your simple mid beau- ?,e?itl,y £i‘d d he £ pbed °n suicide half-way mus will Inform us th a t it Is not Don't you see? Those shoes are an-1 Ilyrun Blankenship of Tlgard. drawn excluding the daylight Hut "Then who is?" other indication of th a t terrible In-1 "The co rn se" an sw ered Vanee through hls changing from street suicide senior at Pacific university, won the room was brilliant!: y lighted by mildly P**' answ tred Vance t |othes to negligee. And yet. M ark- H eath screwed his face into a 1 terruptton." second place in the Oregon peace an enormous crystal cl__ liandc-ller In "And the gun?" asked H e a th ' B en ire H eath could reply renlv M„ Mark k . ! ham ’ som ething “ must stopped frown n d stu d ie d ; oratorical contest W illam illamette roniesi a t W ette | the m e center of the celling, celling. Before "»I have W l » « i- questioning t he ruwu “ a T u. ore n e a tn could r e p l y , “ a r k - ; h im -so m eth tn g must have con Vance. Then snorte contemptuously. u n lw a ity Frida ------ Friday evening " — S te m -; At the rear of the rixmi stood ham. who had been watching Vance nlust h^ ve. he sxloTted mumbled. "I doubt if Coe saw the gun, Ser- [ mlng the Torren orrent" was the title of an enormous canopied bed, which, closely, lurn.-d quickly to Wrede Pp* ed P*m do*'n . stretch his „"^11. we 11 see, he m legs --------------- out. and close his __________ eyes belore Vance scant attention. atti geant." ---- — ____ ____ paid — ------ Hls . Blankenship1 s oration th a t won sec- j noticed had not been slept in and Grassl (Continued N e xt W eek) ond place and 130 — The bedroom, like the drawing "I will ask you gentlemen to w a it ' 1 h he e , . h had “ d . finished flnl*hed the operation of eyes were moving over the desk A silver lams collar adds dis­ room , contained far too much fur- downstairs Mennrauev niou.». n?akl.PK himself sartorially comfort- At one side of the p lo tter lay i Keenrd Good * quarto volume of "Li Tai Ming Ts'u tinction to tbls charm ing black ROBERT BURCH Blixlents of Tigard high school nltu re. On the right was a large go to the drawing room and see 1 able." ____ . lig i "Your reasoning Is not altogether T o u P u , by Hsiang Y uan-pien. HITEON—Robert Burch died at who uveraged Ul ln euch subject crepe dross. A jeweled clip and i bloc t embayed book-case filled with oc h at these gentlemen do not leave Emanuel hospital in Portland Feb­ convincing." M arkham "ountered ' You see. M arkham, he said. silver cord about the waist are lavo ana and quarto quarto voiuinrs. volumes, ana, and. iac- fac It it until I i kiv for the first sem ester Include E llen i iavo give »* them pel permission . ruary 1, where he had been ill for appaiwtly dreaming of other sophisticated touches. June ANY MAKE Jacqulth, Vincent Monies. K enneth Ing the door was a mahogany kid- You understand." he added to "A m an m ight conceivably wear several weeks. He was a resident owrey, Betty Heiken. Murv Upshaw. I ney-«haped desk covered with books. Wrede and Grassl. "tliat It will be heavy shoes with a dressing gown." Pi? latest acquisition i n peach Claywortb, film actress, is the bloom shortly before he departed of W ashington county f o r many Helen Versliuin. W arre,, Forsvtli pam phlets and papers—the desk of necessary to question you about this "Perliaps. Vance nodded. "I this life. And It is ra th e r safe to m odel years, on hls acreage near Tobias Robert Harney, Gladys Carson. R uth a man who spends many hours at affair after we have tiad th e ver- sh an 't be narrow -m inded in these assume th a t a man contem plating station. He leaves the following Ghob.m. G race Hampton. LaVernr literary labor. To the left of tins d irt of the medical exam iner.” m atters. But. assuming Coe Is a suicide does not indulge its ac- children. Mrs. G. B. McDonald Honey. Betty lx>ed.v. M argaret Ol- desk. In the east wall, was a large Wnxlc showed hls resentm ent at suicide, why should he have chosen and Investigate the hi»- Diatwl «4?tiniaC on it AnS° nuJC and Albert Burch of Skamokawa, sen and Merwin Belander. I llrrulace G as logs were In the M arkham s peremptory m anner' this chair facing the door? A tnan quisitivenesa Results Guaranteed tory of hls ceramic wares Just be- potg , h a , a , fh ‘d , 5 L Wash.; Mrs. A l i c e Willoughby F. T. A. to M eet grate. About the walls hung at but Orasoi. with a polite amile bent on doing a workmanlike Job u vesterdav's d lte — Wedne^ Beav*‘rto<1 route 1: Robert Burch. The P. T A Will meet Tuesday least a dozen Chinese scroll paint- merely bowed; and th e two. fol- of shooting hmlself would lnstlnc- *~re sending a bullet Into his brain." ™ M arkham waited w ithout answer- <2^ ¿¿t(X>er lS —" 0416 w ednes” Foss;_Lillian McDonald; Ella Guler evenlng at Tigard grade aclxxR at i lugs. Had there not been a bed a n d ; lowed by Hennessey, passed out tlvelv at t up __ straight, _ . where ___ ____ he .-g and Elmer Burch of Portland, lH tn - h m m H i< i rar-wvi- av«H K p in A card partv aixl dance » dressing table tn the nxim, one of the room and down the stairs could perhaps brace hls arm s and "And here's something else ra th -i "Ain't th a t natural?" put i n Funeral services were held Feb- ( has been scheduled by the group would have taken It for a col- "And you." said M arkham to steady hls hand. If he were ti f i i t b v n w 'r t e l i r Vi oiiW h Ie «.™!uf Pr significant." Vance pointed to a Heath. "All these birds who com- ruary 4 in Portland and interm ent February 2ft a t the Tigard O range lector's sanctum. , Oamble, wait at the front door i° ih in ? ariioh i . sm all pile of blank note paper In mlt suicide w nte letters first was at Skamokawa. Wash. hall. These details of the room, how- and bring Doctor Doremus here I think, have chosen the straight the mid'11" nt ,h " sira».» -»10,1. oi~. Vance. ________________ _ .._ddle of the blotter. "This -nr.« "But. Sergeant." •• ™ smiled , Janlnr Prom Saturday ! ever, protruded themselves upon the mom ent he arrives." chair where he could rest both Phone SIX per Is lying a little on the bias, "the letter Isn't written. Coe got Ask your attorney attorney to to send send your Selfridge Bros. on the ton a n d t h u s I n s u r e P “ p e r u ly ln R a l l t t I e o n t h e b ia s ' t h e I e t t e r is n t w rltten. Coe got Ask your Tigard high juniors are sponsor- us later W hat tlrst focused our a t- Gamble shot a haunted look at elbows a steady? accurate ahn. ' “ s u r e | I n J he P081110" tn at a right-handed no farth er th an the date." legal advertising to the Argus. Ing the annual prom Saturday tentlon was the inert body of A rch -' the body, and went out. evening a t the high school audi- , er Coe. with Its quiet pallid fa c e 1 M arkham closed the door, and "Hls arm Is on the end of the torlurn. [and the black grisly spot on the then wheeled about, facing Vance, desk." p u t tn H eath. I Hear of reiutlon Plan right temple Tlie body was slump- who now stood behind Coe's desk “Oh, quite—and In a rath er awk- M enibers of the Tigard Lions ed down in a velour upholstered gazing down mocxtlly a t the dead ward position—eh w hat? Consider-1 club hud an opportunity to listen arm chair beside the desk The head m an's hand clutching the revolver.1 Ing how low the easy chair is Coe to pniponenta of the Townsend plan seemed to he almost on the left “W hat's the meaning of all these could not possibly have had his The members heard George Koehn shoulder, as if the im pact of the | mysterious innuendos?" he d e - 1 elbow on th e desk when he pull - prom inent legionnaire and chair- bullet had forced It Into an un- manded testily. j the trigger If so tlie shot would man of Amerlcanlzallon work of I natural angle. "Not Innuendos, M arkham. ' Vance have gone over his head Hls arm the legion The club adopted u llicre was an expression of peace returned quietly, keeping hts ey es1 was necessarily lower th an the resolution asking our state senators on the thin aquiline features of the on Coe's hand "Merely speculations desk when the gun was fired—If he and representatives to oppose any dead m an; and hls eyes were closed I'm rath er Interested In certain as-i fired it Therefore, we must assume changes tn the crim inal syndical­ as though in sleep. Hls right hand pects of this fascinatin' crime." th a t after the bullet had entered ism luw. the one nearest the fireplace lay "Crime?" M arkham gave a m irth - his brain, he lifted hls right arm to Mrs. B. Raynor Sm ith and son on the end of the desk clutching m Nevltt have gone to Los Angeles to a carved, lvory-inlald revolver of visit friends Nevltt has been 111 fairly large caliber. Hls left hand for sevrral weeks and It Is hoped hung a t hls side over the tutted that the warm sunshine of C ali­ arm of Hie chair. T here was a straight Windsor fornia will help in hls recovery. R ifle ( tub Form ed chair behind tlie desk, and I could He-otyanlzallon of the M ultno­ not help wondering why Coe hod mah rifle d u b has been started by selected the arm chair at tlie side of the Multnomah boys who are In­ the desk, facing the door. Was it terested tn rifle shooting. John because he had considered It more Fuez was elected tem porary presi­ comfortable for hls last resting dent and Harold K rohn secretary. place in tills life? The answer to Meetings are held every T hursday this passing speculation of mine evening In the basem ent of Chick's did not come for many hours; and Pharmacy. when It did come, as a result of A nnual P lan n ed Vance's deductions, it constituted Seniors were successful In th eir one of the vital links in the evl efforts for an annual this year when dentlal chain of this strange and the 200th annual was sold. As a perplexing case. result elections of the rem ainder Coe's body was clothed In a green of the staff were made os follows: silk-wool dressing gown which came Thomas Flshburn. advertising nuin- nearly to hls ankles, but on hls nger; Gladys Carson, assistant ad- feet, which were extended straight vertlslng m anager; Howard Beck- in front of him. was a pair of high, ham, circulation munager; Sidney heavy street shoes, laced and tied. Craig, photography; Francis Lob- Again a question flashed through dell, classes; Helen Bchmeltzer, ac- my m ind. Why did Coe not wear tlvltles. and Earl Rmlth. athletics, bedroom slippers with hls dressing Men of the M ethodist ehureh gown? The answer to this ques- zerved a successful dinner Friday tion also was to prove a vital point * evening to a large group, who came In the solution of the tragedy, to see Just what kind of a meal Vance went Immediately to the the ...... men could prepare • »»»»•». 1 body, j, O»UlllVU «IC «*««•«« touched V the dead IIIMI m an's a sscassw hand. s, Mr and Mrs. C. Christensen en- | and bent forward over the wound tn tertalned Sunday with a dinner for the forehead. Then he walked buck I1EVROLF.T has always specialized in giving extra value. can see the low prices . . , the lowest ever placed on cars o f such Mr and Mrs. C. F. Tigard, Mr and to the door with Its hanging bolt. Mrs. H. W. McDonald, Mrs N O scrutinized it for a moment, ran But never before has Chevrolet offered such big and out­ high quality. You can prove the greater operating econom y. McDonald. C lara McDonald, Her- hls eye around the heavy oak standing values as these fine Chevrolets for 1935. The N ew For tests show that the new Chevrolets give even higher gasoline niece Daniels, and C urtis Tigard ' framework und lintel, and turned Dr. R. A. Blssett. who had been slowly bnck to the room. A frown Standard Chevrolet . . . powered by the improved Master Chev­ and oil mileage than did last year's models. And as for performance severely 111 In a P ortland h o sp ital,; wrinkled hls brow. Very deliberate- left last week for several weeks' ' ly he reached In hls pocket and rolet engine . . . setting a new liigh in Chevrolet performance, . . . well, there's only one tiling we ask you to do . . . decide with a vacation In California. took out another cigarette. W hen stamina and reliability. And the new Master De Luxe Cheirolet ride! You will experience getaway—power—and smoothness so Mrs. B. L. Daniels entertained [ he had lighted It, he strolled to her girls In the 4-II sewing club the west wall of the rcxim and stood . . . beautifully streamlined . . . longer and notably lower in extraordinary that you will be happy to confirm the wisdom of bust week Work of the d iffe re n t; gazing a t a faded N inth century Rlrls was shown. L. E. Francis, ns- j Chinese painting. appearance . . . the Fashion Car of the low-price field. Here, the statement: Choose Chevrolet for quality at low cost. May we slstnnt county agent, was In Tigard In the m eantim e the rest of us indeed, arc values that excel all previous Chevrolet values. You suggest that you drive one o f these new Chevrolets—today? last week-end assisting with the had pressed round the body of Coe, 4-H club work. and stood inspecting It hi silence. CIIE\ ROLET MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICH. Compare Chevrolet's low delitered p rices and ea sy G. M . A . C. terms. A General M otors 1 alua I«'nds In the operetta, "The Gold ; Wrede and Grassl seemed appalled Trail," have been assigned by Wll- In the actual presence of death, llani Sievers, dram atic and musical Wrede spoke to M arkham. I tru st I did right In advising Big News! Penney’s brings Fowler, Edna Tooze. Earl Sm ith, Gamble to call you before break­ Kathleen Ramsby, K enneth Koc­ ing In the door I realize now thnt down the price of these fa ­ her, Vera Fish, Robert Mre. Amo If there had rem ained a spark of Monies. Donald Hite. Those receiv­ life— mous overalls . . . down ing speaking Ml parts were Tlwmns ______ _ quite _ ____ hours "Oh, he was dead Flshburn. Ben Larson, Hert Sagers, ago," Vance Interrupted,’ w ithout w ith in reach o f your in ­ Marvin Finley, and Raynor Smith turning from the painting, "Your decision has worked out perfectly." come I Made rig h t up to our Quality Job printing—Argus. M arkham swung about. Big Picture on Venetian Screen Collar Lends Color V is its T ig a rd im iu EXPERT RADIO S E R V IC E Prices Right Douglass wa__ I I 3 U 1 O SG T VIGO aazaaaaw Look at the new low prices • • Prove the greater operating economy A New Low Price for "O X H ID E " a n d as for the performance OVERALLS DECIDE WITH A RIDE • Tested Quality! • Full Cut! • Heavy 2.20 Denims! /CHEVROLET, • Triple-Stitched! C strict standards bar-tacked and stitched for extra strength Eight deep pock­ ets, improved buttons and Parva buckles. A man’s 4% SAFEGUARD YOUR FUNDS o v e r a ll through I Safeguard your money by investing In this Institu­ tion, which Is backed by seasoned First Mortgages. Our type of monthly reducing mortgage has stood the test for over 100 years. Checks for earnings mailed you semi-annually. Why not have the best? IN V E 8 T No raw th r o u g h and J9< B o y i t ifti , . . The N . w S tand ard C h .v r o l.t Coach THE NEW STANDARD CHEVROLET $ The N e w M a tte r Luxe Chevrolet Coach THE NEW MASTER DE LUXE CHEVROLET 465 560 CHEVROLET for 1935 f pr, S ta n d a r d R o ad ster a t F l in t , M ic h ., $465. W i r / i b u m p e r» , »p a re t ir a a n d t ir e lo ck, th e lis t p r ic e i» 920 06 a d d itio n a l. P rice» a u b je c t to c h a n g e w it h o u t n o tic e . $ AND JR . L ia t p ric e o f M a s te r Da L u r e C o u p e a t F l in t , M ic h . 9560, W i t h b u m p e r» , apara t ir e a n d tir a lo c k , th a h a t p ric e ia 925 00 a d d i­ tio n a l. P rice» a u b je c t to c h a n g e w it h o u t n o tic e . K n e a A c tio n o p ­ t io n a l a t 920.00 a r tra . D E A LE R A D V E R T IS E M E N T (JRE T O D A Y I TO C O M E TO HILLSBORO DOLLAR D A Y S CHOOSE CHEVROLET TOR QUALITY AT LOW COST WATCH FOR THE CIRCULAR Washington Savings & Loan Ass’n J. M. PERSON, Manager Havings A Loan Illdg. Hillsboro. Oregon P E N N E Y 'S C. PENNEY COM PANY, In c o r p o r a te d H ills b o ro M o to r Company Third and Washington Sts. JAMES WHITELAW, Proprietor Telephone 441