THE Thtirmlay, February H , 1936 of Girl R eserves P lan Anniversary Couple Honored M id-W inter Session Here on Monday H IL L S B O R O AR G U S, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON S ix tie th A n n iv e rs a ry O b serv e d Page Five Coffee Club to Sponsor Tea on ' “ ' February 22nd ___ L ist o f J u v e n ile L o o k s A n n o u n c ed H ats cleaned and blocked, atioes shined. W. Q. Stampolts, 1133 Main Street. „ u Listing of Juvenile books p u r - 1 Kam bling Mountaineers chased by the Hillsboro brary during 19:H inelutfes Re- , ri a,nCp. LaurP* ball Saturday member and Forget," A d a m s nlf!ht- February 18 Old time and Chaffee; L "Right G uard « "Wandy," ra n t." .Barbour; lttl? House In » motiern cents. Admission 15 cents and tf G reen’ Valley." H unt "Stockv of Lone Tree R a n ™ " Snow "io d d Artisans' Card Party Hale on the Nine," "Skate Glen-1 At Forest Orove I. o . O. F. hall. aäocÄ . W h is k r^ i. s i i ‘T n n ä d'FoC »• r«. mkwwuoh , -nmé.s uarmPbe^ l T : ° A d ^ o n X . "M° '' . , , . ♦ Sixtieth wi ib , ., i ,ary of “ . , I . . ... _ _ Mr. und Mm F. T. Splcker, resl- the Hillsboro Coffee club will spon- O lr l ltr.ii rvr» 111 Oregon uiid Where .•■hr will hear Minx Alice Sow- drtitz of Hillsboro for 22 years, wax sor on February 22 In the cham - outlieru W ashington arc holding ••!». who being sent out froni observed here Monday *I7ie couple b?r. ? f commerce rooms were made a n n u a l m id-w inter conference a t!* 1»* national office by our founders were married February 11, 1875, at Foreat drove Friday, Baturday and day gifts of last year. Colesburg, Iowa. Sunday 1 Mm. Carl Sunde of Forest drove. The Hplcker- came to Oregon 30 laowmeni ^ ...2 •> runa. , . ,- r ¿ ^ J * “ ttee HpccelU’N ami dlseiuudons w i l l county membership chairm an, an- , years ago, coming to Portland from center around the conference theme nounced th a t the prize she Is g lv-| the middle west In 1005 und then th e , £ a ^ c a of ’WhiUfoot. the W of "New Frontiers" In high school . lug to the association having tie moving to Hillsboro In 1013. P re­ th . fl.v" o'clock In the Women's clubs o f Washington Wagon." C arr; Heart of the Sky- Allen Aduers, professor of psychology a.-va,elation In April An Interesting ‘‘“ T 1*?0'? Mrs M• H• Stevenson county voted to put on Christm as loo,'* Sperlin; "Bob F lam e/’ Yeager- a t Pacific university; <1 H Olx't program Lx being plunned. ixrured. Among the children present parties for de.*jerving children this "Juan and Juanita," Baylor- "Lon- leuffer, Oregon director of Boy, M M . c o u n t y .. '* Mrs vprn A. Splcker of comlng winter as the Hillsboro donderry H eir" Newton- ’ “fitnnp Scouts, and Mm. K atherine ll ,le“ ^ ¿ „ ¿ o r t of h e ^ Waj,h - Mr" Elsie Kuratll. Coffee club did last Christmas. It Knife Boy." Maíkus; "Windy L slan d ' Pjpor, dean of girls at Milwaukie fah iaile work“ In the S u n ty mul “ r* “ *“ > Wll- was reported a t the meeting This H arper; "College on Horseback " was one of a number of reports Hall; "Peter. K atrlnka's B ro th e r" ' in leadership training “^ n t," ^ V d'dnU1?‘ ' p*l*'“«lb“ “ y «" - ™ land' “nd Mr* Alma .. d .. " “Jy on the o u n tv convention. c o n v e n tio n Under if n d . r "K ••Lr-»-,n i x , ___ on ttie c county atrlnka Grows U H a — s !e.t: k lll Williams of Tillamook Many friends; ill he lv - »,r< plans outlined at the county-wide "Timber Trail " Chatmian "Jane und * program planning w will be u glv called and Mr and Mrs Splcker i | meeting, each club would care for Hope." Grey; "F arm c?^oy'.” w ild ­ ng. ___ ___________ en by 7«------------J *T - leaders J — • who ... .ourteen adult received many lovely gifts. the children In Its own district. are In touch with up-to-date Girl |{ i'i( |ir < > N l i m P f i t f ) er; "When S arah Saved the Day." A dinner party was given the Mr. and Mrs. F. T. S phkrr A quilt which Is being made by Slngm aster; "Silver Shell." Chase; Reserve club work Delegates will * ’ • , U F>'- - I V c l I I l U l LG honored couple In the evening a t ; the American home departm ent was “Spunky." Hader; and "Exploring hold meetings In the adm lnlstra- l l n n < u . p i n r i n o r the Methodist church by members j shown a t the meeting. Materials with Beebe." "One Hundred Best tlon building, m rals will be served I I O l l O I I l O ll C C l ___ _ of circle two of the Ladles' Aid ' for the quilt were donated by Mrs. Poems," and "Wild Animals As 1 Ill the Congregallouul church hall n ttVld Hill chapter. D. A I t . met Present were Mr and Mrs J. F B p /M c C. E. Wells. The quilt, which Is half Know Them." List purchased In and they will be housed In Forest w)((, Mrs B j. J>llp Monday uft- Hplcker and son John of Portland. D U I V l I l i n . U V l l G d y . . . e-.. w. completed, will be exhibited a t the 1935 will be published next week. Grove homes. rrnoon. Kev. and Mrs. V. A. »picker of T a - ' I 111 I I t i h f t W n P t ' P quilt-show and tea which the Worn- A gel-acquainted fireside party Mrs. Lester Mooberry reported coma, Wash., Mrs. Elsie Kuratli, j V U ttl a n s Relief Corps will hold In the will be held Friday night at th e gtate highway commission Mr and Mrs. Preston Williams of r - - j , . . r-j ■ < Veterans' hall Friday. Proceeds G ro u p s H o ld home of Elisabeth Bchermernom. ¡lutj K| Ven the eluinter permission Tillamook, Mr. and Mrs W H Witt the covering will where the girls will ulso hear in- dedicate the bridge across the nnd daughter Wilma and Mr und ■- i>o to American home departm ent. S o cial M e etin g s I,’resting travel talks. A swim In T ualatin at Farm ington as the Mrs. Harold Nelson of Portland, all -------- Mrs. A. W. Havens, departm ent the university pool will be enjoyed Hurrls b r i d g e , com m em orating members of the family; and about chairm an, . explained. Edwin ____________ Milton Belles, . ______ psychologist. . . . . . . Quilts, new and old, . . applique, . . . _ Members of the W olf Cub pack Saturday afternoon, and a banquet |. |, |||P Harris, wlio ran the first 15 friends Five dollars waa voted to the Junior scouting organization, met and a dance In the evening ferrv across the river a t th a t place Program opened with a wedding of Portland will be the sneaker F r l - ; crazy and pieced, finished and un- Impressive events on the program judicatory program will tuke place march played by Mrs. Fred Sewell, day night at the meeting of the : finished will be shown Friday af- scholarship loan fund by the club at Pilgrim House Monday afternoon Members of the club are planning and went In a body to the home will II be the opening ceremonial In ,„M,n at a Joint meeting of Farm - followed by the Wesleyan gr grace and Business and Professional Women’s ternoon a t the W. R. C. quilt charge of the Beaverton club Frl- ¡„gion community and Duvld illll a prayer by Rev. Charles Reed. Miss club a t the chamber of commerce, show, which will be held a t the to get up Individual theater parties of Jimmy Ede for a social meeting day evening chapter Doris Webber sang "I __ ---------- and live Inspiring v..aptei Love You Mr Belles has been trained on scl- J Veterans’ hall, beginning a t two for the dram atics departm ent m eet- there. Jimmy has been sick for a rioting ceremonial Sunday "»orn- w H Manley, chairm an ol T ru ly .' und "Silver T hreads Among entitle psychology in three of Amer-I o’clock Oullts made 50 to 75 years lng March 8 tn the Venetian th e- number of weeks, but had recovered lug In church, preaentrd bv 'h r |)()m rm ukrrs' committee, reported the Gold;" Charles Reed Jr. gave a lea’s leading universities and has i ago will be a p art of the display, ater. Use of the theater for the aft- sufficiently to enjoy the meeting Hillsboro d u b O ther Girl Rrservr „„ t |M, progress of 4-H work, bi trum pet solo, "W hen You and I been giving lectures on personality j A patriotic program will be held in ernoon has been donated by M an- and the refreshm ents which fol- with the show, com- ager Orange Phelps. Mrs. H H lowed. Members of the group pre- cluljs which will have active parts conjunction with the P T. A. and Were Young. Maggie;" Rev. and development and other Interesting conjunction the birthdays of Lin- S tannard has charge of arrange- sented him with a book. In the program are Camas, I/m g- suggested th at Duvld Hill chapter Mrs Reed, a vocal duet, "I Am subjerts over radio station KEX of | memorating m ents for the affair. Rose and Bluebell Guilds held a view. Portland. Newberg. S e a s i d e , ^ . liwurds uj merit. Mrs John Happy In Him;" Mother Splcker Portland and others throughout the coin and W ashington. Next meeting of the American!- Valentine party Tuesday afternoon mid Forest Grove Clialrnieh "f the y Richardson of Portland, past and Mrs. Minerva Brown of Port- United States zatlon departm ent will be a t 2:30 at the home of Mrs. Fritz Aben- Musical numbers will also be glv- D n i l t r h t v « O h d n r v n committees are R uth Dyke Forest „tat,, regent and guest, stated th a t land, u vocal duet, after which Mrs. i. according to the program com- i l - 'G U K 'l i y S U U S v I V c p. m., M arch 6. In the home o‘ droth. their adviser. Junior Guild Grove. hostess; Vivian Willing. ,h e will give the D. A R medal Splcker gave a talk. Mrs. Fred Sewell. Study of the 8 met yesterday afternoon, but mittee, Mesdames Louise Riggs, t A n n i v n v o o v u Portland, program, and Mildred for wnrk of merit. Members of the dinner committee Maud Boscow. Portia Laver. Mar- 4 M i l A n n i V e F S H r y Constitution will be taken up there will be no Monarch meeting Twohy, Beaverton, ceremonial Mrs. C. E Wells, regent will have Mesdames Tilomas Connell, a n d M rs O eorae D o u v h tv . A- H Blasslr.g, literature this week. I ,h“ r aa.h Sodding chairm an, reported th at she Is . G ammas enjoyed a skating ' - ' ‘X n T Ä Z irtbuted to ù,e tZ Ü . r^ u e s tlñ ¿ Gillette. charge of the scholarship loan fund on ‘ F o u r v e n e r a t io n s to r t h e A Prt> meeting. buffet supper. Omegans. on Mon- " rÄ tU - M arlorlé Montgomery *»>- «»«avance of American Creed coinmlttee, Mrs Marie Hoffman " p ^ V e n r e s e n te r i th e b ea t a n d Among those attending the meet- day evening, attended the final Mrs. Ella Schulmerlch, Tula Sam - host, - J th eir ' n e n h e w a n d w ile ln,f were “ number of guests from meeting evangelistic xecretary; Ann Munkrea. treasurer; R evival S e rv ice s h Scholls n-hnll« Woman's - ,i.,h ram naian of at .r the t the s - Leavitt . V.__ sel. Gloria Coulter and 1 Oladys — Els- n ? o ,r s r o s . ineir n< pnew ^ ana ¡ . “htv » lie a , i , thp club. campaign Christian church, ner. f c i n e r Mountain grand-nephew Mrs. H. L. Hoeffel sang two solos. Vikings meet tonight (Thursday I. E nd H e re M o n d a y Reports Will be given on the dis- , ™ ?p ,L , , " v S a n d M rs Tamtiel accompanied by Mrs. Fred Sewell. Christian Council will meet Mon- conference at Gresham, and Doughty h t“ , Cooper ,a Mountain, and „ J Mi&s evening, because of highschool lorle Duxtwrrv Helen w ic k . W im er . r , fin d im y antlm «* fn rn itur.* t ^ n r is l’» n enuren revival services trtet n,~nn Irene Engeldlnger played two day ni«n. win *** ha. d isz ’ uks . ph XJ.' fnr . V th u. o ! great-grandniece u?niy of UI. iviouniain. basketball Tuesday evening. Hour and Frances Helds Ml*» { J/1 ’ ‘" J iw 525 ?iii!Xihe tl» nie.»-.,i«e from Tnddv observance of National Business , ,, , »«_ r v tn o h tv urt» _ Mrs. E lsie M ay" Cimino Is In charge of m— age from Evangellat Teddy , ^ ln. T is'lle. ~Mr and Mr». Doughty are r " J * th e closing ceremonial and Miss n i vid Hdi ch a n te d unmi Leavlu- ®«><1 a reception for o v er, 'y ° " wn s Wcek March 17 10 23> ln' still living on the ten-acre block d a pla>let enUtled Good Time Dance ; w r Z K '5 s s v : 4 i '. : S r ™ ' ® s " s ! " “ " ' --------------------------------------------- -------------- -------- ............. ........... where they built in 1889. On the A“' ‘ " h L .?™ *' G range hall every Saturday ! day of their wedding the w eather IX . -J Georgia Hess orchestra. Ad was extremely cold and two weeks i ' J i i . mlssion 25 cents, 50t 50tf program planning. „ » ¿ I S U ' W i c*i £..£ ¡¡¡P ic tu re s G iven good sleighing was enjoyed. J H- G arrett and Mrs. Fred Holz- nagel. a .id M rs n F P leMa?tein il.’WMrLs thls countv- He K g h u his next | J j ( r T, P o f i n t r CARD OF THANKS W e w ish to ex p re u our appreciation W e lu 'w iJ ’ i.l«. Mm'Jd d X v a l.^ lo rPvlvnl at Beaverton C h r i s t i a n M l K i l I X a l i n X for the .rm p a th v extended tie in the ihe ConilnenU I Oongrew at W ash- cln irrh Friday evening. A delega- Hillsboro C hristian Council Leg- Kenneth Birrsdorf Honored- death o f our and father. N. C J. W. E n o ch s H a s ! •^ .°, r»n r l' ... xnioT ttt WMI tlon from the local church plans Ion of Decency announced thi the fo l-1 Mrs. K enneth Biersdorl of near Nielaon.— Mr». Nieleon and fam ily. S2p ington. D. C.. in A pril. to attend the opening service. lowing legion ratings on pictures to Sclielflln entertained Tuesday with X '- tr r l R i p t h r l u v CARD OF THANKS be shown a t the Venetian during a bunco ___ and "500" u n L ltU c ty __ party V in honor Memories of the d eath of Abra- i , w‘i h 'X "ur and ttle co?ll” lr * ppk A1* the film s.1 of her husband's birthday. Guests “Our Daily Bread," H uman Side" were Messrs, and Mesdames Joe ham Lincoln were a part of the extend^! L ' •yn' p*t!,z "David Copperfleld" and "Maris Cawrse and daughters K atherine rem embrances of J. W. Enochs of william Sehumacher and ala^urfo?"tiS daughter of Mr and Mrs Waltei I J - . j l l l ,n Gallant,*’ are unreservedly endorsed and Juanita. A rthur Salzwedel and west of Forest street, who last lovely flower«.— t m a Schumacher Gott- W ashington County Council of Pof/enpt..ger of near Cornelius, died B l l U I I I I I G I I I C H r Parents und Teachers discussed Rt l*ie family home near Cornelius Mr and Mrs. M H. Stevenson by the Legion of Decency as cla ss; son Howard. George Biersdorf. W. week celebrated his 83rd birthday, triad and Peter Krautaeheid. A pictures has T. Putnam the .-------- com 1 nroblenix of education and legls- Tueaday morning nnd services were and Mrs Stevenson’s m other and .- - - . , "Our , Dally . . - . Bread," .. ---- J Jr., O tto . Voges -- . . and . Mr. Enochs told visitors . . . of ■ OF THANKS « bin Iwre fUtuMlav at the M E held a t the grave in the Cornelius sister. Mrs M A Swearingen a n d ,» * « " highly praised by both C atho- children and G ordon Sahnow Miss ng of the news of Lincoln s m ar- w wi»h CARD to thank the many friend. h t o e lt O ne hundred d H . c a t. s cemetery Wednesday Rev Charles Mrs Essie Tn-nkman. returned Feb- and Protestant critics, while May Laheyne. Carl Voges and Del- tyrdom by telegraph to the Indiana ofwc postoffice near were ur.-au to hear Mrs W iliam '»PPd Hillsboro officiated The ruarv 6 from a four weeks' ™ p In- "Gavld Copperfleld" is a s j ' bert - « Biersdorf. noxtoffle. n»». - which ki - u his father | 2 no«i . “ ffS S il* iiT. ‘iid '¿ « “*‘¿1 *" l Is regarded as had his farm home, and of his tak - , Johnson. 52p' K leU rr turaident of the Oregon chl,(1 survived by her parents to California and a«i far south as °Zie °f the finest screen offerings of Engagement Announced . a n d Teitchera* «•< thrPP " bpo^ r A gu. Caliente. Mexico. ¡the season.______________ _____ Í' Ffitvin M IV. R. C. Sponsors Psychologist, to be neru r ridav at 2P .M . from the »»le B. and P. Speaker State President Talks at County Council Session discus« the legislative Ideals adopted bv the stale board of managers. Mrs Kletzer asked If the fish of Oregon should have more friends a t Balriu than Oregon a children In the past two year* our achooU have been cut down in their ap- nroprlations more th an any other departm ent of governm ent.juie aald. Two hundred teacher» In the state are getting gets less salary pci year an a laborer on relief. S uch th low salarle« will not draw a high type of people Into the teaching proles- slon Mrs Kletzer said we must think of what we are securing for our children rath er th an of class legislation. February Is cltlarnshlp month, and time for us all to do something about our government by writing to our legislators to help them know what we want, Mrs .r . tow for * » S ' iM'onl»’ m o re «SiTLJ.™! 1 , t 2 . tiiin r ii1 u nmirt and u i." ^ .n io r 7 m ' cite work be ™ ddcd u / our high Mrs. Kletzer urged the support of appropriations for publle health and public welfare to m atch funds the state may secure under the la’Wls-Wagner bill, and the creation 0, a state deportm ent o , public welfare with county w rtfare boards M r. Paul Patterson, legislative chairm an for W ashington county. «ill Olltllllf* Of t ill’ Stlitt' Mild national program of legislation for (he education o, the youth of our country. Mrs J M Person, president of the Hillsboro Parent Teacher as- soclatlon. Introduced a discussion o, present «lay cigarette and liquor a d ­ vertising. and Its subtle Influence «Don our young people. Resolutions urging laws prohlb- « ¿y iin .1?^, ‘^ Vr7 t^ , | Of:Jit'5.rr. C7 re tid liquor r ixis. d. Letter*. to be written to state und local newspaper» expressing approval ol publications th a t refuse this type o, advertising Ttie founding of the National Parent-T eacher Association by Alice Birney nnd Mrs. Phoebe H earst nt a Mothers' emigres» ln W ashington. D C February 17, 1897, was re­ called In a brief pageant presented by Mrs. Robert Nixon and Mrs. T if Chamberlain, member:, ol the county program committee. Mrs L. vman Howe of Hillsboro read a brief history of the growth. Memories of past years of P. T A. work In W ashington emintv were recalled at n eandle-llghtlng cere­ mony a t the luncheon table Mrs Kletzer lighted a candle In memory of Mrs. H earst and Mrs. Birney, the founders. Mrs. Hldwell of Alohn- Hubcr. Mrs. Powell of G arden Home, Mrs Epler of Dilley, pion­ eers in P. T. A. work, nnd Mrs. J M. Person, Hillsboro president, nnd Mrs. Allot) K night, county presi­ dent. also took part In the cere­ mony After the luncheon served by the Hillsboro association at a beauti­ fully decorated U-shaped table. Mrs G ardner sang a group of songs with I Mrs. Sewell at the piano, and Mrs ! Biassing gave a group of original poems. It was voted to send Mrs. Allnn K night to the Home Interests’ con­ ference held at Corvallis this week. Small Acreage 20 acres, one-half In cultivation. ; balance timber nnd pasture; good | live spring; splendid walnut or filbert land Price $1350. Infture with TUALATIN VALLEY INSURANCE AGENCY W. G. IDE 1314 Main Street lllll.xbnre, Oregon LoCtll People d a S r l^ f ° M r l!,: „ T >rMrsy Blsplavs How— , ' ,r Stevenson said business con- ; TJ ... j,(n„.s bron„,lt ,n . red <“ «<«■ had been worse there th an B e n e f i t P r O g l ’a m A n d e ^ m so°n ^ M r " a n d ^ s * 0 E chJr^ t’nlaH WU 17‘t, displayed th ai O l d C 1-1 n t r , . M *) 11 B Anderson of Bethany, was an - ,n lht. Argus window The blocxoms J.1“ 1? " U-f«wi tf.e rtlnr^Jm n U U ld n g e H d ll ,ir r uwmu v white or cream-colored |i lln(u IjII »cuvitv is nickin»Pu ? ^ n r i A benefit motion picture program ^ Ce5a.rj‘breUhPote6r “ A l , ^ Chi plant bloonu from December “1! *1 * n“ ’‘ b ft k h5 IS ri d and vlohn and Ku lU r music will be S a ^ h e Ct t r 9, M r^ R u d o H untl, fa ay Pr^es are coming back, he said. , Rlven ln the old n e hall a t g « o’clock tonight (Tnursdav) for the Clemens ln Portland The wedding Il»ld Patriotic Program— ° Rcar Humburg a n d son Hillsboro church school. Some of will take place this month. j Alma B ennett Olden tent. D U * la,kJ'St^ r,"id th«* reels arc "The Canadian Rock- l',« t Commander Visit*— V. will have 11 patriotic o, program o an with o aid l. them Mrs. for Fred Rood re- tps canoe Down Llfe the Yu- tz *,,»*11«»™ ..r. s- honoring the birthdays Lincoln al turned aeveral weeks k o n .♦ .. ... and ..Ou T t I d PW1W R e. V o Fe w Auxl“ a D met T T b hm and W ashington a t the meeting sources " ^ i im a n d i r i £ i M o rfo rd m a d e Monday evening at the Veterans' Miss M artha Murphy of Las An- | visit anrt eom m htw s an unofficial visit, and committees hall geles. Cal arrived last week for on Blr t h d a y - were appointed for the poppy sale a few m onths visit with her sis- o ... . . M. u h , „ to be held soon. February 21 a •p r . . M1?« ..Madge Murphy, of the C flrT, 1 ," y »* s ‘- M“ ‘thP" Joint social meeting will be held A . three-act farce, "F lfty -F lfty .", Portland G eneral E lectric''office?" entertained the first basketba" Good- - with the post, and the national » 1 . 1 team and Mr. and Mrs. B. B M. cmxxi *’•“ “**, presented at the Kt Mat- M»J- Mrs. L J. , t. Rushlow left Monday [nan and jgr an(j Mrs Reece H ath- guards will be guests. •»«J*'» hall F*bru«rv 24 In t h f » « - , or a visit with her cousin. Mrs horn at th eir home Friday evening p" * 1 1 a 1 M ** M artha Whitelaw, at Tacoma, after the game The occasion was Speaks Over KEX— t,,pw s Young People» club. Wash. Rev. George Reule o, the Hills­ Nell R ichardson’s 18th birthday. boro Luthern church is giving ser­ l Visited— Miss Jan e Robb and Miss Marlon Celebrate B irthdays— mons over radio station KEX at Mrs Cora Heaton, vice-president Baker of Portland were guests of l,f th<* K|'b«'kali Assembly, visited Mr. and Mrs. S W Melhuish Sun- Mrs. Robert Burlingame enter­ 2:45 o'clock Sunday afternoons d u r­ tained with a stag dinner Mondav ing this month, and again begin­ « rp h la lodge in Portland Tuesday day nl,P,t an<1 Ruby Rebp'“ t> lodge at Miss Marjorie Sewell left Tuesday night, complimenting her husband ning Palm Sunday. The broadcasts I 8 ,hol,a Wednesciav night. for a visit with her sister. Mr». and her father. O H Stilson. who are sponsored by the L utheran v ... 14 visiting here from Corw’ith. Iowa Broadcast association of Portland J Indian Kelle Exhibited— I Richard Jensen, at San Diego, Cal Oeorge 8 Keenon o , n ear North n i^ , " ,ka 7 n? n\ d7 h ‘’S S£ le^ fsi t h e ^ h l n ^ ’ ^ n S t ‘ PaU“ W° n M’ v* ,ro*" , Plains brought In an old Indian t,1P W(ek-end at th e home of her . . . . Mr. and Mrs. George Roberts of relic the last of the week for dis- Pttr«*nts. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Snyder. Program at Masonic Home— Newberg moved to Hillsboro last play In the Argus window Hr found Willard I Marks. Albany atto r- Fairview lodge. A F & A_ M of week and are residing on West ney and referee In bankruptcy, was Troutdale Is sponsoring a Scottish Baseline street. Mr Roberts is an In an old Indian camp. In Hillsboro Friday on business. entertainm ent at the Masonic and accomplished pianist, graduate of Hold U nroln Tew.— Woman's C hurch Service leau u e' Eastern S ta r home a t 8 p. m. F ri- music a t Berlin. Germany, a n d lad les Aid of the M E. church W|i| w ith M r« s w m .‘ i . d al Members of the Masonic and member of the California Organist Itaslei f lllfs/ylvi tea I ««rx and *x entertain- ra I xx »■ 4 xx I»« - hulsh . . at . H S .4 xax"*a S tar lx veixvaa«. and Cr-iota/■ !<• nro iQFAO H sspgx held r» a Lincoln '’ — 30 _. n * in * Wedn's-inv "¡E T7*< astern lodges friends are dllh) club. He gx ia*Jll will teach tw piano here. ment nt the church Tuesday after- . . . __ . o u? j , j invited. s-n <,r )«in u i o . noon The urogram wax In com- M r- and Mrs- K®-' Schiedel and E ntertain With Dinner— memoration of Lincoln s birthday • ons of Portland visited Mr. and Needlecraft Club Meets— Mr. and Mrs. Earl Donelson Mrs. A rthur Reillng Sunday. Needlecraft club held a luncheon tertalned Thursday evening wit . - . . . " Nervlre " v ic e l.eagur League Meet! Meets— Mr ftnd Mra W F. Cyrus and meeting Thursday with Mrs A A dinner party before Masi __ __ ore the Masonic Women's C hurch Service league Mr. and Mrs. w . J. Enschede spent Hodges? Mrs. Everett Schuman was dance. ’G uests were Messrs, and assisting hostess. Plans for sewing Mesdames Ira Crawford and Henry Will meet Wednesday, February 20 the week-end at Neskowin. at the - home of Mrs. 8 W. Mel- me Mr and ...... Mrs. John Ebner of Port- clubs were discussed. The hostesses Johnson of Portland, John G ard- hulsh with Mrs. V. W. G ardner iand were week-end guests of Mr used Valentine and patriotic motifs ner. J. F. Kanina Jr., and Carl for decoration. Palo of Beaverton. assisting. jand Mra o rover Rogers. Soc,al « ■ " » « » - Mrs. R J. Kimball, m other of Krliekah Appointments Made— Newlyweds Visit Here— A ))((> soclal and „„ppp,. wlI| Mrs. H C. Varner, is Improving Mesdames George Harms, Lou Mr. and Mrs. Delbert C hantler of enjoyed a fter encam pm ent meet- after her recent Illness, Davis and A rthur McConnahay liave Eureka, Cal., newlyweds, arrived lng at the I. O. O. F. hall Friday Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dappen of been elected trustees of the Rebek- Wednesday for a surprise visit with night. All are welcome. : Portland visited at the J. H. H cn- ah lodge. Ross Brown Is captain j hls parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. and Miss Angle H arrington was np- Chantler. They left Sunday for their Mrs. Brlcrlv H o n o re d - sley hon,p Sunday. pointed chairm an of the good of home. M rs M M B rler lv w a s g iv e n a ' Vlncpn t Curry left Sunday for party Tlnirsiluv afternoon by8 neigh- 8 a " Fru,n<‘^ " ' wwhPre he pxppcts to the order ( irrle One Meeto— Visits Lodges— j Circle one of the M. E. Ladles' bors and friends In honor of her m??p hls “ omc' 93rd birthday. M r' «Bid Mrs, John C. Rushlow o, Mrs. O. M. Hec.tcn, Rebekah as- Aid will meet a t the home of Mrs. St. Helens are visiting at the L. J scmLlv vice-president, visited Moun- J. A. Kramlen. 432 Jackson St Rushlow home Rebekah Tuesdny afternoon. Mrs. Henry Hunt tain View nnd Colun’l Mrs. Fayetta Allen Is very 111 a t lodges In Portland Febr iarv 2 and will be assisting hostess. The Gotp stripe Sheer Silk Stocking For Daytime A sheer three-thread chiffon, all silk, and ABSOLUTELY F R E E FRO M RINGSI A fla tte rin g stocking, this number is particularly desirable in the new colors tha t harmonise with the fabrics o f now Spring clothes. Com o in and get your supply. $]15 GOAR'S Woman’s Shop E. M. BARNES, Prep. I legal advertising to the Argus. I The New Zenith actually washes CLEANER FASTER SAFER W ith a ZENITH you not only remove the surface d irt but the Imbedded dirt as well. T hat's why ZENITH washed clothes always look so white and clean on the line. ZENITH saves clothes, saves time and saves money. It Is really a life-tim e investment. ’49 .95 and up EASY TERMS BRISTOL HARDWARE COMPANY Next door to Vrnetian theater Hillsboro Open nntll 9 P. M. Every Saturday Night VENETIAN MIDNIGHT SHOW TUES. NIGHT, Feb. 19 One Show — 11:15 P. M. Admission 25c It to ¿ e Argus. “™ hpr taking of, his hat and what would happen now wondering ,h e Union Mr E " « 1“ Wt*> *» Stll> VPrV AC- I “£ ut T e ^ p l a c / a s ^ u a l “5' ut tn e ptacg M usual' ' I Ask your attorney to send your sap YOUNG’S Funeral Home "Thoughtful. Sympathetic Service" Phone 972 Hillsboro Th is Overall is as full of good “Points” as a Porcupine! Big 8 AMERICA’S A -l OVERALL Cut from best grade denim. Fifteen special features on Big 8. Come and examine t h i s wonderful Overall. Your size is here. MIDNITE | > The ■ I C« C« Store I S PARTY! poo K MYSTERY-LAUGHS.THRILLS Spirit Slate W riting... Table Raising...Ghostly Rappings...Talking Skulls Th« Ghosts sometimes leeve th« stage, come mto the audience end sit with you* But You II Lo*e It! J