The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 14, 1935, Page 8, Image 8

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group was opposed to the elimin­
ation of tolls. The matter was plac­
ed in the hands of the highway
Rev. H. W. Jefferies of Portland
was announced as speaker for the
chamber of commerce meeting Mon­
day noon. He is northwest superin­
P arty H a zeld a le School on tendent of the Four-Square Gospel
church and will tell of his recent
trip to the Holy Land. He is also
Saturday Evening
expected to discuss Mussolini.
Hazeldale Club
to Hold Debate
(B y Miss Jean Sm ith)
Hilhi Glee Clubs
Present Operetta
HAZELDALE — Community club
met Friday evening under direction
of the chairman. Mrs. William Heil.
Following business a variety pro-,
gram was presented by at least one
(Continued from page on»)
representative of each family' Pres” ’ Togo, a rich politician. The action
ent. Songs, recitations and musical, of the operetta centers around
selections were given by the various Jacks efforts to outwit Togo and
members At the next meeting. Feb­ Kokemo with the result that Cher-
ruary 23 a debate on Resolved.
"That the Federal Government ryblossom learns her true Identity,
Should Adopt the Townsend Old conies into the property which her
Age Pension Plan." with Jean father's secretary has used for his
O'Connor and Kenneth Waldele up­ own ends, and marries Jack.
holding the affirmative and Joe Chorus w ill consist of th e follow ing
Berger and Harold Schapper tlie May Hudson. Eva P«ppard. Betty Harader.
negative. The Ewer triplets Flor­ Eva Beeler. Gladys Trachsel, Doris Weber.
ence, Elizabeth and Laura, of Aloha Prances McDougall. Dorothy Barr. Alma
Ealinger. Mary Helen Tolson. Patricia
will sing several selections.
Moyer. Manrarrt Olsen. Clara \ a n d e r -,
P arty Saturday N igh t
A card party will be held this
Saturday night at the schoolhouse
with Mrs. George Altisian In cliarge
of arrangements. Play will begin at
o 30
Mrs. Walter Heard of Junction
City, C a l. is visiting relatives nere
and at Tigard for a few weeks
Mr and Mrs. Ernest Jones. Mrs.
W. C. Jones of Portland, and Mrs.
Geòrgie Rogers of Ashland visited
at the W. A. Jones home Sunday
Mr. and Mrs Courtney Syverson
and family of Timber visited their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Svver-
son and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Leopold.
Thursday and Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Black of
Roseburg spent a few days recently
with their parents. Mr. and Mrs.
John Black. Mrs. Black then drove
south with them and is visiting her
mother, Mrs. Spencer, and her sis­
ter, Mrs. T. E. Bledsoe, at Gardiner
for a time.
Adolph Leopold is seriously ill at
ihe county hospital.
^ .u . who is employed
Emma ucv
l Portland, spent Thursday here
1th her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Leopold. .
. .
Mrs Margaret Gage, sister of
Mrs. J. C. Smith, died February 4
in Victoria. B. C. Mrs. Gage had
many friends here, having visited
often with Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
Henry Schoene has returned to
his home after being in the hos­
pital for a couple of weeks.
Plav Presented
The play, "The Man from No­
where." was presented successfully
at Aloha Saturday evening, with a
large crowd in attendance. Music
between acts and for the dance was
furnished by Mr. and Mrs. C. O.
Wilson. Miss Genevieve Johnson
and Carl Larson.
C. P. Syverson is ill at his home
with mastoid trouble. He is under
the care of Dr. C. T. Smith of
Hillsboro and Dr. Guy Boyden of
Mrs. George McLelland and
daughter Belle and Jim Robertson
of Portland visited at the Smith
home Sunday.
Mr and Mrs. Courtney Syverson.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul O'Connor, Ken­
neth Mills and Einar Berggreen
were entertained at the home of
Marv Grand and Sabina Whitehead
at Aloha Saturday evening, follow­
ing the play and dance at the
Grange hall.
»anden. Peggy Ross. Jean Pe
arvt Cypher. Mary
Schaus. Jean Ann Connell, Y vonne Bun­
nell. Esther Harty. Shirley Kelly. Helen
Graf. M arjorie Duaberry. Irene llin k e .
Dorothy Steinke. A m elia Miller
\ n let
Wick. Velm a Roaeveer.
Ann Mankm*.
N aydeane P a t t e r n . Joy Koelker. Helen
Dean. C hristine Robb. W inona Putm an, (
D ale Pow ers.
A lta
Clark. Dorothy Jackson. Melba Haver-
stick. Byrdeane Rogers. Doris Gregg. Helen
H sffn er. lW l.aurice Bump. Francis Sherr-
er. W ith W alters. Prances Pielda. W ilm a
Schaus. Juliana Miller, N aom a Rollins.
Barbara Enschede. Mary l.ovegren . Irmal
Trask. Marybel F lin t. Evelyn
H atfield.
Jean Putm an. Florence Jansen. Oradell I
Gwendolyn Human.
Kathleen j
M axine
Peldt. M ane Doern.
Wanda Park. D orothy
Oliver. Florence Trachsel. Lucille Quain-
tance. Lu V erne Abendroth, Forest A n­
derson. Frank Bosvelt. B illy Currington.
Jam es Forsythe. Paul Graham. Arthur
Gurske. Selm a Hendrickson. Bob McCul-
lock. Stanley Kreitx.
Leland McCann.
Billy M cNay. Melvin Mariner. Franklin
Oliver. Maurice Pa»r»nhootn. Bud Per­
son. Donald Ri»gers, Charles Reed. Ken­
neth ShorK A llen Sigler. L*n»y Jac
Norman W illiam son.
W ilson W ieneck?.
Kenneth Woodworth.
Hilhi Hoop Squad
Plavs Grove Team
(C ontinued from r a g e on»)
while Hilhi took the lead In the
third 8 to 7. In the final period
the locals rang up nine points to
win 17 to 9.
Hillsboro defeated the Scappoose
quintet at Scappoose 31 to 23 Tues­
day evening. Hilhi led 18 to 16 at
half time and built up a wide lead
in the second period. Dungey of
Scappcose was high scorer with
14 p an ts while Cox of the locals
was next with nine counters. The
local second team trounced the
Scappoose "B" squad 22 to 15.
H IL L S B O R O .
Vegetable Garden
Work Meet Topic
Celebrate I heir
Vegetable gardening will be dis­
Golden Wedding cussed
before 4-Il club members
and fanners at the court house at
Abraham Lincoln’s Wisdom, His Heritage
a.» .
« rr . £ rr* xw
to Nation, Stands Test of lim e
» ea r s h a v e failed
to dim lh a fam e o f Abrahaiu
I lls k in d n e s s a n d g e n lle n e s s
— i n » o f A b ra h a m L in co ln 's
o u ts ta n d in g
tr a ils — aro
l o r e , I In th is sp len d id p h o to ­
g ra p h , 111,* e x is te ,ic o o f xxhlch
w a s n o t k n o w n u n til a y e a r
i,g o .
I n O h io a n d isco v e red It
In h is c o lle c tio n o f h isto r ic a l
p ictu r es, l i n e s , Ig a lio n d isc lo s e d
th a t II xxaa ta k e n la lo in IN 0 3
in a W a sh in g to n , I». V .. s ln d lo i
m il l lh a l II had la in o b scu re d
In a box o f p ia le s s im o th a t
lim o .
L in coln .
In a'ead th ey h a v e
se rv ed to brin g h om e to new
g e n e r a tio n s th e valu e of ilia h er-
l l a g e —th e w isd om w h ich w as
th e m ain sta y o f a n ation d u rin g
Its th r o es of d isu n io n and w h ich
is a s a p p lica b le today as then
During the beetle prohibition
era and since, extreme reform, re
might have garnered something
of value from a speech made 93
years ago. in Sprlnglield III . by
the great w artim e president.
He said. then, in part:
“ W h en th e con d u ct of m en la
to be Inltiioncod. |M-r*unsl„i,—
k in d , u n a » s,lin in g pcr»i»oslnM—
sh o u ld ever be a d o p ted . Il 1» an
o ld and tru e m axim lh a l 'a d rop
(,f honey e n ie h e s m ore tile s Ilian
A g a llo n o f g a ll.'
“So » t i l l m en . If you w ou ld
w in a iiiaii i o y o u r r o u s e . Mrs*
c o n v in c e blni lh a l yon a re n ls
sin c e r e fr le n il. I lls heart Is I tie
g r e a t h ig h r,m d Io h is reason ."
This Lincolnian policy goes a
long «ay toward explaining the
marvelous mastery of the hu­
man heart which, together with
his keen appeal Io the human
mind, accounted for the rise io
eminence of the humble mid-
western rail-splitter.
• • •
NE of the great president's
sentences embraced a whole
treatise on the subject of open-
“ Holding It a sound maxim
that it Is belter only lo be some­
times right than at all llniee
wrong, as soon as I discover my
opinions lo be erroneous I shall
be ready lo renounce them ."
However. It Is in the Held of
public Issues that Lincoln's coun­
sel has widest value to posterity.
He put In a sentence the whole
meaning of democracy when he
said in a debate:
“No m an la g o o d e n o u g h to
and other cultural methods found
to be best as a result of experi­
ence of truck gardeners and expci l-
menls at the state college will be
discussed All persona Interested are
Invited In attend.
BANKS Mr and Mrs. William 1:30 p. m. Saturday by Professor
Moss celebrated their golden wed­ A (I. II Bouquet, according to L. I
ding anniversary Friday The affair E Fruncls. assistant county agent. |
was arranged us a surprise to them The meeting will he held in the
by their two daughters Mrs Roy
t ll( baM.
Stafford Of Taft and Mis. Charles
v e u e i . i l , I.. n lu n t in u
varieties of
E verything In In su ran ce
Kessler of Banks, at wluxse home
,l' .
. lls i . '
a reception was held in the after- vegetables b< s| adapttd lo II, I
MW n e t
1331 W ash I ng ton J
noon to oiler congruulutlons to Mi jeallly. soil types best adapted to
and Mrs. Moss. The rooms were the growing of various truck crops
beautifully decorated with yellow!
_____ __
! daffodils and yellow candles burning
in yellow candlesticks. Mr. and
Mrs. Moaa received many beautiful
j presents.
To prenerve memory to the
I In the evening a dinner was serv­
rightful heirs of the c o m i n g
ed at the Kessler home for mem-
years, that it may have the same
: bers of tin* family and visiting
relatives, lliose present were Mr
meaning to them that the living
and Mis Frank Dyer. Mr. and Mrs
have found in it. that is the duty
George Cunningham and daughter
of the memorial. Only selected
Eleanor Mr. and Mi's Ernes; Con­
ter and two sons Ernie and Verle.
granite should he used, other
Maupin: Mrs. Roy Stafford and
materials do not stand tlie test
son Roy. Taft; Mrs. Lloyd Sel­
fridge, Hillsboro; Mr. a n d Mrs.
; George Moss and three sons Ralph.
Glen and Roy. Mr. and Mrs Vein
l’rlekett and two little children.
4th at Mam. Hillsboro
George K essler S r . Mr and Mrs 11. H. Stannard, Mgr.
Charles Kessler and two children!
Billy and Evelyn. Banks.
William Moss and Lizzie Hurst
were married February 8 188:i. near
Langdon. Mo., by Key Maupin ol
tlie Christian church. They have
lived in Oregon since 1905. They
have three children. George Moss,
and Mrs. Charles Kessler of Bunks
and Mrs. Roy Stafford of Taft, also
nine grandchildren and two great
grandchildren Mrs. Prank Dyer of
Recent tests show our concrete Drain Tlie to be approximate­
Maupin, a sister of Mrs. Moss, was
stronger than required by the American Society ol lest-
present at the wedding fifty years
lug Materials for farm Drain Tile When you buy a four-Hull
ago and was also present at the
anniversary celebration Friday.
Concrete Tile you get one that measures four Inrhea, not three
and a half. Tlie Tile la exactly one foot long and there are no
cracked or spilt Tile slipped In on you.
The Memorial - - -
Drainage Problems - -
Advice worth heeding In these
critical post-depression times Is
Lincoln's statem ent :
g o v e r n a n o th e r n ian
th a t o th e r 's c o n s e n t.”
Thursday, February 11, 1035
“ W e m ust not he le ,I by e x ­
c ite m e n t an d p a ssio n lo d o th a t
w h ic h o u r s o b e r J u d g m en ts
w o u ld not a p p ro v e In o u r c o o le r
m o m e n ts. . . .
In g r a v e e m i r -
g e n e let, m o d e r a tio n Is g e n e r a lly
sa fe r Ilian ra d ica lism ."
And yet the president was no
s t u b b o r n , areh-eonservailve
standpatter. Consider the fol­
"This country, with Ils tn«il-
luttons, belongs lo the people
who Inhabit II. Whenever they
shall grow weary of the existing
government, they can exercise
their constitutional right of
amending It, or their revolution-
w ith o u t
right lo dismember or over­
throw It.
"If th e p olicy o f th e g o v e r n ­
m e n t, upon v ita l q n e sllo n a a f­
fe c tin g I he w h o le p eo p le. Is lo
be Irrevocab ly fixed by deci­
s io n s o f th e su p rem e co u rt . . .
t h e p eo p le w ill h a v e ce a se d to
be llie ir o w n ru lers.
" I.a l,o r Is prior lo nnd Inde­
p en d en t o f c a p ita l. C a p ita l is
on ly th e fru it or lab or, and c o u ld
never h a v e e x is te d If lab or had
not tlrst existed. Labor Is th e
su p erio r o f ca p lln l and d e se r v e s
m u ch Ih e h ig h e r e o n a ld e m lio n ."
These words, which clearly Il­
lustrate President Lincoln's re­
markable grasp of fundamentals,
might have been spoken within
the last several years.
‘Last Roundup’ for Kansas Pests
Milk Bill Change
Center of Battle
Better Home Drive
Here Begun Monday
Hillsboro Concrete Brick & I ile Co.
(C ontinued from pair« on»)
plan nnd appointments mude for
future Interviews.
Persons interested but who have
not been contacted by tlie con-
vassers may fill out pledges at the
city hall.
Tlie local campaign Is being con­
ducted through the co-operation of
the county federal housing admin­
istration committee headed by J.
M. Person of Hillsboro und the lo­
cal unit of the Oregon Builders'
1 Congress.
Cannery to Treble
Product This Year
Aerosa Washington Street from Cannery on P. K- * N. lUUway
lletwren Main and Washington
Office Phone 1341
Art K roeger 254«
—Home P hone»—
H enry K rueger 1204
Trend Buying
(C ontinued from pa»» o"»l
interested spectator at the sessions 1
(C ontinued fn»m | mut « un»)
of the legislature this week. Other
[ of optimism Is prevalent, according
Washington county folk observed
! to Mr Mating, wlio looks for a
looking in on the session were j
pretty good business year.
(12) T tfard Henry Atlee of Banks. A. W. Hav­
HillsW r« (1?)
Eastern business is anticipating
Cook _________
a renewal of the National Recovery
_____ Carson of Forest Grove and former repre- j
Cox. 7 -----------
act in much the same form, said
1. B e c k h a r n
Sam sel, 2 ------
S. Johnston sentatlve A. M. Jannsen of R eed-'
Mr. Mating. Little difficulty is ex­
Richardson. 2 —
..... 4. Hugh« vllle.
T o r b e t -------------
• • •
pected on the labor front tills year.
N «xl ry
Patterson. 2 .....
Mr Maling was accompanied east
W ahner, 4 ....
by Vice-President Arthur Relllng
ter a 50 per cent batting average;
Grovan .......
and Plant Superintendent T. W
on his legislative program.
McDonald, who returned Immedi­
The house, dominated by the
ately after the national tanners'
democrats and more anxious to do
the governor’s bidding, has placed
its official "okeh" on all four of
Coulter—TO Mr and Mrs. Vernon
Annual meeting of Washington the original administration bills.'
10. a bov.
Countv Holstein Breeders' associa-
Paffenbarger—To Mr. and Mrs.
; tlon will be held Saturday at 1:30 p. was considerably worked over and
J. W. Paffenbarger of Cornelius,
' m. at the county agent's office. A most of its teeth extracted first,
February fl, a boy.
! program will be outlined for the but It really gave the governor all
Wyatt—lo Mr. and Mrs. Humer
th a t he wanted even after it was
(C ontinued from p are one)
! year.
Wyatt of Hillsboro, Fcuruary 9. a
of commerce who has operated the
H. A. Mathiesen, western field so amended. Slight alterations were
event for the past several years, ■ representative, will be present to also administered to the other three
Walker — To Mr. and Mrs. R.
Walker of near Helvc..a, February
was given considerable credit for ! discuss plans for the national con­ measures, but not so much as to
Jackrabbits have become so numerous In western Kansas that 13. a ooy.
running the event during the re­ vention to be held in Seattle in alter their appearances and they
H enderson-To Mr and Mr, V
cent hard years at a profit.
farmers are staging giant drives to kill on the pests. Rabbit corpses
L. Henderson of Cornelius. Feb-
Letter from the Bend chamber of
, thTh?°V” nMeS however is inclined ,h0WD 11Uerln« ,he «round In the picture above are a fe ° ‘ ,h>
,n8 ruary 12, a boy.
D em ocrats to Meet
commerce opposing the move to
'to £ much more cntlcal in its 16 0,00 terd ed lnt° » Pen- c,ubbed t0 dealb' and Ied to h0)1’ ln receDt |
Washington county Democratic
eliminate tolls on the five coast
bridges and asking the local organ­ | central committee will hold a short analysis of the measures and serious wevka.
d he u t t
luke-warm r j ; L -. p p r k n | P H u r t
ization to take similar action was meeting at the Hillsboro chamber doubts are expressed as to the
W A NTED work on farm . Can milk ae
survival of two of the
her support. The other five E l g n t K C O p iC m i n
read. Concensus of opinion of the of commerce Saturday at 8 p. m. ultimate
L v i llp
s x z v s irx tir
• •n it
c e n r u il
• r
. .
h°iir ba !t i r thKmCOUntirt UnU .tcho° l members a re” opposed to the . bill,
A/-x-</4g»«itc »*'k. *•' ' J»" k' »"h*»f* ‘."ll,'” » Hili/
bill and the bill requiring self-sup- whlch would refer to the voters ln
m A l l t O A C C IU C n tS
porting boards and commissions to
the countv unit issue
. . .
good work h.,r»„ fur ■»!«. .in « i« or
riumn their revenues into the Ren- ....
maeSw t/>
(Contlnu«d from p a s«
<4<»ubl». w . J. 8rh«*l, Hub«r.
eraT Pfn n d T h ^ re " are ^evera? rea- The COI? mlttee h asJjeen ready to ftn automoblie driven by Ed Young
H««v.rton s s i s .
#2- ip
rrtHrai atH report the blU 0111 for several days of B,.averton route 2 collided with re - cleaned red n . . „ r .« ,1 . and b»M
the senates critical A'M but has withheld action In defer- one dr|ven by Mrs. W. F. Barcley
riu»»r h .» for «1« R. H H sm «,.
tude. For one^ thing the^ bllls^ all ence to the wishes of the friends of portiand yhe Barcley car was J r «'** *OU' h
wl ,' h
originated ln the house and those Qf
bu, whQ have
¡¡«eking being towed by a truck at the time
sale -100 tu n , uf rluvrr. n*t>.
members who might not have been frantlcany for some way to save it. Of the accident.
and vrtrh hay.— E. E. Jankina, flrw,
any too enthusiastic over their pro­
The "fee" bill—House Bill o n e -
Mrs. Barcley, a passenger ln her h<>u«a mu of Waat U nion fh u r .h
visions, but who were not violently passed the house on the same day car. Mrs. W. B. Siler of Portland.
oi . ct m a rk f..r .a la rsa sM -
Beautiful printed s i l k s
opposed to the measure... could as the school bill and has been held
Earl VanMeter of Beaverton Grove 324J. or w rit» 401 E. P acific
and crepes. One and two-
well pass the buck to the senate ln the senate committee on coun­ and
were taken to the Good Samaritan Av».
a **
by voting for the bills in the hope ty and state officer» for the past hospital
piece styles. New high
ln Portland. Fred
V oungherkv
p lani», i r„r» «.id,
.lo c k
H w il t . a t Q u.tnm n
that the upper house would never two weeks At another hearing of Portland
neck lines, new sleeves,
It'. 2. Re»verton.
let them get through. For another Monday night representatives of
E. Mason of Beaverton.
and we have your size.
HORSE, rouk »Unr». Suu-rhlrk l>r,«»lw.
thing the senators are more ex­ numerous self-supported boards and C. Car
perienced ln the business of law­ commissions presented their rea­ of Cochran was side-swiped Fri­ E. Kr*-l, 14-mil» »n»t o f Orvnco. ftttf
making and are, therefore, more In­ sons why their revenues should not
evening near Gales City by an NOTICE <>r H EARING ON FIN A L
clined to vote their own convictions be used for general state purposes. day
driven by Tom Crawford of
and less Inclined to follow the lead Members of the committee who auto
Vernonia. Dust on the road ob- In th» C ounty Court o f th» 8 t» t» o f Or»- I
of the administration when that have expressed their views on the rcured
o f W »,h in yton .
vision, causing the accident. In the M»tt»r o C f ounty
lead Is contrary to their personal bill are inclined to sympathize with Both cars
th» E»t»t» o f A n n i» |
the boards and commissions. That aged but no one was Injured. Oc­ Notte» la hereby yiven th » t th» »<l- I
The county unit school bill which L, they feel that revenues collected cupants of the White car were Mr.-. in tetra tur, have fit,ut their fin a l ae*
passed the house two weeks ago by these agencies
should be used - 1 ■ iC»j"e.irtw«n ami daughter M a i y
<.f ,,i< i »»tat« and th at the ruurt
Annual Holstein
Session Saturday
Airbase Value
Seen by Group
Too Late to Classify
Lucky Purchase Sale
ou r
Fv»ry woman enjoy« wearing
a prirHed frock. And this sea­
son. she will enjoy if more
than ever, for our new printed
crepes are lavishly beautiful.
Make them up with McCall
designs— you can be sure this
accurate pattern will aid you
In making the loveliest cos­
tumes imaginable.
Printed Patterns
W A T C H ! W A IT F O R
IVeil’s great D o lla r S a le com ing next xveek! Every
le p a r tm e n t in th e store w ill o ffe r you a m azin g bar-
rains! W atch for a big fo u r-p age Bargain D ollar
(a le circu lar co m in g th rou gh the mail n ext w eek !
the senate e°m-
mittee on education, where its
friend.5 are trying to .save It from
an untimely end through Indefinite
postponement. Fact is th at only
two of the seven committee mem-
bers are at all friendly to the bill.
They are Senators Hazlett and Lee
U S!
collected and no other. If the bill
_ __ _______
pass at ___
all, ______
which is ques-
tionable^ It will probably provide
special funds be proper-
jy earmarked so th at none of them
Wjjj evCr become available for gen
eraj state purposes, thus defeating
least ,of the gover­
nor's original measure.
Little opposition has been evi­
denced to the governor’s budgetary
control bill which passed the house
Monday with only three dissenting
votes and which will probably be
given senate approval ln due time.
and Mrs w hite and her two daugh- m . in th* court riwim o f th* C o u n t,
a s 1
Court, I n . th« W ashington C ounty Court
Huu,». Hilialiuru, Oraynn, a . Ih» lim »
mi piar» fur h»nrlny uhj»»tiuna to Mid
ALOHA—Car driven by J. C. Holt final arrount and III» aettl»m»nl lh»r«of
of Newberg route 2 turned over THOMAH E. PA R K ER , A dm lnlatrato»
, , ______ THOMAS HENRY PA R K ER . Adm lnlalra-
several times Sunday afternoon aft- l(ir j
K»vanau»b. R. n Karauauyh.
' ■
er colliding with a machine driven
! A ttorn ey, fur Admlnlatratora.
by Ralph Cole of Aloha at I lie'
Kinnaman corner. Both cars were
badly damaged.
Physical Education
Scheduled at Hilhi
The Ross gasoline control bill,
which would have prohibited the
major oil companies from selling at
' wholesale and retail, fix prices or
hold a controlling interest ln any
retail outlets was defeated in the
house Wednesday morring 36 to 23.
physical education will be avall-
abje for Htlhl students next year
as part of th« reaular course of
study, according to a decision
reached by the school board last
week. No definite plans have been.
announced other than that an ad -1
dltlonal teacher will be hired for
the new program. Dean Bovard of
F uneral Mrs. V anH orn
at B eaverton Parlors the University of Oregon attended
Mrs. Jennie VanHorn, 75, wife the meeting.
of John T. VanHorn, died at her
Wood Theft Reported
home on Beaverton route one Feb­
ruary 12. Funeral services will be
Theft of four cords of wood last
held at 2 n. m. today (Thursday) week was reported to the sheriff
at Pcgg’s chapel in Beaverton. In ­ by Andrew Egesdahl o f Laurel
terment will be in Crescent Grove
route 1.
Johnson: "It’s all wrong about!
the Irish being such good fighters.”
Jackson: "Really?”
Johnson: "Yes, last week my
brother and I and two other fel­
lows almost knocked an Irishman j
We're stilling bowling 'em over j
with a Chevrolet service that prac­
tically rebuilds your motor. When ’
we diagnose your troubles we go
pver your car’s mechanism with J
"fine comb” thoroughness forestall-!
Ing further trouble by eliminating
small defects th at might develop
into major troubles later. There's
a decided difference ln our spe- 1
clalized service that every Chevro- j
let owner will appreciate.
Hillsboro MotorCo.
B ought and Sold
C hev T ruck, 2-ton
M arquette C oupe
Star C oupster
Ford R oadster
Star R oadster
O akland C oach
D urant C oupster
G as - Oil - A ccesso ries
Guaranteed condition and priced right!
Cara W ashed and P olished
O regon
in the w orld.
1936 Coach, delivered here
$ 6 5 9 .0 0
1935 Coupe, delivered here
6 4 9 .0 0
1935 Sedan, delivered here ........... 725.40
22 M ilea P er G allon at 4 0 M iles Per Hour
Demonstrations solicited
C hevrolet and O ldam obile
P hone 441
Used Car Exchange
2nd and W ash. P hone 2641
Powers Grocery
PH O N E 81
Prompt Service . . .
S p ecia ls for February 15 and 16
Tuna Fish
Blue & White, )^s. 2 for
We have a very good assortment of
USED CARS to choose from.
C h evrolet and O ldam obile
3rd and W ash .
P h on e 441
■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ |
A g e n c y for
to the demand for our
T Cb E D
This picture shows the disposition of buyers to
trade the old for ihe new—
Frank Pauli, veteran salesmn nof Chevrolet in
Hillsboro, pleases L. Sherman, agent of Oregon
Electric, by transferring ownership from the
one time big "old reliable” to the modern
Red & White. 1-lb. pkg.
Toilet Paper
B lue & W h ile.
4 for ........................................
F els N ap th a.
4 for
Heinz. 2 for ....
Heinz. 12 for
Many other items specially priced for Friday nnd
Saturday. These prices good Feb. 15 and 16 only.