Classified Advertising (l.tsalfletl Columna Cloae ul I« o'rlorh Wednoaduy A KKAI>Y MARKET WITH B id RESULTS AT LITTLE COST M o r n in g . BENNETTS Poultry F arm Hatching eggs and chicks from our 1)0" ieet«| hcna oil range In tu ir e Roscoe Ken­ nel t, |(t. 2, Ilea verton , 1 miles north öl i f _ W M bVW tt F irs t Insertion, per word —. 6» (N o service lees than 26c > Each additional l u s e r t l o n , par word « « - la (N o eervlra laee than 26c» Kaadara. per line I ’»« (N o service laee than 26c I tu. IIOKNKM REVERAI cant par nnum fr»»»n th * 19th day ut January, 193ft, and lb« fu rth e r aum u t • ZU.<6 w ith Intaraat thereon a t the rate "f 10 per cent per annum fro m the 2 llh day of October, 1986, and the fu rth e r of |tir> 33 w ith Intereat thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum fro m the lat day f Hept.. 1933, and ihe fu rth e r aum of 1416.33 w ith Intereat thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the la t day of Hept 1934, and the fu rth e r sum of 64177.93 w ith In- teresl (hereon at the rate of 7 per ren t l>er annum fro m the 1st day of Kept., 1234, am i the fu rth e r sum of I*. 26, for continuation of abstract, together w ith Interest thereon at (lie rate u t 6 per cent per annum from the 19th day of Jan ., 1236. and the fu rth e r sum of 3360.00 attorney's fees, w i t h Interest (hereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum fru m the 101 h day ut Jan u ary. 1986, to ma directed and delivered, com­ manding me to make sale of the real property herein after described, I have levied upon and pursuant to said Kxecu- t " '” - ( ,r ,i* r and Decree of Hale. I w ill u" M ,,nday, the 26lh «lay of February, l'j.'lí», at the East door of the Court house In H lllsbort lit Hillsboro, W ashington County, Ora- ; gon, at Ihe hour ut ten o’clock a. m. of Miiiil iin V nell n u b ib . . „ i t . . . . i.. ik e biglie» i bidder n . r r c » b . In . L . .11 1. uf . fu hand. *he follow ing deerrlbed 1 property, ly. itig, bring and sh eu la r 1200. tb * tim ber on t l » follow ing laiol* w ill b» »«rid h«di 26, 1936, a t 10 lock A. M » I public auction at the U. H L an d O ffic e at K<*«*bijrg. Oregon, •*» the highest bolder a t not lea« than the appralMel price a» shown by thia notice, »ale to be subject to tb * ap- provai of the H e*retary ut the in te rio r The purchase price w ith an additional m o f o n e -fifth o f one per ren t there*.f. hsdng commlsalori allowed, P **K *d when the fle ti l.y l í ­ tale w ill no of sale not issue u n til the purchaser has complied fu lly w ith said regulations, (■irculag 1200, a» to the execution of the contract o f sale and bond required there- (B y M rs Fred W olford I uu«ler. T h e money deposited w ill be re- h ig turned I f sale is not approved, otherwise ___ _____ _ h _ BANKH--Senior clara ____ at __ patent w ill Issue fo r the tim ber, which HChOOl H fld frlC T -d s m a d e UP a s k a t - m u t be remove,! w ith in io yea r.. B id . |.v p a r t / a t the Hillsboro skatint, B a n k s S e n io r s Italian Is World’s Speed King E n jo y S k a t in g ,îX w^ T:;:.1 Parties Held by Orchardalc Folk (B y Mrv. Richard llu n a a r) < 1HCHAHDALE - A b ir th d a y party was given for orna and Alina Hudson at their home Friday night. The evening was spent In playing I cards. Family Moves Mr and Mrs Robert McNutt of North Plains have moved onto the Hunger farm near the school house. Sunday was Bible day a t the Or- chardale Bible school. Brief his­ tories were given of the oldest Bibles which were brought for dis­ play. Miss Ju an ita Tilden of Sheridan spent a week with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hayden. Anniversary Observed Mr and Mrs. Ed Fitzpatrick. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Moyer of Forest Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hunger were guests or Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hunger Sunday, In celebration of their fifth wedding anniversary. The evening was spent playing cards. d; S c o u t. A ttend S ervice; T w o G rade T e a m . Break Even well matched teams a n d single h<>rs«w fo r sale at H illsboro H<*ris M arket, I block west '«mlenser. 62p T I AM borse» for sul», alx-ut 3300 II»« eitt nnlc Thursday „1,1,1 They were sc- ('a r i Kruoks, Iti 2. Portland, osar Rock sens, am i corporations organised under (-DfHr'ttfll< r H o ii a l chtTch Sunday day / night, as fo llo w s : H o R H E H fo r »ale. g«»od fa rm or logging the r « l cedar. T . 7 H.. K. 7 W H « - -------- - on you unexpected. They are not lets, a doctor's presi rlp tIon, at H llls- Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. streak ed through apace over horse», 1400 |hs. and up I’ W Waich, Keginnlng at a stons In the N o rth ­ 12, L o t 1 red f i r 1,410 M , red ce«iar 2' Itoro Pharm acy. 47-4p planned for, but Jump at you from Mrs Italy's Lake G arda to set a new east corner of said claim . thence I'-'"' t««'' N e w t i.n s t a tio n 4bif M . larch 40 M. hemi«>ck 740 M ; IxH 2 Hay Parm*ey a . ere Mr. and fcV IbH Y IIO D Y knows th at our Perfect around the c o m e r—(F rank Crane.) along the East line thereof South no red f i r 2.06" m . hr«.,lock cao m . Lot £»le Hop W tilia little 34-year-old flyer defied the ( <>AL bnsaler stove wanted, A-1 condi­ F K E H H M NED NW D red f ir 2#b M w hite M r ' M rs N leaving said County Roed and parallel Wenxel. near lla a e id a le . «Mjper ' tion Jacob F a ir. Mhcrwwsal. Ht. 4. R«»x pine lb M . .liv e r f i r Cd M . larch 8lb M . . ‘ . . j , “ „ .¡„ i, ...i.v . — i . . . . , „ i ,a te th a ' claim ed th e lives of w ith and 3 f t. distant fro m said M ountain. 62tf 62p hemlock bun m . t 7 s. it h Sec spending two weeks with relatives m ill race N o rth 44* SU' West 22 62 W A N T E D 4» inch l»»p 22 foot .«lar pulaa. W A N T E D tu buy 10 to 16 good grade two form er com rades. who, I t. S E D B E D red fir.' 2.bbb M . ' hem- W Salem. chains to an iron corner 2.76 chains <«r registered cows Must be gtssl Nleilennryc-r - M a rtin Lum ber Cu., i.« k 5«o m , B W D s e d red f i r l.«7b Pearl Beard of Portland spent with Agello, made up the Italian East ut the Weat line of said sec- io --|,..p fn W in .- A rg o , l u l i 'i ^ b u i l d i n g . p . o Hand, Ore. 61 I llo n 27 ; thence N o rth no * 13' East m , heminck 6«b m . s e d 8 » D r->i f i r the week-end with Mrs. M A. 1.5»« M . 890 M . 8 W D S W D red Iv w ld v » *. o- parallel w ith the said section line Schneider Cup team of 1931. f ir 66b M .liv e r f i r «0 M . larch 9« M EeJUUI>. j 11. HELP WANTED 21» REAL ESTATE 21.37 chains to a point in the N o rth 660 M ; none of the tim b er in N- “ »«dan Honored line of said Claim No. 411 a t a M A N wanted fur lU w le lg h r«»u(e «»< Mini F IV E aerea. Ilrogdeu acreage near Hew- T 7 B . lb. 7 and I W . Io ba a d d fo r A birthday dinner was given' . . M — |M»mt 2 76 chains East of said sec­ (am llMe W rite today. Rawleigh. Kept ell station, 3% cleared, real oak . sm all I !«>• than 52 00 i-c M for ih« whit» Thursday a t the home of Mr. and tion lin e ; thence along the N o rth , .|; |i Ht> HA, O aklai .1 < slif i house, 8 poultry hottaea. gas and elec­ pm«, i i 75 per M for the red fir . 41.26 Mrs N. Berdan In honor of Mr low by Mrs. Cass Wilson. line of said claim north 32* 22' East tric avilaidc. rock road, price 1760 ; . 2V.76 chains to the place of begin­ ‘u r rM fZ ,h*i ” ** t*l>“ri *2d p,r Berdan's oirthday. Present were ,m ‘uae, electricity, REEDVILLE— John F^ank and 1072 F.. llasellne Hl. 62p page «01 of the Deed Kecorde of some m achinery and luoD, goea w ith H H K K it r s BALE Sinclair and Mrs. C. E. Downer tne Planets and stars. family of Beaverton have moved W ashington County. Oregon. The I ARM w ork w auled Experienced, single ■hop, well lorated In good farm ing Ntrtice (a hereby given, th a t by virtue o f Hillsboro. .Move to Toledo Turn Adams, care uf Mr». A. J. land hereby conveyed containing net M ,. . M l ? ” S . ' i , -h o 'f . e & 'S S ; community. I ’rtce 3126", term * 100 33 acre», of an Eaecullun, O rd er and Decree of T R Polkenberg of HillsbCrO Vis- O liver, Cornellu» 62 10 arree, »m all house, outbuildings, fa m ­ Bale, laaued yut out of and end under the seal aeel ¡ted l t e d the t h e C. q W. W p e a k home h o m e Sunday Sunday. to satisfy atisfy the hereinbefore hereinbefore named sums »urns a**». Peak been living north of Banks, children will attend W A N T E D Tu care f«»r children at my ily orchards, all in cu ltivatio n , well and fur the ruat and expensea o f sale Circuit °f ^tate ut S t Mrs Nora Doolt'V and o Mrs Carl moved last where krade. viUp school David home by day or hour. 416 W alnut located. Price I I moo . term« • " . i “ " * .,; '': .,, u mad...........J « . vw d ^ ; ' ' ' ; h . ' ' H , k h d . ' " : r i . n i . ^ 3 r ^ n b V S n d f rSFoCr a e It “ ^ ‘V h ^ Week o ^ n t0 ^ S Toledo a T m vtsited J o h ^ 'm ^ f o ^ In t styeet lin e acre. 3*room piaster«! house right fourth H IG H scfcnul g irl wishes work fu r boer.l t R ^ - . p A t U f ..h d Grove Mrs M A. Dodds O rtha , and Fred <»n highway, 3700. easy terms. K 'l w " . r d u « " S r ^ u « 7 '3 . t a '2 2 n d «¡T,» ca*r‘~ » “ • Thursday. n ai 3 J ° ^ n Hillsboro high. " W“ 1 Bttentl W ill pay »«»me Argus 2031 62p 4" aerea, good building», near Hillsboro, 23 acra» In cultivation, stock«) and day of - Jan plowing. • uary, 1236. w ill and te*tam en t of E lm e r K. S ta rk , Tram« Rrealc Even Ervin Shipley and little son and P r o r r a m F r iH a v Hillsboro equipped, live spring 3&OOO, w ill ac­ M. I all I. I ’hone ««nable. Thp n an2s ora/je srhool bovs and Mrs Jaclc Roberts and son Of R e e d v i ll e P T A a n il h n lH a J W C O N N E L L . H h a rlff of W ashing- *‘* * ’ *•**1.. O rig in a l D e fen d an u . and Jam «. .It f cept acreage or modern home In or ton County. O rsvim . 2104. P h ilip ] basketball teams played a t charieJ°ShiDleye M0? d, B y' ,, the school basement. Refreshments CONTH ACTING , r O R M A LE Hlx-r«Mun house. 20x10" lot. Att«*rney fo r P la in tiff 42- paved at reet, cernent aidewalk and - *"'* Fr*."k V "T C T lost 16 to 5, but the Banks girls . and a program are planned. Elsie I H I I K ! 'M kM building contractor, It L. M A A N . contractor. j P c f .n d .n u , * « 9 t t» t Luat l - . r k . corpora- won 17 to 4 M am ral Wakasugl took **5 she Nordlund with the help of other ■ewer. Reasonable 246 N. 6th A*«»- N O T IC E O F M ALE reno»leling. house raising and m oving, a defendant fo r the aum o f t h ( t e a m s in v^is truck and also a ^ad spent several months. C h ristia n endeavor mpmhprc W ill nue B ili No. 36«2" concrete w ork, everything fro m roof to basement. Eatliualae free •«»! F or- j fK H IK E and lot f«»r sale or trade. In - In the C ircuit Court of the S tate <»f O re­ gon. f«»r the County of M ultnom ah. •a t A v » , Rt. 3. K a i t . \ HUIaboro. 6 1 -lp ^ ¿ » K n » ^ J a e d ^ C iu ^ J K iie lM m j< ^ Hannah k . s ta r k , and the f o r t h « .u m » e n t along as rooters. Ii™ ““ “ .“ rs iTed ejlnls at B ears room. A fish pond and re- Probate Departm ent. Friday Mr. Hopkins took the boys „ ,~“ o f r e s h m e n t s are also planned. Every- In the M a tte r of the Last W ill and T « t - uf « w ith Intereat th e re .n a t the 14. FOR SALE— MlarcIHiiro«»» . . . „ G erm an, Deceased. rate of aix per cent per annum fro m the team to Gales Creek where they m is s r»c>eriy is visiting ner onf» ■!0. DOGS I l l s one invited invited. arnenl of . Flora E l.E l T i t l e w a t-r h— lcr fu r aal». lu ramal» cana ry bird* fo r ■ N u iic . la hereby ( iv e n 't h a t the under- 7‘ h .d? y ” f June. i»8«. and t h e f u r t h « . u m werc defeated 16 to 12. .sister, Mrs. Leslie G reenia, a t Ver- Mrs C hristina Kelly is having »alluna. 56 E * r l B lr»(. h»r. Beh..Ila I ■ ignml ad m in is trato r c. t. a. of the above A ttorneys fee«, w ith intereat Flora Mufurd and little n ie c e H ^ n ia . J M illia n » . «14 Oak Kt Hillsboro home remodeled. 0511. “ ► I entittod e *ta tr. w ill «.n and a fte r tb«- (hereon a t the ra te o f »1« per cent per Camljie Belle of Monmouth sDent Mlss Doris Bailey and Miss Alice her Charlie Holbey of Wilson. N. C.. b ur of 1" o'clock A M I «-bruarv I h »nnum fro m the ith day of June. 1234, , . a n i l “ e u e . 0 1 . M o n m o u in spent Lane SDent the w e e k - e n d in P n rt- I ' N I V E R M A L m ilkin g machine, used six visited Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Snipes MUSK AL INSTRUMENTS 12.(6. at 600 H e n ry K»ii«*Kne purtiand* and the fu rth e r aum of 6700.00, p la in tiff*» the week-end a t Mrs. Munford .s m onths, six Urowae turkey hens and 33. Attorneys fees w ith intereat thereon at home here. «< . . Sunday. D. F Hhadden Phone . Y O U R «»Id piano taken in trade on new (>reg«»n, o ffe r fo r sale at p rivate sale f' _ Barbara WiLson C eleb ra te . , » • t M « • F*ed W ,Ifo rd ,an d - u r u a u u preached p re a c n e u Dr. Everett „ of r Portland h Plain» B î-IP fu rn itu re . « w ill pay cash. Il M ca»h in hand «»n day «»f sale the fo l­ the rate o f aix per cent twr annum fnwn the .th day of Juna. i»3«. and the fu rth e r Barbara Wilson celebrated her J'Kee clJ ,Fen i,isliedI S1Vn ?y a fter' at the Reedville church Sunday Donnelly, 323 H E M orrison Ht., Po rt- lowing described real property, t o - w i l : llo R H E . r«N»k atuve, and everything I own Tract No. 1. Th a t certain 12-acre land. 42-6 : « mthei J t e o7'»x "wr cet5TXr el8hth birthday Saturday by giv- r r(l o e N' L' home at evening Rev. T Duncan, who has fo r eale. J«»hn E. Heed, ‘a -m lle east tract beginning 26.66 chains South fro m the 7th d a , j " n i . T . j ! . and “ »« a P“/ " ; . fo y a n u m b e r o f her ° s ^ d a ^ e s U of Mr and airs A “ L Wlth the flu' attended the of Oreuco. from the N orthw est corner of the MUSIC I.ESSONS the fu rth e r sum of 623 0" plaintiffs Httle schoolmate.s Afteimoon was feunaay g u e » 01 M r and *drs^ A. Wednesday evening prayer meeting H liO E repair sh«»p for sale» John Owens. 3fi. Southwest Q u arter ut Section 23. G E O ltG K RO llIC ItTH . gradu ate of music M a i a IB Tow nship 1. South of Range 1. Weat coat* w ith interest thereon a t the rate s p e n t in games after which cake “ *?} ------------------------- in Berlin, G erm any, memlw-r O rganist of six per cent per annum fro m the and ice cream were served. U ttle ° ‘ Yamnill and Dr . of ihe W ill. M er., and thence run­ iE N C K p«ats fo r »ala W ill deliver club o f C a lifo rn ia . p rivate instructions ning East 25.33 chains to the center 7th «lay of June. 123< to me directed rPd baskets filled with candy hearts anad; thence N o rth R E P A IR IN G at m oderate prices Ph«»ne 22 Deg Weat 9.61 ch a in s. thence Billiards sal* ”/ 5h* r m l. property h ere in a fte r de- . . Thom M On Mabel KinOShita Lloyd Whitcomb spent the week- (Continued fro m Dare one) 15. C ARS AND ITRES 62 p acrtl»ed. I have levied upon and pursuant JJ « ze i 1 n o m p b o n . M a o e i FLU lO Sniva. rp lfttiv n « ; a t W i l l a m i n a (Continued fro m p a re one) Weal 22.42 chains, and thence N o rth to said Execution. O rd er and Decree of Kay Lien. Nellie Dean Clonmger. en« at w iuam m a. o n e of these, introduced by Sen- r o |( HALE l-t«»n G raham Rr«»»hcra k chains to the place of beginning, 1260 Main SL truck. »f'»od condition C a ll 1032 Hec- 3B. situate in W ashington County. O re- ROOMS AN» APARTMENTS Saie, I w ill on Monday, th e 4th day of Connie Lou Kennedy. Marie Rinck , ator Bynon represents the labors .,n.l »1 « “ I W A N T to rent a sm elj modern house gon. described in Deed recorded In M arch, 1236, at the East door o f the M am a Fink Alma Miller Jan et Mrs. A rthur Sm ith and Miss Ethel th p in te rim m m m t t tA A r r o o io H t ourthouae i n, W ashington sellers Eveivn Kessler M arione Smith attended the funeral T hurs- 2». t L * co^ m ltt^e created Rook 121. Page 266. Subject to 6139.- by A p ril 16 R«-*p«»n*ible party Plume County, ~ . . . . . . 33 delinquent taxes a* o f Septem ­ .Unix. O rw io n. at th» hour ot ten wi'icAx Bet’»v'Lou R osencrans“’N omi day of th eir cousin. Mrs. D. A. by the 1933 session and provides I O » - _________________ 62p ber 16. 1934. 0'.«H onm7.’iu i Wh tiS ;« ,i M U , P?.h; K aw an au J u w lta Wolford « n d Saunders in Salem John Wahl re- tor a safety-responsibility program. lie auction to the highest bidder fo r , T ra c t No. 2. Beginning at a point turned home with them and re- The measure is facetiously referred i cash in hand, a ll of nixncut the fo llo iuu»r w in g to de- r R o d n e y M o o r e , LOANS «>n the south line of the Th««. Denny I SF4> au to p a rte fo r I«-» H illsboro A uto G . malned until Sunday. to as the dog-bite bill since it would D L C No. 47 T. 1 H. I t 1 W . W ill. scribed real property, lyin g , being and E ntertain a t Bridge W ,.« karw . I M a il. • ' I -’ I 'd ' • •• ' f W A N T t«> borrow |f.o«» from p rivate party M er. W ashington County, Oregon, said .,tu»ie io WoBhinoton County Or«»on. yhp Misses Hopkins and Hazel At the recent health clinics held perm it motorists one accident be- « an give giMid security In q u ire Argus l*eglnning point being H. 99 Deg. 46 2034___________ if. | Tow., d ~ v r,b » d » . foi- papUch were hostesses Friday e y . e - at the Banks grade school 23 vac- f o r e c o m D e llin i? h i m IÎ. F IR N IT IR F . . . . . . . . _____________ _ . . to ta k e o u t E. 1694 7 rt. (m m the stone a t the mng for a bridge party. High «M tlO M 40 toxoid to d 70 tubercu- insurance ThM is motorists in -! The East one-half (^4 ) of the *< Sec. corner on the West boundary LANG «*s*k •(«»»• fur 42. ^ T m V x 5 M ^ b ^ S ^ d r V w a i b i c h ^ k m g w a T f o S n J “ i h a V ^ v e m l ™ lv e d ,l n a n H * 5 “ W 0 U ld FARM LOANS i>urth««»t «ne-quarter (*4 ) of S e o fam ily aise 215 Oak Ht . H illsbo r» P of See. 23 T . 1 S R. 1 W. and tion 34. Tow nship 1. N o rth of Range from which beginning point an iron \1NH in geaal used f u r n itu r e and F A R M money to loan The Federal l-and Mrs. Jeff Kennedy and G rant Van- had reacted slightly to the tuber- hatred from the highway thereafter 1 Weat of W illam e tte M erid ian , con­ Pipe »»ear» S. 0 Deg. 23' W . 22.2 ft. eiadi •t«’v»e W e w ill also buy your l»ank now has am ple funds in bonds tu tain in g 92 acrea more ur leas. R u nning thence along the south line Dorn. Present were the Misses Doris culosis tests. Most of these have until he had settled for any dam - E Hornback, 166 H used fu rn itu re loan to farm er» at 4 ^ % . O ver 1.002.- A l*o th a t p art of the southeast of »aid Denny C laim . S. 39 Deg. 46' 62tf 002 has been loaned to W ashington Bailey, Moxie Hopkins. Alice Lane, been X -rayed but have not p ro v en , ages for which he might have been qu a rter o f Section 34 in T w p . 1 N E. 613.0 feet to a point in the center etvunty farm ers by the bank. W rite or Sylvia Qashelm, Phyllis Nelson. Ida serious. . . . . . responsible and established his fi- uf R. 1 W . of W. M ., described a* <»f the Scholia F erry R oad; thence call for particular». W ashington Coun­ 11. FUEL (« « in n in g at the northeast corner of S. 19 Deg 07 W. along the center Hopklns. Adella Paetsch. Max Me- Mrs Archie Thompson and little nanclal responsibility for any fu- ty N a tio n al Farm Ixian Aaaocialion. F I H i r r ’ ebw- wood for a ala Ray Dale- the Theresea C la rk 25-acre tra ct and of said n»ad a distance of 233.4 ft. tu Olassen, Hazel Paetsch. Prank Sias. son ture accidents. The" other bill. by- J II. r•-eg 46 W 633.29 feet tUwad any length before delivery. In ­ remained in Banks with her grand- wou^ compel every motorist Jeff Kennedy. to the north line uf the County road ; to an iron p ip e , thence N. 2 Deg 23 side b ke k w«a»d 1 rum en lloyd, 661 to carry property a n d personal thence south 79 deg. east along the F. 222.9 ft. to the place o f beginning, i Ole Nielson, who is with U. S mother. Mrs. B. W. Armentrout N in th Hl. Flum e H illsboro t«»81. 14tf north line of the »aid road 51 feet ; containing 2.92 acres, W ashington ;Marines at Long Beach, arrived in . ... . lO U Ib f o e t dry <»ak wo.xl. |A 6"’; saweu ^T ,n noClf ina b o o y ? 10 ° b u l n ’ I >"o u r c 3 r- N O T IC E O F F IN A L H K T T L K M E N T thence north 319.7 feet to the north Cuunty, Oreg«»n. described in drt as auch send old age pension plan. He also William G ardner of Tacoma. W a s h .! . wants the state to waive its Also all that land lying south of lot J o u rn a l No. 4 at Page 474. being spent Saturday evening a t the A .1 claim on the last half of the 1934 RA LF.D bay for aale. elever and «»at- adm inistrator In the County C«»urt of the auctioned the baskets. 16. in said Cedar Home addition, and a t»artltion auit relative to a 39.33- I vetch. also clover seed f«*r aale. H A Htate of Oreg«»n f«»r W ashington County, north of the C ornell Road, being a Mrs. E. E. Hopkins of W ishram, C. Wahl home here. They had a t- tax and all of the 1935 levy. Tilla- ■ere tra ct in the above described tra c t, nlle weat W itch H a te l school and that said fin a l account and report fraction of an acra. __ __ ___ _________ tended the funeral of Mrs. D. A. mook county wants the state to the same having been decreased by a Wash., spent the week-end In Banks 52 has been set fo r fin a l hearing and set­ f r t v i o an.« lo . . I I . Í X t h . h » r» ...b » f..r. .u m . _J • V. a.—_ daughters I Moxie and vrla Ida Saunders In Salem Thiysday. conveyance of 2.92 acre* recorded waive the entire 1934-35 levy and F O R H A L E Hop plants, 7000 bed sets, tlem ent before said c«»urt at the court and for the coat and expanse* of sale i in Hook 141, Page 435. W ashington Mrs. Edna Davis and Mrs. C. B 50 . - _ * “ ,u 1 Hillat»<>r«>. Oreg«»n, on and said w rit. a n d ® °n L l > a e . cheep J C . H im o n t o n , Gala» ('reek p r««»m thereof in County Record, also by 2 92 acres. Carstens returned home Saturday v 2J5»* th f Said »,1« »111 b» m ad» . u b ) « t to re- The three Rinck children are from a few weeks visit with rela- „.„.JP?. f F R U IT tswaa. apple, cherry, »»ear. »»each, Monday. February IS, 1235. at 1" oclu rk Book 141, P age 433 and 6 acres re­ ii*.” .', Curry c°unty a. m of aald day. dooiption a» i»»r »tatu te of Oreaon. back in school a fter being absent prune, plea*, apricot, w aln u t, almond, corded in Book 141, Page 433. 4*,v Dated and first published Jan u ary 17, , tives and friends a t M anzanita. C. '*°uld °e satisfied tf it could be re- j Dated at Hillsboro. t>re«on. th u n t h several weeks with whooping cough, filb ert, grape vine, berry plants,^ rueee. acre». Biaik 141, Page 434. 2V» acre*. B. Carstens returned home with heved of paying the 1935 tax. O th- ! day o f Jarruary 1885 Mrs W alker Hostess Book 141, Page 432. a ll deed records ornam entals, com plete line. C all at 1935. I.ast publication February 14, 1236 J C. M A Y Adminiatrat«»r of the Estate F irs t publication J an u ary Slat. 1935. of W ashington County, Oregon. Sub­ Keedville sal«v» yard. Mota lim e.* N u r ­ Mrs W. . G. . W . alker hostess them after a few weeks' visit a t the er counties are expected to ask for of John R. Htephens«»n. Deceased M li I»a*t publication F eb ru ary 28, 1936. . . — —, c was ___ ject to delinquent taxes unknown. series Rump, residence and addreaa, Hillslm ro, w c o N N K l. L . s h e riff o f W a»hin»- t o the Bridge club Thursday. High home of his daughter. Mrs. Louie I sim ilar relief if these are successful Bid« addreat and the rUrht "to rrj,ert"ta’ny ,on J. County. A lto rn e y for »aid b a ia le «9 52 ’ noted Oretton. R H O lN iU R N D R O N H . cam ellias, daphnes, ___ _____________' 5 62-2 score was won by Mrs. C. B. Hall. Winters. saaleaa. heather, and thousands of other Guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. C. _ __ . _ 1 and all such bida is hereby reserved. choice ornam en tal shrubs. K w lgin g N O T IC E O F H IIE K IF F 'M H A L E N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S S H E R IF F 'S S A L E B. Carstens were Mr. and Mrs. C lar- ... . _ " ronk I Thia sale w ill !>• made pursuant tu an p lanU , f r u it trevw. filberts. w alnuts, lly virtu e of M ortgage foreclosure ex- Notice ia hereby given that the un- No tice la hereby g iv e n ,'t h a t by virtu e ence Meek and son Vincent of 1 th F . i ’ay, J signalled. . •rder heretofore duly made and entered grapve. berries. Come to the nursery eeution issued l»y the C irc u it Court of | n the above entitled court and cause der»igne«i ha» been appointed Adm inis- of an ~ Execution. O rd ‘ er ai nd Decree of North .« u ,« ,. n zam o « Mr. ax < and & aaax a Mrs. uao a S. _> w Plains. C. | ^ ? ^ nantly “ ‘d the lad>' after the . and seiert your» Landscaping Htout’a I t * the seal *eal T n k j p v a n r i ™ ,,f .<>rr« n” J ,,r , O nly su fficient of the the above de^ O n trix o f the Estate o f E ffie Becker. Sale, issued out of and under under the Csmmv of Portland CFash Nursery. IIillsb«»r4». It ’ 4 ; S -m lle south­ of the ircu tne S s»tate „ j „ „ ¿ j I 5 c-z-.«, ‘A i t " r *' - rilm l y w ill b . »„Id r^ | , „ by order m a d . »nd . n . « e d ,,f ,h e C irc u it C o u rt oi of the U U . oi of o f« ™ ' "I iuiow It," sadly said the man. east <»th his mother. Mrs. C B — A djustm ent C v*». • «»<• Federal Land c i-- .ii-. W IN I grape plants and highest q uality an la. therein pending and to me directed, «idem'« a at t 1703 f m her „ re*ideuce „ v «g .« u .. « a in ia , tr a tn x . at , , ,_ Bank o f a Spokane, a 1'nriuir.tiiin corporation • ; cheater Cheater Hall, and and sister Sister Sheila. Sheila guarantee«! g ra fte d auckerleas filb ert I shall, on Saturday, the lAth day of . S IM M O N S ’ï r ' i î i “¿ ’ ■ y - , " H r W w ,; a n d In m .n -P .w lB « . I.««b« ------ ------------- » g> tree«, w alnuts, penchea, prunes, cherry, FebrWkry, 1936, at ten o'rlock in the «h . In ( h . Ç h e c w « lb» S ta le o f O r - , « George Wilcox of north of Banks »»ear. a»>ple. berries, roam am i ahruha. foren«M>n thereof, at the fro n t door of gon. K _ for S « t Wnnhington . r . n d ' M . r County. , . r « ’« « ( « , h b | t b T d í'e '« « L » * "U h were Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Tilton County Court H«u-e, J..lm Send fo r bargain liat today. " N u t the W*-«hingt«in •hn E. S e tter and M argaret S« and Mr. and Mrs Orval White, all Plantin g Guble " on re<»ueat. Phone, Hillsboro, Oregon, »ell at public auction I w ife. There»*» M am lrl and Frank M an - ' for cash, all rig ht, title am i interest had month» fro m ^ t ^ r ^ . J m . ' . n ' d of Monmouth. Mr. and.M rs. Ernest lei. her husband. M arth a H arvey and I l T .w ^loax w it h in . ( . w rite or visit us. C arlton Nursery Co.. FUNERAL DIRECTORS and p«M«eased by said defendants, on or I O rm e Harvey. her husband. Anna Ja_n uary ly s 6 - and »Ince the date of execution of p la in tif f ’s "nTerrit th»Xn *("“m George Cunningham and daughter. Steyaert and F ran k Steyaert, her hus­ I.y "'^ j."n u .iy l''i935' Orn“’"' m ortgage, in am i to the follow ing de­ LICENSED EMBALMERS band. M arie Bonn and Sylvv«ter Bonn, X». HAY AND m o H E L E N E F F IE B E C K E R , A d m inistra- ,be 22nd day o f Jan u ary. 1936. a t the All of Maupin. scribed real property : her husband. Ague« I.ud w ig and Adolph K A I.I.D a lfa lfa hay for aale. I I " ton Reg inning at a i»«>int on the South trix «f the E state U» o f 9»I E ffie De- - r* ‘ « 6 » , * r, , , < * *nt l ,»*r to The faculty play. “The Patsy. B I« I Becker. »V 8 I , 5 Ludwig, her husband. M argaret H a r ­ ceased. «72 H. T h ird Ave Ph«»ne 3271Y. 62 Thus. I I . Tongue J r .. A ttorney directed and delivered, commanding me will be given February 22 in tne boundary of the J. H W alker D. L . C. vey and Roy Harvey, her husband. No. 49. in Tow nship Tw o, South I f lA I.E I clover hay for sale fo r A d m ln l,lr « .r i,.___________________ 60-2 ',h*h. 'T ,« i'T u X n . '^ high school ftuditorium F ran k Se»ter and Alice fleater. his Range Three. We«t of the W illam e tte 62tf Stoller, Laurel. w ife. Joseph Sester am i L au re tta Ses- play M eridian, »aid point being located NO l it F TO C R B D IT O R 8 ihumbmi « «o MUd Bxention, Order »ml ter, hia w ife. P la in tiff» , FO R S A L E oat and oat-vetch hay party Friday eve- In lb » County Court o» o f t m h r . o S t tate o f O re- i | I ’ eeree of Sale, • I w ill .... on ---------- Monday, South 8 9 “ 67’ W e*t 19.97 chain» fro m v o u iu y x-ourc n i r «•! —... », the ---- tv. N A. curd < - » Frida vs. trade fo r work h«»r»e. D w ight Sellers. ; fo r the County of W ashington. I 1 l t k «lay o f M arch, 1936. at the East door l ll n g . Mrs. C. B Hall and OttlS the Southeast Corner of the J. I I . I gun. Helen G ra n t and How ard G ra n t, her m ile north Hillsboro, Rt. 3. botf W alker D. L. C., thence South 89* 67' _______ _____________ , -f the Court House in H illsboro, W ash- Johnson won first and Mrs. W. G. i r-««« u - « * «. w, - . , . . Probate D epartm ent. husband, Defem lants. LO O S E «erond cu ttin g a lfn lfn hay at my W a it 7.28 chain», thence N o rth 7* Notice is hereby given that the under- ’ ¡ngton County, O regon, nt the hour of Walker second orow better (hicks. Feed Im perial Chick Starter. Rich in Vita- To: Howard G ra n t, one of the above farm at Laurel. M. I ’ . C a d ,. 62-62 Id ' East 31.92 chains to the center X r t l E * .« u ,o ,T " f W;h » l E Ì “ . . 1T K : r t m " ..i° 'C^ n m u . ,'hé “ X ^ l * « f £ ..H e" 7 Atlee a Salenl visitor •»«»»-'«««* « .n ten l approved. Iodine Educational B u reau -N o better name«! d efend ants: of a sm all «-reek (course N W ) thence In -re’ the h Nam e of the m n State o f í Oregon, you .X y n .n m ^ V 'm ü ™ i , ' T ^ b ‘ ' " n l J in ” ¿ hand, " l " “ all o f the follow ing tie- South 47* 9' Eaat along the cf.e-l. A ll perno.,» r l . , .......................ashing,«»n « l e tn W at Antone Bchleaser, near R<«evinle nt therein filetl South 7* 66' W«*»t 5 chains, (hence i »»»ore «»«rticuiariy described a* fo i- uncle. John Friday, and with Mr. having claim s against said estai:« are ch ■ ' 'i- against you by p la in tiffs on or before South 16* 66* East 3 chains, thence hereby notified ,o present the Sac •• 9.<«gg 68. L. O. Edmlaton, nenr N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S ni«»«««nuuiH vwmmiMionera io maae p a rti- ........ . ?•— 4 . . , . , k -a t.t* A .M itbm accordance w ith »aid in- k. Al persons having cla m» again», »aid ‘ *•'•»«<« Addition. Ginbel aehool, R t. 6. Hillsboro. h 2lf In the County Court of the S tate o f Or*- E a late a re beret,y notified in present lleaverton. gon, for (he County of W ashington, .»rliw u to ry dvyrn* and f,,r a fin a l ,l»,r»» 26 R I It. laying pullet» fo r »ale. a ll,.Ilin r In . « « a l l y In p la in tif f. „ '„ I w ith proper v ,„.rh e r. w ith in ala E . N U i.i.t el «« I., K M H aw ser Probate Departm ent. Mr» W A (io«»lln. 2 mllaa west <»f .„ Id p re m ia « a . determ ined fro m th» «a te of thia notice to part Lot 2 Garden H o m » M iehu, Notice i» hereby given th at the under- defendant. H IIlaborn on highw ay. 6211 .lan 1 e d W a lle r 8. A d W ’ "h ia ’ h « n l y “• U' der"rie " " a n d " Ihe <»» F.aeentor »1 H lll.b .,m O regon, or nl Aogo^l M ie lu ,, Io E a rl A G O O D used electric Incubator. Im p erial pointed A d m in istra to r of the E state of ' r t ’ort of »aid eovnmisatoner» and fo r the ’ be office of R. A. Im lay, 1617 Yeon acre Set tion 31 T2S R1W . F re ilrik a h’eet I Co. 61 Garold W illiam s et ux to Telephone 643 and 642 Orferna Adams, deceased, by the (Tminty e"H*w • * ” ! disbursements of this .«•>» «.««. . ; - Holme». Lot I G arden Home. IN C U R A T O R S . one 252-egg oil. ona elec­ Court of the State of Oregon, for W ash- 'M,l*b «’»her and fu rth e r relief a» m ay be hated ’ bi» 31st day o f J an u ary. 1935 John E. Bailey e, ux to T h e Fores, tric. 629-egg. almost new. for sale or ington County, and has qualified. A ll equitable. C A R L O P E T E R S O N . Executor. R. A seres T lS trade fo r layin g hens. W illia m Doern. 50.2 Grove N a tio n al bank, 29.92 I’hl» summons is served upon you by Im la y . A tto rn ey fo r Executor. person» hnving claim» against »aid estate R lW . R t. 1 Bgaverton. 52 are hereby notified to present the »ante, Publteotbin^ in the Hillsboro Argus by . — Grace M. W illiam son to O. E M alloy. G E E S E M g s for «ale. 22e each. Robert duly verified, as by law required, to the rder of H onorable Donald T . Tem pleton, N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S L o t 2 Block D Lehm an Acre Tracts. Kauer. IU I. Ib>x 24, Hillsboro. 62p u n d o ig n e d at 7,4 P o rter Rblg., P o rt- County Judge of W ashington County. 1« ’ be County Court o f the State of Ora- — E ffie Agnes M cDonald to E ffie A. -w of o f Febru ary. 1935. »<»". f«»r W ashington County. the 1th day^ February, D A Y hid I .ng horn pullets or straig h t run land. Oregon, w ithin six months fro m | dated^ which order prescribes (hat you shall I ” ’ be M a tte r of the Estate of Robert P "rt A . W . H a r , D. L. t . 11. chick». Hughe-« stock, now hooking for the date hereof. R IW . Burch, deceased. Dated and firs, publish«, J an u ary 24. »»I’l'ear and answer the com plaint in this A p ril and M ay Also Reds. W hite Eh le W ashington county to Glen G iant». Rocks, fo r March. Catalog. V is­ 1935. Date of last publication Feltruary rause on or liefore the exp iration of 1 Notice is hereby given, th at the under- Lots in West P o rtland Heigh,». f Feb- i'luned has been duly appointed hy_ the four weeks fro m the IB h day itor» welcome Proven qunllty. low 21, 1936. Agnes T u rn e r to W . G. T u rn e r et ux. ASHER. A d m inistrator, '»»«ry. 1935. the date of the first publi- »Hove entitled Court, as E xecutrix of the price- W«* a l-< * do custom hatching. W A I.’ ER S. . ... ............ «•a, ..«T... 4. — — ..e I,"., 5 a. « Iii.l deceased, u.iil 1. w .tlltv Estate of . said and Iv ha» duly , Lota 5, 8. 14 Block 3 Myers Addition, ion « thereof. Hughe» A Son Hatch ery. East Oak and W alter S Asher, Attorney. Reedville. », H A R E . M. A L E A R A P E T E R S and F. qualified as such. Eleventh, Hillsboro. Phone 3162. 62tf Now therefore, all persons having , Sara J. Eaton e, v ir to W illia m Alex- I f a r m e r s o f W a 8 h in g to n E. S T U R iJE S . Attorneys for P la in tiffs . s || lit Ill'S SALK TEN-m onth» laying Australorps and It I Estate hereby ander e, ux ux. p ar, Hlnek Block 12 Ad- N ,,tic» I» litr.'l,» Kiven .b a t I,y virtue «»"i'tenl A tto rn e y . S lat,. ,.f ttre K.,n I'.mt il»ln,„ hirainat „al.l Hvtate are are hereby antler et part I" Simmons Blmmona An- Red». U B I. Baucom, Aloha. Phone ....... . ” ii? 4 - lleavert««n 4162. 62p ' h 1 Z‘ A‘te~* He7 “:e„ sw% w B illiards Moore and « F r» r a IlK n k r F a a i r T m l l l y v i-IOVC FREE to Reedville Home Billiard Lessons will be given on our tables from 2 to 4 p. m., beginning t o d a y (T hursday). Join your friends in this m odern billiard parlor a few times a week! It’s the cheapest good fun you know. SUNDAY BOWLING Starting on our alleys next Sunday, beginning at 12 noon. f CLEM’S PLACE I HO. We buy and sell iwed cars. — Used Cur Exchange. 48tf Auto Service 1 Hecond Hu Fereon, ae« We offer you com plete and friendly service f o r K pays to deal ; . here the littV t h i n g s are J ° ne w ithout your having to Legal Notices Busch’s Service Garage P hone 501 Akiz M ain St. Donelson & Sewell I’hone 953 : Hillsboro 8. K. C h ic k S ta rte r M ash o r P ellets FREE! good 7 * -2! ,, F R E E !! F R E E !!! Starter C Grow Better IMPERIAL FEED Si GRAIN CO. »., Kea| [.state 1 r,lnstcrs ' »>"> saw DR. R. J. NICOL DR. E. W . A LM Q U IST V eterin arian s For SALESBOOKS and BUSINESS FORMS D U D L E Y 'S Leghorn chicks, the best you can buy Big bodied birds laying large w hile eggs A ll produced on our own farm Male» fro m high pedigreed ilams of fin«« generation breeiiing. II. W . I>. (e«le«l Phe bulk of our orders fro m old customers Baby chicks, 619.69 per 129; 610 in 602 lots; sexed chicks If de- slred Paul Dudley. III. 1, Beaverton. Ph ine lleaverton (»818. 60tf ■’“ i r i h : « nZ M 5 ..9 -------------- I n J e . ‘Z i « ï X r ' ‘ I n ^ . h l * ' f , £ of N ational Bank hiiildim r. (n HUIaboro. O r»- „on »1» . . month» _____ . w .. l ith . t . in !.. ..... |U . Z fro w ..« m . I k the a J data a la S .m n .1 N .. Lord e. to. t a w W a lk « . p sr, Lot 195 Reaver, on-Reed ville. M arie Itel to John Richards, part l.o t a X : t ny'Am’,y ^ ' ‘’w i b l ’’" ^ ^ « . “ ' ^ « ^ , , hT . ’t,i i th.» .9 ,h .lay t e r n a r y in..,'. 36 T u a la tin («arden». M. N. Bonham to L. M M ille r, ’ »-acre T w ih l defendant^, for I t a aum o} '»■« ( « » S l a t . 2 U ) . and M ay 17, 1B28 E L L A G u l« . E x een.rlx of the Katate T2»S R IW . «19.tin 0.,'ala „ .„ I dl.h'nraatnenta. w ith In- ! < • * » « » • - I ,uhlle No. 417) » n d p .t r - of »aid l>ere»»etI K. ,1. M cA lear. A llo r - Dee Hhadden e, ai to H illa Shadden, tereat Itwreon at the ra le of (1 per I *<> departm ental reiiulationa, C lr-1 hey for I'.xeeutrl». 62-« 121 acre» T l am i 2 .S M W . (¡K N E I1 A I, I.A N Ì1 of*’ The 1 itn h .n ’f ('>ntr"»iV' L i f e 5 I n " ..™ .'« ' •"»' ' » l> . " . ( . ' " ' Jtlm .ary • O IT IC I'. ' _ l . ' m ....... i . " . W „ . h it in - N . o t" < e " ? u Call the J H llsb on íllíA rgu * NOTICE TO FARMERS And All Users of Drain Tile Hillsboro yard prices reduced on all sizes— up to and including 8-inch. We will always m eet competition and continue to furnish a product second to none in the Northwest. In addition we will continue our service by assisting with layouts to those needing and asking for same. Thia service is free— And has saved hundreds of dollars to coun’y SCHOLLS TILE CO. YARD W ashington Street betw een Ist and 2nd Hillsboro PLANT AT SCHOLLS, OREGON O ur Motto— “Friendly Service . . . Fair Pricea”