THE Paye Four ïflllsbonj|ÊM .rg u s W ilk W k trk U C m b M m S «k« H ilto k e r. B llb k o ro A r c i» « t a b . IS*« Hiltokoro independent «su b . 1ST» N e K IN N X T A M e k lN N E T . P u M i.k e r. Thuradar« B a U n d a * a a ^ S - c U m m attar poalo ffie« at Hillsboro. Oi P a b lU h « i verne 3 iW " n Stata Edi- Aaaoeiation and Na- E d ito ria l Aaa.xiatien Mem ber of the A u d it NEW SPAPER the uns. F. c. M c K in n ey Associât« Editor M c K inney E d itor O F F IC IA L in First A udited Taper. L a r« - A ««filed W eekly C ircula­ tio n in O ra s » * Bureau of C irculation OF W A S H IN G T O N Sabseription Ratea S tric tly Cash in Advance .............. .................11.50 U . 8 Outaida O raro n F ,.reten Coim tn ________.s» CO UNTY K.M IW The m ib b o ro A m u , u i u m « no fina ncia l , ■Rora publi.hed In i n oUumna. but lu caaaa le p e r la a t fa u lt w ill reprint that p a rt of an advertinunienl in which iba t/p u < ra p h ic a l m istake occurs. J“*“'“ A n Independent N ew ,paper. Wtuwe SeRicea and • r e Bared ou the Principle of the Golden R u le ” would lh at men ahould do to you. do re aiao to them like- wiae • - M a t t h e w T i l t . Worth Backing Most everyone will aOT9,4OT.8O foi "surplus removal," nawt of which was used lu financing the wheal export subsidy at Portland. Only 8113.5««.0« Is listed as general ad- mlnlxtrutlve expense lu this state Wheat benefits have accounted ! for the bulk of AAA payments In Oregon, the total at the first of the year being »3.880.3««65. com­ pared with »300.100 0« for the corn- | hog program Tlie latter represents only the first payment on the 103« contracts, however. Hood.“ Fines are a regrettable feature of the library service, but can't be done away with, Mrs. Smith said. She urged parents to co-op­ erate with their children and the library to see that books were re­ turned on time. Use of the library teaches children respect for public property, she added. Gulldlng the reading tastes of children is a difficult matter, Mrs Smith believes, but parents should familiarize themselves with the best children's books so that they can offer advice on what volumes to draw from the library when the opportunity Is offered. Reports were made of the coun­ ty meeting here Saturday. A candle-lighting ceremony 1 n honor of Founders' Dav was also performed. New Legion Post Will Get Charter New Tualatin Valley post No. 03. American Legion, organised In the Beaverton-Mrtxgrr district, will be grunted its charter February 31 at (he Metxger rlub house. Depart­ mental officers will Install t h e newly elected officers Officers to be installed a rc : Harry F. Kllunder. commander; W. Il Lawrence and J F Mills, vlce-com manders; W C Froman. adjutant. C. A IXmnally, finance officer, and J. O. Johnson and John Pelst-hcr. executive committee. meal unhide« nun. from srvcral different posts hi Washington county amt from Port­ land The program will be followed by a dance twglonnalres and »Ivrs from Hillsboro have been invited, Guests of Teacher— Group of young people from Bon­ doubtless Is true that not all persons uho ita Sunday school spent the evc- advocate "reneaT oi the* Oregon crim in al syndicalism ning at the home of A. J. Whtddon ^ U ^ T o m m i n l u or ‘s y m p a t h y with thoge g Friday g a y e evening v e n ly w u , their form er Estelle tvwiutv. r-resent who advocate violence m the overthrow of this teacher. were Alfred. Vivian a n d Wesley government for a communistic form yet some seem Boyer. Erma. Grace and Harry to think the law works the very opposite to what Hampton. Jessie a n d Katherine Williams. Louise Harrison, Mar- Masonic temple Past matrons and was intended by it. principals' and rural teachers' or­ garet Cabe. Dorothy Cook. Flor- patrons of the chapter will be es- A well known citizen of The Dalles, F. M. Gill, ence ganization will be held. Freeze, Maxine McManus. Miss peclally honored in a communication to the Oregonian takes this ?eal i n z ” idk M is ^ n n u ,15 E“gCne ,Robert H Kelly ls now regular High school departmental will be presided over by J P. McOlaason strange position. He says that the law would justify rearing and Miss sm ith. , soloist at the Christian Science of Forest Grove, while grade school itself if it discouraged communism and caused fewer Farewell Party Held— j church. Mrs. Lea Moulin of east departmental will be led by Miss persons to believe in the principles advocated by com­ Ladies of the Hillsboro Grange of Hillsboro was soloist during Jan- Merle Davies of Beaverton. Music munists. But,” says he, "I feel th at it will pro­ gave a farewell luncheon Tuesday uar>'- _____ Additional »2850 In federal relief will be provided by the lleuvrrton duce just the opposite effect," because of the sym­ afternoon for Mrs Scott Wolfe at Mrs. __ Emma C. McKinney of the pathy it will arouse on behalf of those convicted ___________ the home of Mrs. A.UW Gottlieb' A i g i U ab £ t o ’te* wound “again | fl,nds for the mo,“ h of February high school orchestra and the Beav­ A gift was presented to Mrs. Wolfe »Her having been confined to tier waa received this week by R W erton grade scliool band under the law. C H Nosier of Hillsboro Is presi­ Well, county relief committee chalr- Yes. it is a pity th at we have in this republic by Mesdatnes C. H. Himes, R. Hor- home with a severe case of flu. Mrs. A. L. Chase left Tuesday by man. These funds, together with dent of the county teachers’ asso­ so many weak-minded, tender-hearted people who necker, D. B. Burkhalter. Wena Chase. Claud Cook. D. Edtger. H bus for Oakland. C al, where she the 85300 25 already alloted and the ciation and Hay Haas of Gaston of can't stand it to see a criminal punished and who Munxres, Munkres, Kose Rose Cox. will visit her daughters cox. Anna Schul-1 Schul-¡will daughters, Mrs Wes- $7935 experted tomorrow from state the elementary principal, , A ' ' Havens of Hillsboro think the way to check crime is to repeal the laws ^ hw-ChllÀ i , ^ K Fors>the ley StumPf and Mrs. Ruth Phillips. liquor commission. will bring the teachers' group. ,’lecle‘l 'I. e-prexldent of the xtat against crime. J. Miller and Mrs. Gottlieb. j Mr and Mrs. Earl Simpson and total amount available ___ for February February | - on antzutlon_ of _Justlcrx of t h ___ ________________ Of course where there is no law defining certain Card Tarty Enjoyed— prate formed Friday a t Sairni Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fetters of .relief programs in the county to acts as criminal and prescribing a punishment for Arthur M H Htook of Forest Orovr Mrs. L. HUliker and John Reilly M°rrtl“ nrid , 8unday _ guests o f! approximately three*fourthg of that violation, there is in a sense no crime that can be made high scores at “500" and J H Barber of Tigard also a t­ 1 DavLs allowed In January, he said "5Ü0" at -» the »► — ' alla Mr5- checked by the threat or punishment of the law. St. Matthews ladies' card party tendri! the organisation inerting Richard Sutherland, student at Funds now on hand will meet but the act may still be a crime against society February 6. Miss Julia Tatom re- Oregon otatej college Corvallis, spent payrolls on SERA nrolecta until Resolutions regarding the pro­ ceived consolation. Members of the the week-end with his parents. Mr p , ,, or the good order and protection of government. Marquis and Federation wheat posed revision of Justice of the committee were Mesdames Walter a,ld Mrs J- E Sutherland. February 21. according to W J peace fees anil regarding the Juris­ Mr. Gill starts out by saying: "The purpose of ___ Busch. A. J. Vandehey, J. Nettling, j Ladles' Aid m of the Christian Mills, county manager. If addl- are both suitable spring varieties law and its enforcement is to protect society by dis­ and L. HtlUker. Next party will be church will hold the monthly silver I tlonal money ls not made available. for seeding In Washington countv. diction of tlte court in civil and couraging crime and by reforming the criminal." Wednesday evening with Mrs. F. C. tea Wednesday afternoon at the the 30 P r e c i s now under way will according to William F. Cyrux, criminal actions were adopted home of Mrs. C. M. Powell. I have to be shut down. Work relief county agent. Spring wheat Is gen­ That sounds plausible but it doesn't state the Smith as chairman. Mlss 3e“ ‘e Ireland, teaching art Programs are already operating on erally considered a rather poor fact forcefully enough. The fact is, the main pur­ Social Club to Meet— Eastern Star social club will meet a Seattle high school, arr.ved » 34-hOUr a week basis, he declared. spring crop but sometimes It 1» pose of the law is to secure protection to the in­ Spend “ ’** SprlnK N°. 8ERA pr° J7 U ! ° T thC necessary to seed It In those sea­ dividual in the exercise of his rights as a citizen and February 2b i^ S a d of £ .d a y a v a ^ tlc i? 1' '' j county were approved by the state sons where Rink and Jenkins Club establish the dignity and power of the government the home of Mrs. J. B. Dinsmore vaf atlon cannot be seeded In February, then meeting will be a two o'clock Mrs- c - E- Wells and Mrs. Hen- committee this week. in the exercise of its prerogatives and insure its per­ The the two’ first named varieties will of Plan » . ^ v for l .e c a l i b county-wide s '^ l i o r d March1"« tea, and all members are urged to rletta Morgan left Wednesday to 1 ------------------------ petuity. prove satisfactory for later seeding was announced Wednesday “ iwarm ia attend. Mrs. Verne Curry and Mrs. sPend u»e remainder of the week a < during at The communist seeks to undermine the most H. Hoeffel are assisting hostesses. c UyMrs' Wells cotta8e at Pacific C O M l t y C o i l l t A S K S Last week. In connection with the a joint meeting of Forest Grove City cherished and fundamental principles of our Ameri­ Malcolm Horne of North Plains F | o , w l C n n f r n I necessity of seeding at least the and Hillsboro Rotary clubs at For­ , W. Gives C o n cert- can government and advocates acts of violence in A. A. U. p will suffered a fractured rlnht I O r r H X X l V , O I l l r O I minimum acreage of wheat under est Orovr The Tigard Lions club The local A. A. U. W. group right arm destroying our form of government. He poses as a the terms of the wheat adjustment a concert February 26 at Wednesday of last week Dr A O the event citizen and seeks the protection of a government he sponsor Project for flood rontrol on the contract, a mistake was made and Is R. planning Marsh hall. Pacific university. For- Pitman attended him. Frank Peters, rlreult Judge, would overthrow, and as brought out In the DeJonge est Grove Mary VanDyke and Ar- Mrs. J K. Webber a n d h e r b r o t h - Tualatin river and its tributaries the news Item appeared in the local was principal speaker at the Joint trial, would take his orders from a foreign govern­ ther art°lstaSot approach. 812, L o c a l B u ild in g G r o u p Outlook. letter from Mrs. Adolf Schlld ot twln daughters of Portland were 0 0 0 50-fout concrete bridge over to M e e t H e r e F r id a y Tillamook, formerly o f Helvetia. Sunday guests at the A. Olllmore Tualatin river on Spring Hill road She writes th at on January 15 she home- with 110-foot approach. »20.000: Contract for widening Baseline Hillsboro chapter of the Oregon canned five quarts of rhubarb and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Marlin ot 370-foot bridge over Spring Hill street in Hillsboro from Fifth to Builders' Congress will meet at 8 on February 5 had lettuce and Portland were guests Thursday eve- slough. »35,000 resurfacing county Adams avenue has been awarded p m Friday at the loeal chamber “No man stands so straight as when he stoops radishes out of their garden for ning of Mr. and Mrs. George Sing- road, Hillsboro - Orenco - Cornelius to Kern A Klbbe. Portland con- of < omnierre for discussion of the to help a boy.” *25 000; resurface tractors, by the state highway rom- H-deral housing administration pro- Mrs. W. E. Brown received word Delphian society meets Monday county road With so many millions of men out of work It recently ad Multnomah c o u n t y | mlA-sion '1’his firm whn u ia«»n«/« Krum All bualneMitien lnU*rc*att*d of the death of her broth- for luncheon a t 12:13 p. m. at the is such an easy m atter to become careless and pay er. J. T. Young, January 13 at Fal- home of Mrs. J. B. Dinsmore. line-Cedar Mill-North Plains. 1« j (he Tualatin highway from Beaver- are Invited to attend. no attention to boys. Men are doubly busy with ion, Nevada. Mr. Young was a miles. »35.000; moving and recon- ton to Hillsboro last summer sub ---------------------- structlng county shops, »«5,000; re- mltted a hid of »17 280 the affairs of business and trying to figure out Spanish-American War veteran and R ill P la n n in g C o m m is s io n how they can live up to their codes. Worrying de­ vice commander of the Lawton- D l a l c W e i l a t e D ill surfacing, regrading a n d oiling ¡ Baseline street will be widened C h a n g e s M e e t in g N ig h t tails occupy one s mind. Yet. all about us, are boys Silva post. V. F. W. He was buried Baines road. 1>, miles. »15.000; re-1 to 36 feet for a distance of five Regular meetings of the city surfacing county road. Sherwood I blocks, according to the contract who need help—the help that comes from encourag­ with full military honors. commission were clianged Mr. and Mrs. G. Russell Morgan ing words, a helping hand, a little boost. All these ¡??5' miles, »0350; 120-foot New curbs, gutters und driveways planning from tlie second Tuexdsy In the (Continued fro m i>Mue one) bridge (Cook) over Tualatin river. [ will be installed helpful things take just a minute of any man's time entertained with a dinner party Saturday evening for her son and didate backed by a reliable party »15.000 ; 200-foot bridge (Olenroe). The same firm was abo awarded month to the Third Tuesday each —and yet they mean so much to a boy. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hamilton, was more likely to make a good »20 000; resurface and oil river , he contract for resurfacing 2383 month, during a meeting of the It does not take long lor a boy to grow and wife. who are students at Oregon State official than a n " u n h r in r i p d group Tuesday night. Plans for road. Hillsboro, 11 miles. »33.000; feet of highway In Forest Grove' city T A an, “nb„ra.?ded develop into a man. It may be that what we say college, Corvallis, Guests were Mr. zoning were ihscuxsed. ___ - today will have a big influence on what kind of and Mrs. John Hare and Mr and ick th at halls from nowhere and Is oil Dayton road 2’4 miles. *0500; endorsed by no one except himself" heavy oil, rebuild Hazcldale rood S D e ria l M . . U - U a man he will be. Are we doing the thing that will Mrs. Herbert Staples. 2' oher s o o th t to o i 3 Pe c ,a . ' M e e t in g H e ld i..2ur classified columns may have Dr. and Mrs. Stryker of McMinn- was was expressed. "Pressed. _»i.. mUcs miles. »0250 »6250; H Huber south help the boy? Just a cordial word of greeting In lat you arB looking for — „ v u y C o u n c il H e r e Read ïi the morning as the boy is on his way to school will ville. Mr. and Mrs. A M. Johnson T hat the proposed change ot the highway. .75 mile heavy oil, »1875; them. Mliuooro city council met In frequently give the lad Just the needed encourage­ and son Junior of Salem, and Mr. primary election from May to Sep- 80-foot concrete bridge over Scog- “ aeaslon Inst night to con ment for that particular day. Do we do that? Can and Mrs. E. E. Erickson of Fort- tember would prove less expensive gin creek at Buckhorn ranch. »8000; ! v?Xre i Sn ld« Oi Mr !to candidates was the declaration 105-foot bridge at mile post 85 aider ordinances licensing '‘pin- ) we truthfully say th at we have been the means ball" machines and permitting Sun­ na Mrs. j . u. Anderson. J of the ¡eague in favoring house bill aouth of Cornelius, »13.000; con- and channel by which a boy gets inspiration to do °i stTUction and improvement of coun- day bowling, o th er matters were better things. Proposal to provide free tolls on ty road, Middleton to Holbrook, also discussed. There is so much we can do in boys’ work with­ with her' sistor ' Mrs out ever having to take any time to do It. Most and their brother R B Harris of coaat brldges was opposed by the »100.000; and Tualatin valley flood Divorce Nuit Filed men are willing to do this if they only realize Portland. They were returning home lpague. which scored the plan as an control, $500,000. Tornblade - 8. Waldermar Torn- from California. attem pt on the part of coast coun- ------------------------ how easily it can be done. blade vs. Edith Okell Tornblade. "No man stands so straight as when he stoops Mr. and Mrs. R. W Oates and tles 10 unload the expense of build- G r i n r l I iif - x z H c x L I c children and Mrs. O. E. Edwards j tog the bridges on the taxpayers C J ic iin .« j u i y i l k l l L l s to help a boy.”—Times-Herald, Alliance. Neb. Frost>St ,nntinn«i rm m pair« on«) Place Your Orden« Word has been received of the would not be burdened. X payers and^of three horses believed Keene, both or Hillsboro. January 31 Albert A. Lenthold and Helen i to 1)3 in the possession of Lee. Through the months, “o r M r s ^ J ^ n T F ^ - “ 'X ^ e n to T h ’ ’ L 7 “ Hearty Bankers everywhere, as well as careful business Carl A Carlson of Midway en­ Arnold, both of Portland. February men. are closely scrutinizing all the paper money land of Bellflower, Cal., formerly P1 r,preSP? ^ ii,,by PcPfcscntatlve E. tered pleas of not guilty Wednes­ Hoss of Hillsboro to permit coun­ day to three bad check Indictments. proffered them by patrons in payment of accounts. of Manning. However, at last re- • Good Itraxon engineers to supervise surveys. This unusual care must needs be exercised because port she was slightly improved. Orders in the following circuit - .............„ ---- .... - , L»i' Salesman—"Yes. sir, this car Social circle of the Congrega- construction, maintenance, Improve court cases were e Issued ■>t the fact that more than a million dollars worth of ' this week: i 18 absolutely the very last word ” Í ? í l l s b ( ) r í 4 | 6 í A r q u s ments and repairs of secondary Ida C. Meats vs . Louise K. spurious money has been floated in the United States, tional church meets next Thu Lassiter^! , " 9 ? ^ ’ I ’H take It, My and it is being found, everywhere, In the hands afternoon at the church. Special 'state highways. The league con-1 confirmation of sale"; Liquidation"^/ Wife love» the last“ word Ex. of innocent persons who must suffer a loss when program has been arranged and tended that the plan would be less Shutc Savings bank, authority to T e le p h o n e 3 1 0 1 ________ they discover the money In their possession ls all members and friends are co r-' expensive and declared that work sell real estate, compromise of Wll- lf,,y“'''. yo,u' address kind- ¡would be provided for local people e°x. note I Edward E. Bacon vs. Rose! 1.V notify the "Argus’ direct’and At counterfeit. This spurious money ls being printed dlally Invited. Mrs. W. R. Manley attended th e ; instead of bringing In outside work- j c Landry, decree; Henry W. Scott once. la in the east and is being marketed in the central funeral of Mrs W. J. Slater a tle r s as at nrpsent vs- clHra M- Scott, order; Wilkes west. It is being bought for 30 cents on the dollar’ McMinnville Monday morning Her Tha, hPPlrKi bP(.n converted from * bsAract & Tltle company vs. Ray- and is being disposed of by crooks who travel from mother, Mrs. Hattie H. Brownhill , u J ! “0 ,„ 9 ? fonver,ted from Mallng company, order; Ethel C. city to city, making small purchases of merchandise returned home with her for a visit toe one " ousc legislature plan after Gross vs. George H. Johnson et UX. and paying for it with a spurious bill and receiving Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Schuman of ’’““ ‘V* “ V ? iud’im'‘nt and decree; Wilma M. good money in change. Portland. Mr and Mrs F J Sewell tles of the thlrd house was the Connor vs. Roy C. Connor, default, Industrial Accident No community, large or small. Is safe from these and Miss Marjorie Sewell were; declaration oi Representative Ross decree; State vs. Truman Boyd, sa t­ passers of counterfeit bills, and every merchant Sunday guests of Janies and Miss He expressed the belief the two commission isfaction of Judgment; John E. should exercise especial care in accepting paper Alice Sewell northeast of Hillsboro, house sys.tem provided a better Sester et al vs. Helen G rant ct Mr and Mrs. A W Moore, Mr. check on legislation and better laws, vlr, publication of summons; and money from strangers, and especially those who make small purchases and who want a big chunk and Mrs. Robert Kelly and Miss State Industrial Accident commis­ Marla McKinnls were dinner guests of change.—News, Hillsboro, 111. sion vs. Fred H. McKennle, volun­ Monday evening of Dr. and tary non-suit. A. O. Pitman at Orenco. Probate orders were Issued In the 1 Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Johnson) estates of Louisa A. Montague, h spent Sunday at Corvallis. Their K. Denney, Robert Burch, M 8. laughter, Miss Margaret Johnson, Approximately »12,000 In taxes on Woodman. Elizabeth O. Crandall, j • r e c e n t Ä ^ t ^ Julius Henrikson, Annie Parker, ! tlve to taking Champoeg park out of politics, the to date according to Miss Olaitvs James Slater. ILinnah C a r l s o n i Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Palmer, p isnP,. ' riPnntv in , harm, nf I Allpn- Ouardlanshlp orders were ls- Salem Capital Press, weekly newspaper dedicated formerly of Laurel, have moved a sued for Irvln? Doo’«*’ Jennie E. I to the proposition th at all’s wrong with the world mile south of Yamhill on one ofi!?ctl®?*'__In lections. Klyomara Uchlyama J . ,, In addition about »4000 Adams. John Kl; pretends to believe th at with the old management George Zimmerman's farm , where where; ln delinquent personal property j and Robert Ellingson of the park now removed a great menace to the Mr. Palmer ls employed taxes has been taken In during ' ---------- — welfare of the state ls ended because the Tozler Born, to Mr. and Mrs T. W Fenn the P8*1 two wpek"- C r v im f i/ regime was guilty of "unfailing allegiance to and 'Belle Taylori of Oarloii’di Feb- A large number of taxpayers have J. conniving with unsavory political organizations.” ruary 10 a boy The boy ;s the j taken advantage of the discount’ To those who know the Toziers In their true grandson of Mr and Mrs. B. L. I allowed for full payment of taxes bpforp March „ light of an elderly brother and sister entirely wrap­ Tayor of Reedvllle Thomas H Oentle, "sage of Mon­ Miss Mildred Donelson and James — ---------------- ped up In Oregon’s historic lore and concerned solely mouth," Dr. C. E. Mason of Beav- [ Dlerlckx of Oregon State college.! ........ „ . while at Champoeg with making an entire state con­ Corvallis, spent Wednesday at trie Judge at Kelier Meet erton and P L Patterson of Hills- I scious of the traditions which that cradle of Oregon E. I. Donelson home. Donald T. Templeton, county boro will be the principal speakers liberty embraces, the picture of them as sinister Mrs. Marguerite Stasek of Tllla- Judge, attended a meeting of the political connivers against the better Interests of mook visited this week with friends state organization of county Judges at the loeal Institute for Wash­ ington county teachers at. Beaver­ the people of Oregon, painted by an editor whose in Hillsboro. and commissioners In Salem Wed- ton high school Saturday. Business sole stock In trade is sensationalism, appears so dis­ Tualatln chapter, o . E. 6., will nesday for discussion of relief prob- meetings of the county teachers' torted as to be amusing.—Newberg Scribe. meet at 8 p m. Tuesday at the | lems. association and t h e elementary Why Not Repeal Criminal Laws? Relief Funds Allotted County Havens Named Officer State Body Agent Discusses Wheat Varieties County Service Clubs Plan Meet Contract Awarded Street Widei cning Helping Boys Opposed by League Calendar Samples Bad Money Thirty Years Ago Argus, Feb. 16, 1905- Patrons of independent telephone system here hope to have connection with Portland soon. Reese Davis, 82, of north of Hillsboro died at home of his son, Thomas R. Davis, February 12. Births—To Mr. and Mrs. W. May of Glencoe, February 9. a boy. To Mr. and Mrs. George Biers- dorff of Letoyville, February 12, a boy. Forest Grove gives a saloon license and Pacific university will contest. Mayor C. N. Johnson cast the deciding vote. Fred B. Kane. 28. brother of Deputy Sheriff F. T. Kane, died at Forest Grove February 12. T . 8. Weathcrred has a relic In the nature of a premium list of the county fair of 1881. Officers of the fair were William Reeves, president; T. H. Tongue, secretary, and Robert Imbrie, treasurer. Sheriff John W. Connell started the delinquent tax sale this morning. Cold wave strikes Hillsboro at Its worst Friday night. Mercury but 13 degrees above Saturday morn­ ing. Fifteen Years Ago Argus- Feb 12. 1920 — County bar association formed with Benton Bowman, president; W. P. Dyke, vice-president, and Manche Langley, secretary-treas- O unnar Berggren and Miss Blanche Walter, both of North Plains, married February 4. R. E. Harbison lias sold Fair Acres to John Wcist of Portland. He exchanged the place for 160 acres ne..r Sherwood. After 20 years in the Hillsboro Mercantile. Ed Sehulmerich lias associated with him in the’ busi­ ness J. A. Black of Portland and his two sons, H. 8. and J. A. Black Jr., recently of Carlton. Joseph Donovan of Elmonlca died February 10 of pneumonia. Under proclamation of Mayor John Wall the Hillsboro schools are closed on account of illness. Mrs. J. A. Shepard, resident of Banks for many years, died in Portland February 4. Extra! Big Menace Disclosed! daü IF :Mrs. Many Taxes Paid on Current Roll Meet at Beaverton there is one enterprise on’ earth that the quitter should leave alone, it is advertising. Adver­ tising does not jerk—it pulls. It begins gently at first, but the pull is steady. It inc reuses day by day, year by year, un- til it exerts an irresistible power! —John Wanamaker.