THE P age Six Laurel Union Plans Social W . Reeae in C h a rg e ; H IL L S B O R O By M u n c h MAC V/XU. C'N VUH BUST THAT ? she ' s the tenth one to turn ME DOWN — PEOPLE CERTAVNLT EXPECT A EOT EOtT NOTHING N O W A D A Y S -------I'LE HAVE TO R oad on M o u n ta in W id e n e d (By Mr*. F. L. Brown! LAUREL- Walter Reese »ill have charge of the program of Farmers' Union social meeting February 23. About one hundred members a t­ tended the business meeting Thurs­ day. Several visitors from the Gas­ ton local were present. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Whittle were Sunday guests of their daughter. Mrs H. M. Whlsnand, and family of Midway. Widen Road The road near the Yamhill coun­ ty line, leading to the state park on Bald Peak, is bemg widened and the brush cut by a crew of men supervised by F. L. Brown, fore­ man of the local road district. Mrs. W. L. Stevens was a guest at a birthday pari y Tuesday tor her sister-m-law. Mrs. Max Behi- lng. of Portland. Harold Haase has been confined to the house lor a week under the doctor's care for nerve trouole af­ fecting hi« back and legs. Mr. and Mrs. R2’" r h Whitmore and two daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Whitmore and daughter Josephine and Arland Whitmore were Sunday guests of their sister. Mrs. Marion Boge of Portland. Gordon and Perry Meyers of Hillsboro have been digging some walnut trees for their brother. Rol­ lin Meyers, who sold them to par­ ties at Hazeldale. Silverton and Scoggins' valley. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Haase and Harold Haase were guests at a party Sunday celebrating Fred Haase's birthday anniversary at his home at Firdale. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Coy of Hills­ boro were Tuesday evening visitors at the L. A. Whittle home. Sunday guests at the Adolf Rutschman home were Mr. and Mrs Jacob Schmidt. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Bechen and two children of West Union and Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Vail of Port­ land visited at the F. L. Brown home Sunday. Calvin Jack. Mrs. Mettie Cahow and Clyde Lundv of Portland vis­ ited the J. W. Mulloy home Sun­ day Mr and Mrs. Henry Reese a t­ tended the funeral services of her aunt. Mrs. Augusta Eisenhart. in Portland Thursday. Burial was in the Blooming cemetery. Play Scheduled March 1 has been set as the date for the Broadcasters class of the Sunday school to give the play. "Here Comes Charlie.” Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Felton and son Ray visited friends in Port- and Sunday. Charlie Schmidt of Westimber CCC camp spent from Friday until Sundav with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schmidt. A truck load of hogs, marketed recently by E. C. Mulloy. at the age of five months and twenty- days averaged 190 pounds. Mr. and Mrs. Cally Whitmore were Saturday and Sunday guests of her cousin. Carl Launer. and family of Dayton Arland and Josephine Whitmore attended a party at the Leslie Lee home at Cherry Grove Friday eve­ ning. Browns Entertain Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Brown en­ tertained with a dinner at their home Saturday night for Mr. and Mrs J. W. Mulloy. Mr. and Mrs. B O McNay. Mr. and Mrs W. L. Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brown. Thelma Mulloy. Irene Stevens. Gil­ man Wight and Harold Hathom and Lloyd Ellingwood of Hillsboro. McNays Hosts Mr. and Mrs. B G. McNay enter­ tained with cards Thursday eve­ ning. guests being Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Stevens, Mr and Mrs. Leon Dav­ is and Mr. and Mrs John Speiring. The Valentine motif was carried out during the evening. Sunday guests at the A. A. Soule home were Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Putnam and three daughters of Hillsboro and State Evangelist Ted­ dy Leavitt and Mrs. R. E. McNeil of Portland. While working at wiring his house Saturday Adolf Schmidt came in contact with a needle on the wall. It penetrated the fleshy part of his hand and broke off. Dr. Robb removed the piece and the wound is healing satisfactorily. Mrs. Lee Brown spent Thursday with her sister. Mrs. J. W. Twigg. of Scholls, helping care for the Twigg children who were ill with Influenza. Frank Meibus spent Friday at the bedside of the brother in Portland, who died that night. Mrs. J. W. Mulloy and daughter Thelma visited at the W. N. H a­ thom home in Hillsboro Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Roy Heineck of Portland was a Saturday and Sunday guest of her daughter. Mrs. Ade Rutsch­ man. and family. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Heineck and son Earl of Hillsboro were Sunday guests at the Rutsch­ man home They visited Rollin Meyers In the afternoon. Mr Mey­ ers is still unable to be about on account of neuritis. Brotherhood meeting will be held at the Raleigh Whitmore home Tuesday evening. A great deal of grain and clover Kinton Man Has Good Ad Results Birthday Party Held at Firdale seeding was done and some garden peas planted in this vicinity during the past two weeks of good weather Local Debaters Vie This Week Hilhi affirmative debate team will meet the West Linn debaters here at 1 45 p. m. Friday while t h e negative team goes to Gresham to­ day tThursday' Both local squads were defeated last week the a f­ firmative losing to Amity and the negative to Newberg. Affirmative debaters are Thomas Bronleewe. first speaker. Gordon Bailey, sec­ ond speaker, and Howard Miller and Edon Watt, alternates Nega­ tive team consists of Anna Schwanke. first speaker, and Rena Hertel. sec­ ond speaker Various phases of the s o c i a l status of India were discussed at the high school this week by Dr. Odgers, professor of education at Pacific university. Senator Phelps entertained the Senate club this week. Senator Barr was appointed chairman of the pin committee and Senator Peerenboom of the dance committee. Following the business meeting, two-minute extempore speeches were given. Open meeting was held by the Girl Reserves Monday afternoon. Significance of the organization was explained for visitors. M erchandlse News — Appea rin g regularly in the weekly advertising of scores of local business houses. A real aid in homemaking a n d good living. Scores of small ads that bring buyer and seller to­ gether.—Regular in the Argus. tf Subscribe for the Argus. Senator Long Seen as Political Factor Aloha Grange Plans "N ight” (C »ntlnu»,i from patio one) a r e G e n u in e F o rd P a r t s ! F or they are made by the fame men who make Ford ears . . . out of the same materials and on the same machines as the original parts were made. There's only one gtandard of Ford precision limits. That's why our Genuine Ford Parts always fit— that's why our repair jobs stay right over the longest period of time. Genuine Ford Parts are low in cost too. We are here to take care of your needs. ^ authorized sale * aho service PHYSICIAN and SURGEON EVE’S BEAUTY SHOP A. O. PITMAN, M. D. General Beauty Work PHYSICIAN end SURGEON X -R a, end Ph,alo-Th«rep, Permanent, end ell kind, of beauty work. Telephone 1881X Baltony Hillnboro Pharmacy Commercial National Bank Bid* Teiephonea Office 2231 Residence 721Z Sanitary Beauty Shop DR. D. E. WILEY, M. D. All Kind« of Beaety Work Physician and Surgeon PERMANENTS Wells Building a specialty Telephone 1471 W EILS APARTMENTS Mabel 8c hen del Office 2832 TELEPHONES Residence 2231 DENTISTS GARBAGE COLLECTION DR. RALPH DRESSER Garbage Collection Dentist AND CANS Commercial Building Telephone 144 Evening,. Sunde, h , A ppolntmeat D. P. Credit Bureaus LU M B E R McCormick-Deering W -3 0 T H E new M c C o rm ic k -D e e rin g * -30 T ra c to r a la n d . head an d sh ou lder« above a n y o th e r tr a c to r o f it» ty p e . I t ia d iffe re n t in t h a t i t I»«« new tyi»ea o f aeala w h ic h keep w a te r , m u d . d u s t, a n ti o th e r abrasive m a te ria l« fro m g e t­ tin g in to th e o p e ra tin g p u rl» . I t ha« n b a ll-h e a rin g tra n « - m la a io n . S te e rin g ia m ad e u m u u a lly easy th ro u g h th e U .e o f r o lle r h earin g » a t th e b o tto m o f each « te e rin g - k n u e k le p iv o t p in an d on th e s te e rin g » h a ft ju s t above th e w o rm gear. I n a ll, th e re are 34 h a ll a n d ro lle r b e a rin g , in th e M -30. T h e e n g in e fe a tu re s rep laceab le c y lin d e r« , liar«l c x - h a u a t-v a lv e »eat in s e rt« , a n d provide« a b u n d a n t p o w e r to p u ll th re e p lo w b o tto m « u n d e r average c o n d itio n « . T h e « e a re ju s t a fe w o f th e o u ts ta n d in g fe a tu re « th a t m a k e th e W -3 0 th e beat b u y on th e m a r k e t. S to p in a n d •e e th is tr a c to r o r a»k ua to d e m o n s tra te it . HILLSBORO FEED CO M c C o rm ic k -D e e rin g F a rm P hone 271 “I Never Read the Advertisements You know this person. He thinks he is telling the truth. But quiz him and he will recite the make of his motor­ car, his hat, his shirt, his suit, his shoes, his tooth paste, his towels, adinfinitum . . . with accent on the “ad.” In other words, they are all advertised products. Why, he could no more escape the presence and the power of the printed word than he could evade eating or sleeping. The advertisements are a definite part of contemporary American life. Their messages are vital to daily existence. They have a definite associa­ tion with the pocketbook, than which there is nothing more intimate and personal. The important thing is not merely to “read the ad­ vertisements,” but to read ALL of them. The one ad- vestisement you “didn’t see” may contain information you would have given a great deal to possess. Cer­ tainly, it is as important to you to know that Smiths are having a sale of sheets or shirts, as to read that Congress will hold a special session! CORRIERI Telephone 2325 GEORGE T. McGRATH BUT TOUR Waahtnften C een t, AraaeSee RUBBER STAMPS from HILLSBORO ARGUS Halidin. Fer Information about III FIRDALE—Mr and Mrs. C. F Robinson gave a party Sundav In honor of their daughter Marjorie's birthday. Ttie afternoon was spent in playing games and pulling taffy Present were Lilia a n d Lucille Reddlg. A n n i e Broslier. Evelyn Hlem. Hazel Carter. Lillian, Alice Mae and Josephine Lorence. Emma i Incorporated) and Lou Robinson, and the honor guest. Collections — Credit Reports Mr and Mrs. D. H Pearson en-1 In tertained the Firdale ' 500" club Saturday night Herman Koche Waslungton. Tillamook, polk and had high score, and Mrs. Waibel. Yamhill Counties low. Stanley Gibson visited at the W ' Personal Contact on Collections L Reddlg and Joseph Iiobcr homes Sunday. He has Just returned liom ' W ashington County O ffice a trip to China and the Philippine C o m m e rc ia l B u ild in g islands. “Friend, Guide, Counselor” RUBBER STAMPS INSURANCE Phone 2211 ‘ P. T. A Sponsors Party Aloha-Huber P T A. is sponsor­ ing a card party In the Huber hall Saturday at 8 p. m Everybody welcome Hazeldale Community club pre­ sented their play. "The Man from Nowhere," to a large audience in the Aloha Grange hall Saturday evening. Dancing was enjoyed alter the play Word has been received from Mrs which was not a creation of the brain trust*. Jesse Jones is a life­ long democrat He Is a man of a f­ fairs. being perhaps the largest real estate taxpayer in Houston. He is honest, modest, kindly, and yet very shrewd. He would make a great president. Today he should be the secretary of the treasury. So with John Gam er and Jesse Jones and others whom I might mention. Texas may again rule America. Watch Marriner Eccles As I speed across these wonder­ ful plains and head toward Utah. I think of the new chief of the Second and Mam Streets federal reserve system. Marruier Phone 3071 NEA Features—Comic strip car­ Eccles. Here is a man worth watch­ toons, world news pictures, fashions Hillsboro. Oregon ing. He is looked upon by bankers etc.—Available m the Argus. tf as a radical, but he is a true friend of progressive conservatives. Ht does not believe In a central bank, but he does believe in one federa, reserve system instead of twelve and in close co-operation of the federal reserve with the federai treasury He believes that present unemployment is due to the lack FOR SALE C H E A P of credit and 'check money,” ye he does not favor printing pre. currency. Located at old Sherman Mill, Mountaindale Eccles believes in the lavish use of government credx; but he be­ All or any part of 350,000 feet lieves in getting these funds to consumers hands rather than hav­ Rough and surfaced lumber—all sizes anti lengths ing the government get into busi­ ness Eccles is a good friend of ev­ ery progressive employer and cor­ C A L L A T w a t e r 664 1 P O R T L A N D poration—and this includes honest­ ly operated utilities If Eccles has ly supplying funds to Huey Long Fa’he; Coughlin, and Dr. Town­ send at this time. Wall street would be building up a real hedge It the radicals should be elected, they would be on the inside; while L the radicals run but are not elect­ ed, there would be a republican victory—at least this is the way they figure. Texas May Yet Rule America Texas is not only the greatest state in area, but it is fast becom­ ing the seat of political power. Wt must not forget that John Garnet is still vice-president. During th t past two years. John has been largely an ornament. Conditions— however—are rapidly changing. Tht defeat of the world court and othei recent events in Washington art now causing the White House to send oftener for John Garner. If anything should happen to Presi­ dent Roosevelt — an ever present possibility—then John Gamer would be president. In this case the brain trust and about ninety per cent of the New Deal would go out the window’ "like a bunch of turnips.’ Thev sav that John might enlarge the pipe line connecting the treas­ ury at Washington with Texas; but that he would rip up the pipe lines to all other states. Right now another Texan—Jesse Sai Jones of this city—is perhaps the most trusted man in Washington. ■ The Reconstruction Finance cor­ poration—which is Jesse Jones—is the one member of the New Deal alphabet (R F C which everyone re­ spects. i This, by the way. is the ■ only one of the New Deal outfits F O R D PARTS Shot» Beek -■ Joe Hush, who Is spending the win ( the recent storm II was twenty dc ter with relatives and friends In ; grees I m ’I ow aero and everything Iowa. South Dakota. Minnesota was covered with Ice. Tlie cargo and Nebraska, that slie lias been ell- I was ruined. After repairs were Joying real whiter weather, part of I made they were again on their way tlie tune around thirty degrees be­ and will be back on the west coast low aero, and snow one and a soon. half feet deep She experts to re­ Mrs W H Beattie, who hus been Many more plga could have turn home early in March confined to her home the past week been sold off an adveillse- C o m m itte e s A rra n g in g fo r Frank Gaunt made a business with the flu. Is much Improved ment run in the Argus by S. H Pomeroy of Kinton if lie trip to Oakland Cal . In tlie Interest Mr Bruckner, wlio has been III E n te rta in in g H ills b o ro had had a larger supply A of tlie Jannsen Well Drilling Co for several mouths and recently small classified ad in the Genevieve Smith of Hillsboro and hud Ills fia g amputated ut the great market place of Wash­ Rosalie Reed of Huber were guests ankle, has Improved sufficiently (By Mia. II. C. Nlvartl) ington county t h e Argus Jeanne Stvnrd last week to la’ taken to tlie home of his ALOHA— Aloha Grange m e I of Mrs 1, E. Klalt received u letter daughter, where he will remain un­ classified page -brought im­ Thursday evening. The lecture hour from her mediate results. He sold his Walter, who Is a til completely recovered. was spent playing games under the member of son the rrew of the Edward pigs the day the paper came leadership of the lecturer. Al Kem- out and hud many calls after Lurkenbrek. telling of Ids thrilling nier. The different committees are Argus classified arts get results. they were sold. Kcudtng and busy planning and nrenarlng for tlie experiences on tlie cast coast during use o( the advertisements in dinner to be given Thursday eve- < the Argus is a thrifty move nlng. February 21. for the Hillsboro on the imrt of many people chamber of commerce. The dinner and It pays for their sub­ will be followed by a program and scription many times over ev­ dance. ery year. Charles Diehl and family have rented the AlgCslieliner house on Wheeler avenue. his way. holding companies and Through the efforts of the par­ other Wall street schemes will be ents the teachers the children curbed, but this administration will of the and grades are served daily build no more Tennessee valley au­ with a lower free hot dish. The cook has thorities. Wish there were more been supplied through the SERA. like him at Washington. Plans are to continue until spring Well It Is good to hear that busi­ Ruth Bronte of Beaverton, who ness Is better. The Babsonchart formerly resided here, spent the shows an increase of 14 per cent Pin Ills Benjamin. over last year and Is now only 18 week-end visiting Move» per cent below normal Everybody' Howard Family Ewer and family moved hen’ seems to feel encouraged. 1 from I heir residence at the corner will soon be In beautiful Southern i«t wheeler avenue and Blanton California, but do not forget tills street to the house on Washington is a great country out here. Al- 1 avenue, recently vacated by the though Wallace lias plowed under family. much cotton, the political crops are Tollefson Dick Benjamin Is confined to tils bigger than ever! home with Illness . +“ Copyright 1W5 Publisher«' Financial Bureau INSURANCE SERVII® TH E DELTA DRUG STORE Thursday, February I I, 1935 OREGON f BEAUTY SHOPS In prescription work every single detail is important. And atten­ tion to these details de­ termines t h e quality and effectiveness of the prescription. Proof that we believe in the little things that go i n t o prescription filling is shown in the perfection of the work we do and in the high regard in which we are held by the medical profession. H IL L S B O R O , The Outstanding 3 -Plow Tractor HILLSBORO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Little Things Can Be So Important! ARGUS, RII laboro • r Ita AdvertlBere rail The Arra* — 8101 The Advertising in the H illsboro Argus M a c h in e ry 1 0 0 4 M a in St.